Queries a table with all the words from the selected transcripts condensed into "types" based on word form and part of speech. Each row has:

  • Speaker's role.

  • The word. Number of occurances of word in selected transcripts.

  • Part of speech (See CHAT manual for descriptions of codes).

  • The word's stem.

  corpusName = NULL,
  corpora = NULL,
  lang = NULL,
  media = NULL,
  age = NULL,
  gender = NULL,
  designType = NULL,
  activityType = NULL,
  groupType = NULL,
  auth = FALSE



Name of corpus to query. For example, to search within the childes corpus, corpus="childes".


Name of corpus/corporas to query. This is a path starting with the corpus name followed by subfolder names leading to a folder for which all transcripts beneath it will be queried. For example, to query all transcripts in the MacWhinney childes corpus: corpora = c('childes', 'Eng-NA', 'MacWhinney').


Query by language For example, to get transcripts that contain both English and Spanish: lang=c("eng", "spa"). Legal values: 3-letter language codes based on the ISO 639-3 standard.


Query by media type. For example, to get transcripts with an associated video recording: media=c("video"). Legal values: "audio" or "video".


Query by participant month age range. For example, to get transcripts with target participants who are 14-18 months old: age=c(from="3", to="12").


Query by participant gender. For example, to get transcripts with female target participants: gender=c("female"). Legal values: "female" or "male".


Query by design type. For example, to get transcripts from a longitudinal study: designType=c("long") Legal values are "long" for longitudinal studies, "cross" for cross-sectional studies.


Query by activity type. For example, to get transcripts where the target participant is engaged in toy play: activityType=c("toyplay"). See the CHAT manual for legal values.


Query by group type. For example, to get transcripts where the target participant is hearing limited: groupType=c("HL"). See the CHAT manual for legal values.


Determine if user should be prompted to authenticate in order to access protected collections. Defaults to False.


getTokenTypes(corpusName = 'childes',
              corpora = c('childes',
#> [1] "Fetching data, please wait..."
#> [1] "Success!"
#>               role                                word count       pos
#> 1           Father                                 you 14336   pro:per
#> 2     Target_Child                                   I 10430   pro:sub
#> 3     Target_Child                                 and  9653     coord
#> 4     Target_Child                                 the  8860   det:art
#> 5           Father                                 the  8525   det:art
#> 6     Target_Child                                yeah  7150        co
#> 7     Target_Child                                 you  6900   pro:per
#> 8           Father                                  it  5890   pro:per
#> 9           Father                                what  5659   pro:int
#> 10          Father                                 and  5494     coord
#> 11          Father                                   a  5111   det:art
#> 12    Target_Child                                   a  4970   det:art
#> 13    Target_Child                                  it  4911   pro:per
#> 14          Father                                   I  4766   pro:sub
#> 15          Father                                okay  3937        co
#> 16    Target_Child                                  no  3898        co
#> 17          Father                                  to  3326       inf
#> 18          Father                                  he  3191   pro:sub
#> 19    Target_Child                                  he  3143   pro:sub
#> 20          Father                                yeah  2767        co
#> 21          Father                                  do  2764         v
#> 22    Target_Child                                  my  2753  det:poss
#> 23          Father                                  is  2709       cop
#> 24          Father                                Ross  2533    n:prop
#> 25          Father                                your  2494  det:poss
#> 26    Target_Child                                they  2491   pro:sub
#> 27    Target_Child                                  in  2465      prep
#> 28    Target_Child                                  to  2343       inf
#> 29          Father                                  in  2284      prep
#> 30          Father                                  no  2224        co
#> 31    Target_Child                                what  2199   pro:int
#> 32          Father                                  do  2165       mod
#> 33    Target_Child                               don't  2117       mod
#> 34    Target_Child                                  me  2045   pro:obj
#> 35    Target_Child                                then  2004   adv:tem
#> 36    Target_Child                                  is  1958       cop
#> 37          Father                               don't  1958       mod
#> 38    Target_Child                                know  1935         v
#> 39    Target_Child                                 I'm  1926   pro:sub
#> 40          Father                                  to  1910      prep
#> 41          Father                                Mark  1906    n:prop
#> 42          Father                                they  1899   pro:sub
#> 43          Father                                 now  1871       adv
#> 44          Father                                  go  1840         v
#> 45          Father                                  of  1820      prep
#> 46    Target_Child                                  we  1809   pro:sub
#> 47          Father                                 not  1801       neg
#> 48    Target_Child                                  to  1789      prep
#> 49          Father                                good  1779       adj
#> 50          Father                              that's  1689   pro:dem
#> 51    Target_Child                                 not  1687       neg
#> 52    Target_Child                                  oh  1663        co
#> 53          Father                                  oh  1662        co
#> 54          Father                                 did  1662       mod
#> 55          Father                               right  1659        co
#> 56    Target_Child                                  on  1621      prep
#> 57    Target_Child                                 get  1608         v
#> 58          Father                                that  1603   pro:dem
#> 59          Father                                know  1585         v
#> 60          Father                                 are  1579       cop
#> 61    Target_Child                                 but  1554      conj
#> 62          Father                                have  1528         v
#> 63    Target_Child                             because  1526      conj
#> 64    Target_Child                                  go  1516         v
#> 65          Father                                 get  1507         v
#> 66          Father                                  we  1494   pro:sub
#> 67    Target_Child                                 was  1492       cop
#> 68          Father                                 can  1464       mod
#> 69    Target_Child                                  of  1447      prep
#> 70          Father                                it's  1428   pro:per
#> 71          Father                               going  1426      part
#> 72          Father                                 how  1413   pro:int
#> 73          Mother                                 you  1396   pro:per
#> 74          Father                                  me  1378   pro:obj
#> 75          Father                                 was  1376       cop
#> 76    Target_Child                                have  1376         v
#> 77          Father                              little  1372       adj
#> 78          Father                                  on  1349      prep
#> 79    Target_Child                                  do  1292         v
#> 80    Target_Child                                that  1252   pro:dem
#> 81          Father                                 say  1249         v
#> 82          Father                                 mhm  1245        co
#> 83          Mother                                 the  1242   det:art
#> 84          Father                              you're  1239   pro:per
#> 85          Father                                 see  1224         v
#> 86          Father                                with  1201      prep
#> 87          Father                                said  1198         v
#> 88    Target_Child                                this  1195   pro:dem
#> 89    Target_Child                                  up  1194       adv
#> 90    Target_Child                                 can  1179       mod
#> 91          Father                                then  1178   adv:tem
#> 92    Target_Child                                when  1173      conj
#> 93    Target_Child                                 one  1169 pro:indef
#> 94          Father                                 for  1139      prep
#> 95    Target_Child                                it's  1124   pro:per
#> 96    Target_Child                               going  1121      part
#> 97          Father                               wanna  1108         v
#> 98    Target_Child                                  be  1088       cop
#> 99    Target_Child                                with  1078      prep
#> 100   Target_Child                                want  1064         v
#> 101         Father                               Marky  1055    n:prop
#> 102         Father                                  up  1031       adv
#> 103         Father                                  be  1022       cop
#> 104   Target_Child                                your  1021  det:poss
#> 105   Target_Child                                them   994   pro:obj
#> 106   Target_Child                                 got   992         v
#> 107         Father                                them   983   pro:obj
#> 108   Target_Child                                this   977   det:dem
#> 109         Father                               about   974      prep
#> 110   Target_Child                                 one   952   det:num
#> 111   Target_Child                                okay   946        co
#> 112   Target_Child                                 for   939      prep
#> 113         Father                                that   929      comp
#> 114         Father                                 one   928 pro:indef
#> 115   Target_Child                               there   923       adv
#> 116   Target_Child                              that's   919   pro:dem
#> 117   Target_Child                               wanna   916         v
#> 118   Target_Child                                 are   916       cop
#> 119   Target_Child                                well   913        co
#> 120         Father                                 him   900   pro:obj
#> 121         Father                               think   890         v
#> 122         Father                                 but   888      conj
#> 123         Father                                  if   885      conj
#> 124         Father                                just   885       adv
#> 125         Mother                                 and   883     coord
#> 126         Father                                when   882      conj
#> 127   Target_Child                              little   882       adj
#> 128   Target_Child                                that   872      comp
#> 129   Target_Child                                said   847         v
#> 130         Father                                 I'm   841   pro:sub
#> 131         Father                              really   839       adv
#> 132   Target_Child                                 him   834   pro:obj
#> 133   Target_Child                                  if   824      conj
#> 134   Target_Child                                 his   819  det:poss
#> 135         Father                                 why   806   pro:int
#> 136         Father                                tell   798         v
#> 137         Mother                                  it   790   pro:per
#> 138         Father                                want   788         v
#> 139         Father                             because   783      conj
#> 140   Target_Child                                 see   783         v
#> 141   Target_Child                                 big   777       adj
#> 142   Target_Child                                  at   764      prep
#> 143   Target_Child                                 put   761         v
#> 144   Target_Child                                 why   757   pro:int
#> 145         Father                                well   750        co
#> 146   Target_Child                                just   749       adv
#> 147         Mother                                   I   744   pro:sub
#> 148         Father                               there   742       adv
#> 149         Father                                come   737         v
#> 150         Father                                okay   734       adj
#> 151   Target_Child                                that   727   pro:rel
#> 152         Father                                 his   725  det:poss
#> 153         Father                                some   718        qn
#> 154         Father                                here   712       adv
#> 155   Target_Child                              didn't   711       mod
#> 156         Mother                                  he   702   pro:sub
#> 157         Father                                he's   699   pro:sub
#> 158         Father                                this   697   pro:dem
#> 159   Target_Child                                 two   696   det:num
#> 160         Father                                this   690   det:dem
#> 161         Father                                does   689       mod
#> 162         Father                                 too   688       adv
#> 163   Target_Child                                that   687   det:dem
#> 164         Father                                  at   686      prep
#> 165   Target_Child                                 now   685       adv
#> 166         Father                                  or   683     coord
#> 167   Target_Child                               Marky   678    n:prop
#> 168   Target_Child                                I'll   674   pro:sub
#> 169         Father                                 put   673         v
#> 170         Father                                that   661   det:dem
#> 171   Target_Child                                will   658       mod
#> 172         Father                                very   655       adv
#> 173   Target_Child                                he's   650   pro:sub
#> 174         Father                               right   649       adv
#> 175   Target_Child                               hafta   643       mod
#> 176   Target_Child                                like   637      prep
#> 177   Target_Child                               gonna   627      part
#> 178   Target_Child                                went   626         v
#> 179         Mother                                   a   620   det:art
#> 180         Father                               hafta   617       mod
#> 181         Father                                  on   610       adv
#> 182   Target_Child                                 why   606   pro:rel
#> 183         Father                              what's   604   pro:int
#> 184         Father                               uhhuh   601        co
#> 185   Target_Child                                Mark   599    n:prop
#> 186         Father                                 big   597       adj
#> 187         Father                                 one   587   det:num
#> 188   Target_Child                                 too   586       adv
#> 189   Target_Child                                good   586       adj
#> 190   Target_Child                                  do   585       mod
#> 191   Target_Child                                  on   582       adv
#> 192   Target_Child                                some   575        qn
#> 193         Father                               would   574       mod
#> 194         Father                                  my   570  det:poss
#> 195         Father                                that   570   pro:rel
#> 196         Father                                  is   568       aux
#> 197         Father                                else   567      post
#> 198   Target_Child                                come   567         v
#> 199   Target_Child                                 did   566       mod
#> 200         Father                                 did   558         v
#> 201   Target_Child                                 out   550       adv
#> 202         Mother                                what   549   pro:int
#> 203         Father                                I'll   548   pro:sub
#> 204         Father                                like   544         v
#> 205   Target_Child                                 say   539         v
#> 206   Target_Child                              you're   538   pro:per
#> 207   Target_Child                                here   531       adv
#> 208         Father                               where   523   pro:int
#> 209   Target_Child                               can't   522       mod
#> 210         Father                                 got   520         v
#> 211         Father                                 bad   516       adj
#> 212         Father                                nice   514       adj
#> 213         Father                                 are   511       aux
#> 214   Target_Child                                 dad   509         n
#> 215         Father                                mean   505         v
#> 216         Father                              didn't   503       mod
#> 217   Target_Child                                 she   502   pro:sub
#> 218         Father                                 eat   497         v
#> 219   Target_Child                               could   497       mod
#> 220         Father                                 out   493       adv
#> 221   Target_Child                                down   487       adv
#> 222         Father                                take   482         v
#> 223   Target_Child                                 huh   482        co
#> 224         Father                               gonna   480      part
#> 225         Father                                 any   478        qn
#> 226         Father                               let's   477         v
#> 227   Target_Child                                 bad   474       adj
#> 228         Father                               about   469       adv
#> 229   Target_Child                               daddy   468         n
#> 230         Father                                were   465       cop
#> 231   Target_Child                                time   465         n
#> 232         Father                               can't   457       mod
#> 233         Father                                 she   456   pro:sub
#> 234   Target_Child                                  no   454        qn
#> 235         Father                                 boy   453         n
#> 236   Target_Child                               Daddy   450    n:prop
#> 237         Father                                like   445      prep
#> 238         Father                                that   443       adv
#> 239   Target_Child                               there   443         n
#> 240         Father                                  so   439       adv
#> 241         Father                                will   437       mod
#> 242   Target_Child                                 was   437       aux
#> 243         Father                               other   436        qn
#> 244         Father                                real   434       adj
#> 245         Father                                 all   434       adv
#> 246   Target_Child                              people   431         n
#> 247   Target_Child                               right   430       adv
#> 248         Father                             they're   429   pro:sub
#> 249         Father                                 huh   428        co
#> 250         Father                                  no   428        qn
#> 251   Target_Child                                tell   427         v
#> 252         Father                                down   427       adv
#> 253   Target_Child                                 did   421         v
#> 254         Father                                 all   421        qn
#> 255         Father                                 two   420   det:num
#> 256   Target_Child                                 eat   420         v
#> 257   Target_Child                                mean   419         v
#> 258   Target_Child                             they're   418   pro:sub
#> 259         Father                                mean   417       adj
#> 260         Father                               could   416       mod
#> 261   Target_Child                                 how   416   pro:int
#> 262         Father                               story   413         n
#> 263   Target_Child                              really   413       adv
#> 264   Target_Child                               would   412       mod
#> 265   Target_Child                                back   411       adv
#> 266         Father                                back   410       adv
#> 267         Father                                give   409         v
#> 268   Target_Child                                that   408       adv
#> 269   Target_Child                               think   407         v
#> 270   Target_Child                                  so   407       adv
#> 271   Target_Child                                take   406         v
#> 272   Target_Child                               right   404        co
#> 273   Target_Child                                 all   403       adv
#> 274   Target_Child                                  is   403       aux
#> 275         Father                                 who   402   pro:int
#> 276   Target_Child                                 had   396         v
#> 277         Father                               we're   395   pro:sub
#> 278   Target_Child                                 boy   392         n
#> 279         Father                                 yes   391        co
#> 280         Father                               right   391       adj
#> 281   Target_Child                               other   388        qn
#> 282   Target_Child                                 all   387        qn
#> 283         Father                               there   387         n
#> 284   Target_Child                                like   386         v
#> 285   Target_Child                               thing   385         n
#> 286         Father                                 was   385       aux
#> 287         Father                                 why   385   pro:rel
#> 288   Target_Child                               we're   385   pro:sub
#> 289         Father                                from   375      prep
#> 290   Target_Child                               their   374  det:poss
#> 291   Target_Child                                  in   372       adv
#> 292   Target_Child                                into   371      prep
#> 293         Father                             doesn't   369       mod
#> 294         Father                                time   369         n
#> 295   Target_Child                                 Dad   368    n:prop
#> 296   Target_Child                                were   367       cop
#> 297         Father                            remember   367         v
#> 298   Target_Child                             there's   364 pro:exist
#> 299         Father                              people   363         n
#> 300         Father                                name   361         n
#> 301   Target_Child                               three   360   det:num
#> 302   Target_Child                             doesn't   358       mod
#> 303   Target_Child                                four   357   det:num
#> 304         Father                            happened   354         v
#> 305   Target_Child                                  or   351     coord
#> 306   Target_Child                               won't   350       mod
#> 307         Father                               those   349   det:dem
#> 308         Father                                make   340         v
#> 309   Target_Child                                 our   339  det:poss
#> 310         Mother                                  to   334       inf
#> 311   Target_Child                                 any   332        qn
#> 312   Target_Child                                here   332         n
#> 313         Father                           something   330 pro:indef
#> 314   Target_Child                                away   328       adv
#> 315   Target_Child                                  so   327        co
#> 316   Target_Child                               let's   324         v
#> 317         Father                              things   323         n
#> 318   Target_Child                                 hey   320        co
#> 319   Target_Child                                make   320         v
#> 320         Father                                 way   320         n
#> 321         Father                                 let   320         v
#> 322         Mother                                  oh   319        co
#> 323         Mother                                  in   318      prep
#> 324   Target_Child                                Ross   318    n:prop
#> 325   Target_Child                                 yes   315        co
#> 326         Father                                  hm   315        co
#> 327         Father                                  so   315        co
#> 328   Target_Child                             another   313        qn
#> 329         Father                             there's   310 pro:exist
#> 330         Father                                does   309         v
#> 331   Target_Child                                from   309      prep
#> 332         Mother                                  is   307       cop
#> 333   Target_Child                                five   307   det:num
#> 334   Target_Child                                  us   306   pro:obj
#> 335         Father                                uhuh   303        co
#> 336         Father                             another   298        qn
#> 337         Father                                sure   296       adj
#> 338         Father                               which   296   pro:rel
#> 339         Father                               thing   295         n
#> 340         Father                               doing   294      part
#> 341   Target_Child                                 off   294       adv
#> 342         Father                               Mommy   293    n:prop
#> 343         Father                                  in   292       adv
#> 344         Father                              better   292       adj
#> 345   Target_Child                               water   291         n
#> 346   Target_Child                                like   291        co
#> 347         Father                                boys   290         n
#> 348         Father                                away   289       adv
#> 349         Father                                 who   289   pro:rel
#> 350         Father                                more   288        qn
#> 351   Target_Child                               about   284      prep
#> 352   Target_Child                                give   283         v
#> 353   Target_Child                                  mm   282        co
#> 354         Mother                                Mark   282    n:prop
#> 355         Father                               maybe   282       adv
#> 356         Father                                 had   281         v
#> 357   Target_Child                                 guy   279         n
#> 358   Target_Child                                guys   279         n
#> 359         Father                                baby   279         n
#> 360   Target_Child                               Mommy   278    n:prop
#> 361   Target_Child                               those   275   det:dem
#> 362         Father                                here   274         n
#> 363         Mother                                Ross   274    n:prop
#> 364   Target_Child                               where   273   pro:int
#> 365         Father                                into   273      prep
#> 366         Father                                 off   273       adv
#> 367   Target_Child                               house   269         n
#> 368         Father                                look   268         v
#> 369         Mother                                  of   266      prep
#> 370   Target_Child                           something   266 pro:indef
#> 371         Father                               Daddy   265    n:prop
#> 372   Target_Child                                  hm   265        co
#> 373   Target_Child                                look   265         v
#> 374         Mother                                said   264         v
#> 375   Target_Child                                baby   263         n
#> 376   Target_Child                                 day   262         n
#> 377   Target_Child                                very   258       adv
#> 378         Mother                                they   256   pro:sub
#> 379         Mother                                  to   255      prep
#> 380   Target_Child                              things   254         n
#> 381         Father                               again   253       adv
#> 382   Target_Child                               where   253   pro:rel
#> 383         Father                               their   253  det:poss
#> 384         Mother                               don't   253       mod
#> 385   Target_Child                                 way   251         n
#> 386         Father                                went   251         v
#> 387         Father                                  an   251   det:art
#> 388         Father                               isn't   251       cop
#> 389   Target_Child                              out_of   250      prep
#> 390   Target_Child                                real   249       adj
#> 391         Father                               we'll   248   pro:sub
#> 392         Father                                 got   248      part
#> 393   Target_Child                                 car   246         n
#> 394         Father                                hurt   245         v
#> 395         Father                                guys   244         n
#> 396         Father                               where   244   pro:rel
#> 397         Father                               honey   241         n
#> 398   Target_Child                               cause   238         n
#> 399         Mother                                your   238  det:poss
#> 400         Mother                                 was   237       cop
#> 401   Target_Child                                need   236         v
#> 402         Mother                                  do   235         v
#> 403         Father                                  up   234      prep
#> 404   Target_Child                                okay   234       adj
#> 405         Father                                need   232         v
#> 406   Target_Child                                  ah   232        co
#> 407   Target_Child                                 mhm   232        co
#> 408   Target_Child                              school   231         n
#> 409         Mother                                know   231         v
#> 410         Father                               daddy   229         n
#> 411         Mother                                yeah   228        co
#> 412   Target_Child                                 let   226         v
#> 413   Target_Child                               these   225   det:dem
#> 414   Target_Child                                goes   224         v
#> 415   Target_Child                               mommy   221         n
#> 416   Target_Child                                came   221         v
#> 417   Target_Child                               maybe   220       adv
#> 418   Target_Child                               again   219       adv
#> 419   Target_Child                                says   218         v
#> 420         Father                                  us   218   pro:obj
#> 421         Mother                                that   218   pro:dem
#> 422         Father                                over   218       adv
#> 423   Target_Child                                milk   217         n
#> 424         Father                                ever   216       adv
#> 425         Father                               means   216         v
#> 426         Father                                 how   215   pro:rel
#> 427   Target_Child                                even   215       adv
#> 428   Target_Child                                 man   213         n
#> 429   Target_Child                                more   213        qn
#> 430         Father                                part   213         n
#> 431   Target_Child                              what's   212   pro:int
#> 432   Target_Child                                 who   212   pro:rel
#> 433         Father                                cute   212       adj
#> 434   Target_Child                               first   211       adv
#> 435   Target_Child                                were   211       aux
#> 436         Father                                turn   210         n
#> 437         Father                                 bed   210         n
#> 438         Father                               words   210         n
#> 439         Father                                play   210         v
#> 440         Father                                 old   210       adj
#> 441         Father                                many   209        qn
#> 442         Father                                  mm   209        co
#> 443         Father                                five   208   det:num
#> 444         Mother                                have   207         v
#> 445   Target_Child                                 are   207       aux
#> 446         Father                              should   207       mod
#> 447         Father                              out_of   206      prep
#> 448         Mother                                  no   205        co
#> 449   Target_Child                                over   205       adv
#> 450         Mother                                well   205        co
#> 451         Father                                four   205   det:num
#> 452         Father                            a_lot_of   204        qn
#> 453         Father                              here's   203 pro:exist
#> 454         Father                                says   202         v
#> 455         Father                           preschool   202         n
#> 456   Target_Child                                  up   201      prep
#> 457   Target_Child                                made   201         v
#> 458   Target_Child                                does   200       mod
#> 459   Target_Child                                mean   199       adj
#> 460   Target_Child                               stuff   197         n
#> 461         Father                                over   196      prep
#> 462   Target_Child                                only   196       adv
#> 463         Father                                 say   196        co
#> 464   Target_Child                                hurt   196         v
#> 465   Target_Child                                like   195      conj
#> 466         Father                               won't   195       mod
#> 467   Target_Child                                 saw   194         v
#> 468         Father                                tape   193         n
#> 469         Father                                word   192         n
#> 470   Target_Child                                 cat   191         n
#> 471         Father                              pretty   190       adv
#> 472         Father                                like   190        co
#> 473         Father                                hear   190         v
#> 474   Target_Child                               after   189      prep
#> 475   Target_Child                               uhhuh   189        co
#> 476   Target_Child                                  an   189   det:art
#> 477         Mother                              that's   186   pro:dem
#> 478         Father                               wrong   186         n
#> 479         Father                              that's   185   pro:rel
#> 480   Target_Child                                over   185      prep
#> 481         Father                                toys   184         n
#> 482         Mother                                  we   183   pro:sub
#> 483   Target_Child                                 six   183   det:num
#> 484         Father                               house   182         n
#> 485         Father                                kids   182         n
#> 486         Mother                                  do   181       mod
#> 487   Target_Child                               never   180       adv
#> 488   Target_Child                           preschool   179         n
#> 489         Mother                                 not   179       neg
#> 490         Father                                talk   179         v
#> 491         Father                               mommy   178         n
#> 492         Father                                more   178 pro:indef
#> 493         Father                                more   178       adv
#> 494         Father                                work   175         n
#> 495   Target_Child                               right   175       adj
#> 496   Target_Child                                food   175         n
#> 497         Father                               three   175   det:num
#> 498   Target_Child                               shirt   174         n
#> 499         Father                                room   174         n
#> 500         Father                              wasn't   174       cop
#> 501   Target_Child                               might   173       mod
#> 502   Target_Child                               story   172         n
#> 503   Target_Child                            remember   172         v
#> 504   Target_Child                               isn't   171       cop
#> 505         Father                               might   170       mod
#> 506         Father                                milk   170         n
#> 507   Target_Child                               these   170   pro:dem
#> 508         Father                               these   169   det:dem
#> 509   Target_Child                                play   169         v
#> 510         Father                                read   168         v
#> 511         Father                                just   166       adj
#> 512         Father                               ahead   166       adv
#> 513         Mother                                  on   166      prep
#> 514   Target_Child                                wait   166        co
#> 515   Target_Child                               means   165         v
#> 516   Target_Child                                tape   165         n
#> 517         Father                               money   165         n
#> 518   Target_Child                                Luke   165    n:prop
#> 519         Father                                 bit   164         n
#> 520         Father                                idea   164         n
#> 521   Target_Child                              please   163        co
#> 522         Father                                kind   163         n
#> 523         Father                                book   162         n
#> 524   Target_Child                              here's   161 pro:exist
#> 525   Target_Child                               still   161       adv
#> 526         Father                              you'll   161   pro:per
#> 527         Father                                same   161       adj
#> 528         Father                            anything   160 pro:indef
#> 529         Father                                much   160       adv
#> 530   Target_Child                                name   159         n
#> 531         Mother                                 him   159   pro:obj
#> 532   Target_Child                                  be   159       aux
#> 533         Mother                                that   159      comp
#> 534         Father                                were   159       aux
#> 535   Target_Child                                 has   158         v
#> 536   Target_Child                                Hulk   158    n:prop
#> 537   Target_Child                                 all   158 pro:indef
#> 538         Father                              school   157         n
#> 539         Father                                 day   157         n
#> 540   Target_Child                                toys   156         n
#> 541   Target_Child                               doing   156      part
#> 542         Father                               whole   156       adj
#> 543         Father                             Marky's   156       adj
#> 544   Target_Child                                uhuh   156        co
#> 545   Target_Child                                ones   156         n
#> 546   Target_Child                                 old   156       adj
#> 547   Target_Child                                more   155       adv
#> 548   Target_Child                              always   155       adv
#> 549         Mother                                then   155   adv:tem
#> 550         Father                               first   154       adv
#> 551         Father                                  be   154       aux
#> 552         Father                                 man   154         n
#> 553   Target_Child                                  so   153      conj
#> 554         Father                               today   153   adv:tem
#> 555         Father                                made   153         v
#> 556         Mother                                 for   153      prep
#> 557         Father                                turn   153         v
#> 558   Target_Child                                home   152       adv
#> 559         Father                                 guy   152         n
#> 560         Mother                                 did   152       mod
#> 561   Target_Child                              better   151       adj
#> 562   Target_Child                                 bed   151         n
#> 563   Target_Child                                more   151 pro:indef
#> 564   Target_Child                                same   150       adj
#> 565         Mother                                  me   150   pro:obj
#> 566         Mother                                 get   149         v
#> 567         Father                               who's   149   pro:int
#> 568         Father                             where's   149   pro:int
#> 569   Target_Child                                 mom   149         n
#> 570   Target_Child                            a_lot_of   148        qn
#> 571         Father                          understand   148         v
#> 572   Target_Child                                just   148       adj
#> 573         Mother                                 his   148  det:poss
#> 574   Target_Child                                  by   148      prep
#> 575   Target_Child                                 dog   147         n
#> 576   Target_Child                                turn   146         v
#> 577   Target_Child                                turn   146         n
#> 578         Father                                 way   145       adv
#> 579         Father                                  as   144      prep
#> 580         Father                                wait   143         v
#> 581   Target_Child                                 new   143       adj
#> 582         Mother                                it's   143   pro:per
#> 583         Father                                 end   143         n
#> 584   Target_Child                                head   143         n
#> 585   Target_Child                                 Mom   142    n:prop
#> 586         Father                                 buy   142         v
#> 587         Father                              coming   141      part
#> 588         Father                              you've   141   pro:per
#> 589         Father                             brother   141         n
#> 590   Target_Child                               money   141         n
#> 591   Target_Child                              friend   141         n
#> 592         Father                                 all   140      post
#> 593         Father                                 yet   140       adv
#> 594         Father                               first   140       adj
#> 595         Father                                love   140         v
#> 596         Mother                                  go   139         v
#> 597         Father                                 off   139      prep
#> 598         Father                                 our   139  det:poss
#> 599   Target_Child                              wasn't   139       cop
#> 600         Father                                help   138         v
#> 601   Target_Child                             thought   138         v
#> 602   Target_Child                                nice   138       adj
#> 603   Target_Child                              that's   138   pro:rel
#> 604         Father                             anymore   138       adv
#> 605         Father                                 her   138   pro:obj
#> 606   Target_Child                                part   137         n
#> 607         Father                               watch   137         v
#> 608         Father                                 ask   137         v
#> 609         Father                                food   137         n
#> 610   Target_Child                               we'll   136   pro:sub
#> 611   Target_Child                                mine   136  pro:poss
#> 612         Father                                down   136      prep
#> 613         Father                                show   134         v
#> 614   Target_Child                                call   133         v
#> 615         Father                                play   133         n
#> 616   Target_Child                              should   133       mod
#> 617   Target_Child                                 has   133       aux
#> 618         Father                                came   132         v
#> 619   Target_Child                                down   132      prep
#> 620   Target_Child                                took   132         v
#> 621         Father                                 all   132 pro:indef
#> 622   Target_Child                               shoes   132         n
#> 623         Father                                 sit   131         v
#> 624   Target_Child                             Marky's   131       adj
#> 625   Target_Child                               first   131       adj
#> 626   Target_Child                             where's   131   pro:int
#> 627         Father                                  so   130      conj
#> 628   Target_Child                                 ate   130         v
#> 629         Mother                                  up   130       adv
#> 630   Target_Child                               place   130         n
#> 631   Target_Child                                told   130         v
#> 632   Target_Child                                book   129         n
#> 633   Target_Child                                 see   129        co
#> 634         Father                               never   129       adv
#> 635         Father                                like   128      conj
#> 636   Target_Child                                  my   128        co
#> 637   Target_Child                                 got   128      part
#> 638         Father                                ones   128         n
#> 639         Father                               after   128      prep
#> 640         Father                                work   127         v
#> 641   Target_Child                              wanted   127         v
#> 642         Father                                 get   127       aux
#> 643         Father                                well   127       adv
#> 644         Father                              called   127      part
#> 645   Target_Child                                girl   127         n
#> 646   Target_Child                                than   127      prep
#> 647   Target_Child                                much   126       adv
#> 648         Father                             happens   126         v
#> 649         Father                            finished   126      part
#> 650         Father                                have   126       aux
#> 651   Target_Child                                ever   126       adv
#> 652         Father                               water   126         n
#> 653         Father                                 has   125       aux
#> 654   Target_Child                                 get   125       aux
#> 655         Father                               ready   125         v
#> 656   Target_Child                                stay   125         v
#> 657         Father                               Honey   125    n:prop
#> 658   Target_Child                                read   125         v
#> 659         Father                                 try   125         v
#> 660         Mother                               about   125      prep
#> 661   Target_Child                                fall   125         v
#> 662         Father                              wanted   125         v
#> 663         Father                               learn   125         v
#> 664         Father                                 cat   124         n
#> 665   Target_Child                               mouth   124         n
#> 666   Target_Child                                 Han   124    n:prop
#> 667         Father                               wants   124         v
#> 668   Target_Child                                 her   124   pro:obj
#> 669         Mother                                 but   123      conj
#> 670         Father                                 use   123         v
#> 671         Father                             thought   122         v
#> 672         Father                              happen   122         v
#> 673   Target_Child                                boys   122         n
#> 674   Target_Child                                show   121         v
#> 675         Father                               comes   120         v
#> 676   Target_Child                           chocolate   120         n
#> 677         Father                               ready   120       adj
#> 678         Mother                                  at   119      prep
#> 679   Target_Child                               night   119         n
#> 680         Mother                                with   119      prep
#> 681         Mother                              you're   119   pro:per
#> 682         Father                                home   118       adv
#> 683         Father                                find   118         v
#> 684   Target_Child                                wait   118         v
#> 685   Target_Child                               heart   117         n
#> 686         Mother                                 are   117       cop
#> 687         Father                                  by   117      prep
#> 688         Father                                I've   117   pro:sub
#> 689         Father                               she's   116   pro:sub
#> 690         Father                                 new   116       adj
#> 691         Father                                call   116         v
#> 692         Father                                  if   116      comp
#> 693   Target_Child                               comes   116         v
#> 694   Target_Child                                find   115         v
#> 695         Father                                 car   115         n
#> 696   Target_Child                                  if   115      comp
#> 697   Target_Child                                does   115         v
#> 698   Target_Child                                keep   115         v
#> 699         Father                                goes   115         v
#> 700         Father                                done   115      part
#> 701         Father                             friends   115         n
#> 702   Target_Child                              almost   115       adv
#> 703         Father                                fall   115         v
#> 704   Target_Child                                 off   114      prep
#> 705         Father                               start   114         v
#> 706         Mother                                this   113   pro:dem
#> 707         Father                               still   113       adv
#> 708         Father                                only   113       adv
#> 709         Mother                                 can   113       mod
#> 710         Father                                 six   113   det:num
#> 711   Target_Child                              nuhhuh   113        co
#> 712         Father                               umhum   112        co
#> 713   Target_Child                                well   112       adv
#> 714   Target_Child                               there   112 pro:exist
#> 715         Father                           everybody   112 pro:indef
#> 716         Father                                move   112         v
#> 717         Mother                               think   111         v
#> 718         Father                               stuff   111         n
#> 719         Father                        taperecorder   111         n
#> 720   Target_Child                               watch   111         v
#> 721         Father                               tummy   111         n
#> 722         Mother                                 one   111 pro:indef
#> 723   Target_Child                                talk   111         v
#> 724   Target_Child                                Star   111    n:prop
#> 725         Father                                 has   111         v
#> 726         Mother                                 how   111   pro:int
#> 727   Target_Child                                dead   111       adj
#> 728   Target_Child                               today   110   adv:tem
#> 729         Mother                                  if   110      conj
#> 730         Father                                kiss   110         n
#> 731   Target_Child                               kitty   110         n
#> 732         Father                              always   110       adv
#> 733   Target_Child                               she's   110   pro:sub
#> 734         Mother                                this   110   det:dem
#> 735         Mother                                 see   110         v
#> 736         Mother                               would   110       mod
#> 737   Target_Child                               those   109   pro:dem
#> 738         Father                               great   109       adj
#> 739         Father                               cause   109         n
#> 740         Mother                               going   108      part
#> 741         Mother                                them   108   pro:obj
#> 742   Target_Child                             clothes   108      n:pt
#> 743   Target_Child                                  ya   108   pro:per
#> 744   Target_Child                                room   108         n
#> 745   Target_Child                                 yep   107        co
#> 746         Father                               those   107   pro:dem
#> 747   Target_Child                                 hot   107       adj
#> 748         Mother                                 say   107         v
#> 749   Target_Child                                 way   107       adv
#> 750   Target_Child                               tiger   107         n
#> 751         Father                                girl   107         n
#> 752         Father                                 Mom   107    n:prop
#> 753   Target_Child                          everything   106 pro:indef
#> 754         Mother                                  or   106     coord
#> 755   Target_Child                                Wars   106    n:prop
#> 756   Target_Child                               funny   106       adj
#> 757   Target_Child                           sometimes   106       adv
#> 758         Mother                                when   106      conj
#> 759         Father                                sick   106       adj
#> 760         Father                                talk   106         n
#> 761         Father                                hand   106         n
#> 762         Father                              saying   106      part
#> 763   Target_Child                                work   106         n
#> 764         Father                              please   105        co
#> 765   Target_Child                                 out   105      prep
#> 766   Target_Child                                 too   105      post
#> 767         Father                           breakfast   105         n
#> 768         Father                                 too   105      post
#> 769   Target_Child                                 all   105      post
#> 770         Mother                                good   104       adj
#> 771   Target_Child                                fell   104         v
#> 772   Target_Child                                 her   104  det:poss
#> 773         Father                               happy   104       adj
#> 774         Father                                than   104      prep
#> 775         Father                                Luke   104    n:prop
#> 776         Father                                told   104         v
#> 777         Mother                              didn't   104       mod
#> 778         Father                               there   104 pro:exist
#> 779         Mother                                 was   103       aux
#> 780   Target_Child                                sure   103       adj
#> 781         Father                            recorder   103         n
#> 782   Target_Child                                love   103         v
#> 783         Father                               hands   103         n
#> 784   Target_Child                                long   103       adj
#> 785   Target_Child                                 gun   103         n
#> 786   Target_Child                               light   102         n
#> 787   Target_Child                                  am   102       cop
#> 788         Father                                Mary   102    n:prop
#> 789   Target_Child                               every   102        qn
#> 790         Father                               funny   102       adj
#> 791   Target_Child                                gave   101         v
#> 792         Father                                hard   101       adj
#> 793         Father                                keep   101         v
#> 794   Target_Child                            somebody   101 pro:indef
#> 795         Father                                 lot   101         n
#> 796   Target_Child                                done   101      part
#> 797   Target_Child                                 cut   101         v
#> 798         Father                                 out   100      prep
#> 799         Father                              friend   100         n
#> 800         Mother                                just   100       adv
#> 801         Father                               sleep   100         n
#> 802   Target_Child                                 zzz   100        co
#> 803   Target_Child                             already    99       adv
#> 804         Father                               night    99         n
#> 805         Mother                                he's    99   pro:sub
#> 806         Mother                                okay    99        co
#> 807   Target_Child                                 how    99   pro:rel
#> 808         Father                                 hey    98        co
#> 809         Father                             getting    98      part
#> 810   Target_Child                               movie    98         n
#> 811         Father                                 her    98  det:poss
#> 812   Target_Child                               watch    98         n
#> 813         Mother                               there    98       adv
#> 814         Father                                game    98         n
#> 815         Father                                gets    98         v
#> 816         Father                              called    98         v
#> 817   Target_Child                              bigger    98       adj
#> 818         Father                              enough    98       adv
#> 819         Mother                             because    98      conj
#> 820         Mother                                 now    97       adv
#> 821         Father                            wouldn't    97       mod
#> 822         Father                               later    97       adv
#> 823   Target_Child                                play    97         n
#> 824   Target_Child                               about    96       adv
#> 825         Father                                true    96       adj
#> 826   Target_Child                              bottle    95         n
#> 827   Target_Child                                 buy    95         v
#> 828   Target_Child                               great    95       adj
#> 829   Target_Child                                 lot    95         n
#> 830   Target_Child                                hand    95         n
#> 831         Father                                best    95       adj
#> 832   Target_Child                             brother    95         n
#> 833   Target_Child                            anything    95 pro:indef
#> 834   Target_Child                             monster    95         n
#> 835   Target_Child                              coming    94      part
#> 836         Father                               sorry    94       adj
#> 837   Target_Child                             friends    94         n
#> 838         Father                                feel    94         v
#> 839   Target_Child                              forgot    94         v
#> 840         Father                               blood    94         n
#> 841   Target_Child                                idea    93         n
#> 842   Target_Child                                 bit    93         n
#> 843         Mother                              little    93       adj
#> 844   Target_Child                                door    93         n
#> 845         Father                                 job    93         n
#> 846         Father                              around    93      prep
#> 847   Target_Child                                nine    93   det:num
#> 848   Target_Child                                side    93         n
#> 849         Father                            somebody    92 pro:indef
#> 850         Mother                                 out    92       adv
#> 851   Target_Child                              you'll    92   pro:per
#> 852   Target_Child                               seven    92   det:num
#> 853         Mother                                 put    92         v
#> 854   Target_Child                               eight    92   det:num
#> 855   Target_Child                                kind    92         n
#> 856         Father                             talking    92      part
#> 857   Target_Child                                 pee    92         n
#> 858         Mother                              really    91       adv
#> 859   Target_Child                               space    91         n
#> 860   Target_Child                             getting    91      part
#> 861         Father                               movie    91         n
#> 862   Target_Child                               world    91         n
#> 863         Father                               heart    91         n
#> 864   Target_Child                                  as    91      prep
#> 865         Father                                 hot    91       adj
#> 866   Target_Child                             blanket    91         n
#> 867         Father                             trouble    91         n
#> 868         Father                                hard    91       adv
#> 869         Father                              finish    90         v
#> 870         Father                               makes    90         v
#> 871         Father                                 dog    90         n
#> 872         Father                             clothes    90      n:pt
#> 873   Target_Child                            wouldn't    90       mod
#> 874   Target_Child                               Darth    90    n:prop
#> 875   Target_Child                                kids    90         n
#> 876         Father                                wear    90         v
#> 877         Father                                side    89         n
#> 878   Target_Child                               hadta    89       mod
#> 879         Father                               ummhm    89        co
#> 880   Target_Child                             nothing    89 pro:indef
#> 881   Target_Child                                word    89         n
#> 882         Father                               mouth    88         n
#> 883   Target_Child                              around    88       adv
#> 884         Mother                                  be    88       cop
#> 885         Father                              listen    88         v
#> 886         Father                                long    88       adj
#> 887   Target_Child                                gets    88         v
#> 888         Father                                even    87       adv
#> 889   Target_Child                                 say    87        co
#> 890         Father                                Hulk    87    n:prop
#> 891   Target_Child                                once    87       adv
#> 892         Father                              around    87       adv
#> 893   Target_Child                              person    86         n
#> 894   Target_Child                                feel    86         v
#> 895   Target_Child                            recorder    86         n
#> 896   Target_Child                             anymore    86       adv
#> 897   Target_Child                                bear    86         n
#> 898   Target_Child                               wants    86         v
#> 899   Target_Child                                star    86         n
#> 900         Father                                stay    85         v
#> 901   Target_Child                               throw    85         v
#> 902         Mother                                tell    85         v
#> 903   Target_Child                            tomorrow    85   adv:tem
#> 904   Target_Child                                  tv    85         n
#> 905   Target_Child                                 mad    85       adj
#> 906   Target_Child                                sick    85       adj
#> 907         Father                              aren't    84       aux
#> 908         Father                           thank_you    84        co
#> 909   Target_Child                                cars    84         n
#> 910         Father                                next    84       adj
#> 911         Father                                 cut    84         v
#> 912   Target_Child                              trying    83      part
#> 913         Mother                                that    83   pro:rel
#> 914         Mother                                that    83   det:dem
#> 915   Target_Child                                jump    82         v
#> 916   Target_Child                               hands    82         n
#> 917         Father                                live    82         v
#> 918         Father                                body    82         n
#> 919   Target_Child                               sleep    82         n
#> 920         Father                               hasta    81       mod
#> 921         Father                                deal    81         n
#> 922         Father                               looks    80         v
#> 923         Father                              pretty    80       adj
#> 924         Father                               place    80         n
#> 925   Target_Child                              making    80      part
#> 926         Father                               uhhum    80        co
#> 927         Mother                                 why    80   pro:int
#> 928   Target_Child                                help    80         v
#> 929         Mother                               Daddy    80    n:prop
#> 930         Mother                                that    80       adv
#> 931         Father                                hurt    80      part
#> 932   Target_Child                                wear    80         v
#> 933         Father                              though    79       adv
#> 934   Target_Child                                 who    79   pro:int
#> 935         Father                                Star    79    n:prop
#> 936         Father                              sposta    79      part
#> 937   Target_Child                                hear    79         v
#> 938         Mother                                  my    79  det:poss
#> 939   Target_Child                                 got    79       aux
#> 940         Father                               girls    78         n
#> 941         Father                                head    78         n
#> 942   Target_Child                               Vader    78    n:prop
#> 943         Mother                                 one    78   det:num
#> 944   Target_Child                            couldn't    78       mod
#> 945         Father                              second    78         n
#> 946         Father                                 see    78        co
#> 947         Father                                 fix    78         v
#> 948         Mother                                down    78       adv
#> 949         Mother                                want    78         v
#> 950         Father                                nose    78         n
#> 951   Target_Child                               store    78         n
#> 952   Target_Child                             without    77      prep
#> 953   Target_Child                                Ewok    77    n:prop
#> 954   Target_Child                                many    77        qn
#> 955         Father                               kitty    77         n
#> 956   Target_Child                                pick    77         v
#> 957         Father                                  hi    77        co
#> 958         Father                                took    77         v
#> 959         Father                                 mom    77         n
#> 960         Father                              bottle    77         n
#> 961   Target_Child                               wrong    77         n
#> 962         Father                              trying    76      part
#> 963         Father                          everything    76 pro:indef
#> 964   Target_Child                            together    76       adv
#> 965         Father                            question    76         n
#> 966   Target_Child                                 gum    76         n
#> 967         Mother                               wanna    75         v
#> 968   Target_Child                                I've    75   pro:sub
#> 969         Father                                poor    75       adj
#> 970         Mother                                 I'm    75   pro:sub
#> 971   Target_Child                                home    75         n
#> 972         Father                            birthday    75         n
#> 973   Target_Child                                 try    75         v
#> 974   Target_Child                                back    75         n
#> 975   Target_Child                                 ran    75         v
#> 976         Father                               table    75         n
#> 977         Mother                              what's    74   pro:int
#> 978         Father                               shirt    74         n
#> 979         Mother                                like    74      prep
#> 980         Father                                 air    74         n
#> 981         Father                                help    74         n
#> 982   Target_Child                                 hit    74         v
#> 983         Father                                  as    74       adv
#> 984   Target_Child                                feet    74         n
#> 985   Target_Child                                fire    73         n
#> 986         Father                                 pee    73         n
#> 987         Father                                soon    73       adv
#> 988   Target_Child                             outside    73       adv
#> 989         Father                               world    73         n
#> 990         Father                                hair    73         n
#> 991         Father                               leave    73         v
#> 992         Mother                                 mhm    73        co
#> 993         Mother                                from    73      prep
#> 994   Target_Child                             playing    73      part
#> 995   Target_Child                               sleep    73         v
#> 996         Father                                 mad    73       adj
#> 997         Father                                Wars    73    n:prop
#> 998   Target_Child                               gotta    72       mod
#> 999         Father                            together    72       adv
#> 1000        Father                         interesting    72       adj
#> 1001        Father                             playing    72      part
#> 1002  Target_Child                                 sit    72         v
#> 1003        Mother                               right    72        co
#> 1004  Target_Child                                 poo    72         n
#> 1005  Target_Child                                only    72        qn
#> 1006  Target_Child                                 end    72         n
#> 1007        Father                                next    72       adv
#> 1008        Father                               shoes    72         n
#> 1009  Target_Child                                look    71        co
#> 1010  Target_Child                                 run    71         v
#> 1011  Target_Child                                tree    71         n
#> 1012  Target_Child                                 ten    71   det:num
#> 1013        Father                                 bet    71         v
#> 1014  Target_Child                               paper    71         n
#> 1015        Mother                                 eat    71         v
#> 1016        Father                                 hit    71         v
#> 1017  Target_Child                                hair    71         n
#> 1018  Target_Child                               which    70   pro:rel
#> 1019        Father                            couldn't    70       mod
#> 1020  Target_Child                                 fix    70         v
#> 1021  Target_Child                               table    70         n
#> 1022        Mother                                  so    70        co
#> 1023        Father                                both    70        qn
#> 1024  Target_Child                                kill    70         v
#> 1025  Target_Child                                 kid    70         n
#> 1026        Father                                days    70         n
#> 1027  Target_Child                               dirty    70       adj
#> 1028        Father                               dirty    70       adj
#> 1029  Target_Child                                ball    69         n
#> 1030  Target_Child                                hate    69         v
#> 1031  Target_Child                                 hat    69         n
#> 1032        Father                                love    69         n
#> 1033  Target_Child                               apple    69         n
#> 1034        Father                               silly    69       adj
#> 1035  Target_Child                                road    69         n
#> 1036        Father                                been    69       cop
#> 1037  Target_Child                               tummy    69         n
#> 1038        Father                               light    69         n
#> 1039        Father                                meat    69         n
#> 1040  Target_Child                                else    69      post
#> 1041        Father                              almost    69       adv
#> 1042        Father                                gone    69      part
#> 1043  Target_Child                               Santa    69    n:prop
#> 1044        Mother                                here    69       adv
#> 1045        Father                                beer    69         n
#> 1046  Target_Child                                face    69         n
#> 1047        Father                                neat    68       adj
#> 1048        Father                              reason    68         n
#> 1049        Mother                               Marky    68    n:prop
#> 1050        Father                                 put    68      part
#> 1051  Target_Child                               guess    68         v
#> 1052  Target_Child                           Christmas    68    n:prop
#> 1053        Father                               Santa    68    n:prop
#> 1054        Father                                  tv    68         n
#> 1055        Father                          Pittsburgh    68    n:prop
#> 1056  Target_Child                               sugar    68         n
#> 1057  Target_Child                               witch    68         n
#> 1058        Father                               being    68      part
#> 1059  Target_Child                               meant    67         v
#> 1060        Mother                               could    67       mod
#> 1061        Father                           sometimes    67       adv
#> 1062  Target_Child                                days    67         n
#> 1063        Father                                well    67         n
#> 1064  Target_Child                           everybody    67 pro:indef
#> 1065  Target_Child                            birthday    67         n
#> 1066        Mother                                  is    67       aux
#> 1067  Target_Child                                open    67         v
#> 1068  Target_Child                               whole    67       adj
#> 1069  Target_Child                               happy    67       adj
#> 1070  Target_Child                              pillow    67         n
#> 1071  Target_Child                              better    67       adv
#> 1072        Father                                gave    67         v
#> 1073        Mother                                come    67         v
#> 1074  Target_Child                                last    67       adj
#> 1075        Father                               piece    66         n
#> 1076        Father                           Hungarian    66    n:prop
#> 1077  Target_Child                                 top    66         n
#> 1078        Father                                been    66       aux
#> 1079  Target_Child                                help    66         n
#> 1080  Target_Child                                well    66         n
#> 1081  Target_Child                               yours    66  pro:poss
#> 1082        Father                               you'd    66   pro:per
#> 1083        Father                               smart    66       adj
#> 1084        Father                               knows    66         v
#> 1085  Target_Child                               candy    66         n
#> 1086        Father                             monster    65         n
#> 1087        Father                            tomorrow    65   adv:tem
#> 1088        Mother                               Brian    65    n:prop
#> 1089  Target_Child                               socks    65         n
#> 1090        Father                               yours    65  pro:poss
#> 1091        Father                                last    65       adj
#> 1092        Father                               names    65         n
#> 1093        Father                               honey    65        co
#> 1094        Father                               bring    65         v
#> 1095        Father                                must    65       mod
#> 1096        Mother                             doesn't    65       mod
#> 1097        Mother                           something    65 pro:indef
#> 1098        Father                               eight    65   det:num
#> 1099        Father                             problem    65         n
#> 1100        Mother                                like    65         v
#> 1101  Target_Child                              called    65      part
#> 1102        Father                               useta    65       mod
#> 1103  Target_Child                              eating    65      part
#> 1104  Target_Child                                stop    65         n
#> 1105        Father                               these    64   pro:dem
#> 1106        Father                              better    64       adv
#> 1107  Target_Child                           Chewbacca    64    n:prop
#> 1108  Target_Child                               drink    64         v
#> 1109        Father                                year    64         n
#> 1110        Father                                hold    64         v
#> 1111        Father                                 top    64         n
#> 1112        Father                               store    64         n
#> 1113  Target_Child                               glass    64         n
#> 1114  Target_Child                               looks    64         v
#> 1115        Father                              eating    64      part
#> 1116  Target_Child                               times    64         n
#> 1117        Father                               watch    64         n
#> 1118        Mother                                 did    64         v
#> 1119        Father                              making    63      part
#> 1120  Target_Child                               teeth    63         n
#> 1121        Father                              dinner    63         n
#> 1122  Target_Child                              jumped    63         v
#> 1123        Mother                                 had    63         v
#> 1124        Mother                                  so    63       adv
#> 1125  Target_Child                               words    63         n
#> 1126        Father                                 poo    63         n
#> 1127        Father                                stop    63         v
#> 1128  Target_Child                               broke    63         v
#> 1129  Target_Child                               Rossy    62    n:prop
#> 1130  Target_Child                                cute    62       adj
#> 1131  Target_Child                                best    62       adj
#> 1132  Target_Child                                 wet    62       adj
#> 1133        Father                                 Dad    62    n:prop
#> 1134  Target_Child                                 put    62      part
#> 1135  Target_Child                             picture    62         n
#> 1136        Father                             blanket    62         n
#> 1137        Mother                                mean    62         v
#> 1138        Father                                wash    62         v
#> 1139        Father                                 fun    62         n
#> 1140  Target_Child                              myself    62  pro:refl
#> 1141  Target_Child                                  hi    62        co
#> 1142  Target_Child                           Skywalker    62    n:prop
#> 1143        Father                             careful    62        co
#> 1144        Father                                pull    62         v
#> 1145        Mother                                 she    62   pro:sub
#> 1146  Target_Child                                 die    61         v
#> 1147  Target_Child                             through    61      prep
#> 1148        Father                         R_two_D_two    61    n:prop
#> 1149  Target_Child                           Spiderman    61    n:prop
#> 1150        Father                                 fun    61       adj
#> 1151        Father                                back    61         n
#> 1152        Mother                               hafta    61       mod
#> 1153  Target_Child                                wish    61         v
#> 1154        Mother                                some    61        qn
#> 1155        Father                               spoon    61         n
#> 1156        Father                                open    60         v
#> 1157  Target_Child                                hurt    60      part
#> 1158        Father                              forgot    60         v
#> 1159        Father                                  ya    60   pro:per
#> 1160        Father                             already    60       adv
#> 1161  Target_Child                              window    60         n
#> 1162  Target_Child                                boat    60         n
#> 1163  Target_Child                                sand    60         n
#> 1164  Target_Child                                some    60 pro:indef
#> 1165  Target_Child                               start    60         v
#> 1166        Father                                 run    60         v
#> 1167        Father                            actually    60       adv
#> 1168        Father                               sleep    60         v
#> 1169        Father                                 yep    60        co
#> 1170        Father                               asked    60         v
#> 1171  Target_Child                         R_two_D_two    60    n:prop
#> 1172        Father                                sand    60         n
#> 1173  Target_Child                               chair    60         n
#> 1174        Father                               he'll    60   pro:sub
#> 1175  Target_Child                                 own    60       adj
#> 1176        Father                             picture    60         n
#> 1177  Target_Child                              turned    60         v
#> 1178        Father                           chocolate    60         n
#> 1179        Mother                                 got    60         v
#> 1180        Father                                stop    59         n
#> 1181        Mother                                 big    59       adj
#> 1182        Mother                                  on    59       adv
#> 1183        Mother                                were    59       cop
#> 1184  Target_Child                                eyes    59         n
#> 1185        Father                               which    59   pro:int
#> 1186        Father                                move    59         n
#> 1187  Target_Child                              twenty    59   det:num
#> 1188  Target_Child                                nose    59         n
#> 1189        Father                             Hungary    58    n:prop
#> 1190        Father                           different    58       adj
#> 1191        Father                             without    58      prep
#> 1192        Mother                               daddy    58         n
#> 1193        Father                           Christmas    58    n:prop
#> 1194        Father                              father    58         n
#> 1195  Target_Child                             morning    58         n
#> 1196  Target_Child                              nobody    58 pro:indef
#> 1197        Father                               teeth    58         n
#> 1198  Target_Child                            Superman    58    n:prop
#> 1199        Mother                               other    58        qn
#> 1200        Father                          difference    57         n
#> 1201  Target_Child                                love    57         n
#> 1202        Mother                               thing    57         n
#> 1203        Father                               twerp    57         n
#> 1204        Father                               books    57         n
#> 1205  Target_Child                                ship    57         n
#> 1206        Father                                 God    57    n:prop
#> 1207        Father                              before    57       adv
#> 1208  Target_Child                                 use    57         v
#> 1209  Target_Child                                have    57       aux
#> 1210        Father                              person    57         n
#> 1211        Father                                door    57         n
#> 1212        Father                              broken    57      part
#> 1213        Father                               who's    57   pro:rel
#> 1214        Father                             forever    57   adv:tem
#> 1215  Target_Child                                next    57       adj
#> 1216        Mother                               about    57       adv
#> 1217        Father                              Ross's    57       adj
#> 1218  Target_Child                              dinner    56         n
#> 1219  Target_Child                               dream    56         n
#> 1220  Target_Child                             forever    56   adv:tem
#> 1221        Father                               years    56         n
#> 1222        Mother                                 two    56   det:num
#> 1223  Target_Child                             talking    56      part
#> 1224        Father                             mistake    56         n
#> 1225  Target_Child                                both    56        qn
#> 1226  Target_Child                              played    56         v
#> 1227        Father                                dead    56       adj
#> 1228        Father                             morning    56         n
#> 1229  Target_Child                                bird    55         n
#> 1230        Father                            monsters    55         n
#> 1231  Target_Child                                  ow    55        co
#> 1232        Father                               chair    55         n
#> 1233  Target_Child                               hasta    55       mod
#> 1234        Father                             working    55      part
#> 1235  Target_Child                                lost    55         v
#> 1236        Mother                                 huh    55        co
#> 1237  Target_Child                              street    55         n
#> 1238  Target_Child                             animals    55         n
#> 1239  Target_Child                               piece    55         n
#> 1240        Father                               gotta    55       mod
#> 1241  Target_Child                                hold    55         v
#> 1242  Target_Child                               party    54         n
#> 1243  Target_Child                               blood    54         n
#> 1244        Father                               paper    54         n
#> 1245        Mother                                does    54       mod
#> 1246  Target_Child                                snow    54         n
#> 1247  Target_Child                                 eye    54         n
#> 1248        Mother                                 yes    54        co
#> 1249        Father                               scary    54       adj
#> 1250        Father                               tiger    54         n
#> 1251        Father                              aren't    54       cop
#> 1252        Father                               guess    54         v
#> 1253        Father                                mind    54         n
#> 1254        Father                             tonight    54   adv:tem
#> 1255  Target_Child                               bring    54         v
#> 1256  Target_Child                              sposta    54      part
#> 1257        Father                              bigger    53       adj
#> 1258        Father                               throw    53         v
#> 1259        Father                               storm    53         n
#> 1260  Target_Child                          Pittsburgh    53    n:prop
#> 1261        Mother                                time    53         n
#> 1262        Father                                tree    53         n
#> 1263  Target_Child                              around    53      prep
#> 1264        Mother                                take    53         v
#> 1265        Father                                look    53        co
#> 1266        Father                                ball    53         n
#> 1267  Target_Child                            finished    53      part
#> 1268  Target_Child                                beer    53         n
#> 1269        Mother                              people    53         n
#> 1270  Target_Child                                 box    53         n
#> 1271  Target_Child                               makes    53         v
#> 1272        Father                                wait    53        co
#> 1273        Father                            computer    53         n
#> 1274  Target_Child                                talk    53         n
#> 1275        Father                                some    53 pro:indef
#> 1276        Father                              needta    53         v
#> 1277  Target_Child                               drive    53         v
#> 1278        Mother                               gonna    53      part
#> 1279        Father                               crazy    53       adj
#> 1280  Target_Child                               pants    52         v
#> 1281        Father                             Marky's    52    n:prop
#> 1282        Father                               likes    52         v
#> 1283  Target_Child                         Darth_Vader    52    n:prop
#> 1284  Target_Child                               found    52         v
#> 1285  Target_Child                               break    52         v
#> 1286  Target_Child                               Ewoks    52    n:prop
#> 1287        Father                               hadta    52       mod
#> 1288  Target_Child                                 red    52         n
#> 1289  Target_Child                                live    52         v
#> 1290        Father                               count    52         v
#> 1291        Father                               Darth    52    n:prop
#> 1292        Father                            horrible    52       adj
#> 1293  Target_Child                              forget    52         v
#> 1294        Father                            remember    52        co
#> 1295        Father                                 saw    52         v
#> 1296  Target_Child                                much    52        qn
#> 1297  Target_Child                                legs    52         n
#> 1298  Target_Child                            monsters    52         n
#> 1299  Target_Child                               girls    52         n
#> 1300        Father                            finished    52         v
#> 1301        Father                            yourself    52  pro:refl
#> 1302        Father                                pick    52         v
#> 1303        Father                              bottom    52         n
#> 1304  Target_Child                                when    52   pro:int
#> 1305        Father                               touch    52         v
#> 1306        Father                             animals    52         n
#> 1307        Father                               Rossy    51    n:prop
#> 1308  Target_Child                                mind    51         n
#> 1309        Father                                 wow    51        co
#> 1310  Target_Child                               shoot    51         v
#> 1311  Target_Child                                Solo    51    n:prop
#> 1312  Target_Child                                 can    51         n
#> 1313        Father                               party    51         n
#> 1314  Target_Child                               he'll    51   pro:sub
#> 1315  Target_Child                               juice    51         n
#> 1316        Father                                   a    51     n:let
#> 1317  Target_Child                              saying    51      part
#> 1318  Target_Child                           different    51       adj
#> 1319  Target_Child                             Dracula    51    n:prop
#> 1320        Mother                               can't    51       mod
#> 1321  Target_Child                                 arm    50         n
#> 1322  Target_Child                                 far    50       adv
#> 1323        Father                             parents    50         n
#> 1324        Father                             they'll    50   pro:sub
#> 1325  Target_Child                                nope    50        co
#> 1326  Target_Child                               Brian    50    n:prop
#> 1327        Father                                nine    50   det:num
#> 1328  Target_Child                                beep    50         n
#> 1329        Father                           Skywalker    50    n:prop
#> 1330        Father                             nothing    50 pro:indef
#> 1331  Target_Child                                 bus    50         n
#> 1332  Target_Child                             raisins    50         n
#> 1333        Father                              figure    50         v
#> 1334  Target_Child                               alive    49       adj
#> 1335  Target_Child                                hole    49         n
#> 1336        Father                               seven    49   det:num
#> 1337  Target_Child                           breakfast    49         n
#> 1338  Target_Child                               Brown    49    n:prop
#> 1339        Father                                 kid    49         n
#> 1340  Target_Child                               quack    49         n
#> 1341        Father                              answer    49         n
#> 1342  Target_Child                                 Ben    49    n:prop
#> 1343        Father                             telling    49      part
#> 1344  Target_Child                             they'll    49   pro:sub
#> 1345        Mother                                very    49       adv
#> 1346  Target_Child                                game    49         n
#> 1347  Target_Child                              unhunh    49        co
#> 1348  Target_Child                              circus    49         n
#> 1349        Father                                also    49       adv
#> 1350  Target_Child                                 yet    49       adv
#> 1351        Father                                walk    49         n
#> 1352  Target_Child                                jump    48         n
#> 1353        Father                               space    48         n
#> 1354  Target_Child                              doctor    48         n
#> 1355  Target_Child                               shoot    48         n
#> 1356  Target_Child                               pants    48      n:pt
#> 1357        Father                                kill    48         v
#> 1358        Father                               wrong    48       adj
#> 1359  Target_Child                             Charlie    48    n:prop
#> 1360  Target_Child                                   s    48     n:let
#> 1361        Father                              Empire    48    n:prop
#> 1362  Target_Child                                work    48         v
#> 1363  Target_Child                               which    48   pro:int
#> 1364        Father                                cars    48         n
#> 1365        Father                               socks    48         n
#> 1366        Father                                jump    48         v
#> 1367        Father                               meant    48         v
#> 1368        Father                                 fur    48         n
#> 1369        Father                               apple    48         n
#> 1370  Target_Child                                gone    48      part
#> 1371        Father                            children    48         n
#> 1372  Target_Child                             teacher    47         n
#> 1373  Target_Child                              cookie    47         n
#> 1374        Father                             present    47         n
#> 1375  Target_Child                                draw    47         v
#> 1376        Father                                  as    47      conj
#> 1377        Father                               until    47      conj
#> 1378  Target_Child                                able    47       adj
#> 1379  Target_Child                              button    47         n
#> 1380        Mother                               there    47         n
#> 1381  Target_Child                              Batman    47    n:prop
#> 1382  Target_Child                              called    47         v
#> 1383  Target_Child                              stupid    47       adj
#> 1384        Mother                             there's    47 pro:exist
#> 1385  Target_Child                                Joey    47    n:prop
#> 1386  Target_Child                                sing    47         v
#> 1387        Father                              hungry    47       adj
#> 1388  Target_Child                                  am    47       aux
#> 1389        Mother                                 why    47   pro:rel
#> 1390  Target_Child                                 may    47       mod
#> 1391  Target_Child                                mine    47         n
#> 1392        Father                             raisins    47         n
#> 1393        Father                                 ten    47   det:num
#> 1394        Mother                                back    47       adv
#> 1395  Target_Child                               cause    47         v
#> 1396        Father                               alive    47       adj
#> 1397        Father                             believe    46         v
#> 1398        Father                                Ewok    46    n:prop
#> 1399        Father                                foot    46         n
#> 1400        Father                               teach    46         v
#> 1401        Father                              Snoopy    46    n:prop
#> 1402  Target_Child                            presents    46         n
#> 1403  Target_Child                              scared    46      part
#> 1404  Target_Child                               scary    46       adj
#> 1405  Target_Child                                wash    46         v
#> 1406  Target_Child                          downstairs    46       adv
#> 1407        Father                          downstairs    46       adv
#> 1408        Father                                bear    46         n
#> 1409  Target_Child                                coat    46         n
#> 1410  Target_Child                                poor    46       adj
#> 1411  Target_Child                                body    46         n
#> 1412        Father                              course    46         n
#> 1413        Father                               glass    46         n
#> 1414        Mother                                 too    46       adv
#> 1415        Father                              afraid    46       adj
#> 1416        Father                            terrible    46       adj
#> 1417        Mother                                  in    46       adv
#> 1418  Target_Child                              strong    46       adj
#> 1419  Target_Child                                 ask    45         v
#> 1420  Target_Child                             parents    45         n
#> 1421        Father                             cookies    45         n
#> 1422  Target_Child                               green    45         n
#> 1423  Target_Child                                half    45         n
#> 1424  Target_Child                                hard    45       adv
#> 1425  Target_Child                              animal    45         n
#> 1426  Target_Child                                 its    45  det:poss
#> 1427  Target_Child                                 fly    45         v
#> 1428  Target_Child                               wrong    45       adj
#> 1429  Target_Child                               ready    45       adj
#> 1430  Target_Child                             Marky's    45    n:prop
#> 1431        Father                                  am    45       cop
#> 1432  Target_Child                             pretend    45       adj
#> 1433  Target_Child                                Jedi    45    n:prop
#> 1434        Mother                                  an    45   det:art
#> 1435        Father                                when    45   pro:rel
#> 1436        Father                                 had    45       aux
#> 1437  Target_Child                              broken    45      part
#> 1438        Mother                                  hm    45        co
#> 1439  Target_Child                               floor    45         n
#> 1440  Target_Child                               boots    45         n
#> 1441        Father                            upstairs    45       adv
#> 1442        Father                                Jedi    45    n:prop
#> 1443  Target_Child                               after    45   adv:tem
#> 1444        Father                                seen    45      part
#> 1445  Target_Child                               lived    44         v
#> 1446  Target_Child                                walk    44         v
#> 1447  Target_Child                                haha    44        co
#> 1448        Father                                jump    44         n
#> 1449  Target_Child                                 bye    44        co
#> 1450  Target_Child                                   a    44     n:let
#> 1451  Target_Child                                when    44   pro:rel
#> 1452  Target_Child                               cried    44         v
#> 1453        Father                             Dracula    44    n:prop
#> 1454  Target_Child                              either    44       adv
#> 1455        Father                                 got    44       aux
#> 1456        Father                               dream    44         n
#> 1457  Target_Child                                wake    44         v
#> 1458        Father                           wonderful    44       adj
#> 1459  Target_Child                                 God    44    n:prop
#> 1460  Target_Child                           Halloween    44    n:prop
#> 1461        Father                               break    44         v
#> 1462        Mother                              things    44         n
#> 1463  Target_Child                                cake    44         n
#> 1464        Mother                                into    44      prep
#> 1465  Target_Child                               bones    43         n
#> 1466  Target_Child                               silly    43       adj
#> 1467  Target_Child                              Kenobi    43    n:prop
#> 1468        Father                               music    43         n
#> 1469        Mother                                 any    43        qn
#> 1470        Father                                road    43         n
#> 1471        Father                             running    43      part
#> 1472  Target_Child                               sorry    43       adj
#> 1473  Target_Child                                both    43      post
#> 1474  Target_Child                               spoon    43         n
#> 1475  Target_Child                               bread    43         n
#> 1476        Father                                 toy    43         n
#> 1477  Target_Child                                rock    43         n
#> 1478  Target_Child                                stop    43         v
#> 1479        Father                               devil    43         n
#> 1480  Target_Child                                care    43         v
#> 1481  Target_Child                                   m    43     n:let
#> 1482  Target_Child                             chicken    43         n
#> 1483  Target_Child                              listen    43         v
#> 1484  Target_Child                               under    43      prep
#> 1485        Father                               tired    43      part
#> 1486       Brother                                  it    43   pro:per
#> 1487  Target_Child                              killed    43      part
#> 1488        Father                               bunch    43         n
#> 1489        Father                                half    43         n
#> 1490  Target_Child                                knew    43         v
#> 1491        Father                              second    43       adj
#> 1492        Father                             country    43         n
#> 1493  Target_Child                               useta    43       mod
#> 1494        Father                                king    43         n
#> 1495  Target_Child                              bottom    42         n
#> 1496        Father                                 had    42      part
#> 1497  Target_Child                             someone    42 pro:indef
#> 1498        Father                               it'll    42   pro:per
#> 1499  Target_Child                                blue    42       adj
#> 1500  Target_Child                                 men    42         n
#> 1501        Father                                rest    42         n
#> 1502        Father                                walk    42         v
#> 1503        Father                             fingers    42         n
#> 1504        Father                                 boy    42        co
#> 1505        Father                              easier    42       adj
#> 1506        Father                             learned    42         v
#> 1507        Father                                mess    42         n
#> 1508        Father                                Back    42    n:prop
#> 1509  Target_Child                              hungry    42       adj
#> 1510  Target_Child                             garbage    42         n
#> 1511        Father                              finger    42         n
#> 1512        Father                              family    42         n
#> 1513        Father                             teacher    42         n
#> 1514        Father                              before    42      prep
#> 1515        Father                               right    42         n
#> 1516        Father                            presents    42         n
#> 1517        Father                             through    41      prep
#> 1518        Father                              before    41      conj
#> 1519        Father                                legs    41         n
#> 1520        Mother                                 day    41         n
#> 1521  Target_Child                                also    41       adv
#> 1522        Father                             Strikes    41    n:prop
#> 1523        Father                                fell    41         v
#> 1524  Target_Child                                next    41       adv
#> 1525        Father                                feet    41         n
#> 1526        Father                                mkay    41        co
#> 1527  Target_Child                             cookies    41         n
#> 1528        Father                                duck    41         n
#> 1529  Target_Child                               leave    41         v
#> 1530        Father                             looking    41      part
#> 1531        Father                              what'd    41   pro:int
#> 1532        Mother                                 way    41         n
#> 1533        Mother                               where    41   pro:int
#> 1534        Father                            probably    41       adv
#> 1535        Father                               Claus    41    n:prop
#> 1536  Target_Child                                hard    41       adj
#> 1537        Mother                                 who    41   pro:rel
#> 1538        Father                              sounds    41         v
#> 1539        Mother                              saying    41      part
#> 1540  Target_Child                                 Obi    41    n:prop
#> 1541        Father                                when    41   pro:int
#> 1542        Father                               clean    41         v
#> 1543  Target_Child                                hulk    41         n
#> 1544        Mother                                 all    41       adv
#> 1545        Father                                much    40        qn
#> 1546  Target_Child                               snake    40         n
#> 1547        Father                                 dad    40         n
#> 1548  Target_Child                             anybody    40 pro:indef
#> 1549  Target_Child                                 sun    40         n
#> 1550        Father                                 ate    40         v
#> 1551  Target_Child                                pull    40         v
#> 1552        Father                             outside    40       adv
#> 1553        Father                                bath    40         n
#> 1554  Target_Child                              aren't    40       cop
#> 1555        Father                                  am    40       aux
#> 1556  Target_Child                                full    40       adj
#> 1557  Target_Child                                grow    40         v
#> 1558  Target_Child                                 air    40         n
#> 1559        Father                              having    40      part
#> 1560        Mother                                  no    40        qn
#> 1561        Father                               witch    40         n
#> 1562        Father                                fire    40         n
#> 1563  Target_Child                          each_other    40  pro:refl
#> 1564        Father                                 bus    40         n
#> 1565        Father                                star    40         n
#> 1566        Father                               under    40      prep
#> 1567  Target_Child                             trouble    40         n
#> 1568        Mother                                 arm    40         n
#> 1569  Target_Child                           thank_you    40        co
#> 1570  Target_Child                                 bag    40         n
#> 1571  Target_Child                                fish    40         n
#> 1572  Target_Child                               knows    39         v
#> 1573  Target_Child                                plus    39       adv
#> 1574  Target_Child                                bath    39         n
#> 1575        Father                             instead    39       adv
#> 1576  Target_Child                              Denver    39    n:prop
#> 1577  Target_Child                                  as    39       adv
#> 1578        Father                            airplane    39         n
#> 1579        Father                               one's    39       adj
#> 1580        Father                                wash    39         n
#> 1581        Mother                                mean    39       adj
#> 1582        Father                              middle    39         n
#> 1583  Target_Child                                shoe    39         n
#> 1584        Father                              animal    39         n
#> 1585        Father                                   r    39     n:let
#> 1586  Target_Child                                 toy    39         n
#> 1587  Target_Child                               after    39      conj
#> 1588  Target_Child                               ghost    39         n
#> 1589        Father                              pieces    39         n
#> 1590  Target_Child                               fight    39         n
#> 1591  Target_Child                               tried    39         v
#> 1592        Father                                 win    39         v
#> 1593  Target_Child                               who's    39   pro:int
#> 1594        Mother                                I'll    39   pro:sub
#> 1595        Father                               heads    39         n
#> 1596  Target_Child                               Claus    39    n:prop
#> 1597        Father                                 cry    39         v
#> 1598        Father                               lunch    39         n
#> 1599        Father                                sure    39        co
#> 1600        Father                               snake    39         n
#> 1601        Father                              pillow    39         n
#> 1602        Father                                bird    38         n
#> 1603  Target_Child                                 Wan    38    n:prop
#> 1604  Target_Child                               fight    38         v
#> 1605        Father                               times    38         n
#> 1606        Father                               needs    38         v
#> 1607        Father                                cats    38         n
#> 1608  Target_Child                               lunch    38         n
#> 1609        Father                               being    38         n
#> 1610  Target_Child                                  ET    38    n:prop
#> 1611        Father                              minute    38         n
#> 1612  Target_Child                                push    38         v
#> 1613        Mother                               today    38   adv:tem
#> 1614        Father                                 own    38       adj
#> 1615        Father                               bubba    38       fam
#> 1616  Target_Child                               later    38       adv
#> 1617  Target_Child                                 wow    38        co
#> 1618  Target_Child                                suit    38         n
#> 1619  Target_Child                              family    38         n
#> 1620  Target_Child                                walk    38         n
#> 1621  Target_Child                              Falcon    38    n:prop
#> 1622  Target_Child                                 red    38       adj
#> 1623  Target_Child                                mess    38         n
#> 1624  Target_Child                             working    38      part
#> 1625  Target_Child                            brothers    38         n
#> 1626  Target_Child                               horse    38         n
#> 1627        Father                                 red    37       adj
#> 1628        Father                                knew    37         v
#> 1629  Target_Child                               super    37       adj
#> 1630        Father                              taking    37      part
#> 1631  Target_Child                                 ssh    37        co
#> 1632        Mother                               those    37   det:dem
#> 1633        Father                                   o    37     n:let
#> 1634        Father                              Mark's    37       adj
#> 1635  Target_Child                               bunny    37         n
#> 1636  Target_Child                               years    37         n
#> 1637        Father                                beep    37         n
#> 1638        Mother                                name    37         n
#> 1639        Father                                   n    37     n:let
#> 1640  Target_Child                            airplane    37         n
#> 1641        Father                                 box    37         n
#> 1642  Target_Child                                move    37         v
#> 1643        Father                             garbage    37         n
#> 1644        Father                              enough    37       adj
#> 1645        Father                             stories    37         n
#> 1646       Brother                                 you    37   pro:per
#> 1647  Target_Child                               drink    37         n
#> 1648  Target_Child                                dumb    37       adj
#> 1649  Target_Child                               color    37         n
#> 1650        Mother                                 bad    37       adj
#> 1651        Mother                                real    37       adj
#> 1652  Target_Child                                shot    37         v
#> 1653  Target_Child                                king    37         n
#> 1654  Target_Child                          motorcycle    37         n
#> 1655        Father                               count    36         n
#> 1656        Father                                hold    36         n
#> 1657        Father                                sort    36         n
#> 1658  Target_Child                                moon    36         n
#> 1659        Father                                 bye    36        co
#> 1660  Target_Child                               books    36         n
#> 1661        Father                              strong    36       adj
#> 1662  Target_Child                               hurts    36         v
#> 1663        Father                              sister    36         n
#> 1664  Target_Child                                song    36         n
#> 1665        Father                                   s    36     n:let
#> 1666  Target_Child                                 son    36         n
#> 1667  Target_Child                               touch    36         v
#> 1668        Father                                 its    36  det:poss
#> 1669  Target_Child                              thirty    36   det:num
#> 1670        Father                                kick    36         v
#> 1671  Target_Child                            sleeping    36      part
#> 1672        Father                              tigers    36         n
#> 1673  Target_Child                              crying    36      part
#> 1674  Target_Child                              finger    36         n
#> 1675        Father                              mother    36         n
#> 1676        Father                               every    36        qn
#> 1677  Target_Child                                   r    36     n:let
#> 1678  Target_Child                             pumpkin    36         n
#> 1679        Father                              either    36       adv
#> 1680  Target_Child                                dark    36       adj
#> 1681        Father                       Princess_Leia    36    n:prop
#> 1682        Mother                              school    36         n
#> 1683        Father                               games    36         n
#> 1684        Mother                               which    36   pro:rel
#> 1685  Target_Child                                year    35         n
#> 1686  Target_Child                               Robin    35    n:prop
#> 1687  Target_Child                           spaceship    35         n
#> 1688        Father                                back    35       adj
#> 1689  Target_Child                               syrup    35         n
#> 1690        Father                              moving    35      part
#> 1691        Father                           shouldn't    35       mod
#> 1692  Target_Child                                must    35       mod
#> 1693  Target_Child                              snakes    35         n
#> 1694        Father                              twenty    35   det:num
#> 1695        Mother                                give    35         v
#> 1696        Father                              Little    35    n:prop
#> 1697        Mother                                says    35         v
#> 1698  Target_Child                             Pumpkin    35    n:prop
#> 1699        Mother                                look    35         v
#> 1700  Target_Child                              Snoopy    35    n:prop
#> 1701  Target_Child                               stand    35         v
#> 1702        Mother                               won't    35       mod
#> 1703        Mother                                  as    35      prep
#> 1704  Target_Child                             running    35      part
#> 1705        Father                                   b    35     n:let
#> 1706        Father                              cheese    35         n
#> 1707        Father                                true    35         n
#> 1708  Target_Child                              babies    34         n
#> 1709        Father                               silly    34        co
#> 1710  Target_Child                                life    34         n
#> 1711  Target_Child                                 key    34         n
#> 1712        Father                               we've    34   pro:sub
#> 1713        Father                             lots_of    34        qn
#> 1714        Father                                bite    34         n
#> 1715        Father                              number    34         v
#> 1716        Father                                 Obi    34    n:prop
#> 1717        Father                             earlier    34       adj
#> 1718        Father                             weren't    34       cop
#> 1719        Father                               earth    34         n
#> 1720        Mother                               right    34       adv
#> 1721        Mother                                will    34       mod
#> 1722  Target_Child                            fighting    34      part
#> 1723        Father                                able    34       adj
#> 1724        Father                            pictures    34         n
#> 1725  Target_Child                               class    34         n
#> 1726  Target_Child                                dogs    34         n
#> 1727  Target_Child                            everyone    34 pro:indef
#> 1728        Mother                                 cat    34         n
#> 1729  Target_Child                                easy    34       adj
#> 1730        Father                               floor    34         n
#> 1731        Father                                dogs    34         n
#> 1732        Mother                               uhhuh    34        co
#> 1733  Target_Child                              spider    34         n
#> 1734  Target_Child                              return    34         n
#> 1735        Mother                            anything    34 pro:indef
#> 1736        Father                                sure    34       adv
#> 1737  Target_Child                              enough    34       adv
#> 1738  Target_Child                             started    34         v
#> 1739  Target_Child                              pretty    34       adv
#> 1740  Target_Child                                 buy    34         n
#> 1741        Father                              summer    34         n
#> 1742  Target_Child                               sorry    34        co
#> 1743        Father                                joke    34         n
#> 1744  Unidentified                                 you    34   pro:per
#> 1745        Father                                 can    34         n
#> 1746        Father                                 men    33         n
#> 1747        Father                              street    33         n
#> 1748        Father                                 red    33         n
#> 1749  Target_Child                              powers    33         n
#> 1750  Target_Child                              Popeye    33    n:prop
#> 1751        Mother                                 who    33   pro:int
#> 1752        Father                            swimming    33      part
#> 1753  Target_Child                             pee_pee    33         n
#> 1754  Target_Child                                back    33       adj
#> 1755  Target_Child                              banana    33         n
#> 1756  Target_Child                                open    33       adj
#> 1757        Father                                drop    33         v
#> 1758  Target_Child                              aren't    33       aux
#> 1759        Father                               drink    33         v
#> 1760  Target_Child                           shouldn't    33       mod
#> 1761        Father                                made    33      part
#> 1762  Target_Child                                soon    33       adv
#> 1763  Target_Child                               white    33       adj
#> 1764  Target_Child                              middle    33         n
#> 1765        Father                                home    33         n
#> 1766        Father                               ghost    33         n
#> 1767        Father                                 leg    33         n
#> 1768  Target_Child                                lost    33      part
#> 1769  Target_Child                                 cry    33         v
#> 1770  Target_Child                         C_three_P_O    33    n:prop
#> 1771  Target_Child                                 die    33         n
#> 1772        Father                                 gun    33         n
#> 1773        Father                                only    33        qn
#> 1774        Father                               Vader    33    n:prop
#> 1775  Target_Child                                eats    33         v
#> 1776        Father                                 Wan    33    n:prop
#> 1777        Father                                 I'd    33   pro:sub
#> 1778        Father                                 wet    33       adj
#> 1779        Father                               heard    33         v
#> 1780  Target_Child                               heard    33         v
#> 1781        Mother                                 all    33        qn
#> 1782        Father                                show    33         n
#> 1783        Father                               tough    33       adj
#> 1784        Father                                sexy    33       adj
#> 1785  Target_Child                            happened    33         v
#> 1786        Father                        peanutbutter    33         n
#> 1787        Father                               trees    33         n
#> 1788  Target_Child                                Yoda    33    n:prop
#> 1789  Target_Child                                upon    33      prep
#> 1790  Target_Child                                 fur    33         n
#> 1791        Father                           Chewbacca    33    n:prop
#> 1792  Target_Child                              bought    32         v
#> 1793  Target_Child                                  by    32       adv
#> 1794        Mother                                idea    32         n
#> 1795        Mother                                were    32       aux
#> 1796        Father                                most    32        qn
#> 1797        Mother                                 hey    32        co
#> 1798  Target_Child                              cheese    32         n
#> 1799        Father                              bought    32         v
#> 1800  Target_Child                              circle    32         n
#> 1801        Father                              circus    32         n
#> 1802        Mother                             they're    32   pro:sub
#> 1803  Target_Child                            underoos    32      n:pt
#> 1804        Father                                snow    32         n
#> 1805        Father                               juice    32         n
#> 1806  Target_Child                                kiss    32         n
#> 1807  Target_Child                            Princess    32    n:prop
#> 1808  Target_Child                             aspirin    32         n
#> 1809  Target_Child                                foot    32         n
#> 1810        Father                           backwards    32       adv
#> 1811        Mother                               stuff    32         n
#> 1812        Father                             pumpkin    32         n
#> 1813        Father                                kiss    32         v
#> 1814  Target_Child                                been    32       aux
#> 1815  Target_Child                                   o    32     n:let
#> 1816        Mother                            remember    32         v
#> 1817        Father                               tapes    32         n
#> 1818  Target_Child                              He_Man    32    n:prop
#> 1819  Target_Child                              ground    32         n
#> 1820  Target_Child                              before    32       adv
#> 1821  Target_Child                               twerp    32         n
#> 1822        Father                             Daddy's    32       adj
#> 1823        Mother                                went    32         v
#> 1824  Target_Child                               ribit    32        on
#> 1825  Target_Child                               named    32         v
#> 1826  Target_Child                                guns    32         n
#> 1827  Target_Child                           yesterday    32   adv:tem
#> 1828  Target_Child                              movies    32         n
#> 1829        Mother                                nice    32       adj
#> 1830  Target_Child                                hope    32         v
#> 1831  Target_Child                             instead    32       adv
#> 1832  Target_Child                               David    32    n:prop
#> 1833        Mother                                 are    32       aux
#> 1834        Mother                               maybe    32       adv
#> 1835        Father                               bread    32         n
#> 1836        Mother                                made    32         v
#> 1837  Target_Child                             Michael    32    n:prop
#> 1838        Father                               toast    32         n
#> 1839        Mother                               let's    32         v
#> 1840  Target_Child                               umhum    31        co
#> 1841  Target_Child                               cross    31         n
#> 1842        Mother                               first    31       adv
#> 1843  Target_Child                               threw    31         v
#> 1844        Father                              movies    31         n
#> 1845        Mother                                boys    31         n
#> 1846        Father                             letters    31         n
#> 1847        Father                              letter    31         n
#> 1848  Target_Child                               clean    31         v
#> 1849        Mother                            happened    31         v
#> 1850        Father                                 hat    31         n
#> 1851        Father                         Darth_Vader    31    n:prop
#> 1852  Target_Child                              looked    31         v
#> 1853  Target_Child                              Empire    31    n:prop
#> 1854  Target_Child                                cats    31         n
#> 1855        Father                                cake    31         n
#> 1856  Target_Child                               stick    31         n
#> 1857        Father                                 die    31         v
#> 1858        Father                                 war    31         n
#> 1859        Mother                                more    31        qn
#> 1860        Father                                full    31       adj
#> 1861        Father                               front    31         n
#> 1862  Target_Child                              cowboy    31         n
#> 1863        Father                               candy    31         n
#> 1864  Target_Child                                fast    31         n
#> 1865  Target_Child                               music    31         n
#> 1866  Target_Child                               names    31         n
#> 1867  Target_Child                                none    31 pro:indef
#> 1868  Target_Child                             numbers    31         n
#> 1869  Target_Child                                 win    31         v
#> 1870        Mother                               story    31         n
#> 1871        Father                           darabolja    31      NULL
#> 1872  Target_Child                                  as    31      conj
#> 1873        Father                                eyes    31         n
#> 1874        Father                              really    31       adv
#> 1875  Target_Child                                rest    31         n
#> 1876        Father                             alright    31        co
#> 1877        Father                                life    31         n
#> 1878        Father                                grow    30         v
#> 1879        Father                               small    30       adj
#> 1880        Father                               super    30       adj
#> 1881  Target_Child                                 I'd    30   pro:sub
#> 1882  Target_Child                             lots_of    30        qn
#> 1883  Target_Child                                warm    30       adj
#> 1884        Father                                bell    30         n
#> 1885        Father                              horses    30         n
#> 1886        Father                                fish    30         n
#> 1887  Target_Child                                   k    30     n:let
#> 1888        Father                                lost    30         v
#> 1889  Target_Child                               crazy    30       adj
#> 1890        Father                               towel    30         n
#> 1891  Target_Child                               giant    30         n
#> 1892  Target_Child                                bang    30         n
#> 1893  Target_Child                             bandaid    30         n
#> 1894  Target_Child                               asked    30         v
#> 1895        Father                               grass    30         n
#> 1896        Father                               fight    30         n
#> 1897        Father                                Joey    30    n:prop
#> 1898        Father                              babies    30         n
#> 1899  Target_Child                              mother    30         n
#> 1900        Father                              doctor    30         n
#> 1901        Father                                both    30      post
#> 1902  Target_Child                            upstairs    30       adv
#> 1903        Father                            Cheerios    30    n:prop
#> 1904  Target_Child                                dark    30         n
#> 1905        Mother                                away    30       adv
#> 1906        Father                                 sun    30         n
#> 1907        Father                             himself    30  pro:refl
#> 1908        Father                              Denver    30    n:prop
#> 1909        Father                                fast    30       adv
#> 1910  Target_Child                               carry    30         v
#> 1911        Father                               check    30         v
#> 1912  Target_Child                                even    30       adj
#> 1913        Father                                mine    30  pro:poss
#> 1914  Target_Child                             alright    30        co
#> 1915  Target_Child                                 agh    30        co
#> 1916        Mother                               three    30   det:num
#> 1917  Target_Child                             Mommy's    30       adj
#> 1918  Target_Child                               catch    30         v
#> 1919  Target_Child                                 pig    30         n
#> 1920  Target_Child                                cold    30         n
#> 1921        Father                             dressed    30      part
#> 1922  Target_Child                              pieces    30         n
#> 1923  Target_Child                             weren't    30       cop
#> 1924  Target_Child                                 pie    30         n
#> 1925        Father                                song    29         n
#> 1926        Mother                                make    29         v
#> 1927  Target_Child                               Woman    29    n:prop
#> 1928       Brother                                yeah    29        co
#> 1929  Target_Child                              thinks    29         v
#> 1930        Father                                 set    29         v
#> 1931  Target_Child                                blow    29         v
#> 1932        Father                             numbers    29         n
#> 1933  Target_Child                            whatever    29   pro:int
#> 1934        Father                                coat    29         n
#> 1935        Father                               horse    29         n
#> 1936        Father                             Banthas    29    n:prop
#> 1937  Target_Child                                died    29         v
#> 1938  Target_Child                              number    29         v
#> 1939  Target_Child                              monkey    29         n
#> 1940        Father                               Shana    29    n:prop
#> 1941  Target_Child                                 cut    29         n
#> 1942  Target_Child                               black    29       adj
#> 1943        Mother                              around    29       adv
#> 1944  Target_Child                              except    29      conj
#> 1945  Target_Child                                fast    29       adv
#> 1946  Target_Child                             learned    29         v
#> 1947        Father                           important    29       adj
#> 1948        Father                             between    29      prep
#> 1949  Target_Child                              father    29         n
#> 1950  Target_Child                                 fly    29         n
#> 1951  Target_Child                                hmhm    29        co
#> 1952        Father                              button    29         n
#> 1953        Father                              window    29         n
#> 1954  Target_Child                               clean    29       adj
#> 1955  Target_Child                                Erin    29    n:prop
#> 1956        Mother                                told    29         v
#> 1957  Target_Child                               check    29         v
#> 1958  Target_Child                                bike    29         n
#> 1959        Father                            fighting    29      part
#> 1960  Target_Child                                 nah    29        co
#> 1961        Mother                                 off    29       adv
#> 1962        Father                               syrup    29         n
#> 1963  Target_Child                               magic    29       adj
#> 1964  Target_Child                                most    29        qn
#> 1965        Father                                ears    29         n
#> 1966        Father                              lovely    29       adj
#> 1967  Target_Child                          understand    29         v
#> 1968  Target_Child                             dancing    29      part
#> 1969  Target_Child                        peanutbutter    29         n
#> 1970  Target_Child                               count    29         n
#> 1971  Target_Child                                shot    29         n
#> 1972        Father                                high    29       adj
#> 1973  Target_Child                               motor    29         n
#> 1974  Target_Child                            finished    29         v
#> 1975        Father                                yell    28         v
#> 1976        Father                                 son    28         n
#> 1977        Father                               lungs    28         n
#> 1978        Father                               until    28      prep
#> 1979  Target_Child                              walked    28         v
#> 1980  Target_Child                                meat    28         n
#> 1981        Father                          California    28    n:prop
#> 1982        Father                             so_that    28      conj
#> 1983        Father                                 gum    28         n
#> 1984  Target_Child                                duck    28         n
#> 1985        Father                           thank_you    28         n
#> 1986  Target_Child                             Mondale    28    n:prop
#> 1987  Target_Child                               train    28         n
#> 1988        Mother                                does    28         v
#> 1989        Father                               speak    28         v
#> 1990  Target_Child                               close    28         v
#> 1991        Father                               ideas    28         n
#> 1992  Target_Child                               while    28      conj
#> 1993  Target_Child                                kick    28         v
#> 1994        Father                             Mommy's    28       adj
#> 1995  Target_Child                                wxyz    28     n:let
#> 1996        Father                                 may    28       mod
#> 1997  Target_Child                                belt    28         n
#> 1998        Father                                 arm    28         n
#> 1999  Target_Child                             believe    28         v
#> 2000  Target_Child                              before    28      prep
#> 2001        Mother                              please    28        co
#> 2002  Target_Child                                neck    28         n
#> 2003  Target_Child                                need    28         n
#> 2004  Target_Child                               needs    28         v
#> 2005        Father                               kinds    28         n
#> 2006  Target_Child                              finish    28         v
#> 2007        Father                               boy's    28       adj
#> 2008  Target_Child                             present    28         n
#> 2009        Father                                face    28         n
#> 2010        Father                                shoe    28         n
#> 2011        Father                                Yoda    28    n:prop
#> 2012  Target_Child                               third    28         n
#> 2013  Target_Child                              second    28       adj
#> 2014        Father                               brain    28         n
#> 2015  Target_Child                               grass    28         n
#> 2016        Mother                               where    28   pro:rel
#> 2017        Father                               after    28   adv:tem
#> 2018        Father                                easy    28       adj
#> 2019        Father                             started    28         v
#> 2020  Target_Child                        Artoo_Deetoo    28    n:prop
#> 2021  Target_Child                       Princess_Leia    28    n:prop
#> 2022  Target_Child                             weapons    28         n
#> 2023        Father                               Jawas    28    n:prop
#> 2024        Father                         C_three_P_O    28    n:prop
#> 2025        Father                                 lie    28         n
#> 2026  Target_Child                              toilet    28         n
#> 2027        Father                                trip    28         n
#> 2028        Mother                                ever    28       adv
#> 2029        Father                             anybody    28 pro:indef
#> 2030        Father                              number    28         n
#> 2031  Target_Child                                true    28       adj
#> 2032        Father                             alright    28       adj
#> 2033        Father                        Artoo_Deetoo    28    n:prop
#> 2034        Mother                               isn't    28       cop
#> 2035  Target_Child                              ghosts    28         n
#> 2036  Target_Child                             looking    28      part
#> 2037  Target_Child                              taking    28      part
#> 2038  Target_Child                                line    28         n
#> 2039  Target_Child                             glasses    28         n
#> 2040  Target_Child                               silly    27        co
#> 2041        Father                         Albuquerque    27    n:prop
#> 2042        Father                              forest    27         n
#> 2043  Target_Child                               knife    27         n
#> 2044  Target_Child                                cold    27       adj
#> 2045  Target_Child                              behind    27      prep
#> 2046        Father                               cells    27         n
#> 2047  Target_Child                            drinking    27      part
#> 2048        Father                           excellent    27       adj
#> 2049        Father                                dark    27       adj
#> 2050        Father                                   i    27     n:let
#> 2051  Target_Child                            terrible    27       adj
#> 2052        Father                                left    27         v
#> 2053  Target_Child                               towel    27         n
#> 2054        Mother                                have    27       aux
#> 2055        Mother                              trying    27      part
#> 2056        Father                              cereal    27         n
#> 2057  Target_Child                                blah    27        co
#> 2058  Target_Child                               Gabor    27    n:prop
#> 2059  Target_Child                               likes    27         v
#> 2060  Target_Child                               write    27         v
#> 2061        Mother                                 has    27       aux
#> 2062  Target_Child                              blocks    27         n
#> 2063        Father                               write    27         v
#> 2064  Target_Child                                blue    27         n
#> 2065  Target_Child                                team    27         n
#> 2066        Father                                hate    27         v
#> 2067  Target_Child                               climb    27         v
#> 2068        Father                               after    27      conj
#> 2069  Target_Child                            sandwich    27         n
#> 2070        Father                              Falcon    27    n:prop
#> 2071        Father                               class    27         n
#> 2072  Target_Child                             happily    27       adv
#> 2073  Target_Child                                kiss    27         v
#> 2074        Father                                 mud    27         n
#> 2075        Father                              thinks    27         v
#> 2076  Target_Child                             telling    27      part
#> 2077  Target_Child                              having    27      part
#> 2078  Target_Child                                 war    27         n
#> 2079        Father                               older    27       adj
#> 2080  Target_Child                            longboat    27         n
#> 2081        Father                               bones    27         n
#> 2082        Father                                eggs    27         n
#> 2083  Target_Child                           christmas    27         n
#> 2084        Father                            brothers    27         n
#> 2085        Mother                                 saw    27         v
#> 2086  Target_Child                               shark    27         n
#> 2087  Target_Child                               shelf    27         n
#> 2088  Target_Child                               heavy    27       adj
#> 2089        Father                               while    27      conj
#> 2090  Target_Child                            stronger    26       adj
#> 2091        Father                           yesterday    26   adv:tem
#> 2092        Father                                wood    26         n
#> 2093        Father                                warm    26       adj
#> 2094        Father                                wall    26         n
#> 2095        Father                              Indian    26    n:prop
#> 2096  Target_Child                                uhoh    26        co
#> 2097  Target_Child                               trees    26         n
#> 2098  Target_Child                              tongue    26         n
#> 2099        Father                                once    26       adv
#> 2100  Target_Child                               stuck    26      part
#> 2101  Target_Child                              stairs    26         n
#> 2102  Target_Child                              sister    26         n
#> 2103        Father                                push    26         v
#> 2104        Father                             putting    26      part
#> 2105  Target_Child                               robot    26         n
#> 2106  Target_Child                            remember    26        co
#> 2107  Target_Child                              reason    26         n
#> 2108  Target_Child                             putting    26      part
#> 2109        Father                                arms    26         n
#> 2110  Target_Child                               named    26      part
#> 2111        Father                               black    26         n
#> 2112        Father                                bone    26         n
#> 2113  Target_Child                                live    26       adj
#> 2114  Target_Child                                lion    26         n
#> 2115        Father                              scared    26      part
#> 2116  Target_Child                                 leg    26         n
#> 2117        Father                               Brian    26    n:prop
#> 2118        Father                               shoot    26         n
#> 2119  Target_Child                                 fun    26         n
#> 2120        Father                               clean    26       adj
#> 2121        Father                               climb    26         v
#> 2122  Target_Child                               fifty    26   det:num
#> 2123  Target_Child                              farmer    26         n
#> 2124        Father                                list    26         n
#> 2125        Father                              cookie    26         n
#> 2126  Target_Child                               devil    26         n
#> 2127        Father                                need    26         n
#> 2128  Target_Child                                yell    26         v
#> 2129        Father                              crying    26      part
#> 2130        Father                                lick    26         v
#> 2131        Father                           dangerous    26       adj
#> 2132        Father                                 die    26         n
#> 2133  Target_Child                               bunch    26         n
#> 2134        Father                               spank    26         v
#> 2135  Target_Child                                bite    26         v
#> 2136  Target_Child                               bears    26         n
#> 2137        Father                                eats    26         v
#> 2138  Target_Child                               along    26       adv
#> 2139  Target_Child                            accident    26         n
#> 2140  Target_Child                            werewolf    26         n
#> 2141        Father                                such    26        qn
#> 2142        Father                               sugar    26         n
#> 2143        Mother                               water    26         n
#> 2144        Mother                                than    26      prep
#> 2145        Father                                fine    26       adj
#> 2146        Mother                                sure    26       adj
#> 2147        Mother                             robbers    26         n
#> 2148        Father                              forget    26         v
#> 2149        Mother                                more    26       adv
#> 2150        Father                              ghosts    26         n
#> 2151        Mother                                guys    26         n
#> 2152        Father                               pants    26         v
#> 2153        Mother                                  by    26      prep
#> 2154        Mother                                 boy    26         n
#> 2155        Father                             haven't    26       aux
#> 2156        Mother                                been    26       aux
#> 2157        Mother                                  be    26       aux
#> 2158        Father                             trooper    26         n
#> 2159        Father                             brought    25         v
#> 2160        Mother                               mouth    25         n
#> 2161  Target_Child                        taperecorder    25         n
#> 2162        Father                              Kenobi    25    n:prop
#> 2163        Father                              missed    25         v
#> 2164  Target_Child                               Linus    25    n:prop
#> 2165  Target_Child                                born    25       adj
#> 2166  Target_Child                                pole    25         n
#> 2167        Father                            troopers    25         n
#> 2168        Father                               young    25       adj
#> 2169  Target_Child                                save    25         v
#> 2170  Target_Child                                   e    25     n:let
#> 2171  Target_Child                                 sad    25       adj
#> 2172        Father                             regular    25       adj
#> 2173        Father                                  ah    25        co
#> 2174        Father                              turtle    25         n
#> 2175  Target_Child                               sound    25         n
#> 2176        Father                               how's    25   pro:int
#> 2177        Father                             reading    25      part
#> 2178        Mother                                well    25       adv
#> 2179        Father                            building    25         n
#> 2180        Father                               Ewoks    25    n:prop
#> 2181        Father                               close    25       adj
#> 2182       Brother                                  no    25        co
#> 2183        Father                              anyone    25 pro:indef
#> 2184        Father                              anyway    25        co
#> 2185  Target_Child                                 boy    25        co
#> 2186        Father                                hole    25         n
#> 2187        Father                               worry    25         v
#> 2188  Target_Child                                Coke    25    n:prop
#> 2189        Father                                oops    25        co
#> 2190        Father                                mess    25         v
#> 2191        Mother                               house    25         n
#> 2192  Target_Child                                tail    25         n
#> 2193  Target_Child                               Mouse    25    n:prop
#> 2194        Mother                               guess    25         v
#> 2195  Target_Child                                cape    25         n
#> 2196        Father                            sleeping    25      part
#> 2197        Father                                last    25       adv
#> 2198        Father                                  by    25       adv
#> 2199  Target_Child                              inside    25       adv
#> 2200        Father                                lion    25         n
#> 2201  Target_Child                              cereal    25         n
#> 2202        Father                             Grandpa    25    n:prop
#> 2203  Target_Child                               brush    25         v
#> 2204        Mother                                 how    25   pro:rel
#> 2205        Mother                              out_of    25      prep
#> 2206        Father                              killed    25      part
#> 2207  Target_Child                                shut    25         v
#> 2208  Target_Child                                show    25         n
#> 2209  Target_Child                               Ernie    25    n:prop
#> 2210  Target_Child                               jelly    25         n
#> 2211  Target_Child                                wall    25         n
#> 2212        Mother                               again    25       adv
#> 2213        Father                          each_other    25  pro:refl
#> 2214        Mother                             another    25        qn
#> 2215  Target_Child                                drop    25         v
#> 2216  Target_Child                               short    25       adj
#> 2217  Unidentified                                  oh    25        co
#> 2218        Father                               short    25       adj
#> 2219        Father                                King    25    n:prop
#> 2220  Target_Child                               tails    25         n
#> 2221        Father                               train    25         n
#> 2222        Mother                           preschool    25         n
#> 2223        Father                               sorry    25        co
#> 2224        Father                               cream    25         n
#> 2225        Father                              blocks    24         n
#> 2226  Target_Child                                care    24         n
#> 2227  Target_Child                                 fun    24       adj
#> 2228        Father                                sing    24         v
#> 2229        Mother                                 let    24         v
#> 2230       Brother                                 the    24   det:art
#> 2231  Target_Child                             dropped    24         v
#> 2232        Father                                line    24         n
#> 2233        Father                            hospital    24         n
#> 2234        Father                                late    24       adv
#> 2235        Father                             bandaid    24         n
#> 2236  Target_Child                               older    24       adj
#> 2237        Father                             dropped    24         v
#> 2238  Target_Child                                onto    24      prep
#> 2239  Target_Child                              opened    24         v
#> 2240  Target_Child                     Cee_Three_Pee_O    24    n:prop
#> 2241  Target_Child                               bleep    24        on
#> 2242        Father                               cause    24         v
#> 2243        Father                               rough    24       adj
#> 2244        Father                                   e    24     n:let
#> 2245  Target_Child                            Cheerios    24    n:prop
#> 2246  Target_Child                                arms    24         n
#> 2247  Target_Child                               whole    24         n
#> 2248  Target_Child                             haven't    24       aux
#> 2249        Father                              turned    24         v
#> 2250  Target_Child                               Great    24    n:prop
#> 2251  Target_Child                               close    24       adj
#> 2252        Father                              wicked    24       adj
#> 2253        Father                               clock    24         n
#> 2254        Father                                live    24       adj
#> 2255        Father                               close    24         v
#> 2256        Father                                type    24         n
#> 2257        Father                                hulk    24         n
#> 2258  Target_Child                              pushed    24         v
#> 2259        Father                             explain    24         v
#> 2260        Father                                hero    24         n
#> 2261  Target_Child                                rain    24         n
#> 2262  Target_Child                              course    24         n
#> 2263        Mother                                  us    24   pro:obj
#> 2264        Mother                                uhuh    24        co
#> 2265  Target_Child                                ride    24         n
#> 2266        Father                               break    24         n
#> 2267  Target_Child                               rough    24       adj
#> 2268  Target_Child                                knee    24         n
#> 2269  Target_Child                            mountain    24         n
#> 2270  Target_Child                               black    24         n
#> 2271        Father                                miss    24         v
#> 2272        Father                                cold    24         n
#> 2273        Father                                 pay    24         v
#> 2274  Target_Child                              second    24         n
#> 2275        Father                               color    24         n
#> 2276  Target_Child                                hold    24         n
#> 2277  Target_Child                                Mary    24    n:prop
#> 2278  Target_Child                               tired    24      part
#> 2279        Mother                               right    24       adj
#> 2280  Target_Child                               front    24         n
#> 2281        Father                             chicken    24         n
#> 2282  Target_Child                                 sky    24         n
#> 2283  Target_Child                               small    24       adj
#> 2284  Target_Child                              houses    24         n
#> 2285  Target_Child                               yucky    24       adj
#> 2286  Target_Child                           spaghetti    24         n
#> 2287        Father                                bump    24         n
#> 2288        Mother                                milk    24         n
#> 2289        Father                              basket    24         n
#> 2290        Father                                   m    23     n:let
#> 2291        Father                               whole    23         n
#> 2292  Target_Child                             trooper    23         n
#> 2293        Father                             dancing    23      part
#> 2294        Father                                 Mrs    23    n:prop
#> 2295  Target_Child                                 ago    23      post
#> 2296  Target_Child                              places    23         n
#> 2297        Father                              drawer    23         n
#> 2298        Father                              looked    23         v
#> 2299         Adult                                   I    23   pro:sub
#> 2300        Father                                week    23         n
#> 2301        Father                             sitting    23      part
#> 2302  Target_Child                                made    23      part
#> 2303        Father                               snack    23         n
#> 2304        Father                                 ice    23         n
#> 2305  Target_Child                                fast    23       adj
#> 2306        Father                                nope    23        co
#> 2307  Target_Child                                 ice    23         n
#> 2308        Father                              Donald    23    n:prop
#> 2309        Father                             missing    23      part
#> 2310  Target_Child                              desert    23         n
#> 2311  Target_Child                                   i    23     n:let
#> 2312  Target_Child                               it'll    23   pro:per
#> 2313  Target_Child                              Wonder    23    n:prop
#> 2314        Father                               hurts    23         v
#> 2315        Father                            you_know    23        co
#> 2316  Target_Child                              tigers    23         n
#> 2317  Target_Child                                Lone    23    n:prop
#> 2318        Father                               cheat    23         v
#> 2319        Father                                save    23         v
#> 2320  Target_Child                                part    23       adj
#> 2321  Target_Child                               until    23      conj
#> 2322  Target_Child                                lose    23         v
#> 2323  Target_Child                              killed    23         v
#> 2324        Father                                 sad    23       adj
#> 2325  Target_Child                              drawer    23         n
#> 2326  Target_Child                                coke    23         n
#> 2327        Father                             exactly    23       adv
#> 2328        Father                              helped    23         v
#> 2329        Father                               noise    23         n
#> 2330        Father                                 set    23      part
#> 2331        Father                                 use    23         n
#> 2332        Father                               brush    23         v
#> 2333        Father                               Chris    23    n:prop
#> 2334  Target_Child                             balloon    23         n
#> 2335        Father                               scare    23         v
#> 2336  Target_Child                             problem    23         n
#> 2337        Father                                uhoh    23        co
#> 2338  Target_Child                               under    23       adv
#> 2339        Mother                               we're    23   pro:sub
#> 2340  Target_Child                             driving    23      part
#> 2341  Target_Child                               bubba    23       fam
#> 2342        Father                                hope    23         n
#> 2343       Brother                                   I    23   pro:sub
#> 2344  Target_Child                              letter    23         n
#> 2345        Mother                                  up    23      prep
#> 2346        Father                            cheating    23      part
#> 2347  Target_Child                              minute    23         n
#> 2348        Father                                 Han    23    n:prop
#> 2349  Target_Child                                yuck    23        co
#> 2350        Father                               quiet    23       adj
#> 2351        Mother                             thought    23         v
#> 2352  Target_Child                               fixed    23         v
#> 2353        Father                             Feetman    23    n:prop
#> 2354  Target_Child                               gives    23         v
#> 2355        Father                                case    23         n
#> 2356        Mother                               grass    23         n
#> 2357  Target_Child                             machine    23         n
#> 2358  Target_Child                                 bat    23         n
#> 2359        Father                                lose    23         v
#> 2360        Father                                each    22        qn
#> 2361        Father                             diapers    22         n
#> 2362  Target_Child                               mouse    22         n
#> 2363  Target_Child                         motorcycles    22         n
#> 2364  Target_Child                            medicine    22         n
#> 2365        Father                                 zoo    22         n
#> 2366  Target_Child                                bowl    22         n
#> 2367  Target_Child                               brain    22         n
#> 2368  Target_Child                               brush    22         n
#> 2369  Target_Child                                fork    22         n
#> 2370        Mother                                 all    22 pro:indef
#> 2371        Father                             welcome    22       adj
#> 2372  Target_Child                               heads    22         n
#> 2373  Target_Child                               truck    22         n
#> 2374  Target_Child                            troopers    22         n
#> 2375        Father                              chance    22         n
#> 2376  Target_Child                                 gas    22         n
#> 2377        Mother                            couldn't    22       mod
#> 2378        Mother                               doing    22      part
#> 2379  Target_Child                                 toe    22         n
#> 2380  Target_Child                             holding    22      part
#> 2381        Father                              thirty    22   det:num
#> 2382  Target_Child                                ewok    22         n
#> 2383  Target_Child                           thank_you    22         n
#> 2384  Target_Child                              thanks    22        co
#> 2385        Mother                               heard    22         v
#> 2386        Father                           computers    22         n
#> 2387        Father                               trick    22         n
#> 2388  Target_Child                                ears    22         n
#> 2389  Target_Child                                 dry    22       adj
#> 2390        Father                                wont    22         n
#> 2391  Target_Child                              wanted    22      part
#> 2392        Father                               point    22         n
#> 2393        Mother                                 man    22         n
#> 2394        Father                               means    22      n:pt
#> 2395  Target_Child                               Jawas    22    n:prop
#> 2396  Target_Child                                sock    22         n
#> 2397        Mother                                okay    22       adj
#> 2398  Target_Child                               smart    22       adj
#> 2399        Mother                                over    22       adv
#> 2400        Mother                                part    22         n
#> 2401  Target_Child                               dirty    22         v
#> 2402        Father                              matter    22         v
#> 2403        Father                                hour    22         n
#> 2404        Father                                 fit    22         v
#> 2405  Target_Child                               guess    22         n
#> 2406        Father                               fight    22         v
#> 2407  Target_Child                               rocks    22         n
#> 2408        Father                               broke    22         v
#> 2409        Father                                 fat    22         n
#> 2410  Target_Child                               cream    22         n
#> 2411  Target_Child                              Ranger    22    n:prop
#> 2412  Target_Child                               Count    22    n:prop
#> 2413  Target_Child                                last    22       adv
#> 2414  Target_Child                               queen    22         n
#> 2415        Father                             jackets    22         n
#> 2416        Father                              stupid    22       adj
#> 2417        Mother                                word    22         n
#> 2418  Target_Child                               power    22         n
#> 2419  Target_Child                          lightsaber    22         n
#> 2420        Father                                Eric    22    n:prop
#> 2421  Target_Child                               lives    22         n
#> 2422  Target_Child                              planet    22         n
#> 2423  Target_Child                               liked    22         v
#> 2424  Target_Child                                pigs    22         n
#> 2425  Target_Child                                 gee    22        co
#> 2426  Target_Child                              picked    22         v
#> 2427        Father                                ride    22         n
#> 2428        Father                           beautiful    22       adj
#> 2429  Target_Child                             grandpa    22         n
#> 2430  Target_Child                           backwards    22       adv
#> 2431  Target_Child                            bathroom    22         n
#> 2432        Father                                 ssh    22        co
#> 2433  Target_Child                               Celia    22    n:prop
#> 2434       Brother                                   a    22   det:art
#> 2435  Target_Child                              number    22         n
#> 2436  Target_Child                               being    22      part
#> 2437  Target_Child                            superman    22         n
#> 2438  Target_Child                                 bet    22         v
#> 2439        Father                               sense    21         n
#> 2440        Mother                                same    21       adj
#> 2441  Target_Child                            computer    21         n
#> 2442  Target_Child                                race    21         n
#> 2443  Target_Child                               share    21         v
#> 2444  Target_Child                              afraid    21       adj
#> 2445        Father                               stand    21         v
#> 2446        Father                             program    21         n
#> 2447  Target_Child                                size    21         n
#> 2448        Father                             promise    21         n
#> 2449        Mother                                 bed    21         n
#> 2450        Mother                              should    21       mod
#> 2451  Target_Child                            standing    21      part
#> 2452  Target_Child                                uppy    21       chi
#> 2453        Father                                cows    21         n
#> 2454        Father                                   a    21        L2
#> 2455  Target_Child                               forty    21   det:num
#> 2456  Target_Child                               puppy    21         n
#> 2457  Target_Child                              caught    21         v
#> 2458        Father                               white    21       adj
#> 2459        Father                                open    21       adj
#> 2460        Father                              inside    21      prep
#> 2461        Father                            cartoons    21         n
#> 2462        Father                                draw    21         v
#> 2463        Mother                                 our    21  det:poss
#> 2464  Target_Child                            thousand    21   det:num
#> 2465        Mother                               never    21       adv
#> 2466  Target_Child                               quiet    21       adj
#> 2467  Target_Child                             kitchen    21         n
#> 2468        Father                             stomach    21         n
#> 2469  Target_Child                                we'd    21   pro:sub
#> 2470  Target_Child                                 tea    21         n
#> 2471        Father                           Spiderman    21    n:prop
#> 2472        Father                              inside    21       adv
#> 2473        Mother                                came    21         v
#> 2474        Father                             minutes    21         n
#> 2475  Target_Child                            watching    21      part
#> 2476  Target_Child                                past    21       adj
#> 2477       Brother                                 and    21     coord
#> 2478        Father                                skin    21         n
#> 2479        Father                              unless    21      conj
#> 2480  Target_Child                               fixed    21      part
#> 2481  Target_Child                             pretend    21         v
#> 2482        Mother                                talk    21         v
#> 2483  Target_Child                             welcome    21       adj
#> 2484  Target_Child                             through    21       adj
#> 2485        Father                              butter    21         n
#> 2486        Father                            Tauntaun    21    n:prop
#> 2487  Target_Child                              tunnel    21         n
#> 2488        Mother                              that's    21   pro:rel
#> 2489        Mother                               their    21  det:poss
#> 2490  Target_Child                             haunted    21      part
#> 2491        Father                              wonder    21         v
#> 2492        Father                                boat    21         n
#> 2493        Mother                                like    21        co
#> 2494        Father                                 ago    21      post
#> 2495        Father                                 eye    21         n
#> 2496        Mother                              wanted    21         v
#> 2497  Target_Child                              horses    21         n
#> 2498        Father                                fact    21         n
#> 2499  Target_Child                             stomach    21         n
#> 2500  Target_Child                                woke    21         v
#> 2501  Target_Child                                kind    21       adj
#> 2502  Target_Child                             robbers    21         n
#> 2503  Target_Child                               right    21         n
#> 2504        Father                               knees    21         n
#> 2505        Father                              coffee    21         n
#> 2506  Target_Child                               white    21         n
#> 2507        Father                               lived    21         v
#> 2508  Target_Child                             brought    21         v
#> 2509        Mother                                 has    21         v
#> 2510        Mother                              better    21       adj
#> 2511  Target_Child                              bubble    21         n
#> 2512        Father                              museum    21         n
#> 2513        Mother                             morning    21         n
#> 2514        Mother                                room    21         n
#> 2515  Target_Child                              grapes    20         n
#> 2516        Mother                                turn    20         v
#> 2517        Mother                                toys    20         n
#> 2518  Target_Child                              hiding    20      part
#> 2519  Target_Child                                 yay    20        co
#> 2520  Target_Child                             stopped    20         v
#> 2521        Mother                             brother    20         n
#> 2522  Target_Child                                neat    20       adj
#> 2523        Mother                                  mm    20        co
#> 2524  Target_Child                               plate    20         n
#> 2525  Target_Child                                 ugh    20        co
#> 2526        Father                              belong    20         v
#> 2527  Target_Child                          MacWhinney    20    n:prop
#> 2528  Target_Child                                 nem    20      NULL
#> 2529  Target_Child                              lights    20         n
#> 2530  Target_Child                              pocket    20         n
#> 2531  Target_Child                                 mud    20         n
#> 2532        Father                               whose    20   pro:rel
#> 2533  Target_Child                               who's    20   pro:rel
#> 2534        Father                              church    20         n
#> 2535        Father                             Charlie    20    n:prop
#> 2536  Target_Child                            elephant    20         n
#> 2537        Father                                 hum    20         n
#> 2538  Target_Child                         Flintstones    20    n:prop
#> 2539        Father                               apart    20       adv
#> 2540  Target_Child                                cold    20       adv
#> 2541        Father                              rotten    20       adj
#> 2542  Target_Child                          werewolves    20         n
#> 2543        Father                              closed    20      part
#> 2544        Father                             they've    20   pro:sub
#> 2545        Father                              lelövi    20        L2
#> 2546  Target_Child                                  oo    20        co
#> 2547  Target_Child                              showed    20         v
#> 2548        Mother                                food    20         n
#> 2549  Target_Child                             Banthas    20    n:prop
#> 2550  Target_Child                                bite    20         n
#> 2551  Target_Child                            infinity    20         n
#> 2552  Target_Child                             hundred    20   det:num
#> 2553        Father                                dumb    20       adj
#> 2554  Target_Child                                even    20         v
#> 2555        Father                               disco    20         n
#> 2556  Target_Child                               takes    20         v
#> 2557        Father                               guess    20         n
#> 2558        Father                                 ran    20         v
#> 2559  Target_Child                             mistake    20         n
#> 2560        Father                          incredible    20       adj
#> 2561  Target_Child                                   n    20     n:let
#> 2562  Target_Child                              forest    20         n
#> 2563  Target_Child                                seen    20      part
#> 2564  Target_Child                              jacket    20         n
#> 2565  Target_Child                                bump    20         n
#> 2566  Target_Child                               sunny    20       adj
#> 2567  Target_Child                              kissed    20         v
#> 2568        Father                                plus    20       adv
#> 2569  Target_Child                                seat    20         n
#> 2570  Target_Child                                 fat    20         n
#> 2571        Father                              starts    20         v
#> 2572  Target_Child                               still    20       adj
#> 2573        Father                            machines    20         n
#> 2574        Father                               yucky    20       adj
#> 2575  Target_Child                               arrow    20         n
#> 2576  Target_Child                                army    20         n
#> 2577  Target_Child                           somewhere    20       adv
#> 2578        Father                               catch    20         v
#> 2579  Target_Child                               Pepsi    20    n:prop
#> 2580        Father                              showed    20         v
#> 2581  Target_Child                               germs    20         n
#> 2582        Father                              He_Man    20    n:prop
#> 2583  Target_Child                                down    20         n
#> 2584  Target_Child                             dreamed    20         v
#> 2585        Father                               yummy    20       adj
#> 2586        Father                            thinking    20      part
#> 2587  Target_Child                             knocked    20         v
#> 2588  Target_Child                               Chris    20    n:prop
#> 2589        Father                               turns    20         v
#> 2590  Target_Child                                koko    20       chi
#> 2591        Father                               stick    20         n
#> 2592        Father                              orange    20       adj
#> 2593        Father                               hurry    19         v
#> 2594  Target_Child                               build    19         v
#> 2595        Mother                                 may    19       mod
#> 2596        Mother                               means    19         v
#> 2597  Target_Child                                spit    19         v
#> 2598  Target_Child                             Hungary    19    n:prop
#> 2599        Father                             mommy's    19       adj
#> 2600        Mother                                much    19       adv
#> 2601  Target_Child                                 job    19         n
#> 2602        Father                                keys    19         n
#> 2603        Father                             yacking    19      part
#> 2604        Father                            potatoes    19         n
#> 2605  Target_Child                                wash    19         n
#> 2606        Father                              couple    19         n
#> 2607  Target_Child                               snack    19         n
#> 2608  Target_Child                                been    19       cop
#> 2609        Father                                junk    19         n
#> 2610        Father                                 yup    19        co
#> 2611        Father                                fork    19         n
#> 2612  Target_Child                                wolf    19         n
#> 2613        Mother                                feet    19         n
#> 2614        Mother                          everything    19 pro:indef
#> 2615        Father                                 fly    19         n
#> 2616        Mother                               dream    19         n
#> 2617        Father                         Flintstones    19    n:prop
#> 2618        Father                                 zzz    19        co
#> 2619  Target_Child                                self    19         n
#> 2620  Target_Child                                toys    19         v
#> 2621        Father                             promise    19         v
#> 2622  Target_Child                                 fat    19       adj
#> 2623        Father                              snakes    19         n
#> 2624  Target_Child                              kitten    19         n
#> 2625        Mother                             talking    19      part
#> 2626        Father                             kitchen    19         n
#> 2627        Father                               pants    19      n:pt
#> 2628  Target_Child                               round    19       adv
#> 2629  Target_Child                                rope    19         n
#> 2630        Father                                part    19       adj
#> 2631        Father                           Halloween    19    n:prop
#> 2632  Target_Child                                high    19       adj
#> 2633  Target_Child                               Goose    19    n:prop
#> 2634        Father                             spoiled    19      part
#> 2635        Father                               knife    19         n
#> 2636        Father                                 fat    19       adj
#> 2637        Father                                 far    19       adv
#> 2638  Target_Child                            reindeer    19         n
#> 2639        Mother                                 bus    19         n
#> 2640  Target_Child                           nighttime    19         n
#> 2641  Target_Child                               ready    19         v
#> 2642        Father                                care    19         v
#> 2643  Target_Child                               uhhum    19        co
#> 2644  Target_Child                               count    19         v
#> 2645  Target_Child                                hero    19         n
#> 2646        Father                           beginning    19         n
#> 2647        Father                               birds    19         n
#> 2648  Target_Child                               weird    19       adj
#> 2649  Target_Child                                 gym    19         n
#> 2650        Mother                              wasn't    19       cop
#> 2651  Target_Child                                 heh    19        co
#> 2652        Father                             violent    19       adj
#> 2653        Father                             example    19         n
#> 2654        Mother                              you'll    19   pro:per
#> 2655  Target_Child                                camp    19         n
#> 2656  Target_Child                           mountains    19         n
#> 2657        Father                               dance    19         n
#> 2658        Father                                wake    19         v
#> 2659        Father                               nasty    19       adj
#> 2660  Target_Child                             against    19      prep
#> 2661        Father                                moon    19         n
#> 2662  Target_Child                         Albuquerque    19    n:prop
#> 2663        Father                                said    19      part
#> 2664  Target_Child                            American    19    n:prop
#> 2665  Target_Child                                 nap    19         n
#> 2666  Target_Child                            pictures    19         n
#> 2667  Target_Child                             muscles    19         n
#> 2668  Target_Child                           underwear    19         n
#> 2669        Father                                lady    19         n
#> 2670        Father                               David    19    n:prop
#> 2671  Target_Child                              anyway    19       adv
#> 2672  Target_Child                               apart    19       adv
#> 2673        Father                                rule    19         n
#> 2674  Target_Child                               chips    19         n
#> 2675        Father                                 pig    19         n
#> 2676        Father                               human    19         n
#> 2677        Mother                              around    19      prep
#> 2678  Target_Child                              asleep    19       adv
#> 2679        Father                               worst    19       adj
#> 2680        Father                             worried    19      part
#> 2681  Target_Child                                 bar    19         n
#> 2682  Target_Child                                miss    19         n
#> 2683  Target_Child                            baseball    19         n
#> 2684  Target_Child                              Easter    19    n:prop
#> 2685  Target_Child                              easier    19       adj
#> 2686  Target_Child                              sucked    19         v
#> 2687        Mother                                just    19       adj
#> 2688        Father                             getting    19  n:gerund
#> 2689  Target_Child                               Dukes    19    n:prop
#> 2690  Target_Child                               stick    19         v
#> 2691  Target_Child                           batteries    19         n
#> 2692  Target_Child                              Sunday    19    n:prop
#> 2693  Target_Child                                eggs    19         n
#> 2694        Father                                 buy    19         n
#> 2695        Father                               germs    19         n
#> 2696  Unidentified                                   a    19   det:art
#> 2697  Target_Child                            swimming    19      part
#> 2698  Target_Child                               steal    19         v
#> 2699  Target_Child                              eleven    19   det:num
#> 2700        Father                                lost    19      part
#> 2701  Target_Child                             dressed    19      part
#> 2702        Father                               bunny    19         n
#> 2703  Target_Child                                   t    19     n:let
#> 2704  Target_Child                             walking    18      part
#> 2705        Father                                 Ben    18    n:prop
#> 2706        Father                                bees    18         n
#> 2707       Brother                                  oh    18        co
#> 2708        Mother                                hand    18         n
#> 2709  Target_Child                               drank    18         v
#> 2710        Father                                mine    18         n
#> 2711        Father                                Adam    18    n:prop
#> 2712  Target_Child                             Feetman    18    n:prop
#> 2713  Target_Child                               while    18         n
#> 2714  Target_Child                               lives    18         v
#> 2715        Father                                ride    18         v
#> 2716  Target_Child                             Daddy's    18       adj
#> 2717  Target_Child                              wonder    18         v
#> 2718        Father                             Holland    18    n:prop
#> 2719        Mother                               table    18         n
#> 2720  Target_Child                                used    18         v
#> 2721  Target_Child                             feeling    18      part
#> 2722        Father                               shall    18       mod
#> 2723       Brother                                what    18   pro:int
#> 2724  Target_Child                            pancakes    18         n
#> 2725  Target_Child                             speeder    18         n
#> 2726  Target_Child                               going    18  n:gerund
#> 2727  Target_Child                               until    18      prep
#> 2728        Mother                              stairs    18         n
#> 2729        Father                               threw    18         v
#> 2730        Father                                wolf    18         n
#> 2731        Father                            mountain    18         n
#> 2732        Father                               takes    18         v
#> 2733  Target_Child                                   b    18     n:let
#> 2734        Father                               fixed    18         v
#> 2735  Target_Child                               doggy    18       adj
#> 2736  Target_Child                                King    18    n:prop
#> 2737        Father                            problems    18         n
#> 2738  Target_Child                              Mickey    18    n:prop
#> 2739        Father                              Mister    18    n:prop
#> 2740  Target_Child                               Tonto    18    n:prop
#> 2741        Father                               group    18         n
#> 2742  Target_Child                        Frankenstein    18    n:prop
#> 2743  Target_Child                              byebye    18        co
#> 2744  Target_Child                              diaper    18         n
#> 2745  Target_Child                                 tie    18         v
#> 2746        Father                                  Mr    18    n:prop
#> 2747  Target_Child                              Banner    18    n:prop
#> 2748  Target_Child                            shooting    18      part
#> 2749        Father                             muscles    18         n
#> 2750        Father                                kind    18       adj
#> 2751        Father                              leaves    18         n
#> 2752        Father                                bike    18         n
#> 2753        Father                            sandwich    18         n
#> 2754  Target_Child                            cartoons    18         n
#> 2755  Target_Child                                mind    18         v
#> 2756        Father                            mistakes    18         n
#> 2757        Mother                                 lot    18         n
#> 2758  Target_Child                               break    18         n
#> 2759  Target_Child                               stuff    18         v
#> 2760        Father                                test    18         n
#> 2761  Target_Child                                 fit    18         v
#> 2762        Father                               carry    18         v
#> 2763         Adult                                   a    18   det:art
#> 2764        Father                             marbles    18         n
#> 2765        Father                                 set    18         n
#> 2766  Target_Child                                pour    18         v
#> 2767        Father                           referring    18      part
#> 2768  Target_Child                                Jack    18    n:prop
#> 2769  Target_Child                              closet    18         n
#> 2770        Father                            infinity    18         n
#> 2771        Father                             teasing    18      part
#> 2772  Target_Child                                Leia    18    n:prop
#> 2773  Target_Child                             windows    18         n
#> 2774        Father                               Celia    18    n:prop
#> 2775  Target_Child                               learn    18         v
#> 2776  Target_Child                             strange    18       adj
#> 2777  Target_Child                             climbed    18         v
#> 2778        Father                             blaster    18         n
#> 2779        Father                               drink    18         n
#> 2780        Father                                toes    18         n
#> 2781        Father                              planet    18         n
#> 2782  Target_Child                             fingers    18         n
#> 2783  Target_Child                               lying    18      part
#> 2784        Father                            reindeer    18         n
#> 2785        Father                              brains    18         n
#> 2786  Target_Child                                late    18       adv
#> 2787        Father                             walking    18      part
#> 2788  Target_Child                                fine    18       adv
#> 2789        Father                               under    18       adv
#> 2790  Target_Child                               storm    18         n
#> 2791        Mother                               we'll    18   pro:sub
#> 2792  Target_Child                              wheels    18         n
#> 2793  Target_Child                                 cow    18         n
#> 2794  Target_Child                              twelve    18   det:num
#> 2795        Father                              Sunday    18    n:prop
#> 2796  Target_Child                               keeps    18         v
#> 2797        Father                                belt    18         n
#> 2798        Father                               snowy    18       adj
#> 2799        Father                               sound    18       adj
#> 2800  Target_Child                                beat    18         n
#> 2801        Father                            elephant    18         n
#> 2802  Target_Child                             dollars    18         n
#> 2803        Father                               beach    18         n
#> 2804        Father                           listening    18      part
#> 2805  Target_Child                                 nut    18         n
#> 2806        Father                               quite    18       adv
#> 2807        Mother                               night    18         n
#> 2808        Father                              monkey    18         n
#> 2809  Target_Child                               stuck    18         v
#> 2810        Father                           Millenium    17    n:prop
#> 2811        Father                           mountains    17         n
#> 2812  Target_Child                             hanging    17      part
#> 2813  Target_Child                              flying    17      part
#> 2814  Target_Child                                 had    17      part
#> 2815  Target_Child                              Hazard    17    n:prop
#> 2816  Target_Child                             fighter    17         n
#> 2817        Father                                cold    17       adv
#> 2818  Target_Child                               honey    17         n
#> 2819  Target_Child                            hospital    17         n
#> 2820  Target_Child                              except    17      prep
#> 2821  Target_Child                                Eric    17    n:prop
#> 2822  Target_Child                               hurry    17         v
#> 2823  Target_Child                             emperor    17         n
#> 2824        Father                               Linus    17    n:prop
#> 2825  Target_Child                               early    17       adv
#> 2826  Target_Child                              I_mean    17        co
#> 2827        Father                                size    17         n
#> 2828  Target_Child                              Jackie    17    n:prop
#> 2829  Target_Child                               Janos    17    n:prop
#> 2830  Target_Child                              Donald    17    n:prop
#> 2831        Father                              secret    17       adj
#> 2832  Target_Child                            dinosaur    17         n
#> 2833        Father                            crackers    17         n
#> 2834  Target_Child                          Death_Star    17    n:prop
#> 2835        Father                              bridge    17         n
#> 2836  Target_Child                             cracker    17         n
#> 2837        Father                                soap    17         n
#> 2838  Target_Child                                cool    17       adj
#> 2839  Target_Child                                 Lea    17    n:prop
#> 2840  Target_Child                               least    17         n
#> 2841  Target_Child                                left    17         v
#> 2842  Target_Child                              wicked    17       adj
#> 2843        Father                             daddy's    17       adj
#> 2844  Target_Child                              closed    17         v
#> 2845        Father                                 nap    17         n
#> 2846        Father                               boots    17         n
#> 2847  Target_Child                                long    17       adv
#> 2848        Father                          Death_Star    17    n:prop
#> 2849        Father                              decide    17         v
#> 2850        Father                               naked    17       adj
#> 2851        Father                                blue    17         n
#> 2852  Target_Child                               magic    17         n
#> 2853        Father                             grandma    17         n
#> 2854  Target_Child                                   c    17     n:let
#> 2855        Father                               black    17       adj
#> 2856  Target_Child                               bumpy    17       adj
#> 2857  Target_Child                               brown    17       adj
#> 2858  Target_Child                              Monday    17    n:prop
#> 2859  Target_Child                                bone    17         n
#> 2860  Target_Child                              moving    17      part
#> 2861  Target_Child                                 Mrs    17    n:prop
#> 2862  Target_Child                               birds    17         n
#> 2863  Target_Child                               naked    17       adj
#> 2864  Target_Child                                Bert    17    n:prop
#> 2865  Target_Child                              before    17      conj
#> 2866  Target_Child                                bees    17         n
#> 2867  Target_Child                               beans    17         n
#> 2868  Target_Child                               beach    17         n
#> 2869        Father                                bang    17         n
#> 2870        Father                                 dry    17       adj
#> 2871  Target_Child                             where's    17   pro:rel
#> 2872  Target_Child                              orange    17       adj
#> 2873  Target_Child                              orange    17         n
#> 2874        Father                              stairs    17         n
#> 2875        Father                                 ear    17         n
#> 2876        Father                            language    17         n
#> 2877  Target_Child                                park    17         n
#> 2878  Target_Child                         disappeared    17      part
#> 2879        Father                                 rid    17         v
#> 2880  Target_Child                               point    17         n
#> 2881  Target_Child                               ahead    17       adv
#> 2882        Father                                army    17         n
#> 2883  Target_Child                                 pop    17         n
#> 2884        Father                                 hop    17         n
#> 2885  Target_Child                          pretending    17      part
#> 2886        Father                            straight    17       adv
#> 2887        Mother                            wouldn't    17       mod
#> 2888        Father                              anyway    17       adv
#> 2889        Father                                ants    17         n
#> 2890        Mother                             where's    17   pro:int
#> 2891  Target_Child                               quick    17       adv
#> 2892        Mother                                week    17         n
#> 2893        Mother                              turned    17         v
#> 2894  Target_Child                                ride    17         v
#> 2895  Target_Child                               river    17         n
#> 2896        Father                               fifty    17   det:num
#> 2897        Father                                   t    17     n:let
#> 2898        Father                               found    17         v
#> 2899        Father                             Pumpkin    17    n:prop
#> 2900  Target_Child                               seems    17       cop
#> 2901        Mother                                sick    17       adj
#> 2902         Child                                 you    17   pro:per
#> 2903        Father                             flowers    17         n
#> 2904        Father                                tall    17       adj
#> 2905  Target_Child                                skin    17         n
#> 2906        Mother                                 old    17       adj
#> 2907        Mother                                 off    17      prep
#> 2908        Father                             o'clock    17         n
#> 2909  Target_Child                               spank    17         v
#> 2910  Target_Child                              squirt    17         n
#> 2911  Target_Child                           Star_Wars    17    n:prop
#> 2912        Mother                                kids    17         n
#> 2913  Target_Child                             Strikes    17    n:prop
#> 2914  Target_Child                                such    17        qn
#> 2915        Father                              giving    17      part
#> 2916        Father                                glad    17       adj
#> 2917        Father                                grab    17         v
#> 2918        Mother                                 got    17      part
#> 2919        Father                               Great    17    n:prop
#> 2920        Father                             jumping    17      part
#> 2921        Mother                              finger    17         n
#> 2922        Mother                                feel    17         v
#> 2923  Target_Child                                time    17         v
#> 2924        Mother                                else    17      post
#> 2925  Target_Child                                toes    17         n
#> 2926        Father                            pancakes    17         n
#> 2927  Target_Child                             tonight    17   adv:tem
#> 2928  Target_Child                              turtle    17         n
#> 2929        Father                                time    17         v
#> 2930        Father                                 One    17    n:prop
#> 2931        Mother                                 ask    17         v
#> 2932        Father                               heavy    17       adj
#> 2933        Mother                              anyway    17        co
#> 2934        Mother                              anyway    17       adv
#> 2935        Mother                             already    17       adv
#> 2936        Father                                 nem    17      NULL
#> 2937        Father                           policeman    17         n
#> 2938        Father                               share    17         n
#> 2939  Target_Child                               green    17       adj
#> 2940        Father                                hide    17         v
#> 2941        Father                                high    16         n
#> 2942        Father                                shot    16         v
#> 2943        Father                             someone    16 pro:indef
#> 2944        Father                              faster    16       adj
#> 2945        Father                           dinosaurs    16         n
#> 2946        Father                                  wa    16     wplay
#> 2947        Father                              Markie    16    n:prop
#> 2948  Target_Child                              needta    16         v
#> 2949  Target_Child                                pool    16         n
#> 2950  Target_Child                                wind    16         n
#> 2951        Father                             falling    16      part
#> 2952  Target_Child                                lady    16         n
#> 2953        Mother                                 use    16         v
#> 2954        Mother                                 Wan    16    n:prop
#> 2955        Father                                ways    16         n
#> 2956  Target_Child                                land    16         n
#> 2957        Father                                toto    16         n
#> 2958  Target_Child                                 nem    16        L2
#> 2959  Target_Child                               quiet    16         n
#> 2960  Target_Child                                flew    16         v
#> 2961        Father                                  ET    16    n:prop
#> 2962  Target_Child                              Luke's    16       adj
#> 2963      Playmate                                 the    16   det:art
#> 2964  Target_Child                           computers    16         n
#> 2965  Target_Child                                 zip    16         v
#> 2966        Mother                                 hot    16       adj
#> 2967        Father                           certainly    16       adv
#> 2968        Father                                toys    16         v
#> 2969  Target_Child                                soft    16       adj
#> 2970        Father                                soft    16       adj
#> 2971  Target_Child                          collection    16         n
#> 2972  Target_Child                                Matt    16    n:prop
#> 2973        Mother                               words    16         n
#> 2974  Target_Child                                hate    16         n
#> 2975        Father                                soon    16       adj
#> 2976  Target_Child                              museum    16         n
#> 2977        Father                              Batman    16    n:prop
#> 2978        Mother                                 Obi    16    n:prop
#> 2979        Father                                July    16    n:prop
#> 2980  Target_Child                                soap    16         n
#> 2981  Target_Child                              Indian    16    n:prop
#> 2982        Mother                                here    16         n
#> 2983        Father                                loud    16       adj
#> 2984  Target_Child                 Empire_Strikes_Back    16    n:prop
#> 2985        Mother                              Kenobi    16    n:prop
#> 2986  Target_Child                              trucks    16         n
#> 2987  Target_Child                             himself    16  pro:refl
#> 2988        Mother                         Chewbacca's    16       adj
#> 2989        Mother                                 her    16  det:poss
#> 2990  Target_Child                              enough    16       adj
#> 2991        Father                                 bag    16         n
#> 2992  Target_Child                            cavities    16         n
#> 2993        Mother                                play    16         v
#> 2994  Target_Child                             witches    16         n
#> 2995        Father                               kinda    16       adv
#> 2996  Target_Child                            fighting    16  n:gerund
#> 2997        Father                              gotten    16      part
#> 2998  Target_Child                              shield    16         n
#> 2999        Father                            bathroom    16         n
#> 3000        Father                             crawler    16         n
#> 3001  Target_Child                               turns    16         v
#> 3002  Target_Child                             throwed    16         v
#> 3003        Father                                 sky    16         n
#> 3004  Target_Child                                sexy    16       adj
#> 3005  Target_Child                               tooth    16         n
#> 3006        Mother                              finish    16         v
#> 3007  Target_Child                              castle    16         n
#> 3008        Father                                hope    16         v
#> 3009  Target_Child                                whip    16         v
#> 3010        Mother                               first    16       adj
#> 3011        Father                                ship    16         n
#> 3012        Father                                mind    16         v
#> 3013        Mother                                goes    16         v
#> 3014        Mother                                show    16         n
#> 3015        Mother                                show    16         v
#> 3016        Father                               grade    16         n
#> 3017        Father                                park    16         n
#> 3018       Brother                                  to    16       inf
#> 3019  Target_Child                             Grandpa    16    n:prop
#> 3020  Target_Child                           Batmobile    16    n:prop
#> 3021  Target_Child                                Back    16    n:prop
#> 3022        Father                               Spike    16    n:prop
#> 3023        Father                              pocket    16         n
#> 3024        Father                             showing    16      part
#> 3025  Target_Child                                jail    16         n
#> 3026        Father                                camp    16         n
#> 3027        Mother                                  so    16      conj
#> 3028        Father                               broke    16       adj
#> 3029        Father                               Robin    16    n:prop
#> 3030  Target_Child                               toast    16         n
#> 3031        Father                            Gertinor    16    n:prop
#> 3032        Father                                debt    16         n
#> 3033  Target_Child                              papers    16         n
#> 3034        Father                                 saw    16         v
#> 3035  Target_Child                           scratched    16         v
#> 3036  Target_Child                              Mister    16    n:prop
#> 3037        Father                                 let    16      part
#> 3038  Target_Child                                 jam    16         n
#> 3039  Target_Child                               boy's    16       adj
#> 3040        Mother                               still    16       adv
#> 3041        Mother                              street    16         n
#> 3042  Target_Child                            building    16         n
#> 3043  Target_Child                            children    16         n
#> 3044        Father                                fine    16       adv
#> 3045        Father                            underoos    16      n:pt
#> 3046  Target_Child                           graveyard    16         n
#> 3047        Father                             fighter    16         n
#> 3048        Father                                land    16         n
#> 3049        Father                              toilet    16         n
#> 3050        Mother                                 Mom    16    n:prop
#> 3051  Target_Child                              sailor    16         n
#> 3052        Father                                 lie    16         v
#> 3053  Target_Child                              choice    16         n
#> 3054  Target_Child                                choo    16        on
#> 3055        Father                              tickle    16         n
#> 3056        Father                           adventure    16         n
#> 3057        Father                             speeder    16         n
#> 3058        Father                             special    16       adj
#> 3059        Father                                busy    16       adj
#> 3060        Father                             puzzles    16         n
#> 3061  Target_Child                                 eee    16        co
#> 3062        Father                          disgusting    16      part
#> 3063        Father                             against    16      prep
#> 3064  Target_Child                               knock    16        co
#> 3065        Father                               steal    16         v
#> 3066        Father                               quiet    16         n
#> 3067  Target_Child                            Milinium    16    n:prop
#> 3068        Father                               truck    16         n
#> 3069        Father                              sneaky    16       adj
#> 3070        Father                             usually    16       adv
#> 3071  Target_Child                              bridge    16         n
#> 3072  Target_Child                          incredible    16       adj
#> 3073  Target_Child                               Super    16    n:prop
#> 3074  Target_Child                                joke    16         n
#> 3075        Father                      Ar_Too_Dee_Too    16    n:prop
#> 3076        Father                                dark    16         n
#> 3077        Father                               rocks    16         n
#> 3078  Target_Child                               ahhah    16        co
#> 3079  Target_Child                               might    15         n
#> 3080        Father                              pencil    15         n
#> 3081        Father                                send    15         v
#> 3082        Father                               phone    15         n
#> 3083  Target_Child                              bright    15       adj
#> 3084  Target_Child                               claws    15         n
#> 3085  Target_Child                                bell    15         n
#> 3086  Target_Child                                 saw    15         v
#> 3087        Mother                                true    15       adj
#> 3088        Father                               dirty    15         v
#> 3089        Father                                 not    15     coord
#> 3090        Father                              farmer    15         n
#> 3091  Target_Child                                feed    15         v
#> 3092        Mother                                 new    15       adj
#> 3093        Father                              closet    15         n
#> 3094        Father                                roll    15         n
#> 3095  Target_Child                               lines    15         n
#> 3096        Father                              Mark's    15    n:prop
#> 3097  Target_Child                           policeman    15         n
#> 3098        Father                              German    15    n:prop
#> 3099  Target_Child                              record    15         n
#> 3100        Father                              harder    15       adj
#> 3101        Father                               Micah    15    n:prop
#> 3102        Father                               puppy    15         n
#> 3103        Father                             Michael    15    n:prop
#> 3104  Target_Child                               growl    15         v
#> 3105        Father                              yelled    15         v
#> 3106  Target_Child                              Reagan    15    n:prop
#> 3107        Father                              yogurt    15         n
#> 3108  Target_Child                               knock    15         v
#> 3109  Target_Child                                lick    15         v
#> 3110        Father                          frightened    15      part
#> 3111        Father                                guns    15         n
#> 3112        Mother                                sing    15         v
#> 3113        Father                                lego    15         n
#> 3114  Target_Child                                 bit    15         v
#> 3115        Father                              doggie    15         n
#> 3116        Father                             Spanish    15    n:prop
#> 3117        Father                             special    15         n
#> 3118  Target_Child                              clouds    15         n
#> 3119  Target_Child                                guts    15         n
#> 3120        Father                              asking    15      part
#> 3121  Target_Child                              pirate    15         n
#> 3122        Father                               shelf    15         n
#> 3123  Target_Child                             bandage    15         n
#> 3124        Father                              nobody    15 pro:indef
#> 3125  Target_Child                           elephants    15         n
#> 3126        Father                              tongue    15         n
#> 3127        Father                               Aaron    15    n:prop
#> 3128        Father                             biggest    15       adj
#> 3129        Father                             machine    15         n
#> 3130        Father                              mostly    15       adv
#> 3131  Target_Child                                folk    15         n
#> 3132        Father                             Grandma    15    n:prop
#> 3133        Father                               lives    15         v
#> 3134  Target_Child                                  Pa    15    n:prop
#> 3135  Target_Child                             Russell    15    n:prop
#> 3136       Brother                                  is    15       cop
#> 3137  Target_Child                              summer    15         n
#> 3138  Target_Child                               plane    15         n
#> 3139  Target_Child                                farm    15         n
#> 3140        Mother                              sleepy    15       adj
#> 3141        Father                                   l    15     n:let
#> 3142  Target_Child                           McDonalds    15    n:prop
#> 3143  Target_Child                             program    15         n
#> 3144        Mother                               world    15         n
#> 3145        Mother                                home    15       adv
#> 3146        Father                               magic    15       adj
#> 3147        Mother                                  as    15       adv
#> 3148  Target_Child                               sword    15         n
#> 3149        Father                               calls    15         v
#> 3150        Father                      Captain_Marvel    15    n:prop
#> 3151  Target_Child                              pulled    15         v
#> 3152        Father                             whether    15      conj
#> 3153  Target_Child                               nuhuh    15        co
#> 3154        Father                           recording    15      part
#> 3155  Target_Child                              anyone    15 pro:indef
#> 3156  Target_Child                                deal    15         n
#> 3157        Father                                  my    15        co
#> 3158  Target_Child                                 yum    15         n
#> 3159        Father                              french    15       adj
#> 3160  Target_Child                               feels    15         v
#> 3161        Father                              desert    15         n
#> 3162        Father                                beat    15         n
#> 3163  Target_Child                              office    15         n
#> 3164  Target_Child                                whoa    15        co
#> 3165        Father                             thought    15         n
#> 3166        Father                              puzzle    15         n
#> 3167  Target_Child                            spanking    15  n:gerund
#> 3168  Target_Child                               tapes    15         n
#> 3169        Father                               share    15         v
#> 3170        Mother                            together    15       adv
#> 3171        Father                                born    15       adj
#> 3172  Target_Child                                boss    15         n
#> 3173  Target_Child                                wood    15         n
#> 3174        Mother                                only    15       adv
#> 3175  Target_Child                              butter    15         n
#> 3176  Target_Child                             falling    15      part
#> 3177  Target_Child                              karate    15         n
#> 3178        Father                           happening    15      part
#> 3179  Target_Child                          disgusting    15      part
#> 3180  Target_Child                              scared    15         v
#> 3181        Mother                              looked    15         v
#> 3182        Father                                uses    15         v
#> 3183  Target_Child                              equals    15         n
#> 3184        Father                               seems    15       cop
#> 3185  Target_Child                            teachers    15         n
#> 3186        Father                              byebye    15        co
#> 3187        Father                                huge    15       adj
#> 3188        Father                                 cow    15         n
#> 3189        Father                              taught    15         v
#> 3190  Target_Child                             sitting    15      part
#> 3191        Father                              hadn't    15       aux
#> 3192        Father                               parts    15         n
#> 3193        Father                              joking    15      part
#> 3194  Target_Child                               Spike    15    n:prop
#> 3195        Father                                   k    15     n:let
#> 3196        Father                               one's    15 pro:indef
#> 3197  Target_Child                              tickle    15         v
#> 3198  Target_Child                              starts    15         v
#> 3199  Target_Child                               ummhm    15        co
#> 3200  Target_Child                                boom    15        on
#> 3201  Target_Child                                   y    15     n:let
#> 3202  Target_Child                               you'd    15   pro:per
#> 3203  Target_Child                                glad    15       adj
#> 3204        Father                                plan    15         n
#> 3205        Mother                                 sun    15         n
#> 3206        Father                              during    15      prep
#> 3207  Target_Child                               Shana    15    n:prop
#> 3208        Father                                fast    15         n
#> 3209  Target_Child                                 cup    15         n
#> 3210  Target_Child                              others    15      n:pt
#> 3211        Father                          good_night    15        co
#> 3212  Target_Child                               stars    15         n
#> 3213  Target_Child                               Delma    15    n:prop
#> 3214        Father                                rock    15         n
#> 3215  Target_Child                            soldiers    14         n
#> 3216  Target_Child                          California    14    n:prop
#> 3217  Target_Child                           important    14       adj
#> 3218  Target_Child                                dump    14         n
#> 3219  Unidentified                                okay    14        co
#> 3220        Father                             through    14       adv
#> 3221  Target_Child                                   p    14     n:let
#> 3222        Father                                 bit    14         v
#> 3223        Father                              office    14         n
#> 3224        Father                              throat    14         n
#> 3225        Father                              locked    14         v
#> 3226        Father                             pillows    14         n
#> 3227        Father                             glasses    14         n
#> 3228  Target_Child                               swing    14         n
#> 3229  Target_Child                                 tag    14         n
#> 3230  Target_Child                                   h    14     n:let
#> 3231  Target_Child                             Pac_Man    14    n:prop
#> 3232  Target_Child                              Tarzan    14    n:prop
#> 3233        Mother                              father    14         n
#> 3234        Father                                self    14         n
#> 3235  Target_Child                                bump    14         v
#> 3236  Target_Child                               teach    14         v
#> 3237        Mother                                 had    14       aux
#> 3238        Mother                               hands    14         n
#> 3239  Target_Child                             walkers    14         n
#> 3240  Target_Child                               huhuh    14        co
#> 3241        Mother                                 guy    14         n
#> 3242  Target_Child                                huge    14       adj
#> 3243        Mother                               great    14       adj
#> 3244        Father                          microphone    14         n
#> 3245  Target_Child                            thinking    14      part
#> 3246        Father                               early    14       adv
#> 3247        Mother                                gave    14         v
#> 3248  Target_Child                              though    14       adv
#> 3249        Mother                             getting    14      part
#> 3250        Father                               motor    14         n
#> 3251        Mother                                game    14         n
#> 3252  Target_Child                              horsie    14         n
#> 3253        Father                               third    14         n
#> 3254        Mother                                four    14   det:num
#> 3255  Target_Child                               Paper    14    n:prop
#> 3256        Father                               eaten    14      part
#> 3257  Target_Child                              Mark's    14       adj
#> 3258        Father                            starving    14      part
#> 3259        Father                              riding    14      part
#> 3260  Target_Child                              missed    14         v
#> 3261        Father                               lucky    14       adj
#> 3262        Father                               sound    14         v
#> 3263        Father                               Dinky    14    n:prop
#> 3264        Father                              saying    14  n:gerund
#> 3265  Target_Child                                   x    14     n:let
#> 3266  Target_Child                             Phoenix    14    n:prop
#> 3267  Target_Child                               phone    14         n
#> 3268        Father                               isn't    14       aux
#> 3269        Father                                wish    14         v
#> 3270  Target_Child                                lime    14         n
#> 3271  Target_Child                             marbles    14         n
#> 3272        Father                 Empire_Strikes_Back    14    n:prop
#> 3273        Father                              asleep    14       adv
#> 3274        Father                                lets    14         v
#> 3275  Target_Child                               wheel    14         n
#> 3276  Target_Child                              needed    14         v
#> 3277        Father                              become    14       cop
#> 3278        Father                                dare    14         v
#> 3279        Father                             English    14    n:prop
#> 3280  Target_Child                                yell    14         n
#> 3281        Father                           batteries    14         n
#> 3282  Target_Child                              French    14    n:prop
#> 3283        Mother                               after    14      prep
#> 3284        Father                               hippo    14         n
#> 3285        Father                               jelly    14         n
#> 3286      Playmate                                   I    14   pro:sub
#> 3287        Father                               month    14         n
#> 3288        Father                             helping    14      part
#> 3289  Target_Child                           happiness    14         n
#> 3290        Father                              record    14         v
#> 3291        Father                              change    14         v
#> 3292        Mother                               write    14         v
#> 3293        Mother                               asked    14         v
#> 3294        Father                               boxes    14         n
#> 3295  Target_Child                               cards    14         n
#> 3296        Father                                wore    14         v
#> 3297        Father                              answer    14         v
#> 3298  Target_Child                               buyed    14         v
#> 3299        Father                                we'd    14   pro:sub
#> 3300        Father                            headache    14         n
#> 3301        Father                               angry    14       adj
#> 3302  Target_Child                                grew    14         v
#> 3303        Father                                neck    14         n
#> 3304        Father                                bite    14         v
#> 3305  Target_Child                             country    14         n
#> 3306        Father                                 cut    14         n
#> 3307  Target_Child                              raisin    14         n
#> 3308        Father                               knock    14         v
#> 3309  Target_Child                               reach    14         v
#> 3310        Father                               clear    14       adv
#> 3311  Target_Child                             crashed    14         v
#> 3312  Target_Child                                wore    14         v
#> 3313  Target_Child                             flowers    14         n
#> 3314  Target_Child                              creepy    14       adj
#> 3315        Mother                             tonight    14   adv:tem
#> 3316        Father                                shot    14         n
#> 3317        Father                                knee    14         n
#> 3318  Target_Child                                 yup    14        co
#> 3319        Father                               cried    14         v
#> 3320        Father                           questions    14         n
#> 3321  Target_Child                             rolling    14      part
#> 3322        Mother                               these    14   det:dem
#> 3323  Target_Child                               we've    14   pro:sub
#> 3324        Father                                used    14         v
#> 3325  Target_Child                                   d    14     n:let
#> 3326  Target_Child                              wasn't    14       aux
#> 3327  Target_Child                               Billy    14    n:prop
#> 3328         Adult                                  it    14   pro:per
#> 3329  Target_Child                               dance    14         n
#> 3330        Father                          punishment    14         n
#> 3331        Father                               Carla    14    n:prop
#> 3332  Target_Child                                 saw    14         n
#> 3333  Target_Child                             yeahhuh    14        co
#> 3334  Target_Child                               Henry    14    n:prop
#> 3335        Mother                                such    14        qn
#> 3336  Target_Child                               scare    14         v
#> 3337  Target_Child                          toothbrush    14         n
#> 3338        Father                            happened    14      part
#> 3339        Father                                page    14         n
#> 3340  Target_Child                                 set    14         v
#> 3341        Father                                care    14         n
#> 3342        Father                               tiles    14         n
#> 3343  Target_Child                              shaggy    14       adj
#> 3344         Child                                 the    14   det:art
#> 3345        Father                               talks    14         v
#> 3346        Mother                                 ran    14         v
#> 3347        Mother                               Rossy    14    n:prop
#> 3348        Mother                              button    14         n
#> 3349  Target_Child                               turns    14         n
#> 3350  Target_Child                                base    14         n
#> 3351        Mother                                call    14         v
#> 3352        Father                                last    14         n
#> 3353        Father                            covebase    14         n
#> 3354        Father                               crack    14         v
#> 3355        Mother                                pray    14         v
#> 3356        Father                               press    14         v
#> 3357        Father                                kids    14         v
#> 3358        Mother                               piece    14         n
#> 3359  Target_Child                              sleepy    14       adj
#> 3360        Father                               tease    14         v
#> 3361        Mother                                 car    14         n
#> 3362  Target_Child                              sleigh    14         n
#> 3363        Mother                                 out    14      prep
#> 3364  Target_Child                               snowy    14       adj
#> 3365        Father                               build    14         v
#> 3366        Father                             belongs    14         v
#> 3367        Father                             mommy's    14         n
#> 3368        Father                              tunnel    14         n
#> 3369        Father                               jokes    14         n
#> 3370  Target_Child                             so_that    14      conj
#> 3371  Target_Child                              yelled    14         v
#> 3372        Mother                                need    14         v
#> 3373  Target_Child                               Jimmy    14    n:prop
#> 3374  Target_Child                                 War    14    n:prop
#> 3375  Target_Child                              Doctor    14    n:prop
#> 3376  Target_Child                               trick    14         n
#> 3377        Mother                                more    14 pro:indef
#> 3378        Father                              thanks    14        co
#> 3379  Target_Child                                 doo    14         n
#> 3380        Father                              shower    14         n
#> 3381  Target_Child                               splat    14         v
#> 3382  Target_Child                          breakdance    14         v
#> 3383        Father                                pony    14         n
#> 3384  Target_Child                               Jabba    14    n:prop
#> 3385  Target_Child                                frog    14         n
#> 3386  Target_Child                              states    14         n
#> 3387        Mother                                like    14      conj
#> 3388  Target_Child                                Toto    14    n:prop
#> 3389        Father                             that'll    14   pro:rel
#> 3390  Target_Child                                ours    14  pro:poss
#> 3391  Target_Child                              faster    14       adj
#> 3392        Father                          MacWhinney    14    n:prop
#> 3393        Father                                 bar    13         n
#> 3394  Target_Child                                flat    13       adj
#> 3395  Target_Child                              clever    13       adj
#> 3396  Target_Child                                blew    13         v
#> 3397        Father                                fast    13       adj
#> 3398        Father                            dinosaur    13         n
#> 3399        Father                             aspirin    13         n
#> 3400        Father                             muppets    13         n
#> 3401        Father                               brave    13         n
#> 3402        Mother                               teeth    13         n
#> 3403        Father                             pee_pee    13         n
#> 3404  Target_Child                                lord    13         n
#> 3405        Father                                Ryan    13    n:prop
#> 3406  Target_Child                               cross    13         v
#> 3407        Father                           Alexander    13    n:prop
#> 3408  Target_Child                            band-aid    13         n
#> 3409        Father                             darling    13        co
#> 3410        Mother                               threw    13         v
#> 3411  Target_Child                              helmet    13         n
#> 3412        Father                                feed    13         v
#> 3413        Father                                  oo    13        co
#> 3414        Father                              scared    13         v
#> 3415  Target_Child                                roll    13         n
#> 3416  Target_Child                             Spanish    13    n:prop
#> 3417  Target_Child                               Titus    13    n:prop
#> 3418  Target_Child                               drive    13         n
#> 3419        Mother                               there    13 pro:exist
#> 3420        Father                               lying    13      part
#> 3421        Father                               queen    13         n
#> 3422  Target_Child                              weapon    13         n
#> 3423        Father                               gives    13         v
#> 3424        Father                               shape    13         n
#> 3425        Father                                puts    13         v
#> 3426  Target_Child                               buddy    13         n
#> 3427        Father                              August    13    n:prop
#> 3428  Target_Child                                miss    13         v
#> 3429        Father                             station    13         n
#> 3430  Target_Child                              brains    13         n
#> 3431        Father                               using    13      part
#> 3432        Father                                uppy    13       chi
#> 3433        Father                               szörp    13        L2
#> 3434        Father                              places    13         n
#> 3435  Target_Child                              helped    13         v
#> 3436        Father                              squirt    13         n
#> 3437  Target_Child                               doink    13        on
#> 3438        Mother                                took    13         v
#> 3439        Father                               cross    13         n
#> 3440        Father                              sounds    13         n
#> 3441        Father                                   g    13     n:let
#> 3442  Target_Child                             belongs    13         v
#> 3443        Father                             through    13       adj
#> 3444        Mother                               light    13         n
#> 3445  Target_Child                                ugly    13       adj
#> 3446  Target_Child                                chew    13         v
#> 3447  Target_Child                              mister    13         n
#> 3448        Father                            accident    13         n
#> 3449        Father                              Easter    13    n:prop
#> 3450  Target_Child                                mkay    13        co
#> 3451  Target_Child                               doors    13         n
#> 3452        Father                               third    13       adj
#> 3453        Father                             perfect    13       adj
#> 3454  Target_Child                              throat    13         n
#> 3455  Target_Child                             kissing    13      part
#> 3456  Target_Child                              secret    13         n
#> 3457        Father                               creek    13         n
#> 3458  Target_Child                                burn    13         v
#> 3459  Target_Child                            yourself    13  pro:refl
#> 3460  Target_Child                         Decepticons    13    n:prop
#> 3461  Target_Child                             burning    13      part
#> 3462  Target_Child                            Megatron    13    n:prop
#> 3463        Father                             smarter    13       adj
#> 3464  Target_Child                               one's    13       adj
#> 3465        Mother                                ship    13         n
#> 3466        Mother                                 God    13    n:prop
#> 3467  Target_Child                             Dorothy    13    n:prop
#> 3468        Father                            scratchy    13       adj
#> 3469        Father                               green    13         n
#> 3470  Target_Child                               split    13         v
#> 3471        Father                                 nem    13        L2
#> 3472        Father                           Galactica    13    n:prop
#> 3473        Father                               doggy    13       adj
#> 3474  Target_Child                              that's    13      comp
#> 3475        Father                               how'd    13   pro:rel
#> 3476  Target_Child                               furry    13       adj
#> 3477  Target_Child                              giving    13      part
#> 3478        Father                                lord    13         n
#> 3479  Target_Child                               giant    13       adj
#> 3480  Target_Child                             turning    13      part
#> 3481        Father                              orange    13         n
#> 3482  Target_Child                              thanks    13         v
#> 3483        Father                                 nah    13        co
#> 3484        Father                              picked    13         v
#> 3485        Father                             Mommy's    13    n:prop
#> 3486        Father                               Brown    13    n:prop
#> 3487  Target_Child                                loud    13       adj
#> 3488  Target_Child                            balloons    13         n
#> 3489        Father                              that's    13      comp
#> 3490  Target_Child                             grandma    13         n
#> 3491        Father                                Matt    13    n:prop
#> 3492        Mother                              called    13         v
#> 3493        Mother                            probably    13       adv
#> 3494        Father                               plane    13         n
#> 3495        Mother                               knows    13         v
#> 3496        Mother                             jackets    13         n
#> 3497  Target_Child                              grouch    13         n
#> 3498        Father                                   c    13     n:let
#> 3499  Target_Child                               sixty    13   det:num
#> 3500  Target_Child                            Tauntaun    13    n:prop
#> 3501  Target_Child                             fifteen    13   det:num
#> 3502  Target_Child                                  ma    13       bab
#> 3503        Father                                team    13         n
#> 3504  Target_Child                                keys    13         n
#> 3505        Father                               plate    13         n
#> 3506        Father                              Mother    13    n:prop
#> 3507  Target_Child                              sticky    13         n
#> 3508  Target_Child                               slide    13         n
#> 3509        Father                              scream    13         v
#> 3510  Target_Child                               Smurf    13    n:prop
#> 3511        Father                                 fox    13         n
#> 3512  Target_Child                             Tuesday    13    n:prop
#> 3513  Target_Child                             Holland    13    n:prop
#> 3514  Target_Child                                snap    13         v
#> 3515  Target_Child                               truth    13         n
#> 3516        Father                                Duck    13    n:prop
#> 3517  Target_Child                               taste    13         n
#> 3518        Father                           christmas    13         n
#> 3519        Mother                                 end    13         n
#> 3520  Target_Child                           invisible    13       adj
#> 3521        Father                           countries    13         n
#> 3522        Father                              frozen    13      part
#> 3523        Father                                pile    13         n
#> 3524        Father                                sink    13         n
#> 3525  Target_Child                              bumped    13         v
#> 3526        Father                              Friday    13    n:prop
#> 3527  Target_Child                             besides    13       adv
#> 3528        Father                               river    13         n
#> 3529        Father                               least    13         n
#> 3530  Target_Child                            sometime    13       adv
#> 3531  Target_Child                              hurted    13         v
#> 3532  Target_Child                                 let    13      part
#> 3533        Father                                bowl    13         n
#> 3534  Target_Child                              garage    13         n
#> 3535        Father                                long    13       adv
#> 3536        Father                                 bow    13         n
#> 3537  Target_Child                            swimming    13  n:gerund
#> 3538        Father                               white    13         n
#> 3539  Target_Child                               songs    13         n
#> 3540  Target_Child                                mail    13         n
#> 3541  Target_Child                            probably    13       adv
#> 3542        Father                             hurting    13      part
#> 3543  Target_Child                            princess    13         n
#> 3544        Mother                           teddybear    13         n
#> 3545  Target_Child                                left    13       adj
#> 3546  Target_Child                               flied    13         v
#> 3547        Father                                 gas    13         n
#> 3548  Target_Child                                  Mr    13    n:prop
#> 3549        Father                                 ant    13         n
#> 3550        Father                               sharp    13       adj
#> 3551        Father                             stopped    13         v
#> 3552        Father                               extra    13         n
#> 3553        Father                              seeing    13      part
#> 3554  Target_Child                                last    13         n
#> 3555        Father                              circle    13         n
#> 3556        Mother                                keep    13         v
#> 3557        Father                                spin    13         n
#> 3558  Target_Child                                soup    13         n
#> 3559  Target_Child                                   g    13     n:let
#> 3560        Father                                fair    13       adj
#> 3561  Target_Child                                 Joe    13    n:prop
#> 3562        Father                               songs    13         n
#> 3563        Father                            Anderson    13    n:prop
#> 3564  Target_Child                              frozen    13      part
#> 3565  Target_Child                               Aaron    13    n:prop
#> 3566        Mother                                wait    13         v
#> 3567        Father                                 jam    13         n
#> 3568        Father                        refrigerator    13         n
#> 3569  Target_Child                                hall    13         n
#> 3570        Father                                spit    13         v
#> 3571        Father                             drawers    13         n
#> 3572        Father                               Billy    13    n:prop
#> 3573  Target_Child                               crash    13         n
#> 3574        Father                            Superman    13    n:prop
#> 3575  Target_Child                                 won    13         v
#> 3576        Father                                 key    13         n
#> 3577        Father                               keeps    13         v
#> 3578        Father                                  no    13      meta
#> 3579        Father                             fantasy    13         n
#> 3580        Father                               walks    12         v
#> 3581        Mother                                hurt    12         v
#> 3582  Target_Child                           somewhere    12         n
#> 3583        Father                                  jo    12      NULL
#> 3584        Mother                              Ross's    12       adj
#> 3585        Father                            drinking    12      part
#> 3586  Target_Child                               stalk    12         v
#> 3587        Father                             where's    12   pro:rel
#> 3588        Father                               arrow    12         n
#> 3589  Target_Child                              landed    12         v
#> 3590  Target_Child                              shirts    12         n
#> 3591        Father                             scratch    12         v
#> 3592        Father                              wheels    12         n
#> 3593  Target_Child                                mask    12         n
#> 3594        Mother                                year    12         n
#> 3595        Father                                 tar    12         n
#> 3596        Father                             balloon    12         n
#> 3597        Father                                yell    12         n
#> 3598        Father                                folk    12         n
#> 3599        Father                               metal    12         n
#> 3600       Brother                                 get    12         v
#> 3601  Target_Child                           telephone    12         n
#> 3602        Father                                ewok    12         n
#> 3603        Father                              caught    12         v
#> 3604        Father                            Princess    12    n:prop
#> 3605  Target_Child                           Woodstock    12    n:prop
#> 3606  Target_Child                               messy    12       adj
#> 3607  Target_Child                              shower    12         n
#> 3608  Target_Child                              Markie    12    n:prop
#> 3609        Father                              spider    12         n
#> 3610        Father                              hasn't    12       aux
#> 3611  Target_Child                                   l    12     n:let
#> 3612        Father                             sweater    12         n
#> 3613  Target_Child                               Jesus    12    n:prop
#> 3614  Target_Child                                nail    12         n
#> 3615  Target_Child                               light    12       adj
#> 3616        Father                              string    12         n
#> 3617        Mother                                 top    12         n
#> 3618  Target_Child                                 egg    12         n
#> 3619  Target_Child                             promise    12         v
#> 3620        Father                                Nose    12      meta
#> 3621  Target_Child                               creek    12         n
#> 3622        Father                             pretend    12         v
#> 3623        Father                               taste    12         v
#> 3624        Father                          as_soon_as    12      conj
#> 3625        Father                              killed    12         v
#> 3626        Father                              sticky    12         n
#> 3627  Target_Child                           Siegfried    12    n:prop
#> 3628        Father                               works    12         v
#> 3629        Father                                barn    12         n
#> 3630  Target_Child                               plant    12         n
#> 3631        Father                               Vadar    12    n:prop
#> 3632  Target_Child                                cage    12         n
#> 3633        Father                                 for    12      conj
#> 3634        Father                            breaking    12      part
#> 3635        Father                                Barr    12    n:prop
#> 3636        Father                                 his    12  pro:poss
#> 3637  Target_Child                                Alua    12    n:prop
#> 3638  Target_Child                           dinosaurs    12         n
#> 3639  Target_Child                                 rip    12         v
#> 3640        Mother                                 dog    12         n
#> 3641  Target_Child                               metal    12         n
#> 3642         Adult                                said    12         v
#> 3643        Father                             airport    12         n
#> 3644  Target_Child                           adventure    12         n
#> 3645        Father                             feeling    12      part
#> 3646  Target_Child                           Millenium    12    n:prop
#> 3647  Target_Child                                 num    12        co
#> 3648        Mother                                nine    12   det:num
#> 3649       Brother                                  we    12   pro:sub
#> 3650        Mother                               makes    12         v
#> 3651  Target_Child                                 sat    12         v
#> 3652        Father                                hill    12         n
#> 3653  Target_Child                             kidding    12      part
#> 3654        Mother                               comes    12         v
#> 3655  Target_Child                              church    12         n
#> 3656        Father                             driving    12      part
#> 3657  Target_Child                               lions    12         n
#> 3658        Mother                               these    12   pro:dem
#> 3659        Father                                sold    12      part
#> 3660        Father                        Darth_Vadert    12    n:prop
#> 3661        Father                           president    12         n
#> 3662        Father                            everyone    12 pro:indef
#> 3663  Target_Child                              turkey    12         n
#> 3664        Father                              ladder    12         n
#> 3665  Target_Child                                meow    12         v
#> 3666  Target_Child                           nightmare    12         n
#> 3667  Target_Child                               noise    12         n
#> 3668        Father                               Jerry    12    n:prop
#> 3669  Target_Child                                 pet    12         n
#> 3670        Father                                spin    12         v
#> 3671        Mother                                Wars    12    n:prop
#> 3672        Mother                          Pittsburgh    12    n:prop
#> 3673  Target_Child                           listening    12      part
#> 3674  Target_Child                                Ryan    12    n:prop
#> 3675        Father                              she'll    12   pro:sub
#> 3676  Target_Child                                wife    12         n
#> 3677  Target_Child                              kicked    12         v
#> 3678        Father                              hidden    12      part
#> 3679  Target_Child                                each    12        qn
#> 3680  Target_Child                            breaking    12      part
#> 3681        Mother                             picture    12         n
#> 3682  Target_Child                               Dutch    12    n:prop
#> 3683        Mother                           thank_you    12        co
#> 3684  Target_Child                               Wompa    12    n:prop
#> 3685  Target_Child                              sleeps    12         v
#> 3686  Target_Child                               slept    12         v
#> 3687  Target_Child                            suitcase    12         n
#> 3688  Target_Child                                suck    12         v
#> 3689        Father                                city    12         n
#> 3690        Father                             walkers    12         n
#> 3691  Target_Child                              He_man    12    n:prop
#> 3692        Father                           telephone    12         n
#> 3693  Target_Child                             o'clock    12         n
#> 3694  Target_Child                              pencil    12         n
#> 3695  Target_Child                              apples    12         n
#> 3696  Unidentified                                what    12   pro:int
#> 3697  Target_Child                             daddy's    12       adj
#> 3698        Father                               state    12         n
#> 3699        Father                                burn    12         v
#> 3700        Mother                              minute    12         n
#> 3701  Target_Child                               using    12      part
#> 3702        Father                                ugat    12        L2
#> 3703  Target_Child                                band    12         n
#> 3704  Target_Child                               saved    12         v
#> 3705        Father                                grey    12       adj
#> 3706        Father                              hiding    12      part
#> 3707        Father                             Find_it    12    n:prop
#> 3708        Father                               ugato    12        L2
#> 3709  Target_Child                              napkin    12         n
#> 3710        Father                              action    12         n
#> 3711  Target_Child                               eaten    12      part
#> 3712        Mother                                cute    12       adj
#> 3713  Target_Child                              armies    12         n
#> 3714  Target_Child                                said    12      part
#> 3715  Target_Child                                kept    12         v
#> 3716  Target_Child                              dollar    12         n
#> 3717  Target_Child                              Grover    12    n:prop
#> 3718  Target_Child                              you've    12   pro:per
#> 3719  Target_Child                                   j    12     n:let
#> 3720  Target_Child                                scab    12         n
#> 3721  Target_Child                               jokes    12         n
#> 3722  Target_Child                              locked    12      part
#> 3723        Father                             cousins    12         n
#> 3724  Target_Child                      Ar_Too_Dee_Too    12    n:prop
#> 3725        Mother                                head    12         n
#> 3726        Father                              months    12         n
#> 3727        Mother                               wants    12         v
#> 3728  Target_Child                              ma_may    12       chi
#> 3729  Target_Child                             scratch    12         v
#> 3730        Father                               being    12  n:gerund
#> 3731  Target_Child                                 his    12  pro:poss
#> 3732        Father                               sauce    12         n
#> 3733        Father                             weapons    12         n
#> 3734        Mother                               spoon    12         n
#> 3735  Target_Child                                 pal    12         n
#> 3736       Brother                                 Dad    12    n:prop
#> 3737        Father                              mister    12         n
#> 3738        Father                             pudding    12         n
#> 3739  Target_Child                             carrots    12         n
#> 3740  Target_Child                             waiting    12      part
#> 3741        Father                              diaper    12         n
#> 3742        Father                               truth    12         n
#> 3743  Target_Child                                puts    12         v
#> 3744        Father                           underarms    12         v
#> 3745        Mother                              snakes    12         n
#> 3746        Mother                             looking    12      part
#> 3747        Father                             selfish    12       adj
#> 3748        Father                              grapes    12         n
#> 3749        Mother                               floor    12         n
#> 3750  Target_Child                               weeks    12         n
#> 3751  Target_Child                            checkers    12         n
#> 3752  Target_Child                              island    12         n
#> 3753        Mother                                five    12   det:num
#> 3754        Father                             yelling    12      part
#> 3755  Target_Child                           recorders    12         n
#> 3756  Target_Child                            thirteen    12   det:num
#> 3757  Target_Child                              thingy    12       fam
#> 3758  Target_Child                             Bat_Man    12    n:prop
#> 3759  Target_Child                             excused    12      part
#> 3760        Father                               malna    12        L2
#> 3761        Father                                 rip    12         v
#> 3762        Father                              cowboy    12         n
#> 3763  Target_Child                                once    12      conj
#> 3764        Father                             grabbed    12         v
#> 3765  Target_Child                            horrible    12       adj
#> 3766        Father                                sock    12         n
#> 3767        Father                              tickle    12         v
#> 3768  Target_Child                               why's    12   pro:int
#> 3769       Brother                                it's    12   pro:per
#> 3770        Father                              French    12    n:prop
#> 3771  Target_Child                                 set    12      part
#> 3772  Target_Child                               holes    12         n
#> 3773        Father                             sort_of    12       adv
#> 3774  Target_Child                                  ow    12       chi
#> 3775        Father                              jumped    12         v
#> 3776  Target_Child                           ourselves    12  pro:refl
#> 3777        Father                                cool    12       adj
#> 3778  Target_Child                              basket    12         n
#> 3779        Mother                                 hit    12         v
#> 3780  Target_Child                                pony    12         n
#> 3781  Target_Child                               boing    12         v
#> 3782        Father                                 cup    12         n
#> 3783        Mother                                days    12         n
#> 3784  Target_Child                             spoiled    12      part
#> 3785  Target_Child                                 fox    12         n
#> 3786  Target_Child                             dessert    12         n
#> 3787        Mother                                 Han    12    n:prop
#> 3788  Target_Child                                free    12       adv
#> 3789        Mother                                 run    12         v
#> 3790        Father                                he'd    12   pro:sub
#> 3791        Mother                             running    12      part
#> 3792        Father                               cloth    11         n
#> 3793  Target_Child                             blaster    11         n
#> 3794        Father                                runs    11         v
#> 3795        Father                                 won    11         v
#> 3796  Target_Child                               cakes    11         n
#> 3797        Father                                wine    11         n
#> 3798        Father                             weren't    11       aux
#> 3799        Father                              wasn't    11       aux
#> 3800        Father                             battery    11         n
#> 3801         Adult                                  he    11   pro:sub
#> 3802  Target_Child                           beautiful    11       adj
#> 3803        Father                               saved    11         v
#> 3804        Father                                   p    11     n:let
#> 3805        Father                                mail    11         n
#> 3806        Father                                 meg    11      NULL
#> 3807        Father                               sonny    11         n
#> 3808        Father                                blow    11         v
#> 3809        Father                                late    11       adj
#> 3810  Target_Child                                 not    11     coord
#> 3811        Father                              Banner    11    n:prop
#> 3812        Father                               drive    11         v
#> 3813  Target_Child                             careful    11        co
#> 3814        Father                                Mark    11      NULL
#> 3815        Father                                blue    11       adj
#> 3816        Father                                haza    11      NULL
#> 3817  Target_Child                              caught    11      part
#> 3818  Target_Child                               cells    11         n
#> 3819        Father                                less    11       adj
#> 3820  Target_Child                              change    11         v
#> 3821  Target_Child                                ouch    11         n
#> 3822  Target_Child                               worst    11       adj
#> 3823        Father                               worse    11       adj
#> 3824  Target_Child                          basketball    11         n
#> 3825  Target_Child                                owie    11         n
#> 3826  Target_Child                            cheating    11      part
#> 3827  Target_Child                            whenever    11   pro:rel
#> 3828  Target_Child                               paint    11         n
#> 3829  Target_Child                             pajamas    11         n
#> 3830        Father                               Wompa    11    n:prop
#> 3831  Target_Child                              lookee    11        co
#> 3832  Target_Child                                 pay    11         v
#> 3833        Father                                boom    11        co
#> 3834  Target_Child                             chimney    11         n
#> 3835        Father                           Star_Wars    11    n:prop
#> 3836  Target_Child                               penny    11         n
#> 3837  Target_Child                                chop    11         v
#> 3838  Target_Child                             peoples    11         n
#> 3839        Father                              either    11        qn
#> 3840  Target_Child                               angry    11       adj
#> 3841        Father                              sticks    11         n
#> 3842        Father                               stuck    11         v
#> 3843        Father                             worried    11         v
#> 3844        Father                               empty    11       adj
#> 3845  Target_Child                               plays    11         v
#> 3846  Target_Child                                plum    11         n
#> 3847        Father                              engine    11         n
#> 3848        Father                                 art    11         n
#> 3849  Target_Child                              polite    11       adj
#> 3850  Target_Child                                 lie    11         n
#> 3851        Father                               dance    11         v
#> 3852  Target_Child                               worry    11         v
#> 3853  Target_Child                                 lid    11         n
#> 3854  Target_Child                               gross    11       adj
#> 3855      Relative                                 you    11   pro:per
#> 3856      Playmate                                yeah    11        co
#> 3857      Playmate                                 one    11 pro:indef
#> 3858        Father                                even    11       adj
#> 3859        Father                               April    11    n:prop
#> 3860        Mother                                 zzz    11        co
#> 3861        Mother                               you'd    11   pro:per
#> 3862        Mother                                 yet    11       adv
#> 3863  Target_Child                              coffee    11         n
#> 3864        Father                           apologize    11         v
#> 3865        Father                              excuse    11         n
#> 3866        Father                                Dada    11    n:prop
#> 3867        Father                              record    11         n
#> 3868  Target_Child                               laugh    11         v
#> 3869  Target_Child                                quit    11         v
#> 3870        Father                               loves    11         v
#> 3871        Mother                                wear    11         v
#> 3872  Target_Child                                land    11         v
#> 3873        Father                               sunny    11       adj
#> 3874        Father                                fair    11       adv
#> 3875  Target_Child                            crackers    11         n
#> 3876        Father                             America    11    n:prop
#> 3877  Target_Child                              ladder    11         n
#> 3878        Father                                rain    11         n
#> 3879  Target_Child                               crawl    11         v
#> 3880        Father                               sweet    11       adj
#> 3881        Father                            favorite    11       adj
#> 3882        Father                            a_little    11       adv
#> 3883  Target_Child                                ring    11         n
#> 3884        Father                               feels    11         v
#> 3885        Father                                snap    11         v
#> 3886  Target_Child                              knives    11         n
#> 3887  Target_Child                               kneel    11         v
#> 3888        Father                             pushing    11      part
#> 3889        Father                               brick    11         n
#> 3890  Target_Child                              Sarlac    11    n:prop
#> 3891  Target_Child                            Saturday    11    n:prop
#> 3892  Target_Child                                Dada    11    n:prop
#> 3893  Target_Child                           dangerous    11       adj
#> 3894        Father                                tail    11         n
#> 3895        Father                              bright    11       adj
#> 3896  Target_Child                              scream    11         v
#> 3897  Target_Child                                kite    11         n
#> 3898  Target_Child                          Decepticon    11    n:prop
#> 3899  Target_Child                              gloves    11         n
#> 3900        Mother                                skin    11         n
#> 3901        Mother                                size    11         n
#> 3902        Mother                                 sit    11         v
#> 3903        Father                            creature    11         n
#> 3904  Target_Child                               group    11         n
#> 3905  Target_Child                                send    11         v
#> 3906        Father                            programs    11         n
#> 3907  Target_Child                             kind_of    11       adv
#> 3908        Father                           crosseyed    11       adj
#> 3909  Target_Child                               sharp    11       adj
#> 3910        Father                                 fly    11         v
#> 3911        Mother                           recording    11      part
#> 3912  Target_Child                          difference    11         n
#> 3913        Mother                                read    11         v
#> 3914        Mother                              rather    11       adv
#> 3915        Mother                               quite    11       adv
#> 3916  Target_Child                               Dinky    11    n:prop
#> 3917        Father                               mouse    11         n
#> 3918        Father                              covers    11         n
#> 3919        Father                                 May    11    n:prop
#> 3920        Mother                                once    11       adv
#> 3921        Mother                              notice    11         v
#> 3922       Brother                              you're    11   pro:per
#> 3923        Father                               Count    11    n:prop
#> 3924  Target_Child                                sort    11         n
#> 3925        Father                            possible    11       adj
#> 3926        Father                               fries    11         n
#> 3927        Father                              Popeye    11    n:prop
#> 3928  Target_Child                             special    11       adj
#> 3929        Mother                               meant    11         v
#> 3930        Father                                bump    11         v
#> 3931        Father                                pool    11         n
#> 3932        Father                           correctly    11       adv
#> 3933  Target_Child                                wont    11         n
#> 3934        Father                              polite    11       adj
#> 3935        Father                             pointed    11         v
#> 3936        Mother                               looks    11         v
#> 3937        Mother                                long    11       adj
#> 3938        Father                            medicine    11         n
#> 3939        Mother                                life    11         n
#> 3940        Father                                kept    11         v
#> 3941        Mother                                left    11       adj
#> 3942  Target_Child                               steps    11         n
#> 3943       Brother                                that    11   pro:dem
#> 3944        Mother                               later    11       adv
#> 3945        Father                                seem    11       cop
#> 3946        Mother                               kitty    11         n
#> 3947  Target_Child                                step    11         v
#> 3948        Mother                                kind    11         n
#> 3949        Father                               lines    11         n
#> 3950  Target_Child                             sticker    11         v
#> 3951        Mother                                 its    11  det:poss
#> 3952  Target_Child                               early    11       adj
#> 3953  Target_Child                               earth    11         n
#> 3954        Father                              Kanobi    11    n:prop
#> 3955        Father                             buttons    11         n
#> 3956  Target_Child                                swim    11         n
#> 3957  Target_Child                              either    11     coord
#> 3958        Mother                               honey    11         n
#> 3959        Mother                              here's    11 pro:exist
#> 3960  Target_Child                             hunhunh    11        co
#> 3961       Brother                                  of    11      prep
#> 3962        Mother                                 her    11   pro:obj
#> 3963        Father                         Go_go_yo_yo    11    n:prop
#> 3964  Target_Child                               thank    11         v
#> 3965        Mother                                half    11         n
#> 3966  Unidentified                                  it    11   pro:per
#> 3967  Target_Child                               woman    11         n
#> 3968        Mother                                gets    11         v
#> 3969  Target_Child                             goodbye    11        co
#> 3970  Target_Child                                   f    11     n:let
#> 3971        Father                               loose    11       adj
#> 3972  Target_Child                                fair    11       adv
#> 3973        Father                               shark    11         n
#> 3974  Target_Child                               thumb    11         n
#> 3975  Target_Child                             thunder    11         n
#> 3976  Target_Child                                 tie    11         n
#> 3977  Target_Child                              falled    11         v
#> 3978        Mother                                face    11         n
#> 3979        Mother                                 eye    11         n
#> 3980        Mother                               every    11        qn
#> 3981  Target_Child                                grab    11         v
#> 3982        Father                              thread    11         n
#> 3983  Target_Child                                tiny    11       adj
#> 3984        Father                           sentences    11         n
#> 3985  Target_Child                              Tomtom    11    n:prop
#> 3986  Target_Child                                 top    11       adj
#> 3987        Mother                           different    11       adj
#> 3988  Target_Child                              yellow    11       adj
#> 3989  Target_Child                             tractor    11         n
#> 3990        Mother                                 dad    11         n
#> 3991  Target_Child                            favorite    11         n
#> 3992  Target_Child                                high    11         n
#> 3993        Father                                   h    11     n:let
#> 3994        Father                                cold    11       adj
#> 3995  Target_Child                              higher    11       adj
#> 3996        Father                                coke    11         n
#> 3997        Father                                tile    11         n
#> 3998  Target_Child                             figures    11         n
#> 3999        Father                                miss    11         n
#> 4000  Target_Child                             helping    11      part
#> 4001        Mother                                bear    11         n
#> 4002        Father                                iron    11         n
#> 4003         Adult                                 you    11   pro:per
#> 4004        Father                             carrots    11         n
#> 4005        Father                              twelve    11   det:num
#> 4006  Target_Child                              yellow    11         n
#> 4007        Father                          in_between    11      prep
#> 4008        Father                            watching    11      part
#> 4009        Father                               Jesus    11    n:prop
#> 4010        Father                              turned    11      part
#> 4011        Father                           Wednesday    11    n:prop
#> 4012  Target_Child                                 had    11       aux
#> 4013        Father                          werewolves    11         n
#> 4014  Target_Child                               hates    11         v
#> 4015  Target_Child                               Winds    11    n:prop
#> 4016  Target_Child                             gravity    11         n
#> 4017  Target_Child                             usually    11       adv
#> 4018        Father                             nervous    11       adj
#> 4019  Target_Child                             Gremlin    11    n:prop
#> 4020        Father                             where'd    11   pro:rel
#> 4021        Mother                             anymore    11       adv
#> 4022  Target_Child                               force    11         n
#> 4023        Father                             hundred    11   det:num
#> 4024  Target_Child                            fourteen    11   det:num
#> 4025        Mother                                 ago    11      post
#> 4026  Target_Child                                mess    11         v
#> 4027  Target_Child                               broke    11       adj
#> 4028        Father                          Disneyland    11    n:prop
#> 4029  Target_Child                               brand    11       adj
#> 4030  Target_Child                                Miss    11    n:prop
#> 4031  Target_Child                              mostly    11       adv
#> 4032        Father                              Doctor    11    n:prop
#> 4033  Target_Child                              X_wing    11    n:prop
#> 4034        Father                             dollars    11         n
#> 4035  Target_Child                             buttons    11         n
#> 4036  Target_Child                         interesting    10       adj
#> 4037  Target_Child                               parts    10         n
#> 4038  Target_Child                               stays    10         v
#> 4039        Father                                 gay    10       adj
#> 4040  Target_Child                             station    10         n
#> 4041  Target_Child                                 bum    10         n
#> 4042  Target_Child                               tough    10       adj
#> 4043        Mother                              Denver    10    n:prop
#> 4044        Father                            pointing    10      part
#> 4045        Father                               awful    10       adj
#> 4046       Brother                                  do    10         v
#> 4047  Target_Child                               mixed    10      part
#> 4048        Father                             besides    10      prep
#> 4049  Target_Child                            starting    10      part
#> 4050        Father                               thumb    10         n
#> 4051        Mother                                many    10        qn
#> 4052  Target_Child                             spilled    10         v
#> 4053  Target_Child                                trap    10         n
#> 4054        Father                                Miss    10    n:prop
#> 4055  Target_Child                             special    10         n
#> 4056  Target_Child                               speak    10         v
#> 4057        Father                                 pop    10         n
#> 4058        Father                               sheet    10         n
#> 4059        Father                            passport    10         n
#> 4060        Father                                guts    10         n
#> 4061        Father                           lightning    10         n
#> 4062  Target_Child                                Jaws    10    n:prop
#> 4063  Target_Child                             doctors    10         n
#> 4064        Father                                 pot    10         n
#> 4065        Father                                frog    10         n
#> 4066  Target_Child                               gimme    10         v
#> 4067  Target_Child                               wafer    10         n
#> 4068  Target_Child                             mommy's    10       adj
#> 4069  Target_Child                               jumps    10         v
#> 4070        Father                                earn    10         v
#> 4071        Father                               doing    10  n:gerund
#> 4072        Father                                chop    10         n
#> 4073  Target_Child                               paint    10         v
#> 4074        Father                             present    10       adv
#> 4075  Target_Child                              snoopy    10       adj
#> 4076        Father                               shows    10         v
#> 4077  Target_Child                             sneaked    10         v
#> 4078  Target_Child                                 tub    10         n
#> 4079        Father                              couple    10        qn
#> 4080        Father                               tight    10       adj
#> 4081        Father                               found    10         v
#> 4082  Target_Child                             Autobot    10    n:prop
#> 4083        Mother                               candy    10         n
#> 4084        Mother                                over    10      prep
#> 4085  Target_Child                               yummy    10       adj
#> 4086  Target_Child                              dipper    10         n
#> 4087  Target_Child                                page    10         n
#> 4088  Target_Child                                whoo    10        co
#> 4089        Mother                            question    10         n
#> 4090        Father                               light    10       adj
#> 4091        Father                              follow    10         v
#> 4092        Father                             smaller    10       adj
#> 4093        Mother                              called    10      part
#> 4094        Father                        kindergarten    10         n
#> 4095        Father                               crash    10         n
#> 4096  Target_Child                               shoot    10        co
#> 4097  Target_Child                              she'll    10   pro:sub
#> 4098        Mother                              bought    10         v
#> 4099        Father                                lift    10         v
#> 4100  Target_Child                                woof    10         v
#> 4101        Father                               crawl    10         v
#> 4102        Father                              talked    10         v
#> 4103  Target_Child                               games    10         n
#> 4104  Target_Child                               kings    10         n
#> 4105        Father                               akkor    10      NULL
#> 4106  Target_Child                             Delma's    10       adj
#> 4107  Target_Child                                type    10         n
#> 4108        Father                             grandpa    10         n
#> 4109  Target_Child                              decide    10         v
#> 4110        Father                           shoreline    10         n
#> 4111  Target_Child                                seem    10       cop
#> 4112  Target_Child                                sees    10         v
#> 4113        Father                               Titus    10    n:prop
#> 4114  Target_Child                              scream    10         n
#> 4115        Mother                               start    10         v
#> 4116        Father                               taken    10      part
#> 4117        Father                               coats    10         n
#> 4118        Mother                                stop    10         v
#> 4119        Father                                brig    10         n
#> 4120        Father                                 hit    10         n
#> 4121        Father                             unhappy    10       adj
#> 4122        Mother                              taking    10      part
#> 4123  Target_Child                               loose    10       adj
#> 4124  Target_Child                             kitties    10         n
#> 4125  Target_Child                             daddy's    10         n
#> 4126         Adult                                 the    10   det:art
#> 4127        Mother                                 tea    10         n
#> 4128        Father                                 toe    10         n
#> 4129        Father                               works    10         n
#> 4130        Father                             figures    10         n
#> 4131        Father                                 add    10         v
#> 4132  Target_Child                                melt    10         v
#> 4133        Father                               tried    10         v
#> 4134        Father                             fifties    10         n
#> 4135  Target_Child                                help    10        co
#> 4136        Father                              pushed    10         v
#> 4137  Target_Child                              Knight    10    n:prop
#> 4138        Father                                hats    10         n
#> 4139  Target_Child                               Louis    10    n:prop
#> 4140        Father                                 Tom    10    n:prop
#> 4141        Father                        instructions    10         n
#> 4142  Target_Child                               grown    10      part
#> 4143        Father                               Kitty    10    n:prop
#> 4144        Father                               cloud    10         n
#> 4145        Father                            favorite    10         n
#> 4146  Target_Child                             changed    10         v
#> 4147        Father                             haunted    10      part
#> 4148        Father                               stage    10         n
#> 4149        Father                           somewhere    10       adv
#> 4150        Father                              inside    10         n
#> 4151        Father                               kneel    10         v
#> 4152  Target_Child                              riding    10      part
#> 4153  Target_Child                            creature    10         n
#> 4154         Adult                                that    10   pro:dem
#> 4155  Target_Child                                 moo    10         v
#> 4156   Grandfather                                yeah    10        co
#> 4157  Target_Child                                rich    10       adj
#> 4158        Father                              worked    10         v
#> 4159        Father                             cartoon    10         n
#> 4160        Father                                race    10         n
#> 4161        Father                                farm    10         n
#> 4162  Target_Child                                 use    10         n
#> 4163        Father                               a_lot    10       adv
#> 4164        Father                               reach    10         v
#> 4165  Target_Child                                week    10         n
#> 4166        Father                                hmhm    10        co
#> 4167  Target_Child                                bang    10        on
#> 4168  Target_Child                              really    10       adv
#> 4169  Target_Child                               crack    10         n
#> 4170        Father                            Imperial    10    n:prop
#> 4171        Father                               Delma    10    n:prop
#> 4172        Father                             watched    10         v
#> 4173        Father                                died    10         v
#> 4174  Target_Child                                lake    10         n
#> 4175        Father                             noticed    10         v
#> 4176  Target_Child                               cough    10         n
#> 4177  Target_Child                                wish    10         n
#> 4178        Father                            homework    10         n
#> 4179  Target_Child                              leader    10         n
#> 4180        Father                               sorts    10         n
#> 4181  Target_Child                              leaves    10         n
#> 4182        Father                             reasons    10         n
#> 4183  Target_Child                                 Max    10    n:prop
#> 4184  Target_Child                            machines    10         n
#> 4185        Father                                Hood    10    n:prop
#> 4186  Target_Child                        merrygoround    10         n
#> 4187        Father                            werewolf    10         n
#> 4188  Target_Child                            basement    10         n
#> 4189        Father                                  ow    10        co
#> 4190        Mother                               witch    10         n
#> 4191  Target_Child                              Muppet    10    n:prop
#> 4192  Target_Child                              Leigha    10    n:prop
#> 4193        Mother                                work    10         n
#> 4194  Target_Child                              unless    10      conj
#> 4195  Target_Child                                wide    10       adj
#> 4196        Father                                 saw    10         n
#> 4197  Target_Child                             punched    10         v
#> 4198  Target_Child                                beat    10         v
#> 4199  Target_Child                               punch    10         v
#> 4200        Father                              except    10      conj
#> 4201        Father                               hurry    10         n
#> 4202  Target_Child                                less    10       adj
#> 4203  Target_Child                             pulling    10      part
#> 4204  Target_Child                                 boo    10         n
#> 4205        Father                             changed    10         v
#> 4206        Father                            spanking    10  n:gerund
#> 4207  Target_Child                          McDonald's    10       adj
#> 4208        Father                             daddy's    10         n
#> 4209        Father                            Saturday    10    n:prop
#> 4210        Father                               turns    10         n
#> 4211        Mother                              yogurt    10         n
#> 4212        Mother                              always    10       adv
#> 4213  Target_Child                             pudding    10         n
#> 4214        Mother                             alright    10        co
#> 4215  Target_Child                               fruit    10         n
#> 4216        Father                               tooth    10         n
#> 4217        Father                                help    10        co
#> 4218        Father                                whip    10         n
#> 4219        Mother                              you've    10   pro:per
#> 4220  Target_Child                              happen    10         v
#> 4221        Father                                Solo    10    n:prop
#> 4222  Target_Child                             pretzel    10         n
#> 4223  Target_Child                               being    10         n
#> 4224        Father                             Daddy's    10    n:prop
#> 4225        Father                                 top    10       adj
#> 4226  Target_Child                               press    10         v
#> 4227        Father                            cavities    10         n
#> 4228        Mother                                 air    10         n
#> 4229        Father                                Jack    10    n:prop
#> 4230        Father                              Europe    10    n:prop
#> 4231  Target_Child                             letters    10         n
#> 4232        Father                              Sarlac    10    n:prop
#> 4233      Playmate                                want    10         v
#> 4234      Playmate                                 you    10   pro:per
#> 4235        Father                                 Red    10    n:prop
#> 4236        Father                                many    10 pro:indef
#> 4237  Target_Child                            possible    10       adj
#> 4238  Target_Child                               cloud    10         n
#> 4239  Target_Child                              across    10      prep
#> 4240  Target_Child                              Friday    10    n:prop
#> 4241        Father                                wife    10         n
#> 4242  Target_Child                                 add    10         v
#> 4243        Father                              beagle    10         n
#> 4244  Target_Child                               pooey    10         n
#> 4245  Target_Child                                 age    10         n
#> 4246  Target_Child                             cleaned    10         v
#> 4247  Target_Child                                move    10         n
#> 4248  Target_Child                               Bubba    10    n:prop
#> 4249        Father                             Tuesday    10    n:prop
#> 4250  Target_Child                             cleaner    10       adj
#> 4251  Target_Child                                poke    10         v
#> 4252        Father                               setup    10         n
#> 4253  Target_Child                              plants    10         n
#> 4254  Target_Child                             pirates    10         n
#> 4255        Father                           spaceship    10         n
#> 4256        Father                            superman    10         n
#> 4257        Father                             booties    10         n
#> 4258        Father                             ladders    10         n
#> 4259        Father                                 ein    10        L2
#> 4260        Father                              eighty    10   det:num
#> 4261        Mother                                 fun    10         n
#> 4262  Target_Child                              anyway    10        co
#> 4263  Target_Child                             thought    10         n
#> 4264        Mother                                 get    10       aux
#> 4265       Brother                                 his    10  det:poss
#> 4266        Father                                news    10         n
#> 4267  Target_Child                                hope    10         n
#> 4268        Father                               Goose    10    n:prop
#> 4269        Father                               goose    10         n
#> 4270  Target_Child                                Hood    10    n:prop
#> 4271        Mother                                grow    10         v
#> 4272  Target_Child                                  ew    10        co
#> 4273  Unidentified                                   I    10   pro:sub
#> 4274  Unidentified                                  is    10       cop
#> 4275  Target_Child                                 hum    10         n
#> 4276        Father                                rude    10       adj
#> 4277  Target_Child                              Little    10    n:prop
#> 4278  Target_Child                             pencils    10         n
#> 4279        Father                               might    10         n
#> 4280        Mother                              happen    10         v
#> 4281  Target_Child                               Teala    10    n:prop
#> 4282        Mother                               he'll    10   pro:sub
#> 4283  Target_Child                                 bug    10         n
#> 4284        Father                              oughta    10       mod
#> 4285        Mother                                hear    10         v
#> 4286        Father                              houses    10         n
#> 4287  Target_Child                             between    10      prep
#> 4288        Father                                land    10         v
#> 4289        Mother                                help    10         v
#> 4290        Father                             Autobot    10    n:prop
#> 4291  Target_Child                               tight    10       adv
#> 4292        Father                               spell    10         v
#> 4293        Mother                              helped    10         v
#> 4294        Father                          silverware    10         n
#> 4295  Target_Child                               grade    10         n
#> 4296  Target_Child                              ending    10         n
#> 4297        Father                              buying    10      part
#> 4298        Father                              ground    10         n
#> 4299        Father                              riders    10         n
#> 4300  Target_Child                               falls    10         v
#> 4301  Target_Child                            backpack    10         n
#> 4302        Mother                              hungry    10       adj
#> 4303        Father                            confused    10      part
#> 4304        Father                            penguins    10         n
#> 4305        Mother                                  if    10      comp
#> 4306  Target_Child                              string    10         n
#> 4307        Mother                               drink    10         n
#> 4308  Target_Child                            passport    10         n
#> 4309  Target_Child                                 goo    10        on
#> 4310        Mother                         interesting    10       adj
#> 4311        Mother                                down    10      prep
#> 4312  Target_Child                             stories    10         n
#> 4313  Target_Child                                 ear    10         n
#> 4314        Father                            business    10         n
#> 4315  Target_Child                              upside    10       adv
#> 4316        Mother                                 job    10         n
#> 4317        Mother                                joke    10         n
#> 4318        Father                              played    10         v
#> 4319        Father                                 mit    10        L2
#> 4320  Target_Child                              melted    10         v
#> 4321        Father                               paint    10         n
#> 4322  Target_Child                              golden    10       adj
#> 4323        Father                              german    10       adj
#> 4324  Target_Child                               Tooth    10    n:prop
#> 4325        Mother                             telling     9      part
#> 4326        Father                                onto     9      prep
#> 4327        Father                               mom's     9       adj
#> 4328        Father                      oh_my_goodness     9        co
#> 4329        Father                             nursery     9         n
#> 4330        Father                              Mothra     9    n:prop
#> 4331        Father                              nicely     9       adv
#> 4332        Father                          motorcycle     9         n
#> 4333        Father                               Mouse     9    n:prop
#> 4334        Father                               moves     9         n
#> 4335        Father                               moves     9         v
#> 4336        Father                                near     9      prep
#> 4337        Father                              Navajo     9    n:prop
#> 4338        Father                               named     9         v
#> 4339  Target_Child                           Wednesday     9    n:prop
#> 4340  Target_Child                                 wah     9        co
#> 4341  Target_Child                            vitamins     9         n
#> 4342         Adult                                yeah     9        co
#> 4343  Target_Child                                uses     9         v
#> 4344  Target_Child                            Underman     9    n:prop
#> 4345  Target_Child                              turned     9      part
#> 4346  Target_Child                                true     9         n
#> 4347  Target_Child                            treasure     9         n
#> 4348  Target_Child                             tickles     9         v
#> 4349  Target_Child                             through     9       adv
#> 4350  Target_Child                               third     9       adj
#> 4351  Target_Child                                 The     9    n:prop
#> 4352         Adult                                 and     9     coord
#> 4353  Target_Child                              teepee     9         n
#> 4354  Target_Child                               teddy     9         n
#> 4355  Target_Child                               taste     9         v
#> 4356  Target_Child                               talks     9         v
#> 4357  Target_Child                              talked     9         v
#> 4358  Target_Child                             talking     9  n:gerund
#> 4359  Target_Child                               taken     9      part
#> 4360  Target_Child                               Sweet     9    n:prop
#> 4361  Target_Child                           Superhero     9    n:prop
#> 4362  Target_Child                            suddenly     9       adv
#> 4363  Target_Child                             stuffed     9      part
#> 4364  Target_Child                               straw     9         n
#> 4365  Target_Child                               still     9         v
#> 4366  Target_Child                              sticks     9         n
#> 4367  Target_Child                            spanking     9      part
#> 4368       Brother                                well     9        co
#> 4369  Target_Child                           Soundwave     9    n:prop
#> 4370  Target_Child                             someday     9   adv:tem
#> 4371       Brother                                your     9  det:poss
#> 4372  Target_Child                             soldier     9         n
#> 4373  Target_Child                              soccer     9         n
#> 4374  Target_Child                              shoots     9         v
#> 4375  Target_Child                           seventeen     9   det:num
#> 4376  Target_Child                                 set     9         n
#> 4377  Target_Child                            screamed     9         v
#> 4378  Target_Child                             sausage     9         n
#> 4379  Target_Child                              safety     9         n
#> 4380  Target_Child                                 rug     9         n
#> 4381  Target_Child                               round     9         n
#> 4382  Target_Child                              robber     9         n
#> 4383  Target_Child                              Richie     9    n:prop
#> 4384  Target_Child                                 Rex     9    n:prop
#> 4385        Father                                Alua     9    n:prop
#> 4386  Target_Child                              Rachel     9    n:prop
#> 4387  Target_Child                              rabbit     9         n
#> 4388  Target_Child                                 pum     9        on
#> 4389        Father                           disappear     9         v
#> 4390  Target_Child                              pretty     9       adj
#> 4391  Target_Child                                pray     9         v
#> 4392  Target_Child                              popped     9         v
#> 4393  Target_Child                              police     9         n
#> 4394  Target_Child                              played     9      part
#> 4395  Target_Child                              plates     9         n
#> 4396  Target_Child                              Piepie     9       chi
#> 4397  Target_Child                            people's     9       adj
#> 4398  Target_Child                             pancake     9         n
#> 4399  Target_Child                            football     9         n
#> 4400  Target_Child                                oops     9        co
#> 4401        Father                              banana     9         n
#> 4402        Father                                bank     9         n
#> 4403  Target_Child                                Nick     9    n:prop
#> 4404  Target_Child                             daytime     9         n
#> 4405  Target_Child                             naughty     9       adj
#> 4406        Father                                bend     9         v
#> 4407  Target_Child                             mommy's     9         n
#> 4408  Target_Child                             married     9      part
#> 4409  Target_Child                                mark     9         n
#> 4410        Father                               boats     9         n
#> 4411  Target_Child                                zero     9   det:num
#> 4412  Target_Child                               Lando     9    n:prop
#> 4413  Target_Child                             ladders     9         n
#> 4414        Father                              bricks     9         n
#> 4415  Target_Child                              jungle     9         n
#> 4416  Target_Child                                Jill     9    n:prop
#> 4417  Target_Child                               Jamie     9    n:prop
#> 4418  Target_Child                             Jackson     9    n:prop
#> 4419        Father                              Burger     9    n:prop
#> 4420  Target_Child                        instructions     9         n
#> 4421  Target_Child                              inside     9       adj
#> 4422  Target_Child                              humans     9         n
#> 4423  Target_Child                               human     9         n
#> 4424  Target_Child                                hour     9         n
#> 4425  Target_Child                               hippo     9         n
#> 4426  Target_Child                                hide     9         v
#> 4427  Target_Child                               Heman     9    n:prop
#> 4428  Target_Child                                head     9       adj
#> 4429        Father                               cat's     9       adj
#> 4430  Target_Child                                hang     9         v
#> 4431  Target_Child                           hamburger     9         n
#> 4432        Father                               check     9         n
#> 4433        Father                               chest     9         n
#> 4434  Target_Child                              giants     9         n
#> 4435        Father                               chips     9         n
#> 4436  Target_Child                              German     9    n:prop
#> 4437        Father                             chopped     9         v
#> 4438  Target_Child                               found     9         v
#> 4439  Target_Child                                 for     9      conj
#> 4440        Father                              clouds     9         n
#> 4441  Target_Child                             finally     9       adv
#> 4442        Father                           coca_cola     9         n
#> 4443        Father                           colordraw     9     wplay
#> 4444        Father                             come_on     9        co
#> 4445  Target_Child                               Erins     9    n:prop
#> 4446  Target_Child                               dummy     9       adj
#> 4447  Target_Child                                Duck     9    n:prop
#> 4448  Target_Child                              drives     9         v
#> 4449  Target_Child                              driver     9         n
#> 4450  Target_Child                             dressed     9         v
#> 4451  Target_Child                              doggie     9         n
#> 4452        Father                               crack     9         n
#> 4453  Target_Child                                died     9      part
#> 4454  Target_Child                                desk     9         n
#> 4455  Target_Child                               dance     9         v
#> 4456        Father                              crumbs     9         n
#> 4457  Target_Child                              cradle     9         n
#> 4458  Target_Child                               crack     9         v
#> 4459  Target_Child                            counting     9      part
#> 4460  Target_Child                                cool     9         v
#> 4461        Father                                   d     9     n:let
#> 4462  Target_Child                              colors     9         n
#> 4463        Father                               Dadda     9    n:prop
#> 4464  Target_Child                           coca_cola     9         n
#> 4465  Target_Child                               clock     9         n
#> 4466  Target_Child                            climbing     9      part
#> 4467  Target_Child                              circle     9         v
#> 4468  Target_Child                              cherry     9         n
#> 4469  Target_Child                               cheat     9         v
#> 4470        Father                            decision     9         n
#> 4471        Father                          definitely     9       adv
#> 4472        Father                             Delma's     9       adj
#> 4473  Target_Child                                case     9         n
#> 4474  Target_Child                               bumps     9         n
#> 4475        Father                                dish     9         n
#> 4476        Father                              dishes     9         n
#> 4477        Father                                 dog     9         v
#> 4478  Target_Child                                Boba     9    n:prop
#> 4479  Target_Child                             biggest     9       adj
#> 4480  Target_Child                             besides     9      prep
#> 4481  Target_Child                              became     9       cop
#> 4482  Target_Child                          because_of     9      prep
#> 4483        Father                              dreams     9         n
#> 4484        Father                               dream     9         v
#> 4485  Target_Child                                bean     9         n
#> 4486        Father                               drunk     9         n
#> 4487  Target_Child                                Barr     9    n:prop
#> 4488  Target_Child                               baker     9         n
#> 4489  Target_Child                               worse     9       adj
#> 4490  Target_Child                               babys     9         n
#> 4491  Target_Child                                  ax     9         n
#> 4492  Target_Child                                 ape     9         n
#> 4493  Target_Child                               angel     9         n
#> 4494        Father                           elephants     9         n
#> 4495        Father                             emperor     9         n
#> 4496        Father                                 end     9         v
#> 4497  Target_Child                            a_little     9       adv
#> 4498        Father                                Erin     9    n:prop
#> 4499  Target_Child                            actually     9       adv
#> 4500  Target_Child                              action     9         n
#> 4501      Playmate                                  we     9   pro:sub
#> 4502      Playmate                                  up     9       adv
#> 4503      Playmate                                this     9   det:dem
#> 4504        Father                         everybody's     9 pro:indef
#> 4505        Mother                            birthday     9         n
#> 4506        Mother                               yours     9  pro:poss
#> 4507        Mother                                Yoda     9    n:prop
#> 4508        Mother                               who's     9   pro:int
#> 4509  Target_Child                                worm     9         n
#> 4510        Mother                          understand     9         v
#> 4511        Mother                               under     9      prep
#> 4512        Father                                 far     9       adj
#> 4513        Mother                             trouble     9         n
#> 4514        Mother                              tickle     9         v
#> 4515        Mother                            thinking     9      part
#> 4516        Father                                 few     9         n
#> 4517        Father                                 few     9        qn
#> 4518        Mother                                tape     9         n
#> 4519        Mother                                talk     9         n
#> 4520        Mother                            sweaters     9         n
#> 4521        Mother                               sound     9         n
#> 4522        Mother                                sort     9         n
#> 4523        Mother                            somebody     9 pro:indef
#> 4524        Mother                           Skywalker     9    n:prop
#> 4525        Mother                                 six     9   det:num
#> 4526        Mother                                side     9         n
#> 4527        Mother                               shirt     9         n
#> 4528        Mother                               she's     9   pro:sub
#> 4529  Target_Child                               woods     9         n
#> 4530        Mother                              pieces     9         n
#> 4531        Mother                                only     9        qn
#> 4532        Father                                free     9       adv
#> 4533        Mother                             nothing     9 pro:indef
#> 4534        Father                               fruit     9         n
#> 4535        Mother                               movie     9         n
#> 4536        Mother                               money     9         n
#> 4537        Mother                                mine     9  pro:poss
#> 4538        Mother                             Marky's     9       adj
#> 4539        Mother                                 mad     9       adj
#> 4540        Mother                                Luke     9    n:prop
#> 4541        Mother                                last     9       adj
#> 4542        Mother                                kiss     9         n
#> 4543        Mother                                 kid     9         n
#> 4544        Mother                                kick     9         v
#> 4545        Mother                           important     9       adj
#> 4546  Target_Child                           wonderful     9       adj
#> 4547        Mother                               hasta     9       mod
#> 4548        Father                             goodbye     9        co
#> 4549        Mother                                hair     9         n
#> 4550        Mother                                full     9       adj
#> 4551        Mother                              family     9         n
#> 4552        Mother                                fall     9         v
#> 4553        Father                               gross     9         n
#> 4554        Mother                              eating     9      part
#> 4555        Mother                                done     9      part
#> 4556        Father                               guy's     9       adj
#> 4557        Mother                              coffee     9         n
#> 4558        Mother                               climb     9         v
#> 4559        Mother                               clear     9       adj
#> 4560        Mother                           chocolate     9         n
#> 4561        Mother                               chair     9         n
#> 4562        Mother                               cause     9         n
#> 4563        Father                             happily     9       adv
#> 4564        Mother                             believe     9         v
#> 4565        Mother                                been     9       cop
#> 4566        Mother                                back     9         n
#> 4567        Mother                                aunt     9         n
#> 4568        Father                               heard     9      part
#> 4569        Mother                              asking     9      part
#> 4570        Mother                                 all     9      post
#> 4571        Mother                                  ah     9        co
#> 4572        Mother                            actually     9       adv
#> 4573        Father                               Henry     9    n:prop
#> 4574        Father                               gyere     9      NULL
#> 4575        Father                        merrygoround     9         n
#> 4576        Father                         girlfriends     9         n
#> 4577        Father                          girlfriend     9         n
#> 4578        Father                             bedtime     9         n
#> 4579        Father                                held     9         v
#> 4580        Father                                   y     9     n:let
#> 4581        Father                                 hon     9         n
#> 4582        Father                                worm     9         n
#> 4583        Father                               woods     9         n
#> 4584        Father                               woman     9         n
#> 4585        Father                               hulks     9         n
#> 4586        Father                               while     9         n
#> 4587        Father                               wheel     9         n
#> 4588        Father                            whatever     9   pro:int
#> 4589        Father                             wedding     9         n
#> 4590        Father                             weather     9         n
#> 4591        Father                            violence     9         n
#> 4592        Father                              inside     9       adj
#> 4593        Father                              unhunh     9        co
#> 4594        Father                                ugly     9       adj
#> 4595        Father                              Turkey     9    n:prop
#> 4596        Father                               Jabba     9    n:prop
#> 4597        Father                                tube     9         n
#> 4598        Father                                trot     9         n
#> 4599        Father                             traffic     9         n
#> 4600        Father                                 Jim     9    n:prop
#> 4601        Father                               Jimmy     9    n:prop
#> 4602         Adult                                  oh     9        co
#> 4603        Father                                 tie     9         v
#> 4604        Father                             thirsty     9       adj
#> 4605        Father                          themselves     9  pro:refl
#> 4606        Father                               tails     9         n
#> 4607        Father                               sword     9         n
#> 4608        Father                               sweet     9        co
#> 4609        Father                                sure     9         v
#> 4610        Father                                suit     9         n
#> 4611        Father                               steel     9         n
#> 4612  Target_Child                                Wild     9    n:prop
#> 4613        Father                                lamp     9         n
#> 4614        Father                            starting     9      part
#> 4615        Father                            learning     9      part
#> 4616        Father                                left     9       adj
#> 4617        Father                                Leia     9    n:prop
#> 4618        Father                            soldiers     9         n
#> 4619        Father                                snap     9         n
#> 4620        Father                              lights     9         n
#> 4621        Father                               liked     9         v
#> 4622        Father                               shoot     9         v
#> 4623        Father                            sentence     9         n
#> 4624        Father                               salad     9         n
#> 4625        Father                                safe     9         n
#> 4626        Father                               rules     9         n
#> 4627        Father                              ruined     9      part
#> 4628        Father                               Ross'     9       adj
#> 4629        Father                              rivers     9         n
#> 4630        Father                          recordings     9  n:gerund
#> 4631        Father                              Rachel     9    n:prop
#> 4632        Father                             married     9      part
#> 4633        Father                              pulled     9         v
#> 4634        Father                             pulling     9      part
#> 4635        Father                              master     9         n
#> 4636        Father                             present     9       adj
#> 4637        Father                              powers     9         n
#> 4638        Father                               power     9         n
#> 4639        Father                              melted     9         v
#> 4640        Father                               pilot     9         n
#> 4641        Father                               messy     9       adj
#> 4642        Father                                 pie     9         n
#> 4643        Father                              middle     9       adj
#> 4644        Father                               Paris     9    n:prop
#> 4645        Father                               trade     8         v
#> 4646  Target_Child                              girl's     8       adj
#> 4647        Father                                chew     8         v
#> 4648  Target_Child                                 win     8         n
#> 4649  Target_Child                                 god     8        co
#> 4650        Father                                trap     8         n
#> 4651        Father                              empire     8         n
#> 4652  Target_Child                         good_chitis     8     wplay
#> 4653  Target_Child                             Grandma     8    n:prop
#> 4654        Father                      Charlie_Browns     8    n:prop
#> 4655        Father                       Charlie_Brown     8    n:prop
#> 4656  Target_Child                               guard     8         n
#> 4657  Target_Child                               guy's     8       adj
#> 4658        Mother                                most     8        qn
#> 4659  Target_Child                               Happy     8    n:prop
#> 4660  Target_Child                            hatchoos     8       chi
#> 4661        Father                               shake     8         v
#> 4662  Target_Child                          ambulances     8         n
#> 4663  Target_Child                               hated     8         v
#> 4664        Father                              castle     8         n
#> 4665        Father                             hardest     8       adj
#> 4666  Target_Child                              hearts     8         n
#> 4667        Father                               stuck     8      part
#> 4668  Target_Child                             America     8    n:prop
#> 4669        Father                              eleven     8   det:num
#> 4670  Target_Child                                 van     8         n
#> 4671        Mother                              Eat_It     8    n:prop
#> 4672  Target_Child                             another     8 pro:indef
#> 4673  Target_Child                              answer     8         n
#> 4674  Target_Child                                true     8         v
#> 4675        Father                                  Oz     8    n:prop
#> 4676        Mother                             muscles     8         n
#> 4677        Father                                lake     8         n
#> 4678  Target_Child                             venture     8         n
#> 4679        Mother                                next     8       adv
#> 4680        Mother                              actual     8       adj
#> 4681        Father                             staying     8      part
#> 4682  Target_Child                            yuckiest     8       adj
#> 4683  Target_Child                               hurry     8         n
#> 4684        Father                                 egg     8         n
#> 4685  Target_Child                              inside     8      prep
#> 4686        Father                             burning     8      part
#> 4687        Mother                                nose     8         n
#> 4688        Mother                                even     8       adv
#> 4689  Target_Child                             January     8    n:prop
#> 4690        Father                                 bUm     8       uni
#> 4691  Target_Child                                  Ar     8    n:prop
#> 4692  Target_Child                              Joey's     8       adj
#> 4693  Target_Child                             jogging     8      part
#> 4694        Mother                                 bit     8         n
#> 4695  Target_Child                              joking     8      part
#> 4696        Mother                               paint     8         n
#> 4697  Target_Child                             jumping     8      part
#> 4698        Father                              Teepee     8      meta
#> 4699        Father                              teepee     8         n
#> 4700        Father                            Eastmont     8    n:prop
#> 4701  Target_Child                                junk     8         n
#> 4702        Father                               forty     8   det:num
#> 4703  Target_Child                                  aw     8        co
#> 4704        Father                           scratched     8         v
#> 4705  Target_Child                             keeping     8      part
#> 4706        Father                              bubble     8         n
#> 4707  Target_Child                                   w     8     n:let
#> 4708  Target_Child                               kinds     8         n
#> 4709        Father                               brown     8       adj
#> 4710        Father                            Gremlins     8    n:prop
#> 4711  Target_Child                               backs     8         n
#> 4712        Mother                              person     8         n
#> 4713  Target_Child                                bake     8         v
#> 4714        Father                               Dukes     8    n:prop
#> 4715        Mother                               phone     8         n
#> 4716  Target_Child                               level     8         n
#> 4717        Mother                               place     8         n
#> 4718  Target_Child                                bars     8         n
#> 4719  Target_Child                           lightning     8         n
#> 4720  Target_Child                              Barney     8    n:prop
#> 4721        Father                               bossy     8       adj
#> 4722        Father                                drop     8         n
#> 4723        Mother                               plate     8         n
#> 4724        Mother                            fighting     8  n:gerund
#> 4725        Mother                                film     8         n
#> 4726  Target_Child                             littles     8     n:adj
#> 4727        Mother                                pole     8         n
#> 4728        Father                            teaching     8      part
#> 4729  Target_Child                              locked     8         v
#> 4730  Target_Child                                lots     8         n
#> 4731  Target_Child                        wrong_chitis     8     wplay
#> 4732  Target_Child                               lucky     8       adj
#> 4733  Target_Child                               Bears     8    n:prop
#> 4734        Father                             totally     8       adv
#> 4735        Mother                              Popeye     8    n:prop
#> 4736  Target_Child                                 tur     8        L2
#> 4737        Father                               block     8         n
#> 4738  Target_Child                                 Man     8    n:prop
#> 4739  Target_Child                              behind     8       adv
#> 4740  Target_Child                                 map     8         n
#> 4741  Target_Child                              Mark's     8    n:prop
#> 4742        Father                               Bingo     8    n:prop
#> 4743        Father                          sandwiches     8         n
#> 4744        Mother                              pretty     8       adv
#> 4745        Father                               spill     8         v
#> 4746  Target_Child                             Mommy's     8    n:prop
#> 4747        Mother                            finished     8      part
#> 4748        Father                               below     8      prep
#> 4749        Father                              oxygen     8         n
#> 4750  Target_Child                                bigs     8     n:adj
#> 4751        Father                             spiders     8         n
#> 4752  Target_Child                              Mother     8    n:prop
#> 4753        Father                               green     8       adj
#> 4754  Target_Child                             blasted     8         v
#> 4755  Target_Child                                mice     8         n
#> 4756        Father                                beds     8         n
#> 4757        Father                          because_of     8      prep
#> 4758        Father                            Tatooine     8    n:prop
#> 4759        Father                             játszik     8        L2
#> 4760  Target_Child                             Blaster     8    n:prop
#> 4761  Target_Child                              nahunh     8        co
#> 4762        Father                              myself     8  pro:refl
#> 4763        Father                             fooling     8      part
#> 4764        Mother                               blood     8         n
#> 4765        Father                               bears     8         n
#> 4766        Father                               beans     8         n
#> 4767        Father                              dollar     8         n
#> 4768        Father                                beam     8         n
#> 4769        Mother                              really     8       adv
#> 4770        Mother                                body     8         n
#> 4771  Target_Child                                near     8      prep
#> 4772        Father                          Magyar_Ora     8        L2
#> 4773        Mother                             Alderon     8    n:prop
#> 4774        Father                               taste     8         n
#> 4775  Target_Child                              bother     8         v
#> 4776        Father                               Space     8    n:prop
#> 4777  Target_Child                              bottom     8       adj
#> 4778        Mother                                 red     8       adj
#> 4779        Mother                                 red     8         n
#> 4780        Father                                June     8    n:prop
#> 4781        Father                            basement     8         n
#> 4782        Father                             learned     8      part
#> 4783        Father                                base     8         n
#> 4784        Mother                               right     8         n
#> 4785        Father                                 Tan     8    n:prop
#> 4786        Father                                dirt     8         n
#> 4787        Mother                                both     8        qn
#> 4788  Target_Child                             builder     8         n
#> 4789        Mother                               Santa     8    n:prop
#> 4790  Target_Child                                 oil     8         n
#> 4791        Mother                           breakfast     8         n
#> 4792  Target_Child                              Burger     8    n:prop
#> 4793        Mother                                 see     8        co
#> 4794        Mother                                seen     8      part
#> 4795  Target_Child                          girlfriend     8         n
#> 4796  Target_Child                                pack     8         n
#> 4797        Father                                baba     8        L2
#> 4798  Target_Child                                papa     8         n
#> 4799  Target_Child                                Papa     8    n:prop
#> 4800  Target_Child                                call     8         n
#> 4801  Target_Child                                peas     8         n
#> 4802        Mother                                 fur     8         n
#> 4803  Target_Child                             whoever     8   pro:int
#> 4804        Father                               rides     8         n
#> 4805  Target_Child                                peed     8         v
#> 4806  Target_Child                             peepish     8       adj
#> 4807        Father                           policemen     8         n
#> 4808  Target_Child                             candles     8         n
#> 4809        Mother                            a_lot_of     8        qn
#> 4810         Adult                                have     8         v
#> 4811        Father                                rich     8       adj
#> 4812        Father                                gosh     8        co
#> 4813        Mother                             smaller     8       adj
#> 4814        Mother                                Solo     8    n:prop
#> 4815        Father                             kissing     8      part
#> 4816        Father                                desk     8         n
#> 4817  Target_Child                                Care     8    n:prop
#> 4818  Target_Child                              poison     8         n
#> 4819  Target_Child                             Carla's     8       adj
#> 4820        Mother                                Star     8    n:prop
#> 4821  Target_Child                              Popeye     8      meta
#> 4822        Father                                Lego     8    n:prop
#> 4823  Target_Child                              carrot     8         n
#> 4824  Target_Child                              potato     8         n
#> 4825  Target_Child                              wallet     8         n
#> 4826  Target_Child                             cartoon     8         n
#> 4827  Target_Child                                cave     8         n
#> 4828  Target_Child                      Cee_Three_Peeo     8    n:prop
#> 4829  Target_Child                                Puff     8    n:prop
#> 4830  Target_Child                              center     8         n
#> 4831        Father                            sometime     8       adv
#> 4832        Mother                                bump     8         n
#> 4833  Target_Child                              purple     8         n
#> 4834  Target_Child                                push     8         n
#> 4835  Target_Child                             pushing     8      part
#> 4836  Target_Child                              puzzle     8         n
#> 4837        Mother                           overstock     8         v
#> 4838  Target_Child                             queen's     8       adj
#> 4839  Target_Child                            question     8         n
#> 4840        Father                               angel     8         n
#> 4841  Target_Child                         Raisin_Bran     8    n:prop
#> 4842  Target_Child                               check     8         n
#> 4843  Target_Child                               chess     8         n
#> 4844  Target_Child                             reading     8      part
#> 4845        Father                             reading     8  n:gerund
#> 4846  Target_Child                             records     8         n
#> 4847  Target_Child                        refrigerator     8         n
#> 4848  Target_Child                             regular     8       adj
#> 4849        Father                                olds     8     n:adj
#> 4850         Adult                                  is     8       cop
#> 4851  Target_Child                              rested     8         v
#> 4852        Mother                              sposta     8      part
#> 4853  Target_Child                              Return     8    n:prop
#> 4854  Target_Child                          rhinoceros     8         n
#> 4855        Father                                film     8        L2
#> 4856        Father                           alligator     8         n
#> 4857  Target_Child                                 rid     8         v
#> 4858  Target_Child                                city     8         n
#> 4859        Father                             darling     8         n
#> 4860        Father                             darling     8       adj
#> 4861        Father                               ahhah     8        co
#> 4862  Target_Child                               Cloud     8    n:prop
#> 4863        Mother                             teacher     8         n
#> 4864  Target_Child                                roof     8         n
#> 4865  Target_Child                               coats     8         n
#> 4866  Target_Child                              Ross's     8       adj
#> 4867        Father                                pain     8         n
#> 4868        Father                              handle     8         n
#> 4869  Target_Child                                 row     8         n
#> 4870        Father                           afternoon     8         n
#> 4871        Father                              needle     8         n
#> 4872  Target_Child                                 rrr     8        on
#> 4873        Mother                           Halloween     8    n:prop
#> 4874        Mother                                hard     8       adj
#> 4875  Target_Child                             costume     8         n
#> 4876        Father                                golf     8         n
#> 4877  Target_Child                         showandtell     8         n
#> 4878        Father                              kitten     8         n
#> 4879        Father                               fifth     8       adj
#> 4880  Target_Child                                safe     8         n
#> 4881        Father                             cutting     8      part
#> 4882        Father                           hamburger     8         n
#> 4883  Target_Child                              couple     8        qn
#> 4884        Father                              across     8      prep
#> 4885  Target_Child                               cover     8         v
#> 4886  Target_Child                             crawler     8         n
#> 4887        Father                             outside     8       adj
#> 4888        Father                                mask     8         n
#> 4889        Father                               going     8  n:gerund
#> 4890        Father                               nicer     8       adj
#> 4891        Father                                Puff     8    n:prop
#> 4892  Target_Child                                 sea     8         n
#> 4893        Father                                nick     8         n
#> 4894        Mother                             himself     8  pro:refl
#> 4895  Target_Child                               sense     8         n
#> 4896        Father                              csinál     8        L2
#> 4897  Target_Child                             seventy     8   det:num
#> 4898  Target_Child                            seven_up     8         n
#> 4899        Mother                                camp     8         n
#> 4900  Target_Child                               sheep     8         n
#> 4901        Mother                                hole     8         n
#> 4902  Target_Child                                Show     8    n:prop
#> 4903        Mother                               throw     8         v
#> 4904  Target_Child                             cutting     8      part
#> 4905  Target_Child                                shut     8      part
#> 4906  Target_Child                             bicycle     8         n
#> 4907        Father                        stormtrooper     8         n
#> 4908  Target_Child                                dear     8        co
#> 4909        Father                          pretending     8      part
#> 4910        Father                               lives     8         n
#> 4911        Father                             pretend     8       adj
#> 4912        Father                              creepy     8       adj
#> 4913  Target_Child                             sixteen     8   det:num
#> 4914        Father                                allj     8      NULL
#> 4915  Target_Child                             decided     8         v
#> 4916  Target_Child                               smell     8         v
#> 4917  Target_Child                                snap     8         n
#> 4918        Father                               smart     8         v
#> 4919  Target_Child                            sneakers     8         n
#> 4920  Target_Child                                deep     8       adj
#> 4921  Target_Child                             dentist     8         n
#> 4922  Target_Child                              devils     8         n
#> 4923  Target_Child                               dying     8      part
#> 4924        Father                          nightmares     8         n
#> 4925        Mother                           Chewbacca     8    n:prop
#> 4926  Target_Child                                dirt     8         n
#> 4927        Father                               cover     8         v
#> 4928        Father                              slowly     8       adv
#> 4929        Mother                              asleep     8       adv
#> 4930  Target_Child                               disco     8         n
#> 4931        Father                              cousin     8         n
#> 4932  Target_Child                              sounds     8         n
#> 4933  Target_Child                          hyperspace     8         n
#> 4934  Target_Child                               Spain     8    n:prop
#> 4935  Target_Child                               doing     8        on
#> 4936  Target_Child                            speaking     8      part
#> 4937        Mother                               tooth     8         n
#> 4938  Target_Child                               spill     8         v
#> 4939        Father                              Tickle     8      meta
#> 4940        Father                             fastest     8       adj
#> 4941  Target_Child                              double     8       adj
#> 4942        Mother                           infection     8         n
#> 4943        Father                              parade     8         n
#> 4944  Target_Child                                allj     8      NULL
#> 4945  Target_Child                              dragon     8         n
#> 4946       Brother                               those     8   det:dem
#> 4947        Mother                                 try     8         v
#> 4948  Target_Child                       Star_Troopers     8    n:prop
#> 4949  Target_Child                               state     8         n
#> 4950  Target_Child                             staying     8      part
#> 4951  Target_Child                                step     8         n
#> 4952        Father                                 pod     8         n
#> 4953  Target_Child                            stepping     8  n:gerund
#> 4954  Target_Child                              Steven     8    n:prop
#> 4955        Father                                cool     8         v
#> 4956        Father                             faratta     8        L2
#> 4957        Father                            there'll     8 pro:exist
#> 4958  Target_Child                            stickers     8         v
#> 4959  Target_Child                              stinky     8       adj
#> 4960        Mother                               uncle     8         n
#> 4961        Father                             towards     8      prep
#> 4962  Target_Child                               stone     8         n
#> 4963        Father                               falls     8         v
#> 4964        Father                               plant     8         n
#> 4965        Mother                             instead     8       adv
#> 4966  Target_Child                                 meg     8      NULL
#> 4967  Target_Child                             stripes     8         n
#> 4968        Father                                 gib     8        L2
#> 4969        Father                                 gym     8         n
#> 4970  Target_Child                                 egy     8        L2
#> 4971        Father                       Pittsburghese     8    n:prop
#> 4972  Target_Child                               wires     8         n
#> 4973  Target_Child                                sure     8       adv
#> 4974        Father                               pitch     8         n
#> 4975        Father                                 pit     8         n
#> 4976        Father                             pirates     8         n
#> 4977        Father                               trick     8         v
#> 4978        Mother                               learn     8         v
#> 4979        Mother                               leave     8         v
#> 4980  Target_Child                                   T     8    n:prop
#> 4981        Father                            suitcase     8         n
#> 4982        Father                              piggie     8         n
#> 4983        Mother                                when     8   pro:rel
#> 4984        Father                               Merry     8    n:prop
#> 4985        Father                                none     8 pro:indef
#> 4986        Father                             singing     8      part
#> 4987        Father                               piggy     8       adj
#> 4988        Father                              messed     8      part
#> 4989        Father                             messing     8      part
#> 4990       Brother                                okay     8        co
#> 4991  Target_Child                              engine     8         n
#> 4992  Target_Child                          especially     8       adv
#> 4993        Mother                               white     8         n
#> 4994  Target_Child                              Teepee     8      meta
#> 4995  Target_Child                          television     8         n
#> 4996  Target_Child                              excuse     8         v
#> 4997        Mother                                ball     8         n
#> 4998       Brother                                Mark     8    n:prop
#> 4999        Father                                piac     8        L2
#> 5000        Mother                                bath     8         n
#> 5001        Father                             thunder     8         n
#> 5002       Brother                              ladder     8         n
#> 5003        Mother                             country     8         n
#> 5004        Mother                               women     8         n
#> 5005        Father                               Peter     8    n:prop
#> 5006  Target_Child                              they'd     8   pro:sub
#> 5007  Unidentified                                  me     8   pro:obj
#> 5008  Target_Child                             they've     8   pro:sub
#> 5009       Brother                                 I'm     8   pro:sub
#> 5010        Father                              colors     8         n
#> 5011        Father                            people's     8       adj
#> 5012        Father                          permission     8         n
#> 5013        Father                             oughtoh     8        co
#> 5014  Target_Child                              threat     8         n
#> 5015  Target_Child                               fault     8         n
#> 5016  Target_Child                               fence     8         n
#> 5017  Target_Child                              thrown     8      part
#> 5018        Mother                               being     8      part
#> 5019        Father                               penny     8         n
#> 5020        Father                              that'd     8   pro:rel
#> 5021  Target_Child                                  ta     8       inf
#> 5022  Target_Child                                 Tom     8    n:prop
#> 5023  Target_Child                             touched     8         v
#> 5024  Target_Child                              fought     8         v
#> 5025  Target_Child                               track     8         n
#> 5026  Target_Child                             figures     8         v
#> 5027        Father                            Underman     8    n:prop
#> 5028        Father                                   u     8     n:let
#> 5029  Target_Child                                fill     8         v
#> 5030        Mother                                work     8         v
#> 5031        Father                              living     8  n:gerund
#> 5032        Mother                               wrong     8         n
#> 5033        Father                                 gee     8        co
#> 5034        Father                                vest     8         n
#> 5035        Father                               video     8         n
#> 5036        Father                               visit     8         n
#> 5037        Father                            vitamins     8         n
#> 5038        Mother                                look     8        co
#> 5039        Father                                woke     8         v
#> 5040        Father                              wanted     8      part
#> 5041        Father                                 War     8    n:prop
#> 5042        Father                            impolite     8       adj
#> 5043        Mother                                lost     8         v
#> 5044        Father                               itchy     8       adj
#> 5045        Father                             cleaner     8       adj
#> 5046        Father                             turning     8      part
#> 5047        Father                               wears     8         v
#> 5048        Mother                        taperecorder     8         n
#> 5049  Target_Child                              yogurt     8         n
#> 5050        Mother                              before     8      conj
#> 5051        Father                                wide     8       adj
#> 5052        Mother                             between     8      prep
#> 5053        Mother                                 doc     8         n
#> 5054        Mother                             message     8         n
#> 5055  Target_Child                              across     8       adv
#> 5056        Mother                               might     8       mod
#> 5057  Target_Child                             Germans     8    n:prop
#> 5058  Target_Child                             getting     8  n:gerund
#> 5059        Father                              Wizard     8    n:prop
#> 5060        Father                               hours     8         n
#> 5061        Father                                past     8       adj
#> 5062        Father                                jail     8         n
#> 5063        Father                                 tub     8         n
#> 5064        Mother                                Mike     8    n:prop
#> 5065        Father                                hood     8         n
#> 5066        Father                              X_Wing     8    n:prop
#> 5067        Father                              yellow     8       adj
#> 5068        Father                              yellow     8         n
#> 5069        Father                             holding     8      part
#> 5070        Father                               child     8         n
#> 5071        Father                             hitting     8      part
#> 5072        Father                             history     8         n
#> 5073  Target_Child                             G_I_Joe     8    n:prop
#> 5074        Father                            Zsuzsa's     8       adj
#> 5075        Father                              Zsuzsa     8    n:prop
#> 5076  Target_Child                                wine     8         n
#> 5077  Target_Child                               stamp     7         n
#> 5078  Target_Child                               stand     7         n
#> 5079       Brother                                  to     7      prep
#> 5080  Target_Child                           Starriors     7    n:prop
#> 5081        Father                              plenty     7       adv
#> 5082  Target_Child                             sticker     7         n
#> 5083  Target_Child                              sticks     7         v
#> 5084        Father                              played     7      part
#> 5085  Target_Child                           stockings     7  n:gerund
#> 5086        Father                              plants     7         n
#> 5087  Target_Child                        Stormtrooper     7    n:prop
#> 5088        Father                               no-no     7         n
#> 5089  Target_Child                             stuffed     7         v
#> 5090  Target_Child                             Sunkist     7    n:prop
#> 5091  Target_Child                             suppose     7         v
#> 5092        Father                               noisy     7       adj
#> 5093  Target_Child                                sure     7         v
#> 5094  Target_Child                             sweater     7         n
#> 5095        Father                                pigs     7         n
#> 5096  Target_Child                               taked     7         v
#> 5097       Brother                                  or     7     coord
#> 5098       Brother                                 not     7       neg
#> 5099       Brother                                 not     7     coord
#> 5100        Father                               notes     7         n
#> 5101  Target_Child                              telled     7         v
#> 5102  Target_Child                               tells     7         v
#> 5103        Father                            physical     7       adj
#> 5104  Target_Child                                  em     7   pro:obj
#> 5105        Father                                  mi     7        L2
#> 5106  Target_Child                            there'll     7 pro:exist
#> 5107  Target_Child                              this's     7   pro:dem
#> 5108       Brother                                  he     7   pro:sub
#> 5109       Brother                               hafta     7       mod
#> 5110  Target_Child                                tick     7         n
#> 5111        Father                                Mike     7    n:prop
#> 5112       Brother                                down     7       adv
#> 5113        Father                              peanut     7         n
#> 5114        Father                               types     7         n
#> 5115        Father                              vacuum     7         n
#> 5116        Father                                vase     7         n
#> 5117        Father                               verbs     7         n
#> 5118        Father                              twerps     7         n
#> 5119        Father                              waffle     7         n
#> 5120        Father                                weak     7       adj
#> 5121        Father                                igen     7        L2
#> 5122        Father                             what'll     7   pro:int
#> 5123        Father                             whether     7      comp
#> 5124        Father                               human     7       adj
#> 5125  Target_Child                        Transformers     7    n:prop
#> 5126  Target_Child                               treat     7         n
#> 5127        Father                                wild     7       adj
#> 5128        Father                              turkey     7         n
#> 5129        Father                              winner     7         n
#> 5130        Father                              Jackie     7    n:prop
#> 5131        Father                             witches     7         n
#> 5132        Father                              wonder     7       adj
#> 5133  Target_Child                                wine     7       adj
#> 5134  Target_Child                              tricky     7       adj
#> 5135        Father                                Tron     7    n:prop
#> 5136        Father                                 jar     7         n
#> 5137        Father                             firemen     7         n
#> 5138        Father                                hide     7         n
#> 5139        Father                             haircut     7         n
#> 5140        Father                             hotdogs     7         n
#> 5141  Target_Child                              tricks     7         n
#> 5142        Father                           lawnmower     7         n
#> 5143        Father                          lightsaber     7         n
#> 5144         Adult                                  of     7      prep
#> 5145        Father                           Jefferson     7    n:prop
#> 5146        Father                              szabad     7      NULL
#> 5147        Mother                                   a     7     n:let
#> 5148        Mother                               ahead     7       adv
#> 5149        Father                               helps     7         v
#> 5150        Mother                                also     7       adv
#> 5151        Father                                heat     7         n
#> 5152        Mother                                baby     7         n
#> 5153        Mother                                back     7       adj
#> 5154        Mother                           backwards     7       adv
#> 5155        Mother                                bird     7         n
#> 5156  Target_Child                                trip     7         n
#> 5157        Mother                             biscuit     7         n
#> 5158        Father                           happiness     7         n
#> 5159        Mother                                bite     7         n
#> 5160        Mother                                both     7      post
#> 5161        Mother                               bring     7         v
#> 5162        Father                              Joey's     7       adj
#> 5163        Mother                               carry     7         v
#> 5164        Father                                haha     7        co
#> 5165       Brother                                 but     7      conj
#> 5166        Mother                            children     7         n
#> 5167        Mother                               color     7         n
#> 5168        Mother                              cookie     7         n
#> 5169        Mother                             cookies     7         n
#> 5170        Father                            Thursday     7    n:prop
#> 5171        Mother                              diaper     7         n
#> 5172        Mother                              dinner     7         n
#> 5173        Mother                               dirty     7         v
#> 5174        Mother                              drowsy     7       adj
#> 5175        Mother                                each     7        qn
#> 5176        Mother                                eats     7         v
#> 5177        Father                              groups     7         n
#> 5178        Mother                                 egg     7         n
#> 5179        Mother                              either     7       adv
#> 5180        Mother                                feed     7         v
#> 5181        Mother                               found     7         v
#> 5182        Mother                             fingers     7         n
#> 5183        Mother                                fire     7         n
#> 5184       Brother                             because     7      conj
#> 5185        Mother                              French     7    n:prop
#> 5186        Mother                              friend     7         n
#> 5187        Father                              jungle     7         n
#> 5188        Mother                               funny     7       adj
#> 5189        Mother                             garbage     7         n
#> 5190        Mother                               glass     7         n
#> 5191        Mother                              better     7       adv
#> 5192        Mother                                 gun     7         n
#> 5193        Father                              golden     7       adj
#> 5194        Father                              they'd     7   pro:sub
#> 5195        Mother                                home     7         n
#> 5196        Father                               glass     7        L2
#> 5197        Mother                                 I'd     7   pro:sub
#> 5198        Father                               Gizmo     7    n:prop
#> 5199        Father                              Kansas     7    n:prop
#> 5200        Mother                            infinity     7         n
#> 5201        Mother                               jelly     7         n
#> 5202  Target_Child                                   u     7     n:let
#> 5203        Mother                           Kennywood     7    n:prop
#> 5204        Mother                                legs     7         n
#> 5205        Mother                                 let     7      part
#> 5206        Father                            generous     7       adj
#> 5207        Mother                              letter     7         n
#> 5208        Mother                                lick     7         v
#> 5209        Mother                                made     7      part
#> 5210        Mother                                 men     7         n
#> 5211        Mother                              Mark's     7       adj
#> 5212        Mother                                mine     7         n
#> 5213        Mother                             mistake     7         n
#> 5214        Mother                             Mondale     7    n:prop
#> 5215        Mother                              mother     7         n
#> 5216        Mother                              movies     7         n
#> 5217        Mother                                 Mrs     7    n:prop
#> 5218        Father                               tells     7         v
#> 5219        Mother                                ones     7         n
#> 5220        Father                            fourteen     7   det:num
#> 5221        Father                               forth     7       adv
#> 5222        Mother                              pocket     7         n
#> 5223        Mother                             pointed     7         v
#> 5224        Father                            teachers     7         n
#> 5225        Mother                            preceded     7         v
#> 5226        Mother                          protection     7         n
#> 5227        Mother                                 put     7      part
#> 5228        Mother                             putting     7      part
#> 5229        Mother                              Reagan     7    n:prop
#> 5230        Mother                              reason     7         n
#> 5231        Mother                            recorder     7         n
#> 5232        Mother                                rest     7         n
#> 5233        Mother                         R_two_D_two     7    n:prop
#> 5234        Mother                                 say     7        co
#> 5235        Mother                               serve     7         v
#> 5236        Mother                              showed     7         v
#> 5237  Target_Child                              Woopie     7    n:prop
#> 5238        Father                              fixing     7      part
#> 5239        Mother                                stay     7         v
#> 5240        Father                                   T     7    n:prop
#> 5241        Father                           otherwise     7       adv
#> 5242        Mother                                 ten     7   det:num
#> 5243        Father                              szepen     7        L2
#> 5244  Target_Child                                 urr     7        on
#> 5245        Father                                swim     7         v
#> 5246        Mother                              thinks     7         v
#> 5247        Mother                              though     7       adv
#> 5248        Father                                swim     7         n
#> 5249        Mother                               tiger     7         n
#> 5250        Father                               fault     7         n
#> 5251  Target_Child                                   v     7     n:let
#> 5252        Father                              Father     7    n:prop
#> 5253        Father                              knives     7         n
#> 5254        Mother                                 toy     7         n
#> 5255        Mother                               uhhum     7        co
#> 5256        Mother                               until     7      prep
#> 5257        Mother                            upstairs     7       adv
#> 5258        Father                              sunday     7         n
#> 5259        Father                               Fakir     7    n:prop
#> 5260        Mother                            watching     7      part
#> 5261        Father                             knocked     7         v
#> 5262        Mother                                 way     7       adv
#> 5263        Mother                                when     7   pro:int
#> 5264        Mother                               who's     7   pro:rel
#> 5265        Father                               Paper     7    n:prop
#> 5266        Father                           expensive     7       adj
#> 5267        Mother                             without     7      prep
#> 5268        Father                             stuffed     7         v
#> 5269        Mother                               woods     7         n
#> 5270        Father                              except     7      prep
#> 5271        Mother                           yesterday     7   adv:tem
#> 5272        Father                                evil     7         n
#> 5273      Playmate                                 and     7     coord
#> 5274      Playmate                                  is     7       cop
#> 5275      Playmate                                guys     7         n
#> 5276      Playmate                                this     7   pro:dem
#> 5277  Target_Child                                 act     7         v
#> 5278        Father                             english     7       adj
#> 5279  Target_Child                           Alexander     7    n:prop
#> 5280  Target_Child                           alligator     7         n
#> 5281        Father                               still     7       adj
#> 5282  Target_Child                             alright     7       adj
#> 5283        Father                               stick     7         v
#> 5284  Target_Child                                Andy     7    n:prop
#> 5285        Father                               stays     7         v
#> 5286        Father                              eighth     7       adj
#> 5287  Target_Child                               wrote     7         v
#> 5288  Target_Child                             violent     7       adj
#> 5289  Target_Child                           disappear     7         v
#> 5290  Target_Child                            appetite     7         n
#> 5291  Target_Child                                 arf     7        on
#> 5292        Father                               Lando     7    n:prop
#> 5293  Target_Child                                 art     7         n
#> 5294        Father                              eating     7  n:gerund
#> 5295  Target_Child                            Autobots     7    n:prop
#> 5296  Target_Child                                  ay     7        co
#> 5297        Father                               Dumbo     7    n:prop
#> 5298        Father                             duh_dah     7        co
#> 5299        Father                               ducks     7         n
#> 5300        Father                             squeeze     7         v
#> 5301        Father                               drank     7         v
#> 5302  Target_Child                              beagle     7         n
#> 5303        Father                              spring     7         n
#> 5304  Target_Child                               wrong     7         v
#> 5305  Target_Child                               beats     7         v
#> 5306        Father                            spinners     7       chi
#> 5307        Father                               laugh     7         v
#> 5308        Father                                down     7         n
#> 5309        Father                              double     7         n
#> 5310        Father                             doo_doo     7       fam
#> 5311        Father                              Speedy     7    n:prop
#> 5312        Father                              speedy     7       chi
#> 5313  Target_Child                               blink     7         v
#> 5314  Target_Child                                wild     7       adj
#> 5315  Target_Child                               boing     7        on
#> 5316        Father                              leader     7         n
#> 5317        Father                                doll     7         n
#> 5318  Target_Child                             bonkers     7       adj
#> 5319  Target_Child                                 bow     7         n
#> 5320  Target_Child                               boxes     7         n
#> 5321        Father                              Disney     7    n:prop
#> 5322  Unidentified                                yeah     7        co
#> 5323  Target_Child                                brig     7         n
#> 5324  Target_Child                                bugs     7         n
#> 5325  Target_Child                             bullets     7         n
#> 5326  Target_Child                                 yah     7        co
#> 5327  Target_Child                              burned     7      part
#> 5328  Target_Child                                butt     7         n
#> 5329        Father                         development     7         n
#> 5330  Target_Child                               calls     7         v
#> 5331  Target_Child                             candies     7         n
#> 5332        Father                                 pan     7         n
#> 5333  Target_Child                                cane     7         n
#> 5334        Father                             destroy     7         v
#> 5335  Target_Child                                 cap     7         n
#> 5336  Target_Child                               Carla     7    n:prop
#> 5337  Target_Child                             changed     7      part
#> 5338  Target_Child                               cheap     7       adj
#> 5339  Target_Child                               chest     7         n
#> 5340  Target_Child                                chip     7         n
#> 5341  Target_Child                              choose     7         v
#> 5342  Target_Child                              clowns     7         n
#> 5343  Target_Child                               color     7         v
#> 5344  Target_Child                            Colorado     7    n:prop
#> 5345        Father                                sock     7         v
#> 5346        Father                                liar     7         n
#> 5347  Target_Child                               couch     7         n
#> 5348  Target_Child                              coughs     7         n
#> 5349  Target_Child                              couple     7         n
#> 5350        Father                                cube     7         n
#> 5351  Target_Child                           creatures     7         n
#> 5352  Target_Child                              crumbs     7         n
#> 5353        Father                              crying     7  n:gerund
#> 5354  Target_Child                               water     7         v
#> 5355  Target_Child                             yelling     7      part
#> 5356  Target_Child                               death     7         n
#> 5357  Target_Child                                dime     7         n
#> 5358        Father                                  pa     7         n
#> 5359  Target_Child                              donuts     7         n
#> 5360        Father                                cost     7         v
#> 5361        Father                           corrected     7         v
#> 5362  Target_Child                                wave     7         n
#> 5363        Father                              corner     7         n
#> 5364  Target_Child                               dream     7         v
#> 5365  Target_Child                              drived     7         v
#> 5366        Father                            Skeletor     7    n:prop
#> 5367  Target_Child                               drove     7         v
#> 5368  Target_Child                              Droids     7    n:prop
#> 5369  Target_Child                             drunken     7       adj
#> 5370  Target_Child                                 dum     7        co
#> 5371  Target_Child                               dummy     7         n
#> 5372  Target_Child                              eaters     7         n
#> 5373  Target_Child                                 ehh     7       bab
#> 5374  Target_Child                              eighty     7   det:num
#> 5375  Target_Child                            elevator     7         n
#> 5376  Target_Child                              Elliot     7    n:prop
#> 5377  Target_Child                              empire     7         n
#> 5378        Father                                lips     7         n
#> 5379  Target_Child                             exactly     7       adv
#> 5380        Father                            sideways     7       adv
#> 5381  Target_Child                               extra     7         n
#> 5382  Target_Child                                fact     7         n
#> 5383  Target_Child                                fare     7         n
#> 5384        Father                                side     7       adj
#> 5385  Target_Child                                Fett     7    n:prop
#> 5386  Target_Child                               field     7         n
#> 5387        Father                              closer     7       adj
#> 5388  Target_Child                                flag     7         n
#> 5389        Father                              clever     7       adj
#> 5390  Target_Child                              flower     7         n
#> 5391        Father                             cleaned     7      part
#> 5392  Target_Child                              french     7       adj
#> 5393        Father                              choose     7         v
#> 5394        Father                             loading     7      part
#> 5395  Target_Child                                game     7         v
#> 5396  Target_Child                              garden     7         n
#> 5397        Father                              muscle     7         n
#> 5398  Target_Child                                 gay     7       adj
#> 5399  Target_Child                                  GI     7    n:prop
#> 5400        Father                                 shh     7        co
#> 5401        Father                             checked     7         v
#> 5402  Target_Child                                 god     7         n
#> 5403  Target_Child                            Godzilla     7    n:prop
#> 5404  Target_Child                              hammer     7         n
#> 5405        Father                                 sex     7         n
#> 5406  Target_Child                                he'd     7   pro:sub
#> 5407  Target_Child                                heat     7         n
#> 5408  Target_Child                              Heeman     7    n:prop
#> 5409        Father                              Sesame     7    n:prop
#> 5410  Target_Child                               hgggg     7       bab
#> 5411  Target_Child                                 hhh     7        co
#> 5412  Target_Child                                hill     7         n
#> 5413  Target_Child                                 hit     7         n
#> 5414  Target_Child                             hitting     7      part
#> 5415  Target_Child                              hotter     7       adj
#> 5416        Father                            calendar     7         n
#> 5417  Target_Child                                huff     7         n
#> 5418  Target_Child                               hulks     7         n
#> 5419        Father                                sell     7         v
#> 5420  Target_Child                           Hungarian     7    n:prop
#> 5421  Target_Child                              indian     7         n
#> 5422        Father                              losing     7      part
#> 5423  Target_Child                              itself     7  pro:refl
#> 5424  Target_Child                              jingle     7         v
#> 5425        Father                           buildings     7         n
#> 5426  Target_Child                               Jones     7    n:prop
#> 5427        Father                                bugs     7         n
#> 5428        Father                              louder     7       adj
#> 5429        Father                                 bug     7         n
#> 5430        Father                                 Sea     7    n:prop
#> 5431        Father                               buddy     7         n
#> 5432        Father                               brush     7         n
#> 5433  Target_Child                              king's     7       adj
#> 5434        Father                           brother's     7       adj
#> 5435  Target_Child                                king     7         v
#> 5436  Target_Child                         knock_knock     7         n
#> 5437  Target_Child                                   z     7     n:let
#> 5438        Father                              brakes     7         n
#> 5439  Target_Child                                liar     7         n
#> 5440        Father                              bother     7         v
#> 5441        Father                                boss     7         n
#> 5442  Target_Child                                Lila     7    n:prop
#> 5443  Target_Child                                list     7         n
#> 5444  Target_Child                             littler     7       adj
#> 5445        Father                                luck     7         n
#> 5446        Father                                Lucy     7    n:prop
#> 5447        Father                                boom     7         n
#> 5448        Father                               lunch     7         v
#> 5449  Target_Child                            magician     7         n
#> 5450        Father                                blow     7         n
#> 5451        Father                              bloody     7       adj
#> 5452        Father                              blocks     7         v
#> 5453  Target_Child                                many     7 pro:indef
#> 5454  Target_Child                            mistakes     7         n
#> 5455  Target_Child                               mixed     7         v
#> 5456  Target_Child                              monday     7         n
#> 5457        Father                     Saint_Patrick's     7       adj
#> 5458  Target_Child                              months     7         n
#> 5459        Father                             Muppets     7    n:prop
#> 5460        Father                                safe     7       adj
#> 5461        Father                               beats     7         v
#> 5462        Father                                beat     7         v
#> 5463  Target_Child                            mustache     7         n
#> 5464        Father                                Bear     7    n:prop
#> 5465        Father                               munch     7         v
#> 5466  Unidentified                                your     7  det:poss
#> 5467        Father                               Rover     7    n:prop
#> 5468        Father                               rough     7         v
#> 5469  Target_Child                             cowboys     7         n
#> 5470  Target_Child                             nervous     7       adj
#> 5471  Target_Child                                news     7         n
#> 5472  Target_Child                           newspaper     7         n
#> 5473  Target_Child                          flashlight     7         n
#> 5474  Target_Child                              nicely     7       adv
#> 5475        Father                               nails     7         n
#> 5476        Father                                rope     7         n
#> 5477        Father                            baseball     7         n
#> 5478  Target_Child                                  no     7      meta
#> 5479  Target_Child                            nobody's     7       adj
#> 5480  Target_Child                               noisy     7       adj
#> 5481  Target_Child                              notice     7         v
#> 5482  Target_Child                                 nuh     7        co
#> 5483  Target_Child                             octopus     7         n
#> 5484        Father                             robbers     7         n
#> 5485  Target_Child                                olds     7      n:pt
#> 5486  Target_Child                               opens     7         v
#> 5487        Father                                name     7         v
#> 5488  Target_Child                                 pat     7         v
#> 5489  Target_Child                               peace     7         n
#> 5490  Target_Child                             Penfold     7    n:prop
#> 5491  Target_Child                             penguin     7         n
#> 5492  Target_Child                                pile     7         n
#> 5493  Target_Child                                pink     7         n
#> 5494        Father                             as_well     7       adv
#> 5495        Father                              remind     7         v
#> 5496        Father                           remembers     7         v
#> 5497        Father                               Mandy     7    n:prop
#> 5498  Target_Child                            headband     7         n
#> 5499  Target_Child                            pointing     7      part
#> 5500  Target_Child                               poles     7         n
#> 5501  Target_Child                                poop     7         n
#> 5502  Target_Child                           popsicles     7         n
#> 5503  Target_Child                                 pot     7         n
#> 5504  Target_Child                            potatoes     7         n
#> 5505        Father                                area     7         n
#> 5506  Target_Child                            problems     7         n
#> 5507  Target_Child                            promised     7         v
#> 5508        Father                         disappeared     7      part
#> 5509        Father                             natural     7       adj
#> 5510  Target_Child                              purple     7       adj
#> 5511  Target_Child                               pyoom     7        on
#> 5512        Father                                mark     7         n
#> 5513  Target_Child                            nickname     7         n
#> 5514        Father                              rather     7       adv
#> 5515        Father                               raise     7         v
#> 5516        Father                              needed     7         v
#> 5517  Target_Child                             popcorn     7         n
#> 5518        Father                                quit     7         v
#> 5519  Target_Child                              rocket     7         n
#> 5520  Target_Child                              roller     7         n
#> 5521        Father                               agree     7         v
#> 5522  Target_Child                                rose     7         n
#> 5523        Father                          afterwards     7       adv
#> 5524        Father                             quarter     7         n
#> 5525  Target_Child                              rubber     7         n
#> 5526  Target_Child                               rules     7         n
#> 5527  Target_Child                              runned     7         v
#> 5528  Target_Child                                runs     7         v
#> 5529  Target_Child                                safe     7       adj
#> 5530        Father                              Mary's     7       adj
#> 5531  Target_Child                               salad     7         n
#> 5532  Target_Child                               Sally     7    n:prop
#> 5533  Target_Child                               saved     7      part
#> 5534  Target_Child                            scissors     7         n
#> 5535        Father                              pumped     7         v
#> 5536  Target_Child                             scratch     7         n
#> 5537  Target_Child                              second     7       adv
#> 5538  Target_Child                          toothpaste     7         n
#> 5539  Target_Child                               shall     7       mod
#> 5540  Target_Child                            shopping     7      part
#> 5541        Father                              prince     7         n
#> 5542        Father                               price     7         n
#> 5543         Child                                 I'm     7   pro:sub
#> 5544         Child                                   I     7   pro:sub
#> 5545  Target_Child                               sides     7         n
#> 5546  Target_Child                                sang     7         v
#> 5547  Target_Child                                sink     7         n
#> 5548  Target_Child                                slip     7         v
#> 5549        Father                                 Max     7    n:prop
#> 5550         Child                                 are     7       cop
#> 5551  Target_Child                    Snoopy_Come_Home     7    n:prop
#> 5552        Father                              nickel     7         n
#> 5553        Father                            practice     7         v
#> 5554        Father                          McDonald's     7       adj
#> 5555        Father                               ninth     7       adj
#> 5556        Father                            powerful     7       adj
#> 5557        Father                              poured     7         v
#> 5558  Target_Child                             snowing     7      part
#> 5559  Target_Child                          somebody's     7       adj
#> 5560        Father                                meal     7         n
#> 5561  Target_Child                               sorts     7         n
#> 5562        Father                              popped     7         v
#> 5563  Target_Child                               speed     7         n
#> 5564       Brother                                  up     7       adv
#> 5565  Target_Child                              spring     7         n
#> 5566        Father                                poop     7         n
#> 5567  Target_Child                               ideas     6         n
#> 5568         Adult                               radio     6         n
#> 5569         Adult                              sleepy     6       adj
#> 5570         Adult                                what     6   pro:int
#> 5571       Brother                                 can     6       mod
#> 5572       Brother                                 for     6      prep
#> 5573       Brother                                hand     6         n
#> 5574       Brother                                  in     6      prep
#> 5575       Brother                                know     6         v
#> 5576       Brother                                like     6      prep
#> 5577       Brother                              little     6       adj
#> 5578       Brother                                 mhm     6        co
#> 5579       Brother                              please     6        co
#> 5580       Brother                                  so     6        co
#> 5581       Brother                                some     6        qn
#> 5582       Brother                                 too     6       adv
#> 5583       Brother                              unhunh     6        co
#> 5584         Child                                 who     6   pro:int
#> 5585        Father                           according     6      part
#> 5586        Father                                 act     6         n
#> 5587        Father                          activities     6         n
#> 5588        Father                               admit     6         v
#> 5589        Father                               Allen     6    n:prop
#> 5590        Father                               alone     6       adv
#> 5591        Father                           ambulance     6         n
#> 5592        Father                               amigo     6        L2
#> 5593        Father                              amigos     6        L2
#> 5594        Father                             ancient     6       adj
#> 5595        Father                            anywhere     6       adv
#> 5596        Father                            underarm     6         v
#> 5597        Father                               asked     6      part
#> 5598        Father                               backs     6         n
#> 5599        Father                            bacteria     6         n
#> 5600        Father                           basically     6       adv
#> 5601        Father                                 bat     6         n
#> 5602        Father                              battle     6         n
#> 5603        Father                              behind     6       adv
#> 5604        Father                              behind     6      prep
#> 5605        Father                               bobby     6         n
#> 5606        Father                              bodies     6         n
#> 5607        Father                                 boo     6         n
#> 5608        Father                              bottom     6       adj
#> 5609        Father                                bout     6         n
#> 5610        Father                           boyfriend     6         n
#> 5611        Father                                Bran     6    n:prop
#> 5612        Father                              breast     6         n
#> 5613        Father                            bringing     6      part
#> 5614        Father                            brushing     6      part
#> 5615        Father                            Budapest     6    n:prop
#> 5616        Father                             buffalo     6         n
#> 5617        Father                               buyed     6       neo
#> 5618        Father                                call     6         n
#> 5619        Father                             candies     6         n
#> 5620        Father                               cards     6         n
#> 5621        Father                               caves     6         n
#> 5622        Father                               cents     6         n
#> 5623        Father                             chamber     6         n
#> 5624        Father                             changed     6      part
#> 5625        Father                                chip     6         n
#> 5626        Father                            chopping     6      part
#> 5627        Father                                chop     6         v
#> 5628        Father                               chump     6         n
#> 5629        Father                               chute     6         n
#> 5630        Father                              chutes     6         n
#> 5631        Father                               Cicus     6    n:prop
#> 5632        Father                               claws     6         n
#> 5633        Father                              closed     6         v
#> 5634        Father                          collection     6         n
#> 5635        Father                            counting     6      part
#> 5636        Father                               cream     6         v
#> 5637        Father                                crib     6         n
#> 5638        Father                              Dancer     6    n:prop
#> 5639        Father                                deal     6         v
#> 5640        Father                             decided     6         v
#> 5641        Father                      indestructible     6       adj
#> 5642        Father                          devastater     6         n
#> 5643        Father                                  dɘ     6       uni
#> 5644        Father                               Diana     6    n:prop
#> 5645        Father                              Diddle     6    n:prop
#> 5646        Father                                 dig     6         v
#> 5647        Father                              dimple     6         n
#> 5648        Father                               dog's     6       adj
#> 5649        Father                             doo_doo     6         n
#> 5650        Father                               doubt     6         v
#> 5651        Father                             dressed     6         v
#> 5652        Father                             dresser     6         n
#> 5653        Father                                 dry     6         v
#> 5654        Father                              eaters     6         n
#> 5655        Father                                  eh     6        co
#> 5656        Father                              either     6     coord
#> 5657        Father                              energy     6         n
#> 5658        Father                              enough     6        qn
#> 5659        Father                               Ernie     6    n:prop
#> 5660        Father                               extra     6       adj
#> 5661        Father                                fair     6         n
#> 5662        Father                               faith     6         n
#> 5663        Father                            feelings     6  n:gerund
#> 5664        Father                             fifteen     6   det:num
#> 5665        Father                                fill     6         v
#> 5666        Father                               fixed     6      part
#> 5667        Father                                flag     6         n
#> 5668        Father                               flaps     6         v
#> 5669        Father                              flower     6         n
#> 5670        Father                               foods     6         n
#> 5671        Father                           forgotten     6      part
#> 5672        Father                        Frankenstein     6    n:prop
#> 5673        Father                              garage     6         n
#> 5674        Father                             Germany     6    n:prop
#> 5675        Father                               gimme     6         v
#> 5676        Father                              gobble     6         v
#> 5677        Father                                 god     6         n
#> 5678        Father                            Godzilla     6    n:prop
#> 5679        Father                              graham     6         n
#> 5680        Father                           graveyard     6         n
#> 5681        Father                                grew     6         v
#> 5682        Father                                  ha     6        co
#> 5683        Father                                 ham     6         n
#> 5684        Father                            Hazard's     6       adj
#> 5685        Father                                 heh     6        co
#> 5686        Father                             hiccups     6         n
#> 5687        Father                                 hid     6         v
#> 5688        Father                              higher     6       adj
#> 5689        Father                        hobbledy_hoy     6        co
#> 5690        Father                               horns     6         n
#> 5691        Father                         horseradish     6         n
#> 5692        Father                             in_case     6      conj
#> 5693        Father                          Incredible     6    n:prop
#> 5694        Father                     Incredible_Hulk     6    n:prop
#> 5695        Father                                   j     6     n:let
#> 5696        Father                                jeez     6        co
#> 5697        Father                                Jill     6    n:prop
#> 5698        Father                                  JJ     6    n:prop
#> 5699        Father                             jogging     6      part
#> 5700        Father                              karate     6         n
#> 5701        Father                               kid's     6       adj
#> 5702        Father                                Kurt     6    n:prop
#> 5703        Father                                lamb     6         n
#> 5704        Father                                lazy     6       adj
#> 5705        Father                             leaving     6      part
#> 5706        Father                              Leigha     6    n:prop
#> 5707        Father                               level     6         n
#> 5708        Father                                lift     6         n
#> 5709        Father                                 lip     6         n
#> 5710        Father                                Lone     6    n:prop
#> 5711        Father                               lover     6         n
#> 5712        Father                              Luke's     6       adj
#> 5713        Father                               magic     6         n
#> 5714        Father                                main     6       adj
#> 5715        Father                               manly     6       adj
#> 5716        Father                              mangle     6         v
#> 5717        Father                               Maria     6    n:prop
#> 5718        Father                               marry     6         v
#> 5719        Father                                 Men     6    n:prop
#> 5720        Father                              Mickey     6    n:prop
#> 5721        Father                                mien     6       bab
#> 5722        Father                               minus     6      prep
#> 5723        Father                             Mondale     6    n:prop
#> 5724        Father                              Monday     6    n:prop
#> 5725        Father                              mortar     6         n
#> 5726        Father                              motors     6         n
#> 5727        Father                                 MTV     6    n:prop
#> 5728        Father                              napper     6         n
#> 5729        Father                                narf     6     wplay
#> 5730        Father                                need     6       mod
#> 5731        Father                               nouns     6         n
#> 5732        Father                              nuhhuh     6        co
#> 5733        Father                               ocean     6         n
#> 5734        Father                             octopus     6         n
#> 5735        Father                               often     6       adv
#> 5736        Father                                Olah     6    n:prop
#> 5737        Father                                olds     6      n:pt
#> 5738        Father                              opened     6         v
#> 5739        Father                               order     6         n
#> 5740        Father                                owie     6         n
#> 5741        Father                               pause     6         n
#> 5742        Father                               peace     6         n
#> 5743        Father                             penguin     6         n
#> 5744        Father                               penis     6         n
#> 5745        Father                             Phonics     6    n:prop
#> 5746        Father                              Piepie     6       chi
#> 5747        Father                                pits     6         n
#> 5748        Father                                pole     6         n
#> 5749        Father                            pounding     6  n:gerund
#> 5750        Father                             Prancer     6    n:prop
#> 5751        Father                              prison     6         n
#> 5752        Father                             protect     6         v
#> 5753        Father                               pulls     6         v
#> 5754        Father                                push     6         n
#> 5755        Father                              Raisin     6    n:prop
#> 5756        Father                              report     6         n
#> 5757        Father                                rest     6         v
#> 5758        Father                          restaurant     6         n
#> 5759        Father                              return     6         n
#> 5760        Father                             revenge     6         n
#> 5761        Father                                rice     6         n
#> 5762        Father                           Rockbiter     6    n:prop
#> 5763        Father                               Roman     6    n:prop
#> 5764        Father                              Rossie     6    n:prop
#> 5765        Father                             sailors     6         n
#> 5766        Father                                scub     6       chi
#> 5767        Father                                Sean     6    n:prop
#> 5768        Father                                seat     6         n
#> 5769        Father                              secret     6         n
#> 5770        Father                            separate     6       adj
#> 5771        Father                             serious     6       adj
#> 5772        Father                             servant     6         n
#> 5773        Father                               serve     6         v
#> 5774        Father                              shadow     6         n
#> 5775        Father                               she'd     6   pro:sub
#> 5776        Father                            shopping     6      part
#> 5777        Father                           shoulders     6         n
#> 5778        Father                              singer     6         n
#> 5779        Father                                 sat     6         v
#> 5780        Father                               sixty     6   det:num
#> 5781        Father                               Smurf     6    n:prop
#> 5782        Father                             snapped     6      part
#> 5783        Father                          somebody's     6       adj
#> 5784        Father                          somebody's     6 pro:indef
#> 5785        Father                             someday     6   adv:tem
#> 5786        Father                           spaghetti     6         n
#> 5787        Father                              speaks     6         v
#> 5788        Father                              Spring     6    n:prop
#> 5789        Father                               stack     6         n
#> 5790        Father                               steps     6         n
#> 5791        Father                             sticker     6         v
#> 5792        Father                               sting     6         v
#> 5793        Father                          straighten     6         v
#> 5794        Father                           strangers     6         n
#> 5795        Father                              Street     6    n:prop
#> 5796        Father                               stuff     6         v
#> 5797        Father                                suck     6         v
#> 5798        Father                           surprised     6      part
#> 5799        Father                               sweet     6         n
#> 5800        Father                               Sweet     6    n:prop
#> 5801        Father                         Switzerland     6    n:prop
#> 5802        Father                               talks     6         n
#> 5803        Father                              Tarzan     6    n:prop
#> 5804        Father                                 tea     6         n
#> 5805        Father                              teased     6         v
#> 5806        Father                                told     6      part
#> 5807        Father                              theirs     6  pro:poss
#> 5808        Father                              though     6      conj
#> 5809        Father                            thousand     6   det:num
#> 5810        Father                              threat     6         n
#> 5811        Father                         Tic_tac_Toe     6    n:prop
#> 5812        Father                               tight     6       adv
#> 5813        Father                                till     6         n
#> 5814        Father                                Todd     6    n:prop
#> 5815        Father                               tools     6         n
#> 5816        Father                             tractor     6         n
#> 5817        Father                               trips     6         n
#> 5818        Father                                true     6         v
#> 5819        Father                             twisted     6      part
#> 5820        Father                          university     6         n
#> 5821        Father                             vampire     6         n
#> 5822        Father                               visit     6         v
#> 5823        Father                               voice     6         n
#> 5824        Father                                   w     6     n:let
#> 5825        Father                               walls     6         n
#> 5826        Father                             wasting     6      part
#> 5827        Father                                west     6         n
#> 5828        Father                              wicket     6         n
#> 5829        Father                                wind     6         n
#> 5830        Father                               women     6         n
#> 5831        Father                    Woody_Woodpecker     6    n:prop
#> 5832        Father                               World     6    n:prop
#> 5833        Father                                yard     6         n
#> 5834        Father                                York     6    n:prop
#> 5835        Father                               yucko     6       fam
#> 5836        Father                                   z     6     n:let
#> 5837        Father                                zero     6   det:num
#> 5838        Father                          battlestar     6         n
#> 5839        Father                             cowboys     6         n
#> 5840        Father                        firecrackers     6         n
#> 5841        Father                           fireflies     6         n
#> 5842        Father                            football     6         n
#> 5843        Father                            grownups     6         n
#> 5844        Father                           leftovers     6         n
#> 5845        Father                           mailboxes     6         n
#> 5846        Father                             mailman     6         n
#> 5847        Father                          toothpaste     6         n
#> 5848        Father                                most     6      NULL
#> 5849   Grandfather                                  it     6   pro:per
#> 5850   Grandfather                                mine     6  pro:poss
#> 5851        Mother                              afraid     6       adj
#> 5852        Mother                               apple     6         n
#> 5853        Mother                           attention     6         n
#> 5854        Mother                               aware     6       adj
#> 5855        Mother                                  am     6       aux
#> 5856        Mother                              wasn't     6       aux
#> 5857        Mother                              aren't     6       cop
#> 5858        Mother                              bigger     6       adj
#> 5859        Mother                               black     6         n
#> 5860        Mother                               bones     6         n
#> 5861        Mother                                bowl     6         n
#> 5862        Mother                               bread     6         n
#> 5863        Mother                               break     6         v
#> 5864        Mother                               build     6         v
#> 5865        Mother                                  by     6       adv
#> 5866        Mother                                care     6         n
#> 5867        Mother                             cartoon     6         n
#> 5868        Mother                               cause     6         v
#> 5869        Mother                              change     6         v
#> 5870        Mother                              choice     6         n
#> 5871        Mother                              clever     6       adj
#> 5872        Mother                              coming     6      part
#> 5873        Mother                               David     6    n:prop
#> 5874        Mother                                deal     6         n
#> 5875        Mother                          difference     6         n
#> 5876        Mother                                dogs     6         n
#> 5877        Mother                              dollar     6         n
#> 5878        Mother                                door     6         n
#> 5879        Mother                                draw     6         v
#> 5880        Mother                                eggs     6         n
#> 5881        Mother                              enough     6       adv
#> 5882        Mother                                fact     6         n
#> 5883        Mother                                 fat     6       adj
#> 5884        Mother                                 fat     6         n
#> 5885        Mother                               fight     6         n
#> 5886        Mother                                find     6         v
#> 5887        Mother                               fruit     6         n
#> 5888        Mother                              garlic     6         n
#> 5889        Mother                                 got     6       aux
#> 5890        Mother                                girl     6         n
#> 5891        Mother                                gosh     6        co
#> 5892        Mother                             happens     6         v
#> 5893        Mother                               happy     6       adj
#> 5894        Mother                                hard     6       adv
#> 5895        Mother                                 hat     6         n
#> 5896        Mother                             haven't     6       aux
#> 5897        Mother                               heavy     6       adj
#> 5898        Mother                                 hit     6         n
#> 5899        Mother                              houses     6         n
#> 5900        Mother                                I've     6   pro:sub
#> 5901        Mother                              jacket     6         n
#> 5902        Mother                                 jam     6         n
#> 5903        Mother                             kitchen     6         n
#> 5904        Mother                                knee     6         n
#> 5905        Mother                                knew     6         v
#> 5906        Mother                                live     6         v
#> 5907        Mother                             lots_of     6        qn
#> 5908        Mother                              making     6      part
#> 5909        Mother                                mind     6         n
#> 5910        Mother                               music     6         n
#> 5911        Mother                                neat     6       adj
#> 5912        Mother                                next     6       adj
#> 5913        Mother                                nude     6       adj
#> 5914        Mother                             numbers     6         n
#> 5915        Mother                               party     6         n
#> 5916        Mother                                pick     6         v
#> 5917        Mother                                play     6         n
#> 5918        Mother                               point     6         n
#> 5919        Mother                                send     6         v
#> 5920        Mother                               shall     6       mod
#> 5921        Mother                             sharing     6  n:gerund
#> 5922        Mother                               sleep     6         v
#> 5923        Mother                                soap     6         n
#> 5924        Mother                           sometimes     6       adv
#> 5925        Mother                             so_that     6      conj
#> 5926        Mother                              sounds     6         v
#> 5927        Mother                               space     6         n
#> 5928        Mother                           spaghetti     6         n
#> 5929        Mother                               spike     6         n
#> 5930        Mother                                star     6         n
#> 5931        Mother                             started     6         v
#> 5932        Mother                               stuck     6         v
#> 5933        Mother                                stop     6         n
#> 5934        Mother                               third     6         n
#> 5935        Mother                            tomorrow     6   adv:tem
#> 5936        Mother                                 too     6      post
#> 5937        Mother                              trance     6         n
#> 5938        Mother                                turn     6         n
#> 5939        Mother                                used     6         v
#> 5940        Mother                                warm     6       adj
#> 5941        Mother                               watch     6         v
#> 5942        Mother                                well     6         n
#> 5943        Mother                               white     6       adj
#> 5944        Mother                               whole     6       adj
#> 5945        Mother                                 win     6         v
#> 5946        Mother                           wonderful     6       adj
#> 5947        Mother                               wrong     6       adj
#> 5948        Mother                                   x     6     n:let
#> 5949        Mother                                yuck     6        co
#> 5950      Playmate                                   a     6   det:art
#> 5951      Playmate                                  in     6      prep
#> 5952  Target_Child                                Adam     6    n:prop
#> 5953  Target_Child                              answer     6         v
#> 5954  Target_Child                           architect     6         n
#> 5955  Target_Child                              artist     6         n
#> 5956  Target_Child                               asked     6      part
#> 5957  Target_Child                              attack     6         n
#> 5958  Target_Child                                bags     6         n
#> 5959  Target_Child                               balls     6         n
#> 5960  Target_Child                                 bam     6         v
#> 5961  Target_Child                                bamm     6        on
#> 5962  Target_Child                             Batgirl     6    n:prop
#> 5963  Target_Child                             Batmite     6    n:prop
#> 5964  Target_Child                          Battle_Ram     6    n:prop
#> 5965  Target_Child                               being     6  n:gerund
#> 5966  Target_Child                              become     6       cop
#> 5967  Target_Child                              Beebee     6    n:prop
#> 5968  Target_Child                           beginning     6      part
#> 5969  Target_Child                               bells     6         n
#> 5970  Target_Child                               belly     6         n
#> 5971  Target_Child                               belts     6         n
#> 5972  Target_Child                                bend     6         v
#> 5973  Target_Child                                bent     6         v
#> 5974  Target_Child                                 Big     6    n:prop
#> 5975  Target_Child                               block     6         n
#> 5976  Target_Child                               board     6         n
#> 5977  Target_Child                                bonk     6        on
#> 5978  Target_Child                              bounty     6         n
#> 5979  Target_Child                               boy's     6         n
#> 5980  Target_Child                                brat     6         n
#> 5981  Target_Child                              bricks     6         n
#> 5982  Target_Child                                Buba     6    n:prop
#> 5983  Target_Child                                Buda     6    n:prop
#> 5984  Target_Child                             Buffalo     6    n:prop
#> 5985  Target_Child                               bulls     6         n
#> 5986  Target_Child                              buying     6  n:gerund
#> 5987  Target_Child                               buyed     6       neo
#> 5988  Target_Child                                Cacy     6    n:prop
#> 5989  Target_Child                            calendar     6         n
#> 5990  Target_Child                               canoe     6         n
#> 5991  Target_Child                        caterpillars     6         n
#> 5992  Target_Child                           certainly     6       adv
#> 5993  Target_Child                              chance     6         n
#> 5994  Target_Child                             chasing     6      part
#> 5995  Target_Child                               child     6         n
#> 5996  Target_Child                               chump     6         n
#> 5997  Target_Child                                City     6    n:prop
#> 5998  Target_Child                            cleaning     6      part
#> 5999  Target_Child                                Come     6    n:prop
#> 6000  Target_Child                                 coo     6         v
#> 6001  Target_Child                              corner     6         n
#> 6002  Target_Child                              cotton     6         n
#> 6003  Target_Child                              cousin     6         n
#> 6004  Target_Child                             cracked     6      part
#> 6005  Target_Child                             cracked     6         v
#> 6006  Target_Child                             crashes     6         n
#> 6007  Target_Child                             crawled     6         v
#> 6008  Target_Child                             crystal     6         n
#> 6009  Target_Child                              cuddle     6         v
#> 6010  Target_Child                                cuts     6         v
#> 6011  Target_Child                               dad's     6       adj
#> 6012  Target_Child                               Dadda     6    n:prop
#> 6013  Target_Child                               Death     6    n:prop
#> 6014  Target_Child                          Deceptigon     6    n:prop
#> 6015  Target_Child                             destroy     6         v
#> 6016  Target_Child                               Diana     6    n:prop
#> 6017  Target_Child                             diapers     6         n
#> 6018  Target_Child                             doggies     6         n
#> 6019  Target_Child                                doll     6         n
#> 6020  Target_Child                               dolly     6         n
#> 6021  Target_Child                             doo_doo     6         n
#> 6022  Target_Child                                 dot     6         n
#> 6023  Target_Child                              double     6         n
#> 6024  Target_Child                              dreams     6         n
#> 6025  Target_Child                              dreamt     6         v
#> 6026  Target_Child                               dress     6         v
#> 6027  Target_Child                           Duckstand     6       chi
#> 6028  Target_Child                             Duckula     6    n:prop
#> 6029  Target_Child                              Dumpty     6    n:prop
#> 6030  Target_Child                              eating     6  n:gerund
#> 6031  Target_Child                               empty     6       adj
#> 6032  Target_Child                             enemies     6         n
#> 6033  Target_Child                                fair     6         n
#> 6034  Target_Child                              Fangor     6    n:prop
#> 6035  Target_Child                             fantasy     6         n
#> 6036  Target_Child                              figure     6         v
#> 6037  Target_Child                               found     6      part
#> 6038  Target_Child                             fishing     6      part
#> 6039  Target_Child                               fives     6         n
#> 6040  Target_Child                                flip     6         v
#> 6041  Target_Child                               flies     6         n
#> 6042  Target_Child                              follow     6         v
#> 6043  Target_Child                            friendly     6       adj
#> 6044  Target_Child                                Gale     6    n:prop
#> 6045  Target_Child                                gate     6         n
#> 6046  Target_Child                              gotten     6      part
#> 6047  Target_Child                                glue     6         n
#> 6048  Target_Child                               glued     6      part
#> 6049  Target_Child                               Gobot     6    n:prop
#> 6050  Target_Child                                gold     6         n
#> 6051  Target_Child                          Goldilocks     6    n:prop
#> 6052  Target_Child                                gomp     6        on
#> 6053  Target_Child                               goody     6        co
#> 6054  Target_Child                            Gremlins     6    n:prop
#> 6055  Target_Child                              Guides     6    n:prop
#> 6056  Target_Child                                half     6        qn
#> 6057  Target_Child                                Hans     6    n:prop
#> 6058  Target_Child                             happens     6         v
#> 6059  Target_Child                               három     6        L2
#> 6060  Target_Child                                hats     6         n
#> 6061  Target_Child                               hatch     6         n
#> 6062  Target_Child                          helicopter     6         n
#> 6063  Target_Child                                 hid     6         v
#> 6064  Target_Child                              Hobbit     6    n:prop
#> 6065  Target_Child                                Home     6    n:prop
#> 6066  Target_Child                               horns     6         n
#> 6067  Target_Child                              Humpty     6    n:prop
#> 6068  Target_Child                                iron     6         n
#> 6069  Target_Child                                jack     6         n
#> 6070  Target_Child                                jeez     6        co
#> 6071  Target_Child                                 Jim     6    n:prop
#> 6072  Target_Child                            kangaroo     6         n
#> 6073  Target_Child                           Kennywood     6    n:prop
#> 6074  Target_Child                              Kermit     6    n:prop
#> 6075  Target_Child                             killing     6      part
#> 6076  Target_Child                               kinda     6       adv
#> 6077  Target_Child                              knight     6         n
#> 6078  Target_Child                              knocks     6         v
#> 6079  Target_Child                                Kong     6    n:prop
#> 6080  Target_Child                             koo_koo     6        on
#> 6081  Target_Child                                 law     6         n
#> 6082  Target_Child                             letting     6      part
#> 6083  Target_Child                               lemme     6         v
#> 6084  Target_Child                                lets     6         v
#> 6085  Target_Child                              licked     6         v
#> 6086  Target_Child                              living     6      part
#> 6087  Target_Child                              longer     6       adj
#> 6088  Target_Child                                  Ma     6    n:prop
#> 6089  Target_Child                                mami     6       chi
#> 6090  Target_Child                              master     6         n
#> 6091  Target_Child                             Matthew     6    n:prop
#> 6092  Target_Child                             messing     6      part
#> 6093  Target_Child                               Micah     6    n:prop
#> 6094  Target_Child                                milk     6         v
#> 6095  Target_Child                             minutes     6         n
#> 6096  Target_Child                                 mix     6         v
#> 6097  Target_Child                            Mohammed     6    n:prop
#> 6098  Target_Child                         Mon_chi_chi     6    n:prop
#> 6099  Target_Child                           Monchichi     6    n:prop
#> 6100  Target_Child                               moved     6         v
#> 6101  Target_Child                               moves     6         v
#> 6102  Target_Child                             muppets     6         n
#> 6103  Target_Child                              name's     6         n
#> 6104  Target_Child                                name     6         v
#> 6105  Target_Child                              napper     6         n
#> 6106  Target_Child                               nasty     6       adj
#> 6107  Target_Child                            nobody's     6 pro:indef
#> 6108  Target_Child                               ocean     6         n
#> 6109  Target_Child                               one's     6 pro:indef
#> 6110  Target_Child                                  ow     6      meta
#> 6111  Target_Child                                  Oz     6    n:prop
#> 6112  Target_Child                                pass     6         v
#> 6113  Target_Child                             Pasteur     6    n:prop
#> 6114  Target_Child                             persons     6         n
#> 6115  Target_Child                                 pet     6         v
#> 6116  Target_Child                             pillows     6         n
#> 6117  Target_Child                                pink     6       adj
#> 6118  Target_Child                                 pkk     6        on
#> 6119  Target_Child                               plain     6       adj
#> 6120  Target_Child                             planets     6         n
#> 6121  Target_Child                                 pop     6         v
#> 6122  Target_Child                             Poppins     6    n:prop
#> 6123  Target_Child                             present     6       adj
#> 6124  Target_Child                           pretended     6         v
#> 6125  Target_Child                               quick     6       adj
#> 6126  Target_Child                               quite     6       adv
#> 6127  Target_Child                              rabies     6         n
#> 6128  Target_Child                               Rebel     6    n:prop
#> 6129  Target_Child                          restaurant     6         n
#> 6130  Target_Child                              return     6       adj
#> 6131  Target_Child                              reward     6         n
#> 6132  Target_Child                              rhymes     6         v
#> 6133  Target_Child                               Rider     6    n:prop
#> 6134  Target_Child                                rang     6         v
#> 6135  Target_Child                               rises     6         v
#> 6136  Target_Child                              Rogers     6    n:prop
#> 6137  Target_Child                              Ronald     6    n:prop
#> 6138  Target_Child                              ruined     6         v
#> 6139  Target_Child                                rule     6         n
#> 6140  Target_Child                              rumpus     6         n
#> 6141  Target_Child                          sandwiches     6         n
#> 6142  Target_Child                             screams     6         v
#> 6143  Target_Child                              secret     6       adj
#> 6144  Target_Child                             selfish     6       adj
#> 6145  Target_Child                              Sesame     6    n:prop
#> 6146  Target_Child                              shadow     6         n
#> 6147  Target_Child                             shelves     6         n
#> 6148  Target_Child                                 shh     6        co
#> 6149  Target_Child                               signs     6         n
#> 6150  Target_Child                               since     6      conj
#> 6151  Target_Child                            Skeletor     6    n:prop
#> 6152  Target_Child                                slap     6         v
#> 6153  Target_Child                             sleeped     6         v
#> 6154  Target_Child                               Soltz     6    n:prop
#> 6155  Target_Child                               spell     6         v
#> 6156  Target_Child                             spiders     6         n
#> 6157  Target_Child                                spot     6         n
#> 6158  Target_Child                               stage     6         n
#> 6159  Target_Child                               stood     6         v
#> 6160  Target_Child                              starve     6         v
#> 6161  Target_Child                              stayed     6         v
#> 6162  Target_Child                              steals     6         v
#> 6163  Target_Child                              Street     6    n:prop
#> 6164  Target_Child                          Superkitty     6    n:prop
#> 6165  Target_Child                               Susie     6    n:prop
#> 6166  Target_Child                               swamp     6         n
#> 6167  Target_Child                               sweet     6         n
#> 6168  Target_Child                                swim     6         v
#> 6169  Target_Child                              szepen     6        L2
#> 6170  Target_Child                                tall     6       adj
#> 6171  Target_Child                                 Tan     6    n:prop
#> 6172  Target_Child                                test     6         n
#> 6173  Target_Child                          themselves     6  pro:refl
#> 6174  Target_Child                             thinked     6         v
#> 6175  Target_Child                            thriller     6         n
#> 6176  Target_Child                              throws     6         v
#> 6177  Target_Child                               Timmy     6    n:prop
#> 6178  Target_Child                                Todd     6    n:prop
#> 6179  Target_Child                              Tonton     6    n:prop
#> 6180  Target_Child                               trade     6         n
#> 6181  Target_Child                            Trap_Jaw     6    n:prop
#> 6182  Target_Child                            Triclops     6    n:prop
#> 6183  Target_Child                               tries     6         v
#> 6184  Target_Child                               twice     6       adv
#> 6185  Target_Child                              vacuum     6         n
#> 6186  Target_Child                               Vadar     6    n:prop
#> 6187  Target_Child                               veins     6         n
#> 6188  Target_Child                               video     6         n
#> 6189  Target_Child                              waffle     6         n
#> 6190  Target_Child                               waves     6         n
#> 6191  Target_Child                               wears     6         v
#> 6192  Target_Child                                whee     6        co
#> 6193  Target_Child                              whoops     6        co
#> 6194  Target_Child                               whose     6   pro:rel
#> 6195  Target_Child                              winter     6         n
#> 6196  Target_Child                                wipe     6         v
#> 6197  Target_Child                             wobbles     6         v
#> 6198  Target_Child                         Wonderwoman     6    n:prop
#> 6199  Target_Child                               works     6         v
#> 6200  Target_Child                          wristbands     6         n
#> 6201  Target_Child                                 yes     6      meta
#> 6202  Target_Child                             yum_yum     6         n
#> 6203  Target_Child                                 zoo     6         n
#> 6204  Target_Child                          applesauce     6         n
#> 6205  Target_Child                             firemen     6         n
#> 6206  Target_Child                            grownups     6         n
#> 6207  Target_Child                           lawnmower     6         n
#> 6208  Target_Child                         lightsabers     6         n
#> 6209  Target_Child                             rainbow     6         n
#> 6210  Target_Child                       rollercoaster     6         n
#> 6211  Target_Child                          spaceships     6         n
#> 6212  Target_Child                        stormtrooper     6         n
#> 6213  Target_Child                     trickortreating     6      part
#> 6214  Unidentified                              circle     6         n
#> 6215  Unidentified                                 now     6       adv
#> 6216  Unidentified                               there     6       adv
#> 6217  Unidentified                                 too     6       adv
#> 6218  Target_Child                           strongest     5       adj
#> 6219        Mother                                hunt     5         n
#> 6220        Father                           difficult     5       adj
#> 6221        Mother                                blue     5       adj
#> 6222        Father                             lettuce     5         n
#> 6223        Father                                  ba     5     wplay
#> 6224        Father                             digging     5      part
#> 6225        Father                          flashlight     5         n
#> 6226        Father                               weird     5       adj
#> 6227        Father                             suppose     5         v
#> 6228        Father                              cherry     5         n
#> 6229        Mother                              what'd     5   pro:int
#> 6230  Target_Child                             streets     5         n
#> 6231  Target_Child                                fist     5         n
#> 6232        Father                                yuck     5        co
#> 6233  Target_Child                             crossed     5         v
#> 6234        Mother                               dance     5         v
#> 6235        Father                                verb     5         n
#> 6236        Father                              Kermit     5    n:prop
#> 6237        Father                                dime     5         n
#> 6238  Target_Child                             dum_dum     5        co
#> 6239        Father                            eighteen     5   det:num
#> 6240  Target_Child                                  ho     5        co
#> 6241  Target_Child                           strangers     5         n
#> 6242  Target_Child                            stranger     5         n
#> 6243        Mother                             quarter     5         n
#> 6244        Father                                baba     5     wplay
#> 6245  Target_Child                            straight     5       adj
#> 6246        Father                               solid     5         n
#> 6247  Target_Child                             pointed     5         v
#> 6248        Mother                               names     5         n
#> 6249        Father                               weeks     5         n
#> 6250        Father                              zombie     5         n
#> 6251        Father                              humans     5         n
#> 6252  Target_Child                    signofthebuffalo     5         n
#> 6253  Target_Child                           buildings     5         n
#> 6254  Target_Child                            clapping     5      part
#> 6255  Target_Child                             explain     5         v
#> 6256      Playmate                               these     5   det:dem
#> 6257        Father                               spike     5         n
#> 6258        Father                             Pasteur     5    n:prop
#> 6259        Father                                 Ron     5    n:prop
#> 6260  Target_Child                                 pod     5         n
#> 6261        Father                               hates     5         v
#> 6262        Father                                ring     5         n
#> 6263  Target_Child                              stones     5         n
#> 6264        Father                              dining     5  n:gerund
#> 6265        Mother                                Hulk     5    n:prop
#> 6266  Target_Child                                 dig     5         n
#> 6267        Father                               grape     5         n
#> 6268  Target_Child                               homes     5         n
#> 6269        Mother                               north     5       adj
#> 6270        Father                               smell     5         v
#> 6271        Mother                                hulk     5         n
#> 6272        Mother                                 cup     5         n
#> 6273        Mother                                quit     5         v
#> 6274        Father                               grave     5       adj
#> 6275        Father                             queen's     5       adj
#> 6276        Mother                                 fun     5       adj
#> 6277  Target_Child                               crash     5         v
#> 6278        Mother                                boat     5         n
#> 6279  Target_Child                                wham     5        on
#> 6280        Father                             cheated     5         v
#> 6281        Father                               grave     5         n
#> 6282  Target_Child                               Bucky     5    n:prop
#> 6283  Target_Child                                ends     5         n
#> 6284        Mother                            controls     5         n
#> 6285  Target_Child                             circles     5         n
#> 6286  Target_Child                             stick's     5       adj
#> 6287        Father                                Fred     5    n:prop
#> 6288        Father                           scratches     5         n
#> 6289        Father                             pancake     5         n
#> 6290  Target_Child                                 hop     5         v
#> 6291        Mother                              lookee     5        co
#> 6292        Father                          scratchies     5         n
#> 6293  Target_Child                            crashing     5      part
#> 6294  Target_Child                               radio     5         n
#> 6295        Father                               worms     5         n
#> 6296        Father                               patch     5         n
#> 6297  Target_Child                             stepped     5      part
#> 6298        Father                             soldier     5         n
#> 6299  Target_Child                              undone     5      part
#> 6300  Target_Child                               whale     5         n
#> 6301      Playmate                              that's     5   pro:dem
#> 6302        Father                            Romanian     5    n:prop
#> 6303        Father                              prizes     5         n
#> 6304  Target_Child                               stole     5         v
#> 6305  Target_Child                                Dark     5    n:prop
#> 6306        Mother                               Micah     5    n:prop
#> 6307  Target_Child                              bubbly     5       adj
#> 6308  Target_Child                                Tron     5    n:prop
#> 6309  Target_Child                            stealing     5      part
#> 6310  Target_Child                                trip     5         v
#> 6311       Brother                                then     5   adv:tem
#> 6312        Father                               cheap     5       adj
#> 6313        Mother                                 cry     5         v
#> 6314        Father                            American     5    n:prop
#> 6315  Target_Child                               trick     5         v
#> 6316        Father                              shirts     5         n
#> 6317       Brother                               there     5       adv
#> 6318  Target_Child                              matter     5         v
#> 6319        Father                              plates     5         n
#> 6320        Mother                               smart     5       adj
#> 6321         Adult                              Denver     5    n:prop
#> 6322  Target_Child                            brushing     5      part
#> 6323        Father                                step     5         n
#> 6324        Father                                thin     5       adj
#> 6325        Mother                              hoping     5      part
#> 6326        Father                              scream     5         n
#> 6327        Mother                              Friday     5    n:prop
#> 6328        Father                            koszonom     5        L2
#> 6329  Target_Child                           mushrooms     5         n
#> 6330  Target_Child                                golf     5         n
#> 6331  Target_Child                         Hubba_Bubba     5    n:prop
#> 6332  Target_Child                                ends     5         v
#> 6333  Target_Child                           Millinium     5    n:prop
#> 6334        Father                               lifts     5         n
#> 6335        Mother                                long     5       adv
#> 6336  Target_Child                             stapled     5         v
#> 6337  Target_Child                                owie     5        co
#> 6338        Father                                   v     5     n:let
#> 6339        Father                               swamp     5         n
#> 6340  Target_Child                             standed     5         v
#> 6341        Father                               cakes     5         n
#> 6342  Target_Child                               choke     5         v
#> 6343        Father                             farmers     5         n
#> 6344  Target_Child                              bronco     5         n
#> 6345        Father                                Cacy     5    n:prop
#> 6346        Father                            straight     5         n
#> 6347  Target_Child                                Gonk     5    n:prop
#> 6348  Target_Child                               ankle     5         n
#> 6349        Father                                nips     5      test
#> 6350        Father                             foolish     5       adj
#> 6351        Father                              chased     5         v
#> 6352  Target_Child                                fool     5         v
#> 6353        Mother                              became     5       cop
#> 6354        Father                             chasing     5      part
#> 6355        Father                               Rebel     5    n:prop
#> 6356        Father                              sweaty     5       adj
#> 6357        Father                           screaming     5      part
#> 6358        Father                              copied     5         v
#> 6359        Mother                              forget     5         v
#> 6360  Target_Child                             trapped     5      part
#> 6361        Father                                step     5         v
#> 6362  Target_Child                           hungarian     5       adj
#> 6363        Father                                 pet     5         v
#> 6364  Target_Child                                fair     5       adj
#> 6365        Father                             Manglor     5    n:prop
#> 6366  Target_Child                               chips     5         v
#> 6367        Mother                             holding     5      part
#> 6368        Father                               cross     5       adj
#> 6369  Target_Child                           transform     5         v
#> 6370  Target_Child                             crashed     5      part
#> 6371        Father                            loveseat     5         n
#> 6372  Target_Child                             promise     5         n
#> 6373        Mother                            yourself     5  pro:refl
#> 6374  Target_Child                              breast     5         n
#> 6375  Target_Child                                hunm     5        co
#> 6376        Mother                                hold     5         n
#> 6377  Target_Child                              whacko     5       chi
#> 6378        Mother                            pointing     5      part
#> 6379  Target_Child                              breaks     5         v
#> 6380        Father                          disgusting     5       adj
#> 6381        Father                             planets     5         n
#> 6382  Target_Child                              googoo     5       bab
#> 6383        Father                                logs     5         n
#> 6384        Father                                scab     5         n
#> 6385       Brother                                done     5      part
#> 6386  Target_Child                            splatted     5         v
#> 6387        Mother                             flowers     5         n
#> 6388        Mother                                some     5 pro:indef
#> 6389  Target_Child                                race     5         v
#> 6390  Target_Child                             hurting     5      part
#> 6391        Father                             imagine     5         v
#> 6392  Target_Child                             playing     5  n:gerund
#> 6393  Target_Child                               goose     5         n
#> 6394  Target_Child                            counting     5  n:gerund
#> 6395        Father                          hyperspace     5         n
#> 6396        Mother                              moving     5      part
#> 6397  Target_Child                            freezing     5      part
#> 6398  Target_Child                             gorilla     5         n
#> 6399        Father                           Kennywood     5    n:prop
#> 6400        Father                               straw     5         n
#> 6401   Grandfather                                  we     5   pro:sub
#> 6402  Target_Child                              splash     5         n
#> 6403  Target_Child                             dancing     5  n:gerund
#> 6404  Target_Child                              player     5         n
#> 6405        Father                             sweetie     5        co
#> 6406  Target_Child                              racing     5      part
#> 6407        Father                            how_come     5   pro:int
#> 6408        Father                              apples     5         n
#> 6409        Father                          toothbrush     5         n
#> 6410        Mother                              center     5       adj
#> 6411        Father                             Matthew     5    n:prop
#> 6412        Father                               Nikes     5    n:prop
#> 6413        Father                          assignment     5         n
#> 6414  Target_Child                              towels     5         n
#> 6415        Mother                                  am     5       cop
#> 6416  Target_Child                               young     5       adj
#> 6417  Target_Child                              grader     5         n
#> 6418  Target_Child                            you_know     5        co
#> 6419  Target_Child                                 doo     5       bab
#> 6420        Mother                               sorry     5       adj
#> 6421        Father                             kitty's     5       adj
#> 6422        Father                              wisely     5       adv
#> 6423        Mother                                 not     5     coord
#> 6424        Father                               swing     5         n
#> 6425        Father                         disturbance     5         n
#> 6426        Father                            Madeline     5    n:prop
#> 6427  Target_Child                             plastic     5         n
#> 6428  Target_Child                               Mandy     5    n:prop
#> 6429  Target_Child                                 dah     5       bab
#> 6430        Father                              winter     5         n
#> 6431        Father                            friend's     5       adj
#> 6432  Target_Child                            impolite     5       adj
#> 6433  Target_Child                             Manglor     5    n:prop
#> 6434      Playmate                                 not     5       neg
#> 6435  Target_Child                               crane     5         n
#> 6436        Father                              upside     5       adv
#> 6437  Target_Child                          Spider_man     5    n:prop
#> 6438        Father                               buses     5         n
#> 6439        Father                                slow     5       adv
#> 6440  Target_Child                             plastic     5       adj
#> 6441        Father                          watermelon     5         n
#> 6442      Playmate                                need     5         v
#> 6443  Unidentified                                  no     5        co
#> 6444  Target_Child                               yikes     5        co
#> 6445  Target_Child                               xwing     5         n
#> 6446        Father                               cross     5         v
#> 6447        Father                            throwing     5      part
#> 6448  Target_Child                              indian     5       adj
#> 6449        Father                                ours     5  pro:poss
#> 6450        Father                              gloves     5         n
#> 6451        Father                                 oil     5         n
#> 6452  Target_Child                             Indiana     5    n:prop
#> 6453        Father                               rider     5         n
#> 6454  Target_Child                                mira     5        on
#> 6455        Father                              whoops     5        co
#> 6456        Father                            balloons     5         n
#> 6457  Target_Child                              Speedy     5    n:prop
#> 6458  Target_Child                             control     5         n
#> 6459        Father                              divide     5         v
#> 6460        Father                               uppie     5         n
#> 6461        Mother                            computer     5         n
#> 6462  Target_Child                            chickens     5         n
#> 6463  Target_Child                                toto     5         n
#> 6464        Father                             riddles     5         n
#> 6465  Target_Child                             watched     5         v
#> 6466        Father                             peoples     5         n
#> 6467        Father                               safer     5       adj
#> 6468        Father                                hint     5         n
#> 6469  Target_Child                       Great_Pumpkin     5    n:prop
#> 6470  Target_Child                               Chewy     5    n:prop
#> 6471        Father                              strike     5         v
#> 6472        Father                                 and     5      meta
#> 6473      Playmate                                  it     5   pro:per
#> 6474        Father                                sour     5       adj
#> 6475        Father                             baloney     5         n
#> 6476        Father                              riddle     5         n
#> 6477        Father                              burned     5      part
#> 6478        Mother                                open     5         v
#> 6479  Target_Child                              Chewie     5    n:prop
#> 6480        Father                               waves     5         n
#> 6481  Target_Child                               drunk     5         n
#> 6482  Target_Child                                sour     5       adj
#> 6483  Target_Child                                plan     5         n
#> 6484  Target_Child                            Draculas     5    n:prop
#> 6485         Adult                                 for     5      prep
#> 6486  Target_Child                              asking     5      part
#> 6487        Father                              nights     5         n
#> 6488  Target_Child                             bottles     5         n
#> 6489  Target_Child                             Cringer     5    n:prop
#> 6490        Father                                  Do     5    n:prop
#> 6491       Brother                                with     5      prep
#> 6492  Target_Child                             daddies     5         n
#> 6493        Father                             crystal     5         n
#> 6494  Target_Child                              misses     5         v
#> 6495        Father                               proud     5       adj
#> 6496         Adult                               right     5       adv
#> 6497        Father                             harmful     5       adj
#> 6498        Father                            blasters     5         n
#> 6499        Mother                              bottom     5         n
#> 6500        Father                              change     5         n
#> 6501  Target_Child                                chee     5     wplay
#> 6502  Target_Child                               Force     5    n:prop
#> 6503  Unidentified                                 for     5      prep
#> 6504        Father                             doctors     5         n
#> 6505  Target_Child                              boring     5      part
#> 6506        Mother                          incredible     5       adj
#> 6507  Target_Child                                pkkk     5        on
#> 6508  Target_Child                                drop     5         n
#> 6509  Target_Child                               bored     5      part
#> 6510        Mother                              squirt     5         n
#> 6511        Mother                                 ssh     5        co
#> 6512        Father                               waste     5         n
#> 6513  Unidentified                                 put     5         v
#> 6514        Father                               cutie     5         n
#> 6515  Target_Child                               socks     5         v
#> 6516  Target_Child                              chased     5         v
#> 6517        Father                               scare     5         n
#> 6518        Father                                 The     5    n:prop
#> 6519  Target_Child                            ancestor     5         n
#> 6520  Target_Child                              chased     5      part
#> 6521        Father                          Washington     5    n:prop
#> 6522        Father                            mattress     5         n
#> 6523  Target_Child                             growing     5      part
#> 6524        Father                               Louis     5    n:prop
#> 6525        Father                       Miss_Lastname     5    n:prop
#> 6526  Target_Child                               times     5         v
#> 6527  Target_Child                               sniff     5         v
#> 6528  Target_Child                             jackets     5         n
#> 6529        Father                               since     5      conj
#> 6530        Father                              second     5       adv
#> 6531        Father                              poodle     5         n
#> 6532  Target_Child                                bong     5        on
#> 6533        Father                                even     5         v
#> 6534  Target_Child                               grows     5         v
#> 6535        Father                              slides     5         n
#> 6536        Father                                 rug     5         n
#> 6537        Father                               erupt     5         v
#> 6538        Father                             looking     5  n:gerund
#> 6539        Father                              Ranger     5    n:prop
#> 6540        Father                               slide     5         n
#> 6541  Target_Child                               often     5       adv
#> 6542        Father                             seconds     5         n
#> 6543        Father                                lawn     5         n
#> 6544        Father                                   x     5     n:let
#> 6545  Target_Child                               setup     5         n
#> 6546  Target_Child                                 Jan     5    n:prop
#> 6547        Father                             bandage     5         n
#> 6548        Father                         underground     5       adv
#> 6549        Father                             Rumania     5    n:prop
#> 6550  Target_Child                                till     5         n
#> 6551        Father                               dolly     5         n
#> 6552  Target_Child                               cried     5      part
#> 6553  Target_Child                          Washington     5    n:prop
#> 6554        Mother                               order     5         n
#> 6555        Father                          intonation     5         n
#> 6556        Father                               layer     5         v
#> 6557        Father                         seventeenth     5       adj
#> 6558        Father                               bumpy     5       adj
#> 6559        Father                             colored     5      part
#> 6560        Father                              tablet     5         n
#> 6561        Father                               press     5         n
#> 6562        Father                            blankets     5         n
#> 6563        Father                            uncuffed     5       chi
#> 6564  Target_Child                                 yeh     5        co
#> 6565  Target_Child                               jeans     5         n
#> 6566  Target_Child                             farmers     5         n
#> 6567  Target_Child                                 dya     5       bab
#> 6568  Target_Child                       Charlie_Brown     5    n:prop
#> 6569      Playmate                               don't     5       mod
#> 6570  Target_Child                               boats     5         n
#> 6571  Target_Child                                tied     5         v
#> 6572  Target_Child                             smashed     5         v
#> 6573        Father                              washed     5      part
#> 6574        Mother                              Fangor     5    n:prop
#> 6575        Mother                             walking     5      part
#> 6576  Target_Child                              washed     5         v
#> 6577        Father                            thirteen     5   det:num
#> 6578  Target_Child                               erase     5         v
#> 6579  Target_Child                             washing     5      part
#> 6580        Father                                flew     5         v
#> 6581        Father                              scares     5         v
#> 6582        Father                                éves     5      NULL
#> 6583  Target_Child                                 pit     5         n
#> 6584        Father                                deep     5         n
#> 6585  Target_Child                                 ach     5        co
#> 6586        Father                             student     5         n
#> 6587  Target_Child                         blueberries     5         n
#> 6588  Target_Child                                slow     5       adv
#> 6589  Target_Child                              change     5         n
#> 6590        Mother                                 age     5         n
#> 6591        Father                                wrap     5         v
#> 6592        Father                               eater     5         n
#> 6593  Target_Child                            asteroid     5         n
#> 6594        Father                              longer     5       adj
#> 6595        Father                             melting     5      part
#> 6596      Playmate                               chief     5         n
#> 6597  Target_Child                                dada     5         n
#> 6598  Target_Child                               slide     5         v
#> 6599        Father                               Gobot     5    n:prop
#> 6600        Father                            warriors     5         n
#> 6601         Child                                  do     5         v
#> 6602        Father                             wrapped     5      part
#> 6603  Target_Child                              chairs     5         n
#> 6604        Mother                                eyes     5         n
#> 6605        Father                                mice     5         n
#> 6606        Father                          garbagecan     5         n
#> 6607         Adult                                he's     5   pro:sub
#> 6608  Target_Child                             washing     5  n:gerund
#> 6609        Father                                warn     5         v
#> 6610        Father                              center     5         n
#> 6611  Target_Child                            warriors     5         n
#> 6612        Father                              fourth     5       adj
#> 6613  Target_Child                            throwing     5      part
#> 6614        Father                               hairy     5       adj
#> 6615  Target_Child                             mailbox     5         n
#> 6616  Target_Child                              eensie     5       adj
#> 6617  Target_Child                                 gut     5         n
#> 6618  Target_Child                               eieio     5     n:let
#> 6619  Target_Child                               Dad's     5       adj
#> 6620  Target_Child                                nyah     5       chi
#> 6621        Father                            ancestor     5         n
#> 6622        Mother                               likes     5         v
#> 6623        Mother                             explain     5         v
#> 6624  Target_Child                         Skywalker's     5       adj
#> 6625        Father                              Newton     5    n:prop
#> 6626  Target_Child                                fits     5         v
#> 6627  Target_Child                                corn     5         n
#> 6628  Target_Child                               joker     5         n
#> 6629        Mother                             excused     5      part
#> 6630  Target_Child                              skinny     5       adj
#> 6631  Target_Child                           meanwhile     5       adv
#> 6632        Father                              Return     5    n:prop
#> 6633  Target_Child                               Joker     5    n:prop
#> 6634        Mother                               rough     5       adj
#> 6635        Father                              He_man     5    n:prop
#> 6636        Father                             kissing     5  n:gerund
#> 6637  Target_Child                                pipe     5         n
#> 6638  Target_Child                                argh     5        co
#> 6639        Father                                warm     5         v
#> 6640  Target_Child                               skate     5         n
#> 6641  Target_Child                              fatter     5       adj
#> 6642  Target_Child                              absent     5       adj
#> 6643        Mother                               Ewoks     5    n:prop
#> 6644        Mother                                Ewok     5    n:prop
#> 6645  Target_Child                             Celia's     5       adj
#> 6646         Child                                 for     5      prep
#> 6647  Target_Child                           ambulance     5         n
#> 6648  Target_Child                                 dɘn     5       uni
#> 6649        Mother                               allow     5         v
#> 6650  Target_Child                                 yah     5        on
#> 6651        Father                             correct     5       adj
#> 6652        Father                             Tylenol     5    n:prop
#> 6653        Father                                gold     5         n
#> 6654  Target_Child                             thirsty     5       adj
#> 6655        Father                              rabbit     5         n
#> 6656        Father                            delicate     5       adj
#> 6657        Father                               mines     5         n
#> 6658  Target_Child                               flush     5       adv
#> 6659        Father                                hova     5      NULL
#> 6660        Father                            backyard     5         n
#> 6661        Father                                  da     5       uni
#> 6662        Father                              kisses     5         n
#> 6663  Target_Child                                 pin     5         n
#> 6664        Father                                twos     5         n
#> 6665        Father                               loses     5         v
#> 6666  Target_Child                                cows     5         n
#> 6667        Father                                 New     5    n:prop
#> 6668        Father                            princess     5         n
#> 6669  Target_Child                                 nor     5     coord
#> 6670        Father                               hello     5        co
#> 6671        Mother                             alright     5       adj
#> 6672  Target_Child                                 kak     5       fam
#> 6673  Target_Child                             mommies     5         n
#> 6674  Unidentified                                it's     5   pro:per
#> 6675        Father                                igen     5      NULL
#> 6676        Father                          television     5         n
#> 6677  Target_Child                              Things     5    n:prop
#> 6678  Target_Child                             ka_pshh     5        on
#> 6679  Target_Child                               pilot     5         n
#> 6680        Father                                mann     5        L2
#> 6681        Father                              Rabbit     5    n:prop
#> 6682        Father                              points     5         v
#> 6683  Target_Child                                nick     5         n
#> 6684        Father                             sheriff     5         n
#> 6685  Target_Child                               bites     5         n
#> 6686        Father                               doors     5         n
#> 6687        Mother                               sugar     5         n
#> 6688        Mother                              hadn't     5       aux
#> 6689        Father                               blows     5         v
#> 6690  Target_Child                            Birthday     5    n:prop
#> 6691  Target_Child                            homework     5         n
#> 6692        Father                              talked     5      part
#> 6693        Father                              rubber     5         n
#> 6694        Father                              rabies     5         n
#> 6695       Brother                                just     5       adv
#> 6696  Target_Child                               Magic     5    n:prop
#> 6697        Father                               Mom's     5       adj
#> 6698  Target_Child                             covered     5      part
#> 6699  Target_Child                               piggy     5       adj
#> 6700  Target_Child                              bird's     5       adj
#> 6701  Target_Child                                 naw     5        co
#> 6702        Father                              poison     5         n
#> 6703  Target_Child                                 dog     5         v
#> 6704  Target_Child                            sidewalk     5         n
#> 6705  Target_Child                             ketchup     5         n
#> 6706  Target_Child                                wins     5         n
#> 6707  Target_Child                               billy     5         n
#> 6708        Mother                                hate     5         v
#> 6709  Target_Child                               press     5         n
#> 6710  Target_Child                            Big_Bird     5    n:prop
#> 6711  Target_Child                                   q     5     n:let
#> 6712        Father                                king     5         v
#> 6713  Target_Child                                 kgg     5        on
#> 6714  Target_Child                               shows     5         v
#> 6715        Father                                salt     5         n
#> 6716        Father                               Barry     5    n:prop
#> 6717        Father                           jump_jump     5         n
#> 6718  Target_Child                            feathers     5         n
#> 6719  Target_Child                            nineteen     5   det:num
#> 6720        Father                              inches     5         n
#> 6721  Target_Child                             weensie     5       adj
#> 6722        Father                              Island     5    n:prop
#> 6723  Target_Child                               forth     5       adv
#> 6724        Mother                              Mogway     5    n:prop
#> 6725        Father                             twelfth     5       adj
#> 6726       Brother                                like     5        co
#> 6727        Father                           including     5      part
#> 6728        Father                            Snoopy's     5       adj
#> 6729        Father                            rosemary     5         n
#> 6730        Father                                City     5    n:prop
#> 6731  Target_Child                              handle     5         n
#> 6732        Father                              sneeze     5         v
#> 6733        Father                                hunm     5        co
#> 6734        Father                             knuckle     5         n
#> 6735  Target_Child                              hanger     5         n
#> 6736  Target_Child                               walks     5         v
#> 6737        Father                               plays     5         v
#> 6738  Target_Child                              szabad     5      NULL
#> 6739        Mother                               eight     5   det:num
#> 6740        Father                                 met     5         v
#> 6741  Target_Child                               ships     5         n
#> 6742  Target_Child                            eighteen     5   det:num
#> 6743  Target_Child                               kills     5         v
#> 6744        Mother                                uppy     5       chi
#> 6745  Target_Child                      indestructible     5       adj
#> 6746        Father                                it'd     5   pro:per
#> 6747        Father                               Tooth     5    n:prop
#> 6748  Target_Child                        kindergarten     5         n
#> 6749        Father                              Mexico     5    n:prop
#> 6750        Father                              indian     5         n
#> 6751  Target_Child                              fitted     5         v
#> 6752  Target_Child                               picks     5         v
#> 6753        Mother                                 ate     5         v
#> 6754  Target_Child                               flies     5         v
#> 6755  Target_Child                            carrying     5      part
#> 6756        Mother                            swimming     5      part
#> 6757        Father                             bedroom     5         n
#> 6758  Target_Child                             feeling     5  n:gerund
#> 6759        Father                              Bronco     5    n:prop
#> 6760  Target_Child                               a_lot     5       adv
#> 6761  Target_Child                               creep     5         n
#> 6762        Father                             causing     5      part
#> 6763  Target_Child                             picking     5      part
#> 6764        Mother                               trees     5         n
#> 6765        Father                              messes     5         v
#> 6766  Target_Child                               share     5         n
#> 6767  Target_Child                               begin     5         v
#> 6768  Target_Child                             Monster     5    n:prop
#> 6769  Target_Child                                 wah     5        on
#> 6770        Mother                                  ow     5        co
#> 6771        Father                             Indians     5    n:prop
#> 6772        Father                        caterpillars     5         n
#> 6773  Target_Child                             waffles     5         n
#> 6774        Father                              messed     5         v
#> 6775        Father                              jacket     5         n
#> 6776  Target_Child                              harder     5       adj
#> 6777        Father                              heroes     5         n
#> 6778        Mother                                ears     5         n
#> 6779  Target_Child                             kittens     5         n
#> 6780  Target_Child                          playground     5         n
#> 6781        Father                              phrase     5         n
#> 6782        Father                                lies     5         n
#> 6783  Target_Child                               shade     5         n
#> 6784  Target_Child                               beers     5         n
#> 6785        Father                                rose     5         n
#> 6786  Target_Child                               Kitty     5    n:prop
#> 6787        Father                           infection     5         n
#> 6788  Target_Child                                 sew     5         v
#> 6789        Father                              coughs     5         n
#> 6790        Mother                               it'll     5   pro:per
#> 6791        Father                           meanwhile     5       adv
#> 6792        Mother                                 own     5       adj
#> 6793        Mother                                 cut     5         v
#> 6794  Target_Child                               month     5         n
#> 6795        Father                                 Lea     5    n:prop
#> 6796  Target_Child                               cares     5         v
#> 6797  Target_Child                                 Tee     5    n:prop
#> 6798        Mother                               takes     5         v
#> 6799        Father                              breath     5         n
#> 6800        Father                              dragon     5         n
#> 6801  Target_Child                             teasing     5      part
#> 6802  Target_Child                               cares     5         n
#> 6803        Father                             finally     5       adv
#> 6804        Father                               gooey     5       adj
#> 6805  Target_Child                                earn     5         v
#> 6806        Father                               float     5         n
#> 6807  Target_Child                             knocked     5      part
#> 6808        Mother                              during     5      prep
#> 6809  Target_Child                                 web     5         n
#> 6810        Mother                                wash     5         v
#> 6811  Target_Child                             colored     5      part
#> 6812  Target_Child                                beds     5         n
#> 6813        Father                               lions     5         n
#> 6814  Target_Child                            powerful     5       adj
#> 6815  Target_Child                               known     5      part
#> 6816        Father                            Rachel's     5       adj
#> 6817        Father                            suddenly     5       adv
#> 6818  Target_Child                                  ga     5       bab
#> 6819        Mother                              course     5         n
#> 6820        Father                              cloths     5         n
#> 6821        Mother                                true     5         n
#> 6822  Target_Child                             melting     5      part
#> 6823  Target_Child                             knuckle     5         n
#> 6824  Target_Child                              selves     5         n
#> 6825         Adult                              that's     5   pro:dem
#> 6826        Father                               Timmy     5    n:prop
#> 6827        Father                             menjunk     5      NULL
#> 6828        Mother                                  as     5      conj
#> 6829  Target_Child                              Disney     5    n:prop
#> 6830        Mother                                cold     5       adj
#> 6831      Relative                                 the     5   det:art
#> 6832        Father                             dessert     5         n
#> 6833        Father                                 rot     5         v
#> 6834        Father                             farther     5       adj
#> 6835        Father                             figures     5         v
#> 6836        Father                                Name     5    n:prop
#> 6837        Father                               stood     5         v
#> 6838        Father                                drew     5         v
#> 6839  Target_Child                              seemed     5       cop
#> 6840        Father                             figured     5         v
#> 6841        Father                             tummy's     5       adj
#> 6842        Father                                tuft     5         n
#> 6843        Father                                copy     5         n
#> 6844  Target_Child                               Moose     5    n:prop
#> 6845        Father                             waffles     5         n
#> 6846        Father                                pour     5         v
#> 6847        Father                              hearts     5         n
#> 6848        Father                                 Mum     5    n:prop
#> 6849  Target_Child                              seeing     5      part
#> 6850  Target_Child                              avenue     5         n
#> 6851        Father                            cassette     5         n
#> 6852        Father                            believes     5         v
#> 6853  Target_Child                            electric     5       adj
#> 6854        Father                               csoki     5        L2
#> 6855        Mother                                dear     5        co
#> 6856  Target_Child                                  Vh     5       uni
#> 6857  Target_Child                               laces     5         v
#> 6858  Target_Child                              Hawaii     5    n:prop
#> 6859        Father                             Bratito     5    n:prop
#> 6860        Father                           knowledge     5         n
#> 6861        Mother                               teeny     5       adj
#> 6862  Target_Child                              cutest     5       adj
#> 6863        Father                                 win     5         n
#> 6864        Father                           destroyed     5      part
#> 6865  Target_Child                               dried     5         v
#> 6866  Target_Child                          tarantulas     5         n
#> 6867  Target_Child                               beard     5         n
#> 6868  Target_Child                                lamp     5         n
#> 6869  Target_Child                                Bear     5    n:prop
#> 6870        Father                                Coke     5    n:prop
#> 6871         Adult                                 yes     5        co
#> 6872        Father                            training     5  n:gerund
#> 6873  Target_Child                               lungs     5         n
#> 6874        Father                                sent     5         v
#> 6875  Target_Child                                tape     5         v
#> 6876        Mother                               drive     5         v
#> 6877  Target_Child                                gang     5         n
#> 6878        Father                               brand     5       adj
#> 6879  Target_Child                               cries     5         v
#> 6880  Target_Child                                 few     5         n
#> 6881        Mother                               drive     5         n
#> 6882  Target_Child                              mortar     5         n
#> 6883  Unidentified                             alright     5        co
#> 6884        Father                            fighting     5  n:gerund
#> 6885  Target_Child                            language     5         n
#> 6886        Father                           destroyed     5         v
#> 6887        Father                          absolutely     5       adv
#> 6888  Target_Child                               large     5       adj
#> 6889        Father                               sound     5         n
#> 6890        Father                                 pop     5         v
#> 6891        Mother                                wood     5         n
#> 6892  Target_Child                               eater     5         n
#> 6893  Target_Child                              candle     5         n
#> 6894        Father                                nail     5         n
#> 6895  Target_Child                              talked     5      part
#> 6896        Mother                                sent     5         v
#> 6897        Mother                           thank_you     5         n
#> 6898  Target_Child                               talks     5         n
#> 6899        Father                            Munsters     5    n:prop
#> 6900        Father                                ruin     5         v
#> 6901  Target_Child                            popsicle     5         n
#> 6902        Father                             skating     5      part
#> 6903  Target_Child                               heard     5      part
#> 6904        Mother                                kill     5         v
#> 6905        Mother                            medicine     5         n
#> 6906        Father                              driver     5         n
#> 6907        Father                                cart     5         n
#> 6908        Father                              stinky     5       adj
#> 6909        Father                            sausages     5         n
#> 6910  Target_Child                              cannot     5       mod
#> 6911  Target_Child                             weren't     5       aux
#> 6912        Father                            there're     5 pro:exist
#> 6913        Father                             tattoos     5         v
#> 6914        Father                               Gabor     5    n:prop
#> 6915  Target_Child                                 pen     5         n
#> 6916        Father                               stock     5         n
#> 6917        Father                              muppet     5         n
#> 6918  Target_Child                              making     5  n:gerund
#> 6919        Father                               drops     5         v
#> 6920  Target_Child                                weak     5       adj
#> 6921  Target_Child                           apologize     5         v
#> 6922  Target_Child                               fifth     5       adj
#> 6923  Target_Child                             custard     5         n
#> 6924        Father                             Russell     5    n:prop
#> 6925        Father                             giraffe     5         n
#> 6926  Target_Child                              raised     5         v
#> 6927  Target_Child                          Battle_Cat     5    n:prop
#> 6928  Target_Child                            disguise     5         n
#> 6929        Father                               whale     5         n
#> 6930  Target_Child                             learned     5      part
#> 6931  Target_Child                            learning     5      part
#> 6932        Father                              across     5       adv
#> 6933  Target_Child                             battery     5         n
#> 6934        Father                              excuse     5         v
#> 6935        Father                             science     5         n
#> 6936  Target_Child                                 Pop     5    n:prop
#> 6937  Target_Child                                left     5      part
#> 6938        Father                          commercial     5         n
#> 6939        Mother                              drawer     5         n
#> 6940        Father                               force     5         n
#> 6941        Mother                                Mary     5    n:prop
#> 6942  Target_Child                             peanuts     5         n
#> 6943        Father                               fence     5         n
#> 6944        Father                              fellow     5         n
#> 6945  Target_Child                              worked     5         v
#> 6946        Father                              fellow     5       adj
#> 6947  Target_Child                                lego     5         n
#> 6948        Mother                                drew     5         v
#> 6949        Father                              pirate     5         n
#> 6950  Target_Child                               ewoks     5         n
#> 6951        Father                              snacks     5         n
#> 6952        Mother                               count     5         n
#> 6953        Father                             devil's     5         n
#> 6954        Father                            mustache     5         n
#> 6955  Target_Child                               kocsi     5      NULL
#> 6956        Father                               bowls     5         n
#> 6957        Mother                            pancakes     5         n
#> 6958  Target_Child                             lessons     5         n
#> 6959        Father                               began     5         v
#> 6960  Target_Child                                bats     5         n
#> 6961        Father                             excused     5      part
#> 6962        Father                                bows     5         n
#> 6963        Father                                code     5         n
#> 6964  Target_Child                              switch     5         n
#> 6965        Father                              notice     5         v
#> 6966        Father                              carrot     5         n
#> 6967        Father                              bounty     5         n
#> 6968        Father                            bouncing     5      part
#> 6969        Father                           Luxemburg     5    n:prop
#> 6970        Father                            troubles     5         n
#> 6971  Target_Child                              worked     5      part
#> 6972  Target_Child                               swing     5         v
#> 6973        Father                             must've     5       mod
#> 6974  Target_Child                               safer     5       adj
#> 6975        Father                                felt     5         v
#> 6976        Mother                             problem     5         n
#> 6977        Mother                               pants     5         v
#> 6978  Target_Child                               marry     5         v
#> 6979  Target_Child                            eyeballs     5         n
#> 6980  Target_Child                              poopie     5         n
#> 6981  Target_Child                               clown     5         n
#> 6982        Father                                 row     5         n
#> 6983  Target_Child                               cabin     5         n
#> 6984        Father                           nighttime     5         n
#> 6985        Father                          adventures     5         n
#> 6986        Father                            scissors     5         n
#> 6987  Target_Child                              runned     5      part
#> 6988        Father                           fireplace     5         n
#> 6989        Father                            practice     5         n
#> 6990        Father                              killer     5         n
#> 6991  Target_Child                                 lie     5         v
#> 6992  Target_Child                              sweets     5         n
#> 6993        Mother                               Claus     5    n:prop
#> 6994        Father                               pairs     5         n
#> 6995        Father                           situation     5         n
#> 6996        Father                                sits     5         v
#> 6997  Target_Child                               sweet     5        co
#> 6998  Target_Child                               uppie     5       adv
#> 6999        Father                               growl     5         v
#> 7000        Father                               stone     5         n
#> 7001  Target_Child                            bandaids     5         n
#> 7002        Father                           recorders     5         n
#> 7003        Father                                 ape     5         n
#> 7004        Father                              looked     5       cop
#> 7005  Target_Child                               merry     5       adj
#> 7006        Father                             kidding     5      part
#> 7007  Target_Child                               rrrit     5        on
#> 7008  Target_Child                              cloths     5         n
#> 7009        Father                              sharks     5         n
#> 7010        Father                             seventy     5   det:num
#> 7011        Father                             bossing     5      part
#> 7012        Father                             meaning     5      part
#> 7013        Father                               China     5    n:prop
#> 7014  Target_Child                                buys     5         v
#> 7015  Target_Child                               Merry     5    n:prop
#> 7016  Target_Child                            surprise     5         n
#> 7017        Father                                Care     5    n:prop
#> 7018  Target_Child                              heroes     5         n
#> 7019        Father                                 dum     5        co
#> 7020        Father                                 age     5         n
#> 7021        Father                              grader     5         n
#> 7022  Target_Child                           airplanes     5         n
#> 7023        Father                               Japan     5    n:prop
#> 7024        Father                              dancer     5         n
#> 7025  Target_Child                              Dragon     5    n:prop
#> 7026  Target_Child                                sure     5        co
#> 7027        Father                              sunset     5         n
#> 7028  Target_Child                                rope     5         v
#> 7029        Father                            shooting     5      part
#> 7030        Father                               boots     5         v
#> 7031        Father                              tricks     5         n
#> 7032  Target_Child                                lips     5         n
#> 7033  Target_Child                             bedtime     5         n
#> 7034        Mother                               dirty     5       adj
#> 7035        Mother                               worth     5       adj
#> 7036        Father                                 owe     5         v
#> 7037  Target_Child                              rattle     5         n
#> 7038  Target_Child                              robots     5         n
#> 7039        Father                                boot     5         n
#> 7040  Target_Child                                woof     5        on
#> 7041  Target_Child                               robin     5         n
#> 7042        Father                                   q     5     n:let
#> 7043  Target_Child                                wild     5       adv
#> 7044  Target_Child                               rebel     5         n
#> 7045        Mother                              behind     5      prep
#> 7046  Target_Child                             what_if     5         n
#> 7047        Father                                pass     5         v
#> 7048        Father                                wild     5       adv
#> 7049  Target_Child                                busy     5       adj
#> 7050        Father                             fivesix     5         n
#> 7051  Target_Child                              Fred's     5       adj
#> 7052        Father                             Mogways     5    n:prop
#> 7053        Mother                               toast     5         n
#> 7054        Father                       gallop_a_trot     5        co
#> 7055  Target_Child                              Wizard     5    n:prop
#> 7056        Father                            climbing     5      part
#> 7057        Father                               Dutch     5    n:prop
#> 7058        Mother                             pumpkin     5         n
#> 7059        Father                               Tonto     5    n:prop
#> 7060  Target_Child                              baby's     5       adj
#> 7061  Target_Child                       Rainbow_Brite     5    n:prop
#> 7062  Target_Child                             raining     5      part
#> 7063        Mother                           basically     5       adv
#> 7064  Target_Child                               final     5       adj
#> 7065  Target_Child                                hide     5         n
#> 7066        Father                             rainbow     5         n
#> 7067        Father                         cooperative     5         n
#> 7068  Target_Child                             counted     5         v
#> 7069        Father                      Vice_President     5    n:prop
#> 7070  Target_Child                                cube     5         n
#> 7071  Target_Child                             finding     5      part
#> 7072       Brother                                said     5         v
#> 7073        Father                             awfully     5       adv
#> 7074  Target_Child                               women     5         n
#> 7075  Target_Child                              richer     5       adj
#> 7076        Father                               Soltz     5    n:prop
#> 7077        Father                               dying     5      part
#> 7078  Target_Child                              parent     5         n
#> 7079        Mother                               girls     5         n
#> 7080        Mother                               touch     5         v
#> 7081        Father                              raisin     5         n
#> 7082  Target_Child                               Dumbo     5    n:prop
#> 7083        Father                            all_gone     5        co
#> 7084  Target_Child                            parent's     5       adj
#> 7085  Target_Child                                edge     5         n
#> 7086        Father                                pout     5         v
#> 7087  Target_Child                             revenge     5         n
#> 7088        Mother                             chicken     5         n
#> 7089        Father                               stars     5         n
#> 7090        Father                               trail     5         n
#> 7091        Mother                               towel     5         n
#> 7092        Father                             trapped     5         v
#> 7093        Mother                               ghost     5         n
#> 7094        Father                             fashion     5         n
#> 7095  Target_Child                            stuffing     5      part
#> 7096        Father                                 lay     5         v
#> 7097        Father                           of_course     5        co
#> 7098  Target_Child                              looked     5       cop
#> 7099  Target_Child                              arrows     5         n
#> 7100        Father                               fancy     5       adj
#> 7101  Target_Child                               awake     5       adj
#> 7102        Father                           passports     5         n
#> 7103        Father                                sink     5         v
#> 7104        Father                               sport     4         n
#> 7105  Target_Child                              straps     4         v
#> 7106  Target_Child                              Zsuzsa     4    n:prop
#> 7107  Target_Child                            Zsuzsa's     4       adj
#> 7108  Target_Child                                 hog     4         n
#> 7109        Father                             smiling     4      part
#> 7110        Mother                                 gee     4        co
#> 7111        Father                     Fred_Flintstone     4    n:prop
#> 7112  Target_Child                              bullet     4         n
#> 7113        Mother                             sitting     4      part
#> 7114  Target_Child                               Storm     4    n:prop
#> 7115  Target_Child                               holds     4         v
#> 7116        Father                              candle     4         n
#> 7117        Father                                 din     4         n
#> 7118  Target_Child                             stopped     4      part
#> 7119  Target_Child                               built     4         v
#> 7120  Target_Child                               stool     4         n
#> 7121        Mother                                lots     4         n
#> 7122        Father                          vegetables     4         n
#> 7123        Father                             Vectrex     4    n:prop
#> 7124  Target_Child                       Darth_Vader's     4       adj
#> 7125        Mother                               one's     4       adj
#> 7126        Mother                               fuzzy     4       adj
#> 7127        Father                              vanish     4         v
#> 7128  Target_Child                                 hoo     4        on
#> 7129  Target_Child                                hood     4         n
#> 7130  Target_Child                              zipper     4         v
#> 7131  Target_Child                                hook     4         n
#> 7132        Mother                         Skywalker's     4       adj
#> 7133  Target_Child                              hooray     4        co
#> 7134  Target_Child                            sticking     4      part
#> 7135        Mother                               loose     4       adj
#> 7136  Target_Child                             stepped     4         v
#> 7137        Father                                oven     4         n
#> 7138        Father                              garlic     4         n
#> 7139  Target_Child                                horn     4         n
#> 7140       Brother                                that     4   det:dem
#> 7141        Father                          scratching     4  n:gerund
#> 7142  Target_Child                               bucks     4         n
#> 7143  Target_Child                               steel     4         n
#> 7144  Target_Child                             drawers     4         n
#> 7145  Target_Child                             darling     4        co
#> 7146        Father                              graves     4         n
#> 7147  Target_Child                               hotel     4         n
#> 7148        Father                               Comet     4    n:prop
#> 7149        Father                               speed     4         n
#> 7150        Mother                              looked     4       cop
#> 7151  Target_Child                               hours     4         n
#> 7152  Unidentified                               uhhuh     4        co
#> 7153        Father                               zsupa     4        L2
#> 7154        Mother                             friends     4         n
#> 7155       Brother                                they     4   pro:sub
#> 7156  Target_Child                                face     4         v
#> 7157  Target_Child                               Droid     4    n:prop
#> 7158        Father                               mamma     4         n
#> 7159  Target_Child                               Hubba     4    n:prop
#> 7160  Target_Child                        Star_trooper     4    n:prop
#> 7161       Brother                               think     4         v
#> 7162  Target_Child                          Starscream     4    n:prop
#> 7163  Target_Child                              staple     4         v
#> 7164        Father                            smallest     4       adj
#> 7165  Target_Child                              Bronco     4    n:prop
#> 7166  Target_Child                              Hulk's     4       adj
#> 7167  Target_Child                              dances     4         v
#> 7168  Target_Child                                stal     4       chi
#> 7169  Target_Child                           staircase     4         n
#> 7170  Target_Child                          bronchitis     4         n
#> 7171  Target_Child                              drinks     4         v
#> 7172   Grandfather                                tape     4         n
#> 7173  Target_Child                               stair     4         n
#> 7174  Target_Child                               human     4       adj
#> 7175  Target_Child                              stacks     4         n
#> 7176  Target_Child                              brings     4         v
#> 7177        Mother                               force     4         n
#> 7178  Target_Child                              danced     4         v
#> 7179        Mother                              Snoopy     4    n:prop
#> 7180  Target_Child                            squirrel     4         n
#> 7181        Father                                 Bye     4    n:prop
#> 7182        Father                            screamed     4         v
#> 7183        Father                              fitted     4         v
#> 7184        Father                             outside     4         n
#> 7185        Father                               buyed     4      meta
#> 7186  Target_Child                             squeeze     4         v
#> 7187  Target_Child                              square     4       adv
#> 7188  Target_Child                              Spring     4    n:prop
#> 7189  Target_Child                              hunter     4         n
#> 7190  Target_Child                             hunters     4         n
#> 7191        Father                               urine     4         n
#> 7192  Target_Child                             breaked     4      part
#> 7193        Mother                                 fly     4         v
#> 7194        Mother                                soil     4         n
#> 7195  Target_Child                                doof     4        on
#> 7196        Father                                 fit     4      part
#> 7197        Father                             buvojos     4        L2
#> 7198  Target_Child                               brave     4         n
#> 7199        Father                              Rudolf     4    n:prop
#> 7200  Target_Child                              splash     4         v
#> 7201  Target_Child                             husband     4         n
#> 7202  Target_Child                                yoyo     4         n
#> 7203        Mother                                  oo     4        co
#> 7204        Father                               quick     4       adv
#> 7205        Mother                               mommy     4         n
#> 7206   Grandfather                                what     4   pro:int
#> 7207        Father                                 urf     4     wplay
#> 7208  Target_Child                                 icy     4       adj
#> 7209        Father                                busy     4         v
#> 7210        Father                             kitty's     4         n
#> 7211        Father                            swimming     4  n:gerund
#> 7212  Target_Child                               brang     4         v
#> 7213  Target_Child                            spinners     4       chi
#> 7214        Mother                                song     4         n
#> 7215  Target_Child                            spinning     4      part
#> 7216        Father                              player     4         n
#> 7217        Father                           intention     4         n
#> 7218  Target_Child                               spike     4         v
#> 7219  Target_Child                              spiked     4      part
#> 7220        Mother                              listen     4         v
#> 7221  Target_Child                               spike     4         n
#> 7222        Mother                               south     4       adj
#> 7223  Target_Child                              braked     4       neo
#> 7224        Father                             ditches     4         n
#> 7225        Father                               upset     4       adj
#> 7226  Target_Child                             in_case     4      conj
#> 7227  Target_Child                               spent     4         v
#> 7228  Target_Child                              indeed     4        co
#> 7229  Target_Child                               spend     4         v
#> 7230  Target_Child                            bracelet     4         n
#> 7231  Target_Child                             Indians     4    n:prop
#> 7232        Father                            Colorado     4    n:prop
#> 7233  Target_Child                         infectation     4       neo
#> 7234        Father                             quietly     4       adv
#> 7235        Father                         indivisible     4       adj
#> 7236  Target_Child                              speedy     4       adj
#> 7237        Father                            pressure     4         n
#> 7238        Mother                               speak     4         v
#> 7239        Father                          interested     4      part
#> 7240        Father                               dizzy     4       adj
#> 7241        Father                             crossed     4         v
#> 7242        Father                                 did     4      part
#> 7243  Target_Child                                bout     4         n
#> 7244  Target_Child                             bouquet     4         n
#> 7245  Target_Child                              spanks     4         v
#> 7246  Target_Child                             bounces     4         v
#> 7247  Target_Child                             spanish     4       adj
#> 7248  Target_Child                         instruments     4         n
#> 7249  Target_Child                               space     4         v
#> 7250        Mother                            finished     4         v
#> 7251        Mother                               spike     4         v
#> 7252        Father                              greedy     4       adj
#> 7253        Father                              undone     4      part
#> 7254  Target_Child                             sort_of     4       adv
#> 7255        Father                                crow     4         n
#> 7256  Target_Child                             Daddies     4    n:prop
#> 7257  Target_Child                        jackolantern     4         n
#> 7258  Unidentified                                 can     4       mod
#> 7259  Target_Child                         something's     4       adj
#> 7260        Mother                               Aaron     4    n:prop
#> 7261        Father                            gremlins     4         n
#> 7262  Target_Child                                  Is     4    n:prop
#> 7263  Unidentified                                  to     4       inf
#> 7264        Father                                slip     4         v
#> 7265        Father                             wrapped     4         v
#> 7266        Mother                             squeeze     4         v
#> 7267        Mother                              figure     4         v
#> 7268  Target_Child                                itch     4         v
#> 7269        Father                              United     4    n:prop
#> 7270        Father                          szerinttem     4        L2
#> 7271  Target_Child                               boots     4         v
#> 7272        Mother                              figure     4         n
#> 7273  Target_Child                                drew     4         v
#> 7274  Target_Child                             farther     4       adj
#> 7275        Father                              Richie     4    n:prop
#> 7276         Child                                   a     4   det:art
#> 7277        Father                           underwear     4         n
#> 7278        Mother                                felt     4         v
#> 7279        Mother                               feels     4         v
#> 7280        Mother                               stars     4         n
#> 7281        Father                                Grey     4    n:prop
#> 7282        Father                                dogs     4         v
#> 7283        Mother                            favorite     4         n
#> 7284  Target_Child                                bomb     4         n
#> 7285        Father                              bumped     4         v
#> 7286  Target_Child                               farat     4        L2
#> 7287  Target_Child                             Jamie's     4       adj
#> 7288        Father                             bumping     4      part
#> 7289  Target_Child                             faratta     4        L2
#> 7290        Father                              others     4      n:pt
#> 7291        Father                            Hennessy     4    n:prop
#> 7292        Father                           Undergirl     4    n:prop
#> 7293  Target_Child                               dadda     4         n
#> 7294  Target_Child                                Jawn     4    n:prop
#> 7295  Target_Child                             jealous     4       adj
#> 7296        Mother                             farmers     4         n
#> 7297  Target_Child                               boats     4         v
#> 7298        Mother                              steals     4         v
#> 7299  Target_Child                               smash     4         v
#> 7300  Target_Child                         fingernails     4         n
#> 7301        Father                         pomegranate     4         n
#> 7302        Mother                               after     4   adv:tem
#> 7303        Father                              fourth     4         n
#> 7304  Target_Child                             smarter     4       adj
#> 7305        Father                            Hendersy     4    n:prop
#> 7306  Target_Child                              Jeremy     4    n:prop
#> 7307  Target_Child                                  bo     4       bab
#> 7308        Father                             sleeves     4         n
#> 7309        Mother                                line     4         n
#> 7310        Father                              part's     4       adj
#> 7311  Target_Child                               Jesse     4    n:prop
#> 7312  Target_Child                                slot     4         n
#> 7313  Target_Child                             Jetfire     4    n:prop
#> 7314  Target_Child                             blowing     4      part
#> 7315  Target_Child                             jewelry     4         n
#> 7316        Father                          rhinoceros     4         n
#> 7317        Father                           Kistament     4    n:prop
#> 7318  Target_Child                              bloody     4       adj
#> 7319        Father                        pomegranates     4         n
#> 7320  Target_Child                              blocks     4         v
#> 7321        Mother                               stock     4         n
#> 7322        Mother                               Akron     4    n:prop
#> 7323        Father                               Heman     4    n:prop
#> 7324        Father                              sleepy     4       adj
#> 7325        Father                             bullets     4         n
#> 7326  Target_Child                                jobs     4         n
#> 7327         Child                                eggs     4         n
#> 7328        Father                              bullet     4         n
#> 7329        Father                               bulls     4         n
#> 7330        Father                                 Rex     4    n:prop
#> 7331        Mother                                Like     4    n:prop
#> 7332        Mother                                ours     4  pro:poss
#> 7333         Child                                Ewok     4    n:prop
#> 7334  Target_Child                                John     4    n:prop
#> 7335  Target_Child                               blech     4        co
#> 7336        Father                            memory's     4       adj
#> 7337        Father                                 doo     4         n
#> 7338  Unidentified                               threw     4         v
#> 7339        Mother                               alive     4       adj
#> 7340  Target_Child                             skating     4      part
#> 7341  Target_Child                               yahoo     4        co
#> 7342  Target_Child                                Jose     4    n:prop
#> 7343        Mother                                much     4        qn
#> 7344        Father                               laser     4         n
#> 7345        Father                              memory     4         n
#> 7346        Father                               fours     4         n
#> 7347        Mother                              almost     4       adv
#> 7348  Target_Child                             jumping     4  n:gerund
#> 7349  Target_Child                              jumped     4      part
#> 7350  Target_Child                              Father     4    n:prop
#> 7351  Target_Child                              bitter     4       adj
#> 7352        Mother                            everyone     4 pro:indef
#> 7353  Target_Child                                sank     4         v
#> 7354        Father                               wrote     4         v
#> 7355        Father                                Buda     4    n:prop
#> 7356         Child                               happy     4       adj
#> 7357  Target_Child                               bites     4         v
#> 7358  Target_Child                               favor     4         n
#> 7359        Father                            wrappers     4         n
#> 7360  Target_Child                             carseat     4         n
#> 7361  Target_Child                              Kanobi     4    n:prop
#> 7362  Target_Child                              biting     4      part
#> 7363        Father                               Bucky     4    n:prop
#> 7364  Target_Child                            Favorite     4    n:prop
#> 7365        Mother                             amazing     4      part
#> 7366  Target_Child                             singing     4      part
#> 7367  Target_Child                                 Kay     4    n:prop
#> 7368        Father                               furry     4       adj
#> 7369  Target_Child                            biscuits     4         n
#> 7370        Father                                sees     4         v
#> 7371        Father                             Dorothy     4    n:prop
#> 7372        Father                             windows     4         n
#> 7373  Target_Child                              X_Wing     4    n:prop
#> 7374        Father                               gross     4       adj
#> 7375        Mother                              Sunday     4    n:prop
#> 7376  Target_Child                                sign     4         n
#> 7377  Target_Child                            doorknob     4         n
#> 7378        Mother                              animal     4         n
#> 7379  Target_Child                             Billy's     4       adj
#> 7380  Target_Child                                  si     4       bab
#> 7381  Target_Child                             feather     4         n
#> 7382        Mother                              enough     4       adj
#> 7383  Target_Child                               shows     4         n
#> 7384        Mother                             english     4       adj
#> 7385  Target_Child                           should've     4       mod
#> 7386        Father                                  bu     4     wplay
#> 7387  Target_Child                              shorts     4         n
#> 7388        Father                              taller     4       adj
#> 7389        Father                           twentieth     4       adj
#> 7390  Target_Child                             between     4       adv
#> 7391        Father                              Heeman     4    n:prop
#> 7392        Father                             istenem     4        L2
#> 7393  Target_Child                                kids     4         v
#> 7394  Target_Child                              beside     4      prep
#> 7395  Target_Child                                 Kid     4    n:prop
#> 7396        Mother                              anyone     4 pro:indef
#> 7397        Father                                 t_v     4         n
#> 7398        Father                          battleship     4         n
#> 7399        Father                                pits     4         v
#> 7400        Mother                              eighty     4   det:num
#> 7401  Target_Child                             mailman     4         n
#> 7402  Target_Child                               Ben's     4       adj
#> 7403        Father                             Brown's     4       adj
#> 7404        Mother                              edipus     4       chi
#> 7405         Child                                ruff     4        on
#> 7406  Target_Child                              belong     4         v
#> 7407        Father                                itch     4         v
#> 7408        Father                                Lila     4    n:prop
#> 7409  Target_Child                                négy     4      NULL
#> 7410  Target_Child                               she'd     4   pro:sub
#> 7411  Target_Child                              kisses     4         n
#> 7412  Target_Child                              Shazam     4    n:prop
#> 7413        Mother                               eaten     4      part
#> 7414  Target_Child                           beginning     4         n
#> 7415        Father                            broccoli     4         n
#> 7416        Father                               kings     4         n
#> 7417  Target_Child                               began     4         v
#> 7418  Target_Child                            feelings     4  n:gerund
#> 7419        Father                              ponies     4         n
#> 7420  Target_Child                                 Kit     4    n:prop
#> 7421        Mother                                easy     4       adj
#> 7422        Father                          Magyar_Ora     4    n:prop
#> 7423        Father                           Dracula's     4       adj
#> 7424  Target_Child                             shaking     4      part
#> 7425        Father                               Paolo     4    n:prop
#> 7426  Target_Child                               beets     4         n
#> 7427  Target_Child                             kitty's     4         n
#> 7428  Target_Child                               sewed     4         v
#> 7429        Father                             kind_of     4       adv
#> 7430  Target_Child                                felt     4         v
#> 7431  Target_Child                               beepp     4        on
#> 7432        Father                             breathe     4         v
#> 7433        Father                                 tur     4        L2
#> 7434  Target_Child                                knob     4         n
#> 7435        Father                                Pigs     4    n:prop
#> 7436         Child                                what     4   pro:int
#> 7437        Father                             spinner     4         n
#> 7438         Adult                                 how     4   pro:int
#> 7439        Father                              breaks     4         v
#> 7440  Target_Child                             service     4         n
#> 7441        Mother                             Pac_Man     4    n:prop
#> 7442        Mother                                dumb     4       adj
#> 7443  Target_Child                                sent     4         v
#> 7444        Father                               kicks     4         v
#> 7445        Father                               lords     4         n
#> 7446        Mother                               Arron     4    n:prop
#> 7447  Target_Child                                sell     4         v
#> 7448  Target_Child                              seller     4         n
#> 7449        Father                             winning     4      part
#> 7450  Unidentified                                 the     4   det:art
#> 7451        Mother                                tape     4         v
#> 7452  Target_Child                              Konobi     4    n:prop
#> 7453        Father                                wins     4         n
#> 7454        Mother                               taste     4         v
#> 7455  Target_Child                             koolaid     4         n
#> 7456  Target_Child                            koszonom     4        L2
#> 7457  Target_Child                             Because     4    n:prop
#> 7458        Father                          bricklayer     4         n
#> 7459  Target_Child                                Kung     4    n:prop
#> 7460        Father                     kindergarteners     4         n
#> 7461  Target_Child                               seeds     4         n
#> 7462        Father                             drawing     4         n
#> 7463  Target_Child                                Kurt     4    n:prop
#> 7464        Father                            Tarzan's     4       adj
#> 7465        Father                               brave     4       adj
#> 7466        Father                                sent     4      part
#> 7467  Target_Child                               cutie     4         n
#> 7468        Mother                             dropped     4         v
#> 7469  Target_Child                             doctors     4         v
#> 7470  Target_Child                                 Fet     4    n:prop
#> 7471        Father                           pisztolja     4        L2
#> 7472        Father                              Rafael     4    n:prop
#> 7473  Unidentified                              that's     4   pro:dem
#> 7474        Mother                          television     4         n
#> 7475  Target_Child                               fever     4         n
#> 7476  Target_Child                               seats     4         n
#> 7477        Mother                              Droids     4    n:prop
#> 7478        Father                           precisely     4       adv
#> 7479  Target_Child                                wrap     4         v
#> 7480  Target_Child                           screaming     4      part
#> 7481        Father                             pistolj     4        L2
#> 7482        Father                             tasting     4  n:gerund
#> 7483        Mother                              drinks     4         v
#> 7484  Target_Child                                 few     4        qn
#> 7485  Target_Child                          scratching     4      part
#> 7486        Mother                              thanks     4        co
#> 7487        Father                                 fry     4         n
#> 7488  Target_Child                          scratching     4  n:gerund
#> 7489  Target_Child                            scratchy     4       adj
#> 7490         Adult                               aware     4       adj
#> 7491  Target_Child                                late     4       adj
#> 7492        Father                                pray     4         v
#> 7493  Target_Child                            scrapped     4         v
#> 7494  Target_Child                               laugh     4         n
#> 7495  Target_Child                               wowie     4        co
#> 7496  Target_Child                            worstest     4       chi
#> 7497        Father                               drive     4         n
#> 7498  Target_Child                         scotch_tape     4         n
#> 7499        Father                               field     4         n
#> 7500        Father                            fiddling     4         n
#> 7501  Target_Child                              laying     4      part
#> 7502        Father                               Droid     4    n:prop
#> 7503  Target_Child                           scientist     4         n
#> 7504         Adult                                  if     4      conj
#> 7505  Target_Child                               being     4       aux
#> 7506        Father                               tries     4         v
#> 7507        Father                             dropped     4      part
#> 7508  Target_Child                               leads     4         v
#> 7509  Target_Child                               scene     4         n
#> 7510        Mother                               dream     4         v
#> 7511  Target_Child                            Batwoman     4    n:prop
#> 7512  Target_Child                          Battleship     4    n:prop
#> 7513  Target_Child                              battle     4         n
#> 7514  Target_Child                           saysaysay     4     wplay
#> 7515  Target_Child                              saying     4  n:gerund
#> 7516        Father                                 oop     4        co
#> 7517  Target_Child                             leaving     4      part
#> 7518        Father                              acting     4      part
#> 7519        Father                                 ons     4       neo
#> 7520        Father                               Boy's     4       adj
#> 7521  Target_Child                             curtain     4         n
#> 7522  Target_Child                            fighters     4         n
#> 7523        Father                             healing     4      part
#> 7524        Father                               jammy     4       fam
#> 7525  Target_Child                               saver     4         n
#> 7526        Father                               drunk     4       adj
#> 7527  Unidentified                                that     4      comp
#> 7528        Mother                               awful     4       adj
#> 7529  Target_Child                                sand     4         v
#> 7530        Father                                 Jan     4    n:prop
#> 7531        Mother                              double     4         n
#> 7532  Target_Child                             lettuce     4         n
#> 7533        Father                          practicing     4      part
#> 7534  Target_Child                               Saint     4    n:prop
#> 7535        Father                               sixth     4       adj
#> 7536  Target_Child                               saber     4         n
#> 7537  Target_Child                                bare     4       adj
#> 7538        Father                               Trono     4    n:prop
#> 7539        Father                            boughted     4       neo
#> 7540        Mother                               those     4   pro:dem
#> 7541        Father                             feeding     4      part
#> 7542        Father                               huhuh     4        co
#> 7543  Target_Child                             fighted     4         v
#> 7544  Target_Child                        rumpadoodles     4       chi
#> 7545        Mother                            thriller     4         n
#> 7546        Mother                                must     4       mod
#> 7547        Father                                 pox     4         n
#> 7548  Target_Child                               curls     4         n
#> 7549        Father                             onhajas     4        L2
#> 7550        Father                              growls     4         v
#> 7551        Mother                               Paolo     4    n:prop
#> 7552        Father                               rainy     4       adj
#> 7553        Father                              Boston     4    n:prop
#> 7554        Mother                               Mommy     4    n:prop
#> 7555        Father                             grraarr     4        on
#> 7556  Target_Child                                rrit     4        on
#> 7557        Father                              Mogway     4    n:prop
#> 7558  Target_Child                             figured     4         v
#> 7559        Mother                                 Lem     4    n:prop
#> 7560        Mother                             Balaton     4    n:prop
#> 7561        Father                                 poo     4        co
#> 7562  Target_Child                            rraaarrr     4        on
#> 7563  Target_Child                             bananas     4         n
#> 7564        Father                             raining     4      part
#> 7565        Father                               guard     4         n
#> 7566        Father                            tricycle     4         n
#> 7567        Mother                             parents     4         n
#> 7568        Mother                             bandage     4         n
#> 7569        Father                               tears     4         n
#> 7570  Target_Child                               ropes     4         n
#> 7571        Father                            spanking     4      part
#> 7572  Target_Child                               bag's     4         n
#> 7573        Father                             pencils     4         n
#> 7574        Father                              powder     4         n
#> 7575        Father                                dump     4         v
#> 7576        Father                                  Al     4    n:prop
#> 7577        Father                                dusk     4         n
#> 7578  Target_Child                    Woody_Woodpecker     4    n:prop
#> 7579        Father                                dust     4         n
#> 7580  Target_Child                              cuffed     4       chi
#> 7581  Target_Child                              easter     4       adj
#> 7582  Target_Child                        firecrackers     4         n
#> 7583        Father                                boom     4        on
#> 7584  Target_Child                           scarecrow     4         n
#> 7585  Target_Child                        right_chitis     4     wplay
#> 7586        Father                            servants     4         n
#> 7587        Mother                                 die     4         v
#> 7588         Adult                                know     4         v
#> 7589        Mother                              toilet     4         n
#> 7590        Father                                 sir     4         n
#> 7591  Target_Child                               rider     4         n
#> 7592        Father                              market     4         n
#> 7593  Target_Child                             loading     4      part
#> 7594        Mother                                 Bat     4    n:prop
#> 7595  Target_Child                             riddles     4         n
#> 7596        Mother                             diapers     4         n
#> 7597  Target_Child                                lock     4         v
#> 7598  Target_Child                                 woo     4        on
#> 7599        Father                              faster     4       adv
#> 7600        Father                             poo_poo     4         n
#> 7601         Adult                              little     4       adj
#> 7602  Target_Child                               finds     4         v
#> 7603        Father                               teeny     4       adj
#> 7604  Target_Child                                axes     4         n
#> 7605        Father                                maid     4         n
#> 7606        Mother                              aren't     4       aux
#> 7607  Target_Child                                fine     4       adj
#> 7608        Mother                               least     4         n
#> 7609  Target_Child                               dress     4         n
#> 7610  Target_Child                  Return_of_the_Jedi     4    n:prop
#> 7611        Father                             service     4         n
#> 7612        Father                              clumsy     4       adj
#> 7613        Father                              Hawaii     4    n:prop
#> 7614        Father                                 ópa     4        L2
#> 7615        Father                                sank     4         v
#> 7616  Target_Child                             look_it     4        co
#> 7617  Target_Child                              rescue     4         n
#> 7618        Father                                  me     4        L2
#> 7619        Father                              guides     4         n
#> 7620  Target_Child                          remembered     4         v
#> 7621        Father                               along     4       adv
#> 7622  Target_Child                              Atrayu     4    n:prop
#> 7623  Target_Child                            at_least     4       adv
#> 7624        Father                       Sesame_Street     4    n:prop
#> 7625        Father                            although     4      conj
#> 7626  Target_Child                            Eastmont     4    n:prop
#> 7627        Mother                             decided     4         v
#> 7628        Father                              wiggle     4         n
#> 7629        Father                               Bobby     4    n:prop
#> 7630        Mother                              decide     4         v
#> 7631  Target_Child                             crushed     4         v
#> 7632  Target_Child                               lover     4         n
#> 7633  Target_Child                         wokka_wokka     4        on
#> 7634  Target_Child                               At_at     4    n:prop
#> 7635  Target_Child                               loves     4         v
#> 7636  Target_Child                               Lover     4    n:prop
#> 7637        Father                             spoiled     4         v
#> 7638  Target_Child                              wizard     4         n
#> 7639         Adult                                 mhm     4        co
#> 7640        Father                              kicked     4         v
#> 7641        Father                              Anakin     4    n:prop
#> 7642        Father                             hatchoo     4       chi
#> 7643  Target_Child                               reads     4         v
#> 7644  Target_Child                             reading     4  n:gerund
#> 7645  Target_Child                              crummy     4       adj
#> 7646        Father                               boats     4         v
#> 7647        Father                             telling     4  n:gerund
#> 7648        Mother                              paying     4      part
#> 7649        Mother                                dead     4       adj
#> 7650        Father                               board     4         n
#> 7651  Target_Child                          as_soon_as     4      conj
#> 7652        Father                              trains     4         n
#> 7653  Target_Child                                 ass     4         n
#> 7654  Target_Child                                 rat     4         n
#> 7655  Target_Child                          lightsaber     4         v
#> 7656  Target_Child                      aspirin_chitis     4     wplay
#> 7657        Father                             Rossy's     4       adj
#> 7658        Father                                Seth     4    n:prop
#> 7659  Target_Child                              rascal     4         n
#> 7660  Target_Child                                asks     4         v
#> 7661        Father                             easiest     4       adj
#> 7662        Father                              easter     4       adj
#> 7663  Target_Child                               crown     4         n
#> 7664        Father                             salugos     4        L2
#> 7665        Mother                                  tv     4         n
#> 7666  Target_Child                             Ram_Man     4    n:prop
#> 7667        Father                              Rossly     4    n:prop
#> 7668  Target_Child                               Artoo     4    n:prop
#> 7669  Target_Child                             magical     4       adj
#> 7670        Mother                             darling     4        co
#> 7671  Target_Child                                wise     4       adj
#> 7672  Target_Child                             magnets     4         n
#> 7673        Father                              climbs     4         v
#> 7674        Father                               pumps     4         n
#> 7675  Target_Child                                maid     4         n
#> 7676        Father                                blew     4         v
#> 7677        Father                             started     4      part
#> 7678        Father                                 lap     4         n
#> 7679        Father                           fantastic     4       adj
#> 7680        Father                           languages     4         n
#> 7681  Target_Child                               maker     4         n
#> 7682        Father                             blowing     4      part
#> 7683  Target_Child                           butterfly     4         n
#> 7684  Target_Child                            drivable     4       adj
#> 7685        Father                             ketchup     4         n
#> 7686        Father                          remembered     4         v
#> 7687  Target_Child                                wire     4         n
#> 7688        Mother                             pee_pee     4         n
#> 7689  Target_Child                               doing     4  n:gerund
#> 7690        Father                          dishwasher     4         n
#> 7691  Target_Child                               wings     4         n
#> 7692        Father                                  yo     4        co
#> 7693  Target_Child                               Arpad     4    n:prop
#> 7694        Father                             blasted     4         v
#> 7695  Target_Child                                 man     4         v
#> 7696  Target_Child                              racing     4  n:gerund
#> 7697        Father                              angels     4         n
#> 7698  Target_Child                             Manimal     4    n:prop
#> 7699        Father                               Spain     4    n:prop
#> 7700        Father                           seventeen     4   det:num
#> 7701  Target_Child                          Many_Faces     4    n:prop
#> 7702        Father                              edipus     4       chi
#> 7703  Target_Child                               Quinn     4    n:prop
#> 7704  Target_Child                           quicksand     4         n
#> 7705  Target_Child                             Arizona     4    n:prop
#> 7706  Target_Child                               flash     4         n
#> 7707  Target_Child                                wins     4         v
#> 7708  Target_Child                           questions     4         n
#> 7709  Target_Child                                area     4         n
#> 7710        Mother                                   d     4     n:let
#> 7711  Target_Child                             puzzles     4         n
#> 7712        Mother                              before     4       adv
#> 7713        Father                               Jedis     4    n:prop
#> 7714  Target_Child                              pushed     4      part
#> 7715  Target_Child                             pushies     4         n
#> 7716        Father                                sign     4         n
#> 7717  Target_Child                             William     4    n:prop
#> 7718        Father                               eeran     4     wplay
#> 7719  Target_Child                               purse     4         n
#> 7720  Target_Child                               Puppy     4      meta
#> 7721  Target_Child                        lightsabered     4         v
#> 7722        Mother                               began     4         v
#> 7723  Target_Child                              puppet     4         n
#> 7724        Mother                               useta     4       mod
#> 7725  Target_Child                          punishment     4         n
#> 7726        Father                               Sammy     4    n:prop
#> 7727  Target_Child                                apes     4         n
#> 7728        Mother                                lady     4         n
#> 7729  Target_Child                            anywhere     4       adv
#> 7730        Father                               why's     4   pro:int
#> 7731        Mother                               curly     4       adj
#> 7732  Target_Child                               why'd     4   pro:int
#> 7733  Target_Child                              mashed     4         v
#> 7734        Father                            confused     4         v
#> 7735        Father                                 egy     4        L2
#> 7736  Target_Child                             whumped     4         v
#> 7737  Target_Child                              pumped     4      part
#> 7738        Father                               tenth     4       adj
#> 7739  Target_Child                               whose     4   pro:int
#> 7740  Target_Child                               pumps     4         n
#> 7741  Target_Child                               pulls     4         v
#> 7742  Target_Child                              pulled     4      part
#> 7743  Target_Child                              puddle     4         n
#> 7744        Father                              states     4         n
#> 7745        Mother                                meal     4         n
#> 7746        Father                               jello     4         n
#> 7747        Father                               sides     4         n
#> 7748  Target_Child                                 Ann     4    n:prop
#> 7749  Target_Child                            prownish     4       chi
#> 7750        Father                         electricity     4         n
#> 7751        Mother                                 bet     4         v
#> 7752  Target_Child                               whoop     4         n
#> 7753        Father                            relative     4       adj
#> 7754  Target_Child                               crash     4       adj
#> 7755        Father                              biting     4      part
#> 7756        Father                               Cupid     4    n:prop
#> 7757        Mother                              Beulah     4    n:prop
#> 7758        Father                              States     4    n:prop
#> 7759  Target_Child                            Anderson     4    n:prop
#> 7760  Target_Child                               prize     4         n
#> 7761  Target_Child                              Anakin     4    n:prop
#> 7762        Mother                                wait     4        co
#> 7763        Father                              spaces     4         n
#> 7764  Target_Child                              cracks     4         n
#> 7765        Father                             Station     4    n:prop
#> 7766        Father                                  si     4       bab
#> 7767        Mother                                walk     4         v
#> 7768        Mother                              walked     4         v
#> 7769  Target_Child                               means     4      n:pt
#> 7770  Target_Child                            meantime     4         n
#> 7771        Mother                                wall     4         n
#> 7772        Father                               pooey     4         n
#> 7773  Target_Child                             covered     4         v
#> 7774        Father                               curse     4         n
#> 7775        Father                               Arfie     4    n:prop
#> 7776  Target_Child                              flying     4  n:gerund
#> 7777  Target_Child                              covers     4         n
#> 7778        Father                               tests     4         n
#> 7779  Target_Child                           president     4         n
#> 7780        Father                               clear     4       adj
#> 7781  Target_Child                               along     4      prep
#> 7782        Father                              stayed     4      part
#> 7783  Target_Child                                whew     4        co
#> 7784  Target_Child                             foggier     4       adj
#> 7785  Target_Child                              poured     4         v
#> 7786  Target_Child                               pound     4         v
#> 7787  Target_Child                              pounds     4         n
#> 7788  Target_Child                            all_gone     4        co
#> 7789  Target_Child                               melts     4         v
#> 7790        Father                                tool     4       adj
#> 7791  Target_Child                              member     4         n
#> 7792        Father                                Pooh     4    n:prop
#> 7793        Father                               momma     4         n
#> 7794  Target_Child                               cover     4         n
#> 7795        Father                               ended     4         v
#> 7796        Mother                                maze     4         n
#> 7797        Father                               faces     4         n
#> 7798        Father                              ending     4         n
#> 7799  Target_Child                             Alderon     4    n:prop
#> 7800        Father                              armies     4         n
#> 7801        Father                            cleaning     4      part
#> 7802        Father                             Arpad's     4       adj
#> 7803  Target_Child                             merrily     4       adv
#> 7804  Target_Child                               poo's     4       adj
#> 7805        Father                                  ez     4        L2
#> 7806         Adult                                  so     4        co
#> 7807  Target_Child                           countries     4         n
#> 7808        Father                                Bill     4    n:prop
#> 7809         Adult                                some     4        qn
#> 7810  Target_Child                           following     4      part
#> 7811        Mother                                blow     4         v
#> 7812  Target_Child                             polling     4  n:gerund
#> 7813  Target_Child                                  ai     4       bab
#> 7814        Father                              arrows     4         n
#> 7815        Mother                                 wet     4       adj
#> 7816        Father                             England     4    n:prop
#> 7817  Target_Child                           poisonous     4       adj
#> 7818        Father                              Jester     4    n:prop
#> 7819        Father                               bikes     4         n
#> 7820        Father                                 pet     4         n
#> 7821  Target_Child                              middle     4       adj
#> 7822  Target_Child                               point     4         v
#> 7823        Father                                 jet     4         n
#> 7824  Target_Child                                plus     4      prep
#> 7825        Father                              stayed     4         v
#> 7826        Father                              equals     4         n
#> 7827  Target_Child                                plug     4         n
#> 7828  Target_Child                              whales     4         n
#> 7829        Father                               erase     4         v
#> 7830        Father                             toilets     4         n
#> 7831  Target_Child                           Milleniom     4    n:prop
#> 7832  Target_Child                                fool     4         n
#> 7833        Father                              poster     4         n
#> 7834        Mother                                book     4         n
#> 7835        Father                             shovels     4         n
#> 7836  Target_Child                             fooling     4      part
#> 7837  Target_Child                           affection     4         n
#> 7838        Father                             bicycle     4         v
#> 7839  Target_Child                              edipus     4       chi
#> 7840        Father                              shovel     4         n
#> 7841  Target_Child                            icecream     4         n
#> 7842        Mother                              bootie     4         n
#> 7843        Mother                               while     4      conj
#> 7844        Father                            macaroni     4         n
#> 7845        Mother                             whining     4      part
#> 7846        Mother                               bored     4      part
#> 7847        Mother                         conditional     4       adj
#> 7848        Father                         explanation     4         n
#> 7849  Target_Child                               dizzy     4       adj
#> 7850        Father                          gesundheit     4        co
#> 7851        Father                          explaining     4      part
#> 7852        Father                               Erine     4    n:prop
#> 7853  Target_Child                               plans     4         n
#> 7854  Target_Child                               plain     4         n
#> 7855  Target_Child                             missing     4      part
#> 7856        Father                             between     4       adv
#> 7857  Target_Child                             pkkkhhh     4        on
#> 7858        Father                              clause     4         n
#> 7859        Mother                                neck     4         n
#> 7860        Mother                              bottle     4         n
#> 7861        Father                                 bet     4         n
#> 7862  Target_Child                                  PJ     4    n:prop
#> 7863  Target_Child                               pizza     4         n
#> 7864        Father                                 meg     4        L2
#> 7865        Father                             classes     4         n
#> 7866        Mother                                 box     4         n
#> 7867  Target_Child                            costumer     4         n
#> 7868        Father                           should've     4       mod
#> 7869  Target_Child                              Mogway     4    n:prop
#> 7870        Father                                  jo     4        L2
#> 7871  Target_Child                                pits     4         n
#> 7872  Target_Child                          forgetting     4      part
#> 7873  Target_Child                             corners     4         n
#> 7874  Target_Child                               mom's     4         n
#> 7875        Father                               steam     4         n
#> 7876        Mother                                plan     4         n
#> 7877        Father                            erzsebet     4        L2
#> 7878  Target_Child                               pinch     4         v
#> 7879        Father                              oceans     4         n
#> 7880        Father                           hungarian     4       adj
#> 7881        Father                             berries     4         n
#> 7882  Target_Child                                form     4         n
#> 7883  Target_Child                                cork     4         n
#> 7884        Mother                              window     4         n
#> 7885  Target_Child                                Pigs     4    n:prop
#> 7886        Father                                  em     4   pro:obj
#> 7887  Target_Child                          rubberband     4         n
#> 7888  Target_Child                                pies     4         n
#> 7889        Mother                               break     4         n
#> 7890        Father                            attacked     4      part
#> 7891        Father                                  ho     4        co
#> 7892  Target_Child                          picky_uppy     4       chi
#> 7893        Mother                              broken     4      part
#> 7894  Target_Child                                 wee     4       adj
#> 7895        Father                               Citus     4    n:prop
#> 7896        Mother                             witches     4         n
#> 7897        Father                           attacking     4      part
#> 7898        Father                                 map     4         n
#> 7899        Father                              Circus     4    n:prop
#> 7900  Target_Child                               fours     4         n
#> 7901        Father                                tiny     4       adj
#> 7902        Father                               belly     4         n
#> 7903  Target_Child                          microphone     4         n
#> 7904         Adult                                that     4      comp
#> 7905        Mother                                cold     4       adv
#> 7906        Mother                               woman     4         n
#> 7907        Father                            exercise     4         n
#> 7908  Target_Child                              mooses     4         n
#> 7909        Mother                                coat     4         n
#> 7910        Father                               reach     4         n
#> 7911        Mother                               Cloud     4    n:prop
#> 7912        Mother                              matter     4         n
#> 7913        Father                           obviously     4       adv
#> 7914        Father                            person's     4       adj
#> 7915        Father                              marble     4         n
#> 7916        Mother                             clothes     4      n:pt
#> 7917        Father                                 Joe     4    n:prop
#> 7918        Father                                aunt     4         n
#> 7919        Mother                             climbed     4         v
#> 7920        Father                              begins     4         v
#> 7921        Father                             records     4         n
#> 7922  Target_Child                                 pee     4         v
#> 7923  Target_Child                            peacocks     4         n
#> 7924        Father                        rumpadoodles     4       chi
#> 7925        Mother                                clay     4         n
#> 7926        Father                              London     4    n:prop
#> 7927  Target_Child                              Cookie     4    n:prop
#> 7928        Mother                                City     4    n:prop
#> 7929        Father                              circle     4         v
#> 7930        Father                             punched     4         v
#> 7931        Mother                                city     4         n
#> 7932        Mother                              church     4         n
#> 7933        Mother                             worried     4      part
#> 7934        Mother                                 wow     4        co
#> 7935        Father                                 hid     4        L2
#> 7936  Target_Child                               patch     4         n
#> 7937         Adult                                then     4   adv:tem
#> 7938        Mother                             wrapped     4         v
#> 7939        Father                                John     4    n:prop
#> 7940        Father                             excited     4      part
#> 7941      Relative                                were     4       cop
#> 7942        Mother                               child     4         n
#> 7943        Father                               awake     4       adj
#> 7944      Playmate                                your     4  det:poss
#> 7945  Target_Child                                Fred     4    n:prop
#> 7946        Father                              Popeye     4      meta
#> 7947        Father                               March     4    n:prop
#> 7948  Target_Child                                mows     4         v
#> 7949  Target_Child                            Panthore     4    n:prop
#> 7950        Father                               Becky     4    n:prop
#> 7951        Father                              hablas     4        L2
#> 7952      Playmate                                what     4   pro:int
#> 7953        Father                             whisper     4         v
#> 7954  Target_Child                     Fred_Flintstone     4    n:prop
#> 7955        Father                           Esti_Mese     4        L2
#> 7956        Mother                               years     4         n
#> 7957  Target_Child                                free     4       adj
#> 7958  Target_Child                                 pan     4         n
#> 7959  Target_Child                              Palace     4    n:prop
#> 7960  Target_Child                              palace     4         n
#> 7961  Target_Child                    Muhmmuhmmmuhmmah     4     wplay
#> 7962        Father                                Baba     4    n:prop
#> 7963        Father                          whispering     4      part
#> 7964        Father                                pork     4         n
#> 7965        Father                                 Rec     4    n:prop
#> 7966  Target_Child                               Mumpy     4    n:prop
#> 7967  Target_Child                                pack     4         v
#> 7968        Mother                               juice     4         n
#> 7969        Mother                              cheese     4         n
#> 7970        Father                                baby     4         v
#> 7971        Mother                                 yep     4        co
#> 7972        Mother                              needta     4         v
#> 7973        Father                             shocked     4      part
#> 7974  Target_Child                             Murdoch     4    n:prop
#> 7975        Mother                                bugs     4         n
#> 7976  Target_Child                             wau_wau     4        on
#> 7977      Playmate                                that     4   pro:rel
#> 7978  Target_Child                              muscle     4         n
#> 7979        Father                               ewoks     4         n
#> 7980      Playmate                                that     4   det:dem
#> 7981  Target_Child                                 owl     4         n
#> 7982        Mother                                mats     4         n
#> 7983        Father                             peepish     4       adj
#> 7984        Father                                evil     4       adj
#> 7985        Father                           evidently     4       adv
#> 7986        Father                              locked     4      part
#> 7987  Target_Child                         gingerbread     4         n
#> 7988        Mother                            you_know     4        co
#> 7989        Father                              Reagan     4    n:prop
#> 7990  Target_Child                              freeze     4         n
#> 7991        Father                                paws     4         n
#> 7992        Father                               Jones     4    n:prop
#> 7993        Father                      Obi_Wan_Kenobi     4    n:prop
#> 7994        Mother                                yuck     4         n
#> 7995        Father                            thinking     4  n:gerund
#> 7996  Target_Child                             control     4         v
#> 7997  Target_Child                              oughta     4       mod
#> 7998  Target_Child                               nails     4         n
#> 7999        Father                              throws     4         v
#> 8000        Mother                           certainly     4       adv
#> 8001        Father                             baggage     4         n
#> 8002  Unidentified                                 one     4 pro:indef
#> 8003        Father                                bean     4         n
#> 8004        Mother                              cement     4         n
#> 8005      Playmate                                okay     4        co
#> 8006        Father                               ain't     4         v
#> 8007        Father                             mommies     4         n
#> 8008  Target_Child                             oranges     4         n
#> 8009        Mother                            cavities     4         n
#> 8010        Mother                                 mat     4         n
#> 8011      Playmate                                 men     4         n
#> 8012  Target_Child                                 oop     4        co
#> 8013      Playmate                                know     4         v
#> 8014        Father                                hits     4         v
#> 8015        Father                                 log     4         n
#> 8016        Father                               cider     4         n
#> 8017        Father                               being     4       aux
#> 8018        Mother                                Bush     4    n:prop
#> 8019      Playmate                                 him     4   pro:obj
#> 8020  Target_Child                                near     4       adv
#> 8021  Target_Child                         rockandroll     4         n
#> 8022  Target_Child                            frenture     4     wplay
#> 8023        Mother                             bathtub     4         n
#> 8024        Mother                             bedroom     4         n
#> 8025      Playmate                                here     4       adv
#> 8026        Father                              hair's     4       adj
#> 8027  Target_Child                                Olah     4    n:prop
#> 8028  Target_Child                           connected     4         v
#> 8029        Father                             reality     4         n
#> 8030      Playmate                                have     4         v
#> 8031  Target_Child                               necks     4         n
#> 8032  Target_Child                                okay     4      meta
#> 8033        Father                                band     4         n
#> 8034        Father                            band-aid     4         n
#> 8035        Father                               least     4       adj
#> 8036        Father                              Battle     4    n:prop
#> 8037        Mother                             careful     4        co
#> 8038  Target_Child                                  Oh     4    n:prop
#> 8039        Father                                sort     4         v
#> 8040        Father                              Hungry     4    n:prop
#> 8041        Father                               hands     4         v
#> 8042        Father                            bandaids     4         n
#> 8043  Unidentified                                good     4       adj
#> 8044  Target_Child                             neither     4       adv
#> 8045  Target_Child                      Obi_Wan_Kenobi     4    n:prop
#> 8046      Playmate                                 did     4       mod
#> 8047        Father                               Three     4    n:prop
#> 8048  Target_Child                                 oak     4         n
#> 8049  Target_Child                              washed     4      part
#> 8050        Father                               Poppy     4    n:prop
#> 8051  Target_Child                              nyeeow     4        on
#> 8052  Target_Child                          new_chitis     4     wplay
#> 8053        Father                         baranyhimlo     4        L2
#> 8054        Father                             jumping     4  n:gerund
#> 8055  Target_Child                                warm     4         v
#> 8056        Father                             baskets     4         n
#> 8057        Father                              halves     4         n
#> 8058        Father                                hand     4         v
#> 8059  Target_Child                               gyere     4      NULL
#> 8060  Target_Child                               north     4       adj
#> 8061  Target_Child                             concert     4         n
#> 8062  Target_Child                             nibbler     4         n
#> 8063        Father                                poco     4        L2
#> 8064        Father                                whew     4        co
#> 8065  Target_Child                                wars     4         n
#> 8066        Father                                bare     4       adj
#> 8067  Target_Child                               noone     4 pro:indef
#> 8068        Father                            barefoot     4       adj
#> 8069        Mother                            snowsuit     4         n
#> 8070        Father                                 oak     4         n
#> 8071        Father                              barked     4         v
#> 8072        Father                              leaves     4         v
#> 8073  Target_Child                              nights     4         n
#> 8074  Target_Child                             company     4         n
#> 8075        Father                             program     4         v
#> 8076  Target_Child                              hmhunh     4        co
#> 8077        Mother                             calling     4  n:gerund
#> 8078  Target_Child                               ninth     4       adj
#> 8079        Father                        Ghostbusters     4    n:prop
#> 8080        Mother                                poor     4       adj
#> 8081  Target_Child                               comic     4       adj
#> 8082  Target_Child                             come_on     4        co
#> 8083        Father                              nyuszi     4        L2
#> 8084  Target_Child                               fries     4         n
#> 8085  Target_Child                              walked     4      part
#> 8086        Father                                palm     4         n
#> 8087  Target_Child                             walking     4  n:gerund
#> 8088        Father                             Chris's     4       adj
#> 8089        Father                                 coo     4         v
#> 8090  Target_Child                                wake     4         n
#> 8091         Adult                                well     4       adv
#> 8092  Target_Child                               voted     4         v
#> 8093        Father                        jumpoverhand     4         n
#> 8094        Mother                            potatoes     4         n
#> 8095        Father                            stickers     4         v
#> 8096  Target_Child                               voice     4         n
#> 8097  Target_Child                               visit     4         n
#> 8098        Father                               kutya     4        L2
#> 8099        Father                                sons     4         n
#> 8100  Target_Child                             Gabor's     4       adj
#> 8101        Father                                choo     4        on
#> 8102        Father                          what_about     4   pro:int
#> 8103  Target_Child                             village     4         n
#> 8104        Father                                Room     4    n:prop
#> 8105        Father                              hurted     4      part
#> 8106  Target_Child                             vicious     4       adj
#> 8107        Father                              Palace     4    n:prop
#> 8108        Father                         lightsabers     4         n
#> 8109        Father                               force     4         v
#> 8110        Father                             monkeys     4         n
#> 8111  Target_Child                           Galactica     4    n:prop
#> 8112  Target_Child                              galaxy     4         n
#> 8113  Target_Child                         Coke_a_cola     4    n:prop
#> 8114  Target_Child                            electric     4         n
#> 8115  Target_Child                                dish     4         n
#> 8116        Father                               still     4         v
#> 8117        Mother                              inside     4         n
#> 8118        Father                              choice     4         n
#> 8119  Target_Child                         girlfriends     4         n
#> 8120        Father                                 num     4        co
#> 8121  Target_Child                                vase     4         n
#> 8122        Father                             mailbox     4         n
#> 8123  Target_Child                            vampires     4         n
#> 8124        Father                              making     4  n:gerund
#> 8125        Father                             daddies     4         n
#> 8126  Target_Child                            vacation     4         n
#> 8127        Father                             pajamas     4         n
#> 8128        Father                        Pennsylvania     4    n:prop
#> 8129        Father                             lessons     4         n
#> 8130        Mother                              pretty     4       adj
#> 8131        Father                             covered     4      part
#> 8132        Father                          parliament     4         n
#> 8133        Mother                                 mom     4         n
#> 8134        Mother                       Princess_Leia     4    n:prop
#> 8135        Father                            musicbox     4         n
#> 8136  Target_Child                           Dracula's     4       adj
#> 8137        Father                                Dads     4    n:prop
#> 8138  Target_Child                               urine     4         n
#> 8139  Target_Child                            upstairs     4       adj
#> 8140        Father                               paint     4         v
#> 8141        Father                               given     4      part
#> 8142        Father                             frisbee     4         n
#> 8143  Target_Child                               doyng     4        on
#> 8144  Target_Child                             un_knot     4       chi
#> 8145        Father                             noticed     4      part
#> 8146        Father                                roof     4         n
#> 8147        Father                               china     4         n
#> 8148        Father                                damn     4         v
#> 8149        Father                              horsie     4         n
#> 8150        Father                          Children's     4       adj
#> 8151        Father                               lurch     4      test
#> 8152  Target_Child                              closed     4      part
#> 8153        Father                             dancing     4  n:gerund
#> 8154  Target_Child                           Undergirl     4    n:prop
#> 8155        Father                            sombrero     4        L2
#> 8156        Father                               Dance     4    n:prop
#> 8157        Father                               match     4         v
#> 8158  Target_Child                               cliff     4         n
#> 8159        Mother                              pulled     4         v
#> 8160  Target_Child                               uhgum     4       bab
#> 8161        Mother                           Pumpkin's     4       adj
#> 8162       Brother                                  be     4       cop
#> 8163        Mother                             Pumpkin     4    n:prop
#> 8164        Mother                               hurts     4         v
#> 8165  Target_Child                                ugat     4        L2
#> 8166        Father                                note     4         n
#> 8167  Target_Child                           emergency     4         n
#> 8168  Target_Child                             Tylenol     4    n:prop
#> 8169        Father                             Soltz's     4       adj
#> 8170  Target_Child                             giraffe     4         n
#> 8171        Father                             welcome     4         n
#> 8172  Target_Child                                twos     4         n
#> 8173        Father                              danger     4         n
#> 8174        Father                              Danger     4    n:prop
#> 8175  Target_Child                             twinkle     4         n
#> 8176       Brother                                were     4       cop
#> 8177        Father                             painter     4         n
#> 8178        Father                             chewing     4      part
#> 8179        Father                            daraboja     4        L2
#> 8180  Target_Child                              Turtle     4    n:prop
#> 8181        Mother                             Hungary     4    n:prop
#> 8182        Father                            Cherioos     4    n:prop
#> 8183  Target_Child                              glitch     4         n
#> 8184  Target_Child                            downtown     4       adv
#> 8185        Father                               North     4    n:prop
#> 8186        Father                           Krisztina     4    n:prop
#> 8187        Mother                              noises     4         n
#> 8188        Father                               noone     4 pro:indef
#> 8189  Target_Child                                glow     4         v
#> 8190  Target_Child                                 dig     4         v
#> 8191  Target_Child                                glue     4         v
#> 8192  Target_Child                Empire_Strikes_Backs     4    n:prop
#> 8193        Father                            darlings     4         n
#> 8194        Father                            checkers     4         n
#> 8195        Father                             cracker     4         n
#> 8196        Father                         cheche_baba     4     wplay
#> 8197        Father                             morning     4        co
#> 8198        Father                            nitrogen     4         n
#> 8199        Father                       Storm_Trooper     4    n:prop
#> 8200  Target_Child                              gobble     4         v
#> 8201        Father                              glitch     4         n
#> 8202        Father                             matches     4         v
#> 8203  Target_Child                               tried     4      part
#> 8204  Target_Child                              chutes     4         n
#> 8205        Father                               lever     4         n
#> 8206  Target_Child                             chopped     4         v
#> 8207        Mother                                hope     4         v
#> 8208  Target_Child                             chopper     4         n
#> 8209        Father                                fool     4         v
#> 8210  Unidentified                                  he     4   pro:sub
#> 8211       Brother                                 did     4       mod
#> 8212  Target_Child                               ended     4         v
#> 8213        Mother                                hope     4         n
#> 8214        Father                                roll     4         v
#> 8215        Mother                               honey     4        co
#> 8216  Target_Child                                 goo     4       bab
#> 8217        Father                            stardust     4         n
#> 8218  Target_Child                              travel     4         v
#> 8219        Father                          Friendship     4    n:prop
#> 8220  Target_Child                             trapped     4         v
#> 8221        Mother                                hold     4         v
#> 8222        Father                        straightened     4      part
#> 8223  Target_Child                           chipmunks     4         n
#> 8224        Father                         grandmother     4         n
#> 8225        Mother                              record     4         n
#> 8226        Father                             strange     4       adj
#> 8227        Father                                fold     4         v
#> 8228        Father                            stranger     4         n
#> 8229  Target_Child                                chin     4         n
#> 8230        Father                              straps     4         n
#> 8231        Father                                corn     4         n
#> 8232        Father                             Heughie     4    n:prop
#> 8233  Target_Child                               trade     4         v
#> 8234        Mother                             regular     4       adj
#> 8235  Target_Child                              Toyota     4    n:prop
#> 8236  Target_Child                                gosh     4        co
#> 8237        Father                          threefours     4         n
#> 8238  Target_Child                          Children's     4       adj
#> 8239        Father                           Charlotte     4    n:prop
#> 8240        Father                              soccer     4         n
#> 8241        Father                            trashcan     4         n
#> 8242  Target_Child                              graham     4         n
#> 8243        Father                              copies     4         v
#> 8244  Target_Child                             towel's     4         n
#> 8245        Father                               purse     4         n
#> 8246        Father                            crashing     4      part
#> 8247  Target_Child                             haircut     4         n
#> 8248  Target_Child                             towards     4      prep
#> 8249        Father          Charlie_Brown_Short_Summer     4    n:prop
#> 8250        Father                             weekend     4         n
#> 8251  Target_Child                               grape     4         n
#> 8252  Target_Child                             touches     4         v
#> 8253        Father                              I_mean     4        co
#> 8254  Target_Child                             english     4       adj
#> 8255  Target_Child                               touch     4         n
#> 8256        Father                          characters     4         n
#> 8257  Target_Child                               chief     4         n
#> 8258  Target_Child                                 Chi     4    n:prop
#> 8259        Father                        breakdancing     4      part
#> 8260        Father                                glue     4         n
#> 8261  Target_Child                              ducked     4      part
#> 8262        Father                               Körút     4    n:prop
#> 8263        Father                                   a     4      NULL
#> 8264        Father                                wave     4         n
#> 8265  Target_Child                          Too_Deetoo     4    n:prop
#> 8266        Father                                dear     4        co
#> 8267  Target_Child                                grey     4       adj
#> 8268  Target_Child                             Tontons     4    n:prop
#> 8269        Father                             strings     4         n
#> 8270  Target_Child                              Diddle     4    n:prop
#> 8271        Father                               death     4         n
#> 8272  Target_Child                               Tommy     4    n:prop
#> 8273  Target_Child                             cheeses     4         n
#> 8274        Father                              Rogers     4    n:prop
#> 8275  Target_Child                               gross     4         n
#> 8276        Father                          Nicklodean     4    n:prop
#> 8277  Target_Child                             grouchy     4       adj
#> 8278        Mother                             helping     4      part
#> 8279        Father                                 yum     4         n
#> 8280        Father                              chance     4       adj
#> 8281  Target_Child                               tippy     4       adj
#> 8282        Mother                                 Man     4    n:prop
#> 8283  Target_Child                            diarrhea     4         n
#> 8284        Mother                             noticed     4         v
#> 8285  Target_Child                               growl     4         n
#> 8286       Brother                                  go     4         v
#> 8287        Father                               point     4         v
#> 8288        Father                               flied     4         v
#> 8289  Target_Child                             growled     4         v
#> 8290  Target_Child                              growls     4         v
#> 8291  Target_Child      Charlie_Brown_Snoopy_Come_Home     4    n:prop
#> 8292  Target_Child             Charlie_Browns_Allstars     4    n:prop
#> 8293        Father                                  de     4      NULL
#> 8294        Father                           Woodstock     4    n:prop
#> 8295  Target_Child Charlie_Brown_It_Was_A_Short_Summer     4    n:prop
#> 8296        Mother                                roll     4         n
#> 8297        Father                               loved     4         v
#> 8298        Father                              nibble     4         n
#> 8299  Target_Child                              eraser     4         n
#> 8300  Target_Child                                tied     4      part
#> 8301        Father                           structure     4         n
#> 8302        Father                               felsz     4      NULL
#> 8303        Father                               prove     4         v
#> 8304        Father                              garden     4         n
#> 8305  Target_Child                             chances     4         n
#> 8306        Father                                plan     4         v
#> 8307  Target_Child                               thump     4         n
#> 8308        Father                            woodsman     4         n
#> 8309  Target_Child                               chain     4         n
#> 8310  Target_Child                                guns     4         v
#> 8311        Mother                              Rossie     4    n:prop
#> 8312        Father                             stuff's     4       adj
#> 8313        Father                                Kong     4    n:prop
#> 8314        Father                                hány     4      NULL
#> 8315        Father                               milch     4        L2
#> 8316       Brother                                have     4         v
#> 8317  Target_Child                             cereals     4         n
#> 8318        Father                                Wood     4    n:prop
#> 8319        Mother                                he'd     4   pro:sub
#> 8320        Father                          impossible     4       adj
#> 8321       Brother                            Hercules     4    n:prop
#> 8322        Father                            Schenley     4    n:prop
#> 8323  Target_Child                                  ha     4        co
#> 8324        Mother                              having     4      part
#> 8325        Mother                              having     4  n:gerund
#> 8326        Father                             Pac_Man     4    n:prop
#> 8327        Father                           squeaking     4      part
#> 8328  Target_Child                              hahaha     4         n
#> 8329  Target_Child                             cavemen     4         n
#> 8330  Target_Child                               caves     4         n
#> 8331  Target_Child                            Catwoman     4    n:prop
#> 8332        Father                               heros     4         n
#> 8333  Target_Child                         caterpillar     4         n
#> 8334  Target_Child                              escape     4         n
#> 8335  Target_Child             The_Secret_Of_The_Sword     4    n:prop
#> 8336        Father                             ceiling     4         n
#> 8337  Target_Child                             thermos     4         n
#> 8338        Father                     Cee_Three_Pee_O     4    n:prop
#> 8339        Mother                             Havarti     4    n:prop
#> 8340        Father                      Cee_Three_Peeo     4    n:prop
#> 8341        Father                                nest     4         n
#> 8342        Father                           incorrect     4       adj
#> 8343        Father                    Snoopy_Come_Home     4    n:prop
#> 8344       Brother                               knees     4         n
#> 8345  Target_Child                                Then     4    n:prop
#> 8346  Target_Child                             devil's     4       adj
#> 8347  Target_Child                             catched     4         v
#> 8348        Father                          subtracted     4         v
#> 8349       Brother                               learn     4         v
#> 8350        Mother                            Saturday     4    n:prop
#> 8351        Mother                              number     4         v
#> 8352  Target_Child                               cat's     4       adj
#> 8353  Target_Child                        Thanksgiving     4    n:prop
#> 8354        Father                               moved     4         v
#> 8355        Mother                                save     4         v
#> 8356       Brother                                make     4         v
#> 8357        Father                               sneak     4         v
#> 8358        Father                              walked     4         v
#> 8359  Target_Child                            Han_Solo     4    n:prop
#> 8360        Father                                  pa     4     wplay
#> 8361        Father                                garf     4      test
#> 8362        Father                              walked     4      part
#> 8363        Mother                                said     4      part
#> 8364  Target_Child                                carp     4         v
#> 8365        Father                              cattle     4         n
#> 8366        Father                               spend     4         v
#> 8367        Father                               sneak     4         n
#> 8368  Target_Child                              temper     4         n
#> 8369        Father                              sucked     4      part
#> 8370        Mother                               scars     4         n
#> 8371  Target_Child                             Carla's     4    n:prop
#> 8372        Father                               navel     4         n
#> 8373        Father                             waiting     4      part
#> 8374  Target_Child                               teeny     4       adj
#> 8375  Target_Child                                tear     4         v
#> 8376  Target_Child                             hatchoo     4       chi
#> 8377  Target_Child                             careful     4       adj
#> 8378        Father                           Madeleine     4    n:prop
#> 8379  Target_Child                                card     4         n
#> 8380  Target_Child                             teached     4       neo
#> 8381        Father                              caught     4      part
#> 8382  Target_Child                               desks     4         n
#> 8383  Target_Child                             dreamed     4      part
#> 8384        Mother                               guess     4         n
#> 8385        Father                              napkin     4         n
#> 8386        Father                                plug     4         n
#> 8387  Target_Child                                Dern     4    n:prop
#> 8388        Father                               cat's     4         n
#> 8389  Target_Child                              taught     4         v
#> 8390        Mother                              guards     4         n
#> 8391  Target_Child                               doubt     4         v
#> 8392        Mother                              second     4       adj
#> 8393  Target_Child                            Tatooine     4    n:prop
#> 8394        Mother                              second     4         n
#> 8395        Father                                  mi     4      NULL
#> 8396  Target_Child                              tastes     4         v
#> 8397  Target_Child                       stormtroopers     4         n
#> 8398  Target_Child                              tasted     4         v
#> 8399  Target_Child                              tasted     4      part
#> 8400  Target_Child                            Tarzan's     4       adj
#> 8401  Target_Child                                 tar     4         n
#> 8402        Father                          Flintstone     4    n:prop
#> 8403  Target_Child                               taped     4         v
#> 8404        Mother                               seeds     4         n
#> 8405        Father                               named     4      part
#> 8406  Target_Child                                tank     4         n
#> 8407  Target_Child                               demon     4         n
#> 8408  Target_Child                                Duke     4    n:prop
#> 8409        Mother                               Great     4    n:prop
#> 8410        Father                              carton     4         n
#> 8411  Target_Child                                heal     4         v
#> 8412  Target_Child                           leftovers     4         n
#> 8413        Father                                vote     4         v
#> 8414  Target_Child                              heared     4         v
#> 8415        Mother                               sense     4         n
#> 8416        Father                              volume     4         n
#> 8417        Father                            carrying     4      part
#> 8418        Father                               Sumac     4    n:prop
#> 8419  Target_Child                                evil     4       adj
#> 8420  Target_Child                          camouflage     4         n
#> 8421  Target_Child                                szia     4        L2
#> 8422  Target_Child                               camel     4         n
#> 8423        Father                              owners     4         n
#> 8424        Father                           volcanoes     4         n
#> 8425        Father                           squirrels     4         n
#> 8426        Father                            poitions     4       chi
#> 8427  Target_Child                                 hee     4        co
#> 8428  Target_Child                                heel     4         n
#> 8429  Target_Child                               heels     4         n
#> 8430        Father                              murder     4         n
#> 8431  Target_Child                             calling     4      part
#> 8432        Father                          scientists     4         n
#> 8433        Mother                             several     4        qn
#> 8434        Father                               fresh     4       adj
#> 8435        Father                               Dewie     4    n:prop
#> 8436  Target_Child                                deep     4         n
#> 8437  Target_Child                              swings     4         n
#> 8438        Mother                               gotta     4       mod
#> 8439  Target_Child                                swam     4         v
#> 8440        Father                               Gábor     4    n:prop
#> 8441        Mother                              shadow     4       chi
#> 8442        Father                            magician     4         n
#> 8443        Father                                 zip     4         v
#> 8444  Target_Child                            Hennessy     4    n:prop
#> 8445        Father                    caricaturization     4         n
#> 8446        Mother                            goodness     4        co
#> 8447        Father                               putty     4         n
#> 8448  Target_Child                              byebye     4      meta
#> 8449  Target_Child                           excellent     4       adj
#> 8450        Father                               goons     4         n
#> 8451        Father                                Wolf     4    n:prop
#> 8452        Father                                poke     4         v
#> 8453        Father                            visiting     4      part
#> 8454  Target_Child                             swallow     4         v
#> 8455        Father                               tudod     4      NULL
#> 8456        Father                                vagy     4      NULL
#> 8457        Mother                      oh_my_goodness     4        co
#> 8458        Father                                 van     4      NULL
#> 8459        Father                             village     4         n
#> 8460       Brother                              really     4       adv
#> 8461        Father                             smoochy     4       adj
#> 8462        Mother                                shoe     4         n
#> 8463        Mother                               shoes     4         n
#> 8464        Mother                              middle     4         n
#> 8465  Target_Child                            exciting     4      part
#> 8466        Mother                             glasses     4         n
#> 8467        Mother                                love     4         v
#> 8468  Target_Child                             sunrise     4         n
#> 8469  Target_Child                              buster     4         n
#> 8470        Father                               quack     4         n
#> 8471        Father                                mast     4         n
#> 8472  Target_Child                                 Sun     4    n:prop
#> 8473        Mother                               Gizmo     4    n:prop
#> 8474        Mother                                love     4         n
#> 8475  Target_Child                             hickory     4     wplay
#> 8476  Target_Child                                Bush     4    n:prop
#> 8477        Father                              mirror     4         n
#> 8478  Target_Child                               Sultz     4    n:prop
#> 8479        Father                                vice     4       adj
#> 8480        Father                            Penney's     4       adj
#> 8481  Target_Child                              burned     4         v
#> 8482  Target_Child                              sucker     4         n
#> 8483  Target_Child                          babysitter     4         n
#> 8484        Mother                               shows     4         n
#> 8485        Mother                             showing     4      part
#> 8486        Father                              insect     4         n
#> 8487        Father                              messes     4         n
#> 8488        Father                                flat     4       adj
#> 8489  Target_Child                             student     4         n
#> 8490        Mother                              gotten     4      part
#> 8491  Target_Child                                 hip     4         n
#> 8492        Father                         wokka_wokka     4        on
#> 8493  Target_Child                           crosseyed     4       adj
#> 8494        Father                                 dug     4      part
#> 8495        Father                                smog     4         n
#> 8496  Target_Child                             strings     4         n
#> 8497        Father                               rings     4         n
#> 8498        Father                                cape     4         n
#> 8499        Father                              insist     4         v
#> 8500        Father                               split     3         v
#> 8501  Target_Child                             drinked     3         v
#> 8502  Target_Child                            driver's     3       adj
#> 8503        Father                         cooperative     3       adj
#> 8504  Target_Child                             driving     3  n:gerund
#> 8505        Father                            magazine     3         n
#> 8506  Target_Child                             dropped     3      part
#> 8507        Mother                             mommy's     3         n
#> 8508  Target_Child                             drowned     3         v
#> 8509        Father                             meeting     3  n:gerund
#> 8510  Target_Child                                drug     3         n
#> 8511        Father                              sponge     3         n
#> 8512  Target_Child                                drum     3         n
#> 8513        Mother                              monkey     3         n
#> 8514  Target_Child                               dried     3      part
#> 8515  Target_Child                                 dry     3         v
#> 8516        Mother                                moon     3         n
#> 8517  Target_Child                               ducks     3         n
#> 8518        Father                             picking     3      part
#> 8519        Father                               Holly     3    n:prop
#> 8520        Father                              spoons     3         n
#> 8521        Mother                               mouse     3         n
#> 8522        Father                              sports     3         n
#> 8523        Father                             contour     3         n
#> 8524        Mother                                move     3         v
#> 8525        Father                            continue     3         v
#> 8526        Father                               spots     3         n
#> 8527        Father                               yells     3         v
#> 8528  Target_Child                                   E     3    n:prop
#> 8529        Father                           continent     3         n
#> 8530        Mother                              muffin     3         n
#> 8531        Father                          constructs     3         v
#> 8532        Mother                                  my     3        co
#> 8533  Target_Child                              easily     3       adv
#> 8534        Mother                              myself     3  pro:refl
#> 8535        Father                               yikes     3        co
#> 8536        Mother                                   n     3     n:let
#> 8537        Mother                                 nah     3        co
#> 8538        Father                            frosting     3         n
#> 8539  Target_Child                               eated     3         v
#> 8540        Mother                               named     3      part
#> 8541        Mother                                Nana     3    n:prop
#> 8542        Father                               picks     3         v
#> 8543  Target_Child                            lunchbox     3         n
#> 8544        Father                              Hobbit     3    n:prop
#> 8545        Mother                               needs     3         v
#> 8546        Father                             hitting     3  n:gerund
#> 8547        Father                              Condor     3    n:prop
#> 8548  Target_Child                              either     3        qn
#> 8549        Father                              picnic     3         n
#> 8550  Target_Child                          electrical     3       adj
#> 8551        Father                               frogs     3         n
#> 8552        Mother                            midnight     3         n
#> 8553        Father                              Fritos     3    n:prop
#> 8554  Target_Child                                 elf     3         n
#> 8555  Target_Child                               elves     3         n
#> 8556        Father                               youth     3         n
#> 8557        Father                                 yow     3       chi
#> 8558        Mother                              nobody     3 pro:indef
#> 8559        Father                            Russians     3    n:prop
#> 8560  Target_Child                               enemy     3         n
#> 8561        Father                            complete     3         v
#> 8562        Father                            friendly     3       adj
#> 8563        Father                               rusty     3       adj
#> 8564        Father                             squeaky     3       adj
#> 8565  Target_Child                             Ernie's     3       adj
#> 8566        Father                              squeak     3         n
#> 8567        Mother                              number     3         n
#> 8568        Mother                               nurse     3         n
#> 8569        Father                             pensive     3       adj
#> 8570        Father                             company     3         n
#> 8571  Target_Child                         everybody's     3       adj
#> 8572  Target_Child                            everyday     3       adj
#> 8573        Father                            squirrel     3         n
#> 8574  Target_Child                          everywhere     3       adv
#> 8575  Target_Child                                evil     3         n
#> 8576        Father                            freezing     3      part
#> 8577  Target_Child                              except     3         v
#> 8578  Target_Child                             excited     3      part
#> 8579        Father                              squirt     3         v
#> 8580        Father                            unzipper     3         v
#> 8581        Father                              zipper     3         v
#> 8582  Target_Child                              expect     3         v
#> 8583        Father                         comfortable     3       adj
#> 8584        Father                               zsipi     3        L2
#> 8585  Target_Child                                  ez     3        L2
#> 8586        Father                               hills     3         n
#> 8587  Target_Child                                fail     3         v
#> 8588        Father                            overcome     3         v
#> 8589  Unidentified                                five     3   det:num
#> 8590  Target_Child                                Fair     3    n:prop
#> 8591  Target_Child                               fairy     3         n
#> 8592  Target_Child                                fake     3       adj
#> 8593        Father                                 sss     3        on
#> 8594        Father                                comb     3         n
#> 8595        Father                              metals     3         n
#> 8596        Father                               sails     3         n
#> 8597        Father                          upsidedown     3       adv
#> 8598        Father                              sailor     3         n
#> 8599        Father                               color     3         v
#> 8600        Father                            coloring     3      part
#> 8601        Father                            armchair     3         n
#> 8602  Target_Child                           fart_fart     3       chi
#> 8603  Target_Child                             fashion     3         n
#> 8604        Father                             artwork     3         n
#> 8605        Father                            backpack     3         n
#> 8606        Father                               stamp     3         n
#> 8607        Father                              collar     3         n
#> 8608  Target_Child                            favorite     3       adj
#> 8609        Mother                             outside     3       adv
#> 8610        Father                               stand     3         n
#> 8611        Father                             bathtub     3         n
#> 8612  Target_Child                             feeding     3      part
#> 8613        Father                            standing     3      part
#> 8614  Target_Child                              feeled     3         v
#> 8615        Father                             highway     3         n
#> 8616        Father                           birthdays     3         n
#> 8617  Target_Child                              feisty     3       adj
#> 8618        Father                             forward     3       adv
#> 8619        Father                        MacWhinney's     3       adj
#> 8620  Target_Child                               fiery     3       adj
#> 8621  Target_Child                             fifties     3         n
#> 8622        Father                          bumblebees     3         n
#> 8623        Father                                Mash     3    n:prop
#> 8624  Target_Child                              figure     3         n
#> 8625        Mother                               paper     3         n
#> 8626  Unidentified                                 get     3         v
#> 8627  Target_Child                                fill     3         n
#> 8628  Target_Child                                film     3         v
#> 8629        Father                              Pentho     3    n:prop
#> 8630  Target_Child                                fine     3         n
#> 8631        Father                              clowns     3         n
#> 8632        Father                              cloudy     3       adj
#> 8633  Target_Child                               fired     3      part
#> 8634  Target_Child                                fire     3         v
#> 8635        Mother                                past     3       adj
#> 8636  Target_Child                               fishy     3       adj
#> 8637        Father                             climbed     3         v
#> 8638  Target_Child                              fixing     3      part
#> 8639        Mother                             Pegasus     3    n:prop
#> 8640        Mother                            penguins     3         n
#> 8641        Father                                pump     3         v
#> 8642  Target_Child                                flat     3         n
#> 8643        Father                             message     3         n
#> 8644  Unidentified                                give     3         v
#> 8645        Father                           statement     3         n
#> 8646  Target_Child                               flood     3         n
#> 8647        Father                               Forno     3    n:prop
#> 8648  Target_Child                              floppy     3       adj
#> 8649        Father                               clear     3         n
#> 8650  Unidentified                               gonna     3      part
#> 8651        Mother                              picked     3      part
#> 8652  Target_Child                               foggy     3       adj
#> 8653  Target_Child                                fold     3         v
#> 8654  Target_Child                            followed     3         v
#> 8655        Father                                form     3         v
#> 8656        Father                           footstool     3         n
#> 8657        Mother                              pillow     3         n
#> 8658        Father                            stealing     3      part
#> 8659        Mother                                pink     3         n
#> 8660  Target_Child                               force     3         v
#> 8661        Father                               punch     3         v
#> 8662        Father                               stole     3         v
#> 8663        Father                           civilized     3      part
#> 8664  Target_Child                              formed     3         v
#> 8665        Father                              steers     3         n
#> 8666        Mother                             playing     3  n:gerund
#> 8667        Mother                             playing     3      part
#> 8668  Target_Child                               freed     3         v
#> 8669        Father                           groundhog     3         n
#> 8670  Target_Child                        trickortreat     3         n
#> 8671        Father                             hickory     3     wplay
#> 8672  Target_Child                              freeze     3         v
#> 8673        Father                            sardines     3         n
#> 8674        Mother                         pomegranate     3         n
#> 8675        Mother                                 poo     3         n
#> 8676        Father                            icecream     3         n
#> 8677        Father                              Christ     3    n:prop
#> 8678        Father                            icecubes     3         n
#> 8679        Father                               label     3         n
#> 8680  Target_Child                              gadget     3         n
#> 8681        Father                               Force     3    n:prop
#> 8682  Target_Child                               gagoo     3       bab
#> 8683        Mother                              prefer     3         v
#> 8684        Father                             sausage     3         n
#> 8685        Father                              choked     3         v
#> 8686  Target_Child                               games     3         v
#> 8687        Father                          loverdover     3         n
#> 8688        Father                              choice     3       adj
#> 8689  Target_Child                          gargle_man     3       chi
#> 8690        Father                          chocolates     3         n
#> 8691        Father                               pupil     3         n
#> 8692        Father                               saved     3      part
#> 8693        Father                              saving     3      part
#> 8694        Mother                               price     3         n
#> 8695        Mother                              prices     3         n
#> 8696        Mother                              prince     3         n
#> 8697        Father                           motorbike     3         n
#> 8698        Father                            nickname     3         n
#> 8699        Father                           chipmunks     3         n
#> 8700  Target_Child                           gertinors     3     wplay
#> 8701        Father                           paintsman     3         n
#> 8702        Father                             parkway     3         n
#> 8703        Father                               saves     3         v
#> 8704        Father                         Kung_Moogie     3    n:prop
#> 8705        Mother                                pull     3         v
#> 8706        Father                              sawing     3      part
#> 8707  Target_Child                               Giddy     3    n:prop
#> 8708        Mother                                push     3         v
#> 8709        Father                            cherries     3         n
#> 8710        Mother                                puts     3         v
#> 8711  Target_Child                               globe     3         n
#> 8712  Target_Child                               glove     3         n
#> 8713        Father                              storms     3         n
#> 8714        Father                         showandtell     3         n
#> 8715        Father                             showoff     3         n
#> 8716        Mother                             quickly     3       adv
#> 8717  Target_Child                               glump     3        on
#> 8718        Father                    signofthebuffalo     3         n
#> 8719        Father                            checking     3      part
#> 8720        Father                                pure     3       adj
#> 8721        Mother                                   r     3     n:let
#> 8722  Target_Child                                goat     3         n
#> 8723        Mother                             reading     3      part
#> 8724        Father                                fool     3         n
#> 8725  Target_Child                                 goo     3         n
#> 8726        Father                              chased     3      part
#> 8727  Target_Child                          good_night     3        co
#> 8728  Target_Child                               goopy     3       adj
#> 8729  Target_Child                             grabbed     3         v
#> 8730        Mother                          remembered     3         v
#> 8731        Mother                              remind     3         v
#> 8732        Father                             purpose     3         n
#> 8733  Target_Child                           Grandma's     3       adj
#> 8734  Target_Child                               grave     3         n
#> 8735        Father                               scars     3         n
#> 8736        Father                          breakdance     3         v
#> 8737  Target_Child                           Greyskull     3    n:prop
#> 8738  Target_Child                             grinder     3         n
#> 8739        Father                             foaming     3      part
#> 8740        Father                           medicinal     3       adj
#> 8741        Father                              chairs     3         n
#> 8742        Father                               chain     3         n
#> 8743  Target_Child                              growed     3         v
#> 8744        Mother                             Ritchie     3    n:prop
#> 8745        Father                             certain     3       adj
#> 8746        Father                                 egy     3      NULL
#> 8747  Target_Child                               guard     3         v
#> 8748  Target_Child                              guards     3         v
#> 8749        Father                            stronger     3       adj
#> 8750  Target_Child                              guides     3         n
#> 8751        Father                               scarf     3         n
#> 8752        Father                              flying     3      part
#> 8753  Target_Child                               gummy     3       adj
#> 8754  Target_Child                                gunk     3         n
#> 8755        Father                              cement     3         n
#> 8756        Father                              stuffy     3       adj
#> 8757        Father                         Schau_Genau     3    n:prop
#> 8758  Target_Child                          gymnastics     3      n:pt
#> 8759        Father                                 flu     3         n
#> 8760        Father                               style     3         n
#> 8761        Father                           Celebrity     3    n:prop
#> 8762        Mother                                salt     3         n
#> 8763  Target_Child                              hammer     3         v
#> 8764        Mother                              Sarlac     3    n:prop
#> 8765        Father                               jonni     3      NULL
#> 8766        Mother                             sausage     3         n
#> 8767        Father                                cave     3         n
#> 8768        Father                                suck     3         n
#> 8769        Father                               flour     3         n
#> 8770  Target_Child                            happened     3      part
#> 8771  Target_Child                             unhappy     3       adj
#> 8772        Father                              pushes     3         v
#> 8773        Mother                           scrambled     3         v
#> 8774        Father                            catching     3      part
#> 8775        Father                             catched     3      part
#> 8776        Father                                 Cat     3    n:prop
#> 8777  Target_Child                             haunted     3         v
#> 8778        Mother                                seal     3         n
#> 8779        Father                               menni     3      NULL
#> 8780        Mother                                seat     3         n
#> 8781  Target_Child                              having     3  n:gerund
#> 8782        Father                               Casey     3    n:prop
#> 8783  Target_Child                          passageway     3         n
#> 8784  Target_Child                               heach     3       chi
#> 8785        Father                          suggestion     3         n
#> 8786        Mother                                sell     3         v
#> 8787  Target_Child                              healed     3      part
#> 8788  Target_Child                             healing     3      part
#> 8789        Father                               known     3      part
#> 8790        Father                             carried     3         v
#> 8791        Mother                            sentence     3         n
#> 8792  Target_Child                            covebase     3         n
#> 8793        Father                              knocks     3         v
#> 8794  Target_Child                             heavier     3       adj
#> 8795  Target_Child                                 hee     3        on
#> 8796        Mother                                 set     3         v
#> 8797  Target_Child                             Hee_Man     3    n:prop
#> 8798        Mother                             seventh     3       adj
#> 8799  Target_Child                               hello     3        co
#> 8800        Mother                                sexy     3       adj
#> 8801  Target_Child                              helper     3         n
#> 8802        Father                              carpet     3         n
#> 8803  Target_Child                               helps     3         v
#> 8804        Father                             married     3         v
#> 8805  Target_Child                                 hen     3         n
#> 8806        Father                          sunglasses     3         n
#> 8807        Mother                               share     3         v
#> 8808  Target_Child                                Hero     3    n:prop
#> 8809        Mother                              shirts     3         n
#> 8810        Father                               Super     3    n:prop
#> 8811        Father                             careful     3       adj
#> 8812  Target_Child                                  hi     3      meta
#> 8813        Father                               scoot     3         v
#> 8814  Target_Child                                Hi_C     3    n:prop
#> 8815  Target_Child                             hiccups     3         n
#> 8816   Grandfather                                  is     3       aux
#> 8817        Mother                           shouldn't     3       mod
#> 8818        Father                              flavor     3         n
#> 8819        Father                               car's     3       adj
#> 8820  Target_Child                               hills     3         n
#> 8821        Mother                             Siegler     3    n:prop
#> 8822        Father                           supposing     3      part
#> 8823  Target_Child                                hits     3         v
#> 8824        Father                              scrape     3         n
#> 8825  Target_Child                                hiya     3        co
#> 8826        Father                             cantina     3         n
#> 8827        Mother                              sister     3         n
#> 8828        Mother                                 sat     3         v
#> 8829        Father                              surfer     3         n
#> 8830         Adult                             because     3      conj
#> 8831        Father                            surprise     3       adj
#> 8832  Target_Child                               honey     3        co
#> 8833        Mother                                 sky     3         n
#> 8834  Target_Child                                 hop     3         n
#> 8835  Target_Child                             hopping     3      part
#> 8836        Mother                               sleep     3         n
#> 8837   Grandfather                                 mhm     3        co
#> 8838  Target_Child                             hoppidy     3     wplay
#> 8839        Father                              Merman     3    n:prop
#> 8840  Target_Child                             horsies     3         n
#> 8841        Father                              camels     3         n
#> 8842        Mother                                slim     3       adj
#> 8843        Mother                             slither     3         v
#> 8844   Grandfather                                  oh     3        co
#> 8845        Father                             calling     3      part
#> 8846        Father                               fives     3         n
#> 8847        Father                              police     3         n
#> 8848        Father                                Susy     3    n:prop
#> 8849        Father                                lice     3         n
#> 8850        Mother                              smells     3         v
#> 8851        Father                              cactus     3         n
#> 8852  Target_Child                               Hulks     3    n:prop
#> 8853        Father                               cabin     3         n
#> 8854        Father                                peed     3         v
#> 8855        Father                             buyeded     3       neo
#> 8856        Father                              knight     3         n
#> 8857        Father                               screw     3         n
#> 8858        Father                              button     3         v
#> 8859  Target_Child                                hush     3         n
#> 8860        Father                               quick     3       adj
#> 8861        Mother                             somehow     3       adv
#> 8862        Mother                             someone     3 pro:indef
#> 8863        Father                              butter     3         v
#> 8864        Father                             quickly     3       adv
#> 8865        Father                           quicksand     3         n
#> 8866        Father                              busier     3       adj
#> 8867        Mother                                sore     3       adj
#> 8868   Grandfather                                 you     3   pro:per
#> 8869  Target_Child                                  If     3    n:prop
#> 8870        Mother                             sounded     3      part
#> 8871        Father                                Bush     3    n:prop
#> 8872        Father                                 sea     3         n
#> 8873        Mother                         Space_Ghost     3    n:prop
#> 8874  Target_Child                     Incredible_Hulk     3    n:prop
#> 8875        Father                               swing     3         v
#> 8876        Mother                             spanish     3       adj
#> 8877        Father                                burp     3         n
#> 8878  Target_Child                              inside     3         n
#> 8879        Father                              swords     3         n
#> 8880        Father                               Quinn     3    n:prop
#> 8881        Father                              system     3         n
#> 8882        Father                                Kitt     3    n:prop
#> 8883  Target_Child                              invite     3         v
#> 8884  Target_Child                            involved     3      part
#> 8885        Father                              szépen     3        L2
#> 8886        Father                               seats     3         n
#> 8887        Mother                          absolutely     3       adv
#> 8888  Target_Child                                it'd     3   pro:per
#> 8889        Father                             bunnies     3         n
#> 8890  Target_Child                             Jabba's     3       adj
#> 8891        Mother                            standing     3      part
#> 8892  Target_Child                               James     3    n:prop
#> 8893  Target_Child                             Janos's     3       adj
#> 8894        Father                             bumping     3  n:gerund
#> 8895        Mother                                Adam     3    n:prop
#> 8896        Mother                              States     3    n:prop
#> 8897        Father                               bumps     3         n
#> 8898  Target_Child                                 jay     3         n
#> 8899  Target_Child                             Jeannie     3    n:prop
#> 8900        Mother                            stealing     3      part
#> 8901  Target_Child                               Jedis     3    n:prop
#> 8902        Mother                               after     3      conj
#> 8903        Father                           Henderson     3    n:prop
#> 8904  Target_Child                               Jerry     3    n:prop
#> 8905        Father                                 hen     3         n
#> 8906        Father                             Hemlock     3    n:prop
#> 8907        Father                               bully     3         n
#> 8908        Father                              kissed     3         v
#> 8909  Target_Child                                jock     3         n
#> 8910  Target_Child                             jogging     3  n:gerund
#> 8911        Mother                             stomach     3         n
#> 8912        Father                                lots     3         n
#> 8913        Mother                           Alexander     3    n:prop
#> 8914        Father                              kissie     3         n
#> 8915        Mother                            straight     3       adv
#> 8916  Target_Child                              juggle     3         v
#> 8917        Father                              helper     3         n
#> 8918        Father                                tale     3         n
#> 8919        Father                             builder     3         n
#> 8920        Father                               buggy     3         n
#> 8921        Father                              talent     3         n
#> 8922  Target_Child                                June     3    n:prop
#> 8923        Mother                               stuff     3         v
#> 8924        Mother                               style     3         n
#> 8925        Father                              helium     3         n
#> 8926        Father                          helicopter     3         n
#> 8927  Target_Child                              Karate     3    n:prop
#> 8928        Mother                             America     3    n:prop
#> 8929        Father                              Bubble     3    n:prop
#> 8930  Target_Child                              keeped     3       neo
#> 8931        Mother                             animals     3         n
#> 8932        Father                             bubbles     3         n
#> 8933        Mother                             suppose     3         v
#> 8934        Father                                heel     3         n
#> 8935  Target_Child                              kilenc     3        L2
#> 8936  Target_Child                              killer     3         n
#> 8937  Unidentified                                 let     3         v
#> 8938        Mother                               swell     3         n
#> 8939        Mother                                swim     3         v
#> 8940        Mother                               apart     3       adv
#> 8941  Target_Child                           Kistament     3    n:prop
#> 8942        Father                                tank     3         n
#> 8943        Mother                                   t     3     n:let
#> 8944        Mother                                tack     3         n
#> 8945        Mother                               tails     3         n
#> 8946  Target_Child                               knees     3         n
#> 8947        Mother                               taken     3      part
#> 8948        Father                                tape     3         v
#> 8949        Mother                             talking     3  n:gerund
#> 8950        Father                                film     3         n
#> 8951        Father                              filled     3         v
#> 8952  Target_Child                                knot     3         n
#> 8953  Target_Child                              knowed     3         v
#> 8954        Father                            Markie's     3    n:prop
#> 8955        Mother                               taste     3         n
#> 8956        Mother                            Tauntaun     3    n:prop
#> 8957        Mother                           teacher's     3       adj
#> 8958        Mother                               teach     3         v
#> 8959        Mother                              teased     3         v
#> 8960  Target_Child                               laces     3         n
#> 8961  Target_Child                                 lad     3         n
#> 8962        Father                                brat     3         n
#> 8963  Target_Child                                Lady     3    n:prop
#> 8964        Father                              figure     3         n
#> 8965  Target_Child                             landing     3  n:gerund
#> 8966        Mother                             as_well     3       adv
#> 8967  Target_Child                         Landstrider     3    n:prop
#> 8968        Father                            nonsense     3         n
#> 8969        Father                                bran     3         n
#> 8970        Father                           fifteenth     3       adj
#> 8971        Father                          tattletale     3         n
#> 8972  Target_Child                             laundry     3         n
#> 8973        Father                                heal     3         v
#> 8974  Target_Child                                leaf     3         n
#> 8975        Father                                  te     3        L2
#> 8976        Father                                 Fet     3    n:prop
#> 8977  Target_Child                              leaves     3         v
#> 8978        Father                              fences     3         n
#> 8979        Father                               boxes     3         v
#> 8980        Mother                             they'll     3   pro:sub
#> 8981  Target_Child                              lesson     3         n
#> 8982        Father                             bouquet     3         n
#> 8983        Mother                              babies     3         n
#> 8984        Father                             feeling     3  n:gerund
#> 8985        Father                              bought     3      meta
#> 8986        Father                                peek     3         n
#> 8987        Father                                head     3       adj
#> 8988        Mother                             through     3      prep
#> 8989  Target_Child                                lift     3         v
#> 8990        Father                            February     3    n:prop
#> 8991  Target_Child                               Light     3    n:prop
#> 8992        Father                                boss     3         v
#> 8993  Target_Child                               liked     3      part
#> 8994        Father                              borrow     3         v
#> 8995        Father                              series     3         n
#> 8996  Target_Child                               lines     3         v
#> 8997  Target_Child                         firecracker     3         n
#> 8998        Mother                              Banner     3    n:prop
#> 8999  Target_Child                            littered     3         v
#> 9000        Father                       Rainbow_Brite     3    n:prop
#> 9001  Target_Child                            littlest     3       adj
#> 9002        Father                           favorites     3         n
#> 9003        Father                               kicsi     3        L2
#> 9004        Mother                                toes     3         n
#> 9005        Mother                              basket     3         n
#> 9006        Father                              Hazard     3    n:prop
#> 9007        Father                             fathers     3         n
#> 9008        Father                            father's     3       adj
#> 9009        Mother                             totally     3       adv
#> 9010  Target_Child                              London     3    n:prop
#> 9011  Target_Child                             longest     3       adj
#> 9012  Target_Child                                long     3         v
#> 9013  Target_Child                                Long     3    n:prop
#> 9014  Target_Child                           Long_Arms     3    n:prop
#> 9015        Father                                fart     3         v
#> 9016         Adult                               balls     3         n
#> 9017        Father                                bomb     3         n
#> 9018        Mother                             weren't     3       aux
#> 9019  Target_Child                                Lord     3    n:prop
#> 9020  Target_Child                               loser     3         n
#> 9021  Target_Child                              losing     3      part
#> 9022        Mother                                tree     3         n
#> 9023        Mother                             tripped     3      part
#> 9024        Father                              boiled     3      part
#> 9025        Mother                            trophies     3         n
#> 9026  Target_Child                               Louie     3    n:prop
#> 9027        Mother                               truck     3         n
#> 9028        Father                              hating     3  n:gerund
#> 9029  Target_Child                               loves     3         n
#> 9030        Mother                             weren't     3       cop
#> 9031  Target_Child                               loved     3         v
#> 9032  Target_Child                            loveseat     3         n
#> 9033        Mother                               being     3  n:gerund
#> 9034        Father                                hate     3         n
#> 9035  Target_Child                                Lucy     3    n:prop
#> 9036        Father                               looks     3       cop
#> 9037  Target_Child                            macaroni     3         n
#> 9038        Father                             kicking     3  n:gerund
#> 9039        Father                                fare     3         n
#> 9040        Mother                           turquoise     3       adj
#> 9041        Father                           blueberry     3         n
#> 9042        Mother                              twelve     3   det:num
#> 9043        Mother                              twenty     3   det:num
#> 9044  Target_Child                           dodgeball     3         n
#> 9045  Target_Child                              magnet     3         n
#> 9046        Father                                keys     3         v
#> 9047        Father                         Raisin_Bran     3    n:prop
#> 9048        Mother                             typical     3       adj
#> 9049  Target_Child                                main     3       adj
#> 9050        Father                            Fantasia     3    n:prop
#> 9051        Father                              temper     3         n
#> 9052        Father                              blonde     3       adj
#> 9053  Target_Child                                mall     3         n
#> 9054  Target_Child                                Mama     3    n:prop
#> 9055  Target_Child                               mamma     3         n
#> 9056  Target_Child                               Mamma     3    n:prop
#> 9057        Father                                pero     3        L2
#> 9058  Target_Child                               man's     3       adj
#> 9059        Father                            bleeding     3      part
#> 9060        Mother                          underneath     3      prep
#> 9061        Mother                              unhunh     3        co
#> 9062        Mother                              United     3    n:prop
#> 9063        Mother                              unless     3      conj
#> 9064  Target_Child                               Maria     3    n:prop
#> 9065        Father                              Tenica     3    n:prop
#> 9066        Mother                               uppie     3       adv
#> 9067        Mother                               uppie     3         n
#> 9068        Mother                              upside     3       adv
#> 9069        Mother                              before     3      prep
#> 9070  Target_Child                               Marks     3    n:prop
#> 9071  Target_Child                                Mars     3    n:prop
#> 9072  Target_Child                        marshmallows     3         n
#> 9073        Mother                             vampire     3         n
#> 9074        Mother                           beginning     3         n
#> 9075        Father                                tent     3         n
#> 9076        Mother                                bell     3         n
#> 9077  Target_Child                                Mash     3    n:prop
#> 9078        Father                            seven_up     3         n
#> 9079        Mother                              belong     3         v
#> 9080  Target_Child                              Master     3    n:prop
#> 9081  Target_Child                                mats     3         n
#> 9082        Father                              Falcor     3    n:prop
#> 9083        Father                             several     3        qn
#> 9084  Target_Child                                math     3         n
#> 9085  Target_Child                              Mathew     3    n:prop
#> 9086  Target_Child                              Matt's     3       adj
#> 9087        Mother                         View_Master     3    n:prop
#> 9088        Mother                             besides     3      prep
#> 9089  Target_Child                                maze     3         n
#> 9090  Target_Child                          Mcdonald's     3       adj
#> 9091  Target_Child                            McDonald     3    n:prop
#> 9092        Mother                                Beth     3    n:prop
#> 9093        Mother                             between     3       adv
#> 9094        Father                            harmless     3       adj
#> 9095  Target_Child                             McGlade     3    n:prop
#> 9096        Father                              ranger     3         n
#> 9097        Father                           terrified     3      part
#> 9098        Father                           terrorize     3         v
#> 9099        Mother                                wake     3         v
#> 9100        Mother                                woke     3         v
#> 9101        Mother                               birds     3         n
#> 9102        Mother                              wanted     3      part
#> 9103        Father                               kersz     3        L2
#> 9104        Father                               Happy     3    n:prop
#> 9105  Target_Child                           medallion     3         n
#> 9106        Mother                                bits     3         n
#> 9107  Target_Child                              medium     3       adj
#> 9108        Father                             happier     3       adj
#> 9109        Father                            longboat     3         n
#> 9110        Father                              fairly     3       adv
#> 9111  Target_Child                                 met     3         v
#> 9112  Target_Child                          Megatron's     3       adj
#> 9113        Father                              bionic     3       adj
#> 9114        Mother                              washed     3         v
#> 9115        Father                              failed     3         v
#> 9116        Father                              shaggy     3       adj
#> 9117        Father                              facing     3      part
#> 9118        Mother                                we'd     3   pro:sub
#> 9119  Target_Child                              Merman     3    n:prop
#> 9120        Father                            kerplonk     3        on
#> 9121        Father                              thanks     3         v
#> 9122        Mother                               weird     3       adj
#> 9123        Mother                             blowing     3      part
#> 9124  Target_Child                              messed     3         v
#> 9125        Father                                rare     3       adj
#> 9126  Target_Child                             message     3         n
#> 9127  Target_Child                                 mew     3         v
#> 9128        Mother                          werewolves     3         n
#> 9129        Father                             shaking     3      part
#> 9130  Unidentified                                need     3         v
#> 9131  Target_Child                              Mighty     3    n:prop
#> 9132  Target_Child                               miles     3         n
#> 9133        Father                               kerem     3        L2
#> 9134  Target_Child                           millenium     3         n
#> 9135        Father                                 bid     3         v
#> 9136  Target_Child                             million     3   det:num
#> 9137        Father                            bicycles     3         v
#> 9138        Father                           raspberry     3         n
#> 9139  Target_Child                              mine's     3         n
#> 9140  Target_Child                               mines     3         n
#> 9141  Target_Child                                mine     3         v
#> 9142        Mother                               while     3         n
#> 9143  Target_Child                              Minney     3    n:prop
#> 9144        Father                                Hans     3    n:prop
#> 9145  Target_Child                              minute     3       adj
#> 9146  Target_Child                           miserably     3       adv
#> 9147        Father                                Hank     3    n:prop
#> 9148        Father                               shame     3         n
#> 9149        Father                            Ratchael     3    n:prop
#> 9150        Father                              betcha     3        co
#> 9151        Mother                               whose     3   pro:rel
#> 9152        Father                             theater     3         n
#> 9153  Unidentified                                 not     3       neg
#> 9154        Father                             besides     3       adv
#> 9155        Father                              beside     3      prep
#> 9156        Father                                hang     3         v
#> 9157  Target_Child                               mom's     3       adj
#> 9158        Father                                Bert     3    n:prop
#> 9159        Father                              expect     3         v
#> 9160  Target_Child                             hideout     3         n
#> 9161  Target_Child                               Mom's     3       adj
#> 9162        Father                               exist     3         v
#> 9163  Target_Child                               Momma     3    n:prop
#> 9164        Mother                                 won     3         v
#> 9165        Father                                Benu     3    n:prop
#> 9166        Mother                                wind     3         n
#> 9167        Mother                                wise     3       adj
#> 9168        Father                                bent     3      part
#> 9169        Father                             bending     3      part
#> 9170  Target_Child                             Monique     3    n:prop
#> 9171        Mother                             witch's     3       adj
#> 9172  Target_Child                             monkeys     3         n
#> 9173        Father                               belts     3         n
#> 9174        Father                             sharing     3      part
#> 9175        Father                               Karla     3    n:prop
#> 9176  Target_Child                                mood     3         n
#> 9177        Father                               bells     3         n
#> 9178        Mother                              wonder     3         v
#> 9179  Target_Child                             morning     3        co
#> 9180        Mother                              Wonder     3    n:prop
#> 9181  Target_Child                              Mothra     3    n:prop
#> 9182        Father                                 beg     3         v
#> 9183        Father                           therefore     3       adv
#> 9184        Mother                            broccoli     3         n
#> 9185        Father                               beets     3         n
#> 9186  Target_Child                           moustache     3         n
#> 9187  Target_Child                              mouths     3         n
#> 9188        Mother                               wrote     3         v
#> 9189  Unidentified                                  on     3      prep
#> 9190        Mother                                yeah     3      meta
#> 9191        Father                              beaver     3         n
#> 9192        Mother                               yeast     3         n
#> 9193        Father                        Marie_Helene     3    n:prop
#> 9194  Target_Child                            Munsters     3    n:prop
#> 9195  Target_Child                              murder     3         n
#> 9196        Mother                             builder     3         n
#> 9197        Father                             Beat_It     3    n:prop
#> 9198        Mother                                  ya     3   pro:per
#> 9199        Father                             beating     3      part
#> 9200        Mother                               young     3       adj
#> 9201  Target_Child                             mystery     3         n
#> 9202        Father                                 mer     3        L2
#> 9203  Target_Child                                   N     3    n:prop
#> 9204        Father                               Bears     3    n:prop
#> 9205        Father                               beard     3         n
#> 9206  Target_Child                               names     3         v
#> 9207        Mother                               bunny     3         n
#> 9208  Target_Child                                narf     3     wplay
#> 9209        Father                               sheep     3         n
#> 9210        Father                               junky     3       adj
#> 9211  Target_Child                             natural     3       adj
#> 9212        Mother                            bathroom     3         n
#> 9213        Mother                            business     3         n
#> 9214  Target_Child                             needing     3      part
#> 9215  Target_Child                              needle     3         n
#> 9216        Mother                          diningroom     3         n
#> 9217  Target_Child                        neighborhood     3         n
#> 9218        Mother                              butter     3         n
#> 9219        Father                               jumps     3         v
#> 9220        Mother                           fireplace     3         n
#> 9221        Father                           thirtieth     3       adj
#> 9222  Target_Child                          never_mind     3        co
#> 9223        Father                                bats     3         v
#> 9224        Father                                bats     3         n
#> 9225        Mother                        jackolantern     3         n
#> 9226        Father                             this'll     3   pro:dem
#> 9227        Mother                        peanutbutter     3         n
#> 9228        Father                              Thomas     3    n:prop
#> 9229        Father                               basic     3       adj
#> 9230  Target_Child                               nicer     3       adj
#> 9231  Target_Child                              Nicole     3    n:prop
#> 9232        Mother                         sodacracker     3         n
#> 9233        Father                              thorns     3         n
#> 9234        Father                                base     3       adj
#> 9235        Father                               shell     3         n
#> 9236        Father                              shells     3         n
#> 9237        Father                             barking     3      part
#> 9238        Father                                bark     3         n
#> 9239        Father                                hall     3         n
#> 9240      Playmate                                 all     3 pro:indef
#> 9241        Father                                half     3        qn
#> 9242  Target_Child                               notes     3         n
#> 9243  Target_Child                           nothing's     3       adj
#> 9244  Target_Child                             Nothing     3    n:prop
#> 9245        Father                                 Bar     3    n:prop
#> 9246      Playmate                                 are     3       aux
#> 9247  Target_Child                             nowhere     3       adv
#> 9248  Target_Child                             nowhere     3         n
#> 9249        Father                                 shh     3        on
#> 9250        Father                              Bangus     3    n:prop
#> 9251        Father                                Mare     3    n:prop
#> 9252      Playmate                                 box     3         n
#> 9253      Playmate                                 can     3       mod
#> 9254  Target_Child                               nyaum     3        on
#> 9255      Playmate                               chair     3         n
#> 9256        Father                                bang     3        on
#> 9257        Mother                                card     3         n
#> 9258  Target_Child                               Oaken     3    n:prop
#> 9259      Playmate                                  do     3       mod
#> 9260  Target_Child                          raisinbran     3         n
#> 9261      Playmate                               found     3         v
#> 9262        Father                               bands     3         n
#> 9263        Father                            Thriller     3    n:prop
#> 9264      Playmate                                 guy     3         n
#> 9265      Playmate                                  he     3   pro:sub
#> 9266        Father                             bananas     3         n
#> 9267  Target_Child                       Old_MacDonald     3    n:prop
#> 9268      Playmate                                 hey     3        co
#> 9269        Mother                                case     3         n
#> 9270        Father                               balls     3         n
#> 9271        Mother                              caught     3      part
#> 9272      Playmate                                  me     3   pro:obj
#> 9273  Target_Child                              oopsie     3        co
#> 9274        Father                               pause     3         v
#> 9275  Target_Child                                 ópa     3        L2
#> 9276        Father                                bake     3         v
#> 9277  Target_Child                              opened     3      part
#> 9278  Target_Child                       Optimus_Prime     3    n:prop
#> 9279        Father                              thrown     3      part
#> 9280  Target_Child                            original     3       adj
#> 9281        Father                                Jose     3    n:prop
#> 9282        Mother                              cereal     3         n
#> 9283      Playmate                              people     3         n
#> 9284        Father                              Hacker     3    n:prop
#> 9285  Target_Child                             oughtoh     3        co
#> 9286      Playmate                                 pig     3         n
#> 9287  Target_Child                               outer     3       adj
#> 9288      Playmate                               right     3       adv
#> 9289  Target_Child                             outside     3       adj
#> 9290        Father                          background     3         n
#> 9291  Target_Child                             outside     3      prep
#> 9292  Target_Child                                oven     3         n
#> 9293        Father                                back     3         v
#> 9294        Mother                               cheap     3       adj
#> 9295      Playmate                               stand     3         v
#> 9296        Father                               pinch     3         n
#> 9297        Father                              Rebels     3    n:prop
#> 9298        Father                              babies     3         v
#> 9299        Father                               babys     3         n
#> 9300  Target_Child                             package     3         n
#> 9301        Father                              baby's     3       adj
#> 9302      Playmate                                they     3   pro:sub
#> 9303        Mother                            Chemlawn     3    n:prop
#> 9304      Playmate                                  to     3       inf
#> 9305        Father                               joker     3         n
#> 9306      Playmate                                with     3      prep
#> 9307        Mother                            chickens     3         n
#> 9308  Target_Child                           parachute     3         v
#> 9309  Target_Child                              pardon     3         n
#> 9310        Father                                join     3         v
#> 9311        Father                                  aw     3        co
#> 9312      Relative                               about     3      prep
#> 9313        Mother                               chips     3         n
#> 9314  Target_Child                             passage     3         n
#> 9315        Father                              shoots     3         n
#> 9316  Target_Child                           Pasteur's     3       adj
#> 9317  Target_Child                       rolliepollies     3         n
#> 9318        Father                             tiger's     3         n
#> 9319        Father                              aviary     3         n
#> 9320  Target_Child                                path     3         n
#> 9321        Mother                           Christina     3    n:prop
#> 9322  Target_Child                            humanwas     3         n
#> 9323  Target_Child                                 pay     3         n
#> 9324        Mother                               class     3         n
#> 9325      Relative                                   I     3   pro:sub
#> 9326        Mother                               clean     3       adj
#> 9327        Father                           available     3       adj
#> 9328        Father                               gypsy     3         n
#> 9329        Mother                               clear     3       adv
#> 9330      Relative                                Mark     3    n:prop
#> 9331        Father                            shopping     3  n:gerund
#> 9332        Father                                till     3         v
#> 9333      Relative                                  oh     3        co
#> 9334        Father                              aunt's     3       adj
#> 9335        Mother                               close     3       adj
#> 9336  Target_Child                               penis     3         n
#> 9337  Target_Child                             Penneys     3    n:prop
#> 9338  Target_Child                             pennies     3         n
#> 9339  Target_Child                             Penny's     3       adj
#> 9340        Father                            recorded     3      part
#> 9341      Relative                              scared     3      part
#> 9342  Target_Child                          Pepsi_free     3    n:prop
#> 9343  Target_Child                          permission     3         n
#> 9344        Father                               attic     3         n
#> 9345        Mother                               coats     3         n
#> 9346        Father                               pinch     3         v
#> 9347  Target_Child                                Pest     3    n:prop
#> 9348        Father                            recorded     3         v
#> 9349        Father                             Timmy's     3       adj
#> 9350  Target_Child                                 pff     3        on
#> 9351        Father                                 Mar     3    n:prop
#> 9352      Relative                                yeah     3        co
#> 9353  Target_Child                            physical     3       adj
#> 9354        Father                              tinker     3         n
#> 9355  Target_Child                              picker     3         n
#> 9356      Relative                              you're     3   pro:per
#> 9357        Father                          especially     3       adv
#> 9358  Target_Child                              picnic     3         n
#> 9359        Father                             español     3        L2
#> 9360        Mother                            Colorado     3    n:prop
#> 9361        Father                              Atrayu     3    n:prop
#> 9362  Target_Child                               piece     3         v
#> 9363        Father                              shorts     3         n
#> 9364        Father                               atoms     3         n
#> 9365  Target_Child                              Abbott     3    n:prop
#> 9366  Target_Child                               piles     3         n
#> 9367  Target_Child                                pill     3         n
#> 9368        Father                               tired     3         v
#> 9369  Target_Child                             copilot     3         n
#> 9370        Mother                             come_on     3        co
#> 9371        Father                             meanest     3       adj
#> 9372        Father                              A_team     3    n:prop
#> 9373        Father                               At_At     3    n:prop
#> 9374        Father                                 tíz     3        L2
#> 9375  Target_Child                                pits     3         v
#> 9376  Target_Child                                 act     3         n
#> 9377  Target_Child                       Pittsburghese     3    n:prop
#> 9378        Father                               error     3         n
#> 9379  Target_Child                               plain     3       adv
#> 9380        Father                          toapie_egg     3       fam
#> 9381  Target_Child                           fireplace     3         n
#> 9382  Target_Child                               admit     3         v
#> 9383        Father                              asking     3  n:gerund
#> 9384  Target_Child                             against     3       adv
#> 9385  Target_Child                             pockets     3         n
#> 9386        Father                              artist     3         n
#> 9387        Mother                                cool     3       adj
#> 9388  Target_Child                               poked     3         v
#> 9389  Target_Child                               pokes     3         v
#> 9390  Target_Child                                pond     3         n
#> 9391  Target_Child                                Pony     3    n:prop
#> 9392        Mother                             correct     3         v
#> 9393        Father                              potato     3         n
#> 9394        Father                                Tony     3    n:prop
#> 9395        Father                              arrest     3         v
#> 9396        Father                             pottery     3         n
#> 9397        Father                               armor     3         n
#> 9398  Target_Child                                pops     3         n
#> 9399        Father                             enemies     3         n
#> 9400        Mother                               count     3         v
#> 9401  Target_Child                           porcupine     3         n
#> 9402        Father                           encourage     3         v
#> 9403        Father                                 ark     3         n
#> 9404  Target_Child                             allowed     3      part
#> 9405  Target_Child                                 pow     3        on
#> 9406        Father                               argue     3         v
#> 9407        Father                                tool     3         n
#> 9408        Father                              Jeremy     3    n:prop
#> 9409        Father                            emphasis     3         n
#> 9410        Father                            argument     3         n
#> 9411  Target_Child                              prefer     3         v
#> 9412  Target_Child                             present     3       adv
#> 9413        Father                              else's     3       adj
#> 9414  Target_Child                            presents     3         v
#> 9415  Target_Child                          presidents     3         n
#> 9416  Target_Child                             pressed     3         v
#> 9417        Mother                            crackers     3         n
#> 9418        Father                         archipelago     3         n
#> 9419  Target_Child                            prettier     3       adj
#> 9420  Target_Child                              Pretty     3    n:prop
#> 9421        Father                                tops     3         n
#> 9422  Target_Child                               price     3         n
#> 9423  Target_Child                           pricklies     3         n
#> 9424        Mother                               cream     3         n
#> 9425  Target_Child                             private     3       adj
#> 9426        Father                             Manimal     3    n:prop
#> 9427  Target_Child                              prizes     3         n
#> 9428        Father                            elevator     3         n
#> 9429        Mother                             crosses     3         n
#> 9430  Target_Child                             protect     3         v
#> 9431  Target_Child                                pshh     3        on
#> 9432  Target_Child                                 ant     3         n
#> 9433  Target_Child                                ants     3         n
#> 9434  Target_Child                           anybody's     3       adj
#> 9435        Father                             touched     3         v
#> 9436        Father                            sidewalk     3         n
#> 9437  Target_Child                             anytime     3   adv:tem
#> 9438  Target_Child                                pump     3         v
#> 9439        Father                              eggnog     3         n
#> 9440  Target_Child                            appeared     3         v
#> 9441  Target_Child                             purpose     3         n
#> 9442        Mother                             cushion     3         n
#> 9443        Father                               signs     3         n
#> 9444        Father                           answering     3      part
#> 9445        Father                              silent     3       adj
#> 9446        Mother                                  da     3       chi
#> 9447        Father                             Annette     3    n:prop
#> 9448        Mother                                 Dad     3    n:prop
#> 9449        Mother                             daddy's     3       adj
#> 9450        Father                                 Ann     3    n:prop
#> 9451        Father                                town     3         n
#> 9452        Father                          remarkable     3       adj
#> 9453  Target_Child                                 ark     3         n
#> 9454  Target_Child                             quickly     3       adv
#> 9455  Target_Child                               quiet     3         v
#> 9456        Father                               anger     3         n
#> 9457  Target_Child                               armed     3      part
#> 9458        Mother                             Daddy's     3       adj
#> 9459  Target_Child                                   R     3    n:prop
#> 9460  Target_Child                            underarm     3         v
#> 9461  Target_Child                              rerace     3         v
#> 9462        Father                              Toyota     3    n:prop
#> 9463        Father                               track     3         n
#> 9464  Target_Child                               radar     3         n
#> 9465  Target_Child                                 arr     3        on
#> 9466        Mother                             dancing     3      part
#> 9467        Father                            m_and_ms     3         n
#> 9468  Target_Child                               rainy     3       adj
#> 9469  Target_Child                             raining     3  n:gerund
#> 9470  Target_Child                                rain     3         v
#> 9471  Target_Child                               Artes     3    n:prop
#> 9472        Mother                                dark     3         n
#> 9473        Father                                sima     3        L2
#> 9474        Father                              simple     3       adj
#> 9475  Target_Child                                 ram     3         n
#> 9476        Father                              earned     3      part
#> 9477  Target_Child                               rated     3      part
#> 9478  Target_Child                              rather     3       adv
#> 9479  Target_Child                               reach     3         n
#> 9480        Father                              amount     3         n
#> 9481        Father                               since     3      prep
#> 9482        Father                               early     3       adj
#> 9483  Target_Child                           recognize     3         v
#> 9484  Target_Child                              record     3         v
#> 9485  Target_Child                            recorded     3         v
#> 9486        Father                            peacocks     3         n
#> 9487  Target_Child                                reds     3         n
#> 9488  Target_Child                                 Red     3    n:prop
#> 9489        Father                             reminds     3         v
#> 9490  Target_Child                                  jo     3      NULL
#> 9491  Target_Child                               Regan     3    n:prop
#> 9492  Target_Child                        Attack_Track     3    n:prop
#> 9493  Target_Child                         remembering     3      part
#> 9494        Father                        Transformers     3    n:prop
#> 9495  Target_Child                               attic     3         n
#> 9496  Target_Child                              August     3    n:prop
#> 9497        Father                              single     3         n
#> 9498        Mother                             dentist     3         n
#> 9499  Target_Child                               awful     3       adj
#> 9500  Target_Child                               rhyme     3         n
#> 9501        Mother                                  dɘ     3       uni
#> 9502        Father                                   E     3    n:prop
#> 9503  Target_Child                                rice     3         n
#> 9504        Father                             dynamic     3       adj
#> 9505  Target_Child                               Ayres     3    n:prop
#> 9506  Target_Child                                  ba     3       bab
#> 9507  Target_Child                                  ba     3       chi
#> 9508  Target_Child                               rides     3         n
#> 9509  Target_Child                                baba     3     wplay
#> 9510        Father                            sister's     3       adj
#> 9511  Target_Child                               Right     3    n:prop
#> 9512        Father                               alert     3      meta
#> 9513  Target_Child                               rings     3         n
#> 9514  Target_Child                              babies     3         v
#> 9515        Father                                milk     3         v
#> 9516  Target_Child                              ripped     3      part
#> 9517  Target_Child                                risk     3         v
#> 9518        Father                               Alamo     3    n:prop
#> 9519        Father                              Dumpty     3    n:prop
#> 9520  Target_Child                                roar     3        on
#> 9521        Mother                                dime     3         n
#> 9522        Mother                                dine     3         v
#> 9523  Target_Child                             baddest     3       adj
#> 9524        Father                             sisters     3         n
#> 9525        Father                                jaws     3         n
#> 9526        Father                           airplanes     3         n
#> 9527        Mother                            dinosaur     3         n
#> 9528  Target_Child                               bagel     3         n
#> 9529        Father                              agreed     3         v
#> 9530  Target_Child                                roll     3         v
#> 9531        Father                              trench     3         n
#> 9532        Father                               dummy     3       adj
#> 9533  Target_Child                               baked     3         v
#> 9534  Target_Child                               roped     3         v
#> 9535        Father                             tricked     3         v
#> 9536        Father                            guessing     3      part
#> 9537        Father                            Triclops     3    n:prop
#> 9538        Father                                ages     3         n
#> 9539  Target_Child                              rotten     3       adj
#> 9540        Father                                  gu     3       bab
#> 9541  Target_Child                               round     3       adj
#> 9542  Target_Child                               Rover     3    n:prop
#> 9543        Father                             trilogy     3         n
#> 9544  Target_Child                                bang     3      meta
#> 9545        Father                                trio     3         n
#> 9546        Father                              report     3         v
#> 9547  Target_Child                              rubbit     3        on
#> 9548        Father                               troll     3         n
#> 9549        Father                               Ducks     3    n:prop
#> 9550  Target_Child                              Rumble     3    n:prop
#> 9551        Mother                                doll     3         n
#> 9552        Father                            pirate's     3       adj
#> 9553  Target_Child                                sack     3         n
#> 9554        Father                               János     3    n:prop
#> 9555  Target_Child                                barn     3         n
#> 9556        Father                              limits     3         n
#> 9557  Target_Child                              sailed     3         v
#> 9558  Target_Child                              barrel     3         n
#> 9559        Father                                Jane     3    n:prop
#> 9560  Target_Child                         screwdriver     3         n
#> 9561        Father                               dryer     3         n
#> 9562  Target_Child                              bashed     3      part
#> 9563        Mother                               doubt     3         v
#> 9564        Father                               growl     3         n
#> 9565        Father                                 add     3        L2
#> 9566  Target_Child                             Santa's     3    n:prop
#> 9567  Target_Child                                Sara     3    n:prop
#> 9568        Father                          Mcdonald's     3       adj
#> 9569        Father                              Prague     3    n:prop
#> 9570        Father                                 ads     3         n
#> 9571        Mother                             Dracula     3    n:prop
#> 9572  Target_Child                               sauce     3         n
#> 9573  Target_Child                              saucer     3         n
#> 9574  Target_Child                            sausages     3         n
#> 9575  Target_Child                              saving     3      part
#> 9576        Father                               trust     3         n
#> 9577        Father                               trust     3         v
#> 9578  Target_Child                               sayed     3         v
#> 9579        Father                                ache     3         n
#> 9580        Father                               Jamie     3    n:prop
#> 9581  Target_Child                           Battlecat     3    n:prop
#> 9582        Father                               grown     3      part
#> 9583  Target_Child                         Scaredy_Cat     3    n:prop
#> 9584  Target_Child                             bazooka     3         n
#> 9585        Father                            dropping     3      part
#> 9586        Mother                             dressed     3      part
#> 9587  Target_Child                             schools     3         n
#> 9588  Target_Child                              schopy     3     wplay
#> 9589  Target_Child                               isn't     3       aux
#> 9590        Father                                drip     3         v
#> 9591        Father                               tubes     3         n
#> 9592  Target_Child                               ain't     3         v
#> 9593  Unidentified                                that     3   pro:dem
#> 9594        Father                                tuck     3         v
#> 9595  Target_Child                               screw     3         v
#> 9596        Father                               drill     3         n
#> 9597  Target_Child                                scub     3       chi
#> 9598  Target_Child                           searching     3      part
#> 9599  Target_Child                             seasick     3       adj
#> 9600        Father                              dreamt     3         v
#> 9601        Father                             ability     3         n
#> 9602        Father                                 abc     3         n
#> 9603        Father                             tummies     3         n
#> 9604  Target_Child                             selling     3      part
#> 9605        Father                             Jackson     3    n:prop
#> 9606        Mother                               Dukes     3    n:prop
#> 9607  Target_Child                             becomes     3       cop
#> 9608  Target_Child                              become     3      part
#> 9609  Target_Child                            sentence     3         n
#> 9610  Target_Child                            separate     3         v
#> 9611        Father                             peanuts     3         n
#> 9612        Father                              skills     3         n
#> 9613         Child                              wicked     3       adj
#> 9614  Target_Child                                Seth     3    n:prop
#> 9615        Father                             tunnels     3         n
#> 9616  Target_Child                            Seven_up     3    n:prop
#> 9617        Mother                             earlier     3       adj
#> 9618  Target_Child                              Shaggy     3    n:prop
#> 9619  Target_Child                               shook     3         v
#> 9620         Child                                this     3   pro:dem
#> 9621  Target_Child                             shampoo     3         n
#> 9622  Target_Child                               shape     3         n
#> 9623  Target_Child                               shard     3         n
#> 9624  Target_Child                              sharks     3         n
#> 9625        Father                                  Dr     3    n:prop
#> 9626  Target_Child                              beings     3         n
#> 9627        Father                              Grover     3    n:prop
#> 9628         Child                              Sunday     3    n:prop
#> 9629        Father                            downtown     3         n
#> 9630  Target_Child                              sheesh     3        co
#> 9631  Target_Child                             sheriff     3         n
#> 9632  Target_Child                               below     3      prep
#> 9633  Target_Child                                  öt     3      NULL
#> 9634  Target_Child                            seatbelt     3         n
#> 9635  Target_Child                               shock     3         n
#> 9636  Target_Child                             shocked     3      part
#> 9637        Father                              grouch     3         n
#> 9638  Target_Child                             berserk     3       adj
#> 9639        Mother                              eleven     3   det:num
#> 9640  Target_Child                                best     3         v
#> 9641        Father                                tv's     3         n
#> 9642        Father                               dough     3         n
#> 9643  Target_Child                               shots     3         n
#> 9644        Father                               Isaac     3    n:prop
#> 9645  Target_Child                           shoulders     3         n
#> 9646  Target_Child                              shovel     3         n
#> 9647  Target_Child                             showing     3      part
#> 9648  Target_Child                           seatbelts     3         n
#> 9649        Father                              rested     3         v
#> 9650        Father                            Skittles     3    n:prop
#> 9651  Target_Child                                bill     3         n
#> 9652  Target_Child                            sickness     3         n
#> 9653  Target_Child                                side     3       adj
#> 9654  Target_Child                                bing     3        on
#> 9655  Target_Child                                Bird     3    n:prop
#> 9656  Target_Child                              Silver     3    n:prop
#> 9657        Mother                           everybody     3 pro:indef
#> 9658  Target_Child                                sink     3         v
#> 9659  Target_Child                                 sir     3         n
#> 9660        Father                               grind     3         v
#> 9661  Target_Child                              sitter     3         n
#> 9662  Target_Child                                  BJ     3    n:prop
#> 9663        Father                                doof     3     wplay
#> 9664  Target_Child                               Black     3    n:prop
#> 9665        Mother                             exactly     3       adv
#> 9666  Target_Child                            blankets     3         n
#> 9667  Target_Child                              skates     3         n
#> 9668        Father                             Ireland     3    n:prop
#> 9669  Target_Child                            Skelator     3    n:prop
#> 9670  Target_Child                            skeleton     3         n
#> 9671  Target_Child                               skill     3         n
#> 9672  Target_Child                                skip     3         v
#> 9673  Target_Child                            skippidy     3     wplay
#> 9674        Father                            involved     3      part
#> 9675  Target_Child                            Skittles     3    n:prop
#> 9676  Target_Child                               skull     3         n
#> 9677  Target_Child                              blasts     3         v
#> 9678  Target_Child                             dropoff     3         n
#> 9679        Father                              reward     3         n
#> 9680  Target_Child                                slam     3         v
#> 9681  Target_Child                                slap     3         n
#> 9682  Target_Child                             blinded     3      part
#> 9683  Target_Child                               slave     3         n
#> 9684        Father                              donuts     3         n
#> 9685        Father                          rhetorical     3       adj
#> 9686         Child                              Easter     3    n:prop
#> 9687        Father                            sleeping     3  n:gerund
#> 9688        Mother                                fail     3         v
#> 9689  Target_Child                              slides     3         n
#> 9690  Target_Child                             sliding     3      part
#> 9691        Mother                              fairly     3       adv
#> 9692  Target_Child                               slime     3         n
#> 9693  Target_Child                              slinky     3         n
#> 9694  Target_Child                                slip     3         n
#> 9695  Target_Child                             slipped     3         v
#> 9696  Target_Child                               blows     3         v
#> 9697        Father                           Greystoke     3    n:prop
#> 9698  Target_Child                              slowly     3       adv
#> 9699        Father                         Sleepy_wolf     3    n:prop
#> 9700        Mother                                fell     3         v
#> 9701  Target_Child                           blueberry     3         n
#> 9702        Father                         Sleepy_Wolf     3    n:prop
#> 9703  Target_Child                               smack     3         v
#> 9704  Target_Child                                  Bo     3    n:prop
#> 9705        Father                               rhyme     3         n
#> 9706  Target_Child                            smarties     3         n
#> 9707  Target_Child                               smell     3         n
#> 9708        Mother                                 far     3       adv
#> 9709  Target_Child                              smells     3         v
#> 9710  Target_Child                               smile     3         n
#> 9711  Target_Child                             smiling     3      part
#> 9712  Target_Child                               bobby     3         n
#> 9713         Child                            children     3         n
#> 9714         Child                                 can     3       mod
#> 9715  Target_Child                             snapped     3         v
#> 9716  Target_Child                             snapper     3         n
#> 9717        Mother                             feeling     3      part
#> 9718  Target_Child                            sneaking     3      part
#> 9719  Target_Child                               sneak     3         v
#> 9720        Father                         understands     3         v
#> 9721  Target_Child                             bonkers     3      meta
#> 9722        Mother                               fence     3         n
#> 9723        Mother                             Ferraro     3    n:prop
#> 9724  Target_Child                             dropout     3         n
#> 9725        Father                              unhunh     3      meta
#> 9726  Target_Child                                snow     3         v
#> 9727  Target_Child                                Snow     3    n:prop
#> 9728  Target_Child                                boom     3        co
#> 9729  Target_Child                           boomerang     3         n
#> 9730        Father                              united     3      part
#> 9731  Target_Child                              sobers     3         v
#> 9732  Target_Child                               solid     3         n
#> 9733  Target_Child                          somebody's     3 pro:indef
#> 9734        Mother                             finally     3       adv
#> 9735  Target_Child                                boss     3         v
#> 9736        Father                                dock     3     wplay
#> 9737  Target_Child                               son's     3       adj
#> 9738  Target_Child                           bothering     3      part
#> 9739        Father                                 man     3         v
#> 9740       Brother                                 why     3   pro:int
#> 9741       Brother                               where     3   pro:rel
#> 9742        Father                              greens     3         n
#> 9743  Target_Child                               sound     3       adj
#> 9744       Brother                                when     3      conj
#> 9745  Target_Child                              sounds     3         v
#> 9746       Brother                              what's     3   pro:int
#> 9747        Mother                              firmly     3       adv
#> 9748        Father                            greatest     3       adj
#> 9749  Target_Child                             spanked     3      part
#> 9750  Target_Child                             spanked     3         v
#> 9751  Target_Child                               spear     3         n
#> 9752  Target_Child                              speech     3         n
#> 9753        Father                                upon     3      prep
#> 9754        Mother                              flames     3         n
#> 9755        Mother                                flap     3         v
#> 9756  Target_Child                              speedy     3       chi
#> 9757  Target_Child                               spell     3         n
#> 9758        Father                                uppy     3       fam
#> 9759  Target_Child                                bran     3         n
#> 9760       Brother                                 use     3         v
#> 9761  Target_Child                               brang     3       neo
#> 9762  Target_Child                            spitting     3      part
#> 9763  Target_Child                            splashed     3         v
#> 9764        Father                               pizza     3         n
#> 9765  Target_Child                              sponge     3         n
#> 9766        Mother                              folder     3         n
#> 9767  Target_Child                               spots     3         n
#> 9768        Father                              Mamosa     3    n:prop
#> 9769  Target_Child                              breath     3         n
#> 9770  Target_Child                             squares     3         n
#> 9771  Target_Child                             breathe     3         v
#> 9772        Father                               rides     3         v
#> 9773  Target_Child                              squirt     3         v
#> 9774  Target_Child                               brick     3         n
#> 9775        Father                                used     3      part
#> 9776        Mother                              forgot     3         v
#> 9777        Father                           insulator     3         n
#> 9778        Father                              Riding     3    n:prop
#> 9779  Target_Child                            standing     3  n:gerund
#> 9780  Target_Child                               broom     3         n
#> 9781        Father                             gravity     3         n
#> 9782  Target_Child                             stapled     3      part
#> 9783        Father                          directions     3         n
#> 9784        Mother                                 fox     3         n
#> 9785       Brother                               those     3   pro:dem
#> 9786  Target_Child                             staring     3      part
#> 9787  Target_Child                               starn     3       chi
#> 9788  Target_Child                               Stars     3    n:prop
#> 9789  Target_Child                            starting     3  n:gerund
#> 9790       Brother                                this     3   det:dem
#> 9791       Brother                             thought     3         v
#> 9792        Father                             smarter     3         n
#> 9793       Brother                               thing     3         n
#> 9794        Father                             smashed     3      part
#> 9795        Father                              dipper     3         n
#> 9796        Father                            dipper's     3       adj
#> 9797        Father                         Valentine's     3       adj
#> 9798  Target_Child                             bubbles     3         n
#> 9799  Target_Child                               steam     3         n
#> 9800       Brother                              that's     3   pro:dem
#> 9801       Brother                                that     3       adv
#> 9802  Target_Child                             buckets     3         n
#> 9803  Target_Child                             sticked     3         v
#> 9804        Father                                 van     3         n
#> 9805        Father                            prettier     3       adj
#> 9806        Father                               smell     3         n
#> 9807       Brother                               steel     3         n
#> 9808  Target_Child                               sting     3         v
#> 9809  Target_Child                              bugged     3         v
#> 9810        Father                                 Vax     3    n:prop
#> 9811  Target_Child                               stomp     3         v
#> 9812        Father                              smells     3         v
#> 9813  Target_Child                              stores     3         n
#> 9814         Adult                              angels     3         n
#> 9815       Brother                           something     3 pro:indef
#> 9816        Father                               dimes     3         n
#> 9817  Target_Child                            straight     3         n
#> 9818  Target_Child                              bummer     3       adj
#> 9819  Unidentified                                  up     3       adv
#> 9820  Target_Child                            strength     3         n
#> 9821        Father                           prettiest     3       adj
#> 9822  Target_Child                             striped     3      part
#> 9823  Target_Child                             striped     3         v
#> 9824        Father                              Grampa     3    n:prop
#> 9825  Target_Child                             studied     3         v
#> 9826       Brother                               she's     3   pro:sub
#> 9827  Target_Child                             burglar     3         n
#> 9828  Target_Child                               sucks     3         v
#> 9829  Target_Child                               burns     3         v
#> 9830  Target_Child                                Burt     3    n:prop
#> 9831        Father                              diddle     3         v
#> 9832  Target_Child                              Buster     3    n:prop
#> 9833  Target_Child                          sunglasses     3         n
#> 9834  Target_Child                              busier     3       adj
#> 9835        Father                                view     3         n
#> 9836        Father                         View_Master     3    n:prop
#> 9837        Father                              smooth     3       adj
#> 9838        Father                            diarrhea     3         n
#> 9839  Target_Child                              button     3         v
#> 9840  Target_Child                            surprise     3       adj
#> 9841  Target_Child                           surprised     3      part
#> 9842        Mother                                gone     3      part
#> 9843        Father                               melts     3         v
#> 9844        Father                           injection     3         n
#> 9845  Target_Child                           swallowed     3         v
#> 9846        Father                             Phoenix     3    n:prop
#> 9847        Father                                Ritz     3    n:prop
#> 9848  Target_Child                              sweaty     3       adj
#> 9849        Father                              googoo     3       bab
#> 9850       Brother                               prize     3         n
#> 9851        Father                          diagonally     3       adv
#> 9852        Father                            visitors     3         n
#> 9853  Unidentified                            airplane     3         n
#> 9854        Father                           Riverside     3    n:prop
#> 9855  Unidentified                                want     3         v
#> 9856  Target_Child                               swims     3         v
#> 9857  Target_Child                              swings     3         v
#> 9858        Mother                                grab     3         v
#> 9859        Father                          vocabulary     3         n
#> 9860        Father                              devils     3         n
#> 9861  Target_Child                              swords     3         n
#> 9862        Mother                             Grandpa     3    n:prop
#> 9863  Target_Child                               szörp     3        L2
#> 9864  Target_Child                              tables     3         n
#> 9865        Father                              voting     3      part
#> 9866        Father                           devastate     3         v
#> 9867  Target_Child                              Canada     3    n:prop
#> 9868       Brother                                 one     3   det:num
#> 9869       Brother                                 now     3       adv
#> 9870  Target_Child                              target     3         n
#> 9871        Father                               plain     3       adj
#> 9872  Target_Child                               tasty     3       adj
#> 9873  Target_Child                              tastes     3         n
#> 9874  Target_Child                             Captain     3    n:prop
#> 9875  Target_Child                      Captain_Marrel     3    n:prop
#> 9876        Mother                              ground     3         n
#> 9877        Father                              robber     3         n
#> 9878        Father                              wagons     3         n
#> 9879       Brother                                name     3         n
#> 9880        Father                          despicable     3       adj
#> 9881        Mother                              guests     3         n
#> 9882  Target_Child                                 tee     3         n
#> 9883        Father                             snapped     3         v
#> 9884  Target_Child                                Tela     3    n:prop
#> 9885       Brother                               money     3         n
#> 9886        Mother                                guns     3         n
#> 9887        Father                            goodness     3        co
#> 9888  Target_Child                              carpet     3         n
#> 9889        Mother                                haha     3        co
#> 9890        Father                               walks     3         n
#> 9891        Father                              gooder     3       adj
#> 9892       Brother                                  me     3   pro:obj
#> 9893        Father                            sneaking     3      part
#> 9894        Mother                                hand     3         v
#> 9895  Target_Child                                test     3         v
#> 9896        Mother                            happened     3      part
#> 9897  Target_Child                                cash     3         n
#> 9898        Father                             dentist     3         n
#> 9899  Target_Child                              Castle     3    n:prop
#> 9900        Father                              snoopy     3       adj
#> 9901  Target_Child                             catched     3      part
#> 9902  Target_Child                              theirs     3  pro:poss
#> 9903        Father                        demonstrator     3         n
#> 9904       Brother                              killed     3      part
#> 9905  Target_Child                            there're     3 pro:exist
#> 9906  Target_Child                        caterkillers     3       chi
#> 9907  Unidentified                                 and     3     coord
#> 9908       Brother                                  if     3      conj
#> 9909        Father                               Gomez     3    n:prop
#> 9910        Mother                              hasn't     3       aux
#> 9911        Mother                               hadta     3       mod
#> 9912  Target_Child                              thingy     3       chi
#> 9913  Target_Child                              cavity     3         n
#> 9914       Brother                                 how     3   pro:int
#> 9915        Mother                                 had     3      part
#> 9916        Father                                gold     3       adj
#> 9917       Brother                                 her     3   pro:obj
#> 9918        Mother                                 haw     3        co
#> 9919       Brother                                he's     3   pro:sub
#> 9920  Target_Child                               Three     3    n:prop
#> 9921  Target_Child                               cents     3         n
#> 9922  Target_Child                            Thriller     3    n:prop
#> 9923        Father                                 god     3        co
#> 9924  Target_Child                             throwed     3      part
#> 9925  Target_Child                             throwed     3       neo
#> 9926        Father                            planning     3      part
#> 9927        Father                             warrior     3         n
#> 9928  Target_Child                            Thumbkin     3    n:prop
#> 9929        Father                                deer     3         n
#> 9930  Target_Child                            changing     3      part
#> 9931        Father                                deep     3       adj
#> 9932  Target_Child                             channel     3         n
#> 9933        Father                             washing     3  n:gerund
#> 9934  Target_Child                                ties     3         n
#> 9935  Target_Child                              charge     3         v
#> 9936  Target_Child                             tiger's     3         n
#> 9937       Brother                                goes     3         v
#> 9938        Father                              washed     3         v
#> 9939  Target_Child                                 Tim     3    n:prop
#> 9940       Brother                               going     3      part
#> 9941        Father                          Snow_White     3    n:prop
#> 9942        Father                              wasser     3        L2
#> 9943  Target_Child                             Chavane     3    n:prop
#> 9944  Target_Child                               tired     3         v
#> 9945  Target_Child                                Titu     3    n:prop
#> 9946        Father                           principle     3         n
#> 9947  Target_Child                         cheche_baba     3     wplay
#> 9948        Father                               Snuka     3    n:prop
#> 9949  Target_Child                             checked     3      part
#> 9950  Target_Child                            checking     3      part
#> 9951        Father                         Decepticons     3    n:prop
#> 9952        Father                          Decepticon     3    n:prop
#> 9953        Father                             licking     3      part
#> 9954        Father                              planes     3         n
#> 9955        Mother                                  hi     3        co
#> 9956  Target_Child                              Cheese     3    n:prop
#> 9957  Target_Child                            Cherioos     3    n:prop
#> 9958  Target_Child                             Cherios     3    n:prop
#> 9959  Target_Child                            Cherrios     3    n:prop
#> 9960  Target_Child                             tongues     3         n
#> 9961  Target_Child                            cherries     3         n
#> 9962        Father                                  so     3        L2
#> 9963        Father                                dear     3       adj
#> 9964        Father                               water     3         v
#> 9965        Father                               rogue     3         n
#> 9966       Brother                             falling     3      part
#> 9967        Father                              waving     3      part
#> 9968  Target_Child                                tops     3         n
#> 9969        Father                             library     3         n
#> 9970  Target_Child                            touching     3      part
#> 9971       Brother                                 eat     3         v
#> 9972  Target_Child                                town     3         n
#> 9973  Target_Child                           childrens     3         n
#> 9974  Target_Child                              tracks     3         n
#> 9975  Unidentified                                 yes     3        co
#> 9976  Target_Child                   Children's_Palace     3    n:prop
#> 9977  Target_Child                            training     3  n:gerund
#> 9978  Target_Child                               China     3    n:prop
#> 9979  Target_Child                         transformer     3         n
#> 9980        Father                                 Day     3    n:prop
#> 9981  Target_Child                         Transformer     3    n:prop
#> 9982        Mother                                held     3         v
#> 9983       Brother                               don't     3       mod
#> 9984        Father                             rolling     3      part
#> 9985        Mother                              honest     3       adj
#> 9986        Mother                            honestly     3       adv
#> 9987       Brother                             doesn't     3       mod
#> 9988       Brother                                  do     3       mod
#> 9989  Target_Child                             chopped     3      part
#> 9990        Father                             wearing     3      part
#> 9991  Target_Child                              Christ     3    n:prop
#> 9992  Target_Child                                trip     3     wplay
#> 9993  Target_Child                           Christina     3    n:prop
#> 9994  Target_Child                               troll     3         n
#> 9995  Target_Child                            trophies     3         n
#> 9996       Brother                               could     3       mod
#> 9997  Target_Child                               chute     3         n
#> 9998        Father                                 web     3         n
#> 9999  Target_Child                                tube     3         n
#> 10000 Target_Child                               cinco     3        L2
#> 10001       Father                                darn     3         n
#> 10002       Mother                               huhuh     3        co
#> 10003 Target_Child                             tummy's     3       adj
#> 10004       Father                                 wee     3       adj
#> 10005 Target_Child                             classes     3         n
#> 10006       Father                              weight     3         n
#> 10007       Mother                           Hungarian     3    n:prop
#> 10008       Father                             weights     3         n
#> 10009 Target_Child                             Clauses     3    n:prop
#> 10010       Father                        Danger_Mouse     3    n:prop
#> 10011 Target_Child                             Twinkle     3    n:prop
#> 10012 Target_Child                               twist     3         v
#> 10013 Target_Child                              cleans     3         v
#> 10014       Mother                                hurt     3      part
#> 10015      Brother                                 was     3       cop
#> 10016      Brother                               isn't     3       cop
#> 10017 Target_Child                                   u     3       uni
#> 10018       Mother                             hurting     3      part
#> 10019      Brother                                  be     3       aux
#> 10020       Father                            dandruff     3         n
#> 10021 Target_Child                            umbrella     3         n
#> 10022      Brother                                 are     3       aux
#> 10023 Target_Child                            uncuffed     3       chi
#> 10024      Brother                                 bad     3       adj
#> 10025 Target_Child                            spaceman     3         n
#> 10026 Target_Child                         underground     3       adv
#> 10027 Target_Child                          underpants     3         n
#> 10028       Father                               lemme     3         v
#> 10029       Mother                                 ice     3         n
#> 10030       Father                             letting     3      part
#> 10031 Target_Child                             closing     3      part
#> 10032 Target_Child                              united     3      part
#> 10033 Target_Child                          university     3         n
#> 10034 Target_Child                               cloth     3         n
#> 10035       Father                            hydrogen     3         n
#> 10036       Father                              giving     3  n:gerund
#> 10037 Target_Child                               upset     3       adj
#> 10038       Father                             somehow     3       adv
#> 10039 Target_Child                                club     3         n
#> 10040 Target_Child                             coaster     3         n
#> 10041 Target_Child                              Cobber     3    n:prop
#> 10042 Target_Child                              Cobweb     3    n:prop
#> 10043 Target_Child                           Coca_Cola     3    n:prop
#> 10044 Target_Child                              coffin     3         n
#> 10045       Father                              Leslie     3    n:prop
#> 10046 Target_Child                             vanilla     3         n
#> 10047       Mother                              inside     3       adv
#> 10048       Father                             what're     3   pro:int
#> 10049       Mother                          interested     3      part
#> 10050 Target_Child                            violence     3         n
#> 10051 Target_Child                             visited     3         v
#> 10052 Target_Child                            colorful     3       adj
#> 10053 Target_Child                              voices     3         n
#> 10054 Target_Child                          Volkswagen     3    n:prop
#> 10055       Father                               giant     3       adj
#> 10056 Target_Child                                vote     3         v
#> 10057       Father                               roses     3         n
#> 10058 Target_Child                                come     3      part
#> 10059       Father                             hunters     3         n
#> 10060       Father                            whenever     3   pro:rel
#> 10061       Father                             plastic     3       adj
#> 10062 Target_Child                              waking     3      part
#> 10063       Father                            where're     3   pro:int
#> 10064       Father                             plastic     3         n
#> 10065       Mother                               Japan     3    n:prop
#> 10066       Mother                                 jar     3         n
#> 10067 Target_Child                               walls     3         n
#> 10068 Target_Child                               comic     3         n
#> 10069 Target_Child                            wandered     3         v
#> 10070       Mother                               Jerry     3    n:prop
#> 10071       Father                            mainsail     3         n
#> 10072 Target_Child                               wards     3         n
#> 10073 Target_Child                              Condor     3    n:prop
#> 10074 Target_Child                          conference     3         n
#> 10075       Father                             hunhunh     3        co
#> 10076 Target_Child                              washes     3         v
#> 10077 Target_Child                               waste     3         n
#> 10078       Father                             whining     3      part
#> 10079       Father                              mailed     3         v
#> 10080       Father                               leash     3         n
#> 10081 Target_Child                             contest     3         n
#> 10082       Father                         progressive     3       adj
#> 10083 Target_Child                         continental     3       adj
#> 10084        Adult                               think     3         v
#> 10085       Father                             project     3         n
#> 10086 Target_Child                            controls     3         v
#> 10087 Target_Child                                cook     3         v
#> 10088       Mother                                jump     3         v
#> 10089 Target_Child                                ways     3         n
#> 10090       Father                      Czechoslovakia     3    n:prop
#> 10091 Target_Child                             wearing     3      part
#> 10092       Father                               cycle     3         n
#> 10093 Target_Child                             wedding     3         n
#> 10094       Mother                                June     3    n:prop
#> 10095 Target_Child                              copper     3         n
#> 10096 Target_Child                                copy     3         n
#> 10097 Target_Child                             copying     3      part
#> 10098        Adult                                 ten     3   det:num
#> 10099       Father                              learns     3         v
#> 10100       Mother                                kept     3         v
#> 10101 Target_Child                             welcome     3         n
#> 10102 Target_Child                                cost     3         v
#> 10103       Father                              Humpty     3    n:prop
#> 10104       Father                             getting     3       aux
#> 10105       Father                               who'd     3   pro:rel
#> 10106       Father                            promises     3         n
#> 10107 Target_Child                                couf     3     wplay
#> 10108 Target_Child                                west     3         n
#> 10109       Father                          Mastercard     3    n:prop
#> 10110       Father                                 cut     3      part
#> 10111 Target_Child                                what     3   det:int
#> 10112       Father                             cutting     3  n:gerund
#> 10113        Adult                                  so     3       adv
#> 10114       Mother                                kind     3       adj
#> 10115        Adult                               seven     3   det:num
#> 10116        Adult                                 see     3         v
#> 10117        Adult                                seen     3      part
#> 10118       Mother                               kinda     3       adv
#> 10119 Target_Child                                whip     3         n
#> 10120       Father                             Gervils     3    n:prop
#> 10121       Father                               curls     3         n
#> 10122       Mother                                kiss     3         v
#> 10123       Father                                whoo     3        co
#> 10124 Target_Child                               White     3    n:prop
#> 10125       Mother                                kite     3         n
#> 10126       Father                                 led     3         v
#> 10127 Target_Child                                whom     3   pro:int
#> 10128 Target_Child                               crank     3         v
#> 10129       Father                            whoopsie     3        co
#> 10130       Father                               whose     3   pro:int
#> 10131       Father                              cuffed     3       chi
#> 10132       Father                                 why     3      meta
#> 10133 Target_Child                              Wicket     3    n:prop
#> 10134 Target_Child                              wiggle     3         v
#> 10135       Mother                                lamb     3         n
#> 10136 Target_Child                              Wile_E     3    n:prop
#> 10137        Adult                                  on     3      prep
#> 10138 Target_Child                              creeps     3         n
#> 10139        Adult                                 off     3       adv
#> 10140 Target_Child                              winner     3         n
#> 10141 Target_Child                                 won     3      part
#> 10142        Adult                                 now     3       adv
#> 10143       Mother                            language     3         n
#> 10144       Father                            promised     3         v
#> 10145 Target_Child                               winds     3         n
#> 10146 Target_Child                                wind     3         v
#> 10147       Father                             Gergely     3    n:prop
#> 10148        Adult                                  no     3        co
#> 10149       Mother                                last     3         n
#> 10150       Mother                                lawn     3         n
#> 10151      Visitor                               first     3       adv
#> 10152 Target_Child                               crows     3         n
#> 10153      Visitor                                  go     3         v
#> 10154       Father                              Wicked     3    n:prop
#> 10155       Father                              Hulk's     3       adj
#> 10156 Target_Child                             witch's     3       adj
#> 10157 Target_Child                            crunched     3      part
#> 10158       Father                              George     3    n:prop
#> 10159 Target_Child                              wolves     3         n
#> 10160       Father                              wiggle     3         v
#> 10161 Target_Child                             Crystal     3    n:prop
#> 10162 Target_Child                                 woo     3        co
#> 10163 Target_Child                            woodsman     3         n
#> 10164       Father                           spankings     3  n:gerund
#> 10165 Target_Child                              Wookie     3    n:prop
#> 10166 Target_Child                                cups     3         n
#> 10167        Adult                                just     3       adv
#> 10168        Adult                                it's     3   pro:per
#> 10169       Mother                                less     3       adj
#> 10170 Target_Child                               works     3         n
#> 10171        Adult                                  in     3      prep
#> 10172 Target_Child                               worms     3         n
#> 10173 Target_Child                             worried     3      part
#> 10174       Father                             William     3    n:prop
#> 10175       Father                            Sparkler     3    n:prop
#> 10176        Adult                                I've     3   pro:sub
#> 10177       Father                            speaking     3      part
#> 10178 Target_Child                                cuts     3         n
#> 10179       Father                               Willy     3    n:prop
#> 10180 Target_Child                             wrapped     3         v
#> 10181       Father                              crummy     3       adj
#> 10182 Target_Child                             wrecked     3      part
#> 10183 Target_Child                            wrecking     3      part
#> 10184 Target_Child                              wrench     3         v
#> 10185 Target_Child                             writing     3  n:gerund
#> 10186       Father                                wins     3         v
#> 10187       Father                               Roton     3    n:prop
#> 10188       Father                            Gelfling     3    n:prop
#> 10189 Target_Child                                   x     3       neo
#> 10190 Target_Child                                  da     3       chi
#> 10191 Target_Child                                 xyz     3     n:let
#> 10192       Mother                               liked     3         v
#> 10193 Target_Child                              Yabody     3    n:prop
#> 10194       Father                             crowded     3      part
#> 10195 Target_Child                              yanked     3         v
#> 10196       Mother                                lion     3         n
#> 10197       Mother                                 lip     3         n
#> 10198       Father                               crows     3         n
#> 10199 Target_Child                                yick     3        co
#> 10200 Target_Child                                yike     3        co
#> 10201       Mother                           listening     3      part
#> 10202       Father                     Winnie_the_Pooh     3    n:prop
#> 10203 Target_Child                                  yo     3        co
#> 10204 Target_Child                               dadum     3        on
#> 10205       Father                              winter     3         v
#> 10206 Target_Child                             Dagobah     3    n:prop
#> 10207       Mother                                live     3       adj
#> 10208       Father                                wire     3         n
#> 10209       Father                           propeller     3         n
#> 10210       Father                                wise     3       adj
#> 10211 Target_Child                                damn     3         v
#> 10212 Target_Child                             younger     3       adj
#> 10213        Adult                                down     3       adv
#> 10214 Target_Child                              dancer     3         n
#> 10215       Father                             however     3      meta
#> 10216       Father                            crossing     3      part
#> 10217        Adult                               don't     3       mod
#> 10218       Father                              speech     3         n
#> 10219       Father                           how_about     3   pro:int
#> 10220 Target_Child                              Danger     3    n:prop
#> 10221 Target_Child                               Danny     3    n:prop
#> 10222       Father                              speedy     3       adj
#> 10223 Target_Child                                darn     3         n
#> 10224 Target_Child                            unzipper     3         v
#> 10225       Mother                                lose     3         v
#> 10226       Father                                lays     3         v
#> 10227       Father                         wocha_wocha     3        on
#> 10228       Father                               crick     3        on
#> 10229 Target_Child                                  DC     3    n:prop
#> 10230 Target_Child                         steamshovel     3         n
#> 10231 Target_Child                                dear     3       adj
#> 10232       Father                               creep     3         n
#> 10233 Target_Child                             oneeyed     3       adj
#> 10234 Target_Child                          superduper     3       adj
#> 10235 Target_Child                          battlestar     3         n
#> 10236       Father                           mushrooms     3         n
#> 10237 Target_Child                                deer     3         n
#> 10238       Father                         my_goodness     3        co
#> 10239       Father                               Woman     3    n:prop
#> 10240       Father                              name's     3       adj
#> 10241       Father                               Women     3    n:prop
#> 10242       Mother                             machine     3         n
#> 10243       Mother                            machinic     3       neo
#> 10244       Father                               narth     3     wplay
#> 10245 Target_Child                             deserve     3         v
#> 10246 Target_Child                          despicable     3       adj
#> 10247       Father                                Hoth     3    n:prop
#> 10248       Father                              Muffet     3    n:prop
#> 10249 Target_Child                           destroyed     3      part
#> 10250 Target_Child                           destroyed     3         v
#> 10251 Target_Child                           birthdays     3         n
#> 10252       Father                              needed     3      part
#> 10253       Father                              mowing     3      part
#> 10254 Target_Child                           detective     3         n
#> 10255       Father                              Wonder     3    n:prop
#> 10256       Father                           negotiate     3         v
#> 10257 Target_Child                         devastrator     3       chi
#> 10258       Father                           neologism     3         n
#> 10259       Father                              mouths     3         n
#> 10260       Father                              mousie     3         n
#> 10261       Father                             nibbler     3         n
#> 10262       Father                               crash     3         v
#> 10263       Father                            Mothra's     3    n:prop
#> 10264       Father                         Nickelodeon     3    n:prop
#> 10265 Target_Child                             dickory     3     wplay
#> 10266       Father                             Penneys     3    n:prop
#> 10267       Father                           nightmare     3         n
#> 10268 Target_Child                                dies     3         n
#> 10269       Father                               rrrrr     3        on
#> 10270       Father                            nineteen     3   det:num
#> 10271       Father                              ninety     3   det:num
#> 10272       Father                               crash     3       adj
#> 10273 Target_Child                                dies     3         v
#> 10274       Father                          Spider_Man     3    n:prop
#> 10275       Father                              Spidey     3    n:prop
#> 10276 Target_Child                                ding     3        on
#> 10277       Father                               Horse     3    n:prop
#> 10278       Father                             horsies     3         n
#> 10279       Father                               north     3         n
#> 10280       Mother                              Markie     3    n:prop
#> 10281       Father                             cracked     3      part
#> 10282 Target_Child                                Dion     3    n:prop
#> 10283 Target_Child                               Disco     3    n:prop
#> 10284       Father                                nude     3       adj
#> 10285 Target_Child                          disgusting     3       adj
#> 10286       Father                             Monique     3    n:prop
#> 10287       Father                              worked     3      part
#> 10288 Target_Child                          disturbing     3      part
#> 10289       Father                        occasionally     3       adv
#> 10290 Target_Child                          bumblebees     3         n
#> 10291       Father                                ocho     3        L2
#> 10292       Father                                Gale     3    n:prop
#> 10293       Father                             meeting     3      part
#> 10294       Father                               Momma     3    n:prop
#> 10295       Father                             momma's     3         n
#> 10296       Father                                cove     3         n
#> 10297       Father                                Okay     3    n:prop
#> 10298       Mother                             meaning     3      part
#> 10299       Father                               spilt     3         v
#> 10300       Father                             counted     3         v
#> 10301       Father                             laundry     3         n
#> 10302       Father                            Mohammed     3    n:prop
#> 10303 Target_Child                              doctor     3         v
#> 10304       Father                             opening     3      part
#> 10305       Father                             laughed     3         v
#> 10306       Father                               opera     3         n
#> 10307       Father                              Hoover     3    n:prop
#> 10308       Father                               cough     3         v
#> 10309       Father                               cough     3         n
#> 10310       Father                              cotton     3         n
#> 10311       Father                          originally     3       adv
#> 10312       Mother                                meow     3         v
#> 10313       Father                             costume     3         n
#> 10314       Father                                ouch     3         n
#> 10315 Target_Child                              donkey     3         n
#> 10316       Father                           ourselves     3  pro:refl
#> 10317       Father                               costs     3         v
#> 10318       Father                                gaga     3       bab
#> 10319       Father                                outh     3      test
#> 10320 Target_Child                             doo_doo     3       fam
#> 10321       Father                              Gadget     3    n:prop
#> 10322       Father                            mischief     3         n
#> 10323 Target_Child                              doomed     3      part
#> 10324       Father                                cost     3         n
#> 10325       Father                              minute     3       adj
#> 10326       Mother                               might     3         n
#> 10327       Father                                owls     3         n
#> 10328       Mother                                mind     3         v
#> 10329 Unidentified                                 did     3       mod
#> 10330       Father                                pack     3         n
#> 10331 Target_Child                           doughnuts     3         n
#> 10332       Father                            wrestler     3         n
#> 10333 Target_Child                                down     3         v
#> 10334       Father                              paddle     3         n
#> 10335 Target_Child                            downtown     3         n
#> 10336       Father                            painting     3  n:gerund
#> 10337       Father                           Minestorm     3    n:prop
#> 10338       Mother                              mirror     3         n
#> 10339       Mother                           miserable     3       adj
#> 10340       Father                                cord     3         n
#> 10341       Father                               Honda     3    n:prop
#> 10342       Father                              parent     3         n
#> 10343 Unidentified                                  do     3       mod
#> 10344       Father                          particular     3       adj
#> 10345       Father                             copying     3      part
#> 10346       Father                             party's     3       adj
#> 10347       Father                            millions     3         n
#> 10348       Father                             passing     3      part
#> 10349 Target_Child                                dock     2     wplay
#> 10350       Father                             pumping     2      part
#> 10351       Father                                 ale     2         n
#> 10352 Target_Child                              ripped     2         v
#> 10353 Target_Child                                rips     2         v
#> 10354 Target_Child                         Little_Rope     2    n:prop
#> 10355       Father                                  mo     2     wplay
#> 10356       Mother                               Titus     2    n:prop
#> 10357       Father                               dusty     2       adj
#> 10358 Target_Child                              litter     2         v
#> 10359       Mother                         differences     2         n
#> 10360       Mother                                last     2       adv
#> 10361 Target_Child                               roads     2         n
#> 10362       Father                               treat     2         n
#> 10363 Target_Child                            backward     2       adv
#> 10364       Father                                 hog     2         n
#> 10365        Adult                                nice     2       adj
#> 10366       Father                              gerbil     2         n
#> 10367 Target_Child                              roared     2         v
#> 10368       Mother                               diner     2         n
#> 10369       Mother                            laughing     2      part
#> 10370 Target_Child                            littered     2      part
#> 10371       Father                               akkor     2        L2
#> 10372 Target_Child                                 rob     2         v
#> 10373 Target_Child                            crossing     2      part
#> 10374       Mother                                Tito     2    n:prop
#> 10375       Father                               dummy     2         n
#> 10376 Target_Child                             robin's     2       adj
#> 10377 Target_Child                            listened     2         v
#> 10378 Target_Child                               badly     2       adv
#> 10379       Father                                Lane     2    n:prop
#> 10380       Mother                          mechanical     2      meta
#> 10381 Target_Child                            listened     2      part
#> 10382 Target_Child                               Robot     2    n:prop
#> 10383 Target_Child                     Winnie_the_Pooh     2    n:prop
#> 10384       Mother                              tittie     2         n
#> 10385       Mother                               tired     2      part
#> 10386 Target_Child                                rock     2         v
#> 10387 Target_Child                           badminton     2         n
#> 10388       Father                              guests     2         n
#> 10389 Target_Child                           Rockbiter     2    n:prop
#> 10390       Father                               mixed     2         v
#> 10391       Father                               teasy     2       adj
#> 10392       Mother                           dinosaurs     2         n
#> 10393 Target_Child                              winter     2         v
#> 10394 Target_Child                             baggage     2         n
#> 10395 Target_Child                                 bah     2       chi
#> 10396       Father                              clicks     2         n
#> 10397       Mother                             muskrat     2         n
#> 10398 Target_Child                              rolled     2         v
#> 10399 Target_Child                                 bah     2        co
#> 10400       Father                                 mix     2         v
#> 10401       Father                         triceratops     2         n
#> 10402 Target_Child                                bait     2         n
#> 10403 Target_Child                               wiped     2         v
#> 10404       Mother                            banister     2         n
#> 10405 Target_Child                              baking     2      part
#> 10406       Father                             Dumbo's     2       adj
#> 10407       Father                               cliff     2         n
#> 10408       Father                               pipis     2        L2
#> 10409       Father                             guessed     2         v
#> 10410       Mother                               times     2         n
#> 10411       Father                             tricked     2      part
#> 10412       Father                                tear     2         v
#> 10413       Father                                 bop     2         v
#> 10414        Adult                                  my     2  det:poss
#> 10415       Father                            tricking     2      part
#> 10416 Target_Child                                Rory     2    n:prop
#> 10417       Father                             feather     2         n
#> 10418       Father                               mixed     2      part
#> 10419 Target_Child                            rosemary     2         n
#> 10420       Father                           crowsnest     2         n
#> 10421 Target_Child                               Ross'     2       adj
#> 10422       Father                              tricks     2         v
#> 10423 Target_Child                             baloney     2         n
#> 10424       Father                           Starriors     2    n:prop
#> 10425 Target_Child                                 bam     2        on
#> 10426 Target_Child                            Rossie's     2    n:prop
#> 10427 Target_Child                             Rossy's     2       adj
#> 10428 Target_Child                                 fit     2      part
#> 10429 Target_Child                               kettö     2      NULL
#> 10430       Father                                rain     2         v
#> 10431       Mother                             baloney     2         n
#> 10432       Father                              counts     2         n
#> 10433 Target_Child                              wished     2         v
#> 10434       Mother                             balloon     2         n
#> 10435 Target_Child                              kilenc     2      NULL
#> 10436       Father                           trilogies     2         n
#> 10437 Target_Child                                fits     2         n
#> 10438 Target_Child                                bams     2       chi
#> 10439       Father                           afterward     2       adv
#> 10440       Father                                 ooh     2         v
#> 10441       Father                          afternoons     2         n
#> 10442       Mother                            tickling     2      part
#> 10443 Target_Child                                rowf     2        on
#> 10444 Target_Child                               royal     2       adj
#> 10445 Target_Child                              likely     2       adv
#> 10446 Target_Child                                  rr     2        on
#> 10447       Mother                               balls     2         n
#> 10448 Target_Child                        Banana_brain     2    n:prop
#> 10449       Father                              grumpy     2       adj
#> 10450 Target_Child                         Bananasplit     2    n:prop
#> 10451 Target_Child                              rribit     2        on
#> 10452 Target_Child                Lights_Camera_Action     2    n:prop
#> 10453       Father                                Duke     2    n:prop
#> 10454       Mother                              leader     2         n
#> 10455       Mother                                bake     2         v
#> 10456 Target_Child                               bands     2         v
#> 10457 Target_Child                           rrraaarrr     2        on
#> 10458 Target_Child                              rrraar     2        on
#> 10459 Target_Child                               rrrgh     2        on
#> 10460       Father                           September     2    n:prop
#> 10461       Father                              Dudush     2    n:prop
#> 10462 Target_Child                                rrrr     2        on
#> 10463       Father                           McDonalds     2    n:prop
#> 10464 Target_Child                              rrrrrr     2        on
#> 10465       Father                             Duckula     2    n:prop
#> 10466 Target_Child                             lighter     2       adj
#> 10467       Father                            railroad     2         n
#> 10468 Target_Child                                 rub     2         n
#> 10469 Target_Child                             rubbing     2      part
#> 10470 Target_Child                                 rub     2         v
#> 10471 Target_Child                                 fit     2         n
#> 10472 Target_Child                              makeup     2         n
#> 10473       Mother                               pause     2         n
#> 10474       Father                          separately     2       adv
#> 10475        Adult                                  me     2   pro:obj
#> 10476 Target_Child                                lift     2         n
#> 10477       Father                                  He     2    n:prop
#> 10478 Target_Child                                rude     2       adj
#> 10479 Target_Child                              Rudolf     2    n:prop
#> 10480 Target_Child                             Rudolph     2    n:prop
#> 10481       Father                            growling     2      part
#> 10482       Father                            monorail     2         n
#> 10483 Target_Child                                Rugu     2       chi
#> 10484 Target_Child                           bang_bang     2        on
#> 10485 Target_Child                                ruin     2         v
#> 10486 Target_Child                              Bangus     2    n:prop
#> 10487 Target_Child                          sweetiepie     2         n
#> 10488       Father                             heading     2      part
#> 10489 Target_Child                              Witsky     2    n:prop
#> 10490 Target_Child                                rule     2         v
#> 10491 Target_Child                              crunch     2         v
#> 10492 Target_Child                               lying     2  n:gerund
#> 10493 Target_Child                             banquet     2         n
#> 10494 Target_Child                             running     2  n:gerund
#> 10495 Target_Child                                 run     2      part
#> 10496 Target_Child                                lies     2         n
#> 10497       Mother                             thought     2         n
#> 10498       Father                              adults     2         n
#> 10499       Father                               adult     2         n
#> 10500 Target_Child                            wizard's     2       adj
#> 10501       Father                              clocks     2         n
#> 10502 Target_Child                              runned     2       neo
#> 10503       Father                               ducky     2       adj
#> 10504       Mother                              babies     2         v
#> 10505 Target_Child                                rush     2         n
#> 10506 Target_Child                                bars     2         v
#> 10507 Target_Child                              rushed     2         v
#> 10508 Target_Child                                 Bar     2    n:prop
#> 10509 Target_Child                             Barbara     2    n:prop
#> 10510 Target_Child                             licking     2  n:gerund
#> 10511       Father                          admonition     2         n
#> 10512 Target_Child                              barely     2       adv
#> 10513       Father                           teacher's     2       adj
#> 10514       Father                               wives     2         n
#> 10515       Father                           adjective     2         n
#> 10516       Father                           sixteenth     2       adj
#> 10517       Father                               hided     2       neo
#> 10518 Target_Child                             library     2         n
#> 10519 Target_Child                               lever     2         n
#> 10520       Mother                              leaves     2         n
#> 10521       Father                          addressing     2      part
#> 10522        Adult                                 but     2      conj
#> 10523 Target_Child                                  wo     2       uni
#> 10524 Target_Child                                woah     2        co
#> 10525       Father                            addition     2         n
#> 10526 Target_Child                        rubberbanded     2      part
#> 10527       Mother                               third     2       adj
#> 10528       Mother                             learned     2      part
#> 10529 Target_Child                         wocha_wocha     2        on
#> 10530 Target_Child                                 wok     2       chi
#> 10531 Target_Child                               Barry     2    n:prop
#> 10532       Mother                             babbled     2         v
#> 10533       Mother                            learning     2      part
#> 10534       Father                             trouble     2         v
#> 10535       Mother                                   b     2     n:let
#> 10536 Target_Child                                same     2 pro:indef
#> 10537       Father                              salugo     2        L2
#> 10538       Mother                             awfully     2       adv
#> 10539       Father                              lately     2       adv
#> 10540 Target_Child                             Sampson     2    n:prop
#> 10541       Father                             trucker     2         n
#> 10542       Father                              trucks     2         n
#> 10543 Target_Child                               sandy     2       adj
#> 10544        Adult                               maybe     2       adv
#> 10545       Father                            Feet_Man     2    n:prop
#> 10546 Target_Child                             sandals     2         n
#> 10547 Target_Child                              Sandor     2    n:prop
#> 10548 Unidentified                                make     2         v
#> 10549 Target_Child                                 bat     2         v
#> 10550 Target_Child                        Fire_Monster     2    n:prop
#> 10551       Father                               feigi     2       chi
#> 10552 Target_Child                               Sandy     2    n:prop
#> 10553       Father                              Adam's     2       adj
#> 10554       Mother                               meets     2         v
#> 10555 Target_Child                         Santa_Claus     2    n:prop
#> 10556 Target_Child                                Wolf     2    n:prop
#> 10557 Target_Child                               Sarah     2    n:prop
#> 10558 Target_Child                               fires     2         v
#> 10559       Father                            pictures     2         v
#> 10560       Mother                          downstairs     2       adv
#> 10561       Father                      oopsie_doopsie     2        co
#> 10562 Target_Child                                lend     2         v
#> 10563 Target_Child                            lemonade     2         n
#> 10564       Father                               clown     2         n
#> 10565 Target_Child                             bathing     2  n:gerund
#> 10566 Target_Child                             bathing     2      part
#> 10567       Father                                  ad     2         n
#> 10568 Target_Child                               saucy     2       adj
#> 10569       Father                              pedals     2         n
#> 10570        Adult                                Mark     2    n:prop
#> 10571 Target_Child                             saucers     2         n
#> 10572       Father                              actual     2       adj
#> 10573 Target_Child                            womanish     2       neo
#> 10574       Father                              feisty     2       adj
#> 10575       Father                               actor     2         n
#> 10576 Target_Child                               Women     2    n:prop
#> 10577       Mother                               thing     2      meta
#> 10578       Father                          requesting     2  n:gerund
#> 10579 Target_Child                               saves     2         v
#> 10580 Target_Child                              Leia's     2       adj
#> 10581 Target_Child                             throwup     2         n
#> 10582       Father                                acts     2         v
#> 10583       Mother                              they'd     2   pro:sub
#> 10584 Target_Child                            playtime     2         n
#> 10585 Target_Child                          Bat_Mobile     2    n:prop
#> 10586       Father                            clutches     2         n
#> 10587       Father                             Ferraro     2    n:prop
#> 10588       Mother                            theories     2         n
#> 10589       Father                                bozo     2         n
#> 10590       Father                                Fett     2    n:prop
#> 10591       Father                             achieve     2         v
#> 10592       Father                         achievement     2         n
#> 10593       Father                                cmon     2        co
#> 10594       Father                          spanking's     2  n:gerund
#> 10595 Target_Child                            learning     2  n:gerund
#> 10596 Target_Child                          headphones     2         n
#> 10597 Target_Child                           wondering     2      part
#> 10598 Target_Child                           scampered     2         v
#> 10599       Father                               coast     2         n
#> 10600 Target_Child                                leak     2         v
#> 10601 Target_Child                             scarier     2       adj
#> 10602 Target_Child                            scariest     2       adj
#> 10603       Father                                aces     2         n
#> 10604 Target_Child                               scare     2         n
#> 10605 Target_Child                                Mark     2      NULL
#> 10606 Target_Child                                leak     2         n
#> 10607       Father                               tried     2      part
#> 10608       Father                               fever     2         n
#> 10609 Target_Child                            wondered     2         v
#> 10610       Father                             Jamie's     2       adj
#> 10611       Father                             writing     2      part
#> 10612 Target_Child                              scarfs     2         n
#> 10613 Target_Child                           Wonderful     2    n:prop
#> 10614       Father                             lookers     2         n
#> 10615       Father                               peter     2         v
#> 10616       Mother                              theirs     2  pro:poss
#> 10617       Father                              fiddle     2         n
#> 10618       Mother                                left     2      part
#> 10619 Target_Child                            Schenley     2    n:prop
#> 10620 Target_Child                        Schneeberger     2    n:prop
#> 10621       Father                             Tchiggs     2    n:prop
#> 10622       Father                               cries     2         v
#> 10623       Father                           accidents     2         n
#> 10624       Father                             killing     2      part
#> 10625 Target_Child                        Wonder_Woman     2    n:prop
#> 10626 Target_Child                                lazy     2       adj
#> 10627 Target_Child                          Schoolname     2    n:prop
#> 10628       Father                               drops     2         n
#> 10629       Father                           gentlemen     2         n
#> 10630       Father                                 opa     2        L2
#> 10631 Target_Child                             science     2         n
#> 10632 Target_Child                                lays     2         v
#> 10633       Father                              Droids     2    n:prop
#> 10634 Target_Child                               scoop     2       chi
#> 10635 Target_Child                                 lay     2         v
#> 10636       Father                               James     2    n:prop
#> 10637       Father                               rafts     2         n
#> 10638       Father                              drived     2       neo
#> 10639       Mother                             dressed     2         v
#> 10640       Father                             driving     2  n:gerund
#> 10641 Target_Child                      Laure_Isabelle     2    n:prop
#> 10642       Mother                               attic     2         n
#> 10643 Target_Child                             laughed     2         v
#> 10644 Target_Child                              scouts     2         n
#> 10645       Father                             growing     2      part
#> 10646       Father                            drivable     2       adj
#> 10647       Father                              tattle     2         v
#> 10648       Mother                                left     2         v
#> 10649       Father                              sensor     2         n
#> 10650 Target_Child                              scrape     2         n
#> 10651       Father                               skate     2         v
#> 10652 Target_Child                              lately     2       adv
#> 10653 Target_Child                                last     2         v
#> 10654       Father                              tastes     2         v
#> 10655       Father                              accent     2         n
#> 10656       Father                               loose     2         v
#> 10657 Unidentified                                 got     2         v
#> 10658 Target_Child                               laser     2         n
#> 10659       Father                               large     2       adj
#> 10660 Target_Child                                 lap     2         n
#> 10661       Father                           sensation     2         n
#> 10662 Target_Child                               Beach     2    n:prop
#> 10663       Father                              Sendak     2    n:prop
#> 10664 Target_Child                        Landstriders     2    n:prop
#> 10665       Mother                            terrible     2       adj
#> 10666       Mother                              driver     2         n
#> 10667       Father                               above     2      prep
#> 10668 Target_Child                               cubes     2         n
#> 10669       Father                             tucking     2      part
#> 10670       Mother                               parts     2         n
#> 10671 Target_Child                               lands     2         v
#> 10672 Target_Child                                Wood     2    n:prop
#> 10673 Target_Child                          scribbling     2      part
#> 10674 Target_Child                                film     2         n
#> 10675       Father                               dress     2         v
#> 10676 Target_Child                              wooden     2       adj
#> 10677 Target_Child                                Bean     2    n:prop
#> 10678       Mother                               tense     2         n
#> 10679       Father                            dressing     2      part
#> 10680 Unidentified                                 boy     2         n
#> 10681       Father                              fought     2         v
#> 10682 Target_Child                            searched     2         v
#> 10683       Father                                 yes     2      meta
#> 10684       Mother                            Munsters     2    n:prop
#> 10685       Mother                               tells     2         v
#> 10686 Target_Child                               seats     2         v
#> 10687       Mother                          as_soon_as     2      conj
#> 10688       Father                                raft     2         n
#> 10689       Father                             dreamed     2         v
#> 10690 Target_Child                              filled     2         v
#> 10691 Target_Child                             seconds     2         n
#> 10692       Mother                           telephone     2         n
#> 10693       Father                             bratito     2       fam
#> 10694 Target_Child                             secrets     2         n
#> 10695 Target_Child                         Beastmaster     2    n:prop
#> 10696 Target_Child                                lace     2         n
#> 10697       Father                            heart'll     2         n
#> 10698       Mother                                part     2       adj
#> 10699       Father                            skeleton     2         n
#> 10700       Father                                lime     2         n
#> 10701 Target_Child                         Kung_Moogie     2    n:prop
#> 10702 Target_Child                                 See     2    n:prop
#> 10703       Father                               Jacob     2    n:prop
#> 10704       Father                               radio     2         n
#> 10705       Father                           skeptical     2       adj
#> 10706       Father                              heater     2         n
#> 10707       Father                             Micah's     2       adj
#> 10708 Target_Child                              sought     2         v
#> 10709       Father                              Drawer     2    n:prop
#> 10710 Target_Child                            Krispies     2    n:prop
#> 10711 Target_Child                               kraft     2         n
#> 10712 Target_Child                                kpow     2        on
#> 10713 Target_Child                            koszowom     2        L2
#> 10714       Father                               filet     2         n
#> 10715       Mother                                park     2         n
#> 10716 Target_Child                            knuckles     2         n
#> 10717 Target_Child                           knowledge     2         n
#> 10718       Father                           Wildbeast     2    n:prop
#> 10719       Father                             coughed     2         v
#> 10720 Target_Child                              knowed     2       neo
#> 10721 Target_Child                                sent     2      part
#> 10722       Father                               cried     2      part
#> 10723 Target_Child                                megy     2      NULL
#> 10724       Father                            breaking     2  n:gerund
#> 10725       Father                              opener     2       adj
#> 10726        Adult                             Kaitlin     2    n:prop
#> 10727 Target_Child                               woosh     2        on
#> 10728       Father                             spanked     2      part
#> 10729 Target_Child                             serious     2       adj
#> 10730 Target_Child                            servants     2         n
#> 10731       Mother                               talks     2         v
#> 10732       Father                              sketzy     2       fam
#> 10733       Mother                              talked     2         v
#> 10734 Unidentified                                like     2         v
#> 10735       Father                                sake     2         n
#> 10736 Target_Child                            knocking     2      part
#> 10737 Target_Child                                 bee     2         n
#> 10738       Mother                                dust     2         n
#> 10739       Father                                 hop     2         v
#> 10740 Target_Child                             beebees     2         n
#> 10741       Father                                part     2         v
#> 10742       Mother                                   e     2     n:let
#> 10743       Mother                           parachute     2         v
#> 10744       Father                             leading     2      part
#> 10745       Father                             breaker     2         n
#> 10746        Child                               we're     2   pro:sub
#> 10747 Target_Child                        Knight_Rider     2    n:prop
#> 10748       Mother                               pants     2      n:pt
#> 10749       Father                              skinny     2       adj
#> 10750       Mother                                arms     2         n
#> 10751 Target_Child                            beepbeep     2        on
#> 10752       Father                              Briany     2     wplay
#> 10753       Father                               turbo     2         n
#> 10754       Mother                                tail     2         n
#> 10755       Father                                Lori     2    n:prop
#> 10756       Mother                              apples     2         n
#> 10757 Target_Child                                 sex     2         n
#> 10758       Father                             Bridges     2    n:prop
#> 10759 Target_Child                                beet     2         n
#> 10760 Target_Child                             kitty's     2       adj
#> 10761       Father                         Bright_eyes     2    n:prop
#> 10762 Target_Child                               shafe     2     wplay
#> 10763 Target_Child                              earned     2         v
#> 10764       Father                             mhiabbi     2       chi
#> 10765 Target_Child                               shake     2         n
#> 10766       Mother                              tables     2         n
#> 10767 Target_Child                               shake     2         v
#> 10768 Target_Child                              shaked     2         v
#> 10769       Father                                cock     2         n
#> 10770       Mother                               early     2       adv
#> 10771       Father                            Panthore     2    n:prop
#> 10772       Father                               finds     2         v
#> 10773       Father                                 rot     2         n
#> 10774 Target_Child                               kites     2         n
#> 10775 Target_Child                                 beg     2         v
#> 10776       Mother                              easier     2       adj
#> 10777       Father                             tantrum     2         n
#> 10778 Target_Child                             fighted     2      part
#> 10779       Mother                               sword     2         n
#> 10780       Mother                               Swiss     2    n:prop
#> 10781        Adult                         interesting     2       adj
#> 10782 Target_Child                              kisses     2         v
#> 10783       Mother                              easily     2       adv
#> 10784 Target_Child                             sharing     2      part
#> 10785       Father                              bronco     2         n
#> 10786 Target_Child                              behave     2         v
#> 10787       Father                             Jabba's     2       adj
#> 10788       Father                            sparkler     2         n
#> 10789       Father                                Itsy     2    n:prop
#> 10790        Child                                that     2   pro:dem
#> 10791 Target_Child                              behind     2         n
#> 10792       Father                              Dracky     2    n:prop
#> 10793 Target_Child                           sharpener     2         n
#> 10794       Mother                             pancake     2         n
#> 10795       Father                              coffin     2         n
#> 10796       Mother                               eater     2         n
#> 10797       Father                              itself     2  pro:refl
#> 10798 Target_Child                              kissed     2      part
#> 10799 Target_Child                             kissing     2  n:gerund
#> 10800 Target_Child                            curtains     2         n
#> 10801       Father                        brontosaurus     2         n
#> 10802 Target_Child                               World     2    n:prop
#> 10803 Target_Child                            believes     2         v
#> 10804       Father                               opens     2         v
#> 10805       Mother                            anywhere     2       adv
#> 10806       Mother                            swimming     2  n:gerund
#> 10807       Father                               broom     2         n
#> 10808 Unidentified                                  do     2         v
#> 10809       Father                             Brother     2    n:prop
#> 10810       Father                               brown     2      meta
#> 10811 Target_Child                            belonged     2         v
#> 10812       Father                               racer     2         n
#> 10813       Father                             resting     2  n:gerund
#> 10814 Target_Child                               shell     2         n
#> 10815 Target_Child                              shells     2         n
#> 10816       Father                                  It     2    n:prop
#> 10817       Father                              operas     2         n
#> 10818 Target_Child                             Sherrie     2    n:prop
#> 10819       Father                         cooperating     2      part
#> 10820       Mother                             sweetie     2        co
#> 10821       Father                                 cog     2     wplay
#> 10822       Mother                          Sweetheart     2    n:prop
#> 10823 Target_Child                             shicked     2       chi
#> 10824       Mother                               sweet     2         n
#> 10825 Target_Child                             shields     2         n
#> 10826       Mother                               eeran     2     wplay
#> 10827 Target_Child                               shiny     2       adj
#> 10828 Target_Child                               bench     2         n
#> 10829 Target_Child                               bendy     2       adj
#> 10830       Father                            grouches     2         n
#> 10831       Father                             stapler     2         n
#> 10832       Mother                               sweet     2        co
#> 10833       Father                             pee_pee     2         v
#> 10834       Mother                              eighth     2       adj
#> 10835       Mother                             sweeter     2       adj
#> 10836       Mother                              sweeps     2         v
#> 10837 Target_Child                                shit     2         n
#> 10838       Father                           Coka_Cola     2    n:prop
#> 10839       Father                               splat     2         n
#> 10840       Father                                core     2         n
#> 10841       Father                                fine     2         n
#> 10842       Father                                skip     2         v
#> 10843       Father                          mayonnaise     2         n
#> 10844       Father                               tusks     2         n
#> 10845 Target_Child                             berries     2         n
#> 10846 Target_Child                            shooshoo     2     wplay
#> 10847       Father                                oppa     2        L2
#> 10848 Target_Child                          kidnappers     2         n
#> 10849       Father                              sought     2         v
#> 10850       Mother                             anybody     2 pro:indef
#> 10851       Father                           doughnuts     2         n
#> 10852 Target_Child                              fiddle     2         n
#> 10853 Target_Child                               dog's     2       adj
#> 10854       Father                            coughing     2      part
#> 10855       Father                             brushed     2         v
#> 10856       Mother                                 any     2      meta
#> 10857       Mother                               paint     2         v
#> 10858 Target_Child                                shop     2         n
#> 10859 Target_Child                            shopping     2  n:gerund
#> 10860        Child                                  my     2  det:poss
#> 10861       Father                              skirts     2         n
#> 10862 Target_Child                               kid's     2       adj
#> 10863 Target_Child                             shorter     2       adj
#> 10864       Mother                                sure     2        co
#> 10865       Mother                               empty     2       adj
#> 10866 Target_Child                           Shortcake     2    n:prop
#> 10867 Target_Child                             shortch     2       chi
#> 10868       Father                             fingers     2         v
#> 10869       Father                            twenties     2         n
#> 10870       Father                                mike     2         n
#> 10871 Target_Child                             cutting     2  n:gerund
#> 10872        Child                              little     2       adj
#> 10873 Target_Child                             kicking     2      part
#> 10874 Target_Child                            shoulder     2         n
#> 10875 Target_Child                              wreath     2         n
#> 10876 Target_Child                            Biderman     2    n:prop
#> 10877 Target_Child                               shout     2         n
#> 10878 Target_Child                           Bider_Man     2    n:prop
#> 10879       Mother                             England     2    n:prop
#> 10880 Target_Child                              Fett's     2       adj
#> 10881       Father                           finishing     2      part
#> 10882       Father                              double     2       adv
#> 10883       Father                               Maybe     2    n:prop
#> 10884        Child                                like     2      prep
#> 10885       Mother                              answer     2         n
#> 10886       Father                    Mister_Wonderful     2    n:prop
#> 10887 Target_Child                              biggie     2         n
#> 10888        Child                                like     2        co
#> 10889 Target_Child                             biggies     2         n
#> 10890 Target_Child                                 kgh     2       chi
#> 10891       Father                              double     2       adj
#> 10892        Child                                  it     2   pro:per
#> 10893 Target_Child                                 key     2         v
#> 10894       Father                               Bubba     2    n:prop
#> 10895 Target_Child                                 shp     2       chi
#> 10896 Target_Child                             earlier     2       adj
#> 10897 Target_Child                              shrink     2         v
#> 10898 Target_Child                            shrinked     2         v
#> 10899       Father                               twice     2       adv
#> 10900 Target_Child                              shucks     2        co
#> 10901 Target_Child                                shuk     2     wplay
#> 10902 Target_Child                            Big_Rope     2    n:prop
#> 10903       Mother                              entire     2       adj
#> 10904        Child                                  in     2      prep
#> 10905 Target_Child                              droven     2       neo
#> 10906       Father                            twinkies     2         n
#> 10907 Target_Child                               bikes     2         n
#> 10908       Father                             General     2    n:prop
#> 10909 Target_Child                               Biker     2    n:prop
#> 10910       Father                              Kirk's     2       adj
#> 10911        Child                                hunt     2         n
#> 10912 Target_Child                              sicker     2       adj
#> 10913       Father                               skull     2         n
#> 10914       Father                            pleasure     2         n
#> 10915       Mother                                 lie     2         n
#> 10916 Target_Child                             sickish     2       neo
#> 10917 Target_Child                               bills     2         n
#> 10918       Mother                               lying     2      part
#> 10919 Target_Child                                Bill     2    n:prop
#> 10920 Target_Child                               kettö     2        L2
#> 10921       Father                                seek     2         v
#> 10922       Father                               twirl     2         v
#> 10923 Target_Child                              Billys     2    n:prop
#> 10924 Target_Child                               kersz     2        L2
#> 10925 Target_Child                              Kerber     2    n:prop
#> 10926 Target_Child                              bindow     2       chi
#> 10927       Father                              Cruise     2    n:prop
#> 10928       Mother                                even     2       adj
#> 10929       Father                             bubbles     2         v
#> 10930       Father                             raccoon     2         n
#> 10931 Unidentified                                this     2   det:dem
#> 10932       Mother                               angel     2         n
#> 10933 Target_Child                              keeped     2         v
#> 10934       Father                               skunk     2         n
#> 10935       Father                               masks     2         n
#> 10936 Target_Child                               Birds     2    n:prop
#> 10937       Father                              bucket     2         n
#> 10938       Father                            Menonite     2    n:prop
#> 10939 Target_Child                              wrists     2         n
#> 10940       Mother                               among     2      prep
#> 10941 Target_Child                               bitty     2       adj
#> 10942       Father                             Maurice     2    n:prop
#> 10943 Target_Child                                bits     2         n
#> 10944       Mother                           suffocate     2         v
#> 10945 Target_Child                               biter     2         n
#> 10946 Target_Child                               since     2      prep
#> 10947 Target_Child                              kblash     2        on
#> 10948 Target_Child                               Katie     2    n:prop
#> 10949 Target_Child                              Kansas     2    n:prop
#> 10950       Mother                         everybody's     2       adj
#> 10951 Target_Child                               sings     2         v
#> 10952 Target_Child                              fences     2         n
#> 10953 Target_Child                               bited     2         v
#> 10954       Mother                           stupidity     2         n
#> 10955       Mother                           alphabits     2         n
#> 10956       Father                           buffalo's     2       adj
#> 10957       Mother                               along     2       adv
#> 10958       Mother                              paddle     2         v
#> 10959       Mother                              strong     2       adj
#> 10960       Father                             oranges     2         n
#> 10961       Father                         skyscrapers     2         n
#> 10962       Mother                             stripes     2         n
#> 10963 Target_Child                              fellow     2         n
#> 10964 Target_Child                              cutten     2       chi
#> 10965       Father                                plum     2         n
#> 10966 Target_Child                               jumps     2         n
#> 10967       Father                              doomed     2      part
#> 10968 Target_Child                                sits     2         v
#> 10969 Target_Child                              Cutter     2    n:prop
#> 10970       Father                               fires     2         n
#> 10971 Target_Child                              juiced     2         v
#> 10972       Mother                             package     2         n
#> 10973       Father                                Iris     2    n:prop
#> 10974 Target_Child                          Blackwurst     2    n:prop
#> 10975       Mother                             strange     2       adj
#> 10976       Mother                            straight     2         n
#> 10977 Target_Child                               blame     2         n
#> 10978 Target_Child                           Cybertron     2    n:prop
#> 10979       Mother                             example     2         n
#> 10980       Father                             typical     2       adj
#> 10981       Mother                              except     2      conj
#> 10982       Father                             plugged     2         v
#> 10983 Target_Child                                Josh     2    n:prop
#> 10984        Adult                                 his     2  det:poss
#> 10985 Target_Child                             Jopheph     2    n:prop
#> 10986 Target_Child                               skate     2         v
#> 10987       Mother                               storm     2         n
#> 10988       Father                            presents     2         v
#> 10989 Target_Child                              Skates     2    n:prop
#> 10990 Target_Child                                dogs     2         v
#> 10991       Father                             Roton's     2       adj
#> 10992       Father                           Gelflings     2    n:prop
#> 10993 Target_Child                            blasters     2         n
#> 10994       Mother                            a_little     2       adv
#> 10995       Father                            laughing     2      part
#> 10996       Father                            Penelope     2    n:prop
#> 10997       Father                               built     2      part
#> 10998       Mother                               store     2         n
#> 10999 Target_Child                                skip     2         n
#> 11000       Father                             Maureen     2    n:prop
#> 11001       Father                            standing     2  n:gerund
#> 11002 Target_Child                               blast     2         v
#> 11003 Target_Child                                 wuz     2       chi
#> 11004       Father                              Spratt     2    n:prop
#> 11005 Target_Child                           W_Warwick     2    n:prop
#> 11006 Target_Child                                 wwt     2        on
#> 11007        Adult                                  hi     2        co
#> 11008       Father                                bulb     2         n
#> 11009       Father                                Cole     2    n:prop
#> 11010 Target_Child                                join     2         v
#> 11011 Target_Child                             joining     2      part
#> 11012 Target_Child                          skyscraper     2         n
#> 11013 Target_Child                          Skyscraper     2    n:prop
#> 11014 Target_Child                              Johnny     2    n:prop
#> 11015        Child                               Ewoks     2    n:prop
#> 11016       Father                                oreo     2         n
#> 11017       Father                                pond     2         n
#> 11018 Target_Child                             Skywise     2    n:prop
#> 11019 Target_Child                                slag     2         v
#> 11020 Target_Child                                bleh     2        co
#> 11021       Mother                         explanation     2         n
#> 11022       Mother                              menace     2         n
#> 11023 Target_Child                             slammed     2         v
#> 11024 Target_Child                               slams     2         v
#> 11025 Target_Child                                   x     2     wplay
#> 11026 Target_Child                                 fed     2         v
#> 11027 Target_Child                               slaps     2         v
#> 11028       Father                           bathrooms     2         n
#> 11029 Target_Child                            blinking     2  n:gerund
#> 11030       Father                                hike     2         n
#> 11031 Target_Child                              John's     2       adj
#> 11032       Father                           President     2    n:prop
#> 11033       Father                                bull     2         n
#> 11034 Target_Child                              drawed     2         v
#> 11035 Target_Child                          sleepyness     2         n
#> 11036       Mother                            stockade     2         n
#> 11037 Target_Child                                  jo     2        L2
#> 11038       Father                        rhetorically     2       adv
#> 11039       Father                              kisses     2         v
#> 11040       Father                           organized     2      part
#> 11041       Father                            don'ting     2       neo
#> 11042 Target_Child                                   Y     2    n:prop
#> 11043       Father                            pomodors     2       chi
#> 11044 Target_Child                         Sleepy_wolf     2    n:prop
#> 11045       Father                           lightbulb     2         n
#> 11046 Target_Child                             sleeves     2         n
#> 11047 Target_Child                               jimmy     2         v
#> 11048       Mother                               ahhah     2        co
#> 11049       Father                               light     2         v
#> 11050 Target_Child                              sliced     2      part
#> 11051       Father                               rhino     2         n
#> 11052 Target_Child                           seeingeye     2         n
#> 11053 Target_Child                                  Ya     2    n:prop
#> 11054       Father                              spirit     2         n
#> 11055 Unidentified                                  by     2      prep
#> 11056       Father                               slept     2         v
#> 11057       Mother                              sticky     2         n
#> 11058 Target_Child                              slides     2         v
#> 11059       Father                             contest     2         n
#> 11060 Target_Child                         grandfather     2         n
#> 11061       Father                              tagged     2         v
#> 11062       Father                               fouro     2       neo
#> 11063       Mother                               agree     2         v
#> 11064       Father                              holded     2         v
#> 11065 Target_Child                               blown     2      part
#> 11066       Father                              Donner     2    n:prop
#> 11067 Target_Child                                 yap     2         v
#> 11068       Father                     Sleeping_Beauty     2    n:prop
#> 11069 Target_Child                              blowed     2         v
#> 11070 Target_Child                             slither     2         v
#> 11071       Father                            babytalk     2         n
#> 11072       Mother                             falling     2      part
#> 11073       Father                                 bum     2         n
#> 11074 Target_Child                                dads     2         n
#> 11075       Mother                             against     2      prep
#> 11076        Adult                               heard     2         v
#> 11077       Father                          fourteenth     2       adj
#> 11078       Father                          babysitter     2         n
#> 11079       Mother                                step     2         v
#> 11080 Target_Child                             slowish     2       neo
#> 11081 Target_Child                                  ye     2       uni
#> 11082       Father                             college     2         n
#> 11083       Mother                           afternoon     2         n
#> 11084 Target_Child                                yeah     2      meta
#> 11085 Target_Child                              smacks     2         v
#> 11086 Target_Child                                jerk     2       chi
#> 11087 Target_Child                               Dad's     2    n:prop
#> 11088       Father                               Winds     2    n:prop
#> 11089 Target_Child                              boards     2         n
#> 11090       Mother                               steep     2       adj
#> 11091 Target_Child                             jelly's     2       adj
#> 11092       Mother                           otherwise     2       adv
#> 11093 Target_Child                               smart     2         v
#> 11094 Target_Child                               smash     2         n
#> 11095 Target_Child                             smashed     2      part
#> 11096 Target_Child                            smashing     2      part
#> 11097 Target_Child                               Jello     2    n:prop
#> 11098 Target_Child                               jello     2         n
#> 11099 Target_Child                             smashes     2         v
#> 11100       Mother                                 far     2       adj
#> 11101       Mother                              adults     2         n
#> 11102 Target_Child                                dada     2     wplay
#> 11103       Father                               slice     2         n
#> 11104 Target_Child                               jeesh     2        co
#> 11105       Father                                wine     2       adj
#> 11106 Target_Child                             smelled     2         v
#> 11107       Father                            armsling     2         n
#> 11108       Mother                               lines     2         n
#> 11109       Mother                              stolen     2      part
#> 11110 Target_Child                              yeehah     2        co
#> 11111       Mother                               adult     2         n
#> 11112       Father                     Mark_Macwhinney     2    n:prop
#> 11113 Target_Child                               bobby     2       chi
#> 11114       Father                            original     2       adj
#> 11115 Target_Child                                Jawa     2    n:prop
#> 11116 Target_Child                               Jason     2    n:prop
#> 11117 Target_Child                                 jar     2         n
#> 11118       Mother                                fast     2       adv
#> 11119 Target_Child                             smoochy     2       adj
#> 11120       Mother                                fast     2         n
#> 11121 Target_Child                              boiled     2      part
#> 11122       Father                              bumped     2      part
#> 11123       Mother                              fatter     2       adj
#> 11124 Target_Child                               Jan's     2       adj
#> 11125       Father                          applesauce     2         n
#> 11126       Mother                            starting     2      part
#> 11127 Target_Child                              Smurfs     2    n:prop
#> 11128 Target_Child                               smush     2       chi
#> 11129       Father                          underneath     2      prep
#> 11130 Target_Child                             smushed     2       chi
#> 11131       Father                          intestines     2         n
#> 11132       Father                                papa     2         n
#> 11133 Target_Child                              snacks     2         n
#> 11134 Target_Child                             Snaggle     2    n:prop
#> 11135 Target_Child                               snail     2         n
#> 11136 Target_Child                              snails     2         n
#> 11137        Child                                 but     2      conj
#> 11138 Target_Child                             bologna     2         n
#> 11139 Target_Child                                Jake     2    n:prop
#> 11140 Target_Child                               Snake     2    n:prop
#> 11141       Father                          underpants     2         n
#> 11142       Father                               Louie     2    n:prop
#> 11143 Target_Child                              bone's     2       adj
#> 11144       Father                            pressing     2  n:gerund
#> 11145 Target_Child                            snapping     2      part
#> 11146 Target_Child                                jail     2         v
#> 11147       Mother                            starting     2  n:gerund
#> 11148 Target_Child                            dadadada     2     wplay
#> 11149       Father                           Firstname     2    n:prop
#> 11150 Target_Child                               Jacob     2    n:prop
#> 11151 Target_Child                               Farly     2    n:prop
#> 11152       Father                         interrupted     2         v
#> 11153 Target_Child                              sneaky     2       adj
#> 11154       Father                             anthill     2         n
#> 11155       Father                              safety     2         n
#> 11156       Father                            roughest     2       adj
#> 11157        Child                                  be     2       cop
#> 11158        Adult                                 got     2         v
#> 11159       Father                                  ta     2       bab
#> 11160       Father                               bunch     2         v
#> 11161 Target_Child                              sneeze     2         n
#> 11162 Target_Child                            sneezing     2      part
#> 11163 Target_Child                               fancy     2       adj
#> 11164       Father                          understood     2         v
#> 11165 Target_Child                                 boo     2        co
#> 11166       Mother                              action     2         n
#> 11167 Target_Child                             sniffed     2         v
#> 11168 Target_Child                             sniffle     2         n
#> 11169       Mother                            fellow's     2       adj
#> 11170       Father                             doggies     2         n
#> 11171       Father                       Pete's_Dragon     2    n:prop
#> 11172       Father                               bunko     2       chi
#> 11173 Target_Child                              yellow     2         v
#> 11174 Target_Child                            Snoopy's     2       adj
#> 11175        Child                                back     2       adv
#> 11176       Father                               Orion     2    n:prop
#> 11177       Mother                               fever     2         n
#> 11178 Target_Child                              famous     2       adj
#> 11179        Child                                 and     2     coord
#> 11180       Mother                                 few     2        qn
#> 11181       Father                           mailman's     2       adj
#> 11182        Adult                                four     2   det:num
#> 11183       Father                              winged     2      part
#> 11184       Father                                 dog     2      meta
#> 11185 Target_Child                          Snowwalker     2       chi
#> 11186       Father                              slides     2         v
#> 11187 Target_Child                               Snuka     2    n:prop
#> 11188       Father                                kite     2         n
#> 11189       Father                            homesick     2       adj
#> 11190       Father                              slight     2       adj
#> 11191       Mother                              across     2      prep
#> 11192 Target_Child                                 yet     2      conj
#> 11193 Target_Child                                boon     2       adj
#> 11194 Target_Child                               boong     2        on
#> 11195       Mother                               fifty     2   det:num
#> 11196 Target_Child                                Fall     2    n:prop
#> 11197       Father                             bunny's     2       adj
#> 11198 Target_Child                                boot     2         n
#> 11199       Father                                cook     2         v
#> 11200       Mother                               fight     2         v
#> 11201       Father                              Kitt's     2       adj
#> 11202       Father                             Pigland     2    n:prop
#> 11203 Target_Child                               boota     2       chi
#> 11204       Father                               Bunny     2    n:prop
#> 11205       Father                             Seattle     2    n:prop
#> 11206 Target_Child                            softball     2         n
#> 11207 Target_Child                                  It     2    n:prop
#> 11208       Father                             pressed     2         v
#> 11209       Mother                           squirrels     2         n
#> 11210       Mother                        abra_cadabra     2        co
#> 11211 Target_Child                               solid     2       adj
#> 11212       Mother                              opened     2      part
#> 11213 Target_Child                                solo     2         n
#> 11214      Brother                          basketball     2         n
#> 11215       Mother                               above     2      prep
#> 11216       Father                                herb     2         n
#> 11217       Mother                                able     2       adj
#> 11218 Target_Child                              borrow     2         v
#> 11219      Brother                               yours     2  pro:poss
#> 11220       Mother                                fill     2         v
#> 11221       Father                            universe     2         n
#> 11222       Mother                             ability     2         n
#> 11223       Father                            Universe     2    n:prop
#> 11224       Father                               holds     2         v
#> 11225 Target_Child                                yike     2      meta
#> 11226 Target_Child                           someone's     2       adj
#> 11227      Brother                                 yes     2        co
#> 11228 Target_Child                             bossing     2      part
#> 11229 Target_Child                           someplace     2         n
#> 11230       Mother                                open     2       adj
#> 11231       Mother                              sponge     2         n
#> 11232 Target_Child                             invited     2         v
#> 11233       Father                                Rick     2    n:prop
#> 11234 Target_Child                         Invisopower     2    n:prop
#> 11235       Father                      interpretation     2         n
#> 11236      Brother                            wouldn't     2       mod
#> 11237       Father                              Winnie     2    n:prop
#> 11238       Father                               Oscar     2    n:prop
#> 11239      Brother                               would     2       mod
#> 11240       Father                               Ricky     2    n:prop
#> 11241 Target_Child                                 yip     2         n
#> 11242       Father                              szabad     2        L2
#> 11243      Brother                                wife     2         n
#> 11244      Brother                                 why     2   pro:rel
#> 11245       Father                               stack     2         v
#> 11246       Mother                            meshanic     2       neo
#> 11247 Target_Child                            invented     2         v
#> 11248       Father                             greeted     2         v
#> 11249 Target_Child                             dominos     2         n
#> 11250 Target_Child                                sort     2         v
#> 11251       Father                             kittens     2         n
#> 11252       Father                                undo     2         v
#> 11253       Mother                          meshanical     2       neo
#> 11254       Father                      photosynthesis     2         n
#> 11255 Target_Child                              falled     2      part
#> 11256       Father                              magnet     2         n
#> 11257       Father                              slopes     2         n
#> 11258 Target_Child                             sounded     2      part
#> 11259 Target_Child                               sound     2         v
#> 11260 Target_Child                              Dwarfs     2    n:prop
#> 11261       Father                                wipe     2         v
#> 11262 Target_Child                          interrupts     2         v
#> 11263       Father                               quiet     2         v
#> 11264 Target_Child                          interested     2      part
#> 11265       Father                 Great_Space_Coaster     2    n:prop
#> 11266 Target_Child                            dropping     2      part
#> 11267 Target_Child                           intention     2         n
#> 11268       Mother                              spider     2         n
#> 11269 Target_Child                         Space_Ghost     2    n:prop
#> 11270 Target_Child                              bounce     2         n
#> 11271      Brother                               we've     2   pro:sub
#> 11272       Father                            Madaline     2    n:prop
#> 11273       Father                              burned     2         v
#> 11274       Mother                                fish     2         n
#> 11275      Brother                                 way     2       adv
#> 11276 Target_Child                           spankings     2  n:gerund
#> 11277       Father                              papers     2         n
#> 11278       Mother                               spell     2         v
#> 11279      Brother                               wants     2         v
#> 11280       Mother                               messy     2       adj
#> 11281  Grandmother                           thank_you     2         n
#> 11282 Target_Child                              spanka     2     wplay
#> 11283       Mother                                fist     2         n
#> 11284    Uncertain                                 are     2       cop
#> 11285       Mother                               speed     2         n
#> 11286       Father                              Kitten     2    n:prop
#> 11287 Target_Child                            headache     2         n
#> 11288       Mother                                 fit     2         n
#> 11289       Mother                                 fit     2         v
#> 11290 Target_Child                     Speak_and_Spell     2    n:prop
#> 11291       Mother                              living     2      part
#> 11292 Target_Child                              spears     2         n
#> 11293       Father                               Dizzy     2    n:prop
#> 11294 Target_Child                               bowls     2         n
#> 11295 Target_Child                             bowling     2  n:gerund
#> 11296       Father                              grease     2         n
#> 11297       Father                               Burns     2    n:prop
#> 11298       Father                             seasick     2       adj
#> 11299  Grandmother                                  of     2      prep
#> 11300       Father                           Mark_Mark     2    n:prop
#> 11301 Target_Child                              Falcor     2    n:prop
#> 11302 Target_Child                                 ink     2         n
#> 11303        Adult                                 fed     2         v
#> 11304       Father                              switch     2         n
#> 11305       Father                              search     2         n
#> 11306 Target_Child                                inga     2       uni
#> 11307 Target_Child                             damaged     2      part
#> 11308       Mother                                mess     2         n
#> 11309 Target_Child                               drops     2         n
#> 11310       Father                             burping     2      part
#> 11311 Target_Child                           boyfriend     2         n
#> 11312 Target_Child                     Speedy_Gonzales     2    n:prop
#> 11313 Target_Child                              Damian     2    n:prop
#> 11314 Target_Child                            Indianna     2    n:prop
#> 11315       Father                             slowest     2       adj
#> 11316       Father                                come     2      part
#> 11317       Father                                burp     2         v
#> 11318 Target_Child                             indians     2         n
#> 11319 Target_Child                              inches     2         n
#> 11320 Target_Child                          in_between     2      prep
#> 11321 Target_Child                                  In     2    n:prop
#> 11322       Father                               Marks     2    n:prop
#> 11323       Father                            swinging     2      part
#> 11324 Target_Child                          imprisoned     2         v
#> 11325       Father                            upstairs     2       adj
#> 11326 Target_Child                          impossible     2       adj
#> 11327       Mother                                 mow     2         v
#> 11328 Target_Child                            woodhead     2         n
#> 11329 Target_Child                   I_love_you_so_bad     2    n:prop
#> 11330       Mother                              sounds     2         n
#> 11331 Target_Child                                Bran     2    n:prop
#> 11332 Target_Child                              branch     2         n
#> 11333 Target_Child                            branches     2         n
#> 11334       Father                               round     2       adj
#> 11335  Grandfather                        taperecorder     2         n
#> 11336       Mother                               sound     2       adj
#> 11337       Father                             specify     2         v
#> 11338 Target_Child                                idde     2        L2
#> 11339 Target_Child                                spin     2         v
#> 11340 Target_Child                             spinach     2         n
#> 11341 Target_Child                             icicles     2         n
#> 11342 Target_Child                              spirit     2         n
#> 11343 Target_Child                                Icey     2    n:prop
#> 11344 Target_Child                               youch     2      meta
#> 11345       Father                                pigs     2         v
#> 11346       Father                              greasy     2       adj
#> 11347 Target_Child                             bratito     2       fam
#> 11348       Mother                            sometime     2       adv
#> 11349       Father                              Butter     2    n:prop
#> 11350 Target_Child                               brave     2       adj
#> 11351       Mother                          somebody's     2       adj
#> 11352 Target_Child                              falcon     2         n
#> 11353       Father                               butty     2       fam
#> 11354 Target_Child                               splat     2        co
#> 11355       Mother                               Soltz     2    n:prop
#> 11356 Target_Child                                Dana     2    n:prop
#> 11357       Mother                                 fly     2         n
#> 11358 Target_Child                             hurried     2         v
#> 11359       Mother                              flying     2      part
#> 11360  Grandfather                                uppy     2       chi
#> 11361 Target_Child                              breaks     2         n
#> 11362 Target_Child                            breaking     2  n:gerund
#> 11363       Mother                                soft     2       adj
#> 11364      Brother                          understand     2         v
#> 11365 Target_Child                                 hup     2        co
#> 11366 Target_Child                               broke     2      part
#> 11367 Target_Child                               spoil     2         v
#> 11368       Father                             Sadness     2    n:prop
#> 11369 Target_Child                              Dustin     2    n:prop
#> 11370       Father                            kneeling     2      part
#> 11371 Target_Child                              spoons     2         n
#> 11372 Target_Child                               sport     2         n
#> 11373 Target_Child                             breaked     2         v
#> 11374       Father                               holes     2         n
#> 11375 Target_Child                               spout     2         n
#> 11376 Target_Child                             hunting     2      part
#> 11377       Father                            disguise     2         n
#> 11378       Father                          discussion     2         n
#> 11379 Target_Child                             breakie     2       chi
#> 11380 Target_Child                              sprang     2         v
#> 11381 Target_Child                              spring     2         v
#> 11382 Target_Child                                hunt     2         n
#> 11383       Father                              screen     2         n
#> 11384       Father                               urves     2     wplay
#> 11385       Father                               round     2       adv
#> 11386 Target_Child                              Sprite     2    n:prop
#> 11387 Target_Child                             sprouts     2         v
#> 11388        Adult                                  do     2         v
#> 11389 Target_Child                           minispies     2         n
#> 11390 Target_Child                              square     2       adj
#> 11391 Target_Child                            watergun     2         n
#> 11392       Father                         Madman_Mark     2    n:prop
#> 11393 Target_Child                               youth     2         n
#> 11394 Target_Child                              squash     2         v
#> 11395       Mother                            followed     2         v
#> 11396       Father                            mammoths     2         n
#> 11397 Target_Child                              squeak     2         n
#> 11398       Father                             parties     2         n
#> 11399 Target_Child                            squeezed     2      part
#> 11400 Target_Child                                hunk     2         n
#> 11401 Target_Child                            squeezed     2         v
#> 11402       Father                          discussing     2      part
#> 11403       Mother                                snow     2         n
#> 11404      Brother                               uhhuh     2        co
#> 11405 Target_Child                              faking     2      part
#> 11406 Target_Child                            squirted     2         v
#> 11407       Father                             slowish     2       neo
#> 11408 Target_Child                            squished     2      part
#> 11409 Target_Child                              squish     2         v
#> 11410 Target_Child                               faker     2       adj
#> 11411 Target_Child                               faith     2         n
#> 11412       Father                               smack     2         v
#> 11413       Father                                gray     2       adj
#> 11414 Target_Child                             squoosh     2       chi
#> 11415 Target_Child                             Bridges     2    n:prop
#> 11416 Target_Child                            squushed     2       chi
#> 11417  Grandfather                                them     2   pro:obj
#> 11418       Mother                            forehead     2         n
#> 11419       Father                                Ride     2    n:prop
#> 11420  Grandfather                                 the     2   det:art
#> 11421       Father                              yelled     2      part
#> 11422       Father                            sweaters     2         n
#> 11423 Target_Child                               stack     2         n
#> 11424  Grandfather                           thank_you     2        co
#> 11425       Father                               Disco     2    n:prop
#> 11426       Mother                             forgive     2         v
#> 11427       Mother                                fork     2         n
#> 11428 Target_Child                               Stacy     2    n:prop
#> 11429       Father                          ridiculous     2       adj
#> 11430 Target_Child                              unfair     2       adj
#> 11431 Target_Child                               stain     2         v
#> 11432       Father                          instrument     2         n
#> 11433       Mother                      Snake_Mountain     2    n:prop
#> 11434       Father                           Policeman     2    n:prop
#> 11435       Father                           screaming     2  n:gerund
#> 11436       Mother                               Smurf     2    n:prop
#> 11437      Brother                              trying     2      part
#> 11438       Father                               Swamp     2    n:prop
#> 11439  Grandfather                                 see     2         v
#> 11440 Target_Child                              stamps     2         n
#> 11441        Adult                               doing     2      part
#> 11442  Grandfather                                 see     2        co
#> 11443       Father                                 Hon     2    n:prop
#> 11444      Brother                               touch     2         n
#> 11445      Brother                               today     2   adv:tem
#> 11446 Target_Child                               hUggi     2       uni
#> 11447 Target_Child                              stands     2         v
#> 11448       Mother                                onto     2      prep
#> 11449 Target_Child                           brother's     2       adj
#> 11450       Father                        babysitter's     2       adj
#> 11451       Father                                cake     2         v
#> 11452       Father                               miner     2         n
#> 11453       Mother                               smile     2         n
#> 11454 Target_Child                              hugged     2         v
#> 11455      Brother                                time     2         n
#> 11456 Target_Child                              star's     2         n
#> 11457       Mother                               metal     2         n
#> 11458 Target_Child                              danger     2         n
#> 11459 Target_Child                                 yum     2        co
#> 11460       Father                             mammals     2         n
#> 11461       Father                               outer     2       adj
#> 11462       Father                            vacation     2         v
#> 11463       Father                                GATE     2    n:prop
#> 11464 Target_Child                            Starrier     2    n:prop
#> 11465       Father                              matter     2         n
#> 11466 Target_Child                                huff     2         v
#> 11467       Father                             Vadar's     2       adj
#> 11468 Target_Child                        Danger_Mouse     2    n:prop
#> 11469       Father                               Mamma     2    n:prop
#> 11470       Father                               cakes     2         v
#> 11471       Father                                 How     2    n:prop
#> 11472 Target_Child                             started     2      part
#> 11473       Father                              hiking     2      part
#> 11474 Target_Child                                 yup     2        on
#> 11475 Target_Child                                huch     2        on
#> 11476       Mother                                free     2       adv
#> 11477 Target_Child                          Hubbabubba     2    n:prop
#> 11478       Father                             sadness     2         n
#> 11479       Mother                               smell     2         v
#> 11480 Target_Child                            starving     2      part
#> 11481       Father                              lifter     2         n
#> 11482       Father                          graveyards     2         n
#> 11483 Target_Child                             doo_doo     2       bab
#> 11484       Father                            Witsky's     2       adj
#> 11485 Target_Child                             brushes     2         n
#> 11486       Father                              rights     2         n
#> 11487       Father                             swallow     2         v
#> 11488 Target_Child                               how's     2   pro:int
#> 11489       Father                          calculator     2         n
#> 11490       Mother                                look     2       cop
#> 11491 Target_Child                             brushed     2         v
#> 11492      Brother                             there's     2 pro:exist
#> 11493       Father                              gravel     2         n
#> 11494       Father                            Marky'll     2    n:prop
#> 11495 Target_Child                              stayed     2      part
#> 11496 Target_Child                               faces     2         n
#> 11497       Mother                               small     2       adj
#> 11498       Father                                calf     2         n
#> 11499 Target_Child                                Hoth     2    n:prop
#> 11500       Mother                             looking     2  n:gerund
#> 11501 Target_Child                             hottest     2       adj
#> 11502       Father                              calmer     2       adj
#> 11503  Grandfather                                 now     2       adv
#> 11504       Father                                Dion     2    n:prop
#> 11505  Grandfather                                  mm     2        co
#> 11506       Father                            parakeet     2         n
#> 11507 Target_Child                              darker     2       adj
#> 11508 Target_Child                             steamed     2         v
#> 11509       Mother                               front     2         n
#> 11510       Mother                               slide     2         n
#> 11511       Father                              valley     2         n
#> 11512 Target_Child                               steep     2       adj
#> 11513 Target_Child                           jellybean     2         n
#> 11514       Father                               Susan     2    n:prop
#> 11515       Father                            comedian     2         n
#> 11516 Target_Child                              Horner     2    n:prop
#> 11517 Target_Child                         wastebasket     2         n
#> 11518       Father                                 SRA     2    n:prop
#> 11519 Target_Child                              hoping     2      part
#> 11520        Adult                                  is     2       aux
#> 11521       Father                           penetrate     2         v
#> 11522       Father                                Pole     2    n:prop
#> 11523 Target_Child                              bucket     2         n
#> 11524       Father                            gasoline     2         n
#> 11525 Target_Child                              buckle     2         n
#> 11526       Father                              righto     2        co
#> 11527       Father                               fixes     2         v
#> 11528 Target_Child                              hooked     2      part
#> 11529  Grandfather                             look_it     2        co
#> 11530  Grandfather                                look     2         v
#> 11531 Target_Child                  Honey_Nut_Cheerios     2    n:prop
#> 11532 Target_Child                                eyed     2         v
#> 11533       Father                            grateful     2       adj
#> 11534 Target_Child                                eyed     2      part
#> 11535 Target_Child                             sticked     2       neo
#> 11536       Mother                              moment     2         n
#> 11537 Target_Child                               Honey     2    n:prop
#> 11538      Brother                               stuff     2         n
#> 11539       Father                               how's     2   pro:rel
#> 11540      Brother                               story     2         n
#> 11541       Father                           unplugged     2      part
#> 11542 Target_Child                              stilts     2         n
#> 11543    Uncertain                                what     2   pro:int
#> 11544       Father                             plugged     2      part
#> 11545 Target_Child                              stings     2         v
#> 11546       Mother                               furry     2       adj
#> 11547       Father                            surprise     2         n
#> 11548 Target_Child                               stink     2         n
#> 11549       Father                               dinky     2       adj
#> 11550       Father                             various     2       adj
#> 11551 Target_Child                               Honda     2    n:prop
#> 11552 Target_Child                                 bug     2         v
#> 11553 Target_Child                              zipped     2         v
#> 11554 Target_Child                                stir     2         v
#> 11555 Target_Child                            stitches     2         n
#> 11556 Target_Child                                bugs     2         v
#> 11557       Father                             surface     2         n
#> 11558       Father                               round     2         n
#> 11559       Father                             surfers     2         n
#> 11560 Target_Child                            stocking     2      part
#> 11561 Target_Child                          Bugs_Bunny     2    n:prop
#> 11562       Father                              granpa     2         n
#> 11563 Target_Child                            stomachs     2         n
#> 11564       Father                             yelling     2  n:gerund
#> 11565       Father                              cannot     2       mod
#> 11566  Grandfather                                it's     2   pro:per
#> 11567 Target_Child                               Holly     2    n:prop
#> 11568 Target_Child                              holler     2         v
#> 11569       Father                               flaky     2       adj
#> 11570  Grandfather                                   I     2   pro:sub
#> 11571 Target_Child                             stopper     2         n
#> 11572 Target_Child                           stoppings     2  n:gerund
#> 11573       Father                              flakes     2         v
#> 11574 Target_Child                                hole     2         v
#> 11575      Brother                               space     2         n
#> 11576 Target_Child                               stops     2         v
#> 11577 Target_Child                              holded     2         v
#> 11578 Target_Child                            exploded     2         v
#> 11579       Father                           squishier     2       adj
#> 11580 Target_Child                               store     2         v
#> 11581       Father                        Knight_Rider     2    n:prop
#> 11582       Father                              flappy     2       adj
#> 11583       Father                               smile     2         n
#> 11584 Target_Child                                bull     2         n
#> 11585       Father                             routine     2         n
#> 11586       Father                                sure     2      meta
#> 11587 Target_Child                                 dat     2       uni
#> 11588       Mother                                lost     2      part
#> 11589 Target_Child                               Story     2    n:prop
#> 11590       Father                                knob     2         n
#> 11591 Target_Child                             bullied     2      part
#> 11592       Mother                                sink     2         n
#> 11593 Target_Child                            straight     2       adv
#> 11594       Father                        particularly     2       adv
#> 11595 Target_Child                                 hog     2         v
#> 11596       Father                                vent     2         n
#> 11597       Father                             wobbles     2         v
#> 11598 Target_Child                              hockey     2         n
#> 11599       Father                                paid     2         v
#> 11600       Father                            flappers     2         n
#> 11601       Father                               knock     2        co
#> 11602 Target_Child                              hitted     2         v
#> 11603 Target_Child                              bummer     2         n
#> 11604       Father                                 cap     2         n
#> 11605 Target_Child                          strawberry     2         n
#> 11606 Target_Child                          Strawberry     2    n:prop
#> 11607 Target_Child                              stream     2         n
#> 11608       Father                              verbal     2       adj
#> 11609 Target_Child                                 hit     2      part
#> 11610 Target_Child                                dump     2         v
#> 11611       Father                               wrong     2         v
#> 11612 Target_Child                             bumbled     2      part
#> 11613 Target_Child                             stretch     2         v
#> 11614       Father                               Scout     2    n:prop
#> 11615 Target_Child                             strikes     2         n
#> 11616 Target_Child                           Bumblebee     2    n:prop
#> 11617       Father                               Sport     2    n:prop
#> 11618       Father                              member     2         n
#> 11619       Father                        Grandparents     2    n:prop
#> 11620 Target_Child                             history     2         n
#> 11621       Mother                              silver     2       adj
#> 11622 Target_Child                        hippopotamus     2         n
#> 11623 Target_Child                            stripped     2      part
#> 11624       Mother                               silly     2       adj
#> 11625       Father                              ripped     2      part
#> 11626 Target_Child                           explained     2         v
#> 11627 Target_Child                                 Day     2    n:prop
#> 11628       Father                              Mathew     2    n:prop
#> 11629 Target_Child                               hints     2         n
#> 11630       Father                            scouting     2      part
#> 11631       Father                            flashing     2      part
#> 11632 Target_Child                           strongman     2         n
#> 11633 Target_Child                                buns     2         n
#> 11634       Father                         Grandfather     2    n:prop
#> 11635       Father                               Capon     2    n:prop
#> 11636 Target_Child                                bunk     2         n
#> 11637 Target_Child                                Days     2    n:prop
#> 11638       Father                                mami     2       chi
#> 11639       Father                                pass     2         n
#> 11640 Target_Child                             bunny's     2       adj
#> 11641 Target_Child                             bunnies     2         n
#> 11642 Target_Child                                  de     2       bab
#> 11643       Father                                flat     2         n
#> 11644 Target_Child                              hiking     2      part
#> 11645      Brother                                 she     2   pro:sub
#> 11646 Target_Child                               Bunny     2    n:prop
#> 11647 Target_Child                                stun     2         v
#> 11648 Target_Child                               stunt     2         v
#> 11649 Target_Child                              stunts     2         v
#> 11650       Mother                              ghosts     2         n
#> 11651       Mother                               giant     2         n
#> 11652       Father                           supported     2      part
#> 11653       Father                              Zoltán     2    n:prop
#> 11654 Target_Child                            burglars     2         n
#> 11655 Target_Child                             highest     2       adj
#> 11656      Brother                                 see     2         v
#> 11657       Father                         in_order_to     2       inf
#> 11658       Father                             quality     2         n
#> 11659       Mother                               given     2      part
#> 11660       Father                       carbohydrates     2         n
#> 11661       Father                                died     2      part
#> 11662       Mother                              giving     2      part
#> 11663       Father                           supervise     2         v
#> 11664       Father                                Zoar     2    n:prop
#> 11665 Target_Child                                  de     2       uni
#> 11666 Target_Child                                burp     2         n
#> 11667       Father                               smoke     2         v
#> 11668 Target_Child                                 sue     2         v
#> 11669 Target_Child                                burp     2         v
#> 11670 Target_Child                               hided     2         v
#> 11671 Target_Child                              suffix     2         n
#> 11672 Target_Child                                 zum     2        on
#> 11673      Brother                                 say     2         v
#> 11674 Target_Child                              sugars     2         n
#> 11675 Target_Child                              buried     2         v
#> 11676       Father                              carbon     2         n
#> 11677 Unidentified                                 how     2   pro:int
#> 11678 Target_Child                           suitcases     2         n
#> 11679       Father                                card     2         n
#> 11680 Target_Child                               Sumac     2    n:prop
#> 11681       Mother                               Mouse     2    n:prop
#> 11682       Father                                vidd     2        L2
#> 11683 Target_Child                              hiding     2  n:gerund
#> 11684      Brother                               rough     2       adj
#> 11685 Target_Child                               busha     2        on
#> 11686       Father                          Supertears     2    n:prop
#> 11687 Target_Child                              busses     2         n
#> 11688       Mother                                glad     2       adj
#> 11689       Mother                               short     2       adj
#> 11690  Grandfather                                 all     2      post
#> 11691 Target_Child                              sunday     2         n
#> 11692 Target_Child                                 zzz     2       bab
#> 11693 Target_Child                              deadly     2       adj
#> 11694      Brother                                rest     2         n
#> 11695       Father                             creepos     2       chi
#> 11696       Father                               scope     2         n
#> 11697 Target_Child                                  Hi     2    n:prop
#> 11698 Target_Child                                busy     2         v
#> 11699       Father                             graders     2         n
#> 11700       Father                         knock_knock     2         n
#> 11701       Father                              smokes     2         v
#> 11702       Father                               cares     2         v
#> 11703       Father                              yeehah     2        co
#> 11704 Target_Child                           Super_man     2    n:prop
#> 11705       Father                               poked     2         v
#> 11706       Mother                                olds     2     n:adj
#> 11707 Target_Child                                butt     2         v
#> 11708 Target_Child                           Hershey's     2       adj
#> 11709 Target_Child                              butter     2         v
#> 11710       Father                                 run     2      part
#> 11711 Target_Child                            Superxxx     2    n:prop
#> 11712       Father                               wokka     2        on
#> 11713      Brother                                real     2       adj
#> 11714       Mother                               going     2  n:gerund
#> 11715      Brother                            purchase     2         n
#> 11716       Father                                mira     2        on
#> 11717       Father                             vigyazz     2      NULL
#> 11718 Target_Child                                sure     2      meta
#> 11719      Brother                               proof     2         n
#> 11720       Father                             valamit     2      NULL
#> 11721 Target_Child                              door's     2       adj
#> 11722 Target_Child                              hermit     2         n
#> 11723 Target_Child                           surprises     2         n
#> 11724 Target_Child                                exit     2         n
#> 11725 Target_Child                          upsidedown     2       adv
#> 11726 Target_Child                          surrounded     2         v
#> 11727       Mother                              oldest     2       adj
#> 11728       Father                                rips     2         v
#> 11729 Target_Child                             Susie's     2       adj
#> 11730 Target_Child                              bought     2      part
#> 11731 Target_Child                              buying     2      part
#> 11732       Father                               Diane     2    n:prop
#> 11733       Father                              credit     2         n
#> 11734       Father                             Peanuts     2    n:prop
#> 11735       Father                             sunrise     2         n
#> 11736       Father                          Care_bears     2    n:prop
#> 11737       Mother                               older     2       adj
#> 11738       Father                            Virginia     2    n:prop
#> 11739       Father                               risky     2       adj
#> 11740 Target_Child                           exercises     2         n
#> 11741       Mother                              Louise     2    n:prop
#> 11742       Mother                               sharp     2       adj
#> 11743       Mother                                best     2       adj
#> 11744 Target_Child                       walkietalkies     2         n
#> 11745       Mother                              lovely     2       adj
#> 11746       Father                              ma_may     2       chi
#> 11747       Father                               comic     2         n
#> 11748       Mother                                 oil     2         n
#> 11749       Father                                Mama     2    n:prop
#> 11750       Mother                               Shana     2    n:prop
#> 11751 Target_Child                               sweet     2       adj
#> 11752       Father                              knocks     2         n
#> 11753       Father                           creatures     2         n
#> 11754       Father                                szia     2      NULL
#> 11755       Father                            creation     2         n
#> 11756       Father                              scolds     2         v
#> 11757       Father                              Sándor     2      NULL
#> 11758       Father                             vitamin     2         n
#> 11759 Target_Child                           bathrooms     2         n
#> 11760 Target_Child                             bathtub     2         n
#> 11761      Brother                             playing     2      part
#> 11762       Father                              Sandor     2      NULL
#> 11763       Father                               x-ray     2         n
#> 11764 Target_Child                             decides     2         v
#> 11765 Target_Child                        sleepnsplash     2         n
#> 11766       Father                            carriage     2         n
#> 11767 Target_Child                              helped     2      part
#> 11768 Target_Child                            swinging     2      part
#> 11769       Father                             dɛkolɛt     2      meta
#> 11770 Target_Child                               swang     2         v
#> 11771       Mother                               sewed     2         v
#> 11772 Target_Child                             swinged     2         v
#> 11773       Father                             command     2         n
#> 11774 Target_Child                             helpful     2       adj
#> 11775 Target_Child                                cake     2         v
#> 11776 Target_Child                              helium     2         n
#> 11777 Target_Child                            switched     2      part
#> 11778       Father                             Penfold     2    n:prop
#> 11779       Father                           commander     2         n
#> 11780       Father                             comment     2         n
#> 11781       Father                            womanish     2       adj
#> 11782       Mother                               seven     2   det:num
#> 11783       Father                            carrot's     2         n
#> 11784       Father                               mushy     2       adj
#> 11785       Father                             devil's     2       adj
#> 11786       Father                                mama     2         n
#> 11787       Father                         devastrator     2       chi
#> 11788 Target_Child                                hees     2       chi
#> 11789       Father                                roar     2        on
#> 11790 Target_Child                             heavens     2         n
#> 11791       Father                            mushroom     2         n
#> 11792 Target_Child                              szépen     2        L2
#> 11793       Father                          Flier_Bird     2    n:prop
#> 11794       Father                        marshmallows     2         n
#> 11795       Father                            parental     2       adj
#> 11796 Target_Child                              cameok     2       chi
#> 11797 Target_Child                              camera     2         n
#> 11798      Brother                              people     2         n
#> 11799       Father                               snail     2         n
#> 11800       Father                           mushrooms     2         v
#> 11801       Father                                knot     2         n
#> 11802       Father                               Sultz     2    n:prop
#> 11803       Father                              snails     2         n
#> 11804       Father                                vote     2         n
#> 11805 Target_Child                              tagged     2         v
#> 11806      Brother                                Pans     2    n:prop
#> 11807      Brother                            pancakes     2         n
#> 11808       Father                               votes     2         n
#> 11809 Target_Child                                 dee     2       bab
#> 11810       Father                            Squirrel     2    n:prop
#> 11811      Brother                                 own     2       adj
#> 11812 Target_Child                               hears     2         v
#> 11813      Brother                              out_of     2      prep
#> 11814       Mother                               gravy     2         n
#> 11815      Brother                                open     2         v
#> 11816 Target_Child                               taked     2       neo
#> 11817       Father                             putting     2  n:gerund
#> 11818 Target_Child                                cans     2         n
#> 11819       Father                             musical     2         n
#> 11820 Target_Child                             heading     2         n
#> 11821       Father                            musician     2         n
#> 11822       Father                              knowed     2       neo
#> 11823      Brother                                  on     2      prep
#> 11824       Mother                                sold     2      part
#> 11825       Mother                             segment     2         n
#> 11826       Mother                               green     2       adj
#> 11827 Unidentified                                  we     2   pro:sub
#> 11828       Father                           lifeguard     2         n
#> 11829       Mother                             Gremlin     2    n:prop
#> 11830       Father                             explain     2       adj
#> 11831       Father                              sugars     2         n
#> 11832 Target_Child                               tamer     2       adj
#> 11833       Father                              roared     2         v
#> 11834 Target_Child                               canny     2       adj
#> 11835 Target_Child                                tang     2         n
#> 11836 Target_Child                                He's     2       adj
#> 11837       Mother                               seems     2       cop
#> 11838       Mother                            grinning     2      part
#> 11839 Target_Child                        jumpoverhand     2         n
#> 11840       Mother                              grouch     2         n
#> 11841       Father                            spelling     2      part
#> 11842       Mother                                sees     2         v
#> 11843       Father                                 mit     2      NULL
#> 11844 Target_Child                               tapes     2         v
#> 11845       Father                            flipping     2      part
#> 11846       Father                             Casey's     2       adj
#> 11847       Father                             Murdoch     2    n:prop
#> 11848 Target_Child                            Hazard's     2       adj
#> 11849       Mother                              office     2         n
#> 11850       Father                              freeze     2         v
#> 11851 Target_Child                                 hay     2         n
#> 11852       Mother                           of_course     2        co
#> 11853       Father                               plain     2       adv
#> 11854       Father                                flip     2         v
#> 11855 Target_Child                             tasting     2      part
#> 11856      Brother                                  no     2        qn
#> 11857       Father                               miert     2      NULL
#> 11858       Father                                cash     2         n
#> 11859 Target_Child                             captain     2         n
#> 11860       Father                           mustaches     2         n
#> 11861       Father                              Cassie     2    n:prop
#> 11862 Target_Child                          tattletale     2         n
#> 11863       Mother                            mountain     2         n
#> 11864       Father                                 muy     2        L2
#> 11865 Target_Child                           Tauntauns     2    n:prop
#> 11866 Target_Child                              Captin     2    n:prop
#> 11867       Father                              proper     2       adj
#> 11868       Mother                                grew     2         v
#> 11869       Father                                Mall     2    n:prop
#> 11870       Father                              suffix     2         n
#> 11871 Target_Child                                  te     2       bab
#> 11872       Father                           unsnapped     2      part
#> 11873 Target_Child                                  te     2       uni
#> 11874       Father                              zipper     2         n
#> 11875      Brother                                need     2         v
#> 11876 Target_Child                              hasn't     2       aux
#> 11877       Father                            Gargamel     2    n:prop
#> 11878      Brother                                  my     2  det:poss
#> 11879       Father                    Castle_Greyskull     2    n:prop
#> 11880 Target_Child                              hadn't     2       aux
#> 11881       Father                                waIi     2       uni
#> 11882       Father                              Pieman     2    n:prop
#> 11883       Mother                             Screech     2    n:prop
#> 11884       Mother                              scrape     2         n
#> 11885 Target_Child                           dumb_dumb     2       adj
#> 11886      Brother                               movie     2         n
#> 11887 Target_Child                               teams     2         n
#> 11888       Father                                 rob     2         v
#> 11889       Father                             megyunk     2      NULL
#> 11890 Unidentified                                 hoo     2         n
#> 11891 Target_Child                                tore     2         v
#> 11892       Father                            floating     2  n:gerund
#> 11893       Father                               desks     2         n
#> 11894       Father                               sucks     2         v
#> 11895 Target_Child                                 hat     2        L2
#> 11896 Target_Child                               tease     2         v
#> 11897 Target_Child                              teased     2         v
#> 11898 Target_Child                          everywhere     2         n
#> 11899       Father                            designed     2      part
#> 11900 Target_Child                                 tee     2       bab
#> 11901       Mother                             o'clock     2         n
#> 11902       Father                              sucked     2         v
#> 11903       Mother                           obviously     2       adv
#> 11904 Target_Child                           handcuffs     2         n
#> 11905 Target_Child                               harom     2        L2
#> 11906 Target_Child                               teeny     2       chi
#> 11907       Father                               robin     2         n
#> 11908       Mother                          guillotine     2         n
#> 11909 Target_Child                            unharmed     2      part
#> 11910 Target_Child                          Care_Bears     2    n:prop
#> 11911       Mother                               lunch     2         n
#> 11912       Father                              nagyon     2        L2
#> 11913 Target_Child                             harmful     2       adj
#> 11914       Father                                wake     2         n
#> 11915       Father                            describe     2         v
#> 11916 Target_Child                             telling     2  n:gerund
#> 11917 Target_Child                        hardeeharhar     2        co
#> 11918      Brother                                mkay     2        co
#> 11919       Father                             munched     2         v
#> 11920       Father                              waking     2      part
#> 11921       Father                            infected     2      part
#> 11922       Father                              gadget     2         n
#> 11923       Mother                               scary     2       adj
#> 11924       Father                               loved     2      part
#> 11925       Father                               lehet     2      NULL
#> 11926       Father                               Cathy     2    n:prop
#> 11927       Father                              leesel     2      NULL
#> 11928 Target_Child                            everyday     2   adv:tem
#> 11929       Mother                                   m     2     n:let
#> 11930       Father                            munching     2  n:gerund
#> 11931       Father                             walking     2  n:gerund
#> 11932 Target_Child                              tennis     2         n
#> 11933       Father                                Good     2    n:prop
#> 11934 Target_Child                           happening     2      part
#> 11935       Mother                              saying     2  n:gerund
#> 11936 Target_Child                                Tent     2    n:prop
#> 11937       Father                             Indiana     2    n:prop
#> 11938 Target_Child                         everybody's     2 pro:indef
#> 11939       Father                             further     2       adv
#> 11940 Target_Child                       Terrible_Toad     2    n:prop
#> 11941       Father                                Dern     2    n:prop
#> 11942 Target_Child                             Doritos     2    n:prop
#> 11943 Target_Child                                cart     2         n
#> 11944       Father                              name's     2         n
#> 11945 Unidentified                                 him     2   pro:obj
#> 11946       Father                               Mummy     2    n:prop
#> 11947       Father                              sucker     2         n
#> 11948       Father                               Derek     2    n:prop
#> 11949 Target_Child                               hangs     2         v
#> 11950 Target_Child                               Texas     2    n:prop
#> 11951       Father                              sneeze     2         n
#> 11952       Mother                             hanging     2      part
#> 11953       Father                              wallet     2         n
#> 11954       Father                             Wompa's     2       adj
#> 11955       Father                              causes     2         v
#> 11956       Father                                Gonk     2    n:prop
#> 11957 Target_Child                              handle     2         v
#> 11958       Father                                 wan     2       adj
#> 11959       Father                                 mic     2         n
#> 11960       Father                           compacter     2       adj
#> 11961 Target_Child                             handles     2         n
#> 11962      Brother                                loud     2       adj
#> 11963       Father                              Patina     2    n:prop
#> 11964       Father                           companion     2         n
#> 11965 Target_Child                                 den     2         n
#> 11966       Mother                             happily     2       adv
#> 11967       Father                             poisons     2         n
#> 11968 Target_Child                             that'll     2   pro:rel
#> 11969       Mother                            macaroni     2         n
#> 11970 Target_Child                               cat's     2         n
#> 11971       Father                             wanting     2      part
#> 11972       Father                        subtractions     2         n
#> 11973       Father                         subtraction     2         n
#> 11974      Brother                                like     2      conj
#> 11975 Target_Child                               hands     2         v
#> 11976 Target_Child                             theater     2         n
#> 11977       Mother                             obvious     2       adj
#> 11978       Father                                lids     2         n
#> 11979      Brother                               let's     2         v
#> 11980       Mother                         MacDonald's     2       adj
#> 11981       Father                              cooler     2       adj
#> 11982 Target_Child                                hand     2         v
#> 11983       Mother                           Saturaday     2    n:prop
#> 11984       Father                         subjunctive     2       adj
#> 11985 Target_Child                             Hanalee     2    n:prop
#> 11986 Target_Child                             catches     2         v
#> 11987 Target_Child                             snowman     2         n
#> 11988       Father                              cavity     2         n
#> 11989 Target_Child                               Derek     2    n:prop
#> 11990 Target_Child                               Han's     2       adj
#> 11991      Brother                               keeps     2         v
#> 11992       Father                          comparison     2         n
#> 11993       Father                                 jon     2      NULL
#> 11994 Target_Child                               There     2    n:prop
#> 11995 Target_Child                          hamburgers     2         n
#> 11996       Mother                               obble     2       bab
#> 11997 Target_Child                         thermometer     2         n
#> 11998       Mother                          sandwiches     2         n
#> 11999 Target_Child                           thermoses     2         n
#> 12000       Mother                                sand     2         n
#> 12001      Brother                                just     2       adj
#> 12002       Father                               flows     2         v
#> 12003       Mother                               salty     2       adj
#> 12004       Father                              spells     2         v
#> 12005      Brother                                  in     2       adv
#> 12006       Father                                gong     2         n
#> 12007       Father                              Corrin     2    n:prop
#> 12008       Mother                                sale     2         n
#> 12009       Father                            crawling     2      part
#> 12010       Mother                                mike     2         n
#> 12011 Target_Child                              thingy     2       adj
#> 12012 Target_Child                               hairs     2         n
#> 12013       Father                                wars     2         n
#> 12014 Target_Child                             snowmen     2         n
#> 12015 Target_Child                              things     2         v
#> 12016       Father                             control     2         v
#> 12017       Mother                             sailors     2         n
#> 12018       Mother                                sack     2         n
#> 12019       Mother                                   s     2     n:let
#> 12020       Father                                 war     2         v
#> 12021       Mother                          MacWhinney     2    n:prop
#> 12022       Father                               hozza     2      NULL
#> 12023 Target_Child                             thingys     2       fam
#> 12024 Target_Child                              Europe     2    n:prop
#> 12025      Brother                                 huh     2        co
#> 12026 Target_Child                             thought     2      part
#> 12027      Brother                            how_come     2   pro:int
#> 12028       Father                               flush     2       adv
#> 12029       Father                                 mug     2      meta
#> 12030      Brother                                 hot     2       adj
#> 12031       Mother                              Mother     2    n:prop
#> 12032 Target_Child                                  ha     2      meta
#> 12033       Mother                                 rug     2         n
#> 12034       Mother                              rubber     2         n
#> 12035 Target_Child                             ceiling     2         n
#> 12036      Brother                                 hit     2         v
#> 12037      Brother                                 him     2   pro:obj
#> 12038      Brother                                 hey     2        co
#> 12039      Brother                              here's     2 pro:exist
#> 12040 Target_Child                             thoings     2       chi
#> 12041 Target_Child                              Gymner     2    n:prop
#> 12042       Father                             running     2  n:gerund
#> 12043      Brother                                here     2       adv
#> 12044       Father                         Schau_genau     2    n:prop
#> 12045       Father                          complained     2      part
#> 12046       Father                              robots     2         n
#> 12047       Mother                                 row     2         n
#> 12048       Father                             degrees     2         n
#> 12049 Target_Child                           mailboxes     2         n
#> 12050       Mother                               Rover     2    n:prop
#> 12051       Father                         definitions     2         n
#> 12052       Mother                                 nut     2         n
#> 12053 Target_Child                              cement     2         n
#> 12054       Father                                yeah     2      meta
#> 12055 Target_Child                              Cement     2    n:prop
#> 12056 Target_Child                            dreaming     2      part
#> 12057       Father                              warmer     2       adj
#> 12058 Target_Child                                Gwen     2    n:prop
#> 12059       Father                              hívnak     2      NULL
#> 12060       Father                               muddy     2         v
#> 12061       Father                              neater     2       adj
#> 12062       Father                              medals     2         n
#> 12063 Target_Child                            throat's     2         n
#> 12064 Target_Child                             hallway     2         n
#> 12065 Target_Child                               guy's     2         n
#> 12066 Unidentified                             another     2        qn
#> 12067 Target_Child                          destroying     2      part
#> 12068       Father                             scarves     2         n
#> 12069 Target_Child                             cha_cha     2       chi
#> 12070      Brother                               hands     2         n
#> 12071      Brother                                hair     2         n
#> 12072       Mother                                head     2       adj
#> 12073       Father                              flying     2  n:gerund
#> 12074       Father                              neatly     2       adv
#> 12075       Father                         malapropism     2         n
#> 12076       Father                              center     2         v
#> 12077       Father                           wondering     2      part
#> 12078       Father                               muddy     2       adj
#> 12079       Father                                spat     2         v
#> 12080 Target_Child                              gulped     2         v
#> 12081 Target_Child                                gulp     2         n
#> 12082 Target_Child                              Gullum     2    n:prop
#> 12083       Mother                              Roshie     2    n:prop
#> 12084       Father                             pushing     2  n:gerund
#> 12085 Target_Child                             Thundar     2    n:prop
#> 12086 Unidentified                                  hi     2        co
#> 12087       Father                                Snow     2    n:prop
#> 12088       Father                        Snow_speeder     2    n:prop
#> 12089       Mother                            rosemary     2         n
#> 12090 Target_Child                            thursday     2         n
#> 12091 Target_Child                               guide     2         n
#> 12092 Target_Child                            Thursday     2    n:prop
#> 12093       Father                         complaining     2      part
#> 12094       Father                                mint     2         n
#> 12095      Brother                                 gum     2         n
#> 12096 Target_Child                              guests     2         n
#> 12097       Father                              hotter     2       adj
#> 12098 Target_Child                             changes     2         v
#> 12099 Target_Child                              tickle     2         n
#> 12100 Target_Child                             tickles     2         n
#> 12101 Target_Child                             chanker     2       chi
#> 12102 Target_Child                            tickling     2      part
#> 12103       Father                               needs     2         n
#> 12104       Father                              X_wing     2    n:prop
#> 12105 Target_Child                          characters     2         n
#> 12106 Target_Child                            snowsuit     2         n
#> 12107       Father                           grandpa's     2       adj
#> 12108       Father                                  es     2      NULL
#> 12109 Target_Child                              guards     2         n
#> 12110 Target_Child                            charging     2      part
#> 12111 Target_Child                                 duh     2        co
#> 12112      Brother                             gravity     2         n
#> 12113       Mother                               rolls     2         n
#> 12114 Target_Child                             Charley     2    n:prop
#> 12115 Target_Child                           Tiffany's     2       adj
#> 12116       Father                             washing     2      part
#> 12117       Mother                               magic     2         n
#> 12118       Father                                Love     2    n:prop
#> 12119 Target_Child                               tight     2       adj
#> 12120       Father                                  pu     2     wplay
#> 12121 Target_Child                              grumpy     2       adj
#> 12122       Mother                               robot     2         n
#> 12123       Mother                           Robinhood     2    n:prop
#> 12124       Father                                hers     2  pro:poss
#> 12125       Father                           impatient     2       adj
#> 12126       Father                               miney     2     wplay
#> 12127       Father                             needles     2         n
#> 12128       Mother                                road     2         n
#> 12129 Target_Child                           Charlotte     2    n:prop
#> 12130      Brother                               gonna     2      part
#> 12131       Father                             rockets     2         n
#> 12132       Father                               laugh     2         n
#> 12133       Father                           challenge     2         n
#> 12134 Target_Child                             Timmy's     2       adj
#> 12135       Mother                                 rip     2         v
#> 12136 Target_Child                               chase     2         n
#> 12137 Target_Child                                Tina     2    n:prop
#> 12138       Father                               fuzzy     2       adj
#> 12139       Father                               Lover     2    n:prop
#> 12140       Mother                                help     2         n
#> 12141      Brother                                give     2         v
#> 12142 Target_Child                              groups     2         n
#> 12143       Father                               flies     2         v
#> 12144       Father                               neigh     2         v
#> 12145 Target_Child                         development     2         n
#> 12146 Target_Child                              Grouch     2    n:prop
#> 12147 Target_Child                                tire     2         n
#> 12148       Father                                  az     2      NULL
#> 12149       Father                              goblin     2         n
#> 12150       Father                             neither     2       adv
#> 12151       Father                             neither     2     coord
#> 12152      Brother                                 got     2         v
#> 12153       Mother                              He_Man     2    n:prop
#> 12154       Father                         decorations     2         n
#> 12155 Target_Child                           threefour     2         n
#> 12156 Target_Child                             cheated     2         v
#> 12157       Father                               waste     2         v
#> 12158       Father                           Wondercat     2    n:prop
#> 12159       Father                              moving     2  n:gerund
#> 12160 Target_Child                                  ta     2      prep
#> 12161      Brother                               games     2         n
#> 12162 Target_Child                                toad     2         n
#> 12163       Father                                 pac     2     wplay
#> 12164 Target_Child                             toaster     2         n
#> 12165       Father                             nephews     2         n
#> 12166       Father                             Neptune     2    n:prop
#> 12167       Father                             immense     2       adj
#> 12168      Brother                                from     2      prep
#> 12169       Father                               nerve     2         n
#> 12170       Father                            laughing     2  n:gerund
#> 12171 Target_Child                             grosser     2       adj
#> 12172 Target_Child                               cheek     2         n
#> 12173       Father                            imitates     2         v
#> 12174       Father                                glue     2         v
#> 12175 Target_Child                             escapes     2         n
#> 12176       Mother                                rode     2         v
#> 12177       Father                             crashed     2         v
#> 12178       Mother                             hiccing     2      part
#> 12179       Mother                                ride     2         v
#> 12180       Father                            properly     2       adv
#> 12181       Father                             water's     2       adj
#> 12182 Target_Child                               grind     2         v
#> 12183       Father                           imitating     2      part
#> 12184       Father                              Royals     2    n:prop
#> 12185 Target_Child                               dewie     2     wplay
#> 12186 Target_Child                                tons     2         n
#> 12187       Father                            Hospital     2    n:prop
#> 12188       Father                            complain     2         v
#> 12189 Target_Child                             ermites     2       chi
#> 12190       Father                                arra     2      NULL
#> 12191       Father                            rraaarrr     2        on
#> 12192 Target_Child                           Greystoke     2    n:prop
#> 12193 Unidentified                                here     2         n
#> 12194 Target_Child                            doughnut     2         n
#> 12195 Target_Child                              ermats     2       chi
#> 12196       Father                              wooden     2       adj
#> 12197       Father                          complained     2         v
#> 12198       Father                             koolaid     2         n
#> 12199 Target_Child                            gremlins     2         n
#> 12200 Target_Child                            Chewbaka     2    n:prop
#> 12201       Father                           Hershey's     2       adj
#> 12202       Father                              akarsz     2      NULL
#> 12203       Father                             scarier     2       adj
#> 12204 Target_Child                 Great_Space_Coaster     2    n:prop
#> 12205       Father                                laid     2      part
#> 12206       Father                              soaked     2      part
#> 12207       Father                           complains     2         v
#> 12208 Target_Child                              Erin's     2       adj
#> 12209       Father                           character     2         n
#> 12210 Target_Child                             Chicago     2    n:prop
#> 12211 Target_Child                                 tot     2         n
#> 12212       Father                              undead     2       adj
#> 12213 Target_Child                           Grayskull     2    n:prop
#> 12214       Father                             strikes     2         n
#> 12215 Target_Child                               chief     2       adj
#> 12216       Father                                scar     2         n
#> 12217       Father                              points     2         n
#> 12218       Father                               hinge     2         n
#> 12219 Target_Child                             soandso     2         n
#> 12220       Mother                      representation     2         n
#> 12221       Father                              charge     2         v
#> 12222       Father                             garbagy     2       adj
#> 12223 Target_Child                              toughy     2         n
#> 12224       Father                            strength     2         n
#> 12225       Father                         wastebasket     2         n
#> 12226       Father                                soap     2         v
#> 12227       Father                          Strawberry     2    n:prop
#> 12228       Father                          strawberry     2         n
#> 12229 Target_Child                               tower     2         n
#> 12230 Target_Child                              equals     2         v
#> 12231 Unidentified                             balloon     2         n
#> 12232 Target_Child                           paintsman     2         n
#> 12233 Unidentified                               don't     2       mod
#> 12234       Father                              straws     2         n
#> 12235       Father                              threed     2         n
#> 12236      Brother                                does     2         v
#> 12237       Father                            nibbling     2  n:gerund
#> 12238 Target_Child                            tracking     2      part
#> 12239 Target_Child                         crossedbone     2         n
#> 12240       Father                            nibbling     2      part
#> 12241       Father                              nibble     2         v
#> 12242       Father                                  DC     2    n:prop
#> 12243       Mother                        refrigerator     2         n
#> 12244 Target_Child                               goons     2         n
#> 12245 Target_Child                             traffic     2         n
#> 12246       Mother                                 Red     2    n:prop
#> 12247       Mother                               nouns     2         n
#> 12248 Target_Child                            training     2      part
#> 12249       Father                          sweetiepie     2         n
#> 12250       Father                             million     2   det:num
#> 12251 Target_Child                             goo_goo     2        on
#> 12252 Target_Child                               china     2         n
#> 12253       Mother                               mom's     2       adj
#> 12254 Target_Child                             Chinese     2    n:prop
#> 12255       Father                                 rrr     2        on
#> 12256 Target_Child                               goofy     2       adj
#> 12257       Father                         motorcycles     2         n
#> 12258       Father                          Lovey_bear     2    n:prop
#> 12259 Target_Child                            goodness     2        co
#> 12260 Target_Child                              gooder     2      meta
#> 12261       Father                              nicest     2       adj
#> 12262       Father                           stinkbugs     2         n
#> 12263       Father                                 gap     2         n
#> 12264       Father                           following     2      part
#> 12265       Father                            packages     2         n
#> 12266 Target_Child                               chirp     2         n
#> 12267       Mother                            realized     2         v
#> 12268 Target_Child                            trapping     2      part
#> 12269 Target_Child                                trap     2         v
#> 12270 Target_Child                              gooder     2       adj
#> 12271       Father                               image     2         n
#> 12272 Target_Child                            Trap_jaw     2    n:prop
#> 12273       Father                                yums     2         n
#> 12274       Father                              gloppy     2       adj
#> 12275       Father                               socks     2         v
#> 12276 Target_Child                              travel     2         n
#> 12277       Father                              friday     2         n
#> 12278       Father                            followed     2         v
#> 12279 Target_Child                            traveled     2         v
#> 12280 Unidentified                               drive     2         v
#> 12281       Mother                             noticed     2      part
#> 12282 Target_Child                           gong_gong     2     wplay
#> 12283 Target_Child                              choked     2      part
#> 12284       Father                              weapon     2         n
#> 12285       Father                            complete     2       adj
#> 12286       Mother                               ready     2         v
#> 12287 Target_Child                        Treestompers     2    n:prop
#> 12288       Mother                               Honey     2    n:prop
#> 12289 Target_Child                               Gomez     2    n:prop
#> 12290       Mother                               ready     2       adj
#> 12291       Father                           privilege     2         n
#> 12292       Father                                 low     2         n
#> 12293       Father                              Purple     2    n:prop
#> 12294 Target_Child                                chop     2         n
#> 12295       Father                            spacemen     2         n
#> 12296 Target_Child                             goggles     2         n
#> 12297       Father                                Yaya     2    n:prop
#> 12298       Father                               Story     2    n:prop
#> 12299 Target_Child                             tricked     2         v
#> 12300 Target_Child                            chopping     2      part
#> 12301 Target_Child                              diddle     2         v
#> 12302 Target_Child                            tricycle     2         n
#> 12303       Father                               lower     2         n
#> 12304 Target_Child                            trillion     2   det:num
#> 12305 Target_Child                               chops     2         v
#> 12306       Mother                               horse     2         n
#> 12307 Target_Child                               trips     2         n
#> 12308       Father                             soandso     2         n
#> 12309       Father                          completely     2       adv
#> 12310 Target_Child                               God's     2       adj
#> 12311       Father                            midnight     2         n
#> 12312       Father                             Rudolph     2    n:prop
#> 12313 Target_Child                            enormous     2       adj
#> 12314 Target_Child                           Christine     2    n:prop
#> 12315       Father                              purple     2         n
#> 12316 Target_Child                          christmasy     2       adj
#> 12317       Father                              Dasher     2    n:prop
#> 12318 Target_Child                               god's     2         n
#> 12319       Father                             Romania     2    n:prop
#> 12320      Brother                                 cut     2         v
#> 12321 Target_Child                             England     2    n:prop
#> 12322 Target_Child                               Chuck     2    n:prop
#> 12323 Target_Child                              Chucky     2    n:prop
#> 12324       Father                              weared     2      meta
#> 12325 Target_Child                            duckling     2         n
#> 12326       Mother                               hours     2         n
#> 12327       Father                              gloopy     2       adj
#> 12328       Father                             cheaper     2       adj
#> 12329 Target_Child                           Churchill     2    n:prop
#> 12330       Father                             mothers     2         n
#> 12331       Father                             snowmen     2         n
#> 12332 Target_Child                               trust     2         n
#> 12333       Father                               globe     2         n
#> 12334 Target_Child                               trust     2         v
#> 12335      Brother                             come_on     2        co
#> 12336       Father                             snowman     2         n
#> 12337      Brother                               comes     2         v
#> 12338      Brother                                come     2         v
#> 12339 Unidentified                              you're     2   pro:per
#> 12340       Mother                            modeling     2      part
#> 12341       Mother                               how's     2   pro:int
#> 12342       Father                            glitches     2         n
#> 12343 Target_Child                              gobots     2         n
#> 12344 Target_Child                              undies     2         n
#> 12345 Target_Child                               tubes     2         n
#> 12346 Target_Child                               cinch     2         n
#> 12347 Target_Child                              energy     2         n
#> 12348 Target_Child                               gobot     2         n
#> 12349       Father                             stornth     2       chi
#> 12350 Target_Child                                tuda     2     wplay
#> 12351 Target_Child                             tuesday     2         n
#> 12352       Father                                idde     2        L2
#> 12353       Mother                              rabbit     2         n
#> 12354       Father                             Darrick     2    n:prop
#> 12355       Mother                                mkay     2        co
#> 12356 Unidentified                                 fit     2         v
#> 12357 Target_Child                                  go     2       bab
#> 12358       Father                               fungo     2       chi
#> 12359       Father                        sleepnsplash     2         n
#> 12360 Unidentified                                  am     2       aux
#> 12361 Target_Child                            tumbling     2      part
#> 12362       Mother                               quiet     2       adj
#> 12363 Unidentified                                have     2         v
#> 12364 Target_Child                                Down     2    n:prop
#> 12365       Father                              Ronald     2    n:prop
#> 12366 Target_Child                             glowing     2  n:gerund
#> 12367       Mother                               human     2         n
#> 12368       Father                                 Hey     2    n:prop
#> 12369       Father                            seatbelt     2         n
#> 12370 Target_Child                             turning     2  n:gerund
#> 12371       Father                            mother's     2       adj
#> 12372       Father                             pennies     2         n
#> 12373       Father                                 law     2         n
#> 12374 Target_Child                             Claus's     2       adj
#> 12375       Father                              seadog     2         n
#> 12376 Target_Child                           turquoise     2       adj
#> 12377 Target_Child                           turquoise     2         n
#> 12378       Mother                            manner's     2       adj
#> 12379       Father                             seabone     2         n
#> 12380       Mother                               North     2    n:prop
#> 12381 Target_Child                               Gizmo     2    n:prop
#> 12382       Father                              stores     2         n
#> 12383      Brother                                bent     2         v
#> 12384       Father                             sandman     2         n
#> 12385       Father                               Danny     2    n:prop
#> 12386       Father                            sailboat     2         n
#> 12387 Target_Child                                 end     2         v
#> 12388       Father                              pieces     2         v
#> 12389 Target_Child                            cleaning     2  n:gerund
#> 12390       Father                                 icy     2       adj
#> 12391       Father                             store's     2       adj
#> 12392       Father                           convinced     2      meta
#> 12393       Father                             roughup     2         n
#> 12394 Target_Child                                dies     2        L2
#> 12395       Father                               stops     2         v
#> 12396       Father                                pail     2         n
#> 12397       Father                                 Chi     2    n:prop
#> 12398       Father                             Chicago     2    n:prop
#> 12399 Target_Child                              ginger     2         n
#> 12400       Mother                                many     2 pro:indef
#> 12401       Mother                               puppy     2         n
#> 12402       Father                               no-no     2        co
#> 12403 Target_Child                               types     2         n
#> 12404       Father                                  no     2        L2
#> 12405       Father                              cradle     2         n
#> 12406 Target_Child                           lunchtime     2         n
#> 12407 Target_Child                             cleared     2         v
#> 12408       Mother                               pupil     2         n
#> 12409       Father                         rockandroll     2         n
#> 12410       Father                                Kung     2    n:prop
#> 12411       Father                                   I     2     n:let
#> 12412       Father                          children's     2       adj
#> 12413       Father                           puppylove     2         n
#> 12414       Mother                                hush     2         n
#> 12415       Father                                   I     2      meta
#> 12416 Target_Child                                ghye     2       bab
#> 12417       Father                               probe     2         n
#> 12418       Mother                             pulling     2      part
#> 12419       Father                         complicated     2      part
#> 12420       Father                               solve     2         v
#> 12421 Target_Child                            Empirial     2    n:prop
#> 12422       Father                            nobody's     2       adj
#> 12423 Target_Child                             digging     2      part
#> 12424       Father                            stopping     2      part
#> 12425       Father                              Gladly     2    n:prop
#> 12426 Target_Child                               uncle     2         n
#> 12427       Father                          compressed     2      part
#> 12428       Father                                gang     2         n
#> 12429       Father                             stopped     2      part
#> 12430 Target_Child                               Ghost     2    n:prop
#> 12431 Target_Child                                 dug     2         v
#> 12432       Mother                               mixed     2      part
#> 12433       Mother                                 Ian     2    n:prop
#> 12434 Target_Child                               cloof     2        on
#> 12435       Father                               popup     2         n
#> 12436 Target_Child                          underneath     2      prep
#> 12437      Brother                                  aw     2        co
#> 12438       Father                            crackado     2       chi
#> 12439 Target_Child                              closer     2       adj
#> 12440       Mother                                noon     2         n
#> 12441       Mother                                mark     2         n
#> 12442 Target_Child                               Downy     2    n:prop
#> 12443       Father                   hey_diddle_diddle     2        co
#> 12444       Father                          Minestorms     2    n:prop
#> 12445       Father                                chin     2         n
#> 12446       Father                             puppies     2         n
#> 12447       Father                                noon     2         n
#> 12448 Target_Child                            fourfive     2         n
#> 12449       Father                               stool     2         n
#> 12450       Mother                                none     2 pro:indef
#> 12451       Father                                  hi     2      meta
#> 12452      Brother                           A_Plusser     2    n:prop
#> 12453       Father                                damn     2         n
#> 12454       Father                   Moorewood_Gardens     2    n:prop
#> 12455      Brother                                 any     2        qn
#> 12456       Father                          passageway     2         n
#> 12457 Target_Child                               ducky     2       adj
#> 12458 Target_Child                             Gervils     2    n:prop
#> 12459 Target_Child                         up_and_away     2       chi
#> 12460       Father                                game     2         v
#> 12461      Brother                            a_lot_of     2        qn
#> 12462       Father                                 dah     2       bab
#> 12463 Target_Child                             Gerry's     2       adj
#> 12464 Target_Child                               uppie     2         n
#> 12465 Target_Child                           fourfives     2         n
#> 12466 Target_Child                                uppy     2       fam
#> 12467       Father                              paints     2         n
#> 12468      Brother                              almost     2       adv
#> 12469       Father                           Chipmunks     2    n:prop
#> 12470 Target_Child                         frenchfries     2         n
#> 12471       Mother                              noggin     2         n
#> 12472 Target_Child                                 urf     2     wplay
#> 12473       Father                         Planetarium     2    n:prop
#> 12474 Target_Child                              clover     2         n
#> 12475       Father                          outerspace     2         n
#> 12476       Mother                             promise     2         v
#> 12477       Father                                Luva     2    n:prop
#> 12478 Target_Child                                 USA     2    n:prop
#> 12479      Brother                               alert     2      meta
#> 12480 Target_Child                                uses     2         n
#> 12481 Target_Child                           gathering     2  n:gerund
#> 12482 Target_Child                                used     2      part
#> 12483       Mother                              Mark's     2    n:prop
#> 12484 Target_Child                                Gate     2    n:prop
#> 12485       Mother                             imagine     2         v
#> 12486       Father                              whales     2         n
#> 12487 Target_Child                            clutches     2         n
#> 12488       Father                             cracked     2         v
#> 12489       Father                           someone's     2 pro:indef
#> 12490       Father                              girl's     2       adj
#> 12491 Target_Child                                Dino     2    n:prop
#> 12492 Target_Child                            gasoline     2         n
#> 12493 Target_Child                            dressing     2      part
#> 12494       Father                             milkman     2         n
#> 12495       Father                            daddy'll     2         n
#> 12496       Father                           paintings     2  n:gerund
#> 12497       Father                              lesson     2         n
#> 12498       Father                              ginger     2         n
#> 12499 Target_Child                               cocoa     2         n
#> 12500       Father                             G_I_Joe     2    n:prop
#> 12501       Father                                what     2   det:int
#> 12502 Target_Child                             Vader's     2    n:prop
#> 12503 Target_Child                               garfy     2       chi
#> 12504       Father                                mood     2         n
#> 12505       Father                             painted     2      part
#> 12506 Target_Child                          valentines     2         n
#> 12507       Father                              merman     2         n
#> 12508 Target_Child                             vampire     2         n
#> 12509       Father                                pupa     2         n
#> 12510       Father                               rooms     2         n
#> 12511 Target_Child                                vans     2         n
#> 12512       Father                               hints     2         n
#> 12513 Target_Child                                coin     2         n
#> 12514 Target_Child                            Varder's     2       adj
#> 12515       Father                             Chocula     2    n:prop
#> 12516 Target_Child                          vegetables     2         n
#> 12517       Father                               meets     2         v
#> 12518       Father                              lowfat     2         n
#> 12519       Father                               still     2      meta
#> 12520       Father                               choke     2         v
#> 12521 Target_Child                                vest     2         n
#> 12522       Father                           somewhere     2         n
#> 12523 Unidentified                                hand     2         n
#> 12524       Mother                          practicing     2      part
#> 12525 Target_Child                                 dip     2         v
#> 12526 Target_Child                              colder     2       adj
#> 12527       Mother                            practice     2         n
#> 12528       Father                              saucer     2         n
#> 12529       Father                              square     2       adj
#> 12530       Father                               stiff     2         n
#> 12531       Father                                Penn     2    n:prop
#> 12532 Target_Child                               Gábor     2    n:prop
#> 12533       Father                          Sticky_Dog     2    n:prop
#> 12534 Target_Child                           direction     2         n
#> 12535       Father                               giant     2         n
#> 12536 Target_Child                            Virginia     2    n:prop
#> 12537       Father                What_Do_You_Say_Dear     2    n:prop
#> 12538       Mother                          invincible     2       adj
#> 12539 Target_Child                             college     2         n
#> 12540       Father                               chose     2         v
#> 12541 Target_Child                               visit     2         v
#> 12542 Target_Child                          directions     2         n
#> 12543 Target_Child                            visitors     2         n
#> 12544       Mother                            involved     2      part
#> 12545        Adult                                with     2      prep
#> 12546       Father                        photographer     2         n
#> 12547       Father                                Rory     2    n:prop
#> 12548 Target_Child                         embarrassed     2      part
#> 12549 Target_Child                               fuzzy     2       adj
#> 12550       Father                               spike     2         v
#> 12551       Father                             covered     2         v
#> 12552       Mother                               issue     2         n
#> 12553       Father                          frightened     2         v
#> 12554 Target_Child                            coloring     2  n:gerund
#> 12555 Target_Child                              future     2         n
#> 12556 Target_Child                                vote     2         n
#> 12557 Target_Child                               voted     2      part
#> 12558 Target_Child                              voting     2      part
#> 12559       Father                             concert     2         n
#> 12560       Father                            choppers     2         n
#> 12561       Father                               legos     2         n
#> 12562 Target_Child                             funnest     2       neo
#> 12563       Father                            Megatron     2    n:prop
#> 12564 Target_Child                              colors     2         v
#> 12565       Father                               Dad's     2    n:prop
#> 12566 Target_Child                         Color_forms     2    n:prop
#> 12567        Adult                               Brian     2    n:prop
#> 12568        Adult                               would     2       mod
#> 12569 Target_Child                                   W     2    n:prop
#> 12570 Target_Child                                  wa     2       bab
#> 12571       Father                             Monster     2    n:prop
#> 12572 Target_Child                              wabbit     2       chi
#> 12573       Mother                              possum     2         n
#> 12574 Target_Child                                comb     2         v
#> 12575       Mother                            possible     2       adj
#> 12576 Target_Child                              coming     2  n:gerund
#> 12577 Target_Child                               wagon     2         n
#> 12578        Adult                              what's     2   pro:int
#> 12579 Target_Child                             funnies     2         n
#> 12580       Father                           condenses     2         v
#> 12581       Father                               Dad's     2       adj
#> 12582 Target_Child                               waist     2         n
#> 12583       Father                                dads     2         n
#> 12584       Father                                meet     2         v
#> 12585       Father                          jellybeans     2         n
#> 12586       Father                           protected     2      part
#> 12587       Father                              hunter     2         n
#> 12588       Father                               chops     2         v
#> 12589       Father                                noun     2         n
#> 12590 Target_Child                                duba     2       chi
#> 12591        Adult                                  be     2       aux
#> 12592 Target_Child                               waked     2         v
#> 12593 Target_Child                            discover     2         v
#> 12594       Mother                             married     2      part
#> 12595        Adult                                want     2         v
#> 12596 Target_Child                              fudgie     2         n
#> 12597       Mother                               Poppy     2    n:prop
#> 12598        Adult                             walking     2      part
#> 12599 Target_Child                            frowning     2      part
#> 12600       Father                                 now     2      meta
#> 12601 Target_Child                            frosting     2         n
#> 12602       Father                              Russia     2    n:prop
#> 12603 Target_Child                               Frost     2    n:prop
#> 12604       Mother                                jaws     2         n
#> 12605       Father                               spies     2         v
#> 12606       Father                               saucy     2       adj
#> 12607 Target_Child                             wallets     2         n
#> 12608 Target_Child                        electrocuted     2      part
#> 12609       Father                           grandma's     2       adj
#> 12610       Mother                                jeez     2        co
#> 12611 Target_Child                             Wam_man     2    n:prop
#> 12612 Target_Child                               front     2       adj
#> 12613 Target_Child                                wand     2         n
#> 12614       Mother                            stairway     2         n
#> 12615       Mother                            stardust     2         n
#> 12616 Target_Child                               nipes     2      test
#> 12617       Father                            sticking     2      part
#> 12618       Mother                                cake     2         n
#> 12619       Mother                              teacup     2         n
#> 12620       Father                       Thornton_Bird     2    n:prop
#> 12621       Father                             Barrman     2    n:prop
#> 12622 Target_Child                          nightmares     2         n
#> 12623 Target_Child                               Night     2    n:prop
#> 12624       Father                              Barney     2    n:prop
#> 12625       Father                             nuclear     2       adj
#> 12626 Target_Child                            midnight     2         n
#> 12627       Mother                             calling     2      part
#> 12628 Target_Child                          commercial     2         n
#> 12629       Mother                          toothpaste     2         n
#> 12630 Target_Child                           compacter     2       adj
#> 12631       Father                             bargain     2         v
#> 12632       Mother                          windowsill     2         n
#> 12633 Target_Child                              Nobody     2    n:prop
#> 12634       Father                            realized     2         v
#> 12635       Father                              jumper     2         n
#> 12636       Mother                            seatbelt     2         n
#> 12637 Target_Child                              nickel     2         n
#> 12638       Father                           honeycomb     2         n
#> 12639       Father                              barely     2       adv
#> 12640       Mother                                   c     2     n:let
#> 12641       Father                               thorn     2         n
#> 12642       Father                              hammer     2         v
#> 12643       Father                            thoughts     2         n
#> 12644       Mother                          playground     2         n
#> 12645       Father                             Poppins     2    n:prop
#> 12646       Mother                                 buy     2         v
#> 12647       Mother                               zsupa     2      NULL
#> 12648 Target_Child                                 NɘN     2       uni
#> 12649 Target_Child                               North     2    n:prop
#> 12650     Playmate                                  ah     2        co
#> 12651       Father                                sore     2       adj
#> 12652       Father                              locker     2         n
#> 12653        Adult                                uses     2         v
#> 12654 Target_Child                            nostrils     2         n
#> 12655       Father                             Barbara     2    n:prop
#> 12656       Father                          eventually     2       adv
#> 12657       Mother                             mailman     2         n
#> 12658       Father                             hiccing     2      part
#> 12659       Mother                                 can     2         n
#> 12660 Target_Child                                 dUb     2       uni
#> 12661       Father                              jumped     2      part
#> 12662 Target_Child                         complaining     2      part
#> 12663       Father                                hunk     2      test
#> 12664 Target_Child                             noticed     2         v
#> 12665       Father                                bars     2         n
#> 12666 Target_Child                               frogs     2         n
#> 12667 Target_Child                            nowadays     2   adv:tem
#> 12668 Target_Child                              no_way     2        co
#> 12669       Father                               nueve     2        L2
#> 12670 Target_Child                           complains     2         v
#> 12671 Target_Child                                nude     2       adj
#> 12672       Mother                             candies     2         n
#> 12673       Father                               hairs     2         n
#> 12674       Father                              banker     2         n
#> 12675 Target_Child                                wars     2         v
#> 12676     Playmate                                 are     2       cop
#> 12677       Father                            saturday     2         n
#> 12678     Playmate                                  be     2       cop
#> 12679       Father                             evening     2         n
#> 12680       Father                                bang     2         v
#> 12681 Target_Child                             hotdogs     2         n
#> 12682       Father                               laces     2         n
#> 12683 Target_Child                               nurse     2         n
#> 12684 Target_Child                             nursery     2         n
#> 12685       Father                             banging     2      part
#> 12686 Target_Child                                 Nut     2    n:prop
#> 12687 Target_Child                                nuts     2       adj
#> 12688     Playmate                                blow     2         v
#> 12689       Mother                           highchair     2         n
#> 12690       Father                                Rugu     2       chi
#> 12691     Playmate                                 but     2      conj
#> 12692       Father                                left     2      part
#> 12693 Target_Child                                 New     2    n:prop
#> 12694 Target_Child                              warmer     2       adj
#> 12695 Target_Child                             frisbee     2         n
#> 12696 Target_Child                               Never     2    n:prop
#> 12697       Mother                                 buy     2         n
#> 12698       Father                            realized     2      part
#> 12699       Father                             stick's     2       adj
#> 12700 Target_Child                              teacup     2         n
#> 12701 Target_Child                                nest     2         n
#> 12702       Mother                               jimmy     2         v
#> 12703       Father                              threes     2         n
#> 12704       Father                               baths     2         n
#> 12705 Target_Child                              nerves     2         n
#> 12706 Target_Child                             neither     2        qn
#> 12707 Target_Child                              oblong     2       adj
#> 12708       Father    You're_not_elected_Charlie_Brown     2    n:prop
#> 12709       Mother                           carefully     2       adv
#> 12710 Target_Child                        occasionally     2       adv
#> 12711 Target_Child                             neither     2     coord
#> 12712     Playmate                                  do     2         v
#> 12713 Target_Child                                ocho     2        L2
#> 12714       Father                                  pu     2       uni
#> 12715       Father                              bandit     2         n
#> 12716     Playmate                                 eat     2         v
#> 12717 Target_Child                           neighbors     2         n
#> 12718       Mother                                care     2         v
#> 12719       Mother                            doghouse     2         n
#> 12720     Playmate                               feast     2         n
#> 12721       Mother                                Care     2    n:prop
#> 12722       Mother                           crowsnest     2         n
#> 12723       Father                             leaving     2  n:gerund
#> 12724     Playmate                            finished     2      part
#> 12725       Mother                          politeness     2         n
#> 12726       Mother                                busy     2       adj
#> 12727       Father                              threeo     2       neo
#> 12728       Father                              thirds     2         n
#> 12729       Father                            thriller     2         n
#> 12730     Playmate                               G_man     2    n:prop
#> 12731     Playmate                               going     2      part
#> 12732       Mother                              carrot     2         n
#> 12733        Adult                                 too     2       adv
#> 12734       Mother                            carrying     2      part
#> 12735       Mother                                 Joe     2    n:prop
#> 12736       Father                           battery's     2         n
#> 12737     Playmate                                 had     2         v
#> 12738       Mother                              busier     2       adj
#> 12739       Father                           Battlecat     2    n:prop
#> 12740 Target_Child                            necklace     2         n
#> 12741       Father                             lockers     2         n
#> 12742       Mother                          bricklayer     2         n
#> 12743       Father                               Chuck     2    n:prop
#> 12744 Target_Child                            friendie     2         n
#> 12745       Mother                           birthdays     2         n
#> 12746       Mother                              busier     2      meta
#> 12747       Mother                              police     2         n
#> 12748 Target_Child                              nearly     2       adv
#> 12749 Target_Child                            confused     2         v
#> 12750 Target_Child                                near     2       adj
#> 12751       Mother                            cartoons     2         n
#> 12752       Father                             evening     2      part
#> 12753     Playmate                                I'll     2   pro:sub
#> 12754     Playmate                                  if     2      conj
#> 12755       Father                                 Bam     2    n:prop
#> 12756       Mother                     Cartoon_Express     2    n:prop
#> 12757 Target_Child                            friend's     2       adj
#> 12758 Target_Child                              nature     2         n
#> 12759 Unidentified                                 out     2       adv
#> 12760       Father                              Jungle     2    n:prop
#> 12761 Target_Child                              nappie     2         n
#> 12762     Playmate                                just     2       adv
#> 12763     Playmate                              killed     2      part
#> 12764 Target_Child                                 one     2        qn
#> 12765       Father                            throat's     2         n
#> 12766       Father                               shift     2         n
#> 12767       Father                                Hahn     2    n:prop
#> 12768       Father                              balled     2      part
#> 12769       Father                           everytime     2   adv:tem
#> 12770       Mother                                cats     2         n
#> 12771       Father                                pair     2         n
#> 12772 Target_Child                                  oo     2       bab
#> 12773       Father                                meow     2         v
#> 12774 Target_Child                                 oof     2        co
#> 12775 Target_Child                                 oof     2        on
#> 12776     Playmate                               let's     2         v
#> 12777       Father                             Sarlacs     2    n:prop
#> 12778       Mother                               catch     2         v
#> 12779       Mother                             burning     2      part
#> 12780       Mother                              caught     2         v
#> 12781     Playmate                                look     2         v
#> 12782       Father                               Poppi     2    n:prop
#> 12783       Father                             pockets     2         n
#> 12784       Mother                           Johnathan     2    n:prop
#> 12785       Father                         handwriting     2         n
#> 12786       Father                               nurse     2         n
#> 12787 Target_Child                              friday     2         n
#> 12788       Mother                              joking     2      part
#> 12789 Target_Child                             opening     2      part
#> 12790       Father                              baking     2      part
#> 12791       Father                             throwed     2      part
#> 12792       Father                               baker     2         n
#> 12793 Target_Child                               opera     2         n
#> 12794 Target_Child                           cooperate     2         v
#> 12795     Playmate                                more     2       adv
#> 12796 Unidentified                               other     2        qn
#> 12797       Father                              monday     2         n
#> 12798     Playmate                                  my     2  det:poss
#> 12799       Mother                                Zorr     2    n:prop
#> 12800     Playmate                                  no     2        co
#> 12801 Target_Child                          nanananana     2     wplay
#> 12802 Target_Child                                Nana     2    n:prop
#> 12803       Mother                                 zoo     2         n
#> 12804 Target_Child                           orangutan     2         n
#> 12805 Target_Child                           orchestra     2         n
#> 12806 Target_Child                               order     2         n
#> 12807     Playmate                                  of     2      prep
#> 12808     Playmate                                  oh     2        co
#> 12809     Playmate                                okay     2       adj
#> 12810 Target_Child                               Oreos     2    n:prop
#> 12811 Unidentified                                  or     2     coord
#> 12812 Target_Child                             watches     2         n
#> 12813 Target_Child                               fresh     2       adj
#> 12814       Father                               Beach     2    n:prop
#> 12815       Father                              bear's     2       adj
#> 12816 Target_Child                               Oscar     2    n:prop
#> 12817       Father                           reasoning     2  n:gerund
#> 12818 Target_Child                                 dub     2         v
#> 12819       Mother                                mask     2         n
#> 12820 Target_Child                             other's     2       adj
#> 12821 Target_Child                               other     2 pro:indef
#> 12822       Mother                               bunch     2         n
#> 12823       Father                               bagel     2         n
#> 12824       Father                                lock     2         v
#> 12825 Target_Child                                ouch     2      meta
#> 12826       Father                               bears     2         v
#> 12827       Mother                                Josh     2    n:prop
#> 12828       Father                             hallway     2         n
#> 12829       Father                              Marian     2    n:prop
#> 12830       Father                              unreal     2       adj
#> 12831       Father                          Pennysaver     2    n:prop
#> 12832       Father                               rebel     2         n
#> 12833       Father                                 hit     2      part
#> 12834 Target_Child                             mystics     2         n
#> 12835       Mother                             changes     2         v
#> 12836       Father                               ships     2         n
#> 12837       Father                               badly     2       adv
#> 12838       Father                             Bactrim     2    n:prop
#> 12839        Adult                             thought     2         v
#> 12840 Target_Child                              outfit     2         n
#> 12841       Father                          everywhere     2       adv
#> 12842 Target_Child                          Disneyland     2    n:prop
#> 12843 Target_Child                            continue     2         v
#> 12844       Father                           conductor     2         n
#> 12845       Father                                 Pie     2    n:prop
#> 12846 Target_Child                            dispored     2       chi
#> 12847 Target_Child                              mutzik     2       chi
#> 12848       Father                              Forest     2    n:prop
#> 12849 Target_Child                            overalls     2      n:pt
#> 12850     Playmate                                Ross     2    n:prop
#> 12851       Father                              backed     2      part
#> 12852       Mother                          characters     2         n
#> 12853       Mother                            chariots     2         n
#> 12854       Father                             shirt's     2       adj
#> 12855       Father                              Shazam     2    n:prop
#> 12856 Target_Child                           Watership     2    n:prop
#> 12857 Target_Child                             musical     2         n
#> 12858       Mother                            cheating     2      part
#> 12859       Father                         stegosaurus     2         n
#> 12860 Target_Child                               owies     2       chi
#> 12861 Target_Child                          Muscle_Man     2    n:prop
#> 12862 Target_Child                                owls     2         n
#> 12863 Target_Child                             muscles     2         v
#> 12864     Playmate                                sure     2       adj
#> 12865 Target_Child                                free     2         v
#> 12866 Target_Child                            owowowow     2        on
#> 12867 Target_Child                                  eh     2        co
#> 12868       Mother                               built     2      part
#> 12869       Father                              Ewok's     2       adj
#> 12870       Father                              shazam     2        co
#> 12871       Father                                tick     2         n
#> 12872       Father                               exact     2       adj
#> 12873 Unidentified                                 one     2   det:num
#> 12874 Target_Child                                  pa     2         n
#> 12875       Father                           whispered     2      part
#> 12876       Father                             circles     2         n
#> 12877 Target_Child                              muppet     2         n
#> 12878 Target_Child                               munch     2         v
#> 12879 Target_Child                               Mummy     2    n:prop
#> 12880 Target_Child                                wawa     2       chi
#> 12881       Father                              baby's     2         n
#> 12882       Mother                              yellow     2         n
#> 12883 Target_Child                              paddle     2         n
#> 12884 Target_Child                              wawawa     2       chi
#> 12885 Target_Child                              coocoo     2     wplay
#> 12886 Target_Child                                pail     2         n
#> 12887       Mother                              yelled     2         v
#> 12888       Father                            etcetera     2       adv
#> 12889       Father                               babas     2        L2
#> 12890       Mother                              plenty     2         n
#> 12891       Father                           recognize     2         v
#> 12892       Father                          Hungarians     2    n:prop
#> 12893       Father                            splashed     2         v
#> 12894       Father                               thick     2       adj
#> 12895       Father                                lock     2         n
#> 12896       Father                              joined     2         v
#> 12897       Mother                             buckets     2         n
#> 12898       Father                              esze'l     2        L2
#> 12899     Playmate                               wants     2         v
#> 12900       Mother                             ye_gods     2        co
#> 12901       Father                               shawl     2         n
#> 12902       Father                             patient     2       adj
#> 12903 Target_Child                                 mug     2         n
#> 12904       Father                            markedly     2       adv
#> 12905 Target_Child                               muffs     2         n
#> 12906 Target_Child                              Muckon     2       chi
#> 12907 Target_Child                               panda     2         n
#> 12908       Father                               Kacey     2    n:prop
#> 12909 Target_Child                                pant     2         v
#> 12910       Mother                                yawn     2         n
#> 12911 Target_Child                             Panther     2    n:prop
#> 12912       Mother                              bubbly     2       adj
#> 12913       Father                                  az     2        L2
#> 12914 Target_Child                                 pap     2         n
#> 12915       Father                               Ayres     2    n:prop
#> 12916       Father                          conference     2         n
#> 12917     Playmate                              wizard     2         n
#> 12918       Father                                axes     2         n
#> 12919       Father                                  ax     2         n
#> 12920 Target_Child                                 way     2        co
#> 12921       Father                                 tie     2         n
#> 12922 Target_Child                           parachute     2         n
#> 12923       Father                                  da     2       bab
#> 12924 Target_Child                            parakeet     2         n
#> 12925       Father                              hitted     2         v
#> 12926       Father                              became     2       cop
#> 12927       Father                             becomes     2       cop
#> 12928       Mother                               yahoo     2        co
#> 12929       Father                     Porky's_Hiccups     2    n:prop
#> 12930       Mother                              plenty     2       adv
#> 12931       Father                              Kaiser     2    n:prop
#> 12932       Father                               mercy     2         n
#> 12933       Mother                             browner     2       adj
#> 12934       Father                             marking     2      part
#> 12935 Target_Child                            partners     2         n
#> 12936 Target_Child                             parties     2         n
#> 12937       Father                              object     2         n
#> 12938       Father                               untie     2         v
#> 12939 Target_Child                                pass     2         n
#> 12940        Adult             The_Empire_Strikes_back     2    n:prop
#> 12941 Target_Child                              passed     2      part
#> 12942       Mother                                chin     2         n
#> 12943       Father                           Tiffany's     2       adj
#> 12944       Father                             forgive     2         v
#> 12945        Adult                              that's     2   pro:rel
#> 12946     Relative                                 are     2       aux
#> 12947       Father                             Tiffany     2    n:prop
#> 12948 Target_Child                              foxkan     2       chi
#> 12949       Mother                            brothers     2         n
#> 12950       Father                             Cyclops     2    n:prop
#> 12951       Mother                              played     2      part
#> 12952 Target_Child                              weared     2      part
#> 12953       Mother                             written     2      part
#> 12954 Target_Child                             disturb     2         v
#> 12955       Father                           sharpness     2         n
#> 12956 Target_Child                              fourth     2         n
#> 12957 Target_Child                             patient     2       adj
#> 12958 Target_Child                              weared     2         v
#> 12959 Target_Child                             patient     2         n
#> 12960       Mother                           christmas     2         n
#> 12961       Mother                           Christmas     2    n:prop
#> 12962 Target_Child                                Paul     2    n:prop
#> 12963       Father                                pops     2         v
#> 12964     Relative                                edge     2         n
#> 12965       Father                                beet     2         n
#> 12966       Father                            pinching     2      part
#> 12967       Mother                            cinnamon     2         n
#> 12968       Father                              Sprite     2    n:prop
#> 12969 Target_Child                            Paxton's     2       adj
#> 12970 Target_Child                             mousies     2         n
#> 12971 Target_Child                              fourth     2       adj
#> 12972 Target_Child                              paying     2  n:gerund
#> 12973       Father                            exciting     2       adj
#> 12974 Target_Child                              paying     2      part
#> 12975       Father                         thermometer     2         n
#> 12976     Relative                            horrible     2       adj
#> 12977 Target_Child                             weather     2         n
#> 12978       Father                             Santa's     2    n:prop
#> 12979       Mother                             brought     2         v
#> 12980     Relative                                  it     2   pro:per
#> 12981       Father                  Shoots_and_ladders     2    n:prop
#> 12982 Target_Child                               peach     2         n
#> 12983       Father                           exclusive     2       adj
#> 12984       Father                               begin     2         v
#> 12985 Target_Child                              peanut     2         n
#> 12986 Target_Child                        motorcycle's     2       adj
#> 12987 Target_Child                              effect     2         n
#> 12988       Mother                               clean     2         v
#> 12989 Target_Child                               pedal     2         n
#> 12990       Father                            horribly     2       adv
#> 12991       Mother                                junk     2         n
#> 12992 Target_Child                           motorboat     2         n
#> 12993 Target_Child                              motors     2         n
#> 12994       Father                               forks     2         n
#> 12995 Target_Child                                 Pee     2    n:prop
#> 12996 Target_Child                                peed     2       fam
#> 12997       Father                            porridge     2         n
#> 12998 Target_Child                              peeked     2         v
#> 12999 Target_Child                                 dub     2       uni
#> 13000 Target_Child                             wee_wee     2         n
#> 13001 Target_Child                             roughup     2         n
#> 13002       Father                              Horner     2    n:prop
#> 13003       Mother                                woof     2         v
#> 13004       Father                               march     2         n
#> 13005       Father                       rub_a_dub_dub     2        co
#> 13006 Target_Child                             mothers     2         n
#> 13007       Mother                              clings     2         v
#> 13008       Father                          Aunt_Moira     2    n:prop
#> 13009       Mother                           Woodstock     2    n:prop
#> 13010       Father                               White     2    n:prop
#> 13011     Relative                                  on     2      prep
#> 13012 Target_Child                            penguins     2         n
#> 13013 Target_Child                                eesh     2        co
#> 13014       Mother                             plastic     2       adj
#> 13015       Father                           excuse_me     2        co
#> 13016 Target_Child                               dries     2         v
#> 13017       Mother                               plant     2         n
#> 13018     Relative                              really     2       adv
#> 13019       Mother                              planet     2         n
#> 13020 Target_Child                             pensive     2       adj
#> 13021       Mother                              closed     2         v
#> 13022       Father                             Masters     2    n:prop
#> 13023 Target_Child                              People     2    n:prop
#> 13024 Target_Child                             peoples     2       neo
#> 13025       Father                                form     2         n
#> 13026       Mother                              cloths     2         n
#> 13027 Target_Child                                Most     2    n:prop
#> 13028 Target_Child                          Pepsi_Cola     2    n:prop
#> 13029       Mother                             Karakul     2    n:prop
#> 13030 Target_Child                              morrow     2         n
#> 13031 Target_Child                             perhaps     2        co
#> 13032       Mother                              bricks     2         n
#> 13033       Father                                clap     2         n
#> 13034       Mother                               Katie     2    n:prop
#> 13035       Mother                                cmon     2        co
#> 13036       Father                           attention     2         n
#> 13037       Mother                              wonder     2       adj
#> 13038       Father                            learning     2  n:gerund
#> 13039       Mother                               Wompa     2    n:prop
#> 13040       Mother                             keeping     2      part
#> 13041       Father                            hundreds     2         n
#> 13042     Relative                            thinking     2      part
#> 13043       Father                                jobs     2         n
#> 13044       Father                               times     2         v
#> 13045     Relative                                time     2         n
#> 13046       Mother                               keeps     2         v
#> 13047 Target_Child                               Peter     2    n:prop
#> 13048 Target_Child                          eeny_meeny     2        co
#> 13049       Mother                                coke     2         n
#> 13050       Father                                pals     2         n
#> 13051 Target_Child                               moons     2         n
#> 13052       Mother                               Woman     2    n:prop
#> 13053       Mother                             Brian's     2       adj
#> 13054       Father                           sprinkler     2         n
#> 13055       Father                                 mar     2         v
#> 13056       Mother                              collie     2         n
#> 13057 Target_Child                                 Moo     2    n:prop
#> 13058       Father                           positions     2         n
#> 13059       Father                              hoping     2      part
#> 13060       Mother                              colors     2         n
#> 13061       Father                             bicycle     2         n
#> 13062       Mother                            pirate's     2       adj
#> 13063       Father                         essentially     2       adv
#> 13064       Father                               Karen     2    n:prop
#> 13065 Target_Child                                pici     2        L2
#> 13066 Target_Child                                Well     2    n:prop
#> 13067 Target_Child                             picking     2  n:gerund
#> 13068 Target_Child                               Wendy     2    n:prop
#> 13069       Father                                pops     2         n
#> 13070       Mother                               broke     2         v
#> 13071 Target_Child                           monster's     2       adj
#> 13072       Father                                 raw     2       adj
#> 13073       Father                              palace     2         n
#> 13074       Father                               bendy     2       adj
#> 13075       Mother                                 May     2    n:prop
#> 13076       Mother                              months     2         n
#> 13077       Father                               theme     2         n
#> 13078 Target_Child                                   a     2        L2
#> 13079       Father                             Eskimos     2    n:prop
#> 13080       Father                                 tip     2         v
#> 13081 Target_Child                                   a     2     wplay
#> 13082 Target_Child                            pictures     2         v
#> 13083 Target_Child                                   A     2    n:prop
#> 13084       Father                              attack     2         n
#> 13085       Father                               meant     2      part
#> 13086 Target_Child                                 Pie     2    n:prop
#> 13087 Target_Child                              edible     2       adj
#> 13088 Target_Child                            forehead     2         n
#> 13089       Father                              stolen     2      part
#> 13090       Father                               Peggy     2    n:prop
#> 13091       Father                              Clause     2    n:prop
#> 13092 Target_Child                               drier     2       adj
#> 13093 Target_Child                       Mon_chi_chi's     2       adj
#> 13094 Target_Child                               cough     2         v
#> 13095 Target_Child                               abc's     2       adj
#> 13096 Target_Child                                 abc     2         n
#> 13097 Target_Child                                 pig     2         v
#> 13098 Target_Child                                abcs     2         n
#> 13099 Target_Child                                 Mon     2    n:prop
#> 13100       Mother                             windows     2         n
#> 13101       Father                            escaping     2      part
#> 13102       Father                               gesus     2      test
#> 13103       Father                                Joan     2    n:prop
#> 13104       Mother                                 pin     2         n
#> 13105       Father                                aten     2       chi
#> 13106       Mother                                nart     2     wplay
#> 13107       Father                                gunk     2         n
#> 13108       Father                              cutest     2       adj
#> 13109       Father                            Berkeley     2    n:prop
#> 13110       Father                            Shape_up     2    n:prop
#> 13111 Target_Child                                pins     2         n
#> 13112 Target_Child                                  wh     2        on
#> 13113       Father                             lizards     2         n
#> 13114       Father                             Mark'll     2    n:prop
#> 13115       Mother                             comment     2         n
#> 13116 Target_Child                              moment     2         n
#> 13117 Target_Child                              accent     2         n
#> 13118 Target_Child                               pinga     2       chi
#> 13119 Unidentified                                pull     2         v
#> 13120 Target_Child                               Mom's     2    n:prop
#> 13121 Target_Child                           accidents     2         n
#> 13122 Target_Child                        accidentally     2       adv
#> 13123 Target_Child                            could've     2       mod
#> 13124       Father                                reel     2         n
#> 13125 Target_Child                            Pinochio     2    n:prop
#> 13126 Target_Child                                pípa     2        L2
#> 13127       Father                              meanie     2     wplay
#> 13128 Target_Child                               pipis     2        L2
#> 13129       Father                                peas     2         n
#> 13130       Father                               cuter     2       adj
#> 13131 Target_Child                                ache     2         n
#> 13132 Target_Child                             footing     2         n
#> 13133       Father                            punching     2      part
#> 13134       Mother                                 boy     2        co
#> 13135       Father                             longest     2       adj
#> 13136       Father                             cleaner     2         n
#> 13137       Mother                                wide     2       adj
#> 13138       Father                             Shana's     2       adj
#> 13139       Father                                best     2         v
#> 13140       Father                              ladies     2         n
#> 13141 Target_Child                               foods     2         n
#> 13142 Target_Child                            Mitchell     2    n:prop
#> 13143 Target_Child                               Mitan     2    n:prop
#> 13144       Father                            shampoos     2         n
#> 13145       Father                             keeping     2      part
#> 13146       Father                               Betty     2    n:prop
#> 13147       Mother                                 pig     2         n
#> 13148       Father                           astronaut     2         n
#> 13149 Target_Child                               place     2         v
#> 13150       Father                                JJ's     2       adj
#> 13151 Target_Child                             replace     2         v
#> 13152       Father                                toad     2         n
#> 13153       Father                               whole     2       adv
#> 13154 Target_Child                              missed     2      part
#> 13155       Mother                             whoever     2   pro:int
#> 13156 Target_Child                           miserable     2       adj
#> 13157 Target_Child                                plan     2         v
#> 13158 Target_Child                             planned     2         v
#> 13159 Target_Child                               actor     2         n
#> 13160       Father                            shoulder     2         n
#> 13161       Father                           asteroids     2         n
#> 13162       Father                               maggy     2       fam
#> 13163 Target_Child                                  ad     2         n
#> 13164 Target_Child                              mirror     2         n
#> 13165       Mother                             concept     2         n
#> 13166 Target_Child                               három     2      NULL
#> 13167       Father                              jingle     2         v
#> 13168 Target_Child                                 add     2        L2
#> 13169       Father                              expert     2         n
#> 13170       Father                           explained     2         v
#> 13171       Father                          meaningful     2       adj
#> 13172       Father                               offer     2         n
#> 13173       Father                                 rat     2         n
#> 13174       Father                Jimmy_Superfly_Snuka     2    n:prop
#> 13175       Father                                kell     2        L2
#> 13176 Target_Child                             Minerva     2    n:prop
#> 13177 Unidentified                                  go     2         v
#> 13178 Target_Child                               adopt     2         v
#> 13179       Father                               Bicis     2    n:prop
#> 13180 Target_Child                            adorable     2       adj
#> 13181       Father                            persuade     2         v
#> 13182 Target_Child                              mine's     2       adj
#> 13183       Father                                asks     2         v
#> 13184       Father                            spilling     2      part
#> 13185       Mother                         considering     2      part
#> 13186       Father                               shout     2         v
#> 13187       Mother                               which     2   pro:int
#> 13188       Mother                             where's     2   pro:rel
#> 13189       Father                              Erin's     2       adj
#> 13190 Target_Child                              Africa     2    n:prop
#> 13191       Father                            exploded     2         v
#> 13192       Father                            Pilgrims     2    n:prop
#> 13193       Father                             that'll     2      comp
#> 13194 Target_Child                              plenty     2       adv
#> 13195       Father                           Pooh_Bear     2    n:prop
#> 13196       Mother                            continue     2         v
#> 13197       Father                                pest     2         n
#> 13198 Target_Child                               milky     2       adj
#> 13199 Target_Child                             plugged     2      part
#> 13200       Mother                              killed     2      part
#> 13201       Father                                bien     2        L2
#> 13202       Father                      Long_armed_man     2    n:prop
#> 13203 Target_Child                                ages     2         n
#> 13204       Mother                        conversation     2         n
#> 13205       Father                                 Big     2    n:prop
#> 13206       Father                               shows     2         n
#> 13207       Father                             punched     2      part
#> 13208       Father                             showing     2  n:gerund
#> 13209       Father                            Big_Bang     2    n:prop
#> 13210       Mother                            blurrily     2       adv
#> 13211 Target_Child                                mien     2       bab
#> 13212 Target_Child                              pointy     2       adj
#> 13213       Father                                guns     2         v
#> 13214 Target_Child                             pointer     2         n
#> 13215 Target_Child                              points     2         n
#> 13216       Father                              pottie     2         n
#> 13217       Mother                            pictures     2         n
#> 13218       Mother                               wheel     2         n
#> 13219       Mother                            whatever     2   pro:int
#> 13220       Father                               lamps     2         n
#> 13221       Father                           crosseyed     2         v
#> 13222       Father                       Tomorrow_land     2    n:prop
#> 13223       Mother                                blue     2         n
#> 13224 Target_Child                                miao     2        on
#> 13225       Father                              jester     2         n
#> 13226 Target_Child                                 whe     2        on
#> 13227       Father                                cuts     2         n
#> 13228 Target_Child                                  mi     2        L2
#> 13229 Target_Child                                ahhh     2       chi
#> 13230       Father                          tonsilitis     2         n
#> 13231       Mother                            werewolf     2         n
#> 13232 Target_Child                          meteoroids     2         n
#> 13233 Target_Child                              polish     2         n
#> 13234 Target_Child                                  ai     2       uni
#> 13235 Target_Child                            unpolite     2       adj
#> 13236       Father                              rascal     2         n
#> 13237 Target_Child                                Polo     2    n:prop
#> 13238       Mother                                corn     2         n
#> 13239       Father                                eyes     2         v
#> 13240       Father                              curtsy     2         v
#> 13241 Target_Child                              ponies     2         n
#> 13242       Mother                         incorrectly     2       adv
#> 13243       Father                              curtsy     2         n
#> 13244       Mother                            blooming     2      part
#> 13245       Mother                              picked     2         v
#> 13246 Target_Child                               aimed     2         v
#> 13247       Father                             engines     2         n
#> 13248 Target_Child                                 poo     2         v
#> 13249 Target_Child                               pooed     2         v
#> 13250 Target_Child                             poochie     2         n
#> 13251 Target_Child                                  Ed     2    n:prop
#> 13252       Father                              curses     2         n
#> 13253        Adult                                 six     2   det:num
#> 13254 Target_Child                                poof     2        co
#> 13255 Target_Child                                poof     2        on
#> 13256 Target_Child                                Pooh     2    n:prop
#> 13257       Father                             engbaba     2     wplay
#> 13258       Father                               thank     2         v
#> 13259 Target_Child                               pools     2         n
#> 13260 Target_Child                             airport     2         n
#> 13261       Mother                             costume     2         n
#> 13262       Father                                 pen     2         n
#> 13263 Target_Child                             folding     2      part
#> 13264 Target_Child                              merrrr     2        on
#> 13265       Father                               Texas     2    n:prop
#> 13266       Father                                jerk     2       chi
#> 13267       Father                                 gum     2         v
#> 13268 Target_Child                               alarm     2         n
#> 13269       Father                              ezeket     2        L2
#> 13270       Father                             engaged     2      part
#> 13271       Father                             offices     2         n
#> 13272       Father                                leaf     2         n
#> 13273       Mother                              weapon     2         n
#> 13274 Target_Child                                 ale     2         n
#> 13275       Father                                gums     2         n
#> 13276 Target_Child                               mercy     2         n
#> 13277 Target_Child                                pops     2         v
#> 13278       Mother                               we've     2   pro:sub
#> 13279 Target_Child                             Pop_eye     2    n:prop
#> 13280       Father                               enemy     2         n
#> 13281 Target_Child                               alike     2       adv
#> 13282 Target_Child                           busdriver     2         n
#> 13283       Father                                   f     2     n:let
#> 13284       Mother                               bleed     2         v
#> 13285 Target_Child                            where're     2   pro:int
#> 13286       Father                               momma     2       fam
#> 13287 Target_Child                             mention     2         v
#> 13288 Target_Child                            porridge     2         n
#> 13289       Mother                             counted     2         v
#> 13290       Mother                             counter     2         n
#> 13291 Target_Child                             cousins     2         n
#> 13292 Target_Child                              poster     2         n
#> 13293 Target_Child                               drunk     2       adj
#> 13294       Father                               gummy     2       adj
#> 13295       Mother                              county     2         n
#> 13296       Mother                              couple     2         n
#> 13297       Father                             Arizona     2    n:prop
#> 13298       Mother                                blah     2        co
#> 13299 Target_Child                           fireman's     2         n
#> 13300       Father                              sexual     2       adj
#> 13301 Target_Child                              melted     2      part
#> 13302 Target_Child                              pounds     2         v
#> 13303 Target_Child                            Alliance     2    n:prop
#> 13304       Father                            Empirial     2    n:prop
#> 13305 Target_Child                             pouring     2      part
#> 13306 Target_Child                          alligators     2         n
#> 13307       Father                             testing     2      part
#> 13308 Target_Child                            wherever     2   pro:rel
#> 13309       Mother                               kinds     2         n
#> 13310       Mother                               watch     2         n
#> 13311 Target_Child                             allowed     2         v
#> 13312       Father                              Rankor     2    n:prop
#> 13313 Target_Child                             whether     2      comp
#> 13314 Target_Child                           allowance     2         n
#> 13315 Target_Child                                 fog     2         n
#> 13316       Father                               pound     2         n
#> 13317 Target_Child                          Powerhouse     2    n:prop
#> 13318 Target_Child                               Flynn     2    n:prop
#> 13319       Mother                               cover     2         v
#> 13320 Target_Child                               alone     2       adv
#> 13321 Target_Child                               alone     2      post
#> 13322       Father                              Sándor     2    n:prop
#> 13323 Target_Child                           practiced     2         v
#> 13324       Mother                               bites     2         v
#> 13325       Mother                              washed     2      part
#> 13326       Father                           emperor's     2         n
#> 13327 Target_Child                                flys     2         n
#> 13328 Target_Child                               aloud     2       adv
#> 13329 Target_Child                            covering     2      part
#> 13330       Mother                                 cow     2         n
#> 13331       Father                                shut     2      part
#> 13332       Father                                shut     2         v
#> 13333       Mother                          microphone     2         n
#> 13334        Adult                                says     2         v
#> 13335 Target_Child                                meet     2         v
#> 13336       Father                            firehose     2         n
#> 13337 Target_Child                             meeting     2  n:gerund
#> 13338       Mother                                 nap     2         n
#> 13339 Target_Child                           President     2    n:prop
#> 13340 Target_Child                              medium     2         n
#> 13341       Mother                             cracked     2      part
#> 13342       Father                              Elliot     2    n:prop
#> 13343       Father                               fairy     2         n
#> 13344       Mother                     kindergarteners     2         n
#> 13345 Target_Child                            pressure     2         n
#> 13346       Father                              arctic     2       adj
#> 13347       Father                             current     2       adj
#> 13348       Father                                 faj     2        L2
#> 13349       Mother                               named     2         v
#> 13350       Father                              pounds     2         n
#> 13351       Father                              harder     2       adv
#> 13352 Target_Child                            whipping     2      part
#> 13353       Father                             archery     2         n
#> 13354       Father                               archa     2     wplay
#> 13355 Target_Child                             flusher     2         n
#> 13356       Father                                 Jen     2    n:prop
#> 13357 Target_Child                             whipped     2         v
#> 13358       Mother                            craziest     2       adj
#> 13359 Target_Child                                crab     2         n
#> 13360       Mother                               crazy     2       adj
#> 13361       Mother                             kind_of     2       adv
#> 13362 Target_Child                               amigo     2        L2
#> 13363       Mother                                walk     2         n
#> 13364       Mother                             biggest     2       adj
#> 13365 Target_Child                              Eat_It     2    n:prop
#> 13366       Mother                              waffle     2         n
#> 13367       Father                                 Apu     2    n:prop
#> 13368 Target_Child                         principal's     2       adj
#> 13369 Target_Child                           principal     2         n
#> 13370        Adult                                  be     2       cop
#> 13371       Father                              moment     2         n
#> 13372       Father                              landed     2      part
#> 13373 Target_Child                                meal     2         n
#> 13374       Mother                              kissed     2      part
#> 13375 Target_Child                           whispered     2         v
#> 13376 Target_Child                                 and     2      meta
#> 13377       Father                              sewing     2      part
#> 13378 Target_Child                           McCartney     2    n:prop
#> 13379       Father                         appropriate     2       adj
#> 13380       Father                            sickness     2         n
#> 13381       Mother                               cross     2         n
#> 13382      Visitor                                 see     2         v
#> 13383       Mother                            visitors     2         n
#> 13384 Target_Child                            programs     2         n
#> 13385       Father                            elements     2         n
#> 13386 Target_Child                             program     2         v
#> 13387       Mother                                best     2         v
#> 13388 Target_Child                              angels     2         n
#> 13389       Father                            appetite     2         n
#> 13390       Father                             sickish     2       neo
#> 13391 Target_Child                           propeller     2         n
#> 13392       Father                              tother     2       chi
#> 13393 Target_Child                           protected     2      part
#> 13394 Target_Child                          protecting     2      part
#> 13395 Target_Child                             flowers     2         v
#> 13396       Father                             listens     2         v
#> 13397 Target_Child                               Angus     2    n:prop
#> 13398       Father                                Toto     2    n:prop
#> 13399       Mother                          vigorously     2       adv
#> 13400 Target_Child                               proud     2       adj
#> 13401       Mother                        View_Masters     2    n:prop
#> 13402 Target_Child                               prove     2         v
#> 13403       Father                               touch     2         n
#> 13404       Father                              bitter     2       adj
#> 13405       Father                    extraterrestrial     2       adj
#> 13406 Target_Child                              pschoo     2        on
#> 13407 Target_Child                            mattress     2         n
#> 13408       Mother                               video     2         n
#> 13409       Father                                Mimi     2    n:prop
#> 13410 Target_Child                              matter     2         n
#> 13411       Mother                              crummy     2       adj
#> 13412 Target_Child                              pssssh     2        on
#> 13413 Target_Child                             pssssss     2        on
#> 13414 Target_Child                                 hat     2      NULL
#> 13415 Target_Child                              psyche     2         n
#> 13416       Mother                              crying     2      part
#> 13417 Target_Child                              cracks     2         v
#> 13418       Mother                             minutes     2         n
#> 13419       Father                             bittest     2       chi
#> 13420 Target_Child                            Mathew's     2       adj
#> 13421 Target_Child                                puff     2         n
#> 13422        Adult                                Ross     2    n:prop
#> 13423 Target_Child                                puff     2         v
#> 13424 Target_Child                         butterflies     2         n
#> 13425 Target_Child                             anydays     2       chi
#> 13426       Mother                             vicious     2       adj
#> 13427       Father                               sides     2         v
#> 13428 Target_Child                             matches     2         n
#> 13429       Father                             curious     2       adj
#> 13430       Father                             poochie     2         n
#> 13431       Mother                             kitty's     2       adj
#> 13432 Target_Child                                 mat     2         n
#> 13433 Target_Child                          Mastercard     2    n:prop
#> 13434       Mother                                belt     2         n
#> 13435       Father                           gertinors     2     wplay
#> 13436       Mother                               belly     2         n
#> 13437       Mother                          vanquished     2      part
#> 13438       Father                               tense     2         n
#> 13439 Target_Child                                 apa     2        L2
#> 13440 Target_Child                                 pun     2         n
#> 13441 Target_Child                               punch     2         n
#> 13442       Father                             clearly     2       adv
#> 13443       Father                           relatives     2         n
#> 13444 Target_Child                              Martin     2    n:prop
#> 13445       Mother                                   v     2     n:let
#> 13446       Mother                             usually     2       adv
#> 13447 Target_Child                                punk     2         n
#> 13448       Mother                               begin     2         v
#> 13449 Target_Child                            appeared     2      part
#> 13450 Target_Child                                pupa     2         n
#> 13451 Target_Child                               pupil     2         n
#> 13452 Target_Child                              Markys     2    n:prop
#> 13453       Father                             release     2         v
#> 13454 Target_Child                             puppies     2         n
#> 13455       Father                            confuses     2         v
#> 13456       Father                          Blackwurst     2    n:prop
#> 13457       Father                           relevance     2         n
#> 13458       Father                             anytime     2   adv:tem
#> 13459       Mother                             curtain     2         n
#> 13460       Father                            punching     2  n:gerund
#> 13461       Mother                          befriended     2      part
#> 13462 Target_Child                               whole     2       adv
#> 13463       Mother                               using     2      part
#> 13464 Target_Child                            Markie's     2       adj
#> 13465       Mother                             useable     2       adj
#> 13466       Father                              fallen     2      part
#> 13467       Father                             seventh     2       adj
#> 13468       Father                               eenie     2     wplay
#> 13469 Target_Child                             Florida     2    n:prop
#> 13470 Target_Child                           Appleseed     2    n:prop
#> 13471 Target_Child                                puss     2         n
#> 13472       Father                            pounding     2      part
#> 13473 Target_Child                             Mark'll     2    n:prop
#> 13474       Father                                moms     2         n
#> 13475       Father                             answers     2         n
#> 13476 Target_Child                             Aquaman     2    n:prop
#> 13477       Father                               pound     2         v
#> 13478       Father                               punch     2         n
#> 13479       Mother                                beer     2         n
#> 13480 Target_Child                                mark     2         v
#> 13481       Father                              oldest     2       adj
#> 13482       Father                               clear     2         v
#> 13483 Target_Child                               marks     2         n
#> 13484       Father                                gulp     2         n
#> 13485 Target_Child                                haza     2      NULL
#> 13486       Mother                               Dad's     2       adj
#> 13487       Mother                               kneel     2         v
#> 13488       Mother                                upon     2      prep
#> 13489 Target_Child                               whoof     2        on
#> 13490       Father                               mom's     2         n
#> 13491       Mother                                knob     2         n
#> 13492 Target_Child                              queens     2         n
#> 13493       Mother                                 pet     2         v
#> 13494 Target_Child                              marine     2     wplay
#> 13495       Father                            familiar     2       adj
#> 13496       Mother                                bees     2         n
#> 13497 Target_Child                            flooding     2      part
#> 13498 Target_Child                             floated     2         v
#> 13499       Mother                               until     2      conj
#> 13500       Father                               Angus     2    n:prop
#> 13501 Target_Child                                 Ark     2    n:prop
#> 13502 Target_Child                               float     2         v
#> 13503       Mother                             daddy's     2         n
#> 13504 Target_Child                               march     2         n
#> 13505       Father                            tendency     2         n
#> 13506 Target_Child                            quitting     2      part
#> 13507       Father                            cupboard     2         n
#> 13508       Father                            whoowhoo     2        on
#> 13509       Mother                               knock     2         n
#> 13510 Target_Child                               dunno     2       mod
#> 13511       Father                              silica     2         n
#> 13512 Target_Child                            crawlers     2         n
#> 13513       Mother                           underwear     2         n
#> 13514       Father                            Manglors     2    n:prop
#> 13515       Father                              Jeanie     2    n:prop
#> 13516 Unidentified                                 see     2         v
#> 13517       Father                                Andy     2    n:prop
#> 13518 Target_Child                               racer     2         n
#> 13519 Target_Child                               armor     2         n
#> 13520 Target_Child                            m_and_ms     2         n
#> 13521 Target_Child                           m_and_m's     2         n
#> 13522       Mother                          understood     2         v
#> 13523 Target_Child                            floating     2      part
#> 13524 Target_Child                               float     2         n
#> 13525       Father                              yippee     2        co
#> 13526 Target_Child                            Rachel's     2       adj
#> 13527       Father                              tracks     2         n
#> 13528 Target_Child                             managed     2         v
#> 13529       Mother                               Becky     2    n:prop
#> 13530       Father                            eyedrops     2         n
#> 13531       Father                             spilled     2         v
#> 13532 Target_Child                                 man     2      meta
#> 13533       Father                              liquid     2         n
#> 13534 Target_Child                     Radio_Star_Wars     2    n:prop
#> 13535       Father                             cleared     2         v
#> 13536 Target_Child                             Raggedy     2    n:prop
#> 13537       Mother                               under     2       adv
#> 13538 Target_Child                             arrived     2         v
#> 13539       Father                              Ectrex     2    n:prop
#> 13540       Father                             Blitzen     2    n:prop
#> 13541 Target_Child                                mama     2         n
#> 13542 Target_Child                            icecubes     2         n
#> 13543       Father                                 hum     2         v
#> 13544 Target_Child                              crayon     2         n
#> 13545       Mother                                dark     2       adj
#> 13546 Target_Child                             crayons     2         n
#> 13547 Target_Child                               malna     2        L2
#> 13548       Father                              cuddle     2         v
#> 13549        Adult                              people     2         n
#> 13550       Mother                               ummhm     2        co
#> 13551 Target_Child                          Rain_Brite     2    n:prop
#> 13552 Target_Child                              Wicked     2    n:prop
#> 13553 Target_Child                               raise     2         v
#> 13554       Father                               blown     2      part
#> 13555 Target_Child                             magiced     2       chi
#> 13556 Target_Child                            magazine     2         n
#> 13557       Father                               why'd     2   pro:int
#> 13558 Target_Child                              Raisin     2    n:prop
#> 13559 Target_Child                         Raisin_bran     2    n:prop
#> 13560       Father                             similar     2       adj
#> 13561       Father                                 And     2    n:prop
#> 13562       Father                                germ     2         n
#> 13563 Target_Child                            Madeline     2    n:prop
#> 13564       Father                              traded     2         v
#> 13565       Father                               yikes     2      meta
#> 13566       Father                                east     2         n
#> 13567 Target_Child                           Madeleine     2    n:prop
#> 13568 Target_Child                              rancor     2         n
#> 13569       Father                              simply     2       adv
#> 13570       Father                         blueberries     2         n
#> 13571 Target_Child                             sandbox     2         n
#> 13572 Target_Child                        MacWhinney's     2       adj
#> 13573       Mother                              turtle     2         n
#> 13574 Target_Child                              ranker     2         n
#> 13575       Mother                               turns     2         v
#> 13576       Father                                fare     2         v
#> 13577       Father                              blumen     2        L2
#> 13578 Target_Child                               rarrh     2        on
#> 13579 Target_Child                          MacDonalds     2    n:prop
#> 13580       Mother                           knowledge     2         n
#> 13581 Target_Child                                maam     2         n
#> 13582 Unidentified                                  mm     2        co
#> 13583       Father                                  bo     2       bab
#> 13584       Father                                Jaws     2    n:prop
#> 13585        Adult                                  or     2     coord
#> 13586       Mother                                   l     2     n:let
#> 13587 Target_Child                                   M     2    n:prop
#> 13588 Target_Child                         rattlesnake     2         n
#> 13589       Mother                              turkey     2         n
#> 13590 Target_Child                           Luxemburg     2    n:prop
#> 13591       Mother                               tummy     2         n
#> 13592 Target_Child                             R_D_two     2    n:prop
#> 13593       Father                               cubes     2         v
#> 13594 Target_Child                             lunches     2         n
#> 13595 Target_Child                              assure     2         v
#> 13596 Target_Child                                lump     2         n
#> 13597 Target_Child                               Lucky     2    n:prop
#> 13598       Father                                Boba     2    n:prop
#> 13599 Target_Child                             luckier     2       adj
#> 13600       Mother                                tuck     2         v
#> 13601 Target_Child                             lowered     2      part
#> 13602 Target_Child                           asteroids     2         n
#> 13603       Father                           amusement     2         n
#> 13604       Father                             amounts     2         n
#> 13605 Target_Child                             wiggles     2         n
#> 13606 Target_Child                          astronauts     2         n
#> 13607 Target_Child                          Flintstone     2    n:prop
#> 13608       Father                               Train     2    n:prop
#> 13609       Mother                               tried     2         v
#> 13610 Target_Child                         Easter_Ewok     2    n:prop
#> 13611       Mother                               trust     2         v
#> 13612 Unidentified                                 she     2   pro:sub
#> 13613 Target_Child                         atackatrack     2       chi
#> 13614 Target_Child                               loved     2      part
#> 13615 Target_Child                            credible     2       adj
#> 13616 Target_Child                          recognized     2         v
#> 13617 Target_Child                               At_At     2    n:prop
#> 13618       Father                            american     2       adj
#> 13619       Father                                sets     2         n
#> 13620 Target_Child                                lice     2         n
#> 13621       Father                                fart     2         n
#> 13622 Target_Child                                ated     2       neo
#> 13623 Target_Child                            firewood     2         n
#> 13624       Father                              mashed     2      part
#> 13625 Target_Child                       Credible_Hulk     2    n:prop
#> 13626 Target_Child                          Flinstones     2    n:prop
#> 13627       Father                               teged     2        L2
#> 13628 Target_Child                        Easter_Bunny     2    n:prop
#> 13629 Target_Child                           Wildbeast     2    n:prop
#> 13630       Mother                               trick     2         n
#> 13631 Target_Child                             redhead     2         n
#> 13632       Mother                              tricky     2       adj
#> 13633 Target_Child                            Wildcats     2    n:prop
#> 13634       Father                              looked     2      part
#> 13635       Mother                          definitely     2       adv
#> 13636       Father                                 Pan     2    n:prop
#> 13637 Target_Child                            attacked     2      part
#> 13638 Target_Child                       refrigerators     2         n
#> 13639 Target_Child                              attack     2         v
#> 13640        Adult                                 one     2 pro:indef
#> 13641 Target_Child                             attacks     2         v
#> 13642       Father                               aloud     2       adv
#> 13643 Target_Child                        attackatrack     2       chi
#> 13644       Father                                sang     2         v
#> 13645 Target_Child                               loses     2         v
#> 13646 Target_Child                           policemen     2         n
#> 13647       Father                             earache     2         n
#> 13648 Target_Child                          remembered     2      part
#> 13649        Adult                                 one     2   det:num
#> 13650 Target_Child                              drowsy     2       adj
#> 13651       Father                             bologna     2         n
#> 13652 Target_Child                           attending     2      part
#> 13653 Target_Child                           attention     2         n
#> 13654 Target_Child                              remind     2         v
#> 13655 Target_Child                          Flier_Bird     2    n:prop
#> 13656       Father                               sings     2         v
#> 13657 Target_Child                                Will     2    n:prop
#> 13658       Father                              single     2       adj
#> 13659       Father                         Landstrider     2    n:prop
#> 13660       Father                             dropout     2         n
#> 13661       Father                                Haut     2    n:prop
#> 13662       Father                              remove     2         v
#> 13663 Target_Child                               loose     2         v
#> 13664       Father                            trapping     2  n:gerund
#> 13665 Target_Child                          reputation     2         n
#> 13666       Father                              having     2  n:gerund
#> 13667       Mother                             deserve     2         v
#> 13668 Target_Child                       automatically     2       adv
#> 13669 Target_Child                                rest     2         v
#> 13670       Father                             trapped     2      part
#> 13671 Target_Child                           available     2       adj
#> 13672 Target_Child                              lookee     2       chi
#> 13673       Father                               bombs     2         n
#> 13674       Father                                bome     2        on
#> 13675 Target_Child                              looked     2      part
#> 13676       Father                               allow     2         v
#> 13677       Mother                               track     2         n
#> 13678       Father                                 hay     2         n
#> 13679       Mother                               devil     2         n
#> 13680 Target_Child                              longer     2       adv
#> 13681 Target_Child                             dragons     2         n
#> 13682 Target_Child                             awfully     2       adv
#> 13683       Father                                pipe     2         n
#> 13684       Father                             allowed     2      part
#> 13685       Father                          alligators     2         n
#> 13686       Father                               Moira     2    n:prop
#> 13687       Father                                once     2      conj
#> 13688       Father                               trash     2         n
#> 13689       Father                                bonk     2        on
#> 13690 Unidentified                                side     2         n
#> 13691 Target_Child                              ribbit     2        on
#> 13692       Father                         Patterson's     2       adj
#> 13693        Adult                              almost     2       adv
#> 13694 Target_Child                              winned     2      part
#> 13695       Father                             bonkers     2       adj
#> 13696       Mother                              Batman     2    n:prop
#> 13697       Father                               why'd     2   pro:rel
#> 13698 Target_Child                             babysit     2         v
#> 13699       Father                            all_gone     2       adj
#> 13700 Target_Child                                undo     2         v
#> 13701       Father                              travel     2         v
#> 13702       Mother                             measure     2         v
#> 13703 Target_Child                                lock     2         n
#> 13704 Target_Child                               drown     2         v
#> 13705       Mother                                tons     2         n
#> 13706 Target_Child                              riders     2         n
#> 13707       Father                           dreamwhip     2         n
#> 13708       Father                                 sip     2         n
#> 13709       Father                      metaphorically     2       adv
#> 13710       Father                             travels     2         v
#> 13711 Target_Child                                babi     2        L2
#> 13712       Mother                               basic     2       adj
#> 13713       Mother                            basement     2         n
#> 13714 Target_Child                              flappy     2       adj
#> 13715 Target_Child                              Riding     2    n:prop
#> 13716       Mother                                Todd     2    n:prop
#> 13717       Mother                                died     2         v
#> 13718       Father                            meantime     2         n
#> 13719       Father                               alert     2         n
#> 13720       Father                                 yet     2      conj
#> 13721       Father                              faucet     2         n
#> 13722 Target_Child                            cremated     2      part
#> 13723 Target_Child                             cricket     2         n
#> 13724 Target_Child                             ringing     2      part
#> 13725       Mother                                meat     2         n
#> 13726 Target_Child                                baby     2         v
#> 13727 Target_Child                                Baby     2    n:prop
#> 13728 Target_Child                                pawn     1         n
#> 13729 Target_Child                             Paxtons     1    n:prop
#> 13730 Target_Child                                paid     1      part
#> 13731       Father                              Avenue     1    n:prop
#> 13732 Target_Child                               payed     1         v
#> 13733 Target_Child                               repay     1         v
#> 13734 Target_Child                                 pch     1        on
#> 13735       Father                              avenue     1         n
#> 13736 Target_Child                                 Pea     1    n:prop
#> 13737       Father                           avalanche     1         n
#> 13738 Target_Child                             peaches     1         n
#> 13739 Target_Child                                pear     1         n
#> 13740 Target_Child                               pears     1         n
#> 13741       Father                           automatic     1         n
#> 13742       Father                            Autobots     1    n:prop
#> 13743 Target_Child                             pee_pee     1         v
#> 13744 Target_Child                                peek     1         n
#> 13745 Target_Child                                peel     1         n
#> 13746 Target_Child                              peeler     1         n
#> 13747 Target_Child                                peel     1         v
#> 13748       Father                              Austin     1    n:prop
#> 13749 Target_Child                            peepeesh     1       chi
#> 13750 Target_Child                            pee_room     1       chi
#> 13751 Target_Child                               Peggy     1    n:prop
#> 13752 Target_Child                                pens     1         n
#> 13753       Father                          attraction     1         n
#> 13754 Target_Child                             Penguin     1    n:prop
#> 13755 Target_Child                            Penney's     1       adj
#> 13756       Father                            attitude     1         n
#> 13757 Target_Child                              Pentho     1    n:prop
#> 13758 Target_Child                              pentok     1       chi
#> 13759 Target_Child                          peppermint     1         n
#> 13760 Target_Child                          Peppermint     1    n:prop
#> 13761       Father                              attics     1         n
#> 13762 Target_Child                             perfect     1         v
#> 13763 Target_Child                             periods     1         n
#> 13764 Target_Child                            person's     1       adj
#> 13765       Father                             attempt     1         n
#> 13766       Father                        Attack_Track     1    n:prop
#> 13767 Unidentified                              pocket     1         n
#> 13768 Target_Child                                pest     1         n
#> 13769 Target_Child                               pet's     1       adj
#> 13770       Father                        attack_track     1       chi
#> 13771 Target_Child                                pets     1         n
#> 13772 Unidentified                              popped     1         v
#> 13773 Target_Child                              Pete's     1       adj
#> 13774 Target_Child                            Petronio     1    n:prop
#> 13775 Target_Child                               pewsh     1        on
#> 13776 Target_Child                             Phantom     1    n:prop
#> 13777 Target_Child                                phew     1        co
#> 13778 Target_Child                                phew     1        on
#> 13779 Target_Child                                 phf     1        on
#> 13780 Target_Child                                phlt     1        on
#> 13781       Father                        attackatrack     1       chi
#> 13782       Father                            attacked     1         v
#> 13783 Target_Child                               phone     1         v
#> 13784 Target_Child                               phony     1         n
#> 13785 Target_Child                               piano     1         n
#> 13786 Target_Child                                 pic     1       bab
#> 13787 Target_Child                                pici     1       bab
#> 13788 Target_Child                              picked     1      part
#> 13789       Father                              attack     1         v
#> 13790 Target_Child                              pickle     1         n
#> 13791 Target_Child                             picnics     1         n
#> 13792 Target_Child                           picture's     1         n
#> 13793       Father                             attacks     1         n
#> 13794 Target_Child                            pictured     1      part
#> 13795 Target_Child                            pictured     1         v
#> 13796 Target_Child                          picturedee     1       neo
#> 13797       Father                              Atrehu     1    n:prop
#> 13798 Target_Child                              pieces     1         v
#> 13799 Target_Child                              Pieces     1    n:prop
#> 13800       Father                               Atlas     1    n:prop
#> 13801 Target_Child                             piggies     1         n
#> 13802       Father                            Atlantic     1    n:prop
#> 13803 Target_Child                              pigger     1       chi
#> 13804 Target_Child                             Pigland     1    n:prop
#> 13805       Father                                aten     1       neo
#> 13806 Target_Child                            Pilgrims     1    n:prop
#> 13807 Target_Child                            pillow's     1         n
#> 13808 Unidentified                              pretty     1       adj
#> 13809 Target_Child                                pins     1         v
#> 13810 Target_Child                             pincher     1         n
#> 13811 Target_Child                                pine     1        on
#> 13812 Target_Child                           pineapple     1         n
#> 13813 Target_Child                                ping     1       chi
#> 13814       Father                              A_Team     1    n:prop
#> 13815 Target_Child                              pinkie     1         n
#> 13816 Target_Child                                Pink     1    n:prop
#> 13817 Target_Child                           Pinkerton     1    n:prop
#> 13818 Target_Child                        pinnerpinner     1     wplay
#> 13819 Target_Child                            pirate's     1       adj
#> 13820 Target_Child                            pirate's     1         n
#> 13821 Target_Child                              Pirate     1    n:prop
#> 13822 Target_Child                               pitch     1         n
#> 13823 Target_Child                             pitcher     1         n
#> 13824 Target_Child                                Pits     1    n:prop
#> 13825       Father                               At_at     1    n:prop
#> 13826       Father                                  At     1    n:prop
#> 13827 Target_Child                              places     1         v
#> 13828 Unidentified                                read     1         v
#> 13829       Father                  As_The_World_Turns     1    n:prop
#> 13830 Target_Child                              planes     1         v
#> 13831 Unidentified                               ready     1       adj
#> 13832 Target_Child                         Planetarium     1    n:prop
#> 13833 Target_Child                               plang     1        on
#> 13834       Father                            asteroid     1         n
#> 13835       Father                              assume     1         v
#> 13836 Target_Child                            planting     1  n:gerund
#> 13837 Target_Child                               plant     1         v
#> 13838 Target_Child                             planted     1         v
#> 13839       Father                            assuming     1      part
#> 13840       Father                           assistant     1         n
#> 13841 Target_Child                             playful     1       adj
#> 13842 Target_Child                             players     1         n
#> 13843 Target_Child                               plays     1         n
#> 13844       Father                                 ass     1         n
#> 13845       Father                            aspirins     1         n
#> 13846       Father                          aspiration     1         n
#> 13847 Target_Child                             Playdoh     1    n:prop
#> 13848 Target_Child                           Playdough     1    n:prop
#> 13849 Target_Child                            pleasant     1       adj
#> 13850 Target_Child                          pleasanter     1       adj
#> 13851       Father                               as_if     1      conj
#> 13852 Target_Child                             pleased     1      part
#> 13853 Target_Child                              please     1         v
#> 13854 Target_Child                             pleases     1         v
#> 13855 Target_Child                            pleasure     1         n
#> 13856 Target_Child                              plenty     1         n
#> 13857 Target_Child                              pllwee     1        on
#> 13858 Target_Child                                plop     1         v
#> 13859 Target_Child                           unplugged     1      part
#> 13860       Father                               aside     1       adv
#> 13861 Target_Child                             plunged     1         v
#> 13862 Target_Child                               plunk     1         v
#> 13863       Father                               Artoo     1    n:prop
#> 13864       Father                            artistic     1       adj
#> 13865 Target_Child                              pocket     1         v
#> 13866 Target_Child                             podikat     1       uni
#> 13867 Target_Child                               poink     1       chi
#> 13868       Father                             artists     1         n
#> 13869 Target_Child                            pointing     1  n:gerund
#> 13870 Target_Child                              points     1         v
#> 13871       Father                          artificial     1       adj
#> 13872 Target_Child                            poisoned     1      part
#> 13873 Target_Child                              poison     1         v
#> 13874       Father                        articulation     1         n
#> 13875       Father                          articulate     1       adj
#> 13876       Father                               Artex     1    n:prop
#> 13877 Target_Child                                Pole     1    n:prop
#> 13878 Target_Child                      police_coptors     1       chi
#> 13879       Father                             arrow's     1         n
#> 13880 Target_Child                               Poman     1    n:prop
#> 13881 Target_Child                         pomegranate     1         n
#> 13882       Father                               Arron     1    n:prop
#> 13883       Father                             arrived     1         v
#> 13884 Target_Child                             poo_poo     1         n
#> 13885 Target_Child                               pooed     1      part
#> 13886 Target_Child                              poodle     1         n
#> 13887 Target_Child                             poodles     1         n
#> 13888 Target_Child                               pookh     1        on
#> 13889       Father                            arranged     1      part
#> 13890 Target_Child                                pool     1         v
#> 13891 Target_Child                                poom     1        on
#> 13892 Target_Child                   pooocha_pun_pooch     1     wplay
#> 13893 Target_Child                               pooom     1        on
#> 13894 Target_Child                               poops     1         n
#> 13895 Target_Child                                poop     1         v
#> 13896 Target_Child                            poop_poo     1       chi
#> 13897 Target_Child                               poost     1       chi
#> 13898 Target_Child                              popped     1      part
#> 13899 Target_Child                             popping     1      part
#> 13900 Unidentified                                 red     1       adj
#> 13901       Father                              Armman     1       chi
#> 13902       Father                              armman     1       chi
#> 13903       Father                                arms     1         v
#> 13904 Unidentified                            remember     1         v
#> 13905 Target_Child                                Pops     1    n:prop
#> 13906       Father                               armed     1      part
#> 13907 Target_Child                                pork     1         n
#> 13908 Target_Child                                port     1         n
#> 13909       Father                                 Ark     1    n:prop
#> 13910 Target_Child                            possibly     1       adv
#> 13911 Target_Child                                pots     1         n
#> 13912 Target_Child                              pottie     1         n
#> 13913 Target_Child                            potato's     1       adj
#> 13914       Father                       argumentative     1       adj
#> 13915 Target_Child                               pouch     1         n
#> 13916 Target_Child                              pourer     1         n
#> 13917 Target_Child                              poured     1      part
#> 13918       Father                              argued     1         v
#> 13919 Target_Child                                pout     1         v
#> 13920 Target_Child                            powdered     1      part
#> 13921 Target_Child                            powdered     1         v
#> 13922 Target_Child                           powerfuls     1         n
#> 13923       Father                             arguing     1  n:gerund
#> 13924 Target_Child                              powers     1         v
#> 13925 Target_Child                                 pox     1         n
#> 13926 Target_Child                          ppsssshhhh     1        on
#> 13927 Target_Child                            practice     1         n
#> 13928 Target_Child                          practicing     1      part
#> 13929 Target_Child                            practice     1         v
#> 13930 Target_Child                              Prague     1    n:prop
#> 13931 Target_Child                              Praque     1    n:prop
#> 13932 Target_Child                             praying     1  n:gerund
#> 13933 Target_Child                             prayers     1         n
#> 13934 Target_Child                            pregnant     1       adj
#> 13935 Target_Child                             prepare     1         v
#> 13936 Unidentified                              saying     1      part
#> 13937       Father                               argon     1         n
#> 13938       Father                                argh     1        co
#> 13939 Target_Child                             pressed     1      part
#> 13940 Target_Child                            pressing     1      part
#> 13941 Target_Child                           pretended     1      part
#> 13942       Father                           architect     1         n
#> 13943 Unidentified                                said     1         v
#> 13944 Target_Child                            pretends     1         v
#> 13945 Target_Child                 Pretty_Cut_and_Draw     1    n:prop
#> 13946       Father                             arainoo     1       fam
#> 13947 Target_Child                            pretzels     1         n
#> 13948 Target_Child                             prickly     1       adj
#> 13949 Target_Child                               prima     1        L2
#> 13950 Target_Child                           princess'     1       adj
#> 13951       Father                             Aquaman     1    n:prop
#> 13952       Father                                apve     1        L2
#> 13953 Target_Child                    Princess_Kenisha     1    n:prop
#> 13954 Target_Child                            prisoner     1         n
#> 13955 Target_Child                             private     1         n
#> 13956 Target_Child                              prizes     1         v
#> 13957 Target_Child                                 pro     1       adj
#> 13958       Father                         appropriate     1         v
#> 13959 Target_Child                               probe     1         n
#> 13960       Father                         appointment     1         n
#> 13961 Target_Child                        professional     1         n
#> 13962 Target_Child                          profitable     1       adj
#> 13963 Target_Child                         programming     1  n:gerund
#> 13964 Target_Child                            promises     1         n
#> 13965       Father                            reappear     1         v
#> 13966 Target_Child                              proper     1       adj
#> 13967 Target_Child                            protects     1         v
#> 13968 Target_Child                          protection     1         n
#> 13969 Target_Child                          protective     1       adj
#> 13970 Target_Child                        protexchment     1       chi
#> 13971 Target_Child                             prouded     1       neo
#> 13972 Target_Child                              proves     1         v
#> 13973 Target_Child                               prune     1         n
#> 13974 Target_Child                            psghetti     1       chi
#> 13975 Target_Child                                 psh     1        on
#> 13976 Target_Child                               pssch     1        on
#> 13977 Target_Child                                psss     1        on
#> 13978 Target_Child                                psst     1        co
#> 13979 Target_Child                               PTA's     1       adj
#> 13980 Target_Child                               ptoue     1        on
#> 13981 Target_Child                             puckets     1       neo
#> 13982       Father                          disappears     1         v
#> 13983 Target_Child                              puffed     1      part
#> 13984       Father                             appears     1         v
#> 13985 Target_Child                              Pugnot     1    n:prop
#> 13986       Father                        disappearing     1  n:gerund
#> 13987       Father                             apology     1         n
#> 13988       Father                           apologies     1         n
#> 13989       Father                          apologized     1      part
#> 13990 Target_Child                                pump     1         n
#> 13991 Target_Child                              pumped     1         v
#> 13992       Father                              Apollo     1    n:prop
#> 13993 Target_Child                            pumpkins     1         n
#> 13994       Father                           A_Plusser     1    n:prop
#> 13995 Target_Child                            punching     1  n:gerund
#> 13996 Target_Child                            punching     1      part
#> 13997       Father                                apes     1         n
#> 13998 Target_Child                               Punky     1    n:prop
#> 13999 Target_Child                                puny     1       adj
#> 14000 Target_Child                              Puppet     1    n:prop
#> 14001       Father                                 apa     1        L2
#> 14002       Father                             anyways     1       adv
#> 14003 Target_Child                              Purple     1    n:prop
#> 14004 Target_Child                            pursuers     1         n
#> 14005       Father                           anybody's     1       adj
#> 14006 Target_Child                              pushes     1         n
#> 14007       Father                                Anya     1    n:prop
#> 14008       Father                             antlers     1         n
#> 14009       Father                            antelope     1         n
#> 14010 Target_Child                              pushes     1         v
#> 14011 Target_Child                             putting     1  n:gerund
#> 14012       Father                             answers     1         v
#> 14013       Father                             another     1 pro:indef
#> 14014 Target_Child                               putty     1         n
#> 14015       Father                            announce     1         v
#> 14016 Target_Child                             puzzled     1      part
#> 14017 Target_Child                               pwchh     1        on
#> 14018 Target_Child                                 qrs     1     n:let
#> 14019 Target_Child                                 qrx     1     n:let
#> 14020 Target_Child                               qrxde     1     n:let
#> 14021 Target_Child                                qrxy     1     n:let
#> 14022       Father                                Anna     1    n:prop
#> 14023 Target_Child                             quarter     1         n
#> 14024       Father                        ankylosaurus     1         n
#> 14025       Father                               ankle     1         n
#> 14026 Target_Child                         questioning     1  n:gerund
#> 14027 Unidentified                                 say     1         v
#> 14028       Father                            animal's     1       adj
#> 14029       Father                            angering     1  n:gerund
#> 14030 Target_Child                               quilt     1         n
#> 14031 Target_Child                                quit     1      part
#> 14032 Unidentified                                 see     1        co
#> 14033       Father                             Angeles     1    n:prop
#> 14034 Target_Child                                raar     1        on
#> 14035 Target_Child                              raargh     1        on
#> 14036 Target_Child                             rabbits     1         n
#> 14037 Target_Child                              Rabbit     1    n:prop
#> 14038 Target_Child                               races     1         n
#> 14039 Target_Child                               raceo     1       chi
#> 14040 Target_Child                              Rachal     1    n:prop
#> 14041       Father                              Andy's     1       adj
#> 14042 Target_Child                              racket     1         n
#> 14043 Target_Child                              Racket     1    n:prop
#> 14044 Target_Child                               radee     1       bab
#> 14045 Target_Child                               Radio     1    n:prop
#> 14046 Target_Child                                raft     1         n
#> 14047 Target_Child                             ragrowl     1        on
#> 14048 Target_Child                                 rah     1        co
#> 14049 Target_Child                               rahhh     1        on
#> 14050 Target_Child                              rahhhh     1        on
#> 14051 Target_Child                             raiders     1         n
#> 14052 Target_Child                             Raiders     1    n:prop
#> 14053 Target_Child                            railroad     1         n
#> 14054       Father                             and_not     1      meta
#> 14055 Target_Child                              rained     1         v
#> 14056 Target_Child                               raise     1         n
#> 14057       Father                           Andersons     1    n:prop
#> 14058 Target_Child                            raisin's     1         n
#> 14059       Father                          Andersons'     1       adj
#> 14060 Target_Child                          Raisinbran     1    n:prop
#> 14061 Target_Child                      Raisin_branios     1    n:prop
#> 14062 Target_Child                             Ralches     1    n:prop
#> 14063 Target_Child                               Ralph     1    n:prop
#> 14064 Target_Child                                 ram     1         v
#> 14065 Target_Child                              Rancor     1    n:prop
#> 14066 Target_Child                               ranee     1     wplay
#> 14067 Target_Child                               range     1         n
#> 14068 Target_Child                            Ranger's     1       adj
#> 14069 Target_Child                              ranman     1     wplay
#> 14070 Target_Child                              rapids     1      n:pt
#> 14071 Target_Child                                 rar     1        on
#> 14072 Target_Child                           Rasinbran     1    n:prop
#> 14073 Target_Child                          Rasinbrand     1    n:prop
#> 14074 Target_Child                           raspberry     1         n
#> 14075 Target_Child                               Ratch     1    n:prop
#> 14076 Target_Child                                 raw     1       adj
#> 14077 Target_Child                            rayzones     1       chi
#> 14078 Target_Child                               razor     1         n
#> 14079       Father                             ancient     1         n
#> 14080 Target_Child                             reached     1         v
#> 14081 Target_Child                              reader     1         n
#> 14082       Father                             Anankin     1    n:prop
#> 14083 Target_Child                               ready     1      meta
#> 14084       Father                               among     1      prep
#> 14085 Target_Child                             realize     1         v
#> 14086       Father                           Americans     1    n:prop
#> 14087 Target_Child                             reasons     1         n
#> 14088 Target_Child                                 Rec     1    n:prop
#> 14089 Target_Child                            received     1         v
#> 14090 Target_Child                          recorder's     1       adj
#> 14091       Father                             amazing     1      part
#> 14092       Father                            aluminum     1         n
#> 14093       Father                               Aluas     1    n:prop
#> 14094 Target_Child                           recording     1  n:gerund
#> 14095 Target_Child                           recording     1      part
#> 14096       Father                              Alua's     1       adj
#> 14097 Target_Child                         Red_Feather     1    n:prop
#> 14098 Target_Child                             Redhead     1    n:prop
#> 14099 Target_Child                            Redlance     1    n:prop
#> 14100 Target_Child                                Reed     1    n:prop
#> 14101 Target_Child                             Reese's     1       adj
#> 14102 Target_Child                            Rees_man     1    n:prop
#> 14103       Father                            alphabet     1         n
#> 14104 Target_Child                              refuse     1         v
#> 14105 Target_Child                            register     1         n
#> 14106       Father                               along     1      prep
#> 14107 Target_Child                            released     1      part
#> 14108 Target_Child                              relief     1         n
#> 14109 Target_Child                            remember     1      meta
#> 14110       Father                               alone     1      post
#> 14111 Target_Child                           remembers     1         v
#> 14112 Target_Child                            reminded     1      part
#> 14113 Target_Child                            reminded     1         v
#> 14114 Target_Child                              remote     1         n
#> 14115 Target_Child                             remover     1         n
#> 14116 Target_Child                                rent     1         v
#> 14117 Target_Child                           repairing     1  n:gerund
#> 14118 Target_Child                             repeats     1         n
#> 14119 Target_Child                            repeated     1      part
#> 14120 Target_Child                             replied     1      part
#> 14121 Target_Child                            reported     1      part
#> 14122 Target_Child                             reports     1         v
#> 14123 Target_Child                             respect     1         v
#> 14124       Father                              almost     1      meta
#> 14125       Father                                ally     1         n
#> 14126 Unidentified                                show     1         v
#> 14127 Target_Child                             retreat     1         v
#> 14128 Unidentified                              showed     1         v
#> 14129       Father                           allowance     1         n
#> 14130 Target_Child                             returns     1         n
#> 14131 Target_Child                  Return_Of_the_Jedi     1    n:prop
#> 14132 Target_Child                  Return_Of_The_Jedi     1    n:prop
#> 14133 Unidentified                                sick     1       adj
#> 14134 Target_Child                             rewards     1         n
#> 14135 Target_Child                             rewards     1         v
#> 14136 Target_Child                              rhymes     1         n
#> 14137 Target_Child                             rhyming     1      part
#> 14138 Target_Child                               rhyme     1         v
#> 14139 Target_Child                              ribbon     1         n
#> 14140       Father                            Alliance     1    n:prop
#> 14141 Target_Child                              riches     1     n:adj
#> 14142 Target_Child                                Rich     1    n:prop
#> 14143 Target_Child                               Ricky     1    n:prop
#> 14144       Father                               alley     1         n
#> 14145 Target_Child                              riddle     1         n
#> 14146       Father                            allergic     1       adj
#> 14147       Father                          allegiance     1         n
#> 14148       Father                                 All     1    n:prop
#> 14149 Target_Child                               rided     1         v
#> 14150 Target_Child                                rode     1         v
#> 14151 Unidentified                               small     1       adj
#> 14152 Target_Child                               Ridey     1    n:prop
#> 14153 Target_Child                            Rideyman     1    n:prop
#> 14154       Father      Ali_Baba_and_the_forty_thieves     1    n:prop
#> 14155       Father                                alfa     1       chi
#> 14156       Father                           Alesandro     1    n:prop
#> 14157 Unidentified                                  so     1        co
#> 14158 Target_Child                              ringed     1         v
#> 14159 Target_Child                        ringamagigum     1       chi
#> 14160 Target_Child                Ring_Around_the_Rosy     1    n:prop
#> 14161 Unidentified                                some     1        qn
#> 14162 Target_Child                                Ritz     1    n:prop
#> 14163       Father                             Alderon     1    n:prop
#> 14164 Target_Child                              rivers     1         n
#> 14165 Target_Child                           Riverside     1    n:prop
#> 14166 Target_Child                                Road     1    n:prop
#> 14167 Target_Child                                roam     1         v
#> 14168 Target_Child                               roars     1         n
#> 14169 Target_Child                                roar     1         v
#> 14170 Target_Child                               roarr     1        on
#> 14171 Target_Child                               roast     1         n
#> 14172 Target_Child                              Robber     1    n:prop
#> 14173 Target_Child                             robbery     1         n
#> 14174 Target_Child                              Robbin     1    n:prop
#> 14175 Target_Child                             Robin's     1       adj
#> 14176       Father                               aiyai     1     wplay
#> 14177       Father                           airport's     1       adj
#> 14178       Father                            airchief     1     wplay
#> 14179 Target_Child                             rocking     1      part
#> 14180 Target_Child                               rocks     1         v
#> 14181 Target_Child                          rock_a_bye     1        co
#> 14182       Father                                 aid     1         n
#> 14183 Target_Child                             rockets     1         n
#> 14184 Unidentified                            somebody     1 pro:indef
#> 14185 Target_Child                               rogue     1         n
#> 14186       Father                                ahem     1        co
#> 14187       Father                      agyoogyagyooah     1        on
#> 14188 Target_Child                            Romanian     1    n:prop
#> 14189 Target_Child                                 Ron     1    n:prop
#> 14190 Unidentified                             sort_of     1       adv
#> 14191       Father                              agreed     1      part
#> 14192 Target_Child                             rooftop     1         n
#> 14193       Father                           agreement     1         n
#> 14194 Target_Child                              room's     1         n
#> 14195 Target_Child                                Room     1    n:prop
#> 14196 Target_Child                             rooster     1         n
#> 14197 Target_Child                                root     1         n
#> 14198 Target_Child                               roots     1         n
#> 14199 Target_Child                               roots     1         v
#> 14200       Father                                 Agi     1    n:prop
#> 14201 Target_Child                                Rope     1       chi
#> 14202       Father                                 Agi     1      meta
#> 14203 Target_Child                  Rose_for_Pinkerton     1    n:prop
#> 14204 Target_Child                          Rosemary's     1       adj
#> 14205       Father                                 agh     1        co
#> 14206 Target_Child                                Ross     1      meta
#> 14207       Father                                 age     1         v
#> 14208 Target_Child                             Ross'll     1    n:prop
#> 14209 Target_Child                             Rossy's     1    n:prop
#> 14210 Target_Child                             rotting     1      part
#> 14211 Target_Child                               Roton     1    n:prop
#> 14212 Target_Child                          rottenness     1         n
#> 14213 Target_Child                               rough     1         v
#> 14214 Target_Child                            rough_up     1       fam
#> 14215       Father                             against     1       adv
#> 14216 Target_Child                                 row     1         v
#> 14217 Target_Child                               Royal     1    n:prop
#> 14218 Target_Child                             rraarrr     1        on
#> 14219 Target_Child                         rraarrrrmmm     1        on
#> 14220 Target_Child                               rrarr     1        on
#> 14221       Father                          After_Mash     1    n:prop
#> 14222 Target_Child                          rrraaaarrr     1        on
#> 14223 Target_Child                         rrraaaarrrr     1        on
#> 14224 Target_Child                            rrraaarr     1        on
#> 14225 Target_Child                              rrrmmm     1        on
#> 14226 Target_Child                             rrrrrit     1        on
#> 14227 Target_Child                            rrrrrrgh     1        on
#> 14228 Target_Child                               R_two     1    n:prop
#> 14229       Father                           after_all     1        co
#> 14230 Target_Child                              rubbed     1         v
#> 14231 Target_Child                       rub_a_dub_dub     1        co
#> 14232 Target_Child                             rubback     1       chi
#> 14233       Father                                  ae     1        L2
#> 14234 Target_Child                              rubble     1         n
#> 14235 Target_Child                              Rubble     1    n:prop
#> 14236       Father                          advertised     1         v
#> 14237 Target_Child                                rugs     1         n
#> 14238 Target_Child                              ruined     1      part
#> 14239 Unidentified                               spank     1         v
#> 14240 Unidentified                          Spider_Man     1    n:prop
#> 14241 Target_Child                               ruler     1         n
#> 14242       Father                           advertise     1         v
#> 14243 Unidentified                                sure     1        co
#> 14244       Father                            adorable     1       adj
#> 14245       Father                               adopt     1         v
#> 14246 Target_Child                              Runner     1    n:prop
#> 14247 Target_Child                           runny_man     1       chi
#> 14248 Target_Child                                rush     1         v
#> 14249       Father                                adni     1        L2
#> 14250 Target_Child                               rusty     1       adj
#> 14251 Target_Child                              Ryan's     1       adj
#> 14252       Father                          readjusted     1      part
#> 14253 Target_Child                               sadly     1       adv
#> 14254 Target_Child                               saddy     1     wplay
#> 14255       Father                            adhesive     1       adj
#> 14256 Target_Child                              safely     1       adv
#> 14257       Father                           additions     1         n
#> 14258 Target_Child                               sails     1         n
#> 14259 Target_Child                          Saint_Nick     1    n:prop
#> 14260 Target_Child                                 saj     1        L2
#> 14261 Target_Child                                sake     1         n
#> 14262 Target_Child                               sakes     1         n
#> 14263       Father                            addicted     1         v
#> 14264       Father                                adds     1         v
#> 14265 Target_Child                                salt     1         v
#> 14266 Target_Child                              Sambun     1    n:prop
#> 14267       Father                              adding     1      part
#> 14268 Target_Child                              Sammie     1    n:prop
#> 14269 Target_Child                               Samoo     1    n:prop
#> 14270 Target_Child                              Sampon     1    n:prop
#> 14271 Target_Child                               sAmpt     1       uni
#> 14272 Target_Child                              Samson     1    n:prop
#> 14273       Father                              adding     1  n:gerund
#> 14274 Target_Child                              Sándor     1    n:prop
#> 14275 Target_Child                         Sandspeeder     1    n:prop
#> 14276 Target_Child                            sardines     1         n
#> 14277 Target_Child                               sarge     1         n
#> 14278 Target_Child                              sarlac     1     wplay
#> 14279 Target_Child                             Sarlacs     1    n:prop
#> 14280 Target_Child                              Sarlak     1    n:prop
#> 14281 Target_Child                               sarms     1       chi
#> 14282 Target_Child                            saturday     1         n
#> 14283 Target_Child                           saturdays     1         n
#> 14284       Father                         deactivated     1         v
#> 14285       Father                           activated     1      part
#> 14286 Target_Child                               saves     1       chi
#> 14287       Father                            interact     1         v
#> 14288 Target_Child                               sawed     1         v
#> 14289 Target_Child                               sawes     1       uni
#> 14290 Target_Child                             saw_man     1       chi
#> 14291 Target_Child                                sawn     1       neo
#> 14292       Father                                acts     1         n
#> 14293 Target_Child                         Say_Say_Say     1    n:prop
#> 14294       Father                                 ach     1        co
#> 14295 Target_Child                                scar     1         n
#> 14296 Target_Child                              scardy     1       chi
#> 14297       Father                             accused     1         v
#> 14298       Father                            accusing     1      part
#> 14299       Father                        accidentally     1       adv
#> 14300 Target_Child                              scares     1         v
#> 14301 Target_Child                               Scare     1    n:prop
#> 14302 Target_Child                             scaredy     1       adj
#> 14303 Target_Child                             scarves     1         n
#> 14304 Target_Child                                scat     1       neo
#> 14305 Target_Child                          scavengers     1         n
#> 14306 Target_Child                               scent     1         n
#> 14307 Target_Child                         Schau_Genau     1    n:prop
#> 14308 Target_Child                       Schneebergers     1    n:prop
#> 14309 Target_Child                          Scholastic     1    n:prop
#> 14310       Father                              accept     1         v
#> 14311 Target_Child                              School     1    n:prop
#> 14312 Target_Child                          schooschoo     1        on
#> 14313 Target_Child                             Schultz     1    n:prop
#> 14314       Father                          acceptable     1       adj
#> 14315 Target_Child                               scoop     1         n
#> 14316 Target_Child                               scoop     1         v
#> 14317 Target_Child                              scoops     1         v
#> 14318 Target_Child                               scoot     1         v
#> 14319 Target_Child                               scope     1         n
#> 14320 Target_Child                             scoring     1      part
#> 14321 Target_Child                             Scott's     1       adj
#> 14322 Target_Child                               Scott     1    n:prop
#> 14323 Target_Child                               Scout     1    n:prop
#> 14324 Target_Child                              Scouts     1    n:prop
#> 14325 Target_Child                           scrambled     1      part
#> 14326 Target_Child                               scrap     1         n
#> 14327 Target_Child                            scraping     1      part
#> 14328 Target_Child                              scrape     1         v
#> 14329 Target_Child                             scraped     1         v
#> 14330 Target_Child                           scratched     1      part
#> 14331       Father                            absolute     1         n
#> 14332 Target_Child                             screamy     1       adj
#> 14333       Father                            absolute     1       adj
#> 14334 Target_Child                           screaming     1  n:gerund
#> 14335 Target_Child                            screamed     1      part
#> 14336       Father                              absent     1         v
#> 14337 Target_Child                             Screech     1    n:prop
#> 14338 Target_Child                              screen     1         n
#> 14339 Target_Child                            screwier     1       adj
#> 14340 Target_Child                           scribbled     1         v
#> 14341 Target_Child                           Scrooge's     1       adj
#> 14342 Target_Child                                scug     1       chi
#> 14343       Father                               above     1       adv
#> 14344 Target_Child                                 Sea     1    n:prop
#> 14345 Target_Child                              search     1         v
#> 14346       Father                              aboard     1      meta
#> 14347 Target_Child                             Seattle     1    n:prop
#> 14348       Father                              aboard     1       adv
#> 14349       Father                              unable     1       adj
#> 14350       Father                           abilities     1         n
#> 14351 Target_Child                            sections     1         n
#> 14352       Father                               abc's     1         n
#> 14353       Father                               abc's     1       adj
#> 14354       Father              Abbys_surprise_visitor     1    n:prop
#> 14355       Father                              Abbott     1    n:prop
#> 14356 Target_Child                                seed     1         n
#> 14357 Target_Child                                seed     1       neo
#> 14358 Target_Child                                seed     1         v
#> 14359 Target_Child                              seeked     1         v
#> 14360 Target_Child                              Seekon     1       chi
#> 14361       Father                               ababa     1        co
#> 14362       Father                                   a     1      meta
#> 14363 Target_Child                              Selena     1    n:prop
#> 14364        Child                                your     1  det:poss
#> 14365 Target_Child                                sold     1      part
#> 14366        Child                                yeah     1        co
#> 14367 Target_Child                               sends     1         v
#> 14368        Child                                 wow     1        co
#> 14369 Target_Child                              sensor     1         n
#> 14370 Target_Child                             serving     1      part
#> 14371 Target_Child                               serve     1         v
#> 14372 Target_Child                              served     1         v
#> 14373 Target_Child                              sesame     1         n
#> 14374      Visitor                                what     1   pro:int
#> 14375 Target_Child                       Sesame_Street     1    n:prop
#> 14376 Target_Child                             sessalg     1     wplay
#> 14377        Child                                with     1      prep
#> 14378 Target_Child                              setter     1         n
#> 14379        Child                                 why     1   pro:int
#> 14380        Child                               which     1   pro:rel
#> 14381        Child                                  we     1   pro:sub
#> 14382 Target_Child                            Seven_Up     1    n:prop
#> 14383 Target_Child                              severs     1         v
#> 14384 Target_Child                             several     1        qn
#> 14385 Target_Child                              Severs     1    n:prop
#> 14386 Target_Child                              sewing     1      part
#> 14387        Child                               wanna     1         v
#> 14388 Target_Child                              shades     1         n
#> 14389 Target_Child                              shadow     1       chi
#> 14390 Unidentified                               there     1         n
#> 14391        Child                                  to     1      prep
#> 14392 Target_Child                              shaked     1       neo
#> 14393 Target_Child                               Shalu     1    n:prop
#> 14394 Target_Child                            shampoos     1         n
#> 14395 Target_Child                               Shamu     1    n:prop
#> 14396 Target_Child                             Shana's     1       adj
#> 14397        Child                             thought     1         v
#> 14398 Target_Child                              shaped     1      part
#> 14399 Target_Child                              shaped     1         v
#> 14400 Target_Child                              shared     1      part
#> 14401        Child                               think     1         v
#> 14402 Target_Child                              shared     1         v
#> 14403        Child                              things     1         n
#> 14404 Target_Child                              Sharly     1    n:prop
#> 14405 Target_Child                            sharpest     1       adj
#> 14406 Target_Child                           sharpness     1         n
#> 14407 Target_Child                          sharpening     1      part
#> 14408 Target_Child                           shattered     1      part
#> 14409 Target_Child                               shave     1         v
#> 14410 Target_Child                              Shawna     1    n:prop
#> 14411 Target_Child                              shazam     1        co
#> 14412        Child                              sposta     1      part
#> 14413        Child                              snowed     1      part
#> 14414 Target_Child                               sheaf     1         n
#> 14415 Target_Child                             sheaths     1         n
#> 14416 Target_Child                                shed     1         n
#> 14417        Child                               since     1      prep
#> 14418 Target_Child                               sheet     1         n
#> 14419 Target_Child                              sheets     1         n
#> 14420 Target_Child                          sheeta_pie     1       chi
#> 14421 Unidentified                        there_you_go     1        co
#> 14422 Target_Child                              She_Ra     1    n:prop
#> 14423 Target_Child                             sheyeye     1       bab
#> 14424 Unidentified                               think     1         v
#> 14425 Target_Child                              shhshh     1        on
#> 14426 Target_Child                       shhshhhh_shhh     1        on
#> 14427        Child                                Ross     1    n:prop
#> 14428 Target_Child                               shift     1         v
#> 14429 Target_Child                             shining     1      part
#> 14430 Target_Child                              shines     1         v
#> 14431 Target_Child                              ship's     1       adj
#> 14432        Child                               right     1       adj
#> 14433 Target_Child                                ship     1         v
#> 14434        Child                                 put     1         v
#> 14435 Target_Child                             shirt's     1         n
#> 14436        Child                             protect     1         v
#> 14437 Target_Child                               shock     1         v
#> 14438 Target_Child                           Shockwave     1    n:prop
#> 14439        Child                                 pet     1         n
#> 14440        Child                                over     1       adv
#> 14441 Target_Child                               shoof     1        on
#> 14442 Target_Child                              shoong     1        on
#> 14443        Child                                 one     1 pro:indef
#> 14444        Child                                okay     1        co
#> 14445 Target_Child                             shooter     1         n
#> 14446 Target_Child                              shoots     1         n
#> 14447 Target_Child                            shooting     1  n:gerund
#> 14448        Child                                  oh     1        co
#> 14449        Child                                  of     1      prep
#> 14450        Child                                 not     1       neg
#> 14451        Child                                  no     1        co
#> 14452 Target_Child                             shooted     1       neo
#> 14453 Target_Child                  Shoots_and_Ladders     1    n:prop
#> 14454 Target_Child                           shoreline     1         n
#> 14455        Child                                 mom     1         n
#> 14456 Target_Child                               Short     1    n:prop
#> 14457 Target_Child                           shortcake     1         n
#> 14458        Child                                maps     1         n
#> 14459        Child                                make     1         v
#> 14460 Target_Child                           shoulders     1         v
#> 14461 Target_Child                            shouting     1      part
#> 14462 Target_Child                               shout     1         v
#> 14463 Target_Child                            shovelie     1         n
#> 14464 Target_Child                              shovel     1         v
#> 14465 Target_Child                              show's     1       adj
#> 14466 Target_Child                                shew     1         v
#> 14467        Child                                 lay     1         v
#> 14468        Child                                kids     1         n
#> 14469 Target_Child                             showers     1         n
#> 14470 Target_Child                              shower     1         v
#> 14471 Target_Child          shpletty_schpwett_schplatt     1       chi
#> 14472 Target_Child                             shrinks     1         v
#> 14473 Target_Child                         Shump_shump     1    n:prop
#> 14474 Target_Child                               shush     1         v
#> 14475        Child                                I'll     1   pro:sub
#> 14476 Target_Child                             shut_up     1        co
#> 14477 Target_Child                              shwhew     1        co
#> 14478 Target_Child                              shwoom     1        on
#> 14479 Target_Child                               shyam     1       bab
#> 14480 Target_Child                             sickest     1       adj
#> 14481 Target_Child                                sick     1       bab
#> 14482 Target_Child                              Sickon     1       chi
#> 14483        Child                                 his     1  det:poss
#> 14484 Target_Child                              side's     1         n
#> 14485        Child                                here     1         n
#> 14486 Target_Child                                Side     1    n:prop
#> 14487 Target_Child                            Siderman     1    n:prop
#> 14488 Target_Child                            sideways     1       adj
#> 14489 Target_Child                            sideways     1       adv
#> 14490        Child                                here     1       adv
#> 14491 Target_Child                               siete     1        L2
#> 14492 Target_Child                              sighed     1      part
#> 14493 Target_Child                                sike     1        co
#> 14494 Target_Child                              Silent     1    n:prop
#> 14495 Target_Child                                silk     1         n
#> 14496 Target_Child                                sill     1         n
#> 14497        Child                              helper     1         n
#> 14498        Child                                he's     1   pro:sub
#> 14499 Target_Child                            Silver's     1       adj
#> 14500 Target_Child                             Silvers     1    n:prop
#> 14501 Target_Child                          silverware     1         n
#> 14502 Target_Child                                sima     1        L2
#> 14503 Target_Child                             similar     1       adj
#> 14504 Target_Child                              simply     1       adv
#> 14505 Unidentified                               three     1   det:num
#> 14506 Target_Child                              singer     1         n
#> 14507        Child                                 had     1         v
#> 14508        Child                              hasn't     1       aux
#> 14509 Target_Child                              single     1       adj
#> 14510 Target_Child                              single     1         n
#> 14511 Target_Child                              singum     1       chi
#> 14512 Target_Child                             sinking     1      part
#> 14513 Target_Child                                sunk     1         v
#> 14514 Target_Child                                 sis     1         n
#> 14515        Child                                good     1       adj
#> 14516 Target_Child                             sisters     1         n
#> 14517        Child                                  go     1         v
#> 14518        Child                               going     1  n:gerund
#> 14519        Child                                 get     1         v
#> 14520 Target_Child                           situation     1         n
#> 14521 Target_Child                             siwIsjE     1       uni
#> 14522 Target_Child                               sixes     1         n
#> 14523 Target_Child                                 Six     1    n:prop
#> 14524 Target_Child                               sixed     1        on
#> 14525 Target_Child                              sixers     1         n
#> 14526        Child                                fist     1         n
#> 14527 Target_Child                            Sixthday     1    n:prop
#> 14528        Child                              finger     1         n
#> 14529        Child                            February     1    n:prop
#> 14530 Target_Child                               sized     1      part
#> 14531 Target_Child                               sjemm     1       uni
#> 14532 Target_Child                                sjum     1       uni
#> 14533 Target_Child                              skated     1         v
#> 14534 Target_Child                              skates     1         v
#> 14535 Target_Child                            skbeaver     1     wplay
#> 14536 Target_Child                           skeletons     1         n
#> 14537 Target_Child                              skimpy     1       adj
#> 14538        Child                              family     1         n
#> 14539 Target_Child                            skipping     1      part
#> 14540 Target_Child                             skipped     1       neo
#> 14541 Target_Child                            skittles     1         n
#> 14542 Target_Child                               Skull     1    n:prop
#> 14543 Target_Child                               skunk     1         n
#> 14544        Child                                 eye     1         n
#> 14545 Target_Child                               sky's     1         n
#> 14546 Target_Child                             Skyfire     1    n:prop
#> 14547 Target_Child                         Skywalker's     1    n:prop
#> 14548 Target_Child                          Skywalkers     1    n:prop
#> 14549 Target_Child                             slammer     1         n
#> 14550 Target_Child                               slams     1         n
#> 14551 Unidentified                               tiger     1         n
#> 14552 Target_Child                              sleazy     1       adj
#> 14553 Target_Child                               sleek     1       adj
#> 14554        Child                           everybody     1 pro:indef
#> 14555 Target_Child                             sleeper     1         n
#> 14556 Target_Child                              sleeps     1         n
#> 14557        Child                                 egg     1         n
#> 14558 Unidentified                               tired     1         v
#> 14559        Child                        Easter_bunny     1    n:prop
#> 14560 Target_Child                             Sleeper     1    n:prop
#> 14561 Target_Child                     Sleeping_Beauty     1    n:prop
#> 14562 Target_Child                          sleepovers     1         n
#> 14563 Target_Child                              sleeve     1         n
#> 14564 Target_Child                                slew     1         n
#> 14565 Target_Child                              slicer     1         n
#> 14566 Target_Child                              sliced     1         v
#> 14567 Target_Child                           slicerest     1       chi
#> 14568        Child                              didn't     1       mod
#> 14569 Target_Child                                slid     1         v
#> 14570 Target_Child                               slimy     1       adj
#> 14571 Target_Child                            slimming     1       adj
#> 14572 Target_Child                              slippy     1       adj
#> 14573 Target_Child                            slipping     1      part
#> 14574        Child                               Daddy     1    n:prop
#> 14575 Target_Child                            slippery     1       adj
#> 14576 Target_Child                          slithering     1  n:gerund
#> 14577 Target_Child                              sloppy     1       adj
#> 14578 Target_Child                              slopes     1         n
#> 14579 Target_Child                              slower     1       adj
#> 14580 Target_Child                              slowed     1      part
#> 14581 Target_Child                                slow     1         v
#> 14582 Target_Child                               slows     1         v
#> 14583 Target_Child                               slump     1         n
#> 14584 Target_Child                               slush     1         n
#> 14585 Target_Child                               smack     1        on
#> 14586        Child                                 dad     1         n
#> 14587 Target_Child                             smaller     1       adj
#> 14588 Target_Child                        smallingness     1       chi
#> 14589        Child                               could     1       mod
#> 14590 Target_Child                            smartest     1       adj
#> 14591 Target_Child                             smasher     1       chi
#> 14592 Target_Child                             smeared     1      part
#> 14593 Target_Child                              smells     1         n
#> 14594 Target_Child                            smelling     1  n:gerund
#> 14595        Child                               color     1         v
#> 14596 Target_Child                             smiling     1  n:gerund
#> 14597 Target_Child                               smile     1         v
#> 14598 Target_Child                             smiling     1      meta
#> 14599 Target_Child                             smither     1     wplay
#> 14600 Target_Child                            smlither     1     wplay
#> 14601 Target_Child                               smoke     1         n
#> 14602 Target_Child                               smoke     1         v
#> 14603 Target_Child                              smoked     1         v
#> 14604 Target_Child                              smokes     1         v
#> 14605 Target_Child                            smooshed     1         v
#> 14606 Target_Child                           smoothing     1  n:gerund
#> 14607 Target_Child                           smuggling     1      part
#> 14608 Target_Child                            smunched     1        on
#> 14609 Target_Child                             Smurf's     1       adj
#> 14610 Target_Child                             Smurfes     1    n:prop
#> 14611 Target_Child                             smushed     1         v
#> 14612 Target_Child                             smushen     1       chi
#> 14613 Target_Child                             snake's     1         n
#> 14614        Child                            bringing     1      part
#> 14615 Target_Child                      Snake_mountain     1    n:prop
#> 14616 Target_Child                      Snake_Mountain     1    n:prop
#> 14617        Child                                were     1       cop
#> 14618 Target_Child                             snapped     1      part
#> 14619 Target_Child                           unsnapped     1      part
#> 14620        Child                                  is     1       cop
#> 14621 Target_Child                              unsnap     1         v
#> 14622 Target_Child                                Snap     1    n:prop
#> 14623 Target_Child                            snatched     1         v
#> 14624 Target_Child                               sneak     1         n
#> 14625 Target_Child                              sneaks     1         v
#> 14626 Target_Child                               snuck     1         v
#> 14627        Child                                were     1       aux
#> 14628 Target_Child                              sneeze     1         v
#> 14629 Target_Child                             sneezed     1         v
#> 14630 Target_Child                            sniffing     1      part
#> 14631 Target_Child                            sniffles     1         n
#> 14632 Target_Child                              snives     1       chi
#> 14633        Child                                bark     1         n
#> 14634 Target_Child                            snooping     1      part
#> 14635 Target_Child                              snoops     1         v
#> 14636        Child                                 ape     1         n
#> 14637 Target_Child                             snoring     1      part
#> 14638 Target_Child                              snotty     1       adj
#> 14639        Child                                 all     1        qn
#> 14640        Child                                  ah     1        co
#> 14641 Target_Child                           snow_time     1       chi
#> 14642 Target_Child     Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs     1    n:prop
#> 14643 Target_Child                                  so     1       chi
#> 14644      Brother                          toothbrush     1         n
#> 14645      Brother                            stardust     1         n
#> 14646 Target_Child                                  so     1        L2
#> 14647 Target_Child                                  So     1    n:prop
#> 14648 Target_Child                             soaking     1      part
#> 14649 Target_Child                                soak     1         v
#> 14650 Target_Child                               soapy     1       adj
#> 14651      Brother                           spaceship     1         n
#> 14652 Target_Child                               soaps     1         n
#> 14653      Brother                            panpipes     1         n
#> 14654      Brother                              hotdog     1         n
#> 14655      Brother                            eyeballs     1         n
#> 14656 Target_Child                                sock     1         v
#> 14657      Brother                           earphones     1         n
#> 14658 Target_Child                            softener     1         n
#> 14659 Target_Child                               soggy     1       adj
#> 14660      Brother                             daytime     1         n
#> 14661      Brother                           clubhouse     1         n
#> 14662 Target_Child                               Solos     1    n:prop
#> 14663 Target_Child                             Soltz's     1       adj
#> 14664 Target_Child                            sombrero     1        L2
#> 14665      Brother                            you_know     1        co
#> 14666      Brother                              you'll     1   pro:per
#> 14667      Brother                               you'd     1   pro:per
#> 14668 Target_Child                         somebody'll     1 pro:indef
#> 14669      Brother                           yesterday     1   adv:tem
#> 14670 Target_Child                           someplace     1       adv
#> 14671 Target_Child                          somersault     1         n
#> 14672      Brother                               world     1         n
#> 14673      Brother                                work     1         n
#> 14674      Brother                                 win     1         v
#> 14675 Target_Child                               somme     1       bab
#> 14676 Target_Child                                sons     1         n
#> 14677 Target_Child                                 Son     1    n:prop
#> 14678      Brother                                will     1       mod
#> 14679 Target_Child                           sorceress     1         n
#> 14680      Brother                                 who     1   pro:rel
#> 14681      Brother                            wherever     1      conj
#> 14682 Target_Child                                 sos     1     n:let
#> 14683      Brother                                when     1   pro:rel
#> 14684 Target_Child                                soul     1         n
#> 14685      Brother                               wheel     1         n
#> 14686      Brother                                what     1         n
#> 14687 Target_Child                                sour     1         v
#> 14688      Brother                                what     1   det:int
#> 14689      Brother                             weights     1         n
#> 14690 Target_Child                               Space     1    n:prop
#> 14691 Target_Child                           spacesuit     1         n
#> 14692      Brother                               we're     1   pro:sub
#> 14693      Brother                                  we     1      meta
#> 14694      Brother                                warm     1       adj
#> 14695 Target_Child                               spark     1         n
#> 14696 Target_Child                              sparks     1         n
#> 14697 Target_Child                             sparkle     1         n
#> 14698 Target_Child                            sparkler     1         n
#> 14699 Target_Child                            speaking     1  n:gerund
#> 14700      Brother                                want     1         v
#> 14701      Brother                               wanna     1         v
#> 14702 Target_Child                               Spear     1    n:prop
#> 14703      Brother                         Walt_Disney     1    n:prop
#> 14704 Target_Child                           specialer     1       adj
#> 14705 Target_Child                           specially     1       adv
#> 14706      Brother                                walk     1         v
#> 14707 Target_Child                            specials     1         n
#> 14708 Target_Child                       specification     1         n
#> 14709 Target_Child                           specifies     1         v
#> 14710      Brother                                wait     1        co
#> 14711      Brother                               video     1         n
#> 14712 Target_Child                            speeders     1         n
#> 14713 Target_Child                            speeding     1  n:gerund
#> 14714 Target_Child                            speeding     1      part
#> 14715 Target_Child                          speed_fast     1       chi
#> 14716 Target_Child                      Speedy_Dum_Dum     1    n:prop
#> 14717 Target_Child                            spelling     1      part
#> 14718 Unidentified                                  to     1      prep
#> 14719 Target_Child                             Spencer     1    n:prop
#> 14720 Target_Child                            spending     1      part
#> 14721 Target_Child                              Spiddy     1    n:prop
#> 14722      Brother                                very     1       adv
#> 14723 Unidentified                            tomorrow     1   adv:tem
#> 14724 Target_Child                         Spiderman's     1       adj
#> 14725      Brother                             usually     1       adv
#> 14726 Target_Child                         Spiderman's     1    n:prop
#> 14727 Target_Child                              Spidey     1    n:prop
#> 14728      Brother                               useta     1       mod
#> 14729 Target_Child                             Spikito     1       chi
#> 14730 Target_Child                            spilling     1      part
#> 14731      Brother                                  us     1   pro:obj
#> 14732 Target_Child                                spin     1         n
#> 14733 Target_Child                             spinned     1      part
#> 14734 Target_Child                                spit     1         n
#> 14735      Brother                            upstairs     1       adv
#> 14736 Target_Child                               spits     1         v
#> 14737 Target_Child                             spitted     1         v
#> 14738 Target_Child                              splack     1       chi
#> 14739 Target_Child                            splashes     1         n
#> 14740 Target_Child                            splashes     1         v
#> 14741 Target_Child                               splat     1         n
#> 14742 Target_Child                           splatting     1      part
#> 14743      Brother                              unless     1      conj
#> 14744 Target_Child                               Splat     1      meta
#> 14745 Target_Child                          splattered     1         v
#> 14746 Target_Child                            splinter     1         n
#> 14747 Target_Child                               split     1         n
#> 14748 Target_Child                               split     1      part
#> 14749      Brother                               under     1      prep
#> 14750 Target_Child                           unspoiled     1      part
#> 14751 Target_Child                              spooky     1       adj
#> 14752      Brother                     Uncle_Scrooge's     1       adj
#> 14753      Visitor                                 you     1   pro:per
#> 14754 Target_Child                               spray     1         n
#> 14755 Target_Child                               spray     1         v
#> 14756 Target_Child                             sprayed     1         v
#> 14757      Brother                                uhoh     1        co
#> 14758 Target_Child                            sprinkly     1       adj
#> 14759 Target_Child                           sprinkler     1         n
#> 14760 Target_Child                          sprinkling     1      part
#> 14761 Target_Child                               spump     1       chi
#> 14762 Target_Child                            squashed     1      part
#> 14763 Target_Child                            squashed     1         v
#> 14764 Target_Child                             squeaky     1       adj
#> 14765 Target_Child                          squeezable     1       adj
#> 14766 Target_Child                            squeezes     1         v
#> 14767 Target_Child                           squishier     1       adj
#> 14768 Target_Child                            squished     1         v
#> 14769 Target_Child                            squished     1      phon
#> 14770 Target_Child                            squisher     1       chi
#> 14771 Target_Child                             squishy     1         n
#> 14772 Target_Child                           squooshes     1         v
#> 14773 Target_Child                                 SRA     1    n:prop
#> 14774      Brother                                 two     1   det:num
#> 14775 Target_Child                                 ssh     1      meta
#> 14776 Target_Child                                 sss     1        on
#> 14777 Target_Child                             stabbed     1         v
#> 14778 Target_Child                             stached     1       chi
#> 14779 Target_Child                             stacked     1      part
#> 14780 Target_Child                               stack     1         v
#> 14781 Target_Child                              Stacks     1       chi
#> 14782 Unidentified                              Toyota     1    n:prop
#> 14783 Target_Child                            staining     1      part
#> 14784 Target_Child                             stained     1         v
#> 14785      Brother                            Twilight     1    n:prop
#> 14786 Target_Child                               Stalk     1    n:prop
#> 14787      Brother                                trio     1         n
#> 14788 Target_Child                               stamp     1        on
#> 14789      Brother                               trees     1         n
#> 14790 Unidentified                             tummy's     1       adj
#> 14791 Target_Child                             standed     1       chi
#> 14792 Target_Child                              staple     1         n
#> 14793 Target_Child                             stapler     1         n
#> 14794      Brother                              threeo     1       neo
#> 14795 Target_Child                               stars     1         v
#> 14796 Target_Child                               stare     1         n
#> 14797 Target_Child                              stared     1         v
#> 14798 Target_Child                           Starriers     1    n:prop
#> 14799 Target_Child                             starrio     1       chi
#> 14800      Brother                                this     1   pro:dem
#> 14801 Target_Child                         Starscraper     1    n:prop
#> 14802      Brother                              things     1         n
#> 14803      Brother                             thingie     1         n
#> 14804 Target_Child                            starving     1  n:gerund
#> 14805 Unidentified                                 two     1   det:num
#> 14806 Target_Child                             starved     1         v
#> 14807 Target_Child                              statch     1       chi
#> 14808 Target_Child                            statched     1       chi
#> 14809      Brother                             they're     1   pro:sub
#> 14810 Target_Child                           statement     1         n
#> 14811 Target_Child                              stated     1      part
#> 14812 Target_Child                              states     1         v
#> 14813 Target_Child                              States     1    n:prop
#> 14814 Target_Child                            stations     1         n
#> 14815 Target_Child                                stay     1       cop
#> 14816      Brother                               there     1 pro:exist
#> 14817 Target_Child                             stealer     1         n
#> 14818      Brother                                them     1   pro:obj
#> 14819 Target_Child                             stealed     1         v
#> 14820 Unidentified                                uhoh     1        co
#> 14821 Target_Child                              steamy     1       adj
#> 14822 Target_Child                         Steamshovel     1    n:prop
#> 14823 Target_Child                              steeld     1       neo
#> 14824 Target_Child                               steer     1         v
#> 14825      Brother                               their     1  det:poss
#> 14826      Brother                            tempting     1      part
#> 14827 Target_Child                             Stevens     1    n:prop
#> 14828      Brother                                told     1         v
#> 14829      Brother                                tell     1         v
#> 14830      Brother                             teacher     1         n
#> 14831 Target_Child                             sticked     1      part
#> 14832      Brother                                sure     1        co
#> 14833 Target_Child                           unsticked     1      part
#> 14834 Target_Child                             unstuck     1      part
#> 14835      Brother                     Superoverweight     1    n:prop
#> 14836      Brother                          Supercreep     1    n:prop
#> 14837      Brother                                 sun     1         n
#> 14838      Brother                                such     1        qn
#> 14839      Brother                             stuffie     1         n
#> 14840      Brother                               straw     1         n
#> 14841 Target_Child                             stinged     1      part
#> 14842 Target_Child                               stung     1         v
#> 14843      Brother                               steal     1         v
#> 14844 Target_Child                              stinks     1         n
#> 14845 Target_Child                               stink     1         v
#> 14846 Target_Child                           Stinkor's     1       adj
#> 14847 Target_Child                            stirring     1  n:gerund
#> 14848 Target_Child                            stirring     1      part
#> 14849 Target_Child                               stock     1         n
#> 14850 Target_Child                              stocks     1         n
#> 14851 Target_Child                            stocking     1  n:gerund
#> 14852      Brother                                star     1         n
#> 14853 Target_Child                              stocks     1       chi
#> 14854      Brother                                 SRA     1    n:prop
#> 14855 Target_Child                             stomped     1         v
#> 14856      Brother                          squatching     1      part
#> 14857 Target_Child                              stones     1         v
#> 14858      Brother                               splat     1         n
#> 14859      Brother                           spacesuit     1         n
#> 14860      Brother                             sort_of     1       adv
#> 14861 Target_Child                             store's     1         n
#> 14862      Brother                                song     1         n
#> 14863 Target_Child                      Stormtrooper's     1       adj
#> 14864      Brother                           somewhere     1       adv
#> 14865 Target_Child                      Storm_troopers     1    n:prop
#> 14866 Target_Child                             stornth     1       chi
#> 14867      Brother                            somebody     1 pro:indef
#> 14868 Target_Child                               stove     1         n
#> 14869 Target_Child                            Stradous     1    n:prop
#> 14870 Target_Child                          straighten     1         v
#> 14871      Brother                                some     1 pro:indef
#> 14872 Target_Child                             Strange     1    n:prop
#> 14873 Target_Child                               strap     1         n
#> 14874 Target_Child                              straps     1         n
#> 14875 Target_Child                             Stratos     1    n:prop
#> 14876      Brother                                sock     1         n
#> 14877      Brother                                  so     1      conj
#> 14878 Target_Child                           stretched     1      part
#> 14879 Target_Child                           stretched     1         v
#> 14880 Target_Child                              strike     1         v
#> 14881 Target_Child                              struck     1         v
#> 14882      Brother                                  so     1       adv
#> 14883      Brother                                sing     1         v
#> 14884 Target_Child                               strip     1         n
#> 14885 Target_Child                             striper     1         n
#> 14886 Target_Child                              stripe     1         n
#> 14887      Brother                                side     1         n
#> 14888 Target_Child                             stripes     1         v
#> 14889      Brother                             shut_up     1        co
#> 14890      Brother                                show     1         n
#> 14891 Target_Child                            struggle     1         n
#> 14892 Target_Child                            Stuart's     1       adj
#> 14893 Target_Child                            students     1         n
#> 14894 Target_Child                             studies     1         n
#> 14895 Target_Child                               study     1         n
#> 14896 Target_Child                               study     1         v
#> 14897      Brother                                shit     1         n
#> 14898      Brother                              she'll     1   pro:sub
#> 14899 Target_Child                              stuffy     1       adj
#> 14900 Target_Child                            stuntman     1       neo
#> 14901      Brother                            sendaway     1         n
#> 14902 Target_Child                           stupidest     1       adj
#> 14903 Target_Child                             stuping     1       neo
#> 14904 Target_Child                            sturbing     1       neo
#> 14905 Target_Child                         subtraction     1         n
#> 14906 Target_Child                                suck     1         n
#> 14907 Target_Child                             sucking     1  n:gerund
#> 14908 Target_Child                              sucked     1      part
#> 14909 Target_Child                             sucking     1      part
#> 14910      Brother                              second     1         n
#> 14911      Brother                              second     1       adj
#> 14912 Target_Child                              Suckon     1       chi
#> 14913 Target_Child                              sudden     1       adj
#> 14914      Brother                                says     1         v
#> 14915 Target_Child                         sufferating     1       chi
#> 14916 Target_Child                        insufficient     1       adj
#> 14917 Target_Child                           suffocate     1         v
#> 14918 Target_Child                               Sugar     1    n:prop
#> 14919      Brother                              saying     1      part
#> 14920 Target_Child                              Sumacs     1    n:prop
#> 14921      Brother                                 say     1        co
#> 14922 Target_Child                              Summer     1    n:prop
#> 14923      Brother                                room     1         n
#> 14924 Target_Child                               sun's     1         n
#> 14925 Target_Child                                suns     1         n
#> 14926 Target_Child                                 sun     1         v
#> 14927 Target_Child                           sunburned     1       adj
#> 14928      Brother                               right     1       adv
#> 14929 Target_Child                            sunlight     1         n
#> 14930 Target_Child                              sunset     1         n
#> 14931      Brother                            remember     1         v
#> 14932      Brother                                 red     1         n
#> 14933 Target_Child                         Supercobber     1    n:prop
#> 14934 Target_Child                       super_dupered     1       chi
#> 14935      Brother                              record     1         v
#> 14936 Unidentified                                  us     1   pro:obj
#> 14937 Target_Child                          Superman's     1    n:prop
#> 14938 Target_Child                            Supermen     1    n:prop
#> 14939 Target_Child                           Superpunk     1    n:prop
#> 14940 Target_Child                        Super_Rabbit     1    n:prop
#> 14941 Target_Child                        superstition     1         n
#> 14942 Target_Child                              supper     1         n
#> 14943      Brother                               reach     1         v
#> 14944      Brother                                pull     1         v
#> 14945 Target_Child                              surfer     1         n
#> 14946 Target_Child                          surprising     1      part
#> 14947 Target_Child                            surveyed     1         v
#> 14948 Target_Child                             survive     1         v
#> 14949 Unidentified                                wait     1        co
#> 14950 Target_Child                           suspected     1         v
#> 14951 Target_Child                              Susy's     1       adj
#> 14952 Target_Child                             Suzanne     1    n:prop
#> 14953 Target_Child                                Suzy     1    n:prop
#> 14954 Target_Child                             swallow     1         n
#> 14955 Unidentified                                walk     1         n
#> 14956 Target_Child                               Swamp     1    n:prop
#> 14957 Target_Child                           Swamptown     1    n:prop
#> 14958 Target_Child                               swans     1         n
#> 14959 Target_Child                               swang     1       neo
#> 14960 Target_Child                             swatter     1         n
#> 14961 Target_Child                                swat     1         v
#> 14962 Target_Child                               sweat     1         n
#> 14963 Target_Child                          sweatbands     1         n
#> 14964 Target_Child                              sweeps     1         v
#> 14965 Target_Child                             Sweeper     1    n:prop
#> 14966 Target_Child                             sweeter     1       adj
#> 14967 Target_Child                            sweetest     1       adj
#> 14968 Unidentified                               wanna     1         v
#> 14969      Brother                              pretty     1       adv
#> 14970 Target_Child                             sweetie     1        co
#> 14971      Brother                              poster     1         n
#> 14972      Brother                                pony     1         n
#> 14973 Target_Child                            swim_man     1       chi
#> 14974      Brother                              planet     1         n
#> 14975 Target_Child                               swung     1      part
#> 14976 Target_Child                        swing_a_wing     1        on
#> 14977 Target_Child                              Swirls     1    n:prop
#> 14978 Target_Child                              switch     1         v
#> 14979 Target_Child                            switched     1         v
#> 14980 Target_Child                             swooped     1         v
#> 14981 Target_Child                             swooshy     1       adj
#> 14982 Target_Child                           swooshing     1      part
#> 14983      Brother                               plain     1       adj
#> 14984 Target_Child                               swosh     1        on
#> 14985 Target_Child                            Sylvia's     1    n:prop
#> 14986      Brother                             pillows     1         n
#> 14987 Target_Child                              system     1         n
#> 14988 Target_Child                              szabad     1        L2
#> 14989 Target_Child                             szegeny     1        L2
#> 14990 Unidentified                               watch     1         v
#> 14991 Target_Child                            szereted     1        L2
#> 14992 Target_Child                             szorp's     1       chi
#> 14993      Brother                              pieces     1         v
#> 14994      Brother                          permission     1         n
#> 14995 Target_Child                            untacked     1      part
#> 14996 Target_Child                              tackle     1         v
#> 14997 Target_Child                               tadah     1        co
#> 14998      Brother                                 pee     1         n
#> 14999 Target_Child                              taking     1  n:gerund
#> 15000 Target_Child                               taked     1      part
#> 15001      Brother                              oxygen     1         n
#> 15002      Brother                          Overweight     1    n:prop
#> 15003      Brother                                 out     1       adv
#> 15004 Target_Child                               tales     1         n
#> 15005 Target_Child                              talent     1         n
#> 15006      Brother                                only     1       adv
#> 15007      Brother                                  on     1       adv
#> 15008      Brother                                 off     1      prep
#> 15009      Brother                                 off     1       adv
#> 15010 Target_Child                               Tally     1    n:prop
#> 15011 Target_Child                             tallyho     1        co
#> 15012 Target_Child                               talon     1         n
#> 15013 Target_Child                       Talon_fighter     1    n:prop
#> 15014 Target_Child                               tamer     1       chi
#> 15015 Unidentified                             welcome     1       adj
#> 15016 Target_Child                           tangerine     1         n
#> 15017 Target_Child                              Tantan     1    n:prop
#> 15018 Target_Child                                tape     1      meta
#> 15019      Brother                              nuhhuh     1        co
#> 15020      Brother                           nothing's     1       adj
#> 15021      Brother                              nobody     1 pro:indef
#> 15022 Target_Child                             tasting     1  n:gerund
#> 15023 Target_Child                                 tat     1         v
#> 15024 Target_Child                              tatoos     1         n
#> 15025 Target_Child                              tattoo     1         v
#> 15026      Brother                              needta     1         v
#> 15027 Target_Child                              tavern     1         n
#> 15028 Target_Child                               taxes     1         n
#> 15029 Target_Child                                 tay     1       bab
#> 15030 Target_Child                             tayfuff     1       bab
#> 15031 Target_Child                             Tchiggs     1    n:prop
#> 15032 Target_Child                                  te     1        L2
#> 15033 Target_Child                                  té     1        L2
#> 15034 Target_Child                           teacher's     1       adj
#> 15035 Target_Child                            teaching     1  n:gerund
#> 15036      Brother                                 mud     1         n
#> 15037 Target_Child                             teaches     1         v
#> 15038 Target_Child                       teaching_lady     1       chi
#> 15039      Brother                                much     1       adv
#> 15040 Target_Child                                team     1         v
#> 15041 Target_Child                                torn     1      part
#> 15042 Target_Child                              teared     1       chi
#> 15043 Target_Child                               tease     1         n
#> 15044 Target_Child                              teased     1      part
#> 15045 Target_Child                              teases     1         v
#> 15046      Brother                                more     1        qn
#> 15047 Target_Child                              teehee     1        co
#> 15048 Target_Child                             teensie     1         n
#> 15049      Brother                                more     1       adv
#> 15050      Brother                              monkey     1         n
#> 15051 Target_Child                                tees     1       chi
#> 15052 Target_Child                               tejuh     1       uni
#> 15053 Target_Child                          telephones     1         n
#> 15054      Brother                                 Mom     1    n:prop
#> 15055 Target_Child                          Television     1    n:prop
#> 15056      Brother                                  mm     1        co
#> 15057      Brother                                mine     1  pro:poss
#> 15058      Brother                                meat     1         n
#> 15059      Brother                             meaning     1         n
#> 15060 Target_Child                              telled     1       neo
#> 15061 Target_Child                              teller     1         n
#> 15062 Target_Child                              temple     1         n
#> 15063 Target_Child                            tempting     1      part
#> 15064      Brother                                mean     1         v
#> 15065 Target_Child                              Tender     1    n:prop
#> 15066 Target_Child                        Tender_Heart     1    n:prop
#> 15067 Target_Child                              Tenica     1    n:prop
#> 15068 Target_Child                             tennies     1         n
#> 15069 Target_Child                              tenses     1         n
#> 15070 Target_Child                                tent     1         n
#> 15071 Target_Child                               tents     1         n
#> 15072 Target_Child                            terminal     1       adj
#> 15073 Target_Child                            terminal     1         n
#> 15074 Target_Child                            terrific     1       adj
#> 15075 Target_Child                             terrify     1         v
#> 15076 Unidentified                                well     1        co
#> 15077 Target_Child                               tests     1         n
#> 15078 Target_Child                              tested     1      part
#> 15079 Target_Child                              tested     1         v
#> 15080 Target_Child                 tewy_goey_tewy_goey     1     wplay
#> 15081 Target_Child               tewy_gooey_chewy_goey     1     wplay
#> 15082      Brother                                math     1         n
#> 15083      Brother                               Marky     1    n:prop
#> 15084      Brother                                 man     1         n
#> 15085 Target_Child                             thankie     1        co
#> 15086 Target_Child                              Thanks     1    n:prop
#> 15087      Brother                                made     1         v
#> 15088      Brother                                made     1      part
#> 15089      Brother                              mailed     1         v
#> 15090      Brother                              louder     1       adj
#> 15091      Brother                                 lot     1         n
#> 15092      Brother                             looking     1      part
#> 15093      Brother                                look     1        co
#> 15094      Brother                               liked     1         v
#> 15095 Target_Child                              that'd     1   pro:rel
#> 15096      Brother                                like     1         v
#> 15097 Target_Child                              That's     1       adj
#> 15098 Target_Child                                That     1    n:prop
#> 15099 Target_Child                              That's     1    n:prop
#> 15100 Target_Child                                thaw     1         v
#> 15101 Target_Child             The_Empire_Strikes_Back     1    n:prop
#> 15102 Target_Child                            The_Hulk     1    n:prop
#> 15103      Brother                                 let     1         v
#> 15104        Adult                               agree     1         v
#> 15105      Brother                               learn     1      meta
#> 15106 Target_Child           The_Puppies_New_Adventure     1    n:prop
#> 15107      Brother                                lava     1         n
#> 15108 Target_Child                             there'd     1 pro:exist
#> 15109      Brother                                keep     1         v
#> 15110 Target_Child                           therefore     1       adv
#> 15111 Target_Child                        there_you_go     1        co
#> 15112      Brother                                 its     1  det:poss
#> 15113      Brother                              inside     1         n
#> 15114      Brother                              I_mean     1        co
#> 15115 Target_Child                             They're     1    n:prop
#> 15116 Target_Child                               thick     1         n
#> 15117 Target_Child                            thiddles     1       chi
#> 15118      Brother                                I'll     1   pro:sub
#> 15119 Target_Child                             thingie     1         n
#> 15120      Brother                                 I'd     1   pro:sub
#> 15121 Target_Child                               Thing     1    n:prop
#> 15122 Target_Child                            thingies     1       chi
#> 15123 Target_Child                           Thing_One     1    n:prop
#> 15124 Target_Child                           Thing_Two     1    n:prop
#> 15125      Brother                          Hulk_Hogan     1    n:prop
#> 15126 Target_Child                            thinking     1  n:gerund
#> 15127 Unidentified                                 why     1   pro:int
#> 15128      Brother                                 hog     1         v
#> 15129      Brother                                 hog     1         n
#> 15130 Target_Child                              thirds     1         n
#> 15131      Brother                                  hm     1        co
#> 15132 Target_Child                                Thor     1    n:prop
#> 15133 Target_Child                              thorts     1       chi
#> 15134      Brother                                 her     1  det:poss
#> 15135 Target_Child                            thoughts     1         n
#> 15136      Brother                                hear     1         v
#> 15137 Target_Child                              thread     1         n
#> 15138      Brother                                head     1       adj
#> 15139 Target_Child                          threatened     1         v
#> 15140 Target_Child                             three-d     1    n:prop
#> 15141 Target_Child                              threed     1     wplay
#> 15142 Target_Child                             Threeee     1    n:prop
#> 15143 Target_Child                         Three_Pee_O     1    n:prop
#> 15144 Target_Child                             threwed     1       neo
#> 15145 Unidentified                                 why     1   pro:rel
#> 15146 Target_Child                            throat's     1       adj
#> 15147      Brother                                he'd     1   pro:sub
#> 15148      Brother                               hasta     1       mod
#> 15149      Brother                             haven't     1       aux
#> 15150      Brother                            happened     1         v
#> 15151      Brother                              Hacker     1    n:prop
#> 15152 Unidentified                               won't     1       mod
#> 15153 Target_Child                                thru     1      prep
#> 15154 Target_Child                              thrust     1         v
#> 15155 Target_Child                              Thudar     1    n:prop
#> 15156      Brother                                  ha     1        co
#> 15157 Target_Child                             thumped     1      part
#> 15158 Target_Child                               thump     1         v
#> 15159 Target_Child                             Thumper     1    n:prop
#> 15160 Target_Child                           Thundar's     1       adj
#> 15161 Target_Child                            Thundarr     1    n:prop
#> 15162      Brother                                 guy     1         n
#> 15163 Target_Child                      Thundercracker     1    n:prop
#> 15164 Target_Child                        thunder_edge     1       chi
#> 15165 Target_Child                            Thursday     1      meta
#> 15166 Target_Child                           Thursdays     1    n:prop
#> 15167 Target_Child                         tic-tac-toe     1        co
#> 15168 Target_Child                                tick     1         v
#> 15169 Target_Child                              ticked     1         v
#> 15170 Target_Child                             tickets     1         n
#> 15171 Target_Child                             tickled     1      part
#> 15172      Brother                              guilty     1       adj
#> 15173      Brother                              ground     1         n
#> 15174 Target_Child                            ticklish     1       adj
#> 15175      Brother                         underground     1      part
#> 15176 Target_Child                              tieing     1      part
#> 15177 Target_Child                               tying     1      part
#> 15178 Target_Child                              untied     1      part
#> 15179 Target_Child                               untie     1         v
#> 15180      Brother                          googoogaga     1      meta
#> 15181      Brother                                good     1       adj
#> 15182 Target_Child                                tile     1         n
#> 15183 Target_Child                               tiles     1         n
#> 15184 Target_Child                                till     1         v
#> 15185 Target_Child                              untill     1         v
#> 15186 Target_Child                                tilo     1       chi
#> 15187 Target_Child                              time's     1         n
#> 15188 Target_Child                              timing     1      part
#> 15189 Unidentified                               would     1       mod
#> 15190 Target_Child                                 tin     1         n
#> 15191 Target_Child                               tined     1       chi
#> 15192 Target_Child                             tinking     1       chi
#> 15193 Target_Child                           tinwutman     1       chi
#> 15194 Target_Child                                tips     1         n
#> 15195 Target_Child                             tipping     1      part
#> 15196 Target_Child                              tipped     1         v
#> 15197 Target_Child                                tips     1         v
#> 15198 Target_Child                               tires     1         n
#> 15199      Brother                               giant     1       adj
#> 15200 Target_Child                                 tiz     1        L2
#> 15201 Target_Child                                 tíz     1        L2
#> 15202 Target_Child                            tizenegy     1        L2
#> 15203 Target_Child                          tizenketto     1        L2
#> 15204 Target_Child                                tjep     1       uni
#> 15205      Brother                                gets     1         v
#> 15206      Brother                                 got     1       aux
#> 15207      Brother                                full     1       adj
#> 15208 Target_Child                              toasts     1         n
#> 15209 Target_Child                               toast     1         v
#> 15210 Target_Child                               Toast     1    n:prop
#> 15211 Unidentified                                wont     1         n
#> 15212 Target_Child                           toddler's     1       adj
#> 15213 Target_Child                               toe's     1       adj
#> 15214      Brother                               fouro     1       neo
#> 15215      Brother                                four     1   det:num
#> 15216 Target_Child                                 toe     1         v
#> 15217      Brother                             forever     1   adv:tem
#> 15218      Brother                              fluffy     1       adj
#> 15219 Target_Child                             toilets     1         n
#> 15220 Target_Child                               tojas     1        L2
#> 15221 Target_Child                                told     1      meta
#> 15222      Brother                                five     1   det:num
#> 15223 Target_Child                            tomatoes     1         n
#> 15224      Brother                                fire     1         n
#> 15225 Target_Child                          tomorrow's     1   adv:tem
#> 15226      Brother                            finished     1         v
#> 15227      Brother                             fingers     1         n
#> 15228      Brother                                fine     1       adj
#> 15229      Brother                                find     1         v
#> 15230        Adult                               again     1       adv
#> 15231 Target_Child                              Tony's     1       adj
#> 15232 Target_Child                                Tony     1       chi
#> 15233 Target_Child                                Tony     1    n:prop
#> 15234      Brother                              filled     1      part
#> 15235 Target_Child                              tooken     1       neo
#> 15236 Target_Child                                tool     1         n
#> 15237      Brother                                fair     1         n
#> 15238      Brother                                face     1         n
#> 15239      Brother                                 eye     1         n
#> 15240 Target_Child                     tootootootletoo     1     wplay
#> 15241      Brother                           excuse_me     1        co
#> 15242      Brother                             excused     1      part
#> 15243 Target_Child                     Top_middle_base     1    n:prop
#> 15244 Target_Child                             Topping     1    n:prop
#> 15245 Target_Child                             toppled     1         v
#> 15246 Target_Child                              tother     1       neo
#> 15247 Target_Child                              toto's     1         n
#> 15248 Target_Child                              Toto's     1       adj
#> 15249      Brother                          except_for     1      prep
#> 15250      Brother                                even     1         v
#> 15251      Brother                                even     1       adj
#> 15252 Target_Child                                tour     1         n
#> 15253      Brother                                 ate     1         v
#> 15254 Target_Child                               toy's     1       adj
#> 15255      Brother                               earth     1         n
#> 15256      Brother                               dried     1      part
#> 15257      Brother                             dollars     1         n
#> 15258      Brother                                 did     1         v
#> 15259 Target_Child                              traded     1      part
#> 15260 Target_Child                             trading     1      part
#> 15261 Target_Child                              traded     1         v
#> 15262 Target_Child                             trained     1         v
#> 15263 Target_Child                              trains     1         v
#> 15264 Target_Child                            Trak_Jaw     1    n:prop
#> 15265 Target_Child                         tralalalala     1        co
#> 15266 Target_Child                              trance     1         n
#> 15267 Target_Child                               trang     1        on
#> 15268 Target_Child                        transformers     1         n
#> 15269 Target_Child                         transformed     1      part
#> 15270 Target_Child                         transformed     1         v
#> 15271 Target_Child                          transforms     1         v
#> 15272      Brother                               doing     1      part
#> 15273 Target_Child                        transmission     1         n
#> 15274 Target_Child                           transport     1         n
#> 15275 Target_Child                               traps     1         n
#> 15276 Target_Child                               traps     1         v
#> 15277        Adult                               after     1      prep
#> 15278 Target_Child                            Trap_kaw     1    n:prop
#> 15279 Target_Child                               trash     1         n
#> 15280 Target_Child                           traveling     1      part
#> 15281 Target_Child                                tray     1         n
#> 15282 Target_Child                            Treasure     1    n:prop
#> 15283      Brother                                does     1       mod
#> 15284 Target_Child                              tree's     1       adj
#> 15285      Brother                              didn't     1       mod
#> 15286 Target_Child                                Trek     1    n:prop
#> 15287 Target_Child                              trench     1         n
#> 15288 Target_Child                            triangle     1         n
#> 15289 Target_Child                               tribe     1         n
#> 15290 Target_Child                         triceratops     1         n
#> 15291      Brother                              dipper     1         n
#> 15292      Brother                                darn     1         n
#> 15293 Target_Child                             tricked     1      part
#> 15294 Target_Child                            tricking     1      part
#> 15295 Target_Child                              tricks     1         v
#> 15296 Unidentified                              you'll     1   pro:per
#> 15297 Target_Child                           triggered     1         v
#> 15298 Target_Child                            Trinidad     1    n:prop
#> 15299      Brother                             dancing     1      part
#> 15300 Target_Child                            tripping     1  n:gerund
#> 15301 Target_Child                            tripping     1      part
#> 15302 Target_Child                              triple     1         n
#> 15303 Target_Child                             trolley     1         n
#> 15304 Target_Child                               Trono     1    n:prop
#> 15305 Target_Child                                troo     1        on
#> 15306 Target_Child                           trooper's     1       adj
#> 15307      Brother                               Dad's     1       adj
#> 15308      Brother                               cream     1         n
#> 15309 Target_Child                             trouble     1         v
#> 15310      Brother                            couldn't     1       mod
#> 15311 Target_Child                            trucking     1      part
#> 15312      Brother                           cornbread     1         n
#> 15313      Brother                             contest     1         n
#> 15314      Brother                        Computer_Guy     1    n:prop
#> 15315 Target_Child                               trunk     1         n
#> 15316 Target_Child                              trunks     1         n
#> 15317 Target_Child                             trusted     1      part
#> 15318      Brother                               color     1         n
#> 15319 Target_Child                               tssch     1        on
#> 15320 Target_Child                       ttttffffttvvv     1        on
#> 15321      Brother                              closer     1       adj
#> 15322 Target_Child                             tucking     1      part
#> 15323 Target_Child                                tuck     1         v
#> 15324 Target_Child                            Tucker's     1       adj
#> 15325 Target_Child                              Tucker     1    n:prop
#> 15326      Brother                             chicken     1         n
#> 15327 Target_Child                              tuffet     1         n
#> 15328 Target_Child                             Tuffity     1    n:prop
#> 15329 Target_Child                               Tuffy     1    n:prop
#> 15330 Target_Child                              tugged     1         v
#> 15331 Target_Child                             tugboat     1         n
#> 15332      Brother                               candy     1         n
#> 15333 Target_Child                              tumble     1         n
#> 15334 Target_Child                             tumbled     1         v
#> 15335      Brother                               can't     1       mod
#> 15336 Target_Child                               tunny     1     wplay
#> 15337      Brother                              called     1      part
#> 15338 Target_Child                          Turbo_team     1    n:prop
#> 15339      Brother                              button     1         n
#> 15340      Brother                                burn     1         v
#> 15341      Brother                               brick     1         n
#> 15342      Brother                              branch     1         n
#> 15343      Brother                                boss     1         n
#> 15344      Brother                              boring     1      part
#> 15345      Brother                                blew     1         v
#> 15346      Brother                               blood     1         n
#> 15347      Brother                              Bill's     1       adj
#> 15348 Target_Child                                 tut     1       chi
#> 15349      Brother                                 big     1       adj
#> 15350 Target_Child                                tv's     1         n
#> 15351      Brother                               being     1      part
#> 15352 Target_Child                            twenties     1         n
#> 15353 Unidentified                            you_know     1        co
#> 15354 Target_Child                               twins     1         n
#> 15355 Target_Child                               twink     1       fam
#> 15356 Target_Child                             twinkie     1         n
#> 15357 Target_Child                             twisted     1      part
#> 15358 Target_Child                             twisted     1         v
#> 15359      Brother                              wasn't     1       cop
#> 15360 Target_Child                                 Two     1    n:prop
#> 15361 Target_Child                              Twobod     1    n:prop
#> 15362 Target_Child                       Two_One_Bee's     1       adj
#> 15363 Target_Child                           Ucky_Mouf     1    n:prop
#> 15364 Target_Child                                 uff     1        on
#> 15365 Target_Child                                 UFO     1    n:prop
#> 15366      Brother                                been     1       cop
#> 15367 Target_Child                              uglier     1       adj
#> 15368      Brother                              aren't     1       cop
#> 15369 Target_Child                               uhhuh     1      meta
#> 15370      Brother                                  is     1       aux
#> 15371      Brother                                been     1       aux
#> 15372 Target_Child                                 uhp     1        on
#> 15373 Target_Child                                 ulk     1        on
#> 15374 Target_Child                            umalinda     1     wplay
#> 15375      Brother                              baying     1      part
#> 15376 Target_Child                           unanimous     1       adj
#> 15377      Brother                                  ba     1       bab
#> 15378 Target_Child                         underground     1       adj
#> 15379 Target_Child                            underleg     1       chi
#> 15380      Brother                                away     1       adv
#> 15381 Target_Child                      under_my_neath     1       neo
#> 15382 Target_Child                          underpoops     1       chi
#> 15383 Target_Child                          Under_Roos     1    n:prop
#> 15384 Target_Child                      Underroo's_Man     1    n:prop
#> 15385 Target_Child                       misunderstood     1      part
#> 15386      Brother                                  at     1      prep
#> 15387      Brother                                  as     1      prep
#> 15388 Target_Child                                 unh     1        co
#> 15389      Brother                               Arfie     1    n:prop
#> 15390 Target_Child                              United     1    n:prop
#> 15391 Target_Child                            universe     1         n
#> 15392 Target_Child                            un_loose     1       chi
#> 15393 Target_Child           unodostresquatrocincoseis     1        L2
#> 15394      Brother                              angels     1         n
#> 15395      Brother                                also     1       adv
#> 15396      Brother                             alright     1        co
#> 15397 Target_Child                                uped     1       neo
#> 15398 Target_Child                               upper     1       adj
#> 15399      Brother                               a_lot     1       adv
#> 15400      Brother                           allowance     1         n
#> 15401 Target_Child                          upstairser     1       chi
#> 15402 Target_Child                                urfs     1     wplay
#> 15403 Target_Child                              urgent     1       adj
#> 15404      Brother                                 all     1        qn
#> 15405      Brother                                 all     1       adv
#> 15406 Target_Child                              unused     1      part
#> 15407      Brother                                 air     1         n
#> 15408      Brother                               about     1      prep
#> 15409      Brother                               about     1       adv
#> 15410      Brother                                  an     1   det:art
#> 15411        Adult                          windowsill     1         n
#> 15412 Target_Child                                 ush     1       bab
#> 15413 Target_Child                             unusual     1       adj
#> 15414        Adult                       grahamcracker     1         n
#> 15415 Target_Child                                uway     1       bab
#> 15416        Adult                                your     1  det:poss
#> 15417 Target_Child                                   V     1    n:prop
#> 15418        Adult                               about     1      prep
#> 15419 Target_Child                            vacuumed     1      part
#> 15420 Target_Child                              vacuum     1         v
#> 15421 Target_Child                            vacuumed     1         v
#> 15422 Unidentified                             bedroom     1         n
#> 15423 Target_Child                             Vader's     1       adj
#> 15424        Adult                              you're     1   pro:per
#> 15425 Target_Child                              Vaders     1    n:prop
#> 15426 Target_Child                         valentine's     1       adj
#> 15427 Target_Child                           valentine     1         n
#> 15428 Target_Child                          valentines     1      meta
#> 15429        Adult                               you'd     1   pro:per
#> 15430 Target_Child                              vanish     1         v
#> 15431 Unidentified                             haircut     1         n
#> 15432        Adult                                 yet     1       adv
#> 15433 Target_Child                             veriest     1       chi
#> 15434 Target_Child                                  vf     1        on
#> 15435      Visitor                            a_lot_of     1        qn
#> 15436 Target_Child                              videos     1         n
#> 15437 Target_Child                           vidɛrdɛrd     1       uni
#> 15438 Target_Child                           vidɛrdɛrs     1       uni
#> 15439 Target_Child                            vidithɛg     1       uni
#> 15440 Target_Child                               Vince     1    n:prop
#> 15441 Target_Child                             Vincent     1    n:prop
#> 15442 Target_Child                               vines     1         n
#> 15443        Adult                                word     1         n
#> 15444        Adult                           wonderful     1       adj
#> 15445 Target_Child                            vIsIDsɛs     1       uni
#> 15446 Target_Child                              vision     1         n
#> 15447 Target_Child                             vitamin     1         n
#> 15448 Target_Child                              Vluffy     1    n:prop
#> 15449 Target_Child                                vngɘ     1       uni
#> 15450 Target_Child                          vocabulary     1         n
#> 15451 Target_Child                              volume     1         n
#> 15452 Target_Child                         volunteered     1         v
#> 15453 Target_Child                               vomit     1         v
#> 15454 Target_Child                            vomitate     1       neo
#> 15455 Target_Child                               vroom     1        co
#> 15456 Target_Child                               vroom     1        on
#> 15457 Target_Child                              vrrrrr     1        on
#> 15458 Target_Child                             vrrrrrr     1        on
#> 15459 Target_Child                                 VTM     1    n:prop
#> 15460 Target_Child                                 vvv     1        on
#> 15461 Target_Child                              vvvvvv     1        on
#> 15462 Target_Child                                waaa     1       chi
#> 15463        Adult                                 who     1   pro:rel
#> 15464      Visitor                                 and     1     coord
#> 15465 Target_Child                             waffles     1         v
#> 15466 Target_Child                      wah_wah_wah_ah     1        on
#> 15467 Target_Child                                wain     1        on
#> 15468        Adult                                well     1        co
#> 15469 Target_Child                             waiting     1  n:gerund
#> 15470        Adult                             welcome     1       adj
#> 15471 Target_Child                              waited     1         v
#> 15472 Target_Child                               waked     1      part
#> 15473        Adult                                week     1         n
#> 15474        Adult                                 way     1         n
#> 15475        Adult                                 way     1       adv
#> 15476        Adult                               walks     1         n
#> 15477        Adult                            waddling     1  n:gerund
#> 15478 Target_Child                             Walkers     1    n:prop
#> 15479 Target_Child                               Walks     1    n:prop
#> 15480        Adult                              volley     1         n
#> 15481        Adult                               voice     1         n
#> 15482 Target_Child                            walruses     1         n
#> 15483 Target_Child                                Walt     1    n:prop
#> 15484 Target_Child                              Walter     1    n:prop
#> 15485        Adult                                very     1       adv
#> 15486 Target_Child                           wandering     1      part
#> 15487 Target_Child                                wang     1         v
#> 15488 Target_Child                              wanker     1       chi
#> 15489 Target_Child                             wanting     1  n:gerund
#> 15490        Adult                               useta     1       mod
#> 15491        Adult                           Ukrainian     1    n:prop
#> 15492        Adult                                uhuh     1        co
#> 15493        Adult                                uhoh     1        co
#> 15494        Adult                               uhhuh     1        co
#> 15495 Target_Child                             warring     1      part
#> 15496 Target_Child                                 war     1         v
#> 15497 Target_Child                               War's     1       adj
#> 15498        Adult                                type     1         n
#> 15499        Adult                                tree     1         n
#> 15500 Target_Child                              warmer     1         n
#> 15501 Target_Child                              warned     1      part
#> 15502 Target_Child                                warn     1         v
#> 15503 Target_Child                              warned     1         v
#> 15504 Target_Child                             Warrick     1    n:prop
#> 15505 Target_Child                             warrior     1         n
#> 15506        Adult                               today     1   adv:tem
#> 15507        Adult                                  to     1      prep
#> 15508 Target_Child                              wasp's     1       adj
#> 15509 Target_Child                              wasser     1        L2
#> 15510 Target_Child                                wast     1       chi
#> 15511 Target_Child                             wasting     1      part
#> 15512        Adult                               times     1         n
#> 15513 Target_Child                             watcher     1         n
#> 15514 Target_Child                            watching     1  n:gerund
#> 15515 Target_Child                             watched     1      part
#> 15516        Adult                            thriller     1         n
#> 15517        Adult                                this     1   pro:dem
#> 15518 Target_Child                             watches     1         v
#> 15519 Target_Child                             water's     1       adj
#> 15520 Target_Child                             water's     1         n
#> 15521 Target_Child                              waters     1         n
#> 15522 Target_Child                             watered     1         v
#> 15523 Target_Child                           waterfall     1         n
#> 15524 Target_Child                          waterfalls     1         n
#> 15525        Adult                                they     1   pro:sub
#> 15526      Visitor                              around     1       adv
#> 15527 Target_Child                              waving     1      part
#> 15528 Target_Child                               waved     1         v
#> 15529 Target_Child                            wawawawa     1       chi
#> 15530 Target_Child                               wawoo     1        on
#> 15531 Target_Child                                 wax     1         n
#> 15532 Target_Child                              waxing     1      part
#> 15533        Adult                             there's     1 pro:exist
#> 15534        Adult                               there     1       adv
#> 15535        Adult                                them     1   pro:obj
#> 15536        Adult             The_empire_strikes_back     1    n:prop
#> 15537        Adult                             that'll     1   pro:rel
#> 15538        Adult                              that'd     1   pro:rel
#> 15539      Visitor                                back     1       adv
#> 15540 Target_Child                           wednesday     1         n
#> 15541        Adult                                that     1       adv
#> 15542 Target_Child                                 wee     1         n
#> 15543 Target_Child                               weeds     1         n
#> 15544 Target_Child                               weeee     1        on
#> 15545        Adult                              thanks     1        co
#> 15546 Target_Child                                wees     1       bab
#> 15547 Target_Child                              weewee     1        on
#> 15548 Target_Child                         wee_wee_wee     1        co
#> 15549 Target_Child                           weeweewee     1        on
#> 15550 Target_Child                               weigh     1         v
#> 15551 Target_Child                              weighs     1         v
#> 15552 Target_Child                              weight     1         n
#> 15553 Target_Child                             weights     1         n
#> 15554        Adult                           talkative     1       adj
#> 15555 Target_Child                            weirdest     1       adj
#> 15556 Target_Child                               weird     1         v
#> 15557 Target_Child                               Weird     1    n:prop
#> 15558        Adult                                took     1         v
#> 15559 Target_Child                             welcome     1         v
#> 15560        Adult                                take     1         v
#> 15561        Adult                              Sunday     1    n:prop
#> 15562        Adult                             nonstop     1         n
#> 15563 Target_Child                            Wensel's     1       adj
#> 15564 Target_Child                                Went     1    n:prop
#> 15565 Target_Child                         werewolves'     1       adj
#> 15566        Adult                              stayed     1         v
#> 15567        Adult                              starts     1         v
#> 15568 Target_Child                           Werewolfs     1    n:prop
#> 15569 Target_Child                              Weslie     1    n:prop
#> 15570 Target_Child                              Westen     1    n:prop
#> 15571 Target_Child                             westuia     1       uni
#> 15572        Adult                               squat     1         n
#> 15573 Target_Child                                  wɘ     1       uni
#> 15574 Target_Child                                 wɘu     1       uni
#> 15575 Target_Child                                whaa     1        on
#> 15576 Target_Child                               whack     1       chi
#> 15577 Target_Child                               whack     1         v
#> 15578 Target_Child                             whacked     1         v
#> 15579 Target_Child                               whamo     1        on
#> 15580 Target_Child                                whas     1       bab
#> 15581        Adult                               sorts     1         n
#> 15582 Target_Child                             what'll     1   pro:int
#> 15583        Adult                                song     1         n
#> 15584 Target_Child                    whawawawawawawam     1     wplay
#> 15585 Target_Child                               wheat     1         n
#> 15586      Visitor                              didn't     1       mod
#> 15587 Target_Child                               wheee     1        on
#> 15588 Target_Child                              wheels     1         v
#> 15589        Adult                                sits     1         v
#> 15590        Adult                              she'll     1   pro:sub
#> 15591        Adult                                 she     1   pro:sub
#> 15592        Adult                                 saw     1         v
#> 15593 Target_Child                          wherewhere     1       chi
#> 15594 Target_Child                             whether     1      conj
#> 15595 Target_Child                                whew     1        on
#> 15596 Target_Child                                whey     1         n
#> 15597 Target_Child                             whhheee     1        on
#> 15598        Adult                                 see     1        co
#> 15599        Adult                                 say     1         v
#> 15600        Adult                              saying     1      part
#> 15601 Target_Child                            whimpers     1         v
#> 15602 Target_Child                               whine     1         n
#> 15603        Adult                                 run     1         v
#> 15604 Target_Child                           whiplashy     1       adj
#> 15605 Target_Child                             whirled     1         v
#> 15606 Target_Child                             whisked     1         v
#> 15607 Target_Child                             whisper     1         n
#> 15608 Target_Child                           whispered     1      part
#> 15609 Target_Child                          whispering     1      part
#> 15610 Target_Child                             whistle     1         n
#> 15611 Target_Child                            whistled     1         v
#> 15612        Adult                              rubber     1         n
#> 15613        Adult                              Ross's     1    n:prop
#> 15614        Adult                                rock     1         n
#> 15615        Adult                               right     1         n
#> 15616        Adult                               right     1        co
#> 15617 Target_Child                              who've     1   pro:rel
#> 15618        Adult                                 red     1       adj
#> 15619        Adult                              really     1       adv
#> 15620        Adult                              pretty     1       adv
#> 15621        Adult                            pointing     1      part
#> 15622 Target_Child                                whoo     1        on
#> 15623 Target_Child                              whooee     1       chi
#> 15624 Target_Child                              whooee     1        co
#> 15625 Target_Child                               whooo     1        on
#> 15626 Target_Child                              whoooo     1        on
#> 15627 Target_Child                             whoopie     1         n
#> 15628 Target_Child                              whoops     1         n
#> 15629 Target_Child                              whoopa     1       chi
#> 15630 Target_Child                         whoopdeedoo     1     wplay
#> 15631      Visitor                              during     1      prep
#> 15632 Target_Child                             whoopsh     1        on
#> 15633 Target_Child                            whoopsie     1        co
#> 15634 Target_Child                           whoopy_do     1       chi
#> 15635 Target_Child                      whoo_whoo_whoo     1        on
#> 15636      Visitor                          everything     1 pro:indef
#> 15637        Adult                                play     1         n
#> 15638        Adult                               plane     1         n
#> 15639        Adult                               phone     1         n
#> 15640 Target_Child                              why're     1   pro:rel
#> 15641 Target_Child                                 Why     1    n:prop
#> 15642 Target_Child                              wicket     1         n
#> 15643 Target_Child                            Wicket's     1       adj
#> 15644        Adult                                over     1       adv
#> 15645 Target_Child                              wiggly     1       adj
#> 15646 Target_Child                              wiggle     1         n
#> 15647 Target_Child                            wiggling     1      part
#> 15648 Target_Child                             wiggled     1         v
#> 15649        Adult                                only     1        qn
#> 15650 Target_Child                              wilder     1       adj
#> 15651        Adult                                only     1       adv
#> 15652 Target_Child                             willn't     1       mod
#> 15653        Adult                                 old     1       adj
#> 15654 Target_Child                             willing     1       adj
#> 15655 Target_Child                           willpower     1         n
#> 15656 Target_Child                             winning     1      part
#> 15657 Target_Child                              winned     1         v
#> 15658        Adult                                 not     1       neg
#> 15659        Adult                                  no     1        qn
#> 15660 Target_Child                             winding     1      part
#> 15661 Target_Child                              unwind     1         v
#> 15662 Target_Child                               winds     1         v
#> 15663 Target_Child                            windmill     1         n
#> 15664        Adult                                nine     1   det:num
#> 15665 Target_Child                          Windraider     1    n:prop
#> 15666        Adult                                 new     1       adj
#> 15667        Adult                               never     1       adv
#> 15668 Target_Child                                wing     1         n
#> 15669 Target_Child                                wing     1         v
#> 15670 Target_Child                                wipe     1         n
#> 15671 Target_Child                              wiping     1      part
#> 15672 Target_Child                               wired     1         v
#> 15673        Adult                                more     1       adv
#> 15674 Target_Child                             wishing     1      part
#> 15675        Adult                                moon     1         n
#> 15676 Target_Child                               Wiski     1    n:prop
#> 15677        Adult                              months     1         n
#> 15678        Adult                             monster     1         n
#> 15679 Target_Child                               Witch     1    n:prop
#> 15680 Target_Child                             Without     1    n:prop
#> 15681 Target_Child                              wittle     1       chi
#> 15682 Target_Child                             wizards     1         n
#> 15683 Target_Child                       Wizards_World     1    n:prop
#> 15684      Visitor                                  he     1   pro:sub
#> 15685 Target_Child                                 Wok     1       chi
#> 15686 Target_Child                                woks     1       chi
#> 15687 Target_Child                              wolf's     1         n
#> 15688 Target_Child                              Wolfer     1    n:prop
#> 15689 Target_Child                         Wolf_Riders     1    n:prop
#> 15690 Target_Child                           Wolverine     1    n:prop
#> 15691        Adult                               Marky     1    n:prop
#> 15692 Target_Child                              Womens     1    n:prop
#> 15693 Target_Child                             Wompa's     1       adj
#> 15694        Adult                                 lot     1         n
#> 15695        Adult                               looks     1         v
#> 15696        Adult                                like     1         v
#> 15697 Target_Child                         Wonderfuler     1       neo
#> 15698      Visitor                                he's     1   pro:sub
#> 15699        Adult                                like     1      prep
#> 15700 Target_Child                                 woo     1      meta
#> 15701 Target_Child                                 woo     1         v
#> 15702        Adult                                last     1       adj
#> 15703 Target_Child                              wooded     1       adj
#> 15704 Target_Child                            woodland     1         n
#> 15705        Adult                               knife     1         n
#> 15706 Target_Child                     Woody_Wodpecker     1    n:prop
#> 15707        Adult                                kind     1         n
#> 15708 Target_Child                           wookokoko     1        on
#> 15709 Target_Child                               woooo     1        on
#> 15710 Target_Child                              woowee     1     wplay
#> 15711 Target_Child                           woowoowoo     1        on
#> 15712 Target_Child                               wored     1       neo
#> 15713 Target_Child                                worg     1       chi
#> 15714 Target_Child                               worky     1       adj
#> 15715        Adult                                into     1      prep
#> 15716 Target_Child                              worker     1         n
#> 15717 Target_Child                             workers     1         n
#> 15718 Target_Child                             working     1  n:gerund
#> 15719        Adult                             instead     1       adv
#> 15720      Visitor                                 hit     1         v
#> 15721        Adult                                inch     1         n
#> 15722 Target_Child                            worrying     1      part
#> 15723 Target_Child                             worries     1         v
#> 15724 Target_Child                               wound     1         n
#> 15725 Target_Child                                 wow     1      meta
#> 15726 Target_Child                             wrapped     1      part
#> 15727 Target_Child                            wrapping     1      part
#> 15728 Target_Child                               wraps     1         v
#> 15729 Target_Child                              wreath     1         v
#> 15730 Target_Child                              wrecks     1         n
#> 15731 Target_Child                               wreck     1         v
#> 15732 Target_Child                            wrestler     1         n
#> 15733 Target_Child                            wretched     1       adj
#> 15734 Target_Child                            wrinkled     1      part
#> 15735 Target_Child                               wrist     1         n
#> 15736      Visitor                                life     1         n
#> 15737 Target_Child                          wristbands     1       neo
#> 15738 Target_Child                             writing     1      part
#> 15739 Target_Child                             written     1      part
#> 15740        Adult                                I'll     1   pro:sub
#> 15741 Target_Child                              writes     1         v
#> 15742        Adult                               hotel     1         n
#> 15743        Adult                                home     1         n
#> 15744        Adult                                high     1         n
#> 15745 Target_Child                                  wu     1       uni
#> 15746 Target_Child                             Wul_bat     1    n:prop
#> 15747 Target_Child                            Wul_bats     1    n:prop
#> 15748 Target_Child                           Wulp_bats     1    n:prop
#> 15749 Target_Child                                 wuz     1       neo
#> 15750 Target_Child                               x-ray     1         n
#> 15751        Adult                              here's     1 pro:exist
#> 15752        Adult                                 her     1   pro:obj
#> 15753 Target_Child                                  xy     1     n:let
#> 15754        Adult                              He_man     1    n:prop
#> 15755 Target_Child                                 yah     1       bab
#> 15756        Adult                               hello     1        co
#> 15757 Target_Child                                yawn     1       chi
#> 15758 Target_Child                               yawns     1         n
#> 15759 Target_Child                                Yaya     1    n:prop
#> 15760 Target_Child                              yayyay     1        co
#> 15761        Adult                               he'll     1   pro:sub
#> 15762        Adult                                 had     1         v
#> 15763        Adult                             haven't     1       aux
#> 15764 Target_Child                                Year     1    n:prop
#> 15765 Target_Child                                yeas     1       bab
#> 15766 Target_Child                              yecook     1     wplay
#> 15767 Target_Child                                 yee     1       chi
#> 15768 Target_Child                               yeesh     1      meta
#> 15769        Adult                                hair     1         n
#> 15770 Target_Child                              yelled     1      part
#> 15771        Adult                               guest     1         n
#> 15772        Adult                                good     1       adj
#> 15773        Adult                              better     1       adj
#> 15774 Target_Child                               yells     1         v
#> 15775        Adult                                 get     1         v
#> 15776        Adult                         generalized     1      part
#> 15777        Adult                                from     1      prep
#> 15778      Visitor                                like     1        co
#> 15779 Target_Child                           Yesterday     1    n:prop
#> 15780 Target_Child                                  yi     1       bab
#> 15781 Target_Child                               yicky     1        co
#> 15782 Target_Child                               yikes     1      meta
#> 15783 Target_Child                               Yikes     1    n:prop
#> 15784 Target_Child                              yippee     1        co
#> 15785 Target_Child                                  YM     1    n:prop
#> 15786 Target_Child                                  yo     1        L2
#> 15787 Target_Child                              Yoda's     1       adj
#> 15788        Adult                                fish     1         n
#> 15789        Adult                                fine     1         v
#> 15790 Target_Child                                 yoi     1       chi
#> 15791 Target_Child                                yoke     1         n
#> 15792 Target_Child                              yoohoo     1        co
#> 15793 Target_Child                                Yook     1    n:prop
#> 15794 Target_Child                                York     1    n:prop
#> 15795 Target_Child                                 you     1      meta
#> 15796        Adult                                 few     1         n
#> 15797        Adult                             exactly     1       adv
#> 15798        Adult                 Empire_Strikes_Back     1    n:prop
#> 15799        Adult                               eight     1   det:num
#> 15800 Target_Child                               you's     1   pro:per
#> 15801        Adult                                 eat     1         v
#> 15802 Target_Child                                 You     1    n:prop
#> 15803 Target_Child     You_can't_do_that_on_television     1    n:prop
#> 15804 Target_Child     You_Can't_Do_That_On_Television     1    n:prop
#> 15805 Target_Child                       you_know_what     1        co
#> 15806        Adult                              donkey     1         n
#> 15807 Target_Child                               youse     1       chi
#> 15808 Target_Child                                 yow     1       chi
#> 15809 Target_Child                                 yow     1        co
#> 15810 Target_Child                                yowl     1         n
#> 15811 Target_Child                               yoyos     1         n
#> 15812        Adult                                 did     1         v
#> 15813 Target_Child                                yuck     1         n
#> 15814 Target_Child                                Yuck     1    n:prop
#> 15815 Target_Child                               yucko     1       fam
#> 15816 Target_Child                            yummiest     1       adj
#> 15817        Adult                                  do     1       mod
#> 15818        Adult                              didn't     1       mod
#> 15819      Visitor                                look     1         v
#> 15820 Target_Child                             yumbang     1     wplay
#> 15821 Target_Child                                yums     1       chi
#> 15822        Adult                                 did     1       mod
#> 15823 Target_Child                               Zabie     1    n:prop
#> 15824 Target_Child                             Zachary     1    n:prop
#> 15825 Target_Child                                Zack     1    n:prop
#> 15826 Target_Child                             zaisins     1       bab
#> 15827 Target_Child                              zapped     1      part
#> 15828 Target_Child                              zapped     1         v
#> 15829 Target_Child                              zapped     1       chi
#> 15830 Target_Child                                zarf     1     wplay
#> 15831 Target_Child                               zebra     1         n
#> 15832 Target_Child                              Zeekon     1       chi
#> 15833        Adult                            daughter     1         n
#> 15834 Target_Child                              Zeroes     1    n:prop
#> 15835 Target_Child                             zig-zag     1         n
#> 15836 Target_Child                              zipper     1         n
#> 15837 Target_Child                               unzip     1         v
#> 15838        Adult                            crouches     1         n
#> 15839 Target_Child                            zippered     1      part
#> 15840 Target_Child                          Zipper_Cat     1    n:prop
#> 15841 Target_Child                                zisk     1       bab
#> 15842 Target_Child                                Zoar     1    n:prop
#> 15843 Target_Child                               zoars     1       chi
#> 15844 Target_Child                               Zodak     1    n:prop
#> 15845 Target_Child                                Zoid     1    n:prop
#> 15846 Target_Child                              Zoltán     1    n:prop
#> 15847      Visitor                                  me     1   pro:obj
#> 15848 Target_Child                             zooming     1      part
#> 15849 Target_Child                                zoom     1         v
#> 15850 Target_Child                             zorpoop     1     wplay
#> 15851 Target_Child                                Zorr     1    n:prop
#> 15852 Target_Child                               Zorro     1    n:prop
#> 15853 Target_Child                              Zortan     1    n:prop
#> 15854 Target_Child                                 zuh     1       chi
#> 15855 Target_Child                                 zuz     1       chi
#> 15856        Adult                              course     1         n
#> 15857 Target_Child                                zzzh     1        on
#> 15858 Target_Child                        babysitter's     1       adj
#> 15859 Target_Child                           eyeball's     1       adj
#> 15860 Target_Child                           fireman's     1       adj
#> 15861 Target_Child                        tippietoppie     1       adj
#> 15862 Target_Child                              apeman     1         n
#> 15863      Visitor                                  no     1        co
#> 15864 Target_Child                            babytalk     1         n
#> 15865        Adult                            couldn't     1       mod
#> 15866 Target_Child                          backswings     1         n
#> 15867 Target_Child                            backyard     1         n
#> 15868 Target_Child                         bananasplit     1         n
#> 15869        Adult                         continually     1       adv
#> 15870        Adult                                come     1         v
#> 15871 Target_Child                             bedroom     1         n
#> 15872 Target_Child                         bellybutton     1         n
#> 15873       Father                          Muscle_Man     1    n:prop
#> 15874       Father                            Murphy's     1       adj
#> 15875       Father                               music     1      meta
#> 15876       Father                               murky     1       adj
#> 15877       Father                               mussa     1        L2
#> 15878       Father                               musta     1       mod
#> 15879       Father                             mustard     1         n
#> 15880       Father                              murder     1         v
#> 15881       Father                               Myers     1    n:prop
#> 15882       Father                              mystic     1         n
#> 15883       Father                                   N     1    n:prop
#> 15884       Father                               nahah     1     wplay
#> 15885       Father                            munching     1      part
#> 15886       Father                                naku     1     wplay
#> 15887       Father                                mums     1      meta
#> 15888       Father                            misnamed     1      part
#> 15889       Father                      multiplication     1         n
#> 15890       Father                               names     1         v
#> 15891       Father                                Nana     1    n:prop
#> 15892       Father                            Mulligan     1    n:prop
#> 15893 Target_Child                        bellydancers     1         n
#> 15894       Father                                naps     1         n
#> 15895       Father                             napkins     1         n
#> 15896        Adult                               cause     1         n
#> 15897       Father                             narfing     1       chi
#> 15898       Father                              narths     1     wplay
#> 15899       Father                                 mug     1         n
#> 15900       Father                              nation     1         n
#> 15901       Father                              nature     1         n
#> 15902       Father                               mufic     1      meta
#> 15903       Father                                ndah     1       bab
#> 15904       Father                                near     1       adj
#> 15905       Father                             nearest     1      prep
#> 15906       Father                             neatest     1       adj
#> 15907       Father                         unnecessary     1       adj
#> 15908       Father                                neck     1         v
#> 15909       Father                           nectarine     1         n
#> 15910       Father                          Mr_Perfect     1    n:prop
#> 15911       Father                               mowed     1      part
#> 15912       Father                           movements     1         n
#> 15913       Father                               moved     1      part
#> 15914       Father                         negotiation     1         n
#> 15915       Father                            neighbor     1         n
#> 15916       Father                             neither     1        qn
#> 15917       Father                               nekem     1        L2
#> 15918       Father                            Nestle's     1       adj
#> 15919       Father                            mouthful     1         n
#> 15920       Father                            Mouses's     1       adj
#> 15921       Father                               newer     1       adj
#> 15922       Father                              newest     1       adj
#> 15923       Father                         New_England     1    n:prop
#> 15924       Father                          New_Mexico     1    n:prop
#> 15925       Father                           newspaper     1         n
#> 15926       Father                          newspapers     1         n
#> 15927       Father                            New_york     1    n:prop
#> 15928       Father                            New_York     1    n:prop
#> 15929       Father                               Mount     1    n:prop
#> 15930       Father                        Niagra_Falls     1    n:prop
#> 15931       Father                             nibbled     1         v
#> 15932       Father                               motto     1         n
#> 15933       Father                           nice_nice     1       adj
#> 15934       Father                              motive     1       adj
#> 15935       Father                                Nick     1    n:prop
#> 15936       Father                            Mothra's     1       adj
#> 15937       Father                              nickle     1         n
#> 15938       Father                         Nickolodian     1    n:prop
#> 15939       Father                              Nicole     1    n:prop
#> 15940       Father                               nifty     1       adj
#> 15941       Father                             Mothers     1    n:prop
#> 15942       Father                               Night     1    n:prop
#> 15943       Father                         night_night     1        co
#> 15944       Father                            Nijmegen     1    n:prop
#> 15945       Father                                niku     1     wplay
#> 15946       Father                                 nip     1      test
#> 15947       Father                              nippit     1     wplay
#> 15948       Father                              nipple     1         n
#> 15949       Father                               nkego     1       uni
#> 15950       Father                                moth     1         n
#> 15951       Father                              hmhunh     1        co
#> 15952       Father                               motel     1         n
#> 15953       Father                       morphological     1       adj
#> 15954       Father                                More     1    n:prop
#> 15955       Father                               no-no     1        qn
#> 15956       Father                              Moppet     1    n:prop
#> 15957       Father                            nobody's     1 pro:indef
#> 15958       Father                              Nobody     1    n:prop
#> 15959       Father                                 nod     1         v
#> 15960       Father                                nods     1         v
#> 15961       Father                              noggin     1         n
#> 15962       Father                              mooshy     1       chi
#> 15963       Father                               Moose     1    n:prop
#> 15964       Father                               moose     1         n
#> 15965       Father                        non_sequitur     1         n
#> 15966       Father                                 nor     1     coord
#> 15967       Father                              normal     1       adv
#> 15968       Father                      North_Carolina     1    n:prop
#> 15969       Father                          North_Pole     1    n:prop
#> 15970       Father                               moooo     1        on
#> 15971       Father                                mooo     1        on
#> 15972       Father                              moon's     1         n
#> 15973       Father                                 Not     1    n:prop
#> 15974       Father                Montgomery_Good_News     1    n:prop
#> 15975       Father                               noted     1      part
#> 15976       Father                                note     1         v
#> 15977       Father                              nother     1       neo
#> 15978       Father                           nothing's     1       adj
#> 15979       Father                          Montecello     1    n:prop
#> 15980       Father                           nothing's     1 pro:indef
#> 15981       Father                              notice     1         n
#> 15982       Father                           Notingham     1    n:prop
#> 15983       Father                              notion     1         n
#> 15984       Father                          Nottingham     1    n:prop
#> 15985 Target_Child                           bottlecap     1         n
#> 15986       Father                            November     1    n:prop
#> 15987       Father                         Monroeville     1    n:prop
#> 15988       Father                            nowadays     1   adv:tem
#> 15989       Father                              no_way     1        co
#> 15990       Father                             nowhere     1       adv
#> 15991 Target_Child                           bubblegum     1         n
#> 15992       Father                              Monkey     1    n:prop
#> 15993       Father                                 nut     1         n
#> 15994       Father                                nuts     1         n
#> 15995       Father                                 Nut     1    n:prop
#> 15996       Father                                 Mon     1    n:prop
#> 15997       Father                               Oaken     1    n:prop
#> 15998       Father                             Oakland     1    n:prop
#> 15999       Father                          disobeying     1  n:gerund
#> 16000       Father                             objects     1         n
#> 16001       Father                             obvious     1       adj
#> 16002       Father                            occasion     1         n
#> 16003       Father                           occurring     1      part
#> 16004       Father                             cooccur     1         v
#> 16005       Father                              occurs     1         v
#> 16006       Father                             Mommies     1    n:prop
#> 16007 Target_Child                             bunkbed     1         n
#> 16008       Father                                 oda     1        L2
#> 16009       Father                                  of     1      none
#> 16010       Father                            Mommie's     1    n:prop
#> 16011       Father                                 off     1      meta
#> 16012       Father                            offering     1      part
#> 16013       Father                             momma's     1       adj
#> 16014       Father                               oh_no     1        co
#> 16015       Father                                 oje     1       uni
#> 16016       Father                               Mom's     1    n:prop
#> 16017       Father                                 Ola     1    n:prop
#> 16018       Father                                 Old     1    n:prop
#> 16019       Father                     Old_Kings_Cross     1    n:prop
#> 16020       Father                      Old_MacFarmers     1    n:prop
#> 16021       Father                              olives     1         n
#> 16022       Father                               Olsen     1    n:prop
#> 16023       Father                               olyan     1        L2
#> 16024       Father                           molecules     1         n
#> 16025       Father                               moist     1       adj
#> 16026       Father                                once     1      meta
#> 16027       Father                            Mohammid     1    n:prop
#> 16028       Father                               mobby     1       adj
#> 16029       Father                                 one     1        qn
#> 16030       Father                               mixes     1         v
#> 16031       Father                                 oof     1        co
#> 16032       Father                              Mitten     1    n:prop
#> 16033       Father                              oopsie     1        co
#> 16034       Father                                  op     1        co
#> 16035       Father                                 opa     1     wplay
#> 16036       Father                               Mitan     1    n:prop
#> 16037       Father                              opened     1      part
#> 16038       Father                          Mister_Xxx     1    n:prop
#> 16039 Target_Child                            candybar     1         n
#> 16040       Father                         operational     1       adj
#> 16041       Father                             opinion     1         n
#> 16042       Father                              oppsie     1       chi
#> 16043       Father                       Optimus_Prime     1    n:prop
#> 16044       Father                             options     1         n
#> 16045       Father                   Mister_Overweight     1    n:prop
#> 16046       Father                            unorange     1       adj
#> 16047       Father                         Mister_Mark     1    n:prop
#> 16048       Father                              orator     1         n
#> 16049       Father                           orchestra     1         n
#> 16050       Father                              Organa     1    n:prop
#> 16051       Father                        organization     1         n
#> 16052       Father                           organized     1         v
#> 16053       Father                            oriented     1         v
#> 16054       Father                         orientalish     1       adj
#> 16055       Father                             Orleans     1    n:prop
#> 16056       Father                              orphan     1         n
#> 16057       Father                             other's     1       adj
#> 16058       Father                               other     1 pro:indef
#> 16059       Father                        Missus_Kates     1    n:prop
#> 16060       Father                            Missouri     1    n:prop
#> 16061       Father                                ouch     1         v
#> 16062       Father                               oucho     1       neo
#> 16063       Father                             missles     1         n
#> 16064       Father                             missile     1         n
#> 16065       Father                             Ourland     1    n:prop
#> 16066       Father                              misses     1         v
#> 16067       Father                                 out     1         n
#> 16068       Father                              missed     1      part
#> 16069       Father                                outa     1      prep
#> 16070       Father                              outfit     1         n
#> 16071       Father                                outh     1     wplay
#> 16072       Father                              outing     1         n
#> 16073       Father                             missing     1  n:gerund
#> 16074       Father                           miserable     1       adj
#> 16075       Father                             outside     1      prep
#> 16076       Father                               outta     1      prep
#> 16077       Father                          Overweight     1    n:prop
#> 16078       Father                               óvoda     1        L2
#> 16079       Father                                  ow     1      meta
#> 16080       Father                                owie     1        co
#> 16081       Father                                owie     1      meta
#> 16082 Target_Child                             catfood     1         n
#> 16083       Father                               mints     1         v
#> 16084       Father                               owner     1       adj
#> 16085       Father                               owner     1         n
#> 16086       Father                                 own     1         v
#> 16087       Father                              owowow     1        on
#> 16088       Father                            owowowow     1        on
#> 16089       Father                               mints     1         n
#> 16090       Father                            minister     1         n
#> 16091       Father                             minions     1         n
#> 16092       Father                                  Pa     1    n:prop
#> 16093       Father                               packs     1         n
#> 16094       Father                              packed     1      part
#> 16095       Father                             package     1         n
#> 16096       Father                            packaged     1         v
#> 16097       Father                                 pad     1         n
#> 16098       Father                              padded     1         v
#> 16099       Father                          Paddington     1    n:prop
#> 16100       Father                              paddle     1         v
#> 16101       Father                         minesweeper     1         n
#> 16102       Father                               pages     1         n
#> 16103       Father                                page     1         v
#> 16104       Father                         Mine_Storms     1    n:prop
#> 16105       Father                            pain_man     1       chi
#> 16106       Father                            painting     1      part
#> 16107       Father                          paints_man     1       neo
#> 16108       Father                                pair     1         v
#> 16109       Father                              pajama     1       adj
#> 16110       Father                                 Pam     1    n:prop
#> 16111       Father                              Pamala     1    n:prop
#> 16112       Father                                pans     1         n
#> 16113       Father                             mineral     1         n
#> 16114       Father                             panting     1      part
#> 16115       Father                                pant     1         v
#> 16116       Father                               miner     1      meta
#> 16117       Father                             panties     1      n:pt
#> 16118       Father                               pants     1      meta
#> 16119       Father                                mine     1         v
#> 16120       Father                                 pap     1         n
#> 16121       Father                                Papa     1    n:prop
#> 16122       Father                              mine's     1         n
#> 16123       Father                                papi     1        L2
#> 16124       Father                           parachute     1         v
#> 16125       Father                              pardon     1         n
#> 16126       Father                            parent's     1       adj
#> 16127       Father                        grandparents     1         n
#> 16128       Father                                mine     1      meta
#> 16129       Father                              mine's     1       adj
#> 16130       Father                              minder     1      meta
#> 16131       Father                               parks     1         n
#> 16132       Father                                park     1         v
#> 16133       Father                               parka     1         n
#> 16134       Father                       Parker_Hunter     1    n:prop
#> 16135       Father                                mind     1      meta
#> 16136       Father                              partly     1       adv
#> 16137       Father                                Mina     1    n:prop
#> 16138       Father                               parts     1         v
#> 16139       Father                            partners     1         n
#> 16140       Father                             parties     1         v
#> 16141       Father                              passed     1      part
#> 16142       Father                          passengers     1         n
#> 16143       Father                             passive     1       adj
#> 16144       Father                          Millennium     1    n:prop
#> 16145       Father                                past     1      prep
#> 16146       Father                              pasted     1         v
#> 16147       Father                           Pasteur's     1       adj
#> 16148       Father                             patting     1      part
#> 16149       Father                                path     1         n
#> 16150       Father                            patience     1         n
#> 16151       Father                           patiently     1       adv
#> 16152       Father                            patterns     1         n
#> 16153       Father                           Patterson     1    n:prop
#> 16154       Father                            Patteson     1    n:prop
#> 16155 Target_Child                          cheesebits     1         n
#> 16156       Father                                paws     1         v
#> 16157       Father                                pawn     1         n
#> 16158       Father                            Paxton's     1       adj
#> 16159       Father                            Paxtons'     1       adj
#> 16160       Father                                 pay     1         n
#> 16161       Father                              paying     1      part
#> 16162       Father                           millenium     1         n
#> 16163       Father                                 pea     1         n
#> 16164       Father                                 Pea     1    n:prop
#> 16165 Target_Child                        cheeseburger     1         n
#> 16166       Father                               peach     1         n
#> 16167       Father                             peaches     1         n
#> 16168       Father                                pear     1         n
#> 16169       Father                             pebbles     1         n
#> 16170       Father                           pee_pee's     1       adj
#> 16171       Father                               milky     1       adj
#> 16172       Father                              milk's     1       adj
#> 16173       Father                                peek     1         v
#> 16174       Father                               peels     1         n
#> 16175       Father                                peel     1         v
#> 16176       Father                              peeper     1       chi
#> 16177       Father                              peeved     1      part
#> 16178       Father                              Peewee     1    n:prop
#> 16179       Father                             pelican     1         n
#> 16180       Father                                 pen     1         v
#> 16181       Father                               miles     1         n
#> 16182       Father                              Pendot     1    n:prop
#> 16183       Father                            Penfield     1    n:prop
#> 16184 Target_Child                         cloudmobile     1         n
#> 16185 Target_Child                            coldbase     1         n
#> 16186       Father                              pepper     1         n
#> 16187       Father                          peppermint     1         n
#> 16188       Father                               Pepsi     1    n:prop
#> 16189       Father                             percent     1         n
#> 16190       Father                           middleman     1         n
#> 16191       Father                             perhaps     1        co
#> 16192       Father                              period     1         n
#> 16193       Father                           permanent     1       adj
#> 16194       Father                          microphone     1      meta
#> 16195       Father                               Micky     1    n:prop
#> 16196       Father                        Mickey_Mouse     1    n:prop
#> 16197       Father                            Michelle     1    n:prop
#> 16198       Father                             persons     1         n
#> 16199       Father                             persona     1         n
#> 16200       Father                           persuaded     1      part
#> 16201       Father                                Pest     1    n:prop
#> 16202       Father                             petting     1      part
#> 16203       Father                              petted     1         v
#> 16204       Father                               petal     1         n
#> 16205       Father                                Pete     1    n:prop
#> 16206       Father                        Peter_Rabbit     1    n:prop
#> 16207       Father                            Peterson     1    n:prop
#> 16208       Father                               phant     1     wplay
#> 16209       Father                               phase     1         n
#> 16210       Father                        microphone's     1       adj
#> 16211       Father                             mhiabbi     1     n:let
#> 16212       Father                            phonetic     1       adj
#> 16213 Target_Child                          cornflakes     1         n
#> 16214       Father                          phosphorus     1         n
#> 16215       Father                                píci     1        L2
#> 16216       Father                               picit     1        L2
#> 16217       Father                               picky     1       adj
#> 16218       Father                              picked     1      part
#> 16219       Father                             mexican     1       adj
#> 16220       Father                             pickles     1         n
#> 16221       Father                             picnics     1         n
#> 16222       Father                                mész     1        L2
#> 16223       Father                            pictured     1         v
#> 16224       Father                              pidgin     1         n
#> 16225       Father                              Pieces     1    n:prop
#> 16226       Father                               merry     1       adj
#> 16227       Father                              mérges     1        L2
#> 16228       Father                              pigman     1       chi
#> 16229       Father                          Meredith's     1       adj
#> 16230       Father                               piles     1         n
#> 16231       Father                                pile     1         v
#> 16232       Father                               piles     1         v
#> 16233       Father                                pill     1         n
#> 16234       Father                               pills     1         n
#> 16235       Father                            pillow's     1         n
#> 16236       Father                             copilot     1         n
#> 16237       Father                                 pin     1         n
#> 16238       Father                                pins     1         n
#> 16239       Father                             pinches     1         n
#> 16240       Father                             pinches     1         v
#> 16241       Father                                pine     1         n
#> 16242       Father                            pinecone     1         n
#> 16243       Father                               pinga     1       chi
#> 16244       Father                                pink     1       adj
#> 16245       Father                             pinkish     1       adj
#> 16246       Father                            Pinochio     1    n:prop
#> 16247       Father                                 pip     1         n
#> 16248       Father                               pipes     1         n
#> 16249       Father                               pipes     1         v
#> 16250       Father                             meowing     1      part
#> 16251       Father                           mentioned     1      part
#> 16252 Target_Child                           covebases     1         n
#> 16253       Father                        Pittsburgher     1    n:prop
#> 16254       Father                    Pittsburgh_style     1    n:prop
#> 16255       Father                                  PJ     1    n:prop
#> 16256       Father                              placed     1      part
#> 16257       Father                             replace     1         v
#> 16258       Father                            placemat     1         n
#> 16259       Father                              plains     1         n
#> 16260       Father                                melt     1         v
#> 16261       Father                               plans     1         n
#> 16262       Father                              melted     1      part
#> 16263       Father                             mehetsz     1        L2
#> 16264       Father                             planter     1         n
#> 16265       Father                           plastered     1         v
#> 16266       Father                           platelets     1         n
#> 16267       Father                             playful     1       adj
#> 16268       Father                             players     1         n
#> 16269       Father                             playing     1  n:gerund
#> 16270       Father                                 met     1      part
#> 16271       Father                             pleased     1      part
#> 16272       Father                            pleasing     1      part
#> 16273       Father                              pledge     1         n
#> 16274       Father                            medvesaj     1        L2
#> 16275       Father                              plenty     1         n
#> 16276       Father                        Plesiosaurus     1    n:prop
#> 16277       Father                                plop     1         v
#> 16278       Father                            plotting     1      part
#> 16279       Father                                plug     1         v
#> 16280       Father                               plunk     1         v
#> 16281       Father                               medve     1        L2
#> 16282       Father                                plus     1      prep
#> 16283       Father                               plies     1         v
#> 16284       Father                            Plymouth     1    n:prop
#> 16285       Father                              medium     1         n
#> 16286       Father                              medium     1       adj
#> 16287       Father                             podikat     1       uni
#> 16288       Father                               pohar     1        L2
#> 16289       Father                          meditation     1         n
#> 16290       Father                              poison     1         v
#> 16291       Father                             poisons     1         v
#> 16292       Father                               pokes     1         v
#> 16293        Adult                                 can     1       mod
#> 16294       Father                       Pole_Position     1    n:prop
#> 16295       Father                               Polio     1    n:prop
#> 16296       Father                           measuring     1  n:gerund
#> 16297       Father                                Polo     1    n:prop
#> 16298       Father                               ponds     1         n
#> 16299       Father                               ponys     1         n
#> 16300       Father                                Pony     1    n:prop
#> 16301       Father                              pooing     1  n:gerund
#> 16302       Father                              pooing     1      part
#> 16303       Father                                 poo     1         v
#> 16304       Father                            meantime     1       adv
#> 16305       Father                           poop_poop     1         v
#> 16306       Father                              popped     1      part
#> 16307       Father                                 Pop     1    n:prop
#> 16308       Father                               means     1     n:adj
#> 16309       Father                            Popeye's     1    n:prop
#> 16310       Father                                Pops     1    n:prop
#> 16311       Father                           popsickle     1         n
#> 16312       Father                           popsicles     1         n
#> 16313       Father                           porcelain     1         n
#> 16314       Father                           porcupine     1         n
#> 16315       Father                             Porky's     1       adj
#> 16316       Father                              porqué     1        L2
#> 16317       Father                           portraits     1         n
#> 16318       Father                          possessive     1         n
#> 16319       Father                              Post's     1       adj
#> 16320       Father                             posters     1         n
#> 16321       Father                              meaner     1       adj
#> 16322       Father                             potties     1         n
#> 16323       Father                                  me     1      meta
#> 16324        Adult                               cable     1         v
#> 16325       Father                              poured     1      part
#> 16326       Father                               pours     1         v
#> 16327       Father                                 pow     1        on
#> 16328       Father                             Mckayla     1    n:prop
#> 16329       Father                          McDonnalds     1    n:prop
#> 16330       Father                          practicing     1  n:gerund
#> 16331       Father                              praise     1         v
#> 16332 Target_Child                      creepycrawlies     1         n
#> 16333       Father                              prayer     1         n
#> 16334       Father                           predicted     1      part
#> 16335       Father                          preference     1         n
#> 16336       Father                             premium     1         n
#> 16337       Father                            presence     1         n
#> 16338       Father                             Maxwell     1    n:prop
#> 16339       Father                           presented     1         v
#> 16340       Father                            preserve     1         v
#> 16341       Father                          presidents     1         n
#> 16342       Father                            pressing     1      part
#> 16343       Father                             matters     1         n
#> 16344       Father                           pretended     1         v
#> 16345       Father                              Matt's     1       adj
#> 16346       Father                              Pretty     1    n:prop
#> 16347       Father                       Pretty_Ponies     1    n:prop
#> 16348       Father                          prevention     1         n
#> 16349       Father                      mathematicians     1         n
#> 16350       Father                           pricklies     1         n
#> 16351       Father                               prima     1        L2
#> 16352       Father                                math     1         n
#> 16353       Father                              Prince     1    n:prop
#> 16354       Father                          princess's     1       adj
#> 16355       Father                        materialized     1      part
#> 16356       Father                            material     1         n
#> 16357       Father                           Princesss     1    n:prop
#> 16358       Father                           principal     1         n
#> 16359       Father                               print     1         v
#> 16360       Father                             private     1       adj
#> 16361       Father                            privates     1         n
#> 16362       Father                            matching     1  n:gerund
#> 16363       Father                             process     1         n
#> 16364       Father                          profitable     1       adj
#> 16365       Father                               match     1         n
#> 16366       Father                          programmer     1         n
#> 16367       Father             Masters_Of_The_Universe     1    n:prop
#> 16368       Father                         programming     1  n:gerund
#> 16369       Father                           promising     1  n:gerund
#> 16370       Father                             pronoun     1         n
#> 16371       Father                            pronouns     1         n
#> 16372       Father                     unpronounceable     1       adj
#> 16373       Father                           pronounce     1         v
#> 16374       Father                       pronunciation     1         n
#> 16375       Father                           propelled     1      part
#> 16376       Father                            property     1         n
#> 16377       Father                             propose     1         v
#> 16378       Father                         proposition     1         n
#> 16379        Adult                               cable     1         n
#> 16380       Father                           protected     1         v
#> 16381       Father                              proton     1         n
#> 16382       Father                              proves     1         v
#> 16383       Father                           proximity     1         n
#> 16384       Father                               pried     1         v
#> 16385       Father                              pseudo     1       adj
#> 16386       Father                             psssssh     1        on
#> 16387       Father                              psyche     1      meta
#> 16388       Father                              psyche     1         n
#> 16389       Father                               PTA's     1       adj
#> 16390       Father                          Pteranodon     1    n:prop
#> 16391       Father                              public     1         n
#> 16392       Father                            Publiker     1    n:prop
#> 16393       Father                                puff     1         v
#> 16394       Father                              Puff's     1       adj
#> 16395       Father                       Massachusetts     1    n:prop
#> 16396       Father                              pulled     1      part
#> 16397       Father                                mass     1         n
#> 16398 Target_Child                            dirtbike     1         n
#> 16399       Father                             pulleys     1         n
#> 16400       Father                                pump     1         n
#> 16401       Father                              mashed     1         v
#> 16402       Father                                mash     1         n
#> 16403       Father                             punches     1         v
#> 16404       Father                              Maryie     1     wplay
#> 16405       Father                         punishments     1         n
#> 16406       Father                              punish     1         v
#> 16407       Father                              punkie     1         n
#> 16408       Father                             Maryann     1    n:prop
#> 16409       Father                            Pure_Pac     1    n:prop
#> 16410       Father                               pushy     1       adj
#> 16411 Target_Child                          dishwasher     1         n
#> 16412       Father                              pushes     1         n
#> 16413       Father                              pushed     1      part
#> 16414       Father                              Mary's     1    n:prop
#> 16415       Father                              Martin     1    n:prop
#> 16416       Father                            Martin's     1       adj
#> 16417       Father                                puss     1         n
#> 16418       Father                             Martian     1    n:prop
#> 16419       Father                                Mars     1    n:prop
#> 16420       Father                             married     1      meta
#> 16421       Father                            marriage     1         n
#> 16422       Father                                marq     1     n:let
#> 16423       Father                             quartet     1         n
#> 16424       Father                              Markys     1    n:prop
#> 16425       Father                              queens     1         n
#> 16426       Father                             Mar_kuh     1    n:prop
#> 16427       Father                         questioning     1      part
#> 16428       Father                            question     1         v
#> 16429       Father                            quickish     1       neo
#> 16430       Father                                quit     1      part
#> 16431       Father                              Markly     1    n:prop
#> 16432       Father                          Mark_ky_ky     1    n:prop
#> 16433       Father                                   R     1    n:prop
#> 16434       Father                              raarrr     1        on
#> 16435       Father                            Markky's     1       adj
#> 16436       Father                              racing     1      part
#> 16437       Father                                race     1         v
#> 16438       Father                             Rachael     1    n:prop
#> 16439       Father                             Raggedy     1    n:prop
#> 16440       Father                              Markey     1    n:prop
#> 16441       Father                     Rain_never_stop     1    n:prop
#> 16442       Father                              raised     1         v
#> 16443       Father                                Márk     1    n:prop
#> 16444       Father                                ramp     1         n
#> 16445       Father                              Rancor     1    n:prop
#> 16446       Father                              random     1       adj
#> 16447       Father                            Ranger's     1       adj
#> 16448       Father                              ranker     1       adj
#> 16449       Father                            raptures     1         n
#> 16450       Father                           raspberry     1       adj
#> 16451       Father                         raspberries     1         n
#> 16452       Father                                rats     1         n
#> 16453       Father                                rate     1         n
#> 16454       Father                               rated     1      part
#> 16455       Father                         rationalize     1         v
#> 16456       Father                               razor     1         n
#> 16457       Father                            reaching     1      part
#> 16458       Father                               marks     1         v
#> 16459       Father                             reacted     1         v
#> 16460       Father                                mark     1         v
#> 16461       Father                              marker     1         n
#> 16462       Father                               reads     1         v
#> 16463       Father                            Reagan's     1       adj
#> 16464       Father                           Marie_Hel     1    n:prop
#> 16465       Father                                Real     1    n:prop
#> 16466       Father                            realizes     1         v
#> 16467       Father                              Reanes     1    n:prop
#> 16468       Father                          reasonable     1       adj
#> 16469       Father                                mare     1         n
#> 16470       Father                               Marco     1    n:prop
#> 16471       Father                              rebels     1         n
#> 16472       Father                           Rebellion     1    n:prop
#> 16473       Father                           reception     1         n
#> 16474       Father                         recommended     1      part
#> 16475       Father                           recommend     1         v
#> 16476       Father                               march     1         v
#> 16477       Father                           recording     1  n:gerund
#> 16478       Father                          maraschino     1         n
#> 16479       Father                                reds     1         n
#> 16480       Father                  Reddy_Fox's_Sudden     1    n:prop
#> 16481       Father                          redundancy     1         n
#> 16482       Father                             manners     1         n
#> 16483       Father                               refer     1         v
#> 16484       Father                              refers     1         v
#> 16485       Father                             reflect     1         v
#> 16486       Father                            manner's     1       adj
#> 16487       Father                              refuse     1         n
#> 16488       Father                              refuse     1         v
#> 16489       Father                             Regan's     1       adj
#> 16490       Father                               Regan     1    n:prop
#> 16491       Father                            register     1         n
#> 16492       Father                           regularly     1       adv
#> 16493       Father                            relative     1         n
#> 16494       Father                           religious     1       adj
#> 16495       Father                              Relman     1    n:prop
#> 16496       Father                           m_and_m's     1       adj
#> 16497       Father                         reminiscent     1       adj
#> 16498       Father                              repair     1         v
#> 16499       Father                              repeat     1         n
#> 16500       Father                           repeating     1      part
#> 16501       Father                              repeat     1         v
#> 16502       Father                            repeated     1         v
#> 16503       Father                             repeats     1         v
#> 16504       Father                            replying     1      part
#> 16505 Target_Child                            doggydog     1         n
#> 16506       Father                     misrepresenting     1  n:gerund
#> 16507       Father                           represent     1         v
#> 16508       Father                      representation     1         n
#> 16509       Father                            republic     1         n
#> 16510       Father                          reputation     1         n
#> 16511       Father                             request     1         n
#> 16512       Father                              rescue     1         v
#> 16513       Father                             rescued     1         v
#> 16514       Father                             resolve     1         n
#> 16515       Father                             resolve     1         v
#> 16516       Father                          responding     1      part
#> 16517       Father                            response     1         n
#> 16518       Father                      responsibility     1         n
#> 16519       Father                         Man_at_arms     1    n:prop
#> 16520       Father                              rested     1      part
#> 16521       Father                             resting     1      part
#> 16522 Target_Child                            doghorse     1         n
#> 16523       Father                              retort     1         n
#> 16524 Target_Child                             doorway     1         n
#> 16525       Father                            returned     1         v
#> 16526       Father                  Return_of_the_Jedi     1    n:prop
#> 16527       Father                  Return_Of_The_Jedi     1    n:prop
#> 16528       Father                            reveling     1      part
#> 16529       Father                             reverse     1         n
#> 16530       Father                             rewards     1         n
#> 16531       Father                              rhymes     1         n
#> 16532       Father                               rhyme     1         v
#> 16533       Father                              Rhymes     1    n:prop
#> 16534       Father                                 Man     1    n:prop
#> 16535       Father                             Richies     1    n:prop
#> 16536       Father                               man's     1         n
#> 16537       Father                               men's     1       adj
#> 16538       Father                               man's     1       adj
#> 16539       Father                              mammal     1         n
#> 16540       Father                               Right     1    n:prop
#> 16541       Father                            rigorous     1       adj
#> 16542       Father                                ring     1         v
#> 16543       Father                              rinsed     1         v
#> 16544       Father                             ripping     1      part
#> 16545       Father                              ripped     1         v
#> 16546       Father                              rising     1  n:gerund
#> 16547       Father                                risk     1         v
#> 16548       Father                               roady     1       adj
#> 16549       Father                              roared     1      part
#> 16550       Father                               roast     1         n
#> 16551       Father                               roast     1         v
#> 16552       Father                                mall     1         n
#> 16553       Father                           Robinhood     1    n:prop
#> 16554       Father                        Robin_Hood's     1       adj
#> 16555       Father                               Robot     1    n:prop
#> 16556       Father                               Makry     1    n:prop
#> 16557       Father                                Rock     1    n:prop
#> 16558 Target_Child                            eardrums     1         n
#> 16559       Father                              rodent     1         n
#> 16560       Father                               rodeo     1         n
#> 16561       Father                               Makon     1       chi
#> 16562       Father                              roller     1         n
#> 16563       Father                               rolls     1         n
#> 16564 Target_Child                             eyeball     1         n
#> 16565       Father                             romance     1         n
#> 16566       Father                                Rome     1    n:prop
#> 16567       Father                              Ronnie     1    n:prop
#> 16568       Father                               Ronny     1    n:prop
#> 16569       Father                             rooftop     1         n
#> 16570       Father                            maintain     1         v
#> 16571       Father                                rope     1         v
#> 16572       Father                                rose     1       adj
#> 16573       Father                                Rose     1    n:prop
#> 16574       Father                  Rose_for_Pinkerton     1    n:prop
#> 16575       Father                          rosemaries     1         n
#> 16576       Father                              Roshie     1    n:prop
#> 16577       Father                                mail     1         v
#> 16578       Father                             Ross'll     1    n:prop
#> 16579       Father                              Ross's     1    n:prop
#> 16580       Father                              Ross'a     1    n:prop
#> 16581       Father                               Rossi     1    n:prop
#> 16582       Father                            Rossie's     1       adj
#> 16583       Father                            Rossie's     1    n:prop
#> 16584       Father                               Rosss     1    n:prop
#> 16585       Father                       Rossy_Bossy's     1       adj
#> 16586       Father                               rotty     1       neo
#> 16587       Father                             magnets     1         n
#> 16588       Father                        Rough_Horsie     1    n:prop
#> 16589       Father                            rough_up     1       fam
#> 16590       Father                               rover     1         n
#> 16591       Father                               royal     1       adj
#> 16592       Father                               Royal     1    n:prop
#> 16593       Father                            rrraarrr     1        on
#> 16594       Father                              rrrrrr     1        on
#> 16595       Father                               Magic     1    n:prop
#> 16596       Father                                 rub     1         n
#> 16597       Father                                 rub     1         v
#> 16598       Father                       Rub_a_dub_dub     1    n:prop
#> 16599       Father                             Rubik's     1       adj
#> 16600       Father                             magical     1       adj
#> 16601       Father                           magazines     1         n
#> 16602       Father                                 rum     1         n
#> 16603       Father                              runner     1         n
#> 16604       Father                             runners     1         n
#> 16605       Father                              Madman     1    n:prop
#> 16606       Father                               rerun     1         v
#> 16607       Father                              reruns     1         v
#> 16608       Father                              madman     1         n
#> 16609       Father                              runned     1       neo
#> 16610       Father                                rush     1         n
#> 16611       Father                             rushing     1      part
#> 16612       Father                              Ryan's     1       adj
#> 16613       Father                                 rye     1         n
#> 16614       Father                         Madeleine's     1       adj
#> 16615       Father                                   S     1    n:prop
#> 16616       Father                              Maddie     1    n:prop
#> 16617       Father                              sadder     1       adj
#> 16618       Father                             maddest     1       adj
#> 16619 Target_Child                            eyebrows     1         n
#> 16620       Father                              Sailor     1    n:prop
#> 16621       Father                               Saint     1    n:prop
#> 16622       Father                                 saj     1        L2
#> 16623       Father                          Macwhinney     1    n:prop
#> 16624       Father                               Sally     1    n:prop
#> 16625       Father                              salmon     1         n
#> 16626       Father                                 Sam     1    n:prop
#> 16627       Father                              Sambun     1    n:prop
#> 16628       Father                               Macho     1    n:prop
#> 16629       Father                               sames     1     n:adj
#> 16630       Father                              sample     1         n
#> 16631       Father                            MacGlade     1    n:prop
#> 16632       Father                                sand     1         v
#> 16633       Father                              Sandor     1    n:prop
#> 16634       Father                           MacDonald     1    n:prop
#> 16635       Father                                 Mac     1    n:prop
#> 16636       Father                            Santa'll     1    n:prop
#> 16637       Father                             Sarah's     1       adj
#> 16638       Father                               Sarah     1    n:prop
#> 16639       Father                                  Ma     1    n:prop
#> 16640       Father                             satchel     1         n
#> 16641       Father                           lymphatic     1       adj
#> 16642       Father                               sauce     1         v
#> 16643       Father                             sausice     1        L2
#> 16644       Father                            sausices     1        L2
#> 16645       Father                              Savell     1    n:prop
#> 16646       Father                             lunches     1         v
#> 16647       Father                               Lucky     1    n:prop
#> 16648       Father                               Lucas     1    n:prop
#> 16649       Father                               lower     1         v
#> 16650       Father                               resay     1         v
#> 16651       Father                               scale     1         n
#> 16652       Father                           scampered     1         v
#> 16653       Father                             scandal     1         n
#> 16654       Father                      Lover_Darlings     1    n:prop
#> 16655       Father                             scaring     1      part
#> 16656       Father                              scarfs     1         n
#> 16657       Father                               scene     1         n
#> 16658       Father                      Schneeberger's     1       adj
#> 16659       Father                              loving     1      part
#> 16660       Father                          preschools     1         n
#> 16661       Father                            school's     1         n
#> 16662       Father                             schools     1         n
#> 16663       Father                         preschooler     1         n
#> 16664       Father                          Schoolname     1    n:prop
#> 16665       Father                       schopy_poopie     1     wplay
#> 16666       Father                             Schultz     1    n:prop
#> 16667       Father                               scold     1         v
#> 16668       Father                               scoop     1       chi
#> 16669       Father                             scooper     1         n
#> 16670       Father                               scoop     1         v
#> 16671       Father                            scooting     1      part
#> 16672       Father                         scotch_tape     1         n
#> 16673       Father                               Scott     1    n:prop
#> 16674       Father                              Scotty     1    n:prop
#> 16675       Father                            scraping     1      part
#> 16676       Father                              scrape     1         v
#> 16677       Father                              loving     1  n:gerund
#> 16678       Father                           scratched     1      part
#> 16679       Father                          scratching     1      part
#> 16680       Father                               loves     1         n
#> 16681       Father                            screamed     1      part
#> 16682       Father                              lounge     1         n
#> 16683       Father                              screws     1         n
#> 16684       Father                            screwing     1      part
#> 16685       Father                               screw     1         v
#> 16686 Target_Child                            eyedrops     1         n
#> 16687       Father                                scug     1       chi
#> 16688       Father                              Louise     1    n:prop
#> 16689 Target_Child                          fiberglass     1         n
#> 16690       Father                               Sears     1    n:prop
#> 16691       Father                              season     1         n
#> 16692 Target_Child                         fighterball     1         n
#> 16693       Father                           Sea_World     1    n:prop
#> 16694       Father                                 Lou     1    n:prop
#> 16695       Father                             secrets     1         n
#> 16696       Father                           secretary     1         n
#> 16697       Father                             section     1         n
#> 16698       Father                               lot's     1         n
#> 16699       Father                                loss     1         n
#> 16700       Father                              losing     1  n:gerund
#> 16701       Father                                seed     1         n
#> 16702       Father                               seeds     1         n
#> 16703       Father                              losers     1         n
#> 16704       Father                                 Los     1    n:prop
#> 16705       Father                            selecter     1         n
#> 16706       Father                                lore     1         n
#> 16707       Father                             selling     1      part
#> 16708       Father                                Lord     1    n:prop
#> 16709       Father                            semantic     1       adj
#> 16710       Father                             sending     1      part
#> 16711       Father                                loot     1         v
#> 16712       Father                               sends     1         v
#> 16713       Father                                loop     1         n
#> 16714       Father                            sentence     1         v
#> 16715 Target_Child                            firecamp     1         n
#> 16716       Father                            separate     1         v
#> 16717       Father                           separated     1         v
#> 16718       Father                            sequence     1         n
#> 16719       Father                              serbys     1     wplay
#> 16720       Father                            sergeant     1         n
#> 16721       Father                               serum     1         n
#> 16722       Father                              served     1      part
#> 16723       Father                             serving     1      part
#> 16724 Target_Child                             fireman     1         n
#> 16725       Father                              serves     1         v
#> 16726       Father                             service     1         v
#> 16727       Father                              settle     1         v
#> 16728       Father                               Seuss     1    n:prop
#> 16729       Father                                look     1       cop
#> 16730       Father                               Seven     1    n:prop
#> 16731       Father                            Seven_up     1    n:prop
#> 16732       Father                              sewing     1  n:gerund
#> 16733       Father                                 sew     1         v
#> 16734       Father                               sewed     1         v
#> 16735       Father                               sewer     1         n
#> 16736       Father                           Long_arms     1    n:prop
#> 16737       Father                              Shafto     1    n:prop
#> 16738       Father                               shake     1         n
#> 16739       Father                              shakes     1         n
#> 16740       Father                               shook     1         v
#> 16741       Father                                long     1      meta
#> 16742       Father                              Shalou     1    n:prop
#> 16743       Father                               Shalu     1    n:prop
#> 16744       Father                           shameless     1       adj
#> 16745       Father                             shampoo     1         n
#> 16746       Father                              Shanna     1    n:prop
#> 16747       Father                              shapes     1         n
#> 16748       Father                              shaped     1         v
#> 16749       Father                               shard     1         n
#> 16750       Father                         Lone_Ranger     1    n:prop
#> 16751       Father                             sharing     1  n:gerund
#> 16752       Father                              lonely     1       adj
#> 16753       Father                              shares     1         v
#> 16754       Father                             shark's     1       adj
#> 16755       Father                              Sharon     1    n:prop
#> 16756       Father                           lollipops     1         n
#> 16757       Father                               Sharp     1    n:prop
#> 16758       Father                           shattered     1         v
#> 16759       Father                             shaving     1      part
#> 16760       Father                              shaved     1         v
#> 16761       Father                              Shawna     1    n:prop
#> 16762       Father                              shazam     1      meta
#> 16763       Father                              logged     1         v
#> 16764      Visitor                                only     1       adv
#> 16765       Father                             loggers     1         n
#> 16766       Father                               She's     1       adj
#> 16767       Father                                shed     1         n
#> 16768       Father                              sheets     1         n
#> 16769       Father                             shelves     1         n
#> 16770       Father                              shells     1         v
#> 16771       Father                            Sherwood     1    n:prop
#> 16772       Father                               shick     1       bab
#> 16773       Father                            shield's     1       adj
#> 16774       Father                              shield     1         n
#> 16775       Father                               shift     1         v
#> 16776       Father                               shine     1         n
#> 16777       Father                              shines     1         v
#> 16778       Father                              ship's     1         n
#> 16779       Father                                ship     1         v
#> 16780       Father                               ships     1         v
#> 16781       Father                           shirttail     1         n
#> 16782       Father                               shock     1         n
#> 16783       Father                              shocks     1         v
#> 16784       Father                               locks     1         n
#> 16785       Father                              shoe's     1         n
#> 16786       Father                                shoo     1         v
#> 16787       Father                               shoot     1        co
#> 16788       Father                            locative     1         n
#> 16789       Father                             located     1      part
#> 16790       Father                                loaf     1         n
#> 16791       Father                  Shoots_and_Ladders     1    n:prop
#> 16792       Father                                shop     1         n
#> 16793 Target_Child                         firemonster     1         n
#> 16794       Father                              unload     1         v
#> 16795       Father                       L_M_lawn_care     1    n:prop
#> 16796       Father                               Short     1    n:prop
#> 16797       Father                           shortcake     1         n
#> 16798       Father                         Shortcake's     1       adj
#> 16799       Father                           Shortcake     1    n:prop
#> 16800       Father                             shortch     1       chi
#> 16801       Father                            shortcut     1         n
#> 16802       Father                           shortened     1      part
#> 16803       Father                                Liza     1    n:prop
#> 16804       Father                                 Liz     1    n:prop
#> 16805       Father                               shout     1         n
#> 16806       Father                              show's     1       adj
#> 16807       Father                               lived     1      part
#> 16808       Father                  Little_Red_Caboose     1    n:prop
#> 16809       Father                               shown     1      part
#> 16810       Father                          Little_One     1    n:prop
#> 16811       Father                            littlest     1       adj
#> 16812       Father                             littler     1       adj
#> 16813       Father                            littered     1      part
#> 16814       Father                              shucks     1        co
#> 16815       Father                             shut_up     1        co
#> 16816       Father                                 shy     1       adj
#> 16817       Father                             sibling     1         n
#> 16818       Father                          literature     1         n
#> 16819       Father                            listened     1         v
#> 16820       Father                            listened     1      part
#> 16821       Father                             Siegler     1    n:prop
#> 16822       Father                              sighed     1         v
#> 16823       Father                               signs     1         v
#> 16824       Father                               Sikon     1       chi
#> 16825       Father                        Silent_Eaves     1    n:prop
#> 16826       Father                                sill     1         n
#> 16827       Father                                list     1         v
#> 16828       Father                              Silver     1    n:prop
#> 16829       Father                             liqueur     1         n
#> 16830       Father                             singers     1         n
#> 16831       Father                             singing     1  n:gerund
#> 16832       Father                            lipstick     1         n
#> 16833       Father                              lion's     1         n
#> 16834       Father                                sunk     1      part
#> 16835       Father                               sinks     1         v
#> 16836       Father                                sunk     1         v
#> 16837       Father                                link     1         v
#> 16838       Father                              sitter     1         n
#> 16839       Father                             sitting     1  n:gerund
#> 16840       Father                      metalinguistic     1       adj
#> 16841 Target_Child                            firstaid     1         n
#> 16842       Father                               lines     1         v
#> 16843       Father                              limits     1         v
#> 16844       Father                              sixers     1         n
#> 16845       Father                             sixteen     1   det:num
#> 16846       Father                               sizes     1         n
#> 16847       Father                                size     1         v
#> 16848       Father                               sized     1         v
#> 16849       Father                               skate     1         n
#> 16850       Father                              skater     1         n
#> 16851       Father                              skates     1         n
#> 16852       Father                              skated     1         v
#> 16853       Father                            skbeaver     1     wplay
#> 16854       Father                            Skeksies     1    n:prop
#> 16855       Father                           Skelators     1    n:prop
#> 16856       Father                            sketzies     1       fam
#> 16857       Father                            skillful     1       adj
#> 16858       Father                              skin's     1         n
#> 16859       Father                             skinned     1       adj
#> 16860       Father                               skirt     1         n
#> 16861       Father                            skittles     1         n
#> 16862       Father                             Skittle     1    n:prop
#> 16863       Father                               Skull     1    n:prop
#> 16864       Father                              Lila's     1       adj
#> 16865       Father                                skys     1         n
#> 16866       Father                         skyscrapers     1      meta
#> 16867       Father                            Skywaker     1    n:prop
#> 16868       Father                         Skywalker's     1       adj
#> 16869       Father                              likely     1       adv
#> 16870       Father                                slag     1         v
#> 16871       Father                             slammer     1         n
#> 16872       Father                                slap     1         n
#> 16873       Father                                slap     1         v
#> 16874       Father                               slave     1         n
#> 16875       Father                               slave     1         v
#> 16876       Father                         antislavery     1         n
#> 16877       Father                            unlikely     1       adj
#> 16878       Father                              sleeps     1         v
#> 16879       Father                            Sleeping     1    n:prop
#> 16880       Father                              sleigh     1         n
#> 16881       Father                              slicer     1      meta
#> 16882       Father                              slider     1         n
#> 16883       Father                             sliding     1      part
#> 16884       Father                                slid     1         v
#> 16885       Father                               slimy     1       adj
#> 16886       Father                               slime     1         n
#> 16887       Father                            slinging     1      part
#> 16888       Father                          slithering     1  n:gerund
#> 16889       Father                                slll     1        on
#> 16890       Father                                slop     1         v
#> 16891       Father                                slot     1         n
#> 16892       Father                               slots     1         n
#> 16893       Father                                slow     1       adj
#> 16894       Father                              slower     1       adj
#> 16895       Father                              slower     1       adv
#> 16896       Father                             lighter     1         n
#> 16897       Father                             slowing     1      part
#> 16898       Father                                slow     1         v
#> 16899       Father                               slows     1         v
#> 16900       Father                             smacked     1         v
#> 16901       Father                             lighter     1       adj
#> 16902       Father                               lifts     1         v
#> 16903       Father                               Small     1    n:prop
#> 16904       Father                             lifting     1      part
#> 16905       Father                            smartest     1       adj
#> 16906       Father                            smarties     1         n
#> 16907       Father                               smash     1         v
#> 16908       Father                             smasher     1       chi
#> 16909       Father                            smashers     1       chi
#> 16910       Father                              smelly     1       adj
#> 16911       Father                             smelled     1         v
#> 16912       Father                               smile     1         v
#> 16913       Father                              smiled     1         v
#> 16914       Father                             smither     1     wplay
#> 16915       Father                             smoking     1  n:gerund
#> 16916       Father                              smoked     1      part
#> 16917       Father                             smoking     1      part
#> 16918       Father                           smoothing     1      part
#> 16919       Father                                Smou     1    n:prop
#> 16920       Father                            Smouth's     1       adj
#> 16921       Father                             Smurf's     1       adj
#> 16922 Target_Child                         flashlights     1         n
#> 16923       Father                              Smurfs     1    n:prop
#> 16924       Father                               smush     1         v
#> 16925       Father                             smushed     1         v
#> 16926       Father                             smushed     1       chi
#> 16927       Father                             smusher     1       chi
#> 16928       Father                         life_savers     1         n
#> 16929       Father                               snack     1         v
#> 16930       Father                                lied     1         v
#> 16931       Father                               Snake     1    n:prop
#> 16932       Father                      Snake_mountain     1    n:prop
#> 16933       Father                              lieing     1      part
#> 16934        Adult                             brother     1         n
#> 16935       Father                            snapping     1      part
#> 16936       Father                                lied     1      part
#> 16937       Father                             snapper     1         n
#> 16938       Father                            sneezing     1      part
#> 16939       Father                             sneezed     1         v
#> 16940       Father                         Snoopy_Cool     1    n:prop
#> 16941       Father                             snoring     1      part
#> 16942       Father                             snorter     1         n
#> 16943       Father                             snorter     1       chi
#> 16944       Father                               licks     1         v
#> 16945       Father                              licked     1         v
#> 16946       Father                             snowing     1      part
#> 16947       Father                          Snowwalker     1       chi
#> 16948       Father                               snuck     1      meta
#> 16949       Father                             licking     1  n:gerund
#> 16950       Father                             license     1         n
#> 16951       Father                                  so     1      meta
#> 16952       Father                            sociable     1       adj
#> 16953       Father                             liberty     1         n
#> 16954       Father                               Lewis     1    n:prop
#> 16955       Father                              levers     1         n
#> 16956       Father                               socks     1      meta
#> 16957       Father                                sofa     1         n
#> 16958       Father                              softer     1       adj
#> 16959       Father                             softest     1       adj
#> 16960       Father                              softly     1       adv
#> 16961       Father                             solders     1         n
#> 16962       Father                               level     1       adj
#> 16963       Father                               solid     1       adj
#> 16964       Father                             Soltz's     1    n:prop
#> 16965       Father                            solution     1         n
#> 16966       Father                                lest     1       chi
#> 16967       Father                           someone's     1       adj
#> 16968       Father                              length     1         n
#> 16969       Father                               lemon     1         n
#> 16970       Father                               son's     1       adj
#> 16971       Father                              legyen     1        L2
#> 16972       Father                                 Son     1    n:prop
#> 16973       Father                           son_ababa     1       fam
#> 16974       Father                               Leggo     1    n:prop
#> 16975       Father                                Song     1    n:prop
#> 16976       Father                              legged     1       adj
#> 16977       Father                              legend     1         n
#> 16978       Father                              sooner     1       adj
#> 16979       Father                             Lebanon     1    n:prop
#> 16980       Father                       sophisticated     1       adj
#> 16981       Father                                 sör     1        L2
#> 16982       Father                              leaved     1         v
#> 16983       Father                               so_so     1       adv
#> 16984       Father                                soul     1         n
#> 16985       Father                                Leas     1    n:prop
#> 16986       Father                            sounding     1      part
#> 16987       Father                             sounded     1         v
#> 16988       Father                                leap     1         n
#> 16989       Father                                 sow     1         v
#> 16990       Father                            Spaceman     1    n:prop
#> 16991 Target_Child                           fruitcake     1         n
#> 16992       Father                             spanish     1       adj
#> 16993       Father                               leads     1         v
#> 16994       Father                             spanker     1         n
#> 16995       Father                                lead     1         v
#> 16996       Father                             spanked     1         v
#> 16997       Father                          sparkler's     1       adj
#> 16998       Father                              spoken     1      part
#> 16999 Target_Child                          garbagecan     1         n
#> 17000       Father                               spoke     1         v
#> 17001       Father                               spear     1         n
#> 17002       Father                                Lazy     1    n:prop
#> 17003       Father                           specially     1       adv
#> 17004       Father                         specialized     1      part
#> 17005       Father                         specialized     1         v
#> 17006       Father                            specific     1       adj
#> 17007       Father                        specifically     1       adv
#> 17008       Father                       unspecifiable     1       adj
#> 17009       Father                              specks     1         n
#> 17010       Father                               layer     1         n
#> 17011       Father                            speeding     1  n:gerund
#> 17012       Father                        Speedy_Meows     1    n:prop
#> 17013       Father                               spell     1         n
#> 17014       Father                             spelled     1      part
#> 17015       Father                              laying     1      part
#> 17016       Father                              spends     1         v
#> 17017       Father                               spent     1         v
#> 17018       Father                              Spiddy     1    n:prop
#> 17019       Father                            spider's     1         n
#> 17020       Father                          Spider_man     1    n:prop
#> 17021       Father                         Spiderman's     1       adj
#> 17022       Father                              spiker     1         n
#> 17023       Father                              spikes     1         v
#> 17024       Father                             Spike's     1       adj
#> 17025       Father                                lava     1         n
#> 17026       Father                             spikito     1       chi
#> 17027       Father                         Spiky_Meows     1    n:prop
#> 17028       Father                      Laure_Isabelle     1    n:prop
#> 17029       Father                                spun     1         v
#> 17030       Father                               spits     1         n
#> 17031       Father                            spitting     1      part
#> 17032       Father                             laughed     1      part
#> 17033       Father                              splash     1         n
#> 17034       Father                              splash     1         v
#> 17035       Father                               splat     1        co
#> 17036       Father                           splinters     1         n
#> 17037       Father                            splinter     1         v
#> 17038       Father                               spoil     1         v
#> 17039       Father                               spoke     1         n
#> 17040       Father                             sponges     1         n
#> 17041       Father                            sponging     1      part
#> 17042       Father                              spooky     1       adj
#> 17043       Father                               spool     1         n
#> 17044       Father                               spoon     1         v
#> 17045       Father                              spoons     1         v
#> 17046       Father                              Sports     1    n:prop
#> 17047       Father                              spread     1         n
#> 17048       Father                              spread     1         v
#> 17049       Father                              spring     1         v
#> 17050       Father                             springs     1         v
#> 17051 Target_Child                         ghostbuster     1         n
#> 17052       Father                               spush     1        on
#> 17053       Father                      Spweddyspwikes     1       chi
#> 17054       Father                           minispies     1         n
#> 17055       Father                               spies     1         n
#> 17056       Father                            squadron     1         n
#> 17057       Father                              square     1         n
#> 17058       Father                              squash     1         v
#> 17059       Father                             squeeze     1         n
#> 17060       Father                               lasts     1         v
#> 17061       Father                            squeezed     1         v
#> 17062       Father                            Squidman     1    n:prop
#> 17063       Father                              lasted     1      part
#> 17064       Father                              squish     1         v
#> 17065       Father                            squushed     1       chi
#> 17066       Father                              Lassie     1    n:prop
#> 17067       Father                                 ssh     1        on
#> 17068 Target_Child                         ghostriders     1         n
#> 17069       Father                              stacks     1       chi
#> 17070       Father                               Stacy     1    n:prop
#> 17071       Father                                lass     1         n
#> 17072       Father                          staggering     1      part
#> 17073       Father                               stair     1         n
#> 17074       Father                             largely     1       adv
#> 17075       Father                              stands     1         v
#> 17076       Father                             standed     1       chi
#> 17077       Father                              staple     1         n
#> 17078       Father                             staples     1         n
#> 17079       Father                              staple     1         v
#> 17080       Father                            stapling     1         n
#> 17081       Father                                star     1         v
#> 17082       Father                              lappie     1         n
#> 17083       Father                              stared     1      part
#> 17084       Father                               starn     1       chi
#> 17085       Father                            Starrier     1    n:prop
#> 17086       Father                               Stars     1    n:prop
#> 17087       Father                              Lane's     1       adj
#> 17088       Father                        Star_trooper     1    n:prop
#> 17089       Father                             starved     1      part
#> 17090       Father                              starve     1         v
#> 17091       Father                                Land     1    n:prop
#> 17092       Father                               lands     1         v
#> 17093       Father                           misstated     1      part
#> 17094       Father                            restated     1      part
#> 17095       Father                              stayed     1       cop
#> 17096       Father                                Lamb     1    n:prop
#> 17097       Father                               steak     1         n
#> 17098       Father                            stealing     1  n:gerund
#> 17099       Father                                Lada     1    n:prop
#> 17100       Father                               laces     1         v
#> 17101       Father                              steers     1         v
#> 17102       Father                               stern     1       adj
#> 17103       Father                         stethoscope     1         n
#> 17104       Father                               Steve     1    n:prop
#> 17105       Father                              Steven     1    n:prop
#> 17106       Father                             sticker     1         n
#> 17107       Father                               label     1         v
#> 17108       Father                              labels     1         n
#> 17109       Father                             unstuck     1      part
#> 17110       Father                              sticks     1         v
#> 17111       Father                               labad     1        L2
#> 17112       Father                               Kurts     1    n:prop
#> 17113       Father                              Kurt's     1    n:prop
#> 17114       Father                              stitch     1         n
#> 17115       Father                            stitches     1         n
#> 17116       Father                           stockings     1  n:gerund
#> 17117       Father                            stocking     1      part
#> 17118       Father                          Kung_poopy     1    n:prop
#> 17119       Father                            stomachs     1         n
#> 17120       Father                               stomp     1         v
#> 17121       Father                               stone     1         v
#> 17122       Father                               stoop     1         n
#> 17123       Father                               stops     1         n
#> 17124       Father                               kulcs     1        L2
#> 17125       Father                               Krull     1    n:prop
#> 17126       Father                               Storm     1    n:prop
#> 17127       Father                            Krispies     1    n:prop
#> 17128       Father                            köszönöm     1        L2
#> 17129       Father                             stories     1         v
#> 17130       Father                               stove     1         n
#> 17131       Father                            straight     1       adj
#> 17132 Target_Child                          grapefruit     1         n
#> 17133       Father                        straightened     1         v
#> 17134      Visitor                              people     1         n
#> 17135       Father                              stream     1         n
#> 17136       Father                             kösönöm     1        L2
#> 17137       Father                           stretched     1      part
#> 17138       Father                             stretch     1         v
#> 17139       Father                              struck     1      part
#> 17140       Father                              struck     1         v
#> 17141       Father                             strings     1         v
#> 17142       Father                               strip     1         n
#> 17143       Father                            stripped     1      part
#> 17144       Father                             stripes     1         n
#> 17145       Father                            stroller     1         n
#> 17146       Father                             koo_koo     1        on
#> 17147       Father                            strongly     1       adv
#> 17148       Father                            students     1         n
#> 17149       Father                            studying     1  n:gerund
#> 17150       Father                               study     1         v
#> 17151       Father                               Kocsi     1        L2
#> 17152       Father                                stup     1       chi
#> 17153       Father                               kocsi     1        L2
#> 17154       Father                              stupid     1      meta
#> 17155       Father                           stylistic     1       adj
#> 17156       Father                             subject     1         n
#> 17157       Father                                such     1      meta
#> 17158       Father                             sucking     1  n:gerund
#> 17159       Father                             sucking     1      part
#> 17160       Father                             suffice     1         v
#> 17161       Father                           suitcases     1         n
#> 17162       Father                              Sumacs     1    n:prop
#> 17163       Father                              Summer     1    n:prop
#> 17164       Father                               sun's     1       adj
#> 17165       Father                            knocking     1      part
#> 17166       Father                                suns     1         n
#> 17167       Father                                 sun     1         v
#> 17168       Father                             knocked     1      part
#> 17169       Father                             sundays     1         n
#> 17170       Father                             Sundays     1    n:prop
#> 17171       Father                            sunlight     1         n
#> 17172       Father                        knock_knocks     1         n
#> 17173       Father                          Supercreep     1    n:prop
#> 17174       Father                            Supermen     1    n:prop
#> 17175       Father                         Superpirate     1    n:prop
#> 17176       Father                           Superpunk     1    n:prop
#> 17177       Father                            supplies     1         n
#> 17178       Father                               knock     1         n
#> 17179       Father                            supposed     1      part
#> 17180       Father                            suppress     1         v
#> 17181       Father                               knobs     1         n
#> 17182       Father                              surely     1       adv
#> 17183 Target_Child                           handlebar     1         n
#> 17184       Father                          surprising     1      part
#> 17185       Father                              survey     1         n
#> 17186       Father                             survive     1         v
#> 17187       Father                            survives     1         v
#> 17188       Father                             Susie's     1       adj
#> 17189       Father                          suspecting     1      part
#> 17190       Father                              Susy's     1       adj
#> 17191       Father                             Suzanne     1    n:prop
#> 17192       Father                           swallowed     1      part
#> 17193       Father                           Swamptown     1    n:prop
#> 17194       Father                             swatter     1         n
#> 17195       Father                             knights     1         n
#> 17196       Father                             sweeper     1         n
#> 17197       Father                               sweep     1         v
#> 17198       Father                            sweetest     1       adj
#> 17199 Target_Child                         handwriting     1         n
#> 17200       Father                              sweets     1         n
#> 17201 Target_Child                        hauntedhouse     1         n
#> 17202       Father                               swell     1       adj
#> 17203       Father                             swimmer     1         n
#> 17204       Father                             kitties     1         n
#> 17205       Father                              swings     1         n
#> 17206       Father                               swung     1      part
#> 17207       Father                              Swirls     1    n:prop
#> 17208       Father                            swishing     1      part
#> 17209       Father                              switch     1         v
#> 17210       Father                            switched     1         v
#> 17211       Father                            syllable     1         n
#> 17212       Father                              syntax     1         n
#> 17213       Father                            szereted     1        L2
#> 17214       Father                            szeretem     1        L2
#> 17215       Father                              szives     1        L2
#> 17216       Father                                 T's     1       adj
#> 17217       Father                             Kitchen     1    n:prop
#> 17218       Father                           Kistement     1    n:prop
#> 17219       Father                              tables     1         n
#> 17220       Father                               tadah     1        co
#> 17221       Father                              taddle     1       chi
#> 17222       Father                                 tag     1         n
#> 17223       Father                           kissy_poo     1       fam
#> 17224       Father                            tailors'     1       adj
#> 17225       Father                                took     1      part
#> 17226       Father                              kissed     1      part
#> 17227       Father                               tales     1         n
#> 17228 Target_Child                           headaches     1         n
#> 17229       Father                           talk_talk     1         n
#> 17230       Father                             talking     1  n:gerund
#> 17231       Father                              kisser     1         n
#> 17232       Father                             kisfiam     1        L2
#> 17233       Father                                Kirk     1    n:prop
#> 17234       Father                               talon     1         n
#> 17235       Father                          tambourine     1         n
#> 17236       Father                               tamer     1       adj
#> 17237       Father                              Tantan     1    n:prop
#> 17238       Father                              king's     1         n
#> 17239       Father                               taped     1      part
#> 17240       Father                               taped     1         v
#> 17241       Father                               tapes     1         v
#> 17242       Father                                Tape     1    n:prop
#> 17243       Father                        taperecorder     1      meta
#> 17244       Father                          tarantulas     1         n
#> 17245        Adult                              bottle     1         n
#> 17246       Father                             tassels     1         n
#> 17247       Father                               tasty     1       adj
#> 17248       Father                      kindergartener     1         n
#> 17249       Father                              tastes     1         n
#> 17250       Father                             tasting     1      part
#> 17251       Father                         Killer_Hill     1    n:prop
#> 17252       Father                              tasted     1         v
#> 17253       Father                               kills     1         v
#> 17254       Father                              tattoo     1         v
#> 17255       Father                                  té     1        L2
#> 17256       Father                           teachers'     1       adj
#> 17257       Father                              kilenc     1        L2
#> 17258       Father                              taught     1      part
#> 17259       Father                               Kieth     1    n:prop
#> 17260       Father                                 Kid     1    n:prop
#> 17261       Father                             teaches     1         v
#> 17262       Father                             Teala's     1       adj
#> 17263       Father                               Teala     1    n:prop
#> 17264       Father                               kid's     1         n
#> 17265       Father                                tear     1         n
#> 17266       Father                                tore     1         v
#> 17267       Father                             teasing     1  n:gerund
#> 17268       Father                               kids'     1       adj
#> 17269 Target_Child                           headstart     1         n
#> 17270       Father                              teases     1         v
#> 17271       Father                            teaspoon     1         n
#> 17272       Father                           technique     1         n
#> 17273       Father                                 tee     1         n
#> 17274       Father                               teeny     1       chi
#> 17275       Father                               kicky     1       chi
#> 17276       Father                                tees     1       chi
#> 17277       Father                             Teetush     1    n:prop
#> 17278       Father                                 tej     1        L2
#> 17279       Father                               tejet     1        L2
#> 17280       Father                           kicking's     1  n:gerund
#> 17281 Target_Child                         hideandseek     1         n
#> 17282       Father                              telled     1         v
#> 17283       Father                                kggg     1        on
#> 17284       Father                              telled     1      meta
#> 17285       Father                            tempting     1      part
#> 17286       Father                                tens     1         n
#> 17287       Father                                tend     1         v
#> 17288       Father                      Tender_hearted     1    n:prop
#> 17289       Father                              tennis     1         n
#> 17290       Father                               tenor     1         n
#> 17291       Father                                Tent     1    n:prop
#> 17292       Father                               terms     1         n
#> 17293       Father                            terminal     1         n
#> 17294       Father                               ke'so     1        L2
#> 17295       Father                       Terrible_Toad     1    n:prop
#> 17296       Father                             terrify     1         v
#> 17297       Father                         terrorizing     1      part
#> 17298       Father                          terrorized     1         v
#> 17299       Father                             testing     1  n:gerund
#> 17300       Father                              tested     1      part
#> 17301       Father                                test     1         v
#> 17302       Father                               tests     1         v
#> 17303       Father                             tetanus     1         n
#> 17304       Father                             Tetanus     1    n:prop
#> 17305       Father                               Thank     1    n:prop
#> 17306       Father                             Kernick     1    n:prop
#> 17307       Father                        Thanksgiving     1    n:prop
#> 17308       Father                               kérem     1        L2
#> 17309       Father                             kerchoo     1        co
#> 17310       Father                              Kerber     1    n:prop
#> 17311       Father                              kenyer     1        L2
#> 17312       Father      Keep_The_Balloon_Off_The_Floor     1    n:prop
#> 17313       Father    Keep_The_Balloon_Off_Of_The_Wall     1    n:prop
#> 17314       Father                              keeped     1       neo
#> 17315       Father                                kept     1      part
#> 17316       Father                                 the     1      meta
#> 17317       Father                            theaters     1         n
#> 17318       Father                                thee     1   pro:obj
#> 17319       Father             The_Empire_Strikes_Back     1    n:prop
#> 17320       Father                             Keber's     1       adj
#> 17321       Father              The_lady_And_The_Tramp     1    n:prop
#> 17322       Father                      The_Little_Lie     1    n:prop
#> 17323       Father                              Thelma     1    n:prop
#> 17324       Father                               Kayla     1    n:prop
#> 17325       Father                               Katie     1    n:prop
#> 17326       Father                                Kate     1    n:prop
#> 17327       Father                              theory     1         n
#> 17328       Father                          Karate_kid     1    n:prop
#> 17329       Father                             there'd     1 pro:exist
#> 17330       Father                              Karate     1    n:prop
#> 17331       Father                            Kanobi's     1       adj
#> 17332       Father                             thermos     1         n
#> 17333       Father                           kangaroos     1         n
#> 17334       Father                            kangaroo     1         n
#> 17335       Father                 The_Sleeping_Beauty     1    n:prop
#> 17336       Father               The_three_little_pigs     1    n:prop
#> 17337       Father                                 kak     1       fam
#> 17338       Father                             Kaitlin     1    n:prop
#> 17339       Father                            kabowied     1       neo
#> 17340       Father                             They're     1    n:prop
#> 17341       Father                             thiddle     1       chi
#> 17342       Father                               thief     1         n
#> 17343       Father                                kabi     1        L2
#> 17344       Father                            thingies     1         n
#> 17345       Father                            Justin's     1       adj
#> 17346       Father                              Things     1    n:prop
#> 17347       Father                             thingys     1       fam
#> 17348       Father                             justice     1         n
#> 17349       Father                             thought     1      part
#> 17350       Father                                Just     1    n:prop
#> 17351       Father                             thinked     1         v
#> 17352       Father                             thinked     1       neo
#> 17353       Father                             Jumping     1    n:prop
#> 17354       Father                          jumparanoo     1       fam
#> 17355       Father                           jump_jump     1         v
#> 17356       Father                               jumps     1         n
#> 17357       Father                            those'll     1   pro:dem
#> 17358       Father                               Those     1    n:prop
#> 17359       Father                               jumbo     1       adj
#> 17360 Target_Child                              hotdog     1         n
#> 17361       Father                              Julius     1    n:prop
#> 17362       Father                              thread     1         v
#> 17363       Father                            threaten     1         v
#> 17364       Father                              juices     1         n
#> 17365       Father                                 jug     1         n
#> 17366       Father                               judge     1         v
#> 17367       Father                               Joyce     1    n:prop
#> 17368       Father                              Josiah     1    n:prop
#> 17369       Father                              Joseph     1    n:prop
#> 17370       Father                             throwed     1         v
#> 17371       Father                             throwed     1      meta
#> 17372       Father                            Thundarr     1    n:prop
#> 17373       Father                            Jonathan     1    n:prop
#> 17374       Father                            thunders     1         n
#> 17375       Father                           Jonastina     1    n:prop
#> 17376       Father                           Thursdays     1    n:prop
#> 17377       Father                               Tiara     1    n:prop
#> 17378       Father                         tic-tac-toe     1         n
#> 17379 Target_Child                            hulahoop     1         n
#> 17380       Father                                tick     1         v
#> 17381       Father                             tickets     1         n
#> 17382       Father                               Joker     1    n:prop
#> 17383       Father                             tickled     1      part
#> 17384       Father                             tickled     1         v
#> 17385       Father                                 tie     1      meta
#> 17386       Father                               tying     1      part
#> 17387       Father                                tied     1         v
#> 17388       Father                              John's     1    n:prop
#> 17389       Father                              John's     1       adj
#> 17390       Father                             tighter     1       adj
#> 17391       Father                                Tiki     1    n:prop
#> 17392       Father                                 jog     1         v
#> 17393       Father                              Joey's     1    n:prop
#> 17394       Father                                tile     1         v
#> 17395 Target_Child                          icecracker     1         n
#> 17396       Father                              tilted     1         v
#> 17397       Father                               timer     1         n
#> 17398       Father                                jock     1         n
#> 17399       Father                               timed     1      part
#> 17400       Father                                Time     1    n:prop
#> 17401       Father                                 tin     1         n
#> 17402       Father                            tingling     1      part
#> 17403       Father                              tingle     1         v
#> 17404       Father                                Tiny     1    n:prop
#> 17405       Father                                tips     1         v
#> 17406       Father                               tires     1         n
#> 17407       Father                              tittie     1         n
#> 17408       Father                                  jó     1        L2
#> 17409       Father                              Titush     1    n:prop
#> 17410       Father                                  to     1      meta
#> 17411       Father                              Toad's     1       adj
#> 17412       Father                              toasts     1         n
#> 17413       Father                             today's     1   adv:tem
#> 17414       Father                             Jimmy's     1       adj
#> 17415       Father                              jiggle     1         v
#> 17416       Father                             jewelry     1         n
#> 17417       Father                            jettison     1         v
#> 17418       Father                               tojas     1        L2
#> 17419       Father                                jets     1         n
#> 17420       Father                               tombs     1         n
#> 17421       Father                               Tommy     1    n:prop
#> 17422       Father                          tomorrow's     1   adv:tem
#> 17423       Father                            tomorrow     1      meta
#> 17424       Father                                Tony     1       chi
#> 17425       Father                              Tony's     1    n:prop
#> 17426       Father                               Jesse     1    n:prop
#> 17427 Target_Child                             icecube     1         n
#> 17428       Father                            teeth'll     1         n
#> 17429       Father                            Jeremy's     1       adj
#> 17430       Father                           tootletoo     1     wplay
#> 17431       Father                            Jennifer     1    n:prop
#> 17432       Father                             torpedo     1         n
#> 17433       Father                            tortilla     1         n
#> 17434       Father                             torture     1         n
#> 17435       Father                             jelly's     1       adj
#> 17436       Father                               total     1         n
#> 17437       Father                               Jello     1    n:prop
#> 17438       Father                                Tots     1    n:prop
#> 17439       Father                            touching     1      part
#> 17440       Father                             Jeffrey     1    n:prop
#> 17441       Father                            toughies     1         n
#> 17442       Father                                tour     1         n
#> 17443       Father                                 tow     1     wplay
#> 17444       Father                              toward     1       adv
#> 17445       Father                              toward     1      prep
#> 17446       Father                                Jedi     1      meta
#> 17447       Father                             towel's     1         n
#> 17448       Father                               towel     1         v
#> 17449       Father                      Tower_of_Hanoi     1    n:prop
#> 17450       Father                               towns     1         n
#> 17451       Father                               jeans     1         n
#> 17452       Father                             Jeannie     1    n:prop
#> 17453       Father                             tracked     1      part
#> 17454       Father                            tracking     1      part
#> 17455       Father                              tracks     1         v
#> 17456       Father                           tractor's     1         n
#> 17457       Father                              trader     1         n
#> 17458       Father                             trading     1      part
#> 17459       Father                             jealous     1       adj
#> 17460       Father                         traditional     1       adj
#> 17461       Father                                  Je     1    n:prop
#> 17462       Father                              trains     1         v
#> 17463       Father                             Tramway     1    n:prop
#> 17464       Father                           transcend     1         v
#> 17465       Father                         transferred     1      part
#> 17466       Father                         transferred     1         v
#> 17467       Father                         transformer     1         n
#> 17468       Father                         Transformer     1    n:prop
#> 17469       Father                         transmitted     1      part
#> 17470       Father                           transport     1         n
#> 17471       Father                       Transylvanian     1    n:prop
#> 17472       Father                                Jawa     1    n:prop
#> 17473       Father                               traps     1         n
#> 17474       Father                            trapping     1      part
#> 17475       Father                                trap     1         v
#> 17476       Father                               traps     1         v
#> 17477       Father                           traveling     1      part
#> 17478       Father                            traveled     1         v
#> 17479       Father                                tray     1         n
#> 17480       Father                         treacherous     1       adj
#> 17481       Father                            treasure     1         n
#> 17482       Father                             treated     1         v
#> 17483       Father                                 jaw     1         n
#> 17484       Father                             tremble     1         v
#> 17485       Father                            Japanese     1    n:prop
#> 17486       Father                            Trinidad     1    n:prop
#> 17487       Father                             January     1    n:prop
#> 17488 Target_Child                            inchworm     1         n
#> 17489       Father                             tripped     1      part
#> 17490       Father                                trip     1         v
#> 17491       Father                            Ja'nos's     1    n:prop
#> 17492       Father                          Tron_cycle     1    n:prop
#> 17493       Father                              troops     1         n
#> 17494       Father                           trooper's     1         n
#> 17495       Father                               Janos     1    n:prop
#> 17496       Father                            Troopers     1    n:prop
#> 17497       Father                               Janos     1      meta
#> 17498       Father                            trucking     1      part
#> 17499       Father                               Jan's     1       adj
#> 17500 Target_Child                         indianguide     1         n
#> 17501       Father                               trunk     1         n
#> 17502       Father                          James_Bond     1    n:prop
#> 17503       Father                               Jaime     1    n:prop
#> 17504       Father                   Tubby_the_tugboat     1    n:prop
#> 17505       Father                              jail's     1       adj
#> 17506       Father                               tucky     1       adj
#> 17507       Father                                Tuck     1    n:prop
#> 17508       Father                              Tucker     1    n:prop
#> 17509       Father                               tudod     1        L2
#> 17510       Father                             tuesday     1         n
#> 17511       Father                            Tuesdays     1    n:prop
#> 17512       Father                              tugged     1         v
#> 17513       Father                             tumbled     1         v
#> 17514       Father                                tune     1         n
#> 17515       Father                           Jackson's     1       adj
#> 17516       Father                                 tup     1       chi
#> 17517       Father                               items     1         n
#> 17518       Father                                itch     1         n
#> 17519       Father                                  it     1        L2
#> 17520       Father                             turtles     1         n
#> 17521       Father                              Turtle     1    n:prop
#> 17522       Father                                 ist     1        L2
#> 17523       Father                                  is     1      meta
#> 17524       Father                                twin     1         n
#> 17525       Father                             twinkle     1         n
#> 17526       Father                            twirling     1      part
#> 17527       Father                               twist     1         n
#> 17528 Target_Child                        indianguides     1         n
#> 17529       Father                              twists     1         v
#> 17530       Father                             ironing     1  n:gerund
#> 17531       Father                               twoed     1     wplay
#> 17532       Father                                iron     1       adj
#> 17533       Father                   Tyrannosaurus_rex     1    n:prop
#> 17534       Father                   Tyrannosaurus_Rex     1    n:prop
#> 17535       Father                                   u     1       uni
#> 17536       Father                                Iona     1    n:prop
#> 17537       Father                                uggi     1       uni
#> 17538       Father                                Uggi     1       uni
#> 17539       Father                             ugliest     1       adj
#> 17540       Father                              invite     1         v
#> 17541       Father                                ugye     1        L2
#> 17542       Father                                  Uh     1    n:prop
#> 17543       Father                            inviting     1      part
#> 17544       Father                               uhhuh     1      meta
#> 17545       Father                          invincible     1       adj
#> 17546       Father                       investigation     1         n
#> 17547       Father                          investment     1         n
#> 17548       Father                                Uhuh     1    n:prop
#> 17549       Father                            umbrella     1         n
#> 17550       Father                             invades     1         v
#> 17551       Father                            intruder     1         n
#> 17552       Father                                  un     1        L2
#> 17553       Father                           unanimous     1       adj
#> 17554       Father                               uncle     1         n
#> 17555       Father                               Uncle     1    n:prop
#> 17556       Father                       Uncle_Scrooge     1    n:prop
#> 17557       Father                        intonational     1       adj
#> 17558       Father                          intimidate     1         v
#> 17559       Father                         Under_Roo's     1       adj
#> 17560       Father                       misunderstand     1         v
#> 17561       Father                         underwear's     1       adj
#> 17562       Father                           interrupt     1         v
#> 17563       Father                               union     1         n
#> 17564       Father                              unique     1       adj
#> 17565       Father                               units     1         n
#> 17566       Father                              united     1         v
#> 17567       Father                       United_States     1    n:prop
#> 17568       Father                           Universal     1    n:prop
#> 17569       Father                             unknown     1         n
#> 17570       Father                         interpreted     1         v
#> 17571       Father                                 til     1      prep
#> 17572       Father                        intermission     1         n
#> 17573       Father                          interested     1         v
#> 17574       Father                         up_and_away     1       chi
#> 17575       Father                                upee     1       chi
#> 17576       Father                              uppies     1       chi
#> 17577       Father                           interests     1         n
#> 17578       Father                               upset     1         v
#> 17579       Father                             uranium     1         n
#> 17580       Father                                urfs     1     wplay
#> 17581       Father                         intensified     1         v
#> 17582       Father                              useful     1       adj
#> 17583       Father                             intense     1       adj
#> 17584       Father                                uses     1         n
#> 17585       Father                         intelligent     1       adj
#> 17586       Father                            integral     1       adj
#> 17587       Father                           insurance     1         n
#> 17588       Father                             instant     1         n
#> 17589       Father                            utensils     1         n
#> 17590       Father                            vacation     1         n
#> 17591       Father                             vaccine     1         n
#> 17592       Father                           instantly     1       adv
#> 17593       Father                            instance     1         n
#> 17594       Father                             Vader's     1       adj
#> 17595       Father                           Inspector     1    n:prop
#> 17596       Father                             Vader's     1    n:prop
#> 17597       Father                                vagy     1        L2
#> 17598       Father                          valentines     1         n
#> 17599       Father                            vampires     1         n
#> 17600       Father                                 van     1        L2
#> 17601       Father                                vans     1         n
#> 17602       Father                          vanquished     1      part
#> 17603       Father                         insistently     1       adv
#> 17604       Father                         vegetarians     1         n
#> 17605       Father                            vehicles     1         n
#> 17606       Father                               veins     1         n
#> 17607       Father                               veled     1        L2
#> 17608       Father                            verbally     1       adv
#> 17609       Father                          verbalized     1      part
#> 17610       Father                          verbalized     1         v
#> 17611       Father                             Vermont     1    n:prop
#> 17612       Father                               versa     1       adv
#> 17613       Father                              versus     1      prep
#> 17614       Father                            vertical     1       adj
#> 17615       Father                               vests     1         n
#> 17616       Father                                 ink     1         n
#> 17617       Father                              videos     1         n
#> 17618       Father                             vinegar     1         n
#> 17619       Father                           violation     1         n
#> 17620       Father                             injured     1         v
#> 17621       Father                           violently     1       adv
#> 17622       Father                                visa     1         n
#> 17623       Father                              vision     1         n
#> 17624       Father                              Ingari     1       uni
#> 17625 Target_Child                          jellybeans     1         n
#> 17626       Father                              visits     1         v
#> 17627       Father                                Inga     1       uni
#> 17628       Father                               vizet     1        L2
#> 17629       Father                             vocalic     1       adj
#> 17630 Target_Child                           jellyfish     1         n
#> 17631       Father                            volcanic     1       adj
#> 17632       Father                             voltage     1         n
#> 17633       Father                               vomit     1         v
#> 17634       Father                               voted     1         v
#> 17635       Father                             vrrooom     1        on
#> 17636       Father                            vrrrooom     1        on
#> 17637       Father                                 ing     1       uni
#> 17638       Father                            wackiest     1       adj
#> 17639       Father                              wading     1      part
#> 17640       Father                          infinities     1         n
#> 17641       Father                               wagon     1         n
#> 17642       Father                               waist     1         n
#> 17643       Father                            inferred     1      part
#> 17644       Father                              waited     1      part
#> 17645       Father                              infant     1       adj
#> 17646       Father                            Indianna     1    n:prop
#> 17647       Father                             indians     1         n
#> 17648       Father                              indian     1       adj
#> 17649 Target_Child                            jumprope     1         n
#> 17650       Father                             indexes     1         n
#> 17651       Father                           wandering     1      part
#> 17652       Father                               wanna     1      meta
#> 17653       Father                               index     1         n
#> 17654       Father                              indeed     1       adv
#> 17655       Father                          incidental     1       adj
#> 17656       Father                       incapacitated     1      part
#> 17657       Father                                wars     1         v
#> 17658       Father                          impression     1         n
#> 17659       Father                              warmth     1         n
#> 17660       Father                             warning     1      part
#> 17661       Father                             Warrick     1    n:prop
#> 17662       Father                            Impirial     1    n:prop
#> 17663       Father                               washy     1       adj
#> 17664       Father                                wash     1      meta
#> 17665       Father                            imperial     1       adj
#> 17666       Father                              washes     1         v
#> 17667       Father                               wassa     1        L2
#> 17668 Target_Child                            kittycat     1         n
#> 17669       Father                              wasted     1         v
#> 17670       Father                            watching     1  n:gerund
#> 17671       Father                            imitated     1         v
#> 17672       Father                             imitate     1         v
#> 17673       Father                            watering     1  n:gerund
#> 17674       Father                           waterfall     1         n
#> 17675       Father                                wave     1         v
#> 17676       Father                                 wax     1         v
#> 17677       Father                             imbibed     1         v
#> 17678       Father                          imbalanced     1      part
#> 17679       Father                            imagined     1         v
#> 17680       Father                         imagination     1         n
#> 17681       Father                              imager     1         n
#> 17682       Father                   I_love_you_so_bad     1    n:prop
#> 17683       Father                              weaken     1         v
#> 17684       Father                            Illinois     1    n:prop
#> 17685       Father                              Weapon     1    n:prop
#> 17686       Father                                  If     1    n:prop
#> 17687       Father                                  ie     1     n:let
#> 17688       Father                                idle     1        L2
#> 17689       Father                      identification     1         n
#> 17690       Father                                 ide     1        L2
#> 17691       Father                           wednesday     1         n
#> 17692       Father                          Wednesdays     1    n:prop
#> 17693       Father                                iced     1      part
#> 17694       Father                               weigh     1         v
#> 17695       Father                               Weird     1    n:prop
#> 17696       Father                             welcome     1         v
#> 17697       Father                                 I's     1   pro:sub
#> 17698       Father                                Well     1    n:prop
#> 17699       Father                             Wendy's     1       adj
#> 17700       Father                              Wendys     1    n:prop
#> 17701       Father                        hypothetical     1       adj
#> 17702       Father                        hypothesizes     1         v
#> 17703       Father                                west     1       adj
#> 17704 Target_Child                         landshooter     1         n
#> 17705       Father                              Westen     1    n:prop
#> 17706       Father                                 wet     1      part
#> 17707       Father                                  wɘ     1       uni
#> 17708       Father                             whacked     1         v
#> 17709       Father                              whacko     1       chi
#> 17710       Father                             whale's     1       adj
#> 17711       Father                               whamo     1        on
#> 17712       Father                               whaps     1         v
#> 17713       Father                                what     1      meta
#> 17714       Father                             hvsikat     1        L2
#> 17715       Father                                hush     1         n
#> 17716       Father                              hurted     1         v
#> 17717       Father                              What's     1       adj
#> 17718       Father                                What     1    n:prop
#> 17719       Father               What_Did_You_Say_Dear     1    n:prop
#> 17720       Father                            hurry_up     1        co
#> 17721       Father                            what_for     1   pro:int
#> 17722       Father                              whatsy     1       chi
#> 17723       Father                            hurrying     1      part
#> 17724       Father                                hunt     1         v
#> 17725       Father                             hunting     1      part
#> 17726       Father                             hunting     1  n:gerund
#> 17727       Father                             where'd     1   pro:int
#> 17728       Father                                hunt     1         n
#> 17729       Father                               hunks     1      test
#> 17730       Father                              hunkes     1      test
#> 17731       Father                             whereas     1      conj
#> 17732       Father                            wherever     1   pro:rel
#> 17733       Father                               hunks     1         n
#> 17734       Father                                hunk     1         n
#> 17735       Father                         Hungry_Wolf     1    n:prop
#> 17736       Father                          whimpering     1      part
#> 17737       Father                             whimper     1         v
#> 17738       Father                          hungriness     1         n
#> 17739       Father                             whipped     1      part
#> 17740       Father                             whipped     1         v
#> 17741       Father                           whiplashy     1       adj
#> 17742       Father                         Hungarian's     1       adj
#> 17743       Father                             Whitsky     1    n:prop
#> 17744       Father                               who'd     1   pro:int
#> 17745       Father                              who're     1   pro:int
#> 17746       Father                              who'll     1   pro:rel
#> 17747       Father                               humor     1         n
#> 17748       Father                                whoa     1        co
#> 17749       Father                             whoever     1   pro:int
#> 17750       Father                              humbug     1      meta
#> 17751       Father                             humanis     1       chi
#> 17752       Father                      wholeheartedly     1       adv
#> 17753       Father                               whoop     1         n
#> 17754       Father                               Hulks     1    n:prop
#> 17755       Father                               why's     1   pro:rel
#> 17756       Father                              Hulk's     1    n:prop
#> 17757      Visitor                            poitions     1       chi
#> 17758       Father                              wife's     1       adj
#> 17759       Father                              hulk's     1         n
#> 17760       Father                              hulk's     1       adj
#> 17761       Father                              wilder     1       adj
#> 17762       Father                                Wild     1    n:prop
#> 17763       Father                            Wildcats     1    n:prop
#> 17764       Father                            wildlife     1         n
#> 17765       Father                                Wile     1    n:prop
#> 17766       Father                                hula     1         n
#> 17767       Father                                 huh     1      meta
#> 17768       Father                              hugged     1         v
#> 17769       Father                             willing     1       adj
#> 17770       Father                           willpower     1         n
#> 17771       Father                             huggies     1         n
#> 17772       Father                                 hug     1         n
#> 17773       Father                                huff     1         v
#> 17774 Target_Child                            leftover     1         n
#> 17775       Father                              wind's     1         n
#> 17776       Father                                wind     1         v
#> 17777       Father                         Hubba_Bubba     1    n:prop
#> 17778       Father                               hozza     1        L2
#> 17779       Father                               wings     1         n
#> 17780       Father                            winter's     1         n
#> 17781       Father                               wires     1         v
#> 17782       Father                              wisdom     1         n
#> 17783       Father                                wish     1         n
#> 17784       Father                              howled     1         v
#> 17785       Father                             witch's     1       adj
#> 17786       Father                               Witch     1    n:prop
#> 17787       Father                            Witsky's     1    n:prop
#> 17788       Father                             wizards     1         n
#> 17789       Father                                woah     1        co
#> 17790       Father                              wobble     1         v
#> 17791       Father                               wocha     1        on
#> 17792       Father                              how're     1   pro:int
#> 17793       Father                              wolves     1         n
#> 17794       Father                              Wolf's     1    n:prop
#> 17795       Father                             womanly     1       adj
#> 17796       Father                             woman's     1       adj
#> 17797       Father                                hóva     1        L2
#> 17798       Father                               House     1    n:prop
#> 17799       Father                               hotel     1         n
#> 17800       Father                         Wonderwoman     1    n:prop
#> 17801       Father                               Hosto     1    n:prop
#> 17802       Father                                hose     1         n
#> 17803       Father                          woodpecker     1         n
#> 17804        Adult                               bobby     1       chi
#> 17805       Father                              Wookie     1    n:prop
#> 17806       Father                              woolly     1       adj
#> 17807       Father                               wooly     1       adj
#> 17808       Father                              Woopie     1    n:prop
#> 17809       Father                               woosh     1        on
#> 17810       Father                        woowoowoowoo     1     wplay
#> 17811       Father                     Worcester_Sauce     1    n:prop
#> 17812       Father                                wore     1      meta
#> 17813       Father                              worker     1         n
#> 17814       Father                             workers     1         n
#> 17815       Father                            horsie's     1       adj
#> 17816       Father                           reworking     1  n:gerund
#> 17817       Father                                horn     1         n
#> 17818       Father                             working     1      meta
#> 17819       Father                               hopes     1         n
#> 17820       Father                              worlds     1         n
#> 17821       Father                           hopefully     1       adv
#> 17822       Father                            worriers     1      meta
#> 17823       Father                               worry     1         n
#> 17824       Father                            worrying     1      part
#> 17825       Father                              hoppie     1         n
#> 17826       Father                            worstest     1       chi
#> 17827       Father                               worth     1       adj
#> 17828       Father                              hooray     1        co
#> 17829       Father                               wraps     1         v
#> 17830       Father                              wreath     1         n
#> 17831       Father                             wrecked     1         v
#> 17832       Father                            wretched     1       adj
#> 17833       Father                             wrinkly     1       adj
#> 17834       Father                               wrist     1         n
#> 17835       Father                          wristbands     1         n
#> 17836       Father                             writing     1  n:gerund
#> 17837       Father                                hoop     1         n
#> 17838       Father                               hooks     1         n
#> 17839       Father                                 Wug     1    n:prop
#> 17840       Father                              x-rays     1         n
#> 17841       Father                               xenon     1         n
#> 17842       Father                               homok     1        L2
#> 17843       Father                                   Y     1    n:prop
#> 17844       Father                                Home     1    n:prop
#> 17845       Father                                 yah     1        co
#> 17846       Father                                yams     1         n
#> 17847       Father                              yanked     1         v
#> 17848 Target_Child                              lowfat     1         n
#> 17849       Father                                 yay     1        co
#> 17850       Father                               Ya_Ya     1    n:prop
#> 17851       Father                             yeahhuh     1        co
#> 17852       Father                         Hollandaise     1    n:prop
#> 17853       Father                            holidays     1         n
#> 17854       Father                                Year     1    n:prop
#> 17855       Father                               yeesh     1        co
#> 17856       Father                                Hole     1    n:prop
#> 17857       Father                               holes     1         v
#> 17858       Father                             hold_on     1        co
#> 17859       Father                             yellows     1         n
#> 17860       Father                             holding     1  n:gerund
#> 17861       Father                              holder     1         n
#> 17862       Father                                hogy     1        L2
#> 17863       Father                               yicky     1        co
#> 17864       Father                              hobble     1         v
#> 17865       Father                             Hobbits     1    n:prop
#> 17866       Father                            yo_ho_ho     1        co
#> 17867       Father                              hívnak     1        L2
#> 17868       Father                                hits     1         n
#> 17869       Father                             younger     1       adj
#> 17870       Father                        hippopotamus     1         n
#> 17871       Father                             hippo's     1       adj
#> 17872       Father                                 hip     1         n
#> 17873       Father                          yourselves     1  pro:refl
#> 17874       Father                                yoyo     1         n
#> 17875       Father                               yucko     1       adj
#> 17876       Father                             yummies     1         n
#> 17877       Father                                yums     1       chi
#> 17878       Father                             Zaccaro     1    n:prop
#> 17879       Father                                Zack     1    n:prop
#> 17880       Father                              zapped     1         v
#> 17881       Father                               zeros     1         n
#> 17882       Father                              zeroes     1      meta
#> 17883       Father                                Zeus     1    n:prop
#> 17884       Father                             zig-zag     1         n
#> 17885       Father                            zipper's     1       adj
#> 17886       Father                              zipped     1      part
#> 17887       Father                              zipped     1         v
#> 17888       Father                            zippered     1      part
#> 17889       Father                             zombies     1         n
#> 17890       Father                               him's     1   pro:obj
#> 17891       Father                             zooming     1      part
#> 17892       Father                         zsipi_zsupa     1        L2
#> 17893       Father                               Hills     1    n:prop
#> 17894       Father                        backbreaking     1       adj
#> 17895       Father                              hiking     1  n:gerund
#> 17896       Father                       firecracker's     1       adj
#> 17897       Father                           fireman's     1       adj
#> 17898       Father                        girlfriend's     1       adj
#> 17899       Father                             oneeyed     1       adj
#> 17900       Father                           snowman's     1       adj
#> 17901       Father                          beforehand     1       adv
#> 17902       Father                      airconditioner     1         n
#> 17903       Father                          backpack's     1         n
#> 17904       Father                           backpacks     1         n
#> 17905       Father                          basketball     1         n
#> 17906       Father                                hijo     1        L2
#> 17907       Father                           beekeeper     1         n
#> 17908       Father                        bellydancers     1         n
#> 17909       Father                             bookbag     1         n
#> 17910       Father                             bowsman     1         n
#> 17911       Father                           bubblegum     1         n
#> 17912       Father                           bullfrogs     1         n
#> 17913       Father                           bullseyes     1         n
#> 17914       Father                           butterfly     1         n
#> 17915       Father                            campfire     1         n
#> 17916       Father                           cheesebit     1         n
#> 17917       Father                        cheeseburger     1         n
#> 17918       Father                          chickenpox     1         n
#> 17919       Father                           clubhouse     1         n
#> 17920       Father                           cookiejar     1         n
#> 17921       Father                              highly     1       adv
#> 17922       Father                           covebases     1         n
#> 17923       Father                      creepycrawlies     1         n
#> 17924       Father                        crossedbones     1         n
#> 17925       Father                             daytime     1         n
#> 17926       Father                         dinnertable     1         n
#> 17927       Father                          dinnertime     1         n
#> 17928       Father                            dirtbike     1         n
#> 17929       Father                            doorknob     1         n
#> 17930       Father                            doorstep     1         n
#> 17931       Father                        doubledecker     1         n
#> 17932       Father                             drivein     1         n
#> 17933       Father                           dumptruck     1         n
#> 17934       Father                            eyeballs     1         n
#> 17935       Father                             eyebook     1         n
#> 17936       Father                             eyebrow     1         n
#> 17937       Father                          eyeglasses     1         n
#> 17938       Father                         fighterball     1         n
#> 17939       Father                         fingernails     1         n
#> 17940       Father                            fireball     1         n
#> 17941       Father                         firecracker     1         n
#> 17942        Adult                              blonde     1       adj
#> 17943 Target_Child                           minestorm     1         n
#> 17944       Father                             fireman     1         n
#> 17945       Father                               hided     1      part
#> 17946       Father                        firethrowers     1         n
#> 17947       Father                          fivesixers     1         n
#> 17948       Father                         flashlights     1         n
#> 17949 Target_Child                            musicbox     1         n
#> 17950       Father                          fourbyfour     1         n
#> 17951       Father                            fourfive     1         n
#> 17952       Father                           fourfives     1         n
#> 17953       Father                           frenchfry     1         n
#> 17954       Father                           fruitcake     1         n
#> 17955       Father                       ghostmonsters     1         n
#> 17956       Father                          ghostrider     1         n
#> 17957       Father                         ghostriders     1         n
#> 17958       Father                         gingerbread     1         n
#> 17959       Father                               hides     1         n
#> 17960       Father                          golfcourse     1         n
#> 17961       Father                         groundhog's     1         n
#> 17962       Father                             grownup     1         n
#> 17963 Target_Child                             naptime     1         n
#> 17964       Father                           hairdryer     1         n
#> 17965       Father                            halfmoon     1         n
#> 17966       Father                          hatchetman     1         n
#> 17967       Father                             hickory     1         n
#> 17968       Father                            headband     1         n
#> 17969       Father                           headbands     1         n
#> 17970       Father                           headdress     1         n
#> 17971       Father                             hideout     1         n
#> 17972       Father                              hotdog     1         n
#> 17973       Father                                Hi_c     1    n:prop
#> 17974       Father                            humanwas     1         n
#> 17975       Father                        jackolantern     1         n
#> 17976       Father                           jellybean     1         n
#> 17977       Father                          jumparaino     1         n
#> 17978       Father                         jumpingbean     1         n
#> 17979       Father                            jumprope     1         n
#> 17980       Father                                hi_c     1         n
#> 17981        Adult                                 big     1       adj
#> 17982       Father                            lifeboat     1         n
#> 17983       Father                         hibernation     1         n
#> 17984       Father                          livingroom     1         n
#> 17985       Father                             lookout     1         n
#> 17986       Father                            loverson     1         n
#> 17987       Father                           lunchtime     1         n
#> 17988        Adult                                 bet     1         v
#> 17989 Target_Child                          outerspace     1         n
#> 17990       Father                              makeup     1         n
#> 17991       Father                                  Hi     1    n:prop
#> 17992       Father                           milkshake     1         n
#> 17993       Father                           minestorm     1         n
#> 17994       Father                           minewater     1         n
#> 17995       Father                           muscleman     1         n
#> 17996       Father                           nightgown     1         n
#> 17997       Father                        paintbrushes     1         n
#> 17998       Father                          playground     1         n
#> 17999       Father                             playpen     1         n
#> 18000       Father                            playroom     1         n
#> 18001       Father                          playschool     1         n
#> 18002       Father                                 hhh     1        co
#> 18003       Father                           postcards     1         n
#> 18004       Father                         posterboard     1         n
#> 18005       Father                            raincoat     1         n
#> 18006       Father                       rollercoaster     1         n
#> 18007       Father                            rootbeer     1         n
#> 18008       Father                          rubberband     1         n
#> 18009       Father                          sabertooth     1         n
#> 18010       Father                          scaredycat     1         n
#> 18011       Father                           seatbelts     1         n
#> 18012       Father                              setups     1         n
#> 18013       Father                          slingshots     1         n
#> 18014       Father                           smartalec     1         n
#> 18015       Father                           snakewalk     1         n
#> 18016       Father                            snowlady     1         n
#> 18017       Father                            snowsuit     1         n
#> 18018       Father                          soccerball     1         n
#> 18019       Father                            spaceman     1         n
#> 18020       Father                                 hey     1      meta
#> 18021       Father                          spaceships     1         n
#> 18022       Father                          spaceworld     1         n
#> 18023       Father                          springtime     1         n
#> 18024       Father                         steamshovel     1         n
#> 18025       Father                                hexy     1       adj
#> 18026       Father                           storybook     1         n
#> 18027       Father                           suchnsuch     1         n
#> 18028       Father                              suntan     1         n
#> 18029       Father                          sweetrolls     1         n
#> 18030       Father                        swimmingpool     1         n
#> 18031       Father                           threefour     1         n
#> 18032       Father                             toenail     1         n
#> 18033       Father                             tramway     1         n
#> 18034       Father                          typewriter     1         n
#> 18035       Father                        walkietalkie     1         n
#> 18036       Father                       walkietalkies     1         n
#> 18037       Father                           wallpaper     1         n
#> 18038       Father                       weightlifters     1         n
#> 18039       Father                           whipboard     1         n
#> 18040       Father                         babysitting     1  n:gerund
#> 18041       Father                       rollerskating     1  n:gerund
#> 18042       Father                         copycatting     1      part
#> 18043       Father                          handcuffed     1      part
#> 18044       Father                        sleepwalking     1      part
#> 18045       Father                           sleepwalk     1         v
#> 18046       Father                             herself     1  pro:refl
#> 18047       Father                              aludni     1      NULL
#> 18048       Father                                 baj     1      NULL
#> 18049       Father                               bajod     1      NULL
#> 18050       Father                           beszélünk     1      NULL
#> 18051       Father                            csinálsz     1      NULL
#> 18052       Father                               egyet     1      NULL
#> 18053       Father                                  én     1      NULL
#> 18054       Father                             engedsz     1      NULL
#> 18055       Father                                  és     1      NULL
#> 18056       Father                                fall     1      NULL
#> 18057       Father                             figyeld     1      NULL
#> 18058       Father                                 fog     1      NULL
#> 18059       Father                                  go     1      NULL
#> 18060       Father                               going     1      NULL
#> 18061       Father                                Hero     1    n:prop
#> 18062       Father                             gyorsan     1      NULL
#> 18063       Father                               három     1      NULL
#> 18064       Father                         superheroes     1         n
#> 18065       Father                            hazament     1      NULL
#> 18066       Father                                hogy     1      NULL
#> 18067       Father                               homok     1      NULL
#> 18068       Father                             homokra     1      NULL
#> 18069       Father                                 ide     1      NULL
#> 18070       Father                                  is     1      NULL
#> 18071       Father                                 jól     1      NULL
#> 18072       Father                               kérem     1      NULL
#> 18073       Father                               kersz     1      NULL
#> 18074       Father                               kérsz     1      NULL
#> 18075       Father                               kettö     1      NULL
#> 18076       Father                                kick     1      NULL
#> 18077       Father                              kilenc     1      NULL
#> 18078       Father                               kocsi     1      NULL
#> 18079       Father                            kocsival     1      NULL
#> 18080       Father                               let's     1      NULL
#> 18081       Father                            magyarul     1      NULL
#> 18082       Father                               Marky     1      NULL
#> 18083       Father                               means     1      NULL
#> 18084       Father                              hermit     1         n
#> 18085       Father                                megy     1      NULL
#> 18086       Father                               mehet     1      NULL
#> 18087       Father                             mehetsz     1      NULL
#> 18088       Father                                mész     1      NULL
#> 18089       Father                               mikor     1      NULL
#> 18090       Father                         motobicikli     1      NULL
#> 18091       Father                              mutasd     1      NULL
#> 18092       Father                                  na     1      NULL
#> 18093       Father                               nehez     1      NULL
#> 18094       Father                               nekem     1      NULL
#> 18095       Father                              hereby     1       adv
#> 18096       Father                               neved     1      NULL
#> 18097       Father                                nezd     1      NULL
#> 18098       Father                               nyolc     1      NULL
#> 18099       Father                                   o     1      NULL
#> 18100       Father                                 oda     1      NULL
#> 18101       Father                                okay     1      NULL
#> 18102       Father                                  öt     1      NULL
#> 18103       Father                                sand     1      NULL
#> 18104       Father                           Sándornak     1      NULL
#> 18105       Father                              Here's     1       adj
#> 18106       Father                          szaladjunk     1      NULL
#> 18107       Father                               téged     1      NULL
#> 18108       Father                              tessek     1      NULL
#> 18109       Father                                 tíz     1      NULL
#> 18110       Father                                  to     1      NULL
#> 18111       Father                               ugy-e     1      NULL
#> 18112       Father                              you're     1      NULL
#> 18113       Friend                               again     1       adv
#> 18114       Friend                                  do     1       mod
#> 18115       Friend                                head     1         n
#> 18116       Friend                                 his     1  det:poss
#> 18117       Friend                                  it     1   pro:per
#> 18118       Friend                                  on     1      prep
#> 18119  Grandfather                             arounds     1       neo
#> 18120  Grandfather                                  at     1      prep
#> 18121  Grandfather                                 are     1       cop
#> 18122  Grandfather                                 day     1         n
#> 18123  Grandfather                              decide     1         v
#> 18124  Grandfather                                  do     1       mod
#> 18125  Grandfather                                 get     1         v
#> 18126  Grandfather                                give     1         v
#> 18127  Grandfather                               going     1      part
#> 18128  Grandfather                                  go     1         v
#> 18129  Grandfather                                goes     1         v
#> 18130  Grandfather                                good     1       adj
#> 18131  Grandfather                             Grandma     1    n:prop
#> 18132  Grandfather                                 has     1       aux
#> 18133  Grandfather                                 has     1         v
#> 18134  Grandfather                                  he     1   pro:sub
#> 18135  Grandfather                                 huh     1        co
#> 18136  Grandfather                                keep     1         v
#> 18137  Grandfather                                know     1         v
#> 18138  Grandfather                                like     1        co
#> 18139  Grandfather                                like     1         v
#> 18140  Grandfather                                look     1        co
#> 18141  Grandfather                             grandma     1         n
#> 18142  Grandfather                               Marky     1    n:prop
#> 18143  Grandfather                                  me     1   pro:obj
#> 18144  Grandfather                               might     1       mod
#> 18145  Grandfather                                mine     1         n
#> 18146 Target_Child                            pigguard     1         n
#> 18147  Grandfather                                 one     1   det:num
#> 18148  Grandfather                                 one     1 pro:indef
#> 18149  Grandfather                                onto     1      prep
#> 18150  Grandfather                                over     1      prep
#> 18151  Grandfather                             playing     1      part
#> 18152  Grandfather                               quiet     1       adj
#> 18153  Grandfather                                 run     1         v
#> 18154  Grandfather                               sleep     1         v
#> 18155  Grandfather                                  so     1       adv
#> 18156  Grandfather                                sure     1        co
#> 18157  Grandfather                                that     1       adv
#> 18158  Grandfather                                that     1   pro:dem
#> 18159  Grandfather                              that's     1   pro:dem
#> 18160  Grandfather                               there     1         n
#> 18161  Grandfather                                  to     1       inf
#> 18162  Grandfather                                  to     1      prep
#> 18163  Grandfather                               uhhuh     1        co
#> 18164  Grandfather                               until     1      conj
#> 18165  Grandfather                                 use     1         v
#> 18166  Grandfather                               wanna     1         v
#> 18167  Grandfather                                want     1         v
#> 18168  Grandfather                              what's     1   pro:int
#> 18169  Grandfather                                when     1      conj
#> 18170  Grandfather                             where's     1   pro:int
#> 18171  Grandfather                               which     1   pro:int
#> 18172  Grandfather                               won't     1       mod
#> 18173  Grandfather                               would     1       mod
#> 18174       Father                                here     1 pro:exist
#> 18175  Grandfather                                your     1  det:poss
#> 18176  Grandmother                               about     1       adv
#> 18177  Grandmother                               isn't     1       cop
#> 18178  Grandmother                               Brian     1    n:prop
#> 18179  Grandmother                           everytime     1   adv:tem
#> 18180  Grandmother                                   I     1   pro:sub
#> 18181  Grandmother                                I'll     1   pro:sub
#> 18182  Grandmother                                kids     1         n
#> 18183  Grandmother                                kids     1         v
#> 18184  Grandmother                                 one     1 pro:indef
#> 18185  Grandmother                              packed     1         v
#> 18186  Grandmother                            prettily     1       adv
#> 18187  Grandmother                               these     1   det:dem
#> 18188  Grandmother                               think     1         v
#> 18189  Grandmother                                this     1   pro:dem
#> 18190  Grandmother                                well     1        co
#> 18191  Grandmother                                 you     1   pro:per
#> 18192       Father                               herds     1         v
#> 18193       Father                            Hercules     1    n:prop
#> 18194       Father                              herbie     1         n
#> 18195       Mother                             Aaron's     1       adj
#> 18196       Father                               her's     1   pro:obj
#> 18197       Mother                              absorb     1         v
#> 18198       Mother                            accident     1         n
#> 18199       Mother                            accurate     1       adj
#> 18200       Mother                              across     1       adv
#> 18201       Mother                                 act     1         n
#> 18202       Mother                               acted     1      part
#> 18203       Mother                             actions     1         n
#> 18204       Mother                         interaction     1         n
#> 18205       Mother                              active     1         n
#> 18206       Father                             Henry's     1       adj
#> 18207       Mother                            adhesive     1         n
#> 18208       Mother                        inadmissible     1       adj
#> 18209       Mother                       unadulterated     1      part
#> 18210 Target_Child                           piggybank     1         n
#> 18211       Mother                              agreed     1         v
#> 18212       Father                            Hemlocks     1    n:prop
#> 18213       Father                            He_Man's     1       adj
#> 18214       Mother                           airplanes     1         n
#> 18215       Mother                             airport     1         n
#> 18216       Mother                         Albuquerque     1    n:prop
#> 18217       Mother                                Alex     1    n:prop
#> 18218       Mother                               alike     1       adv
#> 18219       Father                             helping     1  n:gerund
#> 18220       Father                               helps     1         n
#> 18221       Mother                               Allen     1    n:prop
#> 18222       Mother                               aloft     1       adv
#> 18223       Mother                               alone     1      post
#> 18224       Father                              helmet     1         n
#> 18225       Mother                               aloud     1       adv
#> 18226       Father                              Helene     1    n:prop
#> 18227       Father                               Helen     1    n:prop
#> 18228       Mother                               Ander     1    n:prop
#> 18229       Mother                          Andy_Candy     1    n:prop
#> 18230       Mother                              angels     1         n
#> 18231       Mother                        Ankylosaurus     1    n:prop
#> 18232       Mother                             another     1 pro:indef
#> 18233       Father                                hees     1       chi
#> 18234       Mother                              answer     1         v
#> 18235       Father                            Heeman's     1       adj
#> 18236       Father                              heehee     1        co
#> 18237       Father                                 hee     1        co
#> 18238       Mother                              Apollo     1    n:prop
#> 18239       Mother                            appeared     1      part
#> 18240       Mother                         disappeared     1      part
#> 18241       Mother                            appetite     1         n
#> 18242       Mother                         appropriate     1         v
#> 18243       Mother                          architects     1         n
#> 18244       Mother                                 arg     1       chi
#> 18245       Father                              heaven     1         n
#> 18246       Mother                                army     1         n
#> 18247       Father                             Heather     1    n:prop
#> 18248       Father                         Heathcliffe     1    n:prop
#> 18249       Father                       Heathcliffe's     1       adj
#> 18250       Mother                                 ash     1         n
#> 18251       Mother                               asked     1      part
#> 18252       Father                               hears     1         v
#> 18253       Father                             hearing     1      part
#> 18254       Mother                             aspirin     1         n
#> 18255       Mother                          reassemble     1         v
#> 18256       Mother                           astronaut     1         n
#> 18257       Father                              health     1         n
#> 18258       Mother                               At_at     1    n:prop
#> 18259       Mother                                aten     1       neo
#> 18260       Mother                               Atlas     1    n:prop
#> 18261       Mother                            attached     1         v
#> 18262       Mother                            reattach     1         v
#> 18263       Mother                              attack     1         n
#> 18264       Mother                              attack     1         v
#> 18265 Target_Child                            playroom     1         n
#> 18266       Mother                              attics     1         n
#> 18267       Mother                              August     1    n:prop
#> 18268       Mother                                Aunt     1    n:prop
#> 18269       Mother                             avocado     1         n
#> 18270       Mother                               avoid     1         v
#> 18271       Mother                               awake     1       adj
#> 18272       Mother                               awake     1         v
#> 18273       Father                                head     1         v
#> 18274       Mother                                baby     1         v
#> 18275       Father                              head's     1       adj
#> 18276       Father                               heach     1       chi
#> 18277       Mother                               worse     1       adj
#> 18278       Mother                           badminton     1         n
#> 18279       Mother                                 bag     1         n
#> 18280       Mother                                bags     1         n
#> 18281       Mother                               baked     1      part
#> 18282       Father                                hbil     1     n:let
#> 18283       Mother                              ballet     1         n
#> 18284       Mother                              banana     1         n
#> 18285       Mother                             bananas     1         n
#> 18286       Mother                                bang     1         n
#> 18287       Mother                             banging     1      part
#> 18288       Mother                                bang     1         v
#> 18289       Mother                                bank     1         n
#> 18290       Mother                                bars     1         n
#> 18291       Mother                                bare     1       adj
#> 18292       Mother                              Barney     1    n:prop
#> 18293       Mother                                Barr     1    n:prop
#> 18294       Mother                       barred_thingy     1       chi
#> 18295       Mother                                 bat     1         n
#> 18296       Mother                             bazooka     1         n
#> 18297 Target_Child                             plugins     1         n
#> 18298       Father                                haza     1        L2
#> 18299       Father                                Haws     1    n:prop
#> 18300       Father                                 haw     1         v
#> 18301        Adult                               isn't     1       cop
#> 18302       Father                             Haunted     1    n:prop
#> 18303       Father                             haunted     1         v
#> 18304       Father                              hating     1      part
#> 18305       Father                               hated     1      part
#> 18306       Father                               hates     1         n
#> 18307       Mother                              bear's     1       adj
#> 18308       Mother                               bears     1         n
#> 18309       Mother                               bears     1         v
#> 18310       Mother                              Bear's     1       adj
#> 18311       Mother                                Bear     1    n:prop
#> 18312       Mother                               beard     1         n
#> 18313       Mother                         Bearinstein     1    n:prop
#> 18314       Mother                               Bears     1    n:prop
#> 18315       Mother                               beast     1         n
#> 18316       Mother                                beat     1         v
#> 18317       Mother                           beautiful     1       adj
#> 18318       Mother                              beaver     1         n
#> 18319       Father                                hash     1         n
#> 18320       Mother                          because_of     1      prep
#> 18321       Mother                              become     1       cop
#> 18322       Father                             harpoon     1         n
#> 18323       Mother                                 bee     1         n
#> 18324       Mother                                beep     1        on
#> 18325       Father                               három     1        L2
#> 18326       Mother                              begins     1         v
#> 18327       Father                            unharmed     1      part
#> 18328       Mother                            believes     1         v
#> 18329       Mother                               bells     1         n
#> 18330       Mother                              belted     1         v
#> 18331       Mother                                 Ben     1    n:prop
#> 18332       Mother                               bench     1         n
#> 18333       Mother                             besides     1       adv
#> 18334       Mother                               bewie     1     wplay
#> 18335       Mother                              beyond     1      prep
#> 18336       Mother                                Bibb     1    n:prop
#> 18337       Mother                               bilge     1         n
#> 18338       Mother                                Bill     1    n:prop
#> 18339       Mother                                bind     1         v
#> 18340       Father                              harbor     1         n
#> 18341       Mother                               bitty     1       adj
#> 18342       Mother                              bitten     1      part
#> 18343       Mother                                bite     1         v
#> 18344       Mother                                  BJ     1    n:prop
#> 18345       Mother                               black     1       adj
#> 18346 Target_Child                              popgun     1         n
#> 18347       Mother                            blacktop     1         n
#> 18348       Mother                              blamed     1         v
#> 18349       Mother                             blanket     1         n
#> 18350       Mother                               blend     1         n
#> 18351       Mother                              blocks     1         n
#> 18352       Father                           happening     1  n:gerund
#> 18353       Mother                                blow     1         n
#> 18354       Mother                               blown     1      part
#> 18355       Mother                              blowed     1         v
#> 18356       Mother                               blows     1         v
#> 18357       Mother                           blueberry     1         n
#> 18358       Mother                              boards     1         n
#> 18359       Father                                hany     1        L2
#> 18360       Mother                             boiling     1      part
#> 18361       Mother                               bomit     1       chi
#> 18362 Target_Child                             poptart     1         n
#> 18363       Mother                               books     1         n
#> 18364       Mother                               boota     1       chi
#> 18365       Mother                              boring     1      part
#> 18366       Mother                               bossy     1       adj
#> 18367       Mother                                boss     1         n
#> 18368       Mother                              bother     1         v
#> 18369       Mother                            bothered     1         v
#> 18370       Mother                              bought     1      meta
#> 18371       Mother                            bouncier     1       adj
#> 18372       Mother                             bouquet     1         n
#> 18373 Target_Child                               popup     1         n
#> 18374       Mother                               boxes     1         n
#> 18375       Mother                               boy's     1       adj
#> 18376       Father                                hung     1         v
#> 18377       Mother                           boyfriend     1         n
#> 18378       Mother                               brain     1         n
#> 18379       Mother                              brains     1         n
#> 18380       Mother                               Brain     1    n:prop
#> 18381       Mother                            branches     1         n
#> 18382       Mother                               brand     1       adj
#> 18383 Target_Child                          powerhouse     1         n
#> 18384       Mother                            breaking     1      part
#> 18385 Target_Child                           puppylove     1         n
#> 18386       Mother                           breakfast     1      meta
#> 18387       Father                             hanging     1      part
#> 18388       Mother                             breathe     1         v
#> 18389       Mother                                 Bri     1    n:prop
#> 18390       Father                              hanger     1         n
#> 18391       Mother                                brig     1         n
#> 18392       Mother                              bright     1       adj
#> 18393       Mother                            brighten     1         v
#> 18394       Father                            handsome     1       adj
#> 18395       Mother                              brings     1         v
#> 18396       Mother                               broad     1       adj
#> 18397       Mother                               broke     1       adj
#> 18398       Mother                               broth     1         n
#> 18399       Mother                           brother's     1       adj
#> 18400       Father                              handle     1         v
#> 18401       Mother                               brown     1       adj
#> 18402       Mother                              bruise     1         n
#> 18403       Mother                            brushing     1  n:gerund
#> 18404       Mother                              Bryers     1    n:prop
#> 18405       Mother                              bubble     1         n
#> 18406       Mother                             bubbles     1         n
#> 18407       Mother                                buck     1         v
#> 18408       Mother                              buckle     1         v
#> 18409       Mother                                Buda     1    n:prop
#> 18410       Mother                            builders     1         n
#> 18411      Visitor                             started     1      part
#> 18412       Mother                            building     1         n
#> 18413       Mother                           buildings     1         n
#> 18414       Mother                             bullied     1      part
#> 18415       Mother                               bumpy     1       adj
#> 18416       Mother                                bump     1      meta
#> 18417       Father                             handles     1         n
#> 18418       Mother                              bumped     1         v
#> 18419       Mother                     Bumped_his_Head     1    n:prop
#> 18420       Mother                              burned     1      part
#> 18421       Mother                           burnouses     1         n
#> 18422       Father                              handed     1       adj
#> 18423       Mother                                 bus     1      none
#> 18424       Mother                              bushes     1         n
#> 18425       Mother                                bust     1         v
#> 18426       Mother                              Buster     1    n:prop
#> 18427       Mother                             busiest     1       adj
#> 18428       Mother                            button's     1       adj
#> 18429       Father                              handed     1         v
#> 18430       Mother                             buttons     1         n
#> 18431       Mother                              button     1         v
#> 18432       Mother                              bought     1      part
#> 18433       Mother                              buying     1      part
#> 18434       Mother                                buys     1         v
#> 18435 Target_Child                           raindance     1         n
#> 18436       Mother                              byebye     1        co
#> 18437       Mother                                caca     1         n
#> 18438       Mother                               cages     1         n
#> 18439       Mother                          California     1    n:prop
#> 18440       Mother                                call     1         n
#> 18441       Father                              hammer     1         n
#> 18442       Father                              halvin     1       chi
#> 18443       Father                         Halloween's     1    n:prop
#> 18444       Mother                              camp's     1       adj
#> 18445       Mother                         campaigning     1  n:gerund
#> 18446       Mother                         campaigning     1      part
#> 18447       Mother                            campaign     1         v
#> 18448       Mother                          campaigned     1         v
#> 18449       Mother                           Cantastic     1    n:prop
#> 18450       Mother                                cape     1         n
#> 18451       Mother                             capture     1         n
#> 18452       Mother                                cars     1         n
#> 18453       Mother                           cardboard     1         n
#> 18454       Mother                             careful     1       adj
#> 18455       Mother                             careens     1         v
#> 18456       Mother                             Carla's     1       adj
#> 18457       Mother                             carrots     1         n
#> 18458       Mother                               cases     1         n
#> 18459       Mother                                case     1         v
#> 18460       Mother                              castle     1         n
#> 18461       Mother                            catching     1      part
#> 18462       Mother                           Catherine     1    n:prop
#> 18463       Father                               hafta     1      meta
#> 18464 Target_Child                          rocketship     1         n
#> 18465       Mother                              cavity     1         n
#> 18466       Mother                              center     1         n
#> 18467       Mother                             ceramic     1         n
#> 18468       Mother                             certain     1       adj
#> 18469       Mother                            changing     1      part
#> 18470      Visitor                             there's     1 pro:exist
#> 18471       Mother                             changed     1         v
#> 18472       Mother                             channel     1         n
#> 18473       Mother                              chapel     1         n
#> 18474       Mother                           character     1         n
#> 18475       Mother                           Charlotte     1    n:prop
#> 18476       Mother                              chased     1         v
#> 18477       Mother                               cheat     1         v
#> 18478       Mother                               check     1         n
#> 18479       Mother                             checked     1      part
#> 18480       Mother                              cheeky     1       adj
#> 18481       Mother                            Cheerios     1    n:prop
#> 18482       Mother                              Cheese     1    n:prop
#> 18483       Mother                           chemicals     1         n
#> 18484       Mother                            Cherrios     1    n:prop
#> 18485       Mother                              cherry     1         n
#> 18486       Mother                               chest     1         n
#> 18487       Mother                             chewing     1  n:gerund
#> 18488       Father                             hacking     1      part
#> 18489       Mother                          chiffonier     1         n
#> 18490       Mother                               Chigg     1    n:prop
#> 18491       Mother                              Chiggs     1    n:prop
#> 18492       Mother           chikachikachikachikachika     1        on
#> 18493       Father                               habit     1         n
#> 18494       Mother                               China     1    n:prop
#> 18495       Mother                               chips     1         v
#> 18496       Father                                  ha     1      meta
#> 18497       Mother                               choke     1         v
#> 18498       Mother                             chopped     1      part
#> 18499       Mother                              Chucky     1    n:prop
#> 18500       Mother                          cinnamon's     1       adj
#> 18501       Mother                             circles     1         n
#> 18502       Mother                               claim     1         v
#> 18503       Mother                              Clause     1    n:prop
#> 18504       Mother                            clearest     1       adj
#> 18505       Mother                             clearly     1       adv
#> 18506       Mother                             cleaver     1         n
#> 18507       Father                          gymnastics     1      n:pt
#> 18508       Mother                              climbs     1         v
#> 18509       Mother                               close     1         v
#> 18510       Mother                              closet     1         n
#> 18511       Mother                              clouds     1         n
#> 18512       Mother                               cocoa     1         n
#> 18513       Mother                             coconut     1         n
#> 18514       Father                           gymnastic     1       adj
#> 18515       Mother                             coffees     1         n
#> 18516       Mother                                coin     1         n
#> 18517       Mother                             coldest     1       adj
#> 18518       Mother                                cold     1         n
#> 18519       Mother                            collar's     1       adj
#> 18520       Father                               gyere     1        L2
#> 18521       Mother                            coloring     1  n:gerund
#> 18522       Mother                             colored     1      part
#> 18523       Mother                               color     1         v
#> 18524       Mother                             colored     1         v
#> 18525       Mother                         combination     1         n
#> 18526       Mother                                come     1      part
#> 18527       Father                                Gwen     1    n:prop
#> 18528       Father                               Gurin     1    n:prop
#> 18529       Mother                               comic     1         n
#> 18530       Mother                        noncommittal     1       adj
#> 18531       Mother                             compare     1         v
#> 18532       Mother                         complaining     1      part
#> 18533       Mother                            complain     1         v
#> 18534       Mother                           complains     1         v
#> 18535       Mother                            complete     1       adj
#> 18536       Mother                           completed     1      part
#> 18537       Mother                            complete     1         v
#> 18538       Mother                         complicated     1      part
#> 18539       Mother                           concerned     1      part
#> 18540       Mother                           concerned     1         v
#> 18541       Mother                           confusing     1      part
#> 18542       Mother                           confusion     1         n
#> 18543       Mother                           connected     1      part
#> 18544       Mother                       consideration     1         n
#> 18545       Mother                       reconstructed     1      part
#> 18546       Mother                             contact     1         n
#> 18547       Mother                          continuing     1  n:gerund
#> 18548       Mother                           continued     1      part
#> 18549       Mother                             control     1         n
#> 18550       Mother                        convincingly     1       adv
#> 18551       Mother                             cooking     1      part
#> 18552       Mother                                cook     1         v
#> 18553       Mother                              cooked     1         v
#> 18554       Father                                 gun     1         v
#> 18555       Mother                                cool     1         v
#> 18556       Mother                              copied     1      part
#> 18557       Mother                              copied     1         v
#> 18558       Mother                                copy     1         v
#> 18559       Mother                          coq_au_vin     1         n
#> 18560       Mother                              corner     1         n
#> 18561       Mother                           corrected     1         v
#> 18562       Mother                          correction     1         n
#> 18563       Mother                               couch     1         n
#> 18564       Mother                                couf     1     wplay
#> 18565       Mother                              coughs     1      meta
#> 18566       Mother                              couple     1        qn
#> 18567       Mother                           courtroom     1         n
#> 18568       Mother                              cousin     1         n
#> 18569       Mother                                cove     1         n
#> 18570       Mother                                cows     1         n
#> 18571       Mother                          crabapples     1         n
#> 18572       Mother                              cracky     1       adj
#> 18573       Mother                             Cracker     1    n:prop
#> 18574       Mother                           crackling     1      part
#> 18575       Mother                                cram     1         v
#> 18576       Mother                               crash     1       adj
#> 18577       Mother                              creamy     1       adj
#> 18578       Mother                              creeps     1         n
#> 18579       Mother                             Cringer     1    n:prop
#> 18580       Mother                            criteria     1         n
#> 18581       Mother                               cross     1         v
#> 18582       Mother                               crows     1         n
#> 18583       Mother                               crows     1         v
#> 18584       Mother                               crown     1         n
#> 18585       Mother                             crucial     1       adj
#> 18586       Mother                           crucified     1         v
#> 18587       Mother                               cruel     1       adj
#> 18588       Mother                              crumbs     1         n
#> 18589       Mother                                cube     1         n
#> 18590       Mother                               cubes     1         n
#> 18591       Mother                             curious     1       adj
#> 18592       Mother                                curl     1         v
#> 18593       Mother                             cursing     1      part
#> 18594       Mother                               curse     1         v
#> 18595       Mother                                 cut     1         n
#> 18596       Mother                                cuts     1         n
#> 18597       Mother                                 cut     1      part
#> 18598       Mother                             cutting     1      part
#> 18599       Mother                                cuts     1         v
#> 18600       Father                                gulp     1         v
#> 18601       Mother                               daddy     1      meta
#> 18602       Father                              guilty     1       adj
#> 18603       Father                              Guides     1    n:prop
#> 18604       Mother                             Daddy's     1    n:prop
#> 18605       Mother                              Daddys     1    n:prop
#> 18606       Mother                               daisy     1         n
#> 18607       Mother                               Daisy     1    n:prop
#> 18608       Mother                               dance     1         n
#> 18609       Mother                             dancers     1         n
#> 18610       Mother                              dances     1         n
#> 18611       Mother                           dandelion     1         n
#> 18612       Mother                              danger     1         n
#> 18613       Mother                                dare     1         v
#> 18614       Mother                             darling     1         n
#> 18615       Mother                            darlings     1         n
#> 18616       Mother                         Darth_Vader     1    n:prop
#> 18617       Mother                             dashing     1      part
#> 18618       Mother                                date     1         n
#> 18619       Mother                             David's     1       adj
#> 18620       Father                               Guide     1    n:prop
#> 18621       Father                              guides     1         v
#> 18622       Mother                                  DC     1    n:prop
#> 18623       Mother                                  de     1        L2
#> 18624       Mother                              Deagle     1    n:prop
#> 18625 Target_Child                             sandman     1         n
#> 18626       Mother                            defended     1      part
#> 18627       Mother                           defending     1      part
#> 18628       Mother                            defended     1         v
#> 18629       Mother                             defense     1         n
#> 18630       Mother                        indefinitely     1       adv
#> 18631       Mother                             Delma's     1       adj
#> 18632       Mother                           democrats     1         n
#> 18633       Mother                                 den     1         n
#> 18634       Mother                                dent     1         n
#> 18635       Mother                               dents     1         n
#> 18636       Mother                                Dern     1    n:prop
#> 18637       Mother                          describing     1      part
#> 18638       Mother                            describe     1         v
#> 18639       Mother                            designer     1         n
#> 18640       Mother                      indestructible     1       adj
#> 18641       Mother                             details     1         n
#> 18642       Mother                           developed     1      part
#> 18643       Mother                               dewie     1     wplay
#> 18644       Mother                               Diana     1    n:prop
#> 18645       Father                               guide     1         n
#> 18646       Mother                             diapers     1         v
#> 18647       Mother                                 Did     1    n:prop
#> 18648       Mother                                 die     1         n
#> 18649       Mother                               dying     1  n:gerund
#> 18650       Mother                               dying     1      part
#> 18651       Mother                                diet     1         n
#> 18652       Father                              Guguwa     1       chi
#> 18653       Mother                         ding_a_ling     1        co
#> 18654       Mother                        dingalinging     1      part
#> 18655       Mother                               dinky     1       adj
#> 18656       Mother                            dinner's     1       adj
#> 18657       Mother                           directing     1  n:gerund
#> 18658       Mother                          directions     1         n
#> 18659       Mother                                dirt     1         n
#> 18660       Mother                        disappointed     1      part
#> 18661       Mother                            discards     1         v
#> 18662       Mother                          disgusting     1      part
#> 18663       Mother                          disgusting     1       adj
#> 18664       Mother                             display     1         n
#> 18665       Father                              guards     1         v
#> 18666       Father                               guard     1         v
#> 18667       Father                            guarding     1      part
#> 18668       Mother                               dunno     1       mod
#> 18669       Father                             grumbly     1       adj
#> 18670       Father                              growth     1         n
#> 18671       Mother                               undid     1         v
#> 18672       Mother                              dobble     1       bab
#> 18673       Mother                              doctor     1         v
#> 18674       Mother                               doggy     1       adj
#> 18675 Target_Child                          scaredycat     1         n
#> 18676       Mother                                 dog     1         v
#> 18677       Mother                            underdog     1         v
#> 18678       Mother                               dolls     1         n
#> 18679 Target_Child                          schoolwork     1         n
#> 18680       Mother                                don'     1       adj
#> 18681       Mother                                 don     1         n
#> 18682       Mother                             Donahue     1    n:prop
#> 18683       Mother                               don't     1      meta
#> 18684       Mother                            don'ting     1       neo
#> 18685       Mother                             doo_doo     1         n
#> 18686       Mother                                doof     1     wplay
#> 18687       Mother                                 dot     1         n
#> 18688       Mother                              double     1       adj
#> 18689       Mother                               doubt     1         n
#> 18690       Mother                            doughnut     1         n
#> 18691       Mother                               downy     1       adj
#> 18692       Mother                                down     1         n
#> 18693       Father                              growed     1         v
#> 18694       Mother                            dragging     1      part
#> 18695       Mother                             dragged     1         v
#> 18696       Mother                               drawn     1      part
#> 18697 Target_Child                            seahorse     1         n
#> 18698       Mother                            dreadful     1       adj
#> 18699       Mother                          dreadfully     1       adv
#> 18700       Mother                               dread     1         n
#> 18701       Mother                            dreaming     1      part
#> 18702       Mother                             dreamed     1         v
#> 18703       Mother                            dressing     1      part
#> 18704       Mother                               dress     1         v
#> 18705       Mother                            drinking     1  n:gerund
#> 18706       Mother                            drinking     1      part
#> 18707       Mother                               drank     1         v
#> 18708       Mother                               drink     1         v
#> 18709       Mother                            dripping     1      part
#> 18710       Mother                              drives     1         n
#> 18711       Mother                             driving     1      part
#> 18712       Mother                              drives     1         v
#> 18713       Mother                            dropping     1      part
#> 18714       Mother                               drops     1         v
#> 18715       Father            Grover_the_cleaner_upper     1    n:prop
#> 18716       Mother                            drowsing     1      part
#> 18717       Mother                              drowse     1         v
#> 18718       Mother                               drugs     1         n
#> 18719       Mother                               drums     1         n
#> 18720       Mother                               drunk     1         n
#> 18721       Mother                                 dry     1       adj
#> 18722       Mother                                 dry     1         v
#> 18723       Mother                               Dumbo     1    n:prop
#> 18724       Mother                             dum_dum     1        co
#> 18725       Mother                               Dutch     1    n:prop
#> 18726       Mother                                   e     1       uni
#> 18727       Father               Grover_Goes_To_School     1    n:prop
#> 18728       Mother                          each_other     1  pro:refl
#> 18729       Mother                                 ear     1         n
#> 18730       Mother                               earth     1         n
#> 18731       Mother                              easter     1       adj
#> 18732       Mother                              Easter     1    n:prop
#> 18733       Mother                              eaters     1         n
#> 18734       Father                            Grover's     1       adj
#> 18735       Father                            grouting     1  n:gerund
#> 18736       Father                          Ground_hog     1    n:prop
#> 18737       Mother                                 ect     1       chi
#> 18738       Mother                                edge     1         n
#> 18739       Mother                              either     1     coord
#> 18740       Mother                                ekit     1     wplay
#> 18741       Mother                        electrically     1       adv
#> 18742       Mother                        electricfied     1       neo
#> 18743       Mother                         electricity     1         n
#> 18744       Mother                            electron     1         n
#> 18745       Mother                           elongated     1      part
#> 18746       Mother                              else's     1       adj
#> 18747       Father                             grouchy     1       adj
#> 18748       Mother                         embarrasses     1         v
#> 18749       Mother                        emphatically     1       adv
#> 18750       Father                              grotty     1       adj
#> 18751       Mother                                 end     1         v
#> 18752       Mother                              enjoys     1         v
#> 18753       Mother                        enthusiastic     1       adj
#> 18754       Mother                          equivalent     1         n
#> 18755       Mother                                Eric     1    n:prop
#> 18756       Mother                               Ernie     1    n:prop
#> 18757       Mother                         essentially     1       adv
#> 18758       Mother                            etcetera     1       adv
#> 18759       Mother                                 eve     1         n
#> 18760       Mother                                even     1         v
#> 18761       Father                               Grogg     1    n:prop
#> 18762       Father                           groceries     1         n
#> 18763       Mother                            everyday     1       adj
#> 18764       Mother                        everything's     1       adj
#> 18765       Mother                           everytime     1   adv:tem
#> 18766       Mother                                evil     1       adj
#> 18767       Mother                                ewok     1         n
#> 18768       Mother                           excellent     1       adj
#> 18769       Mother                              except     1         v
#> 18770       Mother                            exciting     1      part
#> 18771       Mother                           exclaimed     1         v
#> 18772       Mother                      excruciatingly     1       adv
#> 18773       Mother                              excuse     1         v
#> 18774       Mother                            exerting     1  n:gerund
#> 18775       Mother                              expect     1         v
#> 18776       Mother                           expensive     1       adj
#> 18777       Mother                          explaining     1      part
#> 18778       Mother                          expression     1         n
#> 18779       Mother                         expressions     1         n
#> 18780       Mother                             extreme     1       adj
#> 18781       Mother                             extreme     1         n
#> 18782       Father                            grinding     1  n:gerund
#> 18783       Father                               grief     1         n
#> 18784       Mother                               faces     1         n
#> 18785       Mother                              facing     1      part
#> 18786       Mother                                face     1         v
#> 18787       Mother                                fair     1       adv
#> 18788       Mother                               fairy     1         n
#> 18789       Mother                               Fakir     1    n:prop
#> 18790       Mother                               falls     1         v
#> 18791       Mother                            families     1         n
#> 18792       Father                           Greyskull     1    n:prop
#> 18793       Mother                                 fan     1         n
#> 18794       Mother                             farther     1       adj
#> 18795       Mother                         fascinating     1  n:gerund
#> 18796       Mother                                fast     1       adj
#> 18797       Mother                              faster     1       adj
#> 18798       Mother                             fastest     1       adj
#> 18799 Target_Child                         sensorscope     1         n
#> 18800       Mother                            father's     1       adj
#> 18801       Father                            Grey_Guy     1    n:prop
#> 18802       Mother                               favor     1         n
#> 18803       Mother                            favorite     1       adj
#> 18804       Mother                                fear     1         n
#> 18805       Mother                                 fee     1         n
#> 18806       Mother                            feedback     1         n
#> 18807       Father                            Gretchen     1    n:prop
#> 18808       Mother                             Feetman     1    n:prop
#> 18809       Mother                              fellow     1         n
#> 18810       Mother                             fellows     1         n
#> 18811       Mother                                 few     1         n
#> 18812       Mother                              fiddle     1         v
#> 18813       Mother                               field     1         n
#> 18814       Mother                             fifteen     1   det:num
#> 18815       Mother                               fifth     1       adj
#> 18816 Target_Child                              setups     1         n
#> 18817       Father                             Gremlin     1    n:prop
#> 18818       Mother                             figured     1      part
#> 18819       Mother                                fill     1         n
#> 18820       Mother                             filling     1  n:gerund
#> 18821       Mother                              filled     1         v
#> 18822       Mother                               final     1       adj
#> 18823       Mother                             finding     1      part
#> 18824 Target_Child                           shoelaces     1         n
#> 18825       Father                             gremlin     1         n
#> 18826       Mother                                fine     1       adv
#> 18827       Father                                Greg     1    n:prop
#> 18828       Mother                           finishing     1      part
#> 18829       Father                        Great_Pumkin     1    n:prop
#> 18830       Mother                                 fix     1         v
#> 18831       Mother                               fixed     1         v
#> 18832       Mother                               flags     1         n
#> 18833       Mother                               flaky     1       adj
#> 18834       Mother                               flame     1         n
#> 18835       Mother                               flash     1         n
#> 18836       Mother                            flashing     1      part
#> 18837       Mother                               fleas     1         n
#> 18838       Mother                               flesh     1         n
#> 18839       Mother                               flick     1         v
#> 18840       Mother                                flip     1         v
#> 18841       Mother                             flipped     1         v
#> 18842       Mother                               float     1         n
#> 18843       Mother                               float     1         v
#> 18844       Mother                               flour     1         n
#> 18845       Mother                               fluff     1         n
#> 18846       Mother                              foamed     1         v
#> 18847       Mother                           following     1      part
#> 18848       Mother                              follow     1         v
#> 18849       Mother                             follows     1         v
#> 18850       Father                           Grayskull     1    n:prop
#> 18851       Mother                              fooled     1         v
#> 18852       Father                                Gray     1    n:prop
#> 18853       Mother                                 for     1      conj
#> 18854       Mother                             forever     1   adv:tem
#> 18855       Mother                                form     1         n
#> 18856       Mother                           misformed     1      part
#> 18857       Mother                             Fortuna     1    n:prop
#> 18858       Mother                               forty     1   det:num
#> 18859       Mother                            fountain     1         n
#> 18860       Mother                              fourth     1       adj
#> 18861       Mother                              fracas     1         n
#> 18862       Mother                              France     1    n:prop
#> 18863       Mother                               Frank     1    n:prop
#> 18864       Mother                               Franz     1    n:prop
#> 18865       Mother                             freaked     1         v
#> 18866       Mother                             freckly     1       adj
#> 18867       Mother                            freezing     1  n:gerund
#> 18868       Mother                              freeze     1         v
#> 18869       Mother                              french     1       adj
#> 18870       Mother                           freshened     1      part
#> 18871       Mother                               Frick     1    n:prop
#> 18872       Mother                                frog     1         n
#> 18873       Mother                            frosting     1         n
#> 18874       Mother                             frowned     1      part
#> 18875       Mother                              fruits     1         n
#> 18876       Mother                           fuffuffuf     1        on
#> 18877       Mother                            function     1         n
#> 18878       Father                               grate     1         n
#> 18879       Mother                                furs     1         n
#> 18880       Mother                                Furd     1    n:prop
#> 18881       Mother                                fuzz     1         n
#> 18882       Mother                                   g     1     n:let
#> 18883       Mother                               games     1         n
#> 18884       Mother                               games     1         v
#> 18885       Mother                             garbled     1         v
#> 18886       Mother                              garden     1         n
#> 18887       Mother                           gardening     1      part
#> 18888       Mother                                 gas     1         n
#> 18889       Mother                            gee_whiz     1        co
#> 18890       Mother                             general     1       adj
#> 18891       Mother                           generally     1       adv
#> 18892       Mother                            generous     1       adj
#> 18893       Mother                           geography     1         n
#> 18894       Mother                           Geraldine     1    n:prop
#> 18895       Mother                            Gertinor     1    n:prop
#> 18896       Mother                            gestures     1         v
#> 18897 Target_Child                          sillybilly     1         n
#> 18898       Father                           Grandpa's     1       adj
#> 18899       Father                           Grandma's     1       adj
#> 18900       Father                              grampa     1         n
#> 18901 Target_Child                      sleepandsplash     1         n
#> 18902       Mother                                gave     1      part
#> 18903       Father                              gramma     1         n
#> 18904       Mother                               gimme     1         v
#> 18905       Father                               Grama     1    n:prop
#> 18906       Mother                               gives     1         v
#> 18907       Mother                               gleam     1         n
#> 18908       Mother                                Glen     1    n:prop
#> 18909       Mother                              glitch     1         n
#> 18910       Mother                             gloppie     1         n
#> 18911       Mother                               glory     1         n
#> 18912       Mother                              glowed     1         v
#> 18913       Father                               grabs     1         v
#> 18914       Father                            grabbing     1      part
#> 18915       Father                             gourmet     1         n
#> 18916       Father                            gorgeous     1       adj
#> 18917       Mother                                 god     1        co
#> 18918       Mother                                 god     1         n
#> 18919       Mother                               God's     1       adj
#> 18920       Father                              geeses     1         n
#> 18921       Mother                                gold     1       adj
#> 18922       Father                               gooky     1       adj
#> 18923       Mother                              goodie     1        co
#> 18924       Mother                          good_night     1        co
#> 18925       Mother                              gookie     1         n
#> 18926       Mother                            gorgeous     1       adj
#> 18927       Mother                              grabby     1       adj
#> 18928       Mother                             grabbed     1         v
#> 18929       Mother                            gracious     1       adj
#> 18930       Mother                             upgrade     1         v
#> 18931       Mother                               grain     1         n
#> 18932       Mother                             Grandma     1    n:prop
#> 18933       Mother                              grapes     1         n
#> 18934       Father                               Goofy     1    n:prop
#> 18935       Mother                         gravestones     1         n
#> 18936       Mother                           graveyard     1         n
#> 18937       Mother                          graveyards     1         n
#> 18938       Mother                              Gravis     1    n:prop
#> 18939       Father                              goofed     1      part
#> 18940       Mother                               green     1         n
#> 18941       Mother                                grey     1       adj
#> 18942       Mother                                Grey     1    n:prop
#> 18943       Mother                             grouchy     1       adj
#> 18944       Mother                            grouches     1         n
#> 18945       Mother                             Grouchy     1    n:prop
#> 18946       Mother                               grout     1         v
#> 18947       Father                               goofy     1       adj
#> 18948       Mother                               growl     1         n
#> 18949       Mother                               growl     1         v
#> 18950       Mother                              grungy     1       adj
#> 18951       Mother                           disguards     1         v
#> 18952       Mother                            guessing     1      part
#> 18953       Mother                               guide     1         v
#> 18954       Mother                              guided     1         v
#> 18955       Mother                                 gum     1         n
#> 18956       Mother                                 gum     1         v
#> 18957       Father                               goods     1      n:pt
#> 18958       Mother                                gust     1         n
#> 18959       Father                           Good_News     1    n:prop
#> 18960       Mother                               gypsy     1         n
#> 18961       Mother                               Gypsy     1    n:prop
#> 18962       Mother                                   h     1     n:let
#> 18963       Father                         Good_father     1    n:prop
#> 18964       Father                              gooder     1      meta
#> 18965       Mother                           hamburger     1         n
#> 18966       Father                                good     1      meta
#> 18967       Father                              gonkur     1     wplay
#> 18968       Mother                              handed     1         v
#> 18969       Mother                               hands     1         v
#> 18970       Mother                              handle     1         n
#> 18971       Mother                            handling     1      part
#> 18972       Mother                                hang     1         v
#> 18973       Father                             gonking     1      part
#> 18974 Target_Child                          slingshots     1         n
#> 18975 Target_Child                           snowangel     1         n
#> 18976       Mother                             unhappy     1       adj
#> 18977       Mother                      happy_birthday     1        co
#> 18978       Mother                      Happy_Birthday     1    n:prop
#> 18979       Father                           gong_gong     1     wplay
#> 18980 Target_Child                            snowlady     1         n
#> 18981       Mother                         harmonizers     1         n
#> 18982       Mother                                hash     1         n
#> 18983       Mother                               hated     1      part
#> 18984       Father                              Gollum     1    n:prop
#> 18985       Father                          Goldilocks     1    n:prop
#> 18986       Father                                Gold     1    n:prop
#> 18987       Father                           Gogo_yoyo     1    n:prop
#> 18988       Mother                             Hazzard     1    n:prop
#> 18989       Mother                                  he     1      meta
#> 18990       Father                               God's     1       adj
#> 18991       Father                               god's     1       adj
#> 18992       Father                              Gobots     1    n:prop
#> 18993       Mother                             healing     1  n:gerund
#> 18994       Mother                              healed     1      part
#> 18995       Mother                             healing     1      part
#> 18996       Mother                               heard     1      part
#> 18997       Father                               gobot     1         n
#> 18998       Mother                               heart     1         n
#> 18999       Mother                              hearts     1         n
#> 19000       Mother                              heaven     1         n
#> 19001       Mother                             heavens     1         n
#> 19002       Mother                             heavily     1       adv
#> 19003       Mother                                heck     1         n
#> 19004       Mother                                 heh     1        co
#> 19005       Mother                              height     1         n
#> 19006       Mother                               Helen     1    n:prop
#> 19007       Mother                              helmet     1         n
#> 19008       Mother                                help     1        co
#> 19009       Mother                             helping     1  n:gerund
#> 19010       Father                             Goblins     1    n:prop
#> 19011       Father                             gobbler     1         n
#> 19012       Father                                gobs     1         n
#> 19013       Mother                               herbs     1         n
#> 19014       Mother                          herbivores     1         n
#> 19015       Father                                goat     1         n
#> 19016       Father                             gluggle     1        on
#> 19017       Father                             glueing     1      part
#> 19018       Mother                                 hhh     1        co
#> 19019       Mother                             hiccups     1         n
#> 19020       Mother                           hiccuping     1      part
#> 19021       Mother                              hiding     1      part
#> 19022       Mother                             highest     1       adj
#> 19023       Mother                                high     1         n
#> 19024       Mother                                 him     1      meta
#> 19025       Father                               glued     1      part
#> 19026       Mother                                hips     1         n
#> 19027       Mother                               hippo     1         n
#> 19028       Father                              gloves     1         v
#> 19029       Mother                             hitting     1      part
#> 19030       Mother                                hits     1         v
#> 19031       Mother                               hives     1         n
#> 19032       Father                             glottal     1       adj
#> 19033       Mother                              hmming     1       neo
#> 19034       Mother                                 hog     1         n
#> 19035       Mother                                hogs     1         n
#> 19036       Father                               Glory     1    n:prop
#> 19037       Father                              Gloria     1    n:prop
#> 19038       Mother                                 hon     1         n
#> 19039       Father                               gloop     1         v
#> 19040       Mother                         honey_bunny     1       fam
#> 19041       Mother                              hoping     1  n:gerund
#> 19042       Mother                            horrible     1       adj
#> 19043       Mother                              horses     1         n
#> 19044       Mother                               Horse     1    n:prop
#> 19045       Father                            glooping     1      part
#> 19046       Mother                            hot_wire     1       chi
#> 19047 Target_Child                             sodapop     1         n
#> 19048       Mother                               how'd     1   pro:int
#> 19049       Mother                            how_come     1   pro:int
#> 19050       Mother                               Hudak     1    n:prop
#> 19051       Mother                                 huh     1      meta
#> 19052       Mother                                 hum     1         n
#> 19053       Mother                                 hum     1         v
#> 19054       Mother                               human     1       adj
#> 19055       Mother                               humor     1         n
#> 19056       Mother                               hunch     1         n
#> 19057       Mother                             hundred     1   det:num
#> 19058       Mother                             hungery     1       adj
#> 19059       Father                             Glimore     1    n:prop
#> 19060       Mother                             hunhunh     1        co
#> 19061       Mother                             hunters     1         n
#> 19062       Mother                               hurry     1         v
#> 19063       Mother                             hurting     1  n:gerund
#> 19064       Father                             glimmer     1         n
#> 19065       Mother                             husband     1         n
#> 19066       Mother                            hydrogen     1         n
#> 19067       Mother                                   i     1     n:let
#> 19068       Father                               gleam     1         n
#> 19069       Father                                glas     1        L2
#> 19070       Father                              givsus     1      test
#> 19071       Mother                                 icy     1       adj
#> 19072       Mother                                Icey     1    n:prop
#> 19073       Father                                Give     1    n:prop
#> 19074       Mother                               ideas     1         n
#> 19075       Mother                         identifying     1      part
#> 19076       Mother                                igen     1        L2
#> 19077       Mother                         illustrated     1         v
#> 19078       Mother                               image     1         n
#> 19079       Mother                              images     1         n
#> 19080       Mother                             imaging     1      part
#> 19081       Mother                              imaged     1         v
#> 19082       Father                                give     1      meta
#> 19083       Mother                         unimportant     1       adj
#> 19084       Mother                                  In     1    n:prop
#> 19085       Mother                                 Ing     1       uni
#> 19086       Mother                            innately     1       adv
#> 19087       Mother                         in_order_to     1       inf
#> 19088       Mother                              inside     1       adj
#> 19089       Mother                              inside     1      prep
#> 19090       Father                            gigantic     1       adj
#> 19091       Mother                          instigated     1         v
#> 19092       Mother                            intended     1         v
#> 19093       Father                              giants     1         n
#> 19094       Mother                           interject     1         v
#> 19095       Mother                           intimated     1         v
#> 19096       Mother                             invades     1         v
#> 19097       Mother                                iris     1         n
#> 19098       Mother                                iron     1         n
#> 19099       Mother                                it'd     1   pro:per
#> 19100       Father                                giah     1        L2
#> 19101       Father                                  GI     1    n:prop
#> 19102       Mother                              itself     1  pro:refl
#> 19103       Mother                                itty     1       adj
#> 19104       Mother                               Jabba     1    n:prop
#> 19105 Target_Child                          spaceman's     1         n
#> 19106       Father                                  gi     1       bab
#> 19107       Mother                            Jaimey's     1       adj
#> 19108       Mother                             Jamie's     1       adj
#> 19109       Mother                               Jamie     1    n:prop
#> 19110       Mother                              jaunty     1       adj
#> 19111       Mother                             jealous     1       adj
#> 19112       Mother                               Jenny     1    n:prop
#> 19113       Mother                            Jeopardy     1    n:prop
#> 19114       Mother                             Jerry's     1       adj
#> 19115       Mother                               Jesus     1    n:prop
#> 19116       Mother                              jiggle     1         v
#> 19117       Mother                            jillions     1       chi
#> 19118       Mother                                 Jim     1    n:prop
#> 19119       Mother                              jingle     1         v
#> 19120       Father                             ghostly     1       adj
#> 19121       Mother                                John     1    n:prop
#> 19122       Mother                               joins     1         v
#> 19123       Father                             ghastly     1       adj
#> 19124       Mother                               Jones     1    n:prop
#> 19125       Mother                                José     1    n:prop
#> 19126       Mother                              Joseph     1    n:prop
#> 19127       Mother                                 joy     1         n
#> 19128       Mother                               judge     1         v
#> 19129       Mother                              juices     1         n
#> 19130       Mother                              Julius     1    n:prop
#> 19131       Mother                                July     1    n:prop
#> 19132       Mother                                jump     1         n
#> 19133       Mother                              jumped     1         v
#> 19134       Father                               Ghana     1    n:prop
#> 19135       Father                                  GG     1    n:prop
#> 19136       Mother                              Kaiser     1    n:prop
#> 19137       Mother                             Kaitlin     1    n:prop
#> 19138       Mother                               Kayla     1    n:prop
#> 19139       Father                                 get     1      meta
#> 19140       Father                              gotten     1       aux
#> 19141       Mother                               kewie     1     wplay
#> 19142       Mother                                 key     1         n
#> 19143       Father                               Gesus     1    n:prop
#> 19144       Mother                              kicked     1         v
#> 19145       Mother                                 kid     1         v
#> 19146       Mother                                kids     1         v
#> 19147       Mother                           kidobbtam     1        L2
#> 19148       Father                             gesture     1         n
#> 19149       Mother                              kissed     1         v
#> 19150      Visitor                                this     1   det:dem
#> 19151 Target_Child                          spaceworld     1         n
#> 19152       Mother                            kneeling     1      part
#> 19153       Mother                               knits     1         v
#> 19154       Mother                               knock     1        co
#> 19155       Mother                             knocked     1         v
#> 19156       Mother                             knowing     1      part
#> 19157       Mother                               known     1      part
#> 19158 Target_Child                          springtime     1         n
#> 19159       Father                               Gerry     1    n:prop
#> 19160       Mother                                 lad     1         n
#> 19161       Mother                              lamb's     1         n
#> 19162       Mother                                land     1         n
#> 19163       Mother                                 lap     1         n
#> 19164       Mother                               large     1       adj
#> 19165       Mother                            lawyer's     1       adj
#> 19166       Mother                             lawyers     1         n
#> 19167       Mother                              laying     1      part
#> 19168       Mother                                 lay     1         v
#> 19169       Mother                                 led     1         v
#> 19170       Mother                                leaf     1         n
#> 19171       Mother                             learned     1         v
#> 19172       Mother                              learns     1         v
#> 19173       Mother                            leathers     1         n
#> 19174       Mother                             leaving     1      part
#> 19175       Mother                               ledge     1         n
#> 19176       Mother                                 Lee     1    n:prop
#> 19177       Father                           gentleman     1         n
#> 19178       Father                              Gennie     1    n:prop
#> 19179       Mother                               Leggo     1    n:prop
#> 19180       Mother                              Leslie     1    n:prop
#> 19181       Mother                              lesson     1         n
#> 19182       Father                              Geneva     1    n:prop
#> 19183       Father                    undergeneralized     1      part
#> 19184       Father                        generalizing     1      part
#> 19185       Mother                                lets     1         v
#> 19186       Father                     generalizations     1         n
#> 19187       Mother                             letters     1         n
#> 19188       Mother                             lettuce     1         n
#> 19189       Mother                               level     1         n
#> 19190       Father                             general     1       adj
#> 19191       Mother                               lives     1         n
#> 19192       Mother                              lifted     1      part
#> 19193       Mother                                lift     1         v
#> 19194       Mother                               light     1       adj
#> 19195       Mother                             lighter     1       adj
#> 19196       Mother                                 lit     1      part
#> 19197       Mother                                 lit     1         v
#> 19198       Father                                gear     1         n
#> 19199       Father                                  ge     1       uni
#> 19200       Father                                gawe     1     wplay
#> 19201       Mother                               liker     1       chi
#> 19202       Mother                           limousine     1         n
#> 19203       Mother                                lips     1         n
#> 19204       Mother                             liqueur     1         n
#> 19205       Mother                              liquid     1         n
#> 19206       Mother                                list     1         n
#> 19207       Mother                              litter     1         n
#> 19208       Mother                              litter     1         v
#> 19209       Father                               Gator     1    n:prop
#> 19210       Mother                              Little     1    n:prop
#> 19211       Mother                          Little_One     1    n:prop
#> 19212       Mother                               lived     1      part
#> 19213 Target_Child                            stairway     1         n
#> 19214       Mother                               lived     1         v
#> 19215       Mother                               lives     1         v
#> 19216       Mother                               liver     1         n
#> 19217       Mother                              loaded     1      part
#> 19218       Mother                              locked     1      part
#> 19219       Mother                              locker     1         n
#> 19220       Mother                               lodge     1         n
#> 19221       Mother                                 log     1         v
#> 19222       Mother                              logged     1         v
#> 19223       Mother                             logical     1       adj
#> 19224       Mother                              longer     1       adj
#> 19225       Father                                Gate     1    n:prop
#> 19226       Mother                              looked     1      part
#> 19227       Father                                gate     1         n
#> 19228       Father                           gargoyles     1         n
#> 19229       Mother                     Lore_Isabelle's     1       adj
#> 19230       Mother                              losing     1  n:gerund
#> 19231       Mother                               loses     1         v
#> 19232       Father                          gargle_man     1       chi
#> 19233       Father                              gargle     1         v
#> 19234       Mother                                 Lou     1    n:prop
#> 19235       Mother                                loud     1       adj
#> 19236       Mother                               Louie     1    n:prop
#> 19237       Mother                            Louise's     1       adj
#> 19238       Mother                               loves     1         v
#> 19239       Mother                              Love's     1    n:prop
#> 19240       Mother                               Lover     1    n:prop
#> 19241       Mother                          Lovey_Bear     1    n:prop
#> 19242       Mother                               lucky     1       adj
#> 19243       Mother                              Luke's     1       adj
#> 19244       Mother                               Lukes     1    n:prop
#> 19245       Mother                             lunches     1         n
#> 19246       Mother                                 may     1       adj
#> 19247       Mother                             grandma     1         n
#> 19248       Mother                           machinery     1      meta
#> 19249       Mother                        MacWhinneys'     1       adj
#> 19250       Mother                         MacWhinneys     1    n:prop
#> 19251       Mother                            magazine     1         n
#> 19252       Mother                             magical     1       adj
#> 19253       Mother                            mahlzeit     1        L2
#> 19254       Mother                               maids     1         n
#> 19255       Mother                                mail     1         v
#> 19256       Mother                                main     1       adj
#> 19257       Mother                            maintain     1         v
#> 19258       Mother                               maker     1         n
#> 19259       Mother                              making     1  n:gerund
#> 19260       Father                             Gardens     1    n:prop
#> 19261      Visitor                                time     1         n
#> 19262       Father                            gardener     1         n
#> 19263       Mother                               malna     1        L2
#> 19264       Mother                            mamadors     1     wplay
#> 19265       Father                            gangster     1         n
#> 19266       Mother                             Manglor     1    n:prop
#> 19267       Mother                              Manhat     1    n:prop
#> 19268       Mother                           Manhattan     1    n:prop
#> 19269       Mother                             manners     1         n
#> 19270       Mother                             marbles     1         n
#> 19271       Mother                        Marie_Helene     1    n:prop
#> 19272       Mother                               marks     1         n
#> 19273       Father                               games     1         v
#> 19274       Mother                               Marks     1    n:prop
#> 19275       Father                           Gallactic     1    n:prop
#> 19276       Mother                             Marky's     1    n:prop
#> 19277       Mother                           Marky_dee     1    n:prop
#> 19278       Mother                         Marky_Marky     1    n:prop
#> 19279       Mother                        Mary_Helen's     1       adj
#> 19280       Mother                              mashed     1         v
#> 19281       Mother                               match     1         n
#> 19282       Mother                            material     1       adj
#> 19283       Mother                            maternal     1       adj
#> 19284       Mother                              matter     1         v
#> 19285       Father                              galaxy     1         n
#> 19286       Mother                          McDonald's     1       adj
#> 19287       Father                            galactic     1       adj
#> 19288       Father                             gaining     1      part
#> 19289       Father                                 gah     1       bab
#> 19290       Father                               gagoo     1       bab
#> 19291       Father                               gagee     1        on
#> 19292       Mother                               means     1      n:pt
#> 19293       Mother                             melanin     1         n
#> 19294       Mother                             Melanin     1    n:prop
#> 19295       Mother                              melody     1         n
#> 19296       Mother                                melt     1         v
#> 19297       Mother                               melts     1         v
#> 19298       Mother                              memory     1         n
#> 19299       Mother                           mentioned     1      part
#> 19300       Mother                             mention     1         v
#> 19301       Mother                           mentioned     1         v
#> 19302       Mother                              Merman     1    n:prop
#> 19303       Mother                              messes     1         n
#> 19304       Mother                                mess     1         v
#> 19305       Mother                              method     1         n
#> 19306       Mother                               minds     1         v
#> 19307       Father                          Futureland     1    n:prop
#> 19308       Mother                                mine     1         v
#> 19309       Mother                             Minerva     1    n:prop
#> 19310       Mother                              Minney     1    n:prop
#> 19311       Mother                                mint     1         n
#> 19312       Father                              future     1         n
#> 19313       Mother             Minutemaid_Orange_Juice     1    n:prop
#> 19314       Mother                                miss     1         n
#> 19315       Mother                             missing     1      part
#> 19316       Mother                                miss     1         v
#> 19317       Mother                                Miss     1    n:prop
#> 19318       Mother                             mission     1         n
#> 19319       Mother                              mister     1         n
#> 19320       Mother                              Mister     1    n:prop
#> 19321       Mother                           mis_thing     1       chi
#> 19322       Mother                             mittens     1         n
#> 19323       Mother                                 Mom     1      meta
#> 19324       Father                           furniture     1         n
#> 19325       Mother                               momma     1         n
#> 19326       Mother                             mommy's     1       adj
#> 19327       Mother                           Monchichi     1    n:prop
#> 19328       Father                                Furd     1    n:prop
#> 19329       Father                                funk     1         n
#> 19330       Mother                             monster     1         n
#> 19331       Mother                               month     1         n
#> 19332       Mother                               Moose     1    n:prop
#> 19333       Father                       nonfunctional     1       adj
#> 19334       Father                         functioning     1      part
#> 19335       Mother                             morning     1        co
#> 19336       Father                             fulfill     1         v
#> 19337       Father                                fuel     1         n
#> 19338       Father                              fudgie     1         n
#> 19339       Mother                             mothers     1         n
#> 19340       Mother                           mountains     1         n
#> 19341       Mother                         mountbatten     1       bab
#> 19342       Mother                                mice     1         n
#> 19343       Father                                fuba     1       chi
#> 19344       Mother                                move     1         n
#> 19345       Mother                              moving     1  n:gerund
#> 19346       Mother                               moves     1         v
#> 19347       Mother                           movements     1         n
#> 19348       Father                                  Fu     1    n:prop
#> 19349       Father                               fried     1         v
#> 19350       Mother                                mows     1         v
#> 19351       Father                              frying     1      part
#> 19352       Father                              frying     1  n:gerund
#> 19353       Mother                               muddy     1       adj
#> 19354       Mother                             mumbled     1         v
#> 19355       Mother                            munching     1      part
#> 19356       Mother                            Murphy's     1       adj
#> 19357       Mother                              mushed     1         v
#> 19358       Mother                             mustn't     1       mod
#> 19359       Father                               frown     1         n
#> 19360       Mother                         my_goodness     1        co
#> 19361       Mother                            mythical     1       adj
#> 19362       Mother                                  na     1     wplay
#> 19363       Mother                                nail     1         n
#> 19364       Mother                              nailed     1         v
#> 19365       Mother                              napkin     1         n
#> 19366       Mother                               nasty     1       adj
#> 19367        Adult                                 are     1       aux
#> 19368       Mother                         necessities     1         n
#> 19369       Father                               Frost     1    n:prop
#> 19370       Mother                              needed     1         v
#> 19371       Mother                              needle     1         n
#> 19372       Mother                       neighborhoods     1         n
#> 19373       Mother                                Neil     1    n:prop
#> 19374       Mother                             neither     1       adv
#> 19375       Mother                             neither     1     coord
#> 19376       Mother                             neither     1        qn
#> 19377       Father                               front     1       adj
#> 19378       Father                         Frog_prince     1    n:prop
#> 19379       Mother                         New_England     1    n:prop
#> 19380       Mother                               ngjau     1       uni
#> 19381       Father                              froggy     1       adj
#> 19382       Mother                              nicked     1      part
#> 19383       Mother                           nightmare     1         n
#> 19384       Mother                            nineteen     1   det:num
#> 19385       Mother                                  no     1      meta
#> 19386       Father                             frigate     1         n
#> 19387       Mother                              nodded     1      part
#> 19388       Mother                              nodded     1         v
#> 19389       Mother                               north     1         n
#> 19390       Mother                               notes     1         n
#> 19391       Mother                              notice     1         n
#> 19392       Mother                              notion     1         n
#> 19393       Mother                                noun     1         n
#> 19394       Mother                               novel     1         n
#> 19395       Mother                            November     1    n:prop
#> 19396       Father                               Frick     1    n:prop
#> 19397 Target_Child                           teddybear     1         n
#> 19398       Mother                              nuhhuh     1        co
#> 19399       Mother                             numbers     1         v
#> 19400       Mother                                Nuts     1    n:prop
#> 19401       Mother                                nyah     1        co
#> 19402       Mother                               obbee     1       bab
#> 19403       Father                               Friar     1    n:prop
#> 19404       Mother                               ocean     1         n
#> 19405       Mother                             octopus     1         n
#> 19406       Father                           freshened     1         v
#> 19407       Mother                                  oh     1      meta
#> 19408       Mother                                  oh     1        on
#> 19409       Father                            freezing     1  n:gerund
#> 19410       Father                             freesin     1       chi
#> 19411       Father                                free     1         v
#> 19412       Mother                                olds     1      n:pt
#> 19413       Mother                            omelette     1         n
#> 19414       Father                                free     1       adj
#> 19415       Mother                                  on     1       uni
#> 19416       Father                           Frederick     1    n:prop
#> 19417       Father                      Frankenberry's     1       adj
#> 19418       Father                               frank     1         v
#> 19419       Mother                               one's     1 pro:indef
#> 19420       Mother                                ones     1         v
#> 19421       Mother                                 One     1    n:prop
#> 19422       Mother                               onion     1         n
#> 19423       Father                              Fozzie     1    n:prop
#> 19424       Mother                                only     1       fam
#> 19425       Father                                 Fox     1    n:prop
#> 19426       Mother                                 oof     1        co
#> 19427       Mother                                 oof     1        on
#> 19428       Mother                                 ooh     1        on
#> 19429       Mother                                oops     1        co
#> 19430       Mother                             opening     1      part
#> 19431       Mother                              opened     1         v
#> 19432       Mother                             opinion     1         n
#> 19433       Mother                              oponki     1        L2
#> 19434       Mother                              option     1         n
#> 19435       Father                              Fourth     1    n:prop
#> 19436       Mother                              orange     1         n
#> 19437       Mother                           orchestra     1         n
#> 19438       Mother                              orchid     1         n
#> 19439       Mother                            original     1       adj
#> 19440       Mother                               other     1 pro:indef
#> 19441       Mother                              others     1      n:pt
#> 19442       Mother                              oughta     1       mod
#> 19443       Mother                                 Our     1    n:prop
#> 19444       Mother                                 out     1         n
#> 19445       Mother                            outdoors     1       adv
#> 19446       Mother                             out_man     1       chi
#> 19447       Mother                             outpost     1         n
#> 19448       Mother                             outside     1       adj
#> 19449       Mother                             outside     1      prep
#> 19450       Mother                        out_side_man     1       chi
#> 19451       Mother                                oval     1         n
#> 19452       Father                            fountain     1         n
#> 19453       Father                            forwards     1       adv
#> 19454       Mother                            overalls     1      n:pt
#> 19455       Mother                           overboard     1       adv
#> 19456       Mother                               owies     1         n
#> 19457       Mother                               owies     1       chi
#> 19458       Mother                               owner     1         n
#> 19459       Mother                                   p     1     n:let
#> 19460       Mother                             grandpa     1         n
#> 19461       Mother                                 pad     1         n
#> 19462       Mother                                page     1         n
#> 19463       Mother                                pain     1         n
#> 19464       Mother                             painter     1         n
#> 19465       Mother                             painted     1         v
#> 19466       Mother                             pajamas     1         n
#> 19467       Mother                                 pan     1         n
#> 19468       Mother                            Panthore     1    n:prop
#> 19469       Mother                            parental     1       adj
#> 19470       Father                       unfortunately     1       adv
#> 19471       Mother                          particular     1       adj
#> 19472       Mother                        particularly     1       adv
#> 19473       Mother                                pass     1         n
#> 19474       Mother                             passing     1      part
#> 19475       Mother                              passed     1         v
#> 19476       Mother                              passes     1         v
#> 19477       Mother                             pattern     1         n
#> 19478       Mother                               pause     1         v
#> 19479       Mother                                paid     1         v
#> 19480       Mother                                 pay     1         v
#> 19481       Mother                                 pea     1         n
#> 19482       Mother                               peach     1         n
#> 19483       Mother                                pear     1         n
#> 19484       Mother                               pears     1         n
#> 19485       Mother                                 pee     1         n
#> 19486       Mother                              pencil     1         n
#> 19487       Mother                             pencils     1         n
#> 19488       Mother                          penicillin     1         n
#> 19489       Mother                        Pennsylvania     1    n:prop
#> 19490       Mother                               penny     1         n
#> 19491       Mother                              pepper     1         n
#> 19492       Mother                                 per     1      prep
#> 19493       Mother                           perchance     1       adv
#> 19494       Mother                             perfect     1       adj
#> 19495       Mother                          perfection     1         n
#> 19496       Mother                              period     1         n
#> 19497       Mother                          permission     1         n
#> 19498       Mother                            peroxide     1         n
#> 19499       Mother                            person's     1       adj
#> 19500       Father                                fort     1         n
#> 19501       Mother                                Pete     1    n:prop
#> 19502       Mother                            petition     1         n
#> 19503       Mother                            petition     1         v
#> 19504       Mother                               phase     1         n
#> 19505       Mother                      philanthropist     1         n
#> 19506       Mother                             Phoenix     1    n:prop
#> 19507       Father                         formulating     1      part
#> 19508       Mother                             picking     1      part
#> 19509        Adult                                Ball     1    n:prop
#> 19510       Father                              formal     1       adj
#> 19511       Mother                                 pie     1         n
#> 19512       Father                              formed     1         v
#> 19513       Mother                               piece     1         v
#> 19514       Mother                              pieced     1         v
#> 19515       Mother                                pigs     1         n
#> 19516       Mother                              Pigpen     1    n:prop
#> 19517       Mother                             Pilgrim     1    n:prop
#> 19518       Mother                            Pilgrims     1    n:prop
#> 19519       Mother                             pilot's     1       adj
#> 19520       Mother                               pique     1         n
#> 19521       Mother                             pirates     1         n
#> 19522       Mother                               pitch     1         v
#> 19523       Mother                             pitched     1         v
#> 19524       Father                              formed     1      part
#> 19525        Adult                               balls     1         v
#> 19526       Mother                              player     1         n
#> 19527       Father                             forgave     1         v
#> 19528       Mother                             pleased     1      part
#> 19529       Mother                                plus     1       adv
#> 19530       Mother                                plus     1         n
#> 19531       Mother                            Plymouth     1    n:prop
#> 19532       Father                           forgetful     1       adj
#> 19533       Mother                           pointedly     1       adv
#> 19534       Mother                              poison     1         n
#> 19535       Mother                            poisoned     1      part
#> 19536       Mother                              poison     1         v
#> 19537       Mother                            poisoned     1         v
#> 19538       Mother                               poked     1         v
#> 19539       Father                           forest'll     1         n
#> 19540       Mother                               poles     1         n
#> 19541       Mother                        pomegranates     1         n
#> 19542       Mother                              pompom     1         n
#> 19543       Mother                                pony     1         n
#> 19544       Mother                                 poo     1        co
#> 19545       Mother                             poochie     1         n
#> 19546       Mother                                Pooh     1    n:prop
#> 19547       Mother                                pool     1         n
#> 19548       Mother                              popped     1      part
#> 19549       Father                            forehead     1         n
#> 19550       Mother                             Poppins     1    n:prop
#> 19551       Mother                                pose     1         n
#> 19552       Mother                            position     1         n
#> 19553       Mother                           positions     1         n
#> 19554       Mother                         possibility     1         n
#> 19555       Mother                            possibly     1       adv
#> 19556       Mother                                 pot     1         n
#> 19557       Mother                              potato     1         n
#> 19558       Mother                                pour     1         v
#> 19559       Mother                              poured     1         v
#> 19560       Mother                            powerful     1       adj
#> 19561       Mother                               power     1         n
#> 19562       Mother                          Powerhouse     1    n:prop
#> 19563       Mother                               prays     1         v
#> 19564       Mother                          preference     1         n
#> 19565       Mother                           pregnancy     1         n
#> 19566       Mother                            prepared     1      part
#> 19567       Mother                        presbyterian     1       adj
#> 19568       Mother                        Presbyterian     1    n:prop
#> 19569       Mother                             present     1       adj
#> 19570       Mother                             present     1         n
#> 19571       Mother                            preserve     1         v
#> 19572       Mother                          Presidency     1    n:prop
#> 19573       Mother                           president     1         n
#> 19574       Mother                            pressing     1      part
#> 19575       Mother                               press     1         v
#> 19576       Mother                            pressure     1         n
#> 19577       Mother                             pretend     1       adj
#> 19578       Mother                             pretend     1         v
#> 19579       Mother                            previous     1       adj
#> 19580       Mother                            privates     1         n
#> 19581       Father                           foot_ouch     1       chi
#> 19582       Mother                             program     1         n
#> 19583       Mother                          programmer     1         n
#> 19584       Mother                            promises     1         n
#> 19585       Mother                            promised     1         v
#> 19586       Mother                          pronounced     1      part
#> 19587       Mother                       pronunciation     1         n
#> 19588       Mother                          propelling     1      part
#> 19589       Mother                            properly     1       adv
#> 19590       Mother                          protecting     1      part
#> 19591       Father                             footmen     1         n
#> 19592       Mother                          protesting     1      part
#> 19593       Mother                               proud     1       adj
#> 19594       Mother                             proving     1      part
#> 19595       Mother                               prove     1         v
#> 19596       Mother                            prowling     1      part
#> 19597       Mother                          Pteranodon     1    n:prop
#> 19598       Mother                             pudding     1         n
#> 19599       Mother                                puff     1         n
#> 19600       Mother                              pulled     1      part
#> 19601       Mother                                pulp     1         n
#> 19602       Mother                                 pun     1         n
#> 19603       Mother                               punch     1         n
#> 19604       Mother                             punched     1         v
#> 19605       Mother                            punished     1         v
#> 19606       Mother                              purple     1         n
#> 19607       Mother                          purposeful     1       adj
#> 19608       Mother                             purpose     1         n
#> 19609       Mother                            purposes     1         n
#> 19610       Mother                               purse     1         n
#> 19611       Mother                                push     1         n
#> 19612       Father                             footman     1       chi
#> 19613       Father                             footing     1         n
#> 19614       Father                             footing     1      part
#> 19615       Mother                               queen     1         n
#> 19616       Father                              footed     1      part
#> 19617       Mother                           questions     1         n
#> 19618       Mother                            question     1         v
#> 19619       Mother                          questioned     1         v
#> 19620       Mother                               quick     1       adv
#> 19621       Mother                             quieter     1         n
#> 19622       Mother                               Quinn     1    n:prop
#> 19623       Father                              foot's     1       adj
#> 19624       Mother                             raccoon     1         n
#> 19625       Mother                              Rachal     1    n:prop
#> 19626       Mother                               radio     1         n
#> 19627       Mother                                raft     1         n
#> 19628       Mother                                rain     1         n
#> 19629       Mother                       Rainbow_Brite     1    n:prop
#> 19630       Mother                               raise     1         v
#> 19631       Mother                             raisins     1         n
#> 19632       Mother                                ramp     1         n
#> 19633       Mother                         raspberries     1         n
#> 19634       Mother                              rattle     1         v
#> 19635       Mother                            reaction     1         n
#> 19636       Mother                             reading     1  n:gerund
#> 19637       Mother                            Reagan's     1       adj
#> 19638       Father                                foob     1       chi
#> 19639       Mother                          reasonable     1       adj
#> 19640       Father                                Folk     1    n:prop
#> 19641       Mother                            recently     1       adv
#> 19642       Mother                           recognize     1         v
#> 19643       Father                               folds     1         v
#> 19644       Father                             folding     1      part
#> 19645       Mother                              redder     1       adj
#> 19646       Father                                foil     1         n
#> 19647       Mother                           referring     1      part
#> 19648       Mother                               refer     1         v
#> 19649       Mother                          rehearsing     1      part
#> 19650       Mother                                rein     1         v
#> 19651       Mother                            reindeer     1         n
#> 19652       Mother                           relatives     1         n
#> 19653       Mother                              remark     1         n
#> 19654       Mother                            remember     1        co
#> 19655       Mother                         remembering     1      part
#> 19656       Father                                 fog     1         n
#> 19657       Mother                             removed     1      part
#> 19658       Mother                              repair     1         n
#> 19659       Mother                            repartee     1         n
#> 19660       Mother                              repeat     1         v
#> 19661       Mother                             repeats     1         v
#> 19662       Mother                              report     1         n
#> 19663       Mother                         represented     1      part
#> 19664       Mother                           represent     1         v
#> 19665       Mother                        resoundingly     1       adv
#> 19666       Mother                             respect     1         v
#> 19667       Mother                          responding     1      part
#> 19668       Mother                             respond     1         v
#> 19669       Father                               focus     1         v
#> 19670       Mother                                rest     1         v
#> 19671       Mother                          restaurant     1         n
#> 19672       Mother                           retrieved     1         v
#> 19673       Mother                                 Rex     1    n:prop
#> 19674       Mother                               rhyme     1         v
#> 19675       Mother                              rhymes     1         v
#> 19676       Mother                                rice     1         n
#> 19677       Mother                              Richie     1    n:prop
#> 19678       Mother                                 rid     1         v
#> 19679       Mother                                ride     1         n
#> 19680       Father                             foaming     1  n:gerund
#> 19681       Father                               foamy     1       adj
#> 19682       Mother                                ring     1         v
#> 19683       Mother                             ripping     1      part
#> 19684       Mother                               roads     1         n
#> 19685       Mother                               robin     1         n
#> 19686       Mother                               rocks     1         n
#> 19687       Mother                                Rock     1    n:prop
#> 19688       Mother                              Rogers     1    n:prop
#> 19689       Mother                             Romania     1    n:prop
#> 19690       Mother                            romantic     1       adj
#> 19691       Mother                                roof     1         n
#> 19692       Mother                             rooster     1         n
#> 19693       Mother                               roots     1         n
#> 19694       Mother                                rope     1         n
#> 19695       Mother                               roped     1      part
#> 19696       Mother                                rose     1         n
#> 19697       Mother                               roses     1         n
#> 19698       Mother                               rosey     1         n
#> 19699       Mother                             Ross'll     1    n:prop
#> 19700       Father                               flies     1         n
#> 19701       Mother                           Rossy_dum     1    n:prop
#> 19702       Mother                         Rossy_Rossy     1    n:prop
#> 19703       Mother                                 rot     1         v
#> 19704       Mother                              rotten     1       adj
#> 19705       Mother                            roughage     1         n
#> 19706       Mother                               round     1       adj
#> 19707       Mother                               Royal     1    n:prop
#> 19708       Father                             flushes     1         v
#> 19709       Mother                                ruin     1         v
#> 19710       Father                               flush     1         v
#> 19711       Mother                                runs     1         v
#> 19712       Mother                             rushing     1      part
#> 19713       Mother                            Russians     1    n:prop
#> 19714       Mother                      Saint_Patricks     1    n:prop
#> 19715       Mother                               sakes     1         n
#> 19716       Father                                flow     1         n
#> 19717       Mother                            sardines     1         n
#> 19718       Mother                              sashay     1         v
#> 19719       Mother                        satisfaction     1         n
#> 19720       Mother                            saturday     1         n
#> 19721       Mother                               sauce     1         n
#> 19722       Mother                           saursages     1       fam
#> 19723       Mother                            sausages     1         n
#> 19724       Mother                             sausice     1        L2
#> 19725       Mother                                 saw     1         n
#> 19726       Mother                                 saw     1         v
#> 19727       Father                            flopping     1      part
#> 19728       Father                              floppy     1       adj
#> 19729       Father                              floors     1         n
#> 19730       Father                               flood     1         n
#> 19731       Mother                             scandal     1         n
#> 19732       Mother                              scared     1      part
#> 19733       Mother                              scared     1         v
#> 19734       Mother                              scares     1         v
#> 19735       Mother                        Schneeberger     1    n:prop
#> 19736       Mother                               Scott     1    n:prop
#> 19737       Mother                            scratchy     1       adj
#> 19738       Mother                             scrunch     1         v
#> 19739       Mother                                scum     1         n
#> 19740       Mother                              search     1         n
#> 19741       Mother                              second     1       adv
#> 19742       Mother                             seconds     1         n
#> 19743       Mother                             secured     1      part
#> 19744       Mother                              seeing     1  n:gerund
#> 19745       Father                           Flinstone     1    n:prop
#> 19746       Mother                                seem     1       cop
#> 19747       Mother                      See_three_peeo     1    n:prop
#> 19748       Mother                      See_three_Peeo     1    n:prop
#> 19749 Target_Child                          typewriter     1         n
#> 19750       Mother                              senior     1       adj
#> 19751       Mother                            nonsense     1         n
#> 19752       Mother                         midsentence     1         n
#> 19753       Mother                           sentences     1         n
#> 19754       Mother                           separated     1         v
#> 19755       Mother                             serious     1       adj
#> 19756       Mother                              served     1      part
#> 19757       Mother                       Sesame_Street     1    n:prop
#> 19758       Mother                             session     1         n
#> 19759       Mother                                 set     1         n
#> 19760       Mother                            seven_up     1         n
#> 19761       Mother                                 sex     1         n
#> 19762       Mother                                  sh     1        on
#> 19763       Mother                               shake     1         n
#> 19764       Mother                             shaking     1      part
#> 19765       Mother                              shaked     1         v
#> 19766       Mother                               shook     1         v
#> 19767 Target_Child                        walkietalkie     1         n
#> 19768       Mother                             shampoo     1         v
#> 19769       Mother                               shape     1         n
#> 19770       Mother                              shares     1         v
#> 19771       Father                               flick     1         v
#> 19772       Father                               flesh     1         n
#> 19773       Mother                               sheep     1         n
#> 19774       Mother                               shift     1         n
#> 19775       Mother                               shiny     1       adj
#> 19776       Father                               Fleet     1    n:prop
#> 19777       Father                              fleece     1         n
#> 19778       Mother                             Shivani     1    n:prop
#> 19779       Mother                               shock     1         n
#> 19780       Mother                             shocked     1      part
#> 19781       Mother                            shooting     1      part
#> 19782       Mother                               shoot     1         v
#> 19783       Mother                                shot     1         v
#> 19784       Mother                            shopping     1  n:gerund
#> 19785       Mother                           shoreline     1         n
#> 19786       Mother                              shorts     1         n
#> 19787       Father                             flavors     1         n
#> 19788       Mother                               shout     1         n
#> 19789       Mother                               shout     1         v
#> 19790       Father                           flattered     1         v
#> 19791       Mother                              shower     1         n
#> 19792       Mother                            sideways     1       adj
#> 19793       Mother                                sill     1         n
#> 19794       Mother                             similar     1       adj
#> 19795       Mother                               since     1      prep
#> 19796       Mother                              singer     1         n
#> 19797       Mother                             singing     1      part
#> 19798       Mother                              single     1         n
#> 19799       Mother                                sink     1         v
#> 19800       Mother                             sisters     1         n
#> 19801       Mother                                sits     1         v
#> 19802       Mother                           situation     1         n
#> 19803       Mother                               sixty     1   det:num
#> 19804       Mother                           oversized     1      part
#> 19805       Mother                             skating     1      part
#> 19806       Mother                              skilly     1       adj
#> 19807       Mother                              skills     1         n
#> 19808       Mother                              skinny     1       adj
#> 19809       Father                               flags     1         n
#> 19810       Mother                                skip     1         v
#> 19811       Mother                               skull     1         n
#> 19812       Mother                          skyscraper     1         n
#> 19813       Mother                                slam     1         v
#> 19814       Father                              fixing     1  n:gerund
#> 19815       Mother                              sleeps     1         n
#> 19816       Mother                            sleeping     1      part
#> 19817       Mother                          sleepiness     1      meta
#> 19818       Mother                              slices     1         n
#> 19819       Mother                               slide     1         v
#> 19820       Mother                              slight     1       adj
#> 19821       Mother                                slip     1         n
#> 19822       Mother                               slosh     1         v
#> 19823       Mother                            smallest     1       adj
#> 19824       Mother                               smart     1         v
#> 19825       Mother                               smash     1         n
#> 19826       Mother                             smashes     1         v
#> 19827       Mother                               smell     1         n
#> 19828       Mother                              smells     1         n
#> 19829       Mother                             smiling     1      part
#> 19830       Mother                              smiled     1         v
#> 19831       Mother                              smooth     1       adj
#> 19832       Mother                            smoothly     1       adv
#> 19833       Mother                               snack     1         n
#> 19834       Mother                               snake     1         n
#> 19835       Father                                 fiu     1        L2
#> 19836       Mother                                snap     1         n
#> 19837       Mother                              unsnap     1         v
#> 19838       Mother                             sneaked     1      part
#> 19839       Mother                               sneak     1         v
#> 19840       Mother                            snooping     1      part
#> 19841       Mother                            Snoopy's     1       adj
#> 19842       Mother                               snowy     1       adj
#> 19843       Father                             fitness     1       adj
#> 19844       Father                                fits     1         v
#> 19845       Mother                                sock     1         n
#> 19846       Mother                               socks     1         n
#> 19847       Mother                            softener     1         n
#> 19848       Father                              fitted     1      part
#> 19849       Father                                fits     1         n
#> 19850       Mother                           someone's     1       adj
#> 19851       Mother                         something's     1       adj
#> 19852       Father                                 fit     1         n
#> 19853       Mother                         something's     1 pro:indef
#> 19854 Target_Child                             weekend     1         n
#> 19855       Mother                           somewhere     1       adv
#> 19856       Mother                           somewhere     1         n
#> 19857       Mother                                sons     1         n
#> 19858       Mother                           sorceress     1         n
#> 19859       Father                        Fisher_Price     1    n:prop
#> 19860       Mother                               sorts     1         n
#> 19861 Target_Child                            weekends     1         n
#> 19862       Father                                fish     1         v
#> 19863       Mother                               sound     1         v
#> 19864 Target_Child                             workjob     1         n
#> 19865       Mother                               space     1         v
#> 19866       Mother                               Spain     1    n:prop
#> 19867       Mother                             Spanish     1    n:prop
#> 19868       Mother                               spank     1         v
#> 19869       Mother                               spare     1         v
#> 19870       Mother                            Sparkler     1    n:prop
#> 19871       Mother                            speaking     1      part
#> 19872       Mother                             special     1       adj
#> 19873       Mother                             special     1         n
#> 19874       Mother                            specific     1       adj
#> 19875       Mother                            spelling     1      part
#> 19876       Mother                          Spider_man     1    n:prop
#> 19877 Target_Child                         youknowwhat     1         n
#> 19878       Mother                               spill     1         v
#> 19879       Mother                                spin     1         v
#> 19880       Mother                                spit     1         v
#> 19881       Mother                              splash     1         v
#> 19882       Mother                               splat     1         n
#> 19883       Mother                               split     1         v
#> 19884       Mother                               spoil     1         v
#> 19885       Mother                             sponged     1         v
#> 19886       Mother                              spooky     1       adj
#> 19887       Mother                             spooked     1      part
#> 19888       Father                             fishing     1      part
#> 19889       Mother                              Spratt     1    n:prop
#> 19890       Mother                              spring     1         n
#> 19891       Mother                           squashing     1      part
#> 19892       Mother                            squeezed     1      part
#> 19893       Mother                                 sss     1        on
#> 19894       Mother                          staggering     1      part
#> 19895       Father                  Firstname_Lastname     1    n:prop
#> 19896       Mother                           staircase     1         n
#> 19897       Mother                               stamp     1         n
#> 19898       Mother                               stand     1         n
#> 19899       Mother                              stands     1         n
#> 19900       Mother                               stand     1         v
#> 19901       Mother                              stands     1         v
#> 19902 Target_Child                        breakdancing     1  n:gerund
#> 19903       Mother                             started     1      part
#> 19904       Father                              firsts     1     n:adj
#> 19905 Target_Child                        splishsplash     1        on
#> 19906       Mother                            startled     1      part
#> 19907       Father                               first     1      meta
#> 19908       Mother                              stayed     1         v
#> 19909       Mother                            stealing     1  n:gerund
#> 19910       Mother                               steal     1         v
#> 19911       Mother                               stole     1         v
#> 19912       Mother                               steam     1         v
#> 19913       Mother                             steamed     1         v
#> 19914       Mother                               steel     1         n
#> 19915       Mother                         stegosaurus     1         n
#> 19916       Mother                                step     1         n
#> 19917       Mother                               steps     1         n
#> 19918       Mother                               stick     1         n
#> 19919       Mother                               stuck     1      part
#> 19920       Mother                               stick     1         v
#> 19921       Mother                              sticks     1         v
#> 19922 Target_Child                         blindfolded     1      part
#> 19923       Mother                             sticker     1         v
#> 19924       Mother                            stickers     1         v
#> 19925       Mother                               still     1       adj
#> 19926       Father                           fireworks     1         n
#> 19927       Mother                               still     1      meta
#> 19928       Mother                             stirred     1         v
#> 19929       Mother                              stocks     1         n
#> 19930       Father                           Fire_Bird     1    n:prop
#> 19931       Mother                              stocks     1         v
#> 19932 Target_Child                        breakdancing     1      part
#> 19933       Mother                               stops     1         n
#> 19934       Father                               fires     1         v
#> 19935       Mother                              stores     1         n
#> 19936       Father                               fired     1      part
#> 19937       Mother                               Story     1    n:prop
#> 19938       Mother                               stove     1         n
#> 19939       Mother                            straight     1       adj
#> 19940       Mother                               strap     1         n
#> 19941       Mother                           stressing     1      part
#> 19942       Mother                              struck     1         v
#> 19943       Mother                              string     1         n
#> 19944       Mother                               strip     1         n
#> 19945       Mother                            stripped     1      part
#> 19946       Mother                            strongly     1       adv
#> 19947       Father                                Finn     1    n:prop
#> 19948       Mother                             stuffed     1         v
#> 19949       Mother                              stupid     1       adj
#> 19950       Mother                             subject     1         n
#> 19951       Father                                fink     1         n
#> 19952       Mother                               sucks     1         n
#> 19953       Mother                              sucked     1         v
#> 19954       Mother                            suddenly     1       adv
#> 19955       Mother                                 sue     1         v
#> 19956       Mother                          suggesting     1      part
#> 19957       Mother                                suit     1         n
#> 19958       Father                            finishes     1         v
#> 19959       Mother                             sunburn     1         n
#> 19960       Mother                           sunburned     1       adj
#> 19961       Mother                              sunday     1         n
#> 19962       Mother                              sundry     1       adj
#> 19963       Mother                             Sunkist     1      meta
#> 19964       Mother                              sunset     1         n
#> 19965       Mother                               super     1       adj
#> 19966       Mother                          Superman's     1       adj
#> 19967       Mother                            Superman     1    n:prop
#> 19968       Mother                          supportive     1       adj
#> 19969       Mother                                sure     1       adv
#> 19970       Mother                           surprised     1      part
#> 19971       Mother                             suspect     1       adj
#> 19972       Mother                             suspect     1         n
#> 19973       Mother                             swallow     1         v
#> 19974       Mother                           Swamptown     1    n:prop
#> 19975       Mother                             sweater     1         n
#> 19976       Mother                            sweetest     1       adj
#> 19977       Mother                               swell     1       adj
#> 19978       Mother                          swimming's     1  n:gerund
#> 19979       Mother                               swing     1         n
#> 19980       Mother                               swing     1         v
#> 19981       Mother                               syrup     1         n
#> 19982       Mother                              system     1         n
#> 19983       Mother                               szörp     1        L2
#> 19984       Mother                               table     1         v
#> 19985       Mother                              taddle     1      meta
#> 19986       Mother                                 tag     1         n
#> 19987       Mother                              taking     1  n:gerund
#> 19988       Mother                               taked     1      part
#> 19989       Father                               found     1      part
#> 19990       Father                             finding     1      part
#> 19991       Father                               final     1         n
#> 19992       Mother                                tall     1       adj
#> 19993       Mother                                tame     1         v
#> 19994       Mother                                tank     1         n
#> 19995       Mother                             tantrum     1         n
#> 19996       Mother                              Tarzan     1    n:prop
#> 19997       Mother                            teachers     1         n
#> 19998       Mother                             teaches     1         v
#> 19999       Mother                             teached     1       neo
#>                                      stem
#> 1                                     you
#> 2                                       I
#> 3                                     and
#> 4                                     the
#> 5                                     the
#> 6                                    yeah
#> 7                                     you
#> 8                                      it
#> 9                                    what
#> 10                                    and
#> 11                                      a
#> 12                                      a
#> 13                                     it
#> 14                                      I
#> 15                                   okay
#> 16                                     no
#> 17                                     to
#> 18                                     he
#> 19                                     he
#> 20                                   yeah
#> 21                                     do
#> 22                                     my
#> 23                                     be
#> 24                                   Ross
#> 25                                   your
#> 26                                   they
#> 27                                     in
#> 28                                     to
#> 29                                     in
#> 30                                     no
#> 31                                   what
#> 32                                     do
#> 33                                     do
#> 34                                     me
#> 35                                   then
#> 36                                     be
#> 37                                     do
#> 38                                   know
#> 39                                      I
#> 40                                     to
#> 41                                   Mark
#> 42                                   they
#> 43                                    now
#> 44                                     go
#> 45                                     of
#> 46                                     we
#> 47                                    not
#> 48                                     to
#> 49                                   good
#> 50                                   that
#> 51                                    not
#> 52                                     oh
#> 53                                     oh
#> 54                                     do
#> 55                                  right
#> 56                                     on
#> 57                                    get
#> 58                                   that
#> 59                                   know
#> 60                                     be
#> 61                                    but
#> 62                                   have
#> 63                                because
#> 64                                     go
#> 65                                    get
#> 66                                     we
#> 67                                     be
#> 68                                    can
#> 69                                     of
#> 70                                     it
#> 71                                     go
#> 72                                    how
#> 73                                    you
#> 74                                     me
#> 75                                     be
#> 76                                   have
#> 77                                 little
#> 78                                     on
#> 79                                     do
#> 80                                   that
#> 81                                    say
#> 82                                    mhm
#> 83                                    the
#> 84                                    you
#> 85                                    see
#> 86                                   with
#> 87                                    say
#> 88                                   this
#> 89                                     up
#> 90                                    can
#> 91                                   then
#> 92                                   when
#> 93                                    one
#> 94                                    for
#> 95                                     it
#> 96                                     go
#> 97                                   want
#> 98                                     be
#> 99                                   with
#> 100                                  want
#> 101                                 Marky
#> 102                                    up
#> 103                                    be
#> 104                                  your
#> 105                                  them
#> 106                                   get
#> 107                                  them
#> 108                                  this
#> 109                                 about
#> 110                                   one
#> 111                                  okay
#> 112                                   for
#> 113                                  that
#> 114                                   one
#> 115                                 there
#> 116                                  that
#> 117                                  want
#> 118                                    be
#> 119                                  well
#> 120                                   him
#> 121                                 think
#> 122                                   but
#> 123                                    if
#> 124                                  just
#> 125                                   and
#> 126                                  when
#> 127                                little
#> 128                                  that
#> 129                                   say
#> 130                                     I
#> 131                                really
#> 132                                   him
#> 133                                    if
#> 134                                   his
#> 135                                   why
#> 136                                  tell
#> 137                                    it
#> 138                                  want
#> 139                               because
#> 140                                   see
#> 141                                   big
#> 142                                    at
#> 143                                   put
#> 144                                   why
#> 145                                  well
#> 146                                  just
#> 147                                     I
#> 148                                 there
#> 149                                  come
#> 150                                  okay
#> 151                                  that
#> 152                                   his
#> 153                                  some
#> 154                                  here
#> 155                                    do
#> 156                                    he
#> 157                                    he
#> 158                                  this
#> 159                                   two
#> 160                                  this
#> 161                                    do
#> 162                                   too
#> 163                                  that
#> 164                                    at
#> 165                                   now
#> 166                                    or
#> 167                                 Marky
#> 168                                     I
#> 169                                   put
#> 170                                  that
#> 171                                  will
#> 172                                  very
#> 173                                    he
#> 174                                 right
#> 175                                  have
#> 176                                  like
#> 177                                    go
#> 178                                    go
#> 179                                     a
#> 180                                  have
#> 181                                    on
#> 182                                   why
#> 183                                  what
#> 184                                 uhhuh
#> 185                                  Mark
#> 186                                   big
#> 187                                   one
#> 188                                   too
#> 189                                  good
#> 190                                    do
#> 191                                    on
#> 192                                  some
#> 193                                  will
#> 194                                    my
#> 195                                  that
#> 196                                    be
#> 197                                  else
#> 198                                  come
#> 199                                    do
#> 200                                    do
#> 201                                   out
#> 202                                  what
#> 203                                     I
#> 204                                  like
#> 205                                   say
#> 206                                   you
#> 207                                  here
#> 208                                 where
#> 209                                   can
#> 210                                   get
#> 211                                   bad
#> 212                                  nice
#> 213                                    be
#> 214                                   dad
#> 215                                  mean
#> 216                                    do
#> 217                                   she
#> 218                                   eat
#> 219                                 could
#> 220                                   out
#> 221                                  down
#> 222                                  take
#> 223                                   huh
#> 224                                    go
#> 225                                   any
#> 226                                   let
#> 227                                   bad
#> 228                                 about
#> 229                                 daddy
#> 230                                    be
#> 231                                  time
#> 232                                   can
#> 233                                   she
#> 234                                    no
#> 235                                   boy
#> 236                                 Daddy
#> 237                                  like
#> 238                                  that
#> 239                                 there
#> 240                                    so
#> 241                                  will
#> 242                                    be
#> 243                                 other
#> 244                                  real
#> 245                                   all
#> 246                                person
#> 247                                 right
#> 248                                  they
#> 249                                   huh
#> 250                                    no
#> 251                                  tell
#> 252                                  down
#> 253                                    do
#> 254                                   all
#> 255                                   two
#> 256                                   eat
#> 257                                  mean
#> 258                                  they
#> 259                                  mean
#> 260                                 could
#> 261                                   how
#> 262                                 story
#> 263                                really
#> 264                                  will
#> 265                                  back
#> 266                                  back
#> 267                                  give
#> 268                                  that
#> 269                                 think
#> 270                                    so
#> 271                                  take
#> 272                                 right
#> 273                                   all
#> 274                                    be
#> 275                                   who
#> 276                                  have
#> 277                                    we
#> 278                                   boy
#> 279                                   yes
#> 280                                 right
#> 281                                 other
#> 282                                   all
#> 283                                 there
#> 284                                  like
#> 285                                 thing
#> 286                                    be
#> 287                                   why
#> 288                                    we
#> 289                                  from
#> 290                                 their
#> 291                                    in
#> 292                                  into
#> 293                                    do
#> 294                                  time
#> 295                                   Dad
#> 296                                    be
#> 297                              remember
#> 298                                 there
#> 299                                person
#> 300                                  name
#> 301                                 three
#> 302                                    do
#> 303                                  four
#> 304                                happen
#> 305                                    or
#> 306                                  will
#> 307                                 those
#> 308                                  make
#> 309                                   our
#> 310                                    to
#> 311                                   any
#> 312                                  here
#> 313                             something
#> 314                                  away
#> 315                                    so
#> 316                                   let
#> 317                                 thing
#> 318                                   hey
#> 319                                  make
#> 320                                   way
#> 321                                   let
#> 322                                    oh
#> 323                                    in
#> 324                                  Ross
#> 325                                   yes
#> 326                                    hm
#> 327                                    so
#> 328                               another
#> 329                                 there
#> 330                                    do
#> 331                                  from
#> 332                                    be
#> 333                                  five
#> 334                                    us
#> 335                                  uhuh
#> 336                               another
#> 337                                  sure
#> 338                                 which
#> 339                                 thing
#> 340                                    do
#> 341                                   off
#> 342                                 Mommy
#> 343                                    in
#> 344                                  good
#> 345                                 water
#> 346                                  like
#> 347                                   boy
#> 348                                  away
#> 349                                   who
#> 350                                  more
#> 351                                 about
#> 352                                  give
#> 353                                    mm
#> 354                                  Mark
#> 355                                 maybe
#> 356                                  have
#> 357                                   guy
#> 358                                   guy
#> 359                                  baby
#> 360                                 Mommy
#> 361                                 those
#> 362                                  here
#> 363                                  Ross
#> 364                                 where
#> 365                                  into
#> 366                                   off
#> 367                                 house
#> 368                                  look
#> 369                                    of
#> 370                             something
#> 371                                 Daddy
#> 372                                    hm
#> 373                                  look
#> 374                                   say
#> 375                                  baby
#> 376                                   day
#> 377                                  very
#> 378                                  they
#> 379                                    to
#> 380                                 thing
#> 381                                 again
#> 382                                 where
#> 383                                 their
#> 384                                    do
#> 385                                   way
#> 386                                    go
#> 387                                     a
#> 388                                    be
#> 389                                out_of
#> 390                                  real
#> 391                                    we
#> 392                                   get
#> 393                                   car
#> 394                                  hurt
#> 395                                   guy
#> 396                                 where
#> 397                                 honey
#> 398                                 cause
#> 399                                  your
#> 400                                    be
#> 401                                  need
#> 402                                    do
#> 403                                    up
#> 404                                  okay
#> 405                                  need
#> 406                                    ah
#> 407                                   mhm
#> 408                                school
#> 409                                  know
#> 410                                 daddy
#> 411                                  yeah
#> 412                                   let
#> 413                                 these
#> 414                                    go
#> 415                                 mommy
#> 416                                  come
#> 417                                 maybe
#> 418                                 again
#> 419                                   say
#> 420                                    us
#> 421                                  that
#> 422                                  over
#> 423                                  milk
#> 424                                  ever
#> 425                                  mean
#> 426                                   how
#> 427                                  even
#> 428                                   man
#> 429                                  more
#> 430                                  part
#> 431                                  what
#> 432                                   who
#> 433                                  cute
#> 434                                 first
#> 435                                    be
#> 436                                  turn
#> 437                                   bed
#> 438                                  word
#> 439                                  play
#> 440                                   old
#> 441                                  many
#> 442                                    mm
#> 443                                  five
#> 444                                  have
#> 445                                    be
#> 446                                should
#> 447                                out_of
#> 448                                    no
#> 449                                  over
#> 450                                  well
#> 451                                  four
#> 452                              a_lot_of
#> 453                                  here
#> 454                                   say
#> 455                                school
#> 456                                    up
#> 457                                  make
#> 458                                    do
#> 459                                  mean
#> 460                                 stuff
#> 461                                  over
#> 462                                  only
#> 463                                   say
#> 464                                  hurt
#> 465                                  like
#> 466                                  will
#> 467                                   see
#> 468                                  tape
#> 469                                  word
#> 470                                   cat
#> 471                                pretty
#> 472                                  like
#> 473                                  hear
#> 474                                 after
#> 475                                 uhhuh
#> 476                                     a
#> 477                                  that
#> 478                                 wrong
#> 479                                  that
#> 480                                  over
#> 481                                   toy
#> 482                                    we
#> 483                                   six
#> 484                                 house
#> 485                                   kid
#> 486                                    do
#> 487                                 never
#> 488                                school
#> 489                                   not
#> 490                                  talk
#> 491                                 mommy
#> 492                                  more
#> 493                                  more
#> 494                                  work
#> 495                                 right
#> 496                                  food
#> 497                                 three
#> 498                                 shirt
#> 499                                  room
#> 500                                    be
#> 501                                 might
#> 502                                 story
#> 503                              remember
#> 504                                    be
#> 505                                 might
#> 506                                  milk
#> 507                                 these
#> 508                                 these
#> 509                                  play
#> 510                                  read
#> 511                                  just
#> 512                                 ahead
#> 513                                    on
#> 514                                  wait
#> 515                                  mean
#> 516                                  tape
#> 517                                 money
#> 518                                  Luke
#> 519                                   bit
#> 520                                  idea
#> 521                                please
#> 522                                  kind
#> 523                                  book
#> 524                                  here
#> 525                                 still
#> 526                                   you
#> 527                                  same
#> 528                              anything
#> 529                                  much
#> 530                                  name
#> 531                                   him
#> 532                                    be
#> 533                                  that
#> 534                                    be
#> 535                                  have
#> 536                                  Hulk
#> 537                                   all
#> 538                                school
#> 539                                   day
#> 540                                   toy
#> 541                                    do
#> 542                                 whole
#> 543                                 Marky
#> 544                                  uhuh
#> 545                                   one
#> 546                                   old
#> 547                                  more
#> 548                                always
#> 549                                  then
#> 550                                 first
#> 551                                    be
#> 552                                   man
#> 553                                    so
#> 554                                 today
#> 555                                  make
#> 556                                   for
#> 557                                  turn
#> 558                                  home
#> 559                                   guy
#> 560                                    do
#> 561                                  good
#> 562                                   bed
#> 563                                  more
#> 564                                  same
#> 565                                    me
#> 566                                   get
#> 567                                   who
#> 568                                 where
#> 569                                   mom
#> 570                              a_lot_of
#> 571                            understand
#> 572                                  just
#> 573                                   his
#> 574                                    by
#> 575                                   dog
#> 576                                  turn
#> 577                                  turn
#> 578                                   way
#> 579                                    as
#> 580                                  wait
#> 581                                   new
#> 582                                    it
#> 583                                   end
#> 584                                  head
#> 585                                   Mom
#> 586                                   buy
#> 587                                  come
#> 588                                   you
#> 589                               brother
#> 590                                 money
#> 591                                friend
#> 592                                   all
#> 593                                   yet
#> 594                                 first
#> 595                                  love
#> 596                                    go
#> 597                                   off
#> 598                                   our
#> 599                                    be
#> 600                                  help
#> 601                                 think
#> 602                                  nice
#> 603                                  that
#> 604                               anymore
#> 605                                   her
#> 606                                  part
#> 607                                 watch
#> 608                                   ask
#> 609                                  food
#> 610                                    we
#> 611                                  mine
#> 612                                  down
#> 613                                  show
#> 614                                  call
#> 615                                  play
#> 616                                should
#> 617                                  have
#> 618                                  come
#> 619                                  down
#> 620                                  take
#> 621                                   all
#> 622                                  shoe
#> 623                                   sit
#> 624                                 Marky
#> 625                                 first
#> 626                                 where
#> 627                                    so
#> 628                                   eat
#> 629                                    up
#> 630                                 place
#> 631                                  tell
#> 632                                  book
#> 633                                   see
#> 634                                 never
#> 635                                  like
#> 636                                    my
#> 637                                   get
#> 638                                   one
#> 639                                 after
#> 640                                  work
#> 641                                  want
#> 642                                   get
#> 643                                  well
#> 644                                  call
#> 645                                  girl
#> 646                                  than
#> 647                                  much
#> 648                                happen
#> 649                                finish
#> 650                                  have
#> 651                                  ever
#> 652                                 water
#> 653                                  have
#> 654                                   get
#> 655                                 ready
#> 656                                  stay
#> 657                                 Honey
#> 658                                  read
#> 659                                   try
#> 660                                 about
#> 661                                  fall
#> 662                                  want
#> 663                                 learn
#> 664                                   cat
#> 665                                 mouth
#> 666                                   Han
#> 667                                  want
#> 668                                   her
#> 669                                   but
#> 670                                   use
#> 671                                 think
#> 672                                happen
#> 673                                   boy
#> 674                                  show
#> 675                                  come
#> 676                             chocolate
#> 677                                 ready
#> 678                                    at
#> 679                                 night
#> 680                                  with
#> 681                                   you
#> 682                                  home
#> 683                                  find
#> 684                                  wait
#> 685                                 heart
#> 686                                    be
#> 687                                    by
#> 688                                     I
#> 689                                   she
#> 690                                   new
#> 691                                  call
#> 692                                    if
#> 693                                  come
#> 694                                  find
#> 695                                   car
#> 696                                    if
#> 697                                    do
#> 698                                  keep
#> 699                                    go
#> 700                                    do
#> 701                                friend
#> 702                                almost
#> 703                                  fall
#> 704                                   off
#> 705                                 start
#> 706                                  this
#> 707                                 still
#> 708                                  only
#> 709                                   can
#> 710                                   six
#> 711                                nuhhuh
#> 712                                 umhum
#> 713                                  well
#> 714                                 there
#> 715                             everybody
#> 716                                  move
#> 717                                 think
#> 718                                 stuff
#> 719                                  NULL
#> 720                                 watch
#> 721                                   tum
#> 722                                   one
#> 723                                  talk
#> 724                                  Star
#> 725                                  have
#> 726                                   how
#> 727                                  dead
#> 728                                 today
#> 729                                    if
#> 730                                  kiss
#> 731                                 kitty
#> 732                                always
#> 733                                   she
#> 734                                  this
#> 735                                   see
#> 736                                  will
#> 737                                 those
#> 738                                 great
#> 739                                 cause
#> 740                                    go
#> 741                                  them
#> 742                               clothes
#> 743                                   you
#> 744                                  room
#> 745                                   yep
#> 746                                 those
#> 747                                   hot
#> 748                                   say
#> 749                                   way
#> 750                                 tiger
#> 751                                  girl
#> 752                                   Mom
#> 753                            everything
#> 754                                    or
#> 755                                  Wars
#> 756                                   fun
#> 757                             sometimes
#> 758                                  when
#> 759                                  sick
#> 760                                  talk
#> 761                                  hand
#> 762                                   say
#> 763                                  work
#> 764                                please
#> 765                                   out
#> 766                                   too
#> 767                             breakfast
#> 768                                   too
#> 769                                   all
#> 770                                  good
#> 771                                  fall
#> 772                                   her
#> 773                                 happy
#> 774                                  than
#> 775                                  Luke
#> 776                                  tell
#> 777                                    do
#> 778                                 there
#> 779                                    be
#> 780                                  sure
#> 781                                record
#> 782                                  love
#> 783                                  hand
#> 784                                  long
#> 785                                   gun
#> 786                                 light
#> 787                                    be
#> 788                                  Mary
#> 789                                 every
#> 790                                   fun
#> 791                                  give
#> 792                                  hard
#> 793                                  keep
#> 794                              somebody
#> 795                                   lot
#> 796                                    do
#> 797                                   cut
#> 798                                   out
#> 799                                friend
#> 800                                  just
#> 801                                 sleep
#> 802                                   zzz
#> 803                               already
#> 804                                 night
#> 805                                    he
#> 806                                  okay
#> 807                                   how
#> 808                                   hey
#> 809                                   get
#> 810                                 movie
#> 811                                   her
#> 812                                 watch
#> 813                                 there
#> 814                                  game
#> 815                                   get
#> 816                                  call
#> 817                                   big
#> 818                                enough
#> 819                               because
#> 820                                   now
#> 821                                  will
#> 822                                 later
#> 823                                  play
#> 824                                 about
#> 825                                  true
#> 826                                bottle
#> 827                                   buy
#> 828                                 great
#> 829                                   lot
#> 830                                  hand
#> 831                                  good
#> 832                               brother
#> 833                              anything
#> 834                               monster
#> 835                                  come
#> 836                                 sorry
#> 837                                friend
#> 838                                  feel
#> 839                                forget
#> 840                                 blood
#> 841                                  idea
#> 842                                   bit
#> 843                                little
#> 844                                  door
#> 845                                   job
#> 846                                around
#> 847                                  nine
#> 848                                  side
#> 849                              somebody
#> 850                                   out
#> 851                                   you
#> 852                                 seven
#> 853                                   put
#> 854                                 eight
#> 855                                  kind
#> 856                                  talk
#> 857                                   pee
#> 858                                really
#> 859                                 space
#> 860                                   get
#> 861                                 movie
#> 862                                 world
#> 863                                 heart
#> 864                                    as
#> 865                                   hot
#> 866                               blanket
#> 867                               trouble
#> 868                                  hard
#> 869                                finish
#> 870                                  make
#> 871                                   dog
#> 872                               clothes
#> 873                                  will
#> 874                                 Darth
#> 875                                   kid
#> 876                                  wear
#> 877                                  side
#> 878                                  have
#> 879                                 ummhm
#> 880                               nothing
#> 881                                  word
#> 882                                 mouth
#> 883                                around
#> 884                                    be
#> 885                                listen
#> 886                                  long
#> 887                                   get
#> 888                                  even
#> 889                                   say
#> 890                                  Hulk
#> 891                                  once
#> 892                                around
#> 893                                person
#> 894                                  feel
#> 895                                record
#> 896                               anymore
#> 897                                  bear
#> 898                                  want
#> 899                                  star
#> 900                                  stay
#> 901                                 throw
#> 902                                  tell
#> 903                              tomorrow
#> 904                                    tv
#> 905                                   mad
#> 906                                  sick
#> 907                                    be
#> 908                             thank_you
#> 909                                   car
#> 910                                  next
#> 911                                   cut
#> 912                                   try
#> 913                                  that
#> 914                                  that
#> 915                                  jump
#> 916                                  hand
#> 917                                  live
#> 918                                  body
#> 919                                 sleep
#> 920                                  have
#> 921                                  deal
#> 922                                  look
#> 923                                pretty
#> 924                                 place
#> 925                                  make
#> 926                                 uhhum
#> 927                                   why
#> 928                                  help
#> 929                                 Daddy
#> 930                                  that
#> 931                                  hurt
#> 932                                  wear
#> 933                                though
#> 934                                   who
#> 935                                  Star
#> 936                               suppose
#> 937                                  hear
#> 938                                    my
#> 939                                   get
#> 940                                  girl
#> 941                                  head
#> 942                                 Vader
#> 943                                   one
#> 944                                 could
#> 945                                second
#> 946                                   see
#> 947                                   fix
#> 948                                  down
#> 949                                  want
#> 950                                  nose
#> 951                                 store
#> 952                               without
#> 953                                  Ewok
#> 954                                  many
#> 955                                 kitty
#> 956                                  pick
#> 957                                    hi
#> 958                                  take
#> 959                                   mom
#> 960                                bottle
#> 961                                 wrong
#> 962                                   try
#> 963                            everything
#> 964                              together
#> 965                              question
#> 966                                   gum
#> 967                                  want
#> 968                                     I
#> 969                                  poor
#> 970                                     I
#> 971                                  home
#> 972                                  NULL
#> 973                                   try
#> 974                                  back
#> 975                                   run
#> 976                                 table
#> 977                                  what
#> 978                                 shirt
#> 979                                  like
#> 980                                   air
#> 981                                  help
#> 982                                   hit
#> 983                                    as
#> 984                                  foot
#> 985                                  fire
#> 986                                   pee
#> 987                                  soon
#> 988                               outside
#> 989                                 world
#> 990                                  hair
#> 991                                 leave
#> 992                                   mhm
#> 993                                  from
#> 994                                  play
#> 995                                 sleep
#> 996                                   mad
#> 997                                  Wars
#> 998                                   got
#> 999                              together
#> 1000                          interesting
#> 1001                                 play
#> 1002                                  sit
#> 1003                                right
#> 1004                                  poo
#> 1005                                 only
#> 1006                                  end
#> 1007                                 next
#> 1008                                 shoe
#> 1009                                 look
#> 1010                                  run
#> 1011                                 tree
#> 1012                                  ten
#> 1013                                  bet
#> 1014                                paper
#> 1015                                  eat
#> 1016                                  hit
#> 1017                                 hair
#> 1018                                which
#> 1019                                could
#> 1020                                  fix
#> 1021                                table
#> 1022                                   so
#> 1023                                 both
#> 1024                                 kill
#> 1025                                  kid
#> 1026                                  day
#> 1027                                 dirt
#> 1028                                 dirt
#> 1029                                 ball
#> 1030                                 hate
#> 1031                                  hat
#> 1032                                 love
#> 1033                                apple
#> 1034                                silly
#> 1035                                 road
#> 1036                                   be
#> 1037                                  tum
#> 1038                                light
#> 1039                                 meat
#> 1040                                 else
#> 1041                               almost
#> 1042                                   go
#> 1043                                Santa
#> 1044                                 here
#> 1045                                 beer
#> 1046                                 face
#> 1047                                 neat
#> 1048                               reason
#> 1049                                Marky
#> 1050                                  put
#> 1051                                guess
#> 1052                            Christmas
#> 1053                                Santa
#> 1054                                   tv
#> 1055                           Pittsburgh
#> 1056                                sugar
#> 1057                                witch
#> 1058                                   be
#> 1059                                 mean
#> 1060                                could
#> 1061                            sometimes
#> 1062                                  day
#> 1063                                 well
#> 1064                            everybody
#> 1065                                 NULL
#> 1066                                   be
#> 1067                                 open
#> 1068                                whole
#> 1069                                happy
#> 1070                               pillow
#> 1071                                 good
#> 1072                                 give
#> 1073                                 come
#> 1074                                 last
#> 1075                                piece
#> 1076                            Hungarian
#> 1077                                  top
#> 1078                                   be
#> 1079                                 help
#> 1080                                 well
#> 1081                                yours
#> 1082                                  you
#> 1083                                smart
#> 1084                                 know
#> 1085                                candy
#> 1086                              monster
#> 1087                             tomorrow
#> 1088                                Brian
#> 1089                                 sock
#> 1090                                yours
#> 1091                                 last
#> 1092                                 name
#> 1093                                honey
#> 1094                                bring
#> 1095                                 must
#> 1096                                   do
#> 1097                            something
#> 1098                                eight
#> 1099                              problem
#> 1100                                 like
#> 1101                                 call
#> 1102                                 used
#> 1103                                  eat
#> 1104                                 stop
#> 1105                                these
#> 1106                                 good
#> 1107                            Chewbacca
#> 1108                                drink
#> 1109                                 year
#> 1110                                 hold
#> 1111                                  top
#> 1112                                store
#> 1113                                glass
#> 1114                                 look
#> 1115                                  eat
#> 1116                                 time
#> 1117                                watch
#> 1118                                   do
#> 1119                                 make
#> 1120                                tooth
#> 1121                               dinner
#> 1122                                 jump
#> 1123                                 have
#> 1124                                   so
#> 1125                                 word
#> 1126                                  poo
#> 1127                                 stop
#> 1128                                break
#> 1129                                Rossy
#> 1130                                 cute
#> 1131                                 good
#> 1132                                  wet
#> 1133                                  Dad
#> 1134                                  put
#> 1135                              picture
#> 1136                              blanket
#> 1137                                 mean
#> 1138                                 wash
#> 1139                                  fun
#> 1140                               myself
#> 1141                                   hi
#> 1142                            Skywalker
#> 1143                              careful
#> 1144                                 pull
#> 1145                                  she
#> 1146                                  die
#> 1147                              through
#> 1148                          R_two_D_two
#> 1149                            Spiderman
#> 1150                                  fun
#> 1151                                 back
#> 1152                                 have
#> 1153                                 wish
#> 1154                                 some
#> 1155                                spoon
#> 1156                                 open
#> 1157                                 hurt
#> 1158                               forget
#> 1159                                  you
#> 1160                              already
#> 1161                               window
#> 1162                                 boat
#> 1163                                 sand
#> 1164                                 some
#> 1165                                start
#> 1166                                  run
#> 1167                               actual
#> 1168                                sleep
#> 1169                                  yep
#> 1170                                  ask
#> 1171                          R_two_D_two
#> 1172                                 sand
#> 1173                                chair
#> 1174                                   he
#> 1175                                  own
#> 1176                              picture
#> 1177                                 turn
#> 1178                            chocolate
#> 1179                                  get
#> 1180                                 stop
#> 1181                                  big
#> 1182                                   on
#> 1183                                   be
#> 1184                                  eye
#> 1185                                which
#> 1186                                 move
#> 1187                               twenty
#> 1188                                 nose
#> 1189                              Hungary
#> 1190                            different
#> 1191                              without
#> 1192                                daddy
#> 1193                            Christmas
#> 1194                               father
#> 1195                              morning
#> 1196                               nobody
#> 1197                                tooth
#> 1198                             Superman
#> 1199                                other
#> 1200                           difference
#> 1201                                 love
#> 1202                                thing
#> 1203                                twerp
#> 1204                                 book
#> 1205                                 ship
#> 1206                                  God
#> 1207                               before
#> 1208                                  use
#> 1209                                 have
#> 1210                               person
#> 1211                                 door
#> 1212                                break
#> 1213                                  who
#> 1214                              forever
#> 1215                                 next
#> 1216                                about
#> 1217                                 Ross
#> 1218                               dinner
#> 1219                                dream
#> 1220                              forever
#> 1221                                 year
#> 1222                                  two
#> 1223                                 talk
#> 1224                              mistake
#> 1225                                 both
#> 1226                                 play
#> 1227                                 dead
#> 1228                              morning
#> 1229                                 bird
#> 1230                              monster
#> 1231                                   ow
#> 1232                                chair
#> 1233                                 have
#> 1234                                 work
#> 1235                                 lose
#> 1236                                  huh
#> 1237                               street
#> 1238                               animal
#> 1239                                piece
#> 1240                                  got
#> 1241                                 hold
#> 1242                                party
#> 1243                                blood
#> 1244                                paper
#> 1245                                   do
#> 1246                                 snow
#> 1247                                  eye
#> 1248                                  yes
#> 1249                                scare
#> 1250                                tiger
#> 1251                                   be
#> 1252                                guess
#> 1253                                 mind
#> 1254                              tonight
#> 1255                                bring
#> 1256                              suppose
#> 1257                                  big
#> 1258                                throw
#> 1259                                storm
#> 1260                           Pittsburgh
#> 1261                                 time
#> 1262                                 tree
#> 1263                               around
#> 1264                                 take
#> 1265                                 look
#> 1266                                 ball
#> 1267                               finish
#> 1268                                 beer
#> 1269                               person
#> 1270                                  box
#> 1271                                 make
#> 1272                                 wait
#> 1273                              compute
#> 1274                                 talk
#> 1275                                 some
#> 1276                                 need
#> 1277                                drive
#> 1278                                   go
#> 1279                                craze
#> 1280                                 pant
#> 1281                                Marky
#> 1282                                 like
#> 1283                          Darth_Vader
#> 1284                                 find
#> 1285                                break
#> 1286                                Ewoks
#> 1287                                 have
#> 1288                                  red
#> 1289                                 live
#> 1290                                count
#> 1291                                Darth
#> 1292                             horrible
#> 1293                               forget
#> 1294                             remember
#> 1295                                  see
#> 1296                                 much
#> 1297                                  leg
#> 1298                              monster
#> 1299                                 girl
#> 1300                               finish
#> 1301                             yourself
#> 1302                                 pick
#> 1303                               bottom
#> 1304                                 when
#> 1305                                touch
#> 1306                               animal
#> 1307                                Rossy
#> 1308                                 mind
#> 1309                                  wow
#> 1310                                shoot
#> 1311                                 Solo
#> 1312                                  can
#> 1313                                party
#> 1314                                   he
#> 1315                                juice
#> 1316                                    a
#> 1317                                  say
#> 1318                            different
#> 1319                              Dracula
#> 1320                                  can
#> 1321                                  arm
#> 1322                                  far
#> 1323                               parent
#> 1324                                 they
#> 1325                                 nope
#> 1326                                Brian
#> 1327                                 nine
#> 1328                                 beep
#> 1329                            Skywalker
#> 1330                              nothing
#> 1331                                  bus
#> 1332                               raisin
#> 1333                               figure
#> 1334                                alive
#> 1335                                 hole
#> 1336                                seven
#> 1337                            breakfast
#> 1338                                Brown
#> 1339                                  kid
#> 1340                                quack
#> 1341                               answer
#> 1342                                  Ben
#> 1343                                 tell
#> 1344                                 they
#> 1345                                 very
#> 1346                                 game
#> 1347                               unhunh
#> 1348                               circus
#> 1349                                 also
#> 1350                                  yet
#> 1351                                 walk
#> 1352                                 jump
#> 1353                                space
#> 1354                               doctor
#> 1355                                shoot
#> 1356                                pants
#> 1357                                 kill
#> 1358                                wrong
#> 1359                              Charlie
#> 1360                                    s
#> 1361                               Empire
#> 1362                                 work
#> 1363                                which
#> 1364                                  car
#> 1365                                 sock
#> 1366                                 jump
#> 1367                                 mean
#> 1368                                  fur
#> 1369                                apple
#> 1370                                   go
#> 1371                                child
#> 1372                                teach
#> 1373                               cookie
#> 1374                              present
#> 1375                                 draw
#> 1376                                   as
#> 1377                                until
#> 1378                                 able
#> 1379                               button
#> 1380                                there
#> 1381                               Batman
#> 1382                                 call
#> 1383                               stupid
#> 1384                                there
#> 1385                                 Joey
#> 1386                                 sing
#> 1387                               hungry
#> 1388                                   be
#> 1389                                  why
#> 1390                                  may
#> 1391                                 mine
#> 1392                               raisin
#> 1393                                  ten
#> 1394                                 back
#> 1395                                cause
#> 1396                                alive
#> 1397                              believe
#> 1398                                 Ewok
#> 1399                                 foot
#> 1400                                teach
#> 1401                               Snoopy
#> 1402                              present
#> 1403                                scare
#> 1404                                scare
#> 1405                                 wash
#> 1406                           downstairs
#> 1407                           downstairs
#> 1408                                 bear
#> 1409                                 coat
#> 1410                                 poor
#> 1411                                 body
#> 1412                               course
#> 1413                                glass
#> 1414                                  too
#> 1415                               afraid
#> 1416                             terrible
#> 1417                                   in
#> 1418                               strong
#> 1419                                  ask
#> 1420                               parent
#> 1421                               cookie
#> 1422                                green
#> 1423                                 half
#> 1424                                 hard
#> 1425                               animal
#> 1426                                  its
#> 1427                                  fly
#> 1428                                wrong
#> 1429                                ready
#> 1430                                Marky
#> 1431                                   be
#> 1432                              pretend
#> 1433                                 Jedi
#> 1434                                    a
#> 1435                                 when
#> 1436                                 have
#> 1437                                break
#> 1438                                   hm
#> 1439                                floor
#> 1440                                 boot
#> 1441                             upstairs
#> 1442                                 Jedi
#> 1443                                after
#> 1444                                  see
#> 1445                                 live
#> 1446                                 walk
#> 1447                                 haha
#> 1448                                 jump
#> 1449                                  bye
#> 1450                                    a
#> 1451                                 when
#> 1452                                  cry
#> 1453                              Dracula
#> 1454                               either
#> 1455                                  get
#> 1456                                dream
#> 1457                                 wake
#> 1458                               wonder
#> 1459                                  God
#> 1460                            Halloween
#> 1461                                break
#> 1462                                thing
#> 1463                                 cake
#> 1464                                 into
#> 1465                                 bone
#> 1466                                silly
#> 1467                               Kenobi
#> 1468                                music
#> 1469                                  any
#> 1470                                 road
#> 1471                                  run
#> 1472                                sorry
#> 1473                                 both
#> 1474                                spoon
#> 1475                                bread
#> 1476                                  toy
#> 1477                                 rock
#> 1478                                 stop
#> 1479                                devil
#> 1480                                 care
#> 1481                                    m
#> 1482                              chicken
#> 1483                               listen
#> 1484                                under
#> 1485                                 tire
#> 1486                                   it
#> 1487                                 kill
#> 1488                                bunch
#> 1489                                 half
#> 1490                                 know
#> 1491                               second
#> 1492                              country
#> 1493                                 used
#> 1494                                 king
#> 1495                               bottom
#> 1496                                 have
#> 1497                              someone
#> 1498                                   it
#> 1499                                 blue
#> 1500                                  man
#> 1501                                 rest
#> 1502                                 walk
#> 1503                               finger
#> 1504                                  boy
#> 1505                                 ease
#> 1506                                learn
#> 1507                                 mess
#> 1508                                 Back
#> 1509                               hungry
#> 1510                              garbage
#> 1511                               finger
#> 1512                               family
#> 1513                                teach
#> 1514                               before
#> 1515                                right
#> 1516                              present
#> 1517                              through
#> 1518                               before
#> 1519                                  leg
#> 1520                                  day
#> 1521                                 also
#> 1522                              Strikes
#> 1523                                 fall
#> 1524                                 next
#> 1525                                 foot
#> 1526                                 mkay
#> 1527                               cookie
#> 1528                                 duck
#> 1529                                leave
#> 1530                                 look
#> 1531                                 what
#> 1532                                  way
#> 1533                                where
#> 1534                             probable
#> 1535                                Claus
#> 1536                                 hard
#> 1537                                  who
#> 1538                                sound
#> 1539                                  say
#> 1540                                  Obi
#> 1541                                 when
#> 1542                                clean
#> 1543                                 hulk
#> 1544                                  all
#> 1545                                 much
#> 1546                                snake
#> 1547                                  dad
#> 1548                              anybody
#> 1549                                  sun
#> 1550                                  eat
#> 1551                                 pull
#> 1552                              outside
#> 1553                                 bath
#> 1554                                   be
#> 1555                                   be
#> 1556                                 full
#> 1557                                 grow
#> 1558                                  air
#> 1559                                 have
#> 1560                                   no
#> 1561                                witch
#> 1562                                 fire
#> 1563                           each_other
#> 1564                                  bus
#> 1565                                 star
#> 1566                                under
#> 1567                              trouble
#> 1568                                  arm
#> 1569                            thank_you
#> 1570                                  bag
#> 1571                                 fish
#> 1572                                 know
#> 1573                                 plus
#> 1574                                 bath
#> 1575                              instead
#> 1576                               Denver
#> 1577                                   as
#> 1578                             airplane
#> 1579                                  one
#> 1580                                 wash
#> 1581                                 mean
#> 1582                               middle
#> 1583                                 shoe
#> 1584                               animal
#> 1585                                    r
#> 1586                                  toy
#> 1587                                after
#> 1588                                ghost
#> 1589                                piece
#> 1590                                fight
#> 1591                                  try
#> 1592                                  win
#> 1593                                  who
#> 1594                                    I
#> 1595                                 head
#> 1596                                Claus
#> 1597                                  cry
#> 1598                                lunch
#> 1599                                 sure
#> 1600                                snake
#> 1601                               pillow
#> 1602                                 bird
#> 1603                                  Wan
#> 1604                                fight
#> 1605                                 time
#> 1606                                 need
#> 1607                                  cat
#> 1608                                lunch
#> 1609                                being
#> 1610                                   ET
#> 1611                               minute
#> 1612                                 push
#> 1613                                today
#> 1614                                  own
#> 1615                                bubba
#> 1616                                later
#> 1617                                  wow
#> 1618                                 suit
#> 1619                               family
#> 1620                                 walk
#> 1621                               Falcon
#> 1622                                  red
#> 1623                                 mess
#> 1624                                 work
#> 1625                              brother
#> 1626                                horse
#> 1627                                  red
#> 1628                                 know
#> 1629                                super
#> 1630                                 take
#> 1631                                  ssh
#> 1632                                those
#> 1633                                    o
#> 1634                                 Mark
#> 1635                                bunny
#> 1636                                 year
#> 1637                                 beep
#> 1638                                 name
#> 1639                                    n
#> 1640                             airplane
#> 1641                                  box
#> 1642                                 move
#> 1643                              garbage
#> 1644                               enough
#> 1645                                story
#> 1646                                  you
#> 1647                                drink
#> 1648                                 dumb
#> 1649                                color
#> 1650                                  bad
#> 1651                                 real
#> 1652                                shoot
#> 1653                                 king
#> 1654                           motorcycle
#> 1655                                count
#> 1656                                 hold
#> 1657                                 sort
#> 1658                                 moon
#> 1659                                  bye
#> 1660                                 book
#> 1661                               strong
#> 1662                                 hurt
#> 1663                               sister
#> 1664                                 song
#> 1665                                    s
#> 1666                                  son
#> 1667                                touch
#> 1668                                  its
#> 1669                               thirty
#> 1670                                 kick
#> 1671                                sleep
#> 1672                                tiger
#> 1673                                  cry
#> 1674                               finger
#> 1675                               mother
#> 1676                                every
#> 1677                                    r
#> 1678                              pumpkin
#> 1679                               either
#> 1680                                 dark
#> 1681                        Princess_Leia
#> 1682                               school
#> 1683                                 game
#> 1684                                which
#> 1685                                 year
#> 1686                                Robin
#> 1687                                 NULL
#> 1688                                 back
#> 1689                                syrup
#> 1690                                 move
#> 1691                               should
#> 1692                                 must
#> 1693                                snake
#> 1694                               twenty
#> 1695                                 give
#> 1696                               Little
#> 1697                                  say
#> 1698                              Pumpkin
#> 1699                                 look
#> 1700                               Snoopy
#> 1701                                stand
#> 1702                                 will
#> 1703                                   as
#> 1704                                  run
#> 1705                                    b
#> 1706                               cheese
#> 1707                                 true
#> 1708                                 baby
#> 1709                                silly
#> 1710                                 life
#> 1711                                  key
#> 1712                                   we
#> 1713                              lots_of
#> 1714                                 bite
#> 1715                               number
#> 1716                                  Obi
#> 1717                                early
#> 1718                                   be
#> 1719                                earth
#> 1720                                right
#> 1721                                 will
#> 1722                                fight
#> 1723                                 able
#> 1724                              picture
#> 1725                                class
#> 1726                                  dog
#> 1727                             everyone
#> 1728                                  cat
#> 1729                                 ease
#> 1730                                floor
#> 1731                                  dog
#> 1732                                uhhuh
#> 1733                               spider
#> 1734                               return
#> 1735                             anything
#> 1736                                 sure
#> 1737                               enough
#> 1738                                start
#> 1739                               pretty
#> 1740                                  buy
#> 1741                               summer
#> 1742                                sorry
#> 1743                                 joke
#> 1744                                  you
#> 1745                                  can
#> 1746                                  man
#> 1747                               street
#> 1748                                  red
#> 1749                                power
#> 1750                               Popeye
#> 1751                                  who
#> 1752                                 swim
#> 1753                                  pee
#> 1754                                 back
#> 1755                               banana
#> 1756                                 open
#> 1757                                 drop
#> 1758                                   be
#> 1759                                drink
#> 1760                               should
#> 1761                                 make
#> 1762                                 soon
#> 1763                                white
#> 1764                               middle
#> 1765                                 home
#> 1766                                ghost
#> 1767                                  leg
#> 1768                                 lose
#> 1769                                  cry
#> 1770                          C_three_P_O
#> 1771                                  die
#> 1772                                  gun
#> 1773                                 only
#> 1774                                Vader
#> 1775                                  eat
#> 1776                                  Wan
#> 1777                                    I
#> 1778                                  wet
#> 1779                                 hear
#> 1780                                 hear
#> 1781                                  all
#> 1782                                 show
#> 1783                                tough
#> 1784                                  sex
#> 1785                               happen
#> 1786                                 NULL
#> 1787                                 tree
#> 1788                                 Yoda
#> 1789                                 upon
#> 1790                                  fur
#> 1791                            Chewbacca
#> 1792                                  buy
#> 1793                                   by
#> 1794                                 idea
#> 1795                                   be
#> 1796                                 most
#> 1797                                  hey
#> 1798                               cheese
#> 1799                                  buy
#> 1800                               circle
#> 1801                               circus
#> 1802                                 they
#> 1803                             underoos
#> 1804                                 snow
#> 1805                                juice
#> 1806                                 kiss
#> 1807                             Princess
#> 1808                              aspirin
#> 1809                                 foot
#> 1810                            backwards
#> 1811                                stuff
#> 1812                              pumpkin
#> 1813                                 kiss
#> 1814                                   be
#> 1815                                    o
#> 1816                             remember
#> 1817                                 tape
#> 1818                               He_Man
#> 1819                               ground
#> 1820                               before
#> 1821                                twerp
#> 1822                                Daddy
#> 1823                                   go
#> 1824                                ribit
#> 1825                                 name
#> 1826                                  gun
#> 1827                            yesterday
#> 1828                                movie
#> 1829                                 nice
#> 1830                                 hope
#> 1831                              instead
#> 1832                                David
#> 1833                                   be
#> 1834                                maybe
#> 1835                                bread
#> 1836                                 make
#> 1837                              Michael
#> 1838                                toast
#> 1839                                  let
#> 1840                                umhum
#> 1841                                cross
#> 1842                                first
#> 1843                                throw
#> 1844                                movie
#> 1845                                  boy
#> 1846                               letter
#> 1847                               letter
#> 1848                                clean
#> 1849                               happen
#> 1850                                  hat
#> 1851                          Darth_Vader
#> 1852                                 look
#> 1853                               Empire
#> 1854                                  cat
#> 1855                                 cake
#> 1856                                stick
#> 1857                                  die
#> 1858                                  war
#> 1859                                 more
#> 1860                                 full
#> 1861                                front
#> 1862                                 NULL
#> 1863                                candy
#> 1864                                 fast
#> 1865                                music
#> 1866                                 name
#> 1867                                 none
#> 1868                               number
#> 1869                                  win
#> 1870                                story
#> 1871                                 NULL
#> 1872                                   as
#> 1873                                  eye
#> 1874                                 real
#> 1875                                 rest
#> 1876                              alright
#> 1877                                 life
#> 1878                                 grow
#> 1879                                small
#> 1880                                super
#> 1881                                    I
#> 1882                              lots_of
#> 1883                                 warm
#> 1884                                 bell
#> 1885                                horse
#> 1886                                 fish
#> 1887                                    k
#> 1888                                 lose
#> 1889                                craze
#> 1890                                towel
#> 1891                                giant
#> 1892                                 bang
#> 1893                              bandaid
#> 1894                                  ask
#> 1895                                grass
#> 1896                                fight
#> 1897                                 Joey
#> 1898                                 baby
#> 1899                               mother
#> 1900                               doctor
#> 1901                                 both
#> 1902                             upstairs
#> 1903                             Cheerios
#> 1904                                 dark
#> 1905                                 away
#> 1906                                  sun
#> 1907                              himself
#> 1908                               Denver
#> 1909                                 fast
#> 1910                                carry
#> 1911                                check
#> 1912                                 even
#> 1913                                 mine
#> 1914                              alright
#> 1915                                  agh
#> 1916                                three
#> 1917                                Mommy
#> 1918                                catch
#> 1919                                  pig
#> 1920                                 cold
#> 1921                                dress
#> 1922                                piece
#> 1923                                   be
#> 1924                                  pie
#> 1925                                 song
#> 1926                                 make
#> 1927                                Woman
#> 1928                                 yeah
#> 1929                                think
#> 1930                                  set
#> 1931                                 blow
#> 1932                               number
#> 1933                             whatever
#> 1934                                 coat
#> 1935                                horse
#> 1936                              Banthas
#> 1937                                  die
#> 1938                               number
#> 1939                               monkey
#> 1940                                Shana
#> 1941                                  cut
#> 1942                                black
#> 1943                               around
#> 1944                               except
#> 1945                                 fast
#> 1946                                learn
#> 1947                            important
#> 1948                              between
#> 1949                               father
#> 1950                                  fly
#> 1951                                   no
#> 1952                               button
#> 1953                               window
#> 1954                                clean
#> 1955                                 Erin
#> 1956                                 tell
#> 1957                                check
#> 1958                                 bike
#> 1959                                fight
#> 1960                                  nah
#> 1961                                  off
#> 1962                                syrup
#> 1963                                magic
#> 1964                                 most
#> 1965                                  ear
#> 1966                                 love
#> 1967                           understand
#> 1968                                dance
#> 1969                                 NULL
#> 1970                                count
#> 1971                                 shot
#> 1972                                 high
#> 1973                                motor
#> 1974                               finish
#> 1975                                 yell
#> 1976                                  son
#> 1977                                 lung
#> 1978                                until
#> 1979                                 walk
#> 1980                                 meat
#> 1981                           California
#> 1982                              so_that
#> 1983                                  gum
#> 1984                                 duck
#> 1985                            thank_you
#> 1986                              Mondale
#> 1987                                train
#> 1988                                   do
#> 1989                                speak
#> 1990                                close
#> 1991                                 idea
#> 1992                                while
#> 1993                                 kick
#> 1994                                Mommy
#> 1995                                 wxyz
#> 1996                                  may
#> 1997                                 belt
#> 1998                                  arm
#> 1999                              believe
#> 2000                               before
#> 2001                               please
#> 2002                                 neck
#> 2003                                 need
#> 2004                                 need
#> 2005                                 kind
#> 2006                               finish
#> 2007                                  boy
#> 2008                              present
#> 2009                                 face
#> 2010                                 shoe
#> 2011                                 Yoda
#> 2012                                third
#> 2013                               second
#> 2014                                brain
#> 2015                                grass
#> 2016                                where
#> 2017                                after
#> 2018                                 ease
#> 2019                                start
#> 2020                         Artoo_Deetoo
#> 2021                        Princess_Leia
#> 2022                               weapon
#> 2023                                Jawas
#> 2024                          C_three_P_O
#> 2025                                  lie
#> 2026                               toilet
#> 2027                                 trip
#> 2028                                 ever
#> 2029                              anybody
#> 2030                               number
#> 2031                                 true
#> 2032                              alright
#> 2033                         Artoo_Deetoo
#> 2034                                   be
#> 2035                                ghost
#> 2036                                 look
#> 2037                                 take
#> 2038                                 line
#> 2039                                glass
#> 2040                                silly
#> 2041                          Albuquerque
#> 2042                               forest
#> 2043                                knife
#> 2044                                 cold
#> 2045                               behind
#> 2046                                 cell
#> 2047                                drink
#> 2048                            excellent
#> 2049                                 dark
#> 2050                                    i
#> 2051                             terrible
#> 2052                                leave
#> 2053                                towel
#> 2054                                 have
#> 2055                                  try
#> 2056                               cereal
#> 2057                                 blah
#> 2058                                Gabor
#> 2059                                 like
#> 2060                                write
#> 2061                                 have
#> 2062                                block
#> 2063                                write
#> 2064                                 blue
#> 2065                                 team
#> 2066                                 hate
#> 2067                                climb
#> 2068                                after
#> 2069                             sandwich
#> 2070                               Falcon
#> 2071                                class
#> 2072                                happy
#> 2073                                 kiss
#> 2074                                  mud
#> 2075                                think
#> 2076                                 tell
#> 2077                                 have
#> 2078                                  war
#> 2079                                  old
#> 2080                             longboat
#> 2081                                 bone
#> 2082                                  egg
#> 2083                            christmas
#> 2084                              brother
#> 2085                                  see
#> 2086                                shark
#> 2087                                shelf
#> 2088                                heavy
#> 2089                                while
#> 2090                               strong
#> 2091                            yesterday
#> 2092                                 wood
#> 2093                                 warm
#> 2094                                 wall
#> 2095                               Indian
#> 2096                                 uhoh
#> 2097                                 tree
#> 2098                               tongue
#> 2099                                 once
#> 2100                                stick
#> 2101                                stair
#> 2102                               sister
#> 2103                                 push
#> 2104                                  put
#> 2105                                robot
#> 2106                             remember
#> 2107                               reason
#> 2108                                  put
#> 2109                                  arm
#> 2110                                 name
#> 2111                                black
#> 2112                                 bone
#> 2113                                 live
#> 2114                                 lion
#> 2115                                scare
#> 2116                                  leg
#> 2117                                Brian
#> 2118                                shoot
#> 2119                                  fun
#> 2120                                clean
#> 2121                                climb
#> 2122                                fifty
#> 2123                                 farm
#> 2124                                 list
#> 2125                               cookie
#> 2126                                devil
#> 2127                                 need
#> 2128                                 yell
#> 2129                                  cry
#> 2130                                 lick
#> 2131                            dangerous
#> 2132                                  die
#> 2133                                bunch
#> 2134                                spank
#> 2135                                 bite
#> 2136                                 bear
#> 2137                                  eat
#> 2138                                along
#> 2139                             accident
#> 2140                             werewolf
#> 2141                                 such
#> 2142                                sugar
#> 2143                                water
#> 2144                                 than
#> 2145                                 fine
#> 2146                                 sure
#> 2147                                  rob
#> 2148                               forget
#> 2149                                 more
#> 2150                                ghost
#> 2151                                  guy
#> 2152                                 pant
#> 2153                                   by
#> 2154                                  boy
#> 2155                                 have
#> 2156                                   be
#> 2157                                   be
#> 2158                              trooper
#> 2159                                bring
#> 2160                                mouth
#> 2161                                 NULL
#> 2162                               Kenobi
#> 2163                                 miss
#> 2164                                Linus
#> 2165                                 born
#> 2166                                 pole
#> 2167                              trooper
#> 2168                                young
#> 2169                                 save
#> 2170                                    e
#> 2171                                  sad
#> 2172                              regular
#> 2173                                   ah
#> 2174                               turtle
#> 2175                                sound
#> 2176                                  how
#> 2177                                 read
#> 2178                                 well
#> 2179                             building
#> 2180                                Ewoks
#> 2181                                close
#> 2182                                   no
#> 2183                               anyone
#> 2184                               anyway
#> 2185                                  boy
#> 2186                                 hole
#> 2187                                worry
#> 2188                                 Coke
#> 2189                                 oops
#> 2190                                 mess
#> 2191                                house
#> 2192                                 tail
#> 2193                                Mouse
#> 2194                                guess
#> 2195                                 cape
#> 2196                                sleep
#> 2197                                 last
#> 2198                                   by
#> 2199                               inside
#> 2200                                 lion
#> 2201                               cereal
#> 2202                              Grandpa
#> 2203                                brush
#> 2204                                  how
#> 2205                               out_of
#> 2206                                 kill
#> 2207                                 shut
#> 2208                                 show
#> 2209                                Ernie
#> 2210                                jelly
#> 2211                                 wall
#> 2212                                again
#> 2213                           each_other
#> 2214                              another
#> 2215                                 drop
#> 2216                                short
#> 2217                                   oh
#> 2218                                short
#> 2219                                 King
#> 2220                                 tail
#> 2221                                train
#> 2222                               school
#> 2223                                sorry
#> 2224                                cream
#> 2225                                block
#> 2226                                 care
#> 2227                                  fun
#> 2228                                 sing
#> 2229                                  let
#> 2230                                  the
#> 2231                                 drop
#> 2232                                 line
#> 2233                             hospital
#> 2234                                 late
#> 2235                              bandaid
#> 2236                                  old
#> 2237                                 drop
#> 2238                                 onto
#> 2239                                 open
#> 2240                      Cee_Three_Pee_O
#> 2241                                bleep
#> 2242                                cause
#> 2243                                rough
#> 2244                                    e
#> 2245                             Cheerios
#> 2246                                  arm
#> 2247                                whole
#> 2248                                 have
#> 2249                                 turn
#> 2250                                Great
#> 2251                                close
#> 2252                               wicked
#> 2253                                clock
#> 2254                                 live
#> 2255                                close
#> 2256                                 type
#> 2257                                 hulk
#> 2258                                 push
#> 2259                              explain
#> 2260                                 hero
#> 2261                                 rain
#> 2262                               course
#> 2263                                   us
#> 2264                                 uhuh
#> 2265                                 ride
#> 2266                                break
#> 2267                                rough
#> 2268                                 knee
#> 2269                             mountain
#> 2270                                black
#> 2271                                 miss
#> 2272                                 cold
#> 2273                                  pay
#> 2274                               second
#> 2275                                color
#> 2276                                 hold
#> 2277                                 Mary
#> 2278                                 tire
#> 2279                                right
#> 2280                                front
#> 2281                              chicken
#> 2282                                  sky
#> 2283                                small
#> 2284                                house
#> 2285                                 yuck
#> 2286                            spaghetti
#> 2287                                 bump
#> 2288                                 milk
#> 2289                               basket
#> 2290                                    m
#> 2291                                whole
#> 2292                              trooper
#> 2293                                dance
#> 2294                                  Mrs
#> 2295                                  ago
#> 2296                                place
#> 2297                               drawer
#> 2298                                 look
#> 2299                                    I
#> 2300                                 week
#> 2301                                  sit
#> 2302                                 make
#> 2303                                snack
#> 2304                                  ice
#> 2305                                 fast
#> 2306                                 nope
#> 2307                                  ice
#> 2308                               Donald
#> 2309                                 miss
#> 2310                               desert
#> 2311                                    i
#> 2312                                   it
#> 2313                               Wonder
#> 2314                                 hurt
#> 2315                             you_know
#> 2316                                tiger
#> 2317                                 Lone
#> 2318                                cheat
#> 2319                                 save
#> 2320                                 part
#> 2321                                until
#> 2322                                 lose
#> 2323                                 kill
#> 2324                                  sad
#> 2325                               drawer
#> 2326                                 coke
#> 2327                                exact
#> 2328                                 help
#> 2329                                noise
#> 2330                                  set
#> 2331                                  use
#> 2332                                brush
#> 2333                                Chris
#> 2334                              balloon
#> 2335                                scare
#> 2336                              problem
#> 2337                                 uhoh
#> 2338                                under
#> 2339                                   we
#> 2340                                drive
#> 2341                                bubba
#> 2342                                 hope
#> 2343                                    I
#> 2344                               letter
#> 2345                                   up
#> 2346                                cheat
#> 2347                               minute
#> 2348                                  Han
#> 2349                                 yuck
#> 2350                                quiet
#> 2351                                think
#> 2352                                  fix
#> 2353                              Feetman
#> 2354                                 give
#> 2355                                 case
#> 2356                                grass
#> 2357                              machine
#> 2358                                  bat
#> 2359                                 lose
#> 2360                                 each
#> 2361                               diaper
#> 2362                                mouse
#> 2363                           motorcycle
#> 2364                             medicine
#> 2365                                  zoo
#> 2366                                 bowl
#> 2367                                brain
#> 2368                                brush
#> 2369                                 fork
#> 2370                                  all
#> 2371                              welcome
#> 2372                                 head
#> 2373                                truck
#> 2374                              trooper
#> 2375                               chance
#> 2376                                  gas
#> 2377                                could
#> 2378                                   do
#> 2379                                  toe
#> 2380                                 hold
#> 2381                               thirty
#> 2382                                 ewok
#> 2383                            thank_you
#> 2384                               thanks
#> 2385                                 hear
#> 2386                              compute
#> 2387                                trick
#> 2388                                  ear
#> 2389                                  dry
#> 2390                                 wont
#> 2391                                 want
#> 2392                                point
#> 2393                                  man
#> 2394                                means
#> 2395                                Jawas
#> 2396                                 sock
#> 2397                                 okay
#> 2398                                smart
#> 2399                                 over
#> 2400                                 part
#> 2401                                dirty
#> 2402                               matter
#> 2403                                 hour
#> 2404                                  fit
#> 2405                                guess
#> 2406                                fight
#> 2407                                 rock
#> 2408                                break
#> 2409                                  fat
#> 2410                                cream
#> 2411                               Ranger
#> 2412                                Count
#> 2413                                 last
#> 2414                                queen
#> 2415                               jacket
#> 2416                               stupid
#> 2417                                 word
#> 2418                                power
#> 2419                                 NULL
#> 2420                                 Eric
#> 2421                                 life
#> 2422                               planet
#> 2423                                 like
#> 2424                                  pig
#> 2425                                  gee
#> 2426                                 pick
#> 2427                                 ride
#> 2428                            beautiful
#> 2429                                   pa
#> 2430                            backwards
#> 2431                                 NULL
#> 2432                                  ssh
#> 2433                                Celia
#> 2434                                    a
#> 2435                               number
#> 2436                                   be
#> 2437                                  man
#> 2438                                  bet
#> 2439                                sense
#> 2440                                 same
#> 2441                              compute
#> 2442                                 race
#> 2443                                share
#> 2444                               afraid
#> 2445                                stand
#> 2446                              program
#> 2447                                 size
#> 2448                              promise
#> 2449                                  bed
#> 2450                               should
#> 2451                                stand
#> 2452                                 uppy
#> 2453                                  cow
#> 2454                                    a
#> 2455                                forty
#> 2456                                puppy
#> 2457                                catch
#> 2458                                white
#> 2459                                 open
#> 2460                               inside
#> 2461                              cartoon
#> 2462                                 draw
#> 2463                                  our
#> 2464                             thousand
#> 2465                                never
#> 2466                                quiet
#> 2467                              kitchen
#> 2468                              stomach
#> 2469                                   we
#> 2470                                  tea
#> 2471                            Spiderman
#> 2472                               inside
#> 2473                                 come
#> 2474                               minute
#> 2475                                watch
#> 2476                                 past
#> 2477                                  and
#> 2478                                 skin
#> 2479                               unless
#> 2480                                  fix
#> 2481                              pretend
#> 2482                                 talk
#> 2483                              welcome
#> 2484                              through
#> 2485                               butter
#> 2486                             Tauntaun
#> 2487                               tunnel
#> 2488                                 that
#> 2489                                their
#> 2490                                haunt
#> 2491                               wonder
#> 2492                                 boat
#> 2493                                 like
#> 2494                                  ago
#> 2495                                  eye
#> 2496                                 want
#> 2497                                horse
#> 2498                                 fact
#> 2499                              stomach
#> 2500                                 wake
#> 2501                                 kind
#> 2502                                  rob
#> 2503                                right
#> 2504                                 knee
#> 2505                               coffee
#> 2506                                white
#> 2507                                 live
#> 2508                                bring
#> 2509                                 have
#> 2510                                 good
#> 2511                               bubble
#> 2512                               museum
#> 2513                              morning
#> 2514                                 room
#> 2515                                grape
#> 2516                                 turn
#> 2517                                  toy
#> 2518                                 hide
#> 2519                                  yay
#> 2520                                 stop
#> 2521                              brother
#> 2522                                 neat
#> 2523                                   mm
#> 2524                                plate
#> 2525                                  ugh
#> 2526                               belong
#> 2527                           MacWhinney
#> 2528                                 NULL
#> 2529                                light
#> 2530                               pocket
#> 2531                                  mud
#> 2532                                whose
#> 2533                                  who
#> 2534                               church
#> 2535                              Charlie
#> 2536                             elephant
#> 2537                                  hum
#> 2538                          Flintstones
#> 2539                                apart
#> 2540                                 cold
#> 2541                               rotten
#> 2542                             werewolf
#> 2543                                close
#> 2544                                 they
#> 2545                               lelövi
#> 2546                                   oo
#> 2547                                 show
#> 2548                                 food
#> 2549                              Banthas
#> 2550                                 bite
#> 2551                             infinity
#> 2552                              hundred
#> 2553                                 dumb
#> 2554                                 even
#> 2555                                disco
#> 2556                                 take
#> 2557                                guess
#> 2558                                  run
#> 2559                              mistake
#> 2560                             credible
#> 2561                                    n
#> 2562                               forest
#> 2563                                  see
#> 2564                               jacket
#> 2565                                 bump
#> 2566                                  sun
#> 2567                                 kiss
#> 2568                                 plus
#> 2569                                 seat
#> 2570                                  fat
#> 2571                                start
#> 2572                                still
#> 2573                              machine
#> 2574                                 yuck
#> 2575                                arrow
#> 2576                                 army
#> 2577                            somewhere
#> 2578                                catch
#> 2579                                Pepsi
#> 2580                                 show
#> 2581                                 germ
#> 2582                               He_Man
#> 2583                                 down
#> 2584                                dream
#> 2585                                  yum
#> 2586                                think
#> 2587                                knock
#> 2588                                Chris
#> 2589                                 turn
#> 2590                                 koko
#> 2591                                stick
#> 2592                               orange
#> 2593                                hurry
#> 2594                                build
#> 2595                                  may
#> 2596                                 mean
#> 2597                                 spit
#> 2598                              Hungary
#> 2599                                mommy
#> 2600                                 much
#> 2601                                  job
#> 2602                                  key
#> 2603                                 yack
#> 2604                               potato
#> 2605                                 wash
#> 2606                               couple
#> 2607                                snack
#> 2608                                   be
#> 2609                                 junk
#> 2610                                  yup
#> 2611                                 fork
#> 2612                                 wolf
#> 2613                                 foot
#> 2614                           everything
#> 2615                                  fly
#> 2616                                dream
#> 2617                          Flintstones
#> 2618                                  zzz
#> 2619                                 self
#> 2620                                  toy
#> 2621                              promise
#> 2622                                  fat
#> 2623                                snake
#> 2624                               kitten
#> 2625                                 talk
#> 2626                              kitchen
#> 2627                                pants
#> 2628                                round
#> 2629                                 rope
#> 2630                                 part
#> 2631                            Halloween
#> 2632                                 high
#> 2633                                Goose
#> 2634                                spoil
#> 2635                                knife
#> 2636                                  fat
#> 2637                                  far
#> 2638                             reindeer
#> 2639                                  bus
#> 2640                                 NULL
#> 2641                                ready
#> 2642                                 care
#> 2643                                uhhum
#> 2644                                count
#> 2645                                 hero
#> 2646                            beginning
#> 2647                                 bird
#> 2648                                weird
#> 2649                                  gym
#> 2650                                   be
#> 2651                                  heh
#> 2652                              violent
#> 2653                              example
#> 2654                                  you
#> 2655                                 camp
#> 2656                             mountain
#> 2657                                dance
#> 2658                                 wake
#> 2659                                nasty
#> 2660                              against
#> 2661                                 moon
#> 2662                          Albuquerque
#> 2663                                  say
#> 2664                             American
#> 2665                                  nap
#> 2666                              picture
#> 2667                               muscle
#> 2668                            underwear
#> 2669                                 lady
#> 2670                                David
#> 2671                               anyway
#> 2672                                apart
#> 2673                                 rule
#> 2674                                 chip
#> 2675                                  pig
#> 2676                                human
#> 2677                               around
#> 2678                               asleep
#> 2679                                  bad
#> 2680                                worry
#> 2681                                  bar
#> 2682                                 miss
#> 2683                             baseball
#> 2684                               Easter
#> 2685                                 ease
#> 2686                                 suck
#> 2687                                 just
#> 2688                                  get
#> 2689                                Dukes
#> 2690                                stick
#> 2691                              battery
#> 2692                               Sunday
#> 2693                                  egg
#> 2694                                  buy
#> 2695                                 germ
#> 2696                                    a
#> 2697                                 swim
#> 2698                                steal
#> 2699                               eleven
#> 2700                                 lose
#> 2701                                dress
#> 2702                                bunny
#> 2703                                    t
#> 2704                                 walk
#> 2705                                  Ben
#> 2706                                  bee
#> 2707                                   oh
#> 2708                                 hand
#> 2709                                drink
#> 2710                                 mine
#> 2711                                 Adam
#> 2712                              Feetman
#> 2713                                while
#> 2714                                 live
#> 2715                                 ride
#> 2716                                Daddy
#> 2717                               wonder
#> 2718                              Holland
#> 2719                                table
#> 2720                                  use
#> 2721                                 feel
#> 2722                                shall
#> 2723                                 what
#> 2724                              pancake
#> 2725                                speed
#> 2726                                   go
#> 2727                                until
#> 2728                                stair
#> 2729                                throw
#> 2730                                 wolf
#> 2731                             mountain
#> 2732                                 take
#> 2733                                    b
#> 2734                                  fix
#> 2735                                  dog
#> 2736                                 King
#> 2737                              problem
#> 2738                               Mickey
#> 2739                               Mister
#> 2740                                Tonto
#> 2741                                group
#> 2742                         Frankenstein
#> 2743                               byebye
#> 2744                               diaper
#> 2745                                  tie
#> 2746                                   Mr
#> 2747                               Banner
#> 2748                                shoot
#> 2749                               muscle
#> 2750                                 kind
#> 2751                                 leaf
#> 2752                                 bike
#> 2753                             sandwich
#> 2754                              cartoon
#> 2755                                 mind
#> 2756                              mistake
#> 2757                                  lot
#> 2758                                break
#> 2759                                stuff
#> 2760                                 test
#> 2761                                  fit
#> 2762                                carry
#> 2763                                    a
#> 2764                               marble
#> 2765                                  set
#> 2766                                 pour
#> 2767                                refer
#> 2768                                 Jack
#> 2769                               closet
#> 2770                             infinity
#> 2771                                tease
#> 2772                                 Leia
#> 2773                               window
#> 2774                                Celia
#> 2775                                learn
#> 2776                              strange
#> 2777                                climb
#> 2778                                blast
#> 2779                                drink
#> 2780                                  toe
#> 2781                               planet
#> 2782                               finger
#> 2783                                  lie
#> 2784                             reindeer
#> 2785                                brain
#> 2786                                 late
#> 2787                                 walk
#> 2788                                 fine
#> 2789                                under
#> 2790                                storm
#> 2791                                   we
#> 2792                                wheel
#> 2793                                  cow
#> 2794                               twelve
#> 2795                               Sunday
#> 2796                                 keep
#> 2797                                 belt
#> 2798                                 snow
#> 2799                                sound
#> 2800                                 beat
#> 2801                             elephant
#> 2802                               dollar
#> 2803                                beach
#> 2804                               listen
#> 2805                                  nut
#> 2806                                quite
#> 2807                                night
#> 2808                               monkey
#> 2809                                stick
#> 2810                            Millenium
#> 2811                             mountain
#> 2812                                 hang
#> 2813                                  fly
#> 2814                                 have
#> 2815                               Hazard
#> 2816                                fight
#> 2817                                 cold
#> 2818                                honey
#> 2819                             hospital
#> 2820                               except
#> 2821                                 Eric
#> 2822                                hurry
#> 2823                              emperor
#> 2824                                Linus
#> 2825                                early
#> 2826                               I_mean
#> 2827                                 size
#> 2828                               Jackie
#> 2829                                Janos
#> 2830                               Donald
#> 2831                               secret
#> 2832                             dinosaur
#> 2833                              cracker
#> 2834                           Death_Star
#> 2835                               bridge
#> 2836                              cracker
#> 2837                                 soap
#> 2838                                 cool
#> 2839                                  Lea
#> 2840                                least
#> 2841                                leave
#> 2842                               wicked
#> 2843                                daddy
#> 2844                                close
#> 2845                                  nap
#> 2846                                 boot
#> 2847                                 long
#> 2848                           Death_Star
#> 2849                               decide
#> 2850                                naked
#> 2851                                 blue
#> 2852                                magic
#> 2853                                   ma
#> 2854                                    c
#> 2855                                black
#> 2856                                 bump
#> 2857                                brown
#> 2858                               Monday
#> 2859                                 bone
#> 2860                                 move
#> 2861                                  Mrs
#> 2862                                 bird
#> 2863                                naked
#> 2864                                 Bert
#> 2865                               before
#> 2866                                  bee
#> 2867                                 bean
#> 2868                                beach
#> 2869                                 bang
#> 2870                                  dry
#> 2871                                where
#> 2872                               orange
#> 2873                               orange
#> 2874                                stair
#> 2875                                  ear
#> 2876                             language
#> 2877                                 park
#> 2878                               appear
#> 2879                                  rid
#> 2880                                point
#> 2881                                ahead
#> 2882                                 army
#> 2883                                  pop
#> 2884                                  hop
#> 2885                              pretend
#> 2886                             straight
#> 2887                                 will
#> 2888                               anyway
#> 2889                                  ant
#> 2890                                where
#> 2891                                quick
#> 2892                                 week
#> 2893                                 turn
#> 2894                                 ride
#> 2895                                river
#> 2896                                fifty
#> 2897                                    t
#> 2898                                 find
#> 2899                              Pumpkin
#> 2900                                 seem
#> 2901                                 sick
#> 2902                                  you
#> 2903                               flower
#> 2904                                 tall
#> 2905                                 skin
#> 2906                                  old
#> 2907                                  off
#> 2908                              o'clock
#> 2909                                spank
#> 2910                               squirt
#> 2911                            Star_Wars
#> 2912                                  kid
#> 2913                              Strikes
#> 2914                                 such
#> 2915                                 give
#> 2916                                 glad
#> 2917                                 grab
#> 2918                                  get
#> 2919                                Great
#> 2920                                 jump
#> 2921                               finger
#> 2922                                 feel
#> 2923                                 time
#> 2924                                 else
#> 2925                                  toe
#> 2926                              pancake
#> 2927                              tonight
#> 2928                               turtle
#> 2929                                 time
#> 2930                                  One
#> 2931                                  ask
#> 2932                                heavy
#> 2933                               anyway
#> 2934                               anyway
#> 2935                              already
#> 2936                                 NULL
#> 2937                                 NULL
#> 2938                                share
#> 2939                                green
#> 2940                                 hide
#> 2941                                 high
#> 2942                                shoot
#> 2943                              someone
#> 2944                                 fast
#> 2945                             dinosaur
#> 2946                                   wa
#> 2947                               Markie
#> 2948                                 need
#> 2949                                 pool
#> 2950                                 wind
#> 2951                                 fall
#> 2952                                 lady
#> 2953                                  use
#> 2954                                  Wan
#> 2955                                  way
#> 2956                                 land
#> 2957                                 toto
#> 2958                                  nem
#> 2959                                quiet
#> 2960                                  fly
#> 2961                                   ET
#> 2962                                 Luke
#> 2963                                  the
#> 2964                              compute
#> 2965                                  zip
#> 2966                                  hot
#> 2967                              certain
#> 2968                                  toy
#> 2969                                 soft
#> 2970                                 soft
#> 2971                           collection
#> 2972                                 Matt
#> 2973                                 word
#> 2974                                 hate
#> 2975                                 soon
#> 2976                               museum
#> 2977                               Batman
#> 2978                                  Obi
#> 2979                                 July
#> 2980                                 soap
#> 2981                               Indian
#> 2982                                 here
#> 2983                                 loud
#> 2984                  Empire_Strikes_Back
#> 2985                               Kenobi
#> 2986                                truck
#> 2987                              himself
#> 2988                            Chewbacca
#> 2989                                  her
#> 2990                               enough
#> 2991                                  bag
#> 2992                               cavity
#> 2993                                 play
#> 2994                                witch
#> 2995                                kinda
#> 2996                                fight
#> 2997                                  get
#> 2998                               shield
#> 2999                                 NULL
#> 3000                                crawl
#> 3001                                 turn
#> 3002                                throw
#> 3003                                  sky
#> 3004                                  sex
#> 3005                                tooth
#> 3006                               finish
#> 3007                               castle
#> 3008                                 hope
#> 3009                                 whip
#> 3010                                first
#> 3011                                 ship
#> 3012                                 mind
#> 3013                                   go
#> 3014                                 show
#> 3015                                 show
#> 3016                                grade
#> 3017                                 park
#> 3018                                   to
#> 3019                              Grandpa
#> 3020                            Batmobile
#> 3021                                 Back
#> 3022                                Spike
#> 3023                               pocket
#> 3024                                 show
#> 3025                                 jail
#> 3026                                 camp
#> 3027                                   so
#> 3028                                broke
#> 3029                                Robin
#> 3030                                toast
#> 3031                             Gertinor
#> 3032                                 debt
#> 3033                                paper
#> 3034                                  saw
#> 3035                              scratch
#> 3036                               Mister
#> 3037                                  let
#> 3038                                  jam
#> 3039                                  boy
#> 3040                                still
#> 3041                               street
#> 3042                             building
#> 3043                                child
#> 3044                                 fine
#> 3045                             underoos
#> 3046                            graveyard
#> 3047                                fight
#> 3048                                 land
#> 3049                               toilet
#> 3050                                  Mom
#> 3051                               sailor
#> 3052                                  lie
#> 3053                               choice
#> 3054                                 choo
#> 3055                               tickle
#> 3056                            adventure
#> 3057                                speed
#> 3058                              special
#> 3059                                 busy
#> 3060                               puzzle
#> 3061                                  eee
#> 3062                              disgust
#> 3063                              against
#> 3064                                knock
#> 3065                                steal
#> 3066                                quiet
#> 3067                             Milinium
#> 3068                                truck
#> 3069                                sneak
#> 3070                                usual
#> 3071                               bridge
#> 3072                             credible
#> 3073                                Super
#> 3074                                 joke
#> 3075                       Ar_Too_Dee_Too
#> 3076                                 dark
#> 3077                                 rock
#> 3078                                ahhah
#> 3079                                might
#> 3080                               pencil
#> 3081                                 send
#> 3082                                phone
#> 3083                               bright
#> 3084                                 claw
#> 3085                                 bell
#> 3086                                  saw
#> 3087                                 true
#> 3088                                dirty
#> 3089                                  not
#> 3090                                 farm
#> 3091                                 feed
#> 3092                                  new
#> 3093                               closet
#> 3094                                 roll
#> 3095                                 line
#> 3096                                 Mark
#> 3097                                 NULL
#> 3098                               German
#> 3099                               record
#> 3100                                 hard
#> 3101                                Micah
#> 3102                                puppy
#> 3103                              Michael
#> 3104                                growl
#> 3105                                 yell
#> 3106                               Reagan
#> 3107                               yogurt
#> 3108                                knock
#> 3109                                 lick
#> 3110                             frighten
#> 3111                                  gun
#> 3112                                 sing
#> 3113                                 lego
#> 3114                                 bite
#> 3115                                  dog
#> 3116                              Spanish
#> 3117                              special
#> 3118                                cloud
#> 3119                                  gut
#> 3120                                  ask
#> 3121                               pirate
#> 3122                                shelf
#> 3123                              bandage
#> 3124                               nobody
#> 3125                             elephant
#> 3126                               tongue
#> 3127                                Aaron
#> 3128                                  big
#> 3129                              machine
#> 3130                               mostly
#> 3131                                 folk
#> 3132                              Grandma
#> 3133                                 live
#> 3134                                   Pa
#> 3135                              Russell
#> 3136                                   be
#> 3137                               summer
#> 3138                                plane
#> 3139                                 farm
#> 3140                                sleep
#> 3141                                    l
#> 3142                            McDonalds
#> 3143                              program
#> 3144                                world
#> 3145                                 home
#> 3146                                magic
#> 3147                                   as
#> 3148                                sword
#> 3149                                 call
#> 3150                       Captain_Marvel
#> 3151                                 pull
#> 3152                              whether
#> 3153                                nuhuh
#> 3154                               record
#> 3155                               anyone
#> 3156                                 deal
#> 3157                                   my
#> 3158                                  yum
#> 3159                               french
#> 3160                                 feel
#> 3161                               desert
#> 3162                                 beat
#> 3163                               office
#> 3164                                 whoa
#> 3165                              thought
#> 3166                               puzzle
#> 3167                                spank
#> 3168                                 tape
#> 3169                                share
#> 3170                             together
#> 3171                                 born
#> 3172                                 boss
#> 3173                                 wood
#> 3174                                 only
#> 3175                               butter
#> 3176                                 fall
#> 3177                               karate
#> 3178                               happen
#> 3179                              disgust
#> 3180                                scare
#> 3181                                 look
#> 3182                                  use
#> 3183                                equal
#> 3184                                 seem
#> 3185                                teach
#> 3186                               byebye
#> 3187                                 huge
#> 3188                                  cow
#> 3189                                teach
#> 3190                                  sit
#> 3191                                 have
#> 3192                                 part
#> 3193                                 joke
#> 3194                                Spike
#> 3195                                    k
#> 3196                                  one
#> 3197                               tickle
#> 3198                                start
#> 3199                                ummhm
#> 3200                                 boom
#> 3201                                    y
#> 3202                                  you
#> 3203                                 glad
#> 3204                                 plan
#> 3205                                  sun
#> 3206                               during
#> 3207                                Shana
#> 3208                                 fast
#> 3209                                  cup
#> 3210                               others
#> 3211                           good_night
#> 3212                                 star
#> 3213                                Delma
#> 3214                                 rock
#> 3215                              soldier
#> 3216                           California
#> 3217                            important
#> 3218                                 dump
#> 3219                                 okay
#> 3220                              through
#> 3221                                    p
#> 3222                                 bite
#> 3223                               office
#> 3224                               throat
#> 3225                                 lock
#> 3226                               pillow
#> 3227                                glass
#> 3228                                swing
#> 3229                                  tag
#> 3230                                    h
#> 3231                              Pac_Man
#> 3232                               Tarzan
#> 3233                               father
#> 3234                                 self
#> 3235                                 bump
#> 3236                                teach
#> 3237                                 have
#> 3238                                 hand
#> 3239                                 walk
#> 3240                                huhuh
#> 3241                                  guy
#> 3242                                 huge
#> 3243                                great
#> 3244                                phone
#> 3245                                think
#> 3246                                early
#> 3247                                 give
#> 3248                               though
#> 3249                                  get
#> 3250                                motor
#> 3251                                 game
#> 3252                                horse
#> 3253                                third
#> 3254                                 four
#> 3255                                Paper
#> 3256                                  eat
#> 3257                                 Mark
#> 3258                               starve
#> 3259                                 ride
#> 3260                                 miss
#> 3261                                 luck
#> 3262                                sound
#> 3263                                Dinky
#> 3264                                  say
#> 3265                                    x
#> 3266                              Phoenix
#> 3267                                phone
#> 3268                                   be
#> 3269                                 wish
#> 3270                                 lime
#> 3271                               marble
#> 3272                  Empire_Strikes_Back
#> 3273                               asleep
#> 3274                                  let
#> 3275                                wheel
#> 3276                                 need
#> 3277                               become
#> 3278                                 dare
#> 3279                              English
#> 3280                                 yell
#> 3281                              battery
#> 3282                               French
#> 3283                                after
#> 3284                                hippo
#> 3285                                jelly
#> 3286                                    I
#> 3287                                month
#> 3288                                 help
#> 3289                                happy
#> 3290                               record
#> 3291                               change
#> 3292                                write
#> 3293                                  ask
#> 3294                                  box
#> 3295                                 card
#> 3296                                 wear
#> 3297                               answer
#> 3298                                  buy
#> 3299                                   we
#> 3300                                 NULL
#> 3301                                angry
#> 3302                                 grow
#> 3303                                 neck
#> 3304                                 bite
#> 3305                              country
#> 3306                                  cut
#> 3307                               raisin
#> 3308                                knock
#> 3309                                reach
#> 3310                                clear
#> 3311                                crash
#> 3312                                 wear
#> 3313                               flower
#> 3314                                creep
#> 3315                              tonight
#> 3316                                 shot
#> 3317                                 knee
#> 3318                                  yup
#> 3319                                  cry
#> 3320                             question
#> 3321                                 roll
#> 3322                                these
#> 3323                                   we
#> 3324                                  use
#> 3325                                    d
#> 3326                                   be
#> 3327                                Billy
#> 3328                                   it
#> 3329                                dance
#> 3330                               punish
#> 3331                                Carla
#> 3332                                  saw
#> 3333                              yeahhuh
#> 3334                                Henry
#> 3335                                 such
#> 3336                                scare
#> 3337                                 NULL
#> 3338                               happen
#> 3339                                 page
#> 3340                                  set
#> 3341                                 care
#> 3342                                 tile
#> 3343                                 shag
#> 3344                                  the
#> 3345                                 talk
#> 3346                                  run
#> 3347                                Rossy
#> 3348                               button
#> 3349                                 turn
#> 3350                                 base
#> 3351                                 call
#> 3352                                 last
#> 3353                                 NULL
#> 3354                                crack
#> 3355                                 pray
#> 3356                                press
#> 3357                                  kid
#> 3358                                piece
#> 3359                                sleep
#> 3360                                tease
#> 3361                                  car
#> 3362                               sleigh
#> 3363                                  out
#> 3364                                 snow
#> 3365                                build
#> 3366                               belong
#> 3367                                mommy
#> 3368                               tunnel
#> 3369                                 joke
#> 3370                              so_that
#> 3371                                 yell
#> 3372                                 need
#> 3373                                Jimmy
#> 3374                                  War
#> 3375                               Doctor
#> 3376                                trick
#> 3377                                 more
#> 3378                               thanks
#> 3379                                  doo
#> 3380                               shower
#> 3381                                splat
#> 3382                                 NULL
#> 3383                                 pony
#> 3384                                Jabba
#> 3385                                 frog
#> 3386                                state
#> 3387                                 like
#> 3388                                 Toto
#> 3389                                 that
#> 3390                                 ours
#> 3391                                 fast
#> 3392                           MacWhinney
#> 3393                                  bar
#> 3394                                 flat
#> 3395                               clever
#> 3396                                 blow
#> 3397                                 fast
#> 3398                             dinosaur
#> 3399                              aspirin
#> 3400                               muppet
#> 3401                                brave
#> 3402                                tooth
#> 3403                                  pee
#> 3404                                 lord
#> 3405                                 Ryan
#> 3406                                cross
#> 3407                            Alexander
#> 3408                                 band
#> 3409                              darling
#> 3410                                throw
#> 3411                               helmet
#> 3412                                 feed
#> 3413                                   oo
#> 3414                                scare
#> 3415                                 roll
#> 3416                              Spanish
#> 3417                                Titus
#> 3418                                drive
#> 3419                                there
#> 3420                                  lie
#> 3421                                queen
#> 3422                               weapon
#> 3423                                 give
#> 3424                                shape
#> 3425                                  put
#> 3426                                buddy
#> 3427                               August
#> 3428                                 miss
#> 3429                              station
#> 3430                                brain
#> 3431                                  use
#> 3432                                 uppy
#> 3433                                szörp
#> 3434                                place
#> 3435                                 help
#> 3436                               squirt
#> 3437                                doink
#> 3438                                 take
#> 3439                                cross
#> 3440                                sound
#> 3441                                    g
#> 3442                               belong
#> 3443                              through
#> 3444                                light
#> 3445                                 ugly
#> 3446                                 chew
#> 3447                               mister
#> 3448                             accident
#> 3449                               Easter
#> 3450                                 mkay
#> 3451                                 door
#> 3452                                third
#> 3453                              perfect
#> 3454                               throat
#> 3455                                 kiss
#> 3456                               secret
#> 3457                                creek
#> 3458                                 burn
#> 3459                             yourself
#> 3460                          Decepticons
#> 3461                                 burn
#> 3462                             Megatron
#> 3463                                smart
#> 3464                                  one
#> 3465                                 ship
#> 3466                                  God
#> 3467                              Dorothy
#> 3468                              scratch
#> 3469                                green
#> 3470                                split
#> 3471                                  nem
#> 3472                            Galactica
#> 3473                                  dog
#> 3474                                 that
#> 3475                                  how
#> 3476                                furry
#> 3477                                 give
#> 3478                                 lord
#> 3479                                giant
#> 3480                                 turn
#> 3481                               orange
#> 3482                                thank
#> 3483                                  nah
#> 3484                                 pick
#> 3485                                Mommy
#> 3486                                Brown
#> 3487                                 loud
#> 3488                              balloon
#> 3489                                 that
#> 3490                                   ma
#> 3491                                 Matt
#> 3492                                 call
#> 3493                             probable
#> 3494                                plane
#> 3495                                 know
#> 3496                               jacket
#> 3497                               grouch
#> 3498                                    c
#> 3499                                sixty
#> 3500                             Tauntaun
#> 3501                              fifteen
#> 3502                                   ma
#> 3503                                 team
#> 3504                                  key
#> 3505                                plate
#> 3506                               Mother
#> 3507                               sticky
#> 3508                                slide
#> 3509                               scream
#> 3510                                Smurf
#> 3511                                  fox
#> 3512                              Tuesday
#> 3513                              Holland
#> 3514                                 snap
#> 3515                                truth
#> 3516                                 Duck
#> 3517                                taste
#> 3518                            christmas
#> 3519                                  end
#> 3520                              visible
#> 3521                              country
#> 3522                               freeze
#> 3523                                 pile
#> 3524                                 sink
#> 3525                                 bump
#> 3526                               Friday
#> 3527                              besides
#> 3528                                river
#> 3529                                least
#> 3530                             sometime
#> 3531                                 hurt
#> 3532                                  let
#> 3533                                 bowl
#> 3534                               garage
#> 3535                                 long
#> 3536                                  bow
#> 3537                                 swim
#> 3538                                white
#> 3539                                 song
#> 3540                                 mail
#> 3541                             probable
#> 3542                                 hurt
#> 3543                             princess
#> 3544                                 NULL
#> 3545                                 left
#> 3546                                  fly
#> 3547                                  gas
#> 3548                                   Mr
#> 3549                                  ant
#> 3550                                sharp
#> 3551                                 stop
#> 3552                                extra
#> 3553                                  see
#> 3554                                 last
#> 3555                               circle
#> 3556                                 keep
#> 3557                                 spin
#> 3558                                 soup
#> 3559                                    g
#> 3560                                 fair
#> 3561                                  Joe
#> 3562                                 song
#> 3563                             Anderson
#> 3564                               freeze
#> 3565                                Aaron
#> 3566                                 wait
#> 3567                                  jam
#> 3568                         refrigerator
#> 3569                                 hall
#> 3570                                 spit
#> 3571                               drawer
#> 3572                                Billy
#> 3573                                crash
#> 3574                             Superman
#> 3575                                  win
#> 3576                                  key
#> 3577                                 keep
#> 3578                                   no
#> 3579                              fantasy
#> 3580                                 walk
#> 3581                                 hurt
#> 3582                            somewhere
#> 3583                                 NULL
#> 3584                                 Ross
#> 3585                                drink
#> 3586                                stalk
#> 3587                                where
#> 3588                                arrow
#> 3589                                 land
#> 3590                                shirt
#> 3591                              scratch
#> 3592                                wheel
#> 3593                                 mask
#> 3594                                 year
#> 3595                                  tar
#> 3596                              balloon
#> 3597                                 yell
#> 3598                                 folk
#> 3599                                metal
#> 3600                                  get
#> 3601                            telephone
#> 3602                                 ewok
#> 3603                                catch
#> 3604                             Princess
#> 3605                            Woodstock
#> 3606                                 mess
#> 3607                               shower
#> 3608                               Markie
#> 3609                               spider
#> 3610                                 have
#> 3611                                    l
#> 3612                              sweater
#> 3613                                Jesus
#> 3614                                 nail
#> 3615                                light
#> 3616                               string
#> 3617                                  top
#> 3618                                  egg
#> 3619                              promise
#> 3620                                 Nose
#> 3621                                creek
#> 3622                              pretend
#> 3623                                taste
#> 3624                           as_soon_as
#> 3625                                 kill
#> 3626                               sticky
#> 3627                            Siegfried
#> 3628                                 work
#> 3629                                 barn
#> 3630                                plant
#> 3631                                Vadar
#> 3632                                 cage
#> 3633                                  for
#> 3634                                break
#> 3635                                 Barr
#> 3636                                  his
#> 3637                                 Alua
#> 3638                             dinosaur
#> 3639                                  rip
#> 3640                                  dog
#> 3641                                metal
#> 3642                                  say
#> 3643                              airport
#> 3644                            adventure
#> 3645                                 feel
#> 3646                            Millenium
#> 3647                                  num
#> 3648                                 nine
#> 3649                                   we
#> 3650                                 make
#> 3651                                  sit
#> 3652                                 hill
#> 3653                                  kid
#> 3654                                 come
#> 3655                               church
#> 3656                                drive
#> 3657                                 lion
#> 3658                                these
#> 3659                                 sell
#> 3660                         Darth_Vadert
#> 3661                            president
#> 3662                             everyone
#> 3663                               turkey
#> 3664                               ladder
#> 3665                                 meow
#> 3666                            nightmare
#> 3667                                noise
#> 3668                                Jerry
#> 3669                                  pet
#> 3670                                 spin
#> 3671                                 Wars
#> 3672                           Pittsburgh
#> 3673                               listen
#> 3674                                 Ryan
#> 3675                                  she
#> 3676                                 wife
#> 3677                                 kick
#> 3678                                 hide
#> 3679                                 each
#> 3680                                break
#> 3681                              picture
#> 3682                                Dutch
#> 3683                            thank_you
#> 3684                                Wompa
#> 3685                                sleep
#> 3686                                sleep
#> 3687                             suitcase
#> 3688                                 suck
#> 3689                                 city
#> 3690                                 walk
#> 3691                               He_man
#> 3692                            telephone
#> 3693                              o'clock
#> 3694                               pencil
#> 3695                                apple
#> 3696                                 what
#> 3697                                daddy
#> 3698                                state
#> 3699                                 burn
#> 3700                               minute
#> 3701                                  use
#> 3702                                 ugat
#> 3703                                 band
#> 3704                                 save
#> 3705                                 grey
#> 3706                                 hide
#> 3707                              Find_it
#> 3708                                ugato
#> 3709                               napkin
#> 3710                               action
#> 3711                                  eat
#> 3712                                 cute
#> 3713                                 army
#> 3714                                  say
#> 3715                                 keep
#> 3716                               dollar
#> 3717                               Grover
#> 3718                                  you
#> 3719                                    j
#> 3720                                 scab
#> 3721                                 joke
#> 3722                                 lock
#> 3723                               cousin
#> 3724                       Ar_Too_Dee_Too
#> 3725                                 head
#> 3726                                month
#> 3727                                 want
#> 3728                               ma_may
#> 3729                              scratch
#> 3730                                   be
#> 3731                                  his
#> 3732                                sauce
#> 3733                               weapon
#> 3734                                spoon
#> 3735                                  pal
#> 3736                                  Dad
#> 3737                               mister
#> 3738                              pudding
#> 3739                               carrot
#> 3740                                 wait
#> 3741                               diaper
#> 3742                                truth
#> 3743                                  put
#> 3744                                  arm
#> 3745                                snake
#> 3746                                 look
#> 3747                                 self
#> 3748                                grape
#> 3749                                floor
#> 3750                                 week
#> 3751                              checker
#> 3752                               island
#> 3753                                 five
#> 3754                                 yell
#> 3755                               record
#> 3756                             thirteen
#> 3757                               thingy
#> 3758                              Bat_Man
#> 3759                               excuse
#> 3760                                malna
#> 3761                                  rip
#> 3762                                 NULL
#> 3763                                 once
#> 3764                                 grab
#> 3765                             horrible
#> 3766                                 sock
#> 3767                               tickle
#> 3768                                  why
#> 3769                                   it
#> 3770                               French
#> 3771                                  set
#> 3772                                 hole
#> 3773                              sort_of
#> 3774                                   ow
#> 3775                                 jump
#> 3776                            ourselves
#> 3777                                 cool
#> 3778                               basket
#> 3779                                  hit
#> 3780                                 pony
#> 3781                                boing
#> 3782                                  cup
#> 3783                                  day
#> 3784                                spoil
#> 3785                                  fox
#> 3786                              dessert
#> 3787                                  Han
#> 3788                                 free
#> 3789                                  run
#> 3790                                   he
#> 3791                                  run
#> 3792                                cloth
#> 3793                                blast
#> 3794                                  run
#> 3795                                  win
#> 3796                                 cake
#> 3797                                 wine
#> 3798                                   be
#> 3799                                   be
#> 3800                              battery
#> 3801                                   he
#> 3802                            beautiful
#> 3803                                 save
#> 3804                                    p
#> 3805                                 mail
#> 3806                                 NULL
#> 3807                                sonny
#> 3808                                 blow
#> 3809                                 late
#> 3810                                  not
#> 3811                               Banner
#> 3812                                drive
#> 3813                              careful
#> 3814                                 NULL
#> 3815                                 blue
#> 3816                                 NULL
#> 3817                                catch
#> 3818                                 cell
#> 3819                                 less
#> 3820                               change
#> 3821                                 ouch
#> 3822                                  bad
#> 3823                                  bad
#> 3824                                 NULL
#> 3825                                 owie
#> 3826                                cheat
#> 3827                             whenever
#> 3828                                paint
#> 3829                              pajamas
#> 3830                                Wompa
#> 3831                               lookee
#> 3832                                  pay
#> 3833                                 boom
#> 3834                              chimney
#> 3835                            Star_Wars
#> 3836                                penny
#> 3837                                 chop
#> 3838                               person
#> 3839                               either
#> 3840                                angry
#> 3841                                stick
#> 3842                                stick
#> 3843                                worry
#> 3844                                empty
#> 3845                                 play
#> 3846                                 plum
#> 3847                               engine
#> 3848                                  art
#> 3849                               polite
#> 3850                                  lie
#> 3851                                dance
#> 3852                                worry
#> 3853                                  lid
#> 3854                                gross
#> 3855                                  you
#> 3856                                 yeah
#> 3857                                  one
#> 3858                                 even
#> 3859                                April
#> 3860                                  zzz
#> 3861                                  you
#> 3862                                  yet
#> 3863                               coffee
#> 3864                            apologize
#> 3865                               excuse
#> 3866                                 Dada
#> 3867                               record
#> 3868                                laugh
#> 3869                                 quit
#> 3870                                 love
#> 3871                                 wear
#> 3872                                 land
#> 3873                                  sun
#> 3874                                 fair
#> 3875                              cracker
#> 3876                              America
#> 3877                               ladder
#> 3878                                 rain
#> 3879                                crawl
#> 3880                                sweet
#> 3881                             favorite
#> 3882                             a_little
#> 3883                                 ring
#> 3884                                 feel
#> 3885                                 snap
#> 3886                                knife
#> 3887                                kneel
#> 3888                                 push
#> 3889                                brick
#> 3890                               Sarlac
#> 3891                             Saturday
#> 3892                                 Dada
#> 3893                            dangerous
#> 3894                                 tail
#> 3895                               bright
#> 3896                               scream
#> 3897                                 kite
#> 3898                           Decepticon
#> 3899                                glove
#> 3900                                 skin
#> 3901                                 size
#> 3902                                  sit
#> 3903                             creature
#> 3904                                group
#> 3905                                 send
#> 3906                              program
#> 3907                              kind_of
#> 3908                                 NULL
#> 3909                                sharp
#> 3910                                  fly
#> 3911                               record
#> 3912                           difference
#> 3913                                 read
#> 3914                               rather
#> 3915                                quite
#> 3916                                Dinky
#> 3917                                mouse
#> 3918                                cover
#> 3919                                  May
#> 3920                                 once
#> 3921                               notice
#> 3922                                  you
#> 3923                                Count
#> 3924                                 sort
#> 3925                             possible
#> 3926                                  fry
#> 3927                               Popeye
#> 3928                              special
#> 3929                                 mean
#> 3930                                 bump
#> 3931                                 pool
#> 3932                              correct
#> 3933                                 wont
#> 3934                               polite
#> 3935                                point
#> 3936                                 look
#> 3937                                 long
#> 3938                             medicine
#> 3939                                 life
#> 3940                                 keep
#> 3941                                 left
#> 3942                                 step
#> 3943                                 that
#> 3944                                later
#> 3945                                 seem
#> 3946                                kitty
#> 3947                                 step
#> 3948                                 kind
#> 3949                                 line
#> 3950                              sticker
#> 3951                                  its
#> 3952                                early
#> 3953                                earth
#> 3954                               Kanobi
#> 3955                               button
#> 3956                                 swim
#> 3957                               either
#> 3958                                honey
#> 3959                                 here
#> 3960                              hunhunh
#> 3961                                   of
#> 3962                                  her
#> 3963                          Go_go_yo_yo
#> 3964                                thank
#> 3965                                 half
#> 3966                                   it
#> 3967                                woman
#> 3968                                  get
#> 3969                              goodbye
#> 3970                                    f
#> 3971                                loose
#> 3972                                 fair
#> 3973                                shark
#> 3974                                thumb
#> 3975                              thunder
#> 3976                                  tie
#> 3977                                 fall
#> 3978                                 face
#> 3979                                  eye
#> 3980                                every
#> 3981                                 grab
#> 3982                               thread
#> 3983                                 tiny
#> 3984                             sentence
#> 3985                               Tomtom
#> 3986                                  top
#> 3987                            different
#> 3988                               yellow
#> 3989                              tractor
#> 3990                                  dad
#> 3991                             favorite
#> 3992                                 high
#> 3993                                    h
#> 3994                                 cold
#> 3995                                 high
#> 3996                                 coke
#> 3997                                 tile
#> 3998                               figure
#> 3999                                 miss
#> 4000                                 help
#> 4001                                 bear
#> 4002                                 iron
#> 4003                                  you
#> 4004                               carrot
#> 4005                               twelve
#> 4006                               yellow
#> 4007                           in_between
#> 4008                                watch
#> 4009                                Jesus
#> 4010                                 turn
#> 4011                            Wednesday
#> 4012                                 have
#> 4013                             werewolf
#> 4014                                 hate
#> 4015                                Winds
#> 4016                              gravity
#> 4017                                usual
#> 4018                              nervous
#> 4019                              Gremlin
#> 4020                                where
#> 4021                              anymore
#> 4022                                force
#> 4023                              hundred
#> 4024                             fourteen
#> 4025                                  ago
#> 4026                                 mess
#> 4027                                broke
#> 4028                           Disneyland
#> 4029                                brand
#> 4030                                 Miss
#> 4031                               mostly
#> 4032                               Doctor
#> 4033                               X_wing
#> 4034                               dollar
#> 4035                               button
#> 4036                          interesting
#> 4037                                 part
#> 4038                                 stay
#> 4039                                  gay
#> 4040                              station
#> 4041                                  bum
#> 4042                                tough
#> 4043                               Denver
#> 4044                                point
#> 4045                                awful
#> 4046                                   do
#> 4047                                  mix
#> 4048                              besides
#> 4049                                start
#> 4050                                thumb
#> 4051                                 many
#> 4052                                spill
#> 4053                                 trap
#> 4054                                 Miss
#> 4055                              special
#> 4056                                speak
#> 4057                                  pop
#> 4058                                sheet
#> 4059                             passport
#> 4060                                  gut
#> 4061                            lightning
#> 4062                                 Jaws
#> 4063                               doctor
#> 4064                                  pot
#> 4065                                 frog
#> 4066                                 give
#> 4067                                wafer
#> 4068                                mommy
#> 4069                                 jump
#> 4070                                 earn
#> 4071                                   do
#> 4072                                 chop
#> 4073                                paint
#> 4074                              present
#> 4075                                snoop
#> 4076                                 show
#> 4077                                sneak
#> 4078                                  tub
#> 4079                               couple
#> 4080                                tight
#> 4081                                found
#> 4082                              Autobot
#> 4083                                candy
#> 4084                                 over
#> 4085                                  yum
#> 4086                                  dip
#> 4087                                 page
#> 4088                                 whoo
#> 4089                             question
#> 4090                                light
#> 4091                               follow
#> 4092                                small
#> 4093                                 call
#> 4094                         kindergarten
#> 4095                                crash
#> 4096                                shoot
#> 4097                                  she
#> 4098                                  buy
#> 4099                                 lift
#> 4100                                 woof
#> 4101                                crawl
#> 4102                                 talk
#> 4103                                 game
#> 4104                                 king
#> 4105                                 NULL
#> 4106                                Delma
#> 4107                                 type
#> 4108                                   pa
#> 4109                               decide
#> 4110                            shoreline
#> 4111                                 seem
#> 4112                                  see
#> 4113                                Titus
#> 4114                               scream
#> 4115                                start
#> 4116                                 take
#> 4117                                 coat
#> 4118                                 stop
#> 4119                                 brig
#> 4120                                  hit
#> 4121                                happy
#> 4122                                 take
#> 4123                                loose
#> 4124                                kitty
#> 4125                                daddy
#> 4126                                  the
#> 4127                                  tea
#> 4128                                  toe
#> 4129                                 work
#> 4130                               figure
#> 4131                                  add
#> 4132                                 melt
#> 4133                                  try
#> 4134                                fifty
#> 4135                                 help
#> 4136                                 push
#> 4137                               Knight
#> 4138                                  hat
#> 4139                                Louis
#> 4140                                  Tom
#> 4141                          instruction
#> 4142                                 grow
#> 4143                                Kitty
#> 4144                                cloud
#> 4145                             favorite
#> 4146                               change
#> 4147                                haunt
#> 4148                                stage
#> 4149                            somewhere
#> 4150                               inside
#> 4151                                kneel
#> 4152                                 ride
#> 4153                             creature
#> 4154                                 that
#> 4155                                  moo
#> 4156                                 yeah
#> 4157                                 rich
#> 4158                                 work
#> 4159                              cartoon
#> 4160                                 race
#> 4161                                 farm
#> 4162                                  use
#> 4163                                a_lot
#> 4164                                reach
#> 4165                                 week
#> 4166                                   no
#> 4167                                 bang
#> 4168                                 real
#> 4169                                crack
#> 4170                             Imperial
#> 4171                                Delma
#> 4172                                watch
#> 4173                                  die
#> 4174                                 lake
#> 4175                               notice
#> 4176                                cough
#> 4177                                 wish
#> 4178                                 NULL
#> 4179                                 lead
#> 4180                                 sort
#> 4181                                 leaf
#> 4182                               reason
#> 4183                                  Max
#> 4184                              machine
#> 4185                                 Hood
#> 4186                                 NULL
#> 4187                             werewolf
#> 4188                             basement
#> 4189                                   ow
#> 4190                                witch
#> 4191                               Muppet
#> 4192                               Leigha
#> 4193                                 work
#> 4194                               unless
#> 4195                                 wide
#> 4196                                  saw
#> 4197                                punch
#> 4198                                 beat
#> 4199                                punch
#> 4200                               except
#> 4201                                hurry
#> 4202                                 less
#> 4203                                 pull
#> 4204                                  boo
#> 4205                               change
#> 4206                                spank
#> 4207                             McDonald
#> 4208                                daddy
#> 4209                             Saturday
#> 4210                                 turn
#> 4211                               yogurt
#> 4212                               always
#> 4213                              pudding
#> 4214                              alright
#> 4215                                fruit
#> 4216                                tooth
#> 4217                                 help
#> 4218                                 whip
#> 4219                                  you
#> 4220                               happen
#> 4221                                 Solo
#> 4222                              pretzel
#> 4223                                being
#> 4224                                Daddy
#> 4225                                  top
#> 4226                                press
#> 4227                               cavity
#> 4228                                  air
#> 4229                                 Jack
#> 4230                               Europe
#> 4231                               letter
#> 4232                               Sarlac
#> 4233                                 want
#> 4234                                  you
#> 4235                                  Red
#> 4236                                 many
#> 4237                             possible
#> 4238                                cloud
#> 4239                               across
#> 4240                               Friday
#> 4241                                 wife
#> 4242                                  add
#> 4243                               beagle
#> 4244                                pooey
#> 4245                                  age
#> 4246                                clean
#> 4247                                 move
#> 4248                                Bubba
#> 4249                              Tuesday
#> 4250                                clean
#> 4251                                 poke
#> 4252                                 NULL
#> 4253                                plant
#> 4254                               pirate
#> 4255                                 NULL
#> 4256                                  man
#> 4257                                 boot
#> 4258                               ladder
#> 4259                                  ein
#> 4260                               eighty
#> 4261                                  fun
#> 4262                               anyway
#> 4263                              thought
#> 4264                                  get
#> 4265                                  his
#> 4266                                 news
#> 4267                                 hope
#> 4268                                Goose
#> 4269                                goose
#> 4270                                 Hood
#> 4271                                 grow
#> 4272                                   ew
#> 4273                                    I
#> 4274                                   be
#> 4275                                  hum
#> 4276                                 rude
#> 4277                               Little
#> 4278                               pencil
#> 4279                                might
#> 4280                               happen
#> 4281                                Teala
#> 4282                                   he
#> 4283                                  bug
#> 4284                                ought
#> 4285                                 hear
#> 4286                                house
#> 4287                              between
#> 4288                                 land
#> 4289                                 help
#> 4290                              Autobot
#> 4291                                tight
#> 4292                                spell
#> 4293                                 help
#> 4294                           silverware
#> 4295                                grade
#> 4296                               ending
#> 4297                                  buy
#> 4298                               ground
#> 4299                                 ride
#> 4300                                 fall
#> 4301                                 NULL
#> 4302                               hungry
#> 4303                              confuse
#> 4304                              penguin
#> 4305                                   if
#> 4306                               string
#> 4307                                drink
#> 4308                             passport
#> 4309                                  goo
#> 4310                          interesting
#> 4311                                 down
#> 4312                                story
#> 4313                                  ear
#> 4314                             business
#> 4315                               upside
#> 4316                                  job
#> 4317                                 joke
#> 4318                                 play
#> 4319                                  mit
#> 4320                                 melt
#> 4321                                paint
#> 4322                               golden
#> 4323                               german
#> 4324                                Tooth
#> 4325                                 tell
#> 4326                                 onto
#> 4327                                  mom
#> 4328                       oh_my_goodness
#> 4329                              nursery
#> 4330                               Mothra
#> 4331                                 nice
#> 4332                           motorcycle
#> 4333                                Mouse
#> 4334                                 move
#> 4335                                 move
#> 4336                                 near
#> 4337                               Navajo
#> 4338                                 name
#> 4339                            Wednesday
#> 4340                                  wah
#> 4341                              vitamin
#> 4342                                 yeah
#> 4343                                  use
#> 4344                             Underman
#> 4345                                 turn
#> 4346                                 true
#> 4347                             treasure
#> 4348                               tickle
#> 4349                              through
#> 4350                                third
#> 4351                                  The
#> 4352                                  and
#> 4353                               teepee
#> 4354                                teddy
#> 4355                                taste
#> 4356                                 talk
#> 4357                                 talk
#> 4358                                 talk
#> 4359                                 take
#> 4360                                Sweet
#> 4361                            Superhero
#> 4362                               sudden
#> 4363                                stuff
#> 4364                                straw
#> 4365                                still
#> 4366                                stick
#> 4367                                spank
#> 4368                                 well
#> 4369                            Soundwave
#> 4370                              someday
#> 4371                                 your
#> 4372                              soldier
#> 4373                               soccer
#> 4374                                shoot
#> 4375                            seventeen
#> 4376                                  set
#> 4377                               scream
#> 4378                              sausage
#> 4379                               safety
#> 4380                                  rug
#> 4381                                round
#> 4382                                  rob
#> 4383                               Richie
#> 4384                                  Rex
#> 4385                                 Alua
#> 4386                               Rachel
#> 4387                               rabbit
#> 4388                                  pum
#> 4389                               appear
#> 4390                               pretty
#> 4391                                 pray
#> 4392                                  pop
#> 4393                               police
#> 4394                                 play
#> 4395                                plate
#> 4396                               Piepie
#> 4397                               person
#> 4398                              pancake
#> 4399                                 NULL
#> 4400                                 oops
#> 4401                               banana
#> 4402                                 bank
#> 4403                                 Nick
#> 4404                                 NULL
#> 4405                              naughty
#> 4406                                 bend
#> 4407                                mommy
#> 4408                                marry
#> 4409                                 mark
#> 4410                                 boat
#> 4411                                 zero
#> 4412                                Lando
#> 4413                               ladder
#> 4414                                brick
#> 4415                               jungle
#> 4416                                 Jill
#> 4417                                Jamie
#> 4418                              Jackson
#> 4419                               Burger
#> 4420                          instruction
#> 4421                               inside
#> 4422                                human
#> 4423                                human
#> 4424                                 hour
#> 4425                                hippo
#> 4426                                 hide
#> 4427                                Heman
#> 4428                                 head
#> 4429                                  cat
#> 4430                                 hang
#> 4431                            hamburger
#> 4432                                check
#> 4433                                chest
#> 4434                                giant
#> 4435                                 chip
#> 4436                               German
#> 4437                                 chop
#> 4438                                found
#> 4439                                  for
#> 4440                                cloud
#> 4441                                final
#> 4442                            coca_cola
#> 4443                            colordraw
#> 4444                              come_on
#> 4445                                Erins
#> 4446                                dummy
#> 4447                                 Duck
#> 4448                                drive
#> 4449                                drive
#> 4450                                dress
#> 4451                                  dog
#> 4452                                crack
#> 4453                                  die
#> 4454                                 desk
#> 4455                                dance
#> 4456                                crumb
#> 4457                               cradle
#> 4458                                crack
#> 4459                                count
#> 4460                                 cool
#> 4461                                    d
#> 4462                                color
#> 4463                                Dadda
#> 4464                            coca_cola
#> 4465                                clock
#> 4466                                climb
#> 4467                               circle
#> 4468                               cherry
#> 4469                                cheat
#> 4470                             decision
#> 4471                             definite
#> 4472                                Delma
#> 4473                                 case
#> 4474                                 bump
#> 4475                                 dish
#> 4476                                 dish
#> 4477                                  dog
#> 4478                                 Boba
#> 4479                                  big
#> 4480                              besides
#> 4481                               become
#> 4482                           because_of
#> 4483                                dream
#> 4484                                dream
#> 4485                                 bean
#> 4486                                drunk
#> 4487                                 Barr
#> 4488                                 bake
#> 4489                                  bad
#> 4490                                 baby
#> 4491                                   ax
#> 4492                                  ape
#> 4493                                angel
#> 4494                             elephant
#> 4495                              emperor
#> 4496                                  end
#> 4497                             a_little
#> 4498                                 Erin
#> 4499                               actual
#> 4500                               action
#> 4501                                   we
#> 4502                                   up
#> 4503                                 this
#> 4504                            everybody
#> 4505                                 NULL
#> 4506                                yours
#> 4507                                 Yoda
#> 4508                                  who
#> 4509                                 worm
#> 4510                           understand
#> 4511                                under
#> 4512                                  far
#> 4513                              trouble
#> 4514                               tickle
#> 4515                                think
#> 4516                                  few
#> 4517                                  few
#> 4518                                 tape
#> 4519                                 talk
#> 4520                              sweater
#> 4521                                sound
#> 4522                                 sort
#> 4523                             somebody
#> 4524                            Skywalker
#> 4525                                  six
#> 4526                                 side
#> 4527                                shirt
#> 4528                                  she
#> 4529                                 wood
#> 4530                                piece
#> 4531                                 only
#> 4532                                 free
#> 4533                              nothing
#> 4534                                fruit
#> 4535                                movie
#> 4536                                money
#> 4537                                 mine
#> 4538                                Marky
#> 4539                                  mad
#> 4540                                 Luke
#> 4541                                 last
#> 4542                                 kiss
#> 4543                                  kid
#> 4544                                 kick
#> 4545                            important
#> 4546                               wonder
#> 4547                                 have
#> 4548                              goodbye
#> 4549                                 hair
#> 4550                                 full
#> 4551                               family
#> 4552                                 fall
#> 4553                                gross
#> 4554                                  eat
#> 4555                                   do
#> 4556                                  guy
#> 4557                               coffee
#> 4558                                climb
#> 4559                                clear
#> 4560                            chocolate
#> 4561                                chair
#> 4562                                cause
#> 4563                                happy
#> 4564                              believe
#> 4565                                   be
#> 4566                                 back
#> 4567                                 aunt
#> 4568                                 hear
#> 4569                                  ask
#> 4570                                  all
#> 4571                                   ah
#> 4572                               actual
#> 4573                                Henry
#> 4574                                 NULL
#> 4575                                 NULL
#> 4576                                 NULL
#> 4577                                 NULL
#> 4578                                 NULL
#> 4579                                 hold
#> 4580                                    y
#> 4581                                  hon
#> 4582                                 worm
#> 4583                                 wood
#> 4584                                woman
#> 4585                                 hulk
#> 4586                                while
#> 4587                                wheel
#> 4588                             whatever
#> 4589                              wedding
#> 4590                              weather
#> 4591                             violence
#> 4592                               inside
#> 4593                               unhunh
#> 4594                                 ugly
#> 4595                               Turkey
#> 4596                                Jabba
#> 4597                                 tube
#> 4598                                 trot
#> 4599                              traffic
#> 4600                                  Jim
#> 4601                                Jimmy
#> 4602                                   oh
#> 4603                                  tie
#> 4604                               thirst
#> 4605                           themselves
#> 4606                                 tail
#> 4607                                sword
#> 4608                                sweet
#> 4609                                 sure
#> 4610                                 suit
#> 4611                                steel
#> 4612                                 Wild
#> 4613                                 lamp
#> 4614                                start
#> 4615                                learn
#> 4616                                 left
#> 4617                                 Leia
#> 4618                              soldier
#> 4619                                 snap
#> 4620                                light
#> 4621                                 like
#> 4622                                shoot
#> 4623                             sentence
#> 4624                                salad
#> 4625                                 safe
#> 4626                                 rule
#> 4627                                 ruin
#> 4628                                 Ross
#> 4629                                river
#> 4630                               record
#> 4631                               Rachel
#> 4632                                marry
#> 4633                                 pull
#> 4634                                 pull
#> 4635                               master
#> 4636                              present
#> 4637                                power
#> 4638                                power
#> 4639                                 melt
#> 4640                                pilot
#> 4641                                 mess
#> 4642                                  pie
#> 4643                               middle
#> 4644                                Paris
#> 4645                                trade
#> 4646                                 girl
#> 4647                                 chew
#> 4648                                  win
#> 4649                                  god
#> 4650                                 trap
#> 4651                               empire
#> 4652                          good_chitis
#> 4653                              Grandma
#> 4654                       Charlie_Browns
#> 4655                        Charlie_Brown
#> 4656                                guard
#> 4657                                  guy
#> 4658                                 most
#> 4659                                Happy
#> 4660                             hatchoos
#> 4661                                shake
#> 4662                            ambulance
#> 4663                                 hate
#> 4664                               castle
#> 4665                                 hard
#> 4666                                heart
#> 4667                                stick
#> 4668                              America
#> 4669                               eleven
#> 4670                                  van
#> 4671                               Eat_It
#> 4672                              another
#> 4673                               answer
#> 4674                                 true
#> 4675                                   Oz
#> 4676                               muscle
#> 4677                                 lake
#> 4678                              venture
#> 4679                                 next
#> 4680                               actual
#> 4681                                 stay
#> 4682                                 yuck
#> 4683                                hurry
#> 4684                                  egg
#> 4685                               inside
#> 4686                                 burn
#> 4687                                 nose
#> 4688                                 even
#> 4689                              January
#> 4690                                  bUm
#> 4691                                   Ar
#> 4692                                 Joey
#> 4693                                  jog
#> 4694                                  bit
#> 4695                                 joke
#> 4696                                paint
#> 4697                                 jump
#> 4698                               Teepee
#> 4699                               teepee
#> 4700                             Eastmont
#> 4701                                 junk
#> 4702                                forty
#> 4703                                   aw
#> 4704                              scratch
#> 4705                                 keep
#> 4706                               bubble
#> 4707                                    w
#> 4708                                 kind
#> 4709                                brown
#> 4710                             Gremlins
#> 4711                                 back
#> 4712                               person
#> 4713                                 bake
#> 4714                                Dukes
#> 4715                                phone
#> 4716                                level
#> 4717                                place
#> 4718                                  bar
#> 4719                            lightning
#> 4720                               Barney
#> 4721                                 boss
#> 4722                                 drop
#> 4723                                plate
#> 4724                                fight
#> 4725                                 film
#> 4726                               little
#> 4727                                 pole
#> 4728                                teach
#> 4729                                 lock
#> 4730                                  lot
#> 4731                         wrong_chitis
#> 4732                                 luck
#> 4733                                Bears
#> 4734                                total
#> 4735                               Popeye
#> 4736                                  tur
#> 4737                                block
#> 4738                                  Man
#> 4739                               behind
#> 4740                                  map
#> 4741                                 Mark
#> 4742                                Bingo
#> 4743                             sandwich
#> 4744                               pretty
#> 4745                                spill
#> 4746                                Mommy
#> 4747                               finish
#> 4748                                below
#> 4749                               oxygen
#> 4750                                  big
#> 4751                               spider
#> 4752                               Mother
#> 4753                                green
#> 4754                                blast
#> 4755                                mouse
#> 4756                                  bed
#> 4757                           because_of
#> 4758                             Tatooine
#> 4759                              játszik
#> 4760                              Blaster
#> 4761                               nahunh
#> 4762                               myself
#> 4763                                 fool
#> 4764                                blood
#> 4765                                 bear
#> 4766                                 bean
#> 4767                               dollar
#> 4768                                 beam
#> 4769                                 real
#> 4770                                 body
#> 4771                                 near
#> 4772                           Magyar_Ora
#> 4773                              Alderon
#> 4774                                taste
#> 4775                               bother
#> 4776                                Space
#> 4777                               bottom
#> 4778                                  red
#> 4779                                  red
#> 4780                                 June
#> 4781                             basement
#> 4782                                learn
#> 4783                                 base
#> 4784                                right
#> 4785                                  Tan
#> 4786                                 dirt
#> 4787                                 both
#> 4788                                build
#> 4789                                Santa
#> 4790                                  oil
#> 4791                            breakfast
#> 4792                               Burger
#> 4793                                  see
#> 4794                                  see
#> 4795                                 NULL
#> 4796                                 pack
#> 4797                                 baba
#> 4798                                 papa
#> 4799                                 Papa
#> 4800                                 call
#> 4801                                  pea
#> 4802                                  fur
#> 4803                              whoever
#> 4804                                 ride
#> 4805                                  pee
#> 4806                                 peep
#> 4807                                 NULL
#> 4808                               candle
#> 4809                             a_lot_of
#> 4810                                 have
#> 4811                                 rich
#> 4812                                 gosh
#> 4813                                small
#> 4814                                 Solo
#> 4815                                 kiss
#> 4816                                 desk
#> 4817                                 Care
#> 4818                               poison
#> 4819                                Carla
#> 4820                                 Star
#> 4821                               Popeye
#> 4822                                 Lego
#> 4823                               carrot
#> 4824                               potato
#> 4825                               wallet
#> 4826                              cartoon
#> 4827                                 cave
#> 4828                       Cee_Three_Peeo
#> 4829                                 Puff
#> 4830                               center
#> 4831                             sometime
#> 4832                                 bump
#> 4833                               purple
#> 4834                                 push
#> 4835                                 push
#> 4836                               puzzle
#> 4837                                stock
#> 4838                                queen
#> 4839                             question
#> 4840                                angel
#> 4841                          Raisin_Bran
#> 4842                                check
#> 4843                                chess
#> 4844                                 read
#> 4845                                 read
#> 4846                               record
#> 4847                         refrigerator
#> 4848                              regular
#> 4849                                  old
#> 4850                                   be
#> 4851                                 rest
#> 4852                              suppose
#> 4853                               Return
#> 4854                           rhinoceros
#> 4855                                 film
#> 4856                            alligator
#> 4857                                  rid
#> 4858                                 city
#> 4859                              darling
#> 4860                              darling
#> 4861                                ahhah
#> 4862                                Cloud
#> 4863                                teach
#> 4864                                 roof
#> 4865                                 coat
#> 4866                                 Ross
#> 4867                                 pain
#> 4868                               handle
#> 4869                                  row
#> 4870                            afternoon
#> 4871                               needle
#> 4872                                  rrr
#> 4873                            Halloween
#> 4874                                 hard
#> 4875                              costume
#> 4876                                 golf
#> 4877                                 NULL
#> 4878                               kitten
#> 4879                                fifth
#> 4880                                 safe
#> 4881                                  cut
#> 4882                            hamburger
#> 4883                               couple
#> 4884                               across
#> 4885                                cover
#> 4886                                crawl
#> 4887                              outside
#> 4888                                 mask
#> 4889                                   go
#> 4890                                 nice
#> 4891                                 Puff
#> 4892                                  sea
#> 4893                                 nick
#> 4894                              himself
#> 4895                                sense
#> 4896                               csinál
#> 4897                              seventy
#> 4898                             seven_up
#> 4899                                 camp
#> 4900                                sheep
#> 4901                                 hole
#> 4902                                 Show
#> 4903                                throw
#> 4904                                  cut
#> 4905                                 shut
#> 4906                                cycle
#> 4907                                 NULL
#> 4908                                 dear
#> 4909                              pretend
#> 4910                                 life
#> 4911                              pretend
#> 4912                                creep
#> 4913                              sixteen
#> 4914                                 NULL
#> 4915                               decide
#> 4916                                smell
#> 4917                                 snap
#> 4918                                smart
#> 4919                              sneaker
#> 4920                                 deep
#> 4921                              dentist
#> 4922                                devil
#> 4923                                  die
#> 4924                            nightmare
#> 4925                            Chewbacca
#> 4926                                 dirt
#> 4927                                cover
#> 4928                                 slow
#> 4929                               asleep
#> 4930                                disco
#> 4931                               cousin
#> 4932                                sound
#> 4933                                space
#> 4934                                Spain
#> 4935                                doing
#> 4936                                speak
#> 4937                                tooth
#> 4938                                spill
#> 4939                               Tickle
#> 4940                                 fast
#> 4941                               double
#> 4942                            infection
#> 4943                               parade
#> 4944                                 NULL
#> 4945                               dragon
#> 4946                                those
#> 4947                                  try
#> 4948                        Star_Troopers
#> 4949                                state
#> 4950                                 stay
#> 4951                                 step
#> 4952                                  pod
#> 4953                                 step
#> 4954                               Steven
#> 4955                                 cool
#> 4956                              faratta
#> 4957                                there
#> 4958                              sticker
#> 4959                                stink
#> 4960                                uncle
#> 4961                              towards
#> 4962                                stone
#> 4963                                 fall
#> 4964                                plant
#> 4965                              instead
#> 4966                                 NULL
#> 4967                               stripe
#> 4968                                  gib
#> 4969                                  gym
#> 4970                                  egy
#> 4971                        Pittsburghese
#> 4972                                 wire
#> 4973                                 sure
#> 4974                                pitch
#> 4975                                  pit
#> 4976                               pirate
#> 4977                                trick
#> 4978                                learn
#> 4979                                leave
#> 4980                                    T
#> 4981                             suitcase
#> 4982                                  pig
#> 4983                                 when
#> 4984                                Merry
#> 4985                                 none
#> 4986                                 sing
#> 4987                                  pig
#> 4988                                 mess
#> 4989                                 mess
#> 4990                                 okay
#> 4991                               engine
#> 4992                             especial
#> 4993                                white
#> 4994                               Teepee
#> 4995                           television
#> 4996                               excuse
#> 4997                                 ball
#> 4998                                 Mark
#> 4999                                 piac
#> 5000                                 bath
#> 5001                              thunder
#> 5002                               ladder
#> 5003                              country
#> 5004                                woman
#> 5005                                Peter
#> 5006                                 they
#> 5007                                   me
#> 5008                                 they
#> 5009                                    I
#> 5010                                color
#> 5011                               person
#> 5012                           permission
#> 5013                              oughtoh
#> 5014                               threat
#> 5015                                fault
#> 5016                                fence
#> 5017                                throw
#> 5018                                   be
#> 5019                                penny
#> 5020                                 that
#> 5021                                   to
#> 5022                                  Tom
#> 5023                                touch
#> 5024                                fight
#> 5025                                track
#> 5026                               figure
#> 5027                             Underman
#> 5028                                    u
#> 5029                                 fill
#> 5030                                 work
#> 5031                                 live
#> 5032                                wrong
#> 5033                                  gee
#> 5034                                 vest
#> 5035                                video
#> 5036                                visit
#> 5037                              vitamin
#> 5038                                 look
#> 5039                                 wake
#> 5040                                 want
#> 5041                                  War
#> 5042                             impolite
#> 5043                                 lose
#> 5044                                 itch
#> 5045                                clean
#> 5046                                 turn
#> 5047                                 wear
#> 5048                                 NULL
#> 5049                               yogurt
#> 5050                               before
#> 5051                                 wide
#> 5052                              between
#> 5053                                  doc
#> 5054                              message
#> 5055                               across
#> 5056                                might
#> 5057                              Germans
#> 5058                                  get
#> 5059                               Wizard
#> 5060                                 hour
#> 5061                                 past
#> 5062                                 jail
#> 5063                                  tub
#> 5064                                 Mike
#> 5065                                 hood
#> 5066                               X_Wing
#> 5067                               yellow
#> 5068                               yellow
#> 5069                                 hold
#> 5070                                child
#> 5071                                  hit
#> 5072                              history
#> 5073                              G_I_Joe
#> 5074                               Zsuzsa
#> 5075                               Zsuzsa
#> 5076                                 wine
#> 5077                                stamp
#> 5078                                stand
#> 5079                                   to
#> 5080                            Starriors
#> 5081                               plenty
#> 5082                                stick
#> 5083                                stick
#> 5084                                 play
#> 5085                                stock
#> 5086                                plant
#> 5087                         Stormtrooper
#> 5088                                   no
#> 5089                                stuff
#> 5090                              Sunkist
#> 5091                              suppose
#> 5092                                noise
#> 5093                                 sure
#> 5094                              sweater
#> 5095                                  pig
#> 5096                                 take
#> 5097                                   or
#> 5098                                  not
#> 5099                                  not
#> 5100                                 note
#> 5101                                 tell
#> 5102                                 tell
#> 5103                             physical
#> 5104                                 them
#> 5105                                   mi
#> 5106                                there
#> 5107                                 this
#> 5108                                   he
#> 5109                                 have
#> 5110                                 tick
#> 5111                                 Mike
#> 5112                                 down
#> 5113                               peanut
#> 5114                                 type
#> 5115                               vacuum
#> 5116                                 vase
#> 5117                                 verb
#> 5118                                twerp
#> 5119                               waffle
#> 5120                                 weak
#> 5121                                 igen
#> 5122                                 what
#> 5123                              whether
#> 5124                                human
#> 5125                         Transformers
#> 5126                                treat
#> 5127                                 wild
#> 5128                               turkey
#> 5129                                  win
#> 5130                               Jackie
#> 5131                                witch
#> 5132                               wonder
#> 5133                                 wine
#> 5134                                trick
#> 5135                                 Tron
#> 5136                                  jar
#> 5137                                 NULL
#> 5138                                 hide
#> 5139                                 NULL
#> 5140                                 NULL
#> 5141                                trick
#> 5142                                 NULL
#> 5143                                 NULL
#> 5144                                   of
#> 5145                            Jefferson
#> 5146                                 NULL
#> 5147                                    a
#> 5148                                ahead
#> 5149                                 help
#> 5150                                 also
#> 5151                                 heat
#> 5152                                 baby
#> 5153                                 back
#> 5154                            backwards
#> 5155                                 bird
#> 5156                                 trip
#> 5157                              biscuit
#> 5158                                happy
#> 5159                                 bite
#> 5160                                 both
#> 5161                                bring
#> 5162                                 Joey
#> 5163                                carry
#> 5164                                 haha
#> 5165                                  but
#> 5166                                child
#> 5167                                color
#> 5168                               cookie
#> 5169                               cookie
#> 5170                             Thursday
#> 5171                               diaper
#> 5172                               dinner
#> 5173                                dirty
#> 5174                               drowse
#> 5175                                 each
#> 5176                                  eat
#> 5177                                group
#> 5178                                  egg
#> 5179                               either
#> 5180                                 feed
#> 5181                                 find
#> 5182                               finger
#> 5183                                 fire
#> 5184                              because
#> 5185                               French
#> 5186                               friend
#> 5187                               jungle
#> 5188                                  fun
#> 5189                              garbage
#> 5190                                glass
#> 5191                                 good
#> 5192                                  gun
#> 5193                               golden
#> 5194                                 they
#> 5195                                 home
#> 5196                                glass
#> 5197                                    I
#> 5198                                Gizmo
#> 5199                               Kansas
#> 5200                             infinity
#> 5201                                jelly
#> 5202                                    u
#> 5203                            Kennywood
#> 5204                                  leg
#> 5205                                  let
#> 5206                             generous
#> 5207                               letter
#> 5208                                 lick
#> 5209                                 make
#> 5210                                  man
#> 5211                                 Mark
#> 5212                                 mine
#> 5213                              mistake
#> 5214                              Mondale
#> 5215                               mother
#> 5216                                movie
#> 5217                                  Mrs
#> 5218                                 tell
#> 5219                                  one
#> 5220                             fourteen
#> 5221                                forth
#> 5222                               pocket
#> 5223                                point
#> 5224                                teach
#> 5225                              precede
#> 5226                           protection
#> 5227                                  put
#> 5228                                  put
#> 5229                               Reagan
#> 5230                               reason
#> 5231                               record
#> 5232                                 rest
#> 5233                          R_two_D_two
#> 5234                                  say
#> 5235                                serve
#> 5236                                 show
#> 5237                               Woopie
#> 5238                                  fix
#> 5239                                 stay
#> 5240                                    T
#> 5241                            otherwise
#> 5242                                  ten
#> 5243                               szepen
#> 5244                                  urr
#> 5245                                 swim
#> 5246                                think
#> 5247                               though
#> 5248                                 swim
#> 5249                                tiger
#> 5250                                fault
#> 5251                                    v
#> 5252                               Father
#> 5253                                knife
#> 5254                                  toy
#> 5255                                uhhum
#> 5256                                until
#> 5257                             upstairs
#> 5258                               sunday
#> 5259                                Fakir
#> 5260                                watch
#> 5261                                knock
#> 5262                                  way
#> 5263                                 when
#> 5264                                  who
#> 5265                                Paper
#> 5266                            expensive
#> 5267                              without
#> 5268                                stuff
#> 5269                                 wood
#> 5270                               except
#> 5271                            yesterday
#> 5272                                 evil
#> 5273                                  and
#> 5274                                   be
#> 5275                                  guy
#> 5276                                 this
#> 5277                                  act
#> 5278                              english
#> 5279                            Alexander
#> 5280                            alligator
#> 5281                                still
#> 5282                              alright
#> 5283                                stick
#> 5284                                 Andy
#> 5285                                 stay
#> 5286                               eighth
#> 5287                                write
#> 5288                              violent
#> 5289                               appear
#> 5290                             appetite
#> 5291                                  arf
#> 5292                                Lando
#> 5293                                  art
#> 5294                                  eat
#> 5295                             Autobots
#> 5296                                   ay
#> 5297                                Dumbo
#> 5298                              duh_dah
#> 5299                                 duck
#> 5300                              squeeze
#> 5301                                drink
#> 5302                               beagle
#> 5303                               spring
#> 5304                                wrong
#> 5305                                 beat
#> 5306                             spinners
#> 5307                                laugh
#> 5308                                 down
#> 5309                               double
#> 5310                              doo_doo
#> 5311                               Speedy
#> 5312                               speedy
#> 5313                                blink
#> 5314                                 wild
#> 5315                                boing
#> 5316                                 lead
#> 5317                                 doll
#> 5318                              bonkers
#> 5319                                  bow
#> 5320                                  box
#> 5321                               Disney
#> 5322                                 yeah
#> 5323                                 brig
#> 5324                                  bug
#> 5325                               bullet
#> 5326                                  yah
#> 5327                                 burn
#> 5328                                 butt
#> 5329                              develop
#> 5330                                 call
#> 5331                                candy
#> 5332                                  pan
#> 5333                                 cane
#> 5334                              destroy
#> 5335                                  cap
#> 5336                                Carla
#> 5337                               change
#> 5338                                cheap
#> 5339                                chest
#> 5340                                 chip
#> 5341                               choose
#> 5342                                clown
#> 5343                                color
#> 5344                             Colorado
#> 5345                                 sock
#> 5346                                 liar
#> 5347                                couch
#> 5348                                cough
#> 5349                               couple
#> 5350                                 cube
#> 5351                             creature
#> 5352                                crumb
#> 5353                                  cry
#> 5354                                water
#> 5355                                 yell
#> 5356                                death
#> 5357                                 dime
#> 5358                                   pa
#> 5359                                donut
#> 5360                                 cost
#> 5361                              correct
#> 5362                                 wave
#> 5363                               corner
#> 5364                                dream
#> 5365                                drive
#> 5366                             Skeletor
#> 5367                                drive
#> 5368                               Droids
#> 5369                              drunken
#> 5370                                  dum
#> 5371                                dummy
#> 5372                                  eat
#> 5373                                  ehh
#> 5374                               eighty
#> 5375                             elevator
#> 5376                               Elliot
#> 5377                               empire
#> 5378                                  lip
#> 5379                                exact
#> 5380                             sideways
#> 5381                                extra
#> 5382                                 fact
#> 5383                                 fare
#> 5384                                 side
#> 5385                                 Fett
#> 5386                                field
#> 5387                                close
#> 5388                                 flag
#> 5389                               clever
#> 5390                               flower
#> 5391                                clean
#> 5392                               french
#> 5393                               choose
#> 5394                                 load
#> 5395                                 game
#> 5396                               garden
#> 5397                               muscle
#> 5398                                  gay
#> 5399                                   GI
#> 5400                                  shh
#> 5401                                check
#> 5402                                  god
#> 5403                             Godzilla
#> 5404                               hammer
#> 5405                                  sex
#> 5406                                   he
#> 5407                                 heat
#> 5408                               Heeman
#> 5409                               Sesame
#> 5410                                hgggg
#> 5411                                  hhh
#> 5412                                 hill
#> 5413                                  hit
#> 5414                                  hit
#> 5415                                  hot
#> 5416                             calendar
#> 5417                                 huff
#> 5418                                 hulk
#> 5419                                 sell
#> 5420                            Hungarian
#> 5421                               indian
#> 5422                                 lose
#> 5423                               itself
#> 5424                               jingle
#> 5425                             building
#> 5426                                Jones
#> 5427                                  bug
#> 5428                                 loud
#> 5429                                  bug
#> 5430                                  Sea
#> 5431                                buddy
#> 5432                                brush
#> 5433                                 king
#> 5434                              brother
#> 5435                                 king
#> 5436                                knock
#> 5437                                    z
#> 5438                                brake
#> 5439                                 liar
#> 5440                               bother
#> 5441                                 boss
#> 5442                                 Lila
#> 5443                                 list
#> 5444                               little
#> 5445                                 luck
#> 5446                                 Lucy
#> 5447                                 boom
#> 5448                                lunch
#> 5449                             magician
#> 5450                                 blow
#> 5451                                blood
#> 5452                                block
#> 5453                                 many
#> 5454                              mistake
#> 5455                                  mix
#> 5456                               monday
#> 5457                        Saint_Patrick
#> 5458                                month
#> 5459                              Muppets
#> 5460                                 safe
#> 5461                                 beat
#> 5462                                 beat
#> 5463                             mustache
#> 5464                                 Bear
#> 5465                                munch
#> 5466                                 your
#> 5467                                Rover
#> 5468                                rough
#> 5469                                 NULL
#> 5470                              nervous
#> 5471                                 news
#> 5472                            newspaper
#> 5473                                 NULL
#> 5474                                 nice
#> 5475                                 nail
#> 5476                                 rope
#> 5477                             baseball
#> 5478                                   no
#> 5479                               nobody
#> 5480                                noise
#> 5481                               notice
#> 5482                                  nuh
#> 5483                              octopus
#> 5484                                  rob
#> 5485                                 olds
#> 5486                                 open
#> 5487                                 name
#> 5488                                  pat
#> 5489                                peace
#> 5490                              Penfold
#> 5491                              penguin
#> 5492                                 pile
#> 5493                                 pink
#> 5494                              as_well
#> 5495                               remind
#> 5496                             remember
#> 5497                                Mandy
#> 5498                                 NULL
#> 5499                                point
#> 5500                                 pole
#> 5501                                 poop
#> 5502                             popsicle
#> 5503                                  pot
#> 5504                               potato
#> 5505                                 area
#> 5506                              problem
#> 5507                              promise
#> 5508                               appear
#> 5509                              natural
#> 5510                               purple
#> 5511                                pyoom
#> 5512                                 mark
#> 5513                                 NULL
#> 5514                               rather
#> 5515                                raise
#> 5516                                 need
#> 5517                                 NULL
#> 5518                                 quit
#> 5519                               rocket
#> 5520                                 roll
#> 5521                                agree
#> 5522                                 rose
#> 5523                           afterwards
#> 5524                              quarter
#> 5525                               rubber
#> 5526                                 rule
#> 5527                                  run
#> 5528                                  run
#> 5529                                 safe
#> 5530                                 Mary
#> 5531                                salad
#> 5532                                Sally
#> 5533                                 save
#> 5534                             scissors
#> 5535                                 pump
#> 5536                              scratch
#> 5537                               second
#> 5538                                 NULL
#> 5539                                shall
#> 5540                                 shop
#> 5541                               prince
#> 5542                                price
#> 5543                                    I
#> 5544                                    I
#> 5545                                 side
#> 5546                                 sing
#> 5547                                 sink
#> 5548                                 slip
#> 5549                                  Max
#> 5550                                   be
#> 5551                     Snoopy_Come_Home
#> 5552                               nickel
#> 5553                             practice
#> 5554                             McDonald
#> 5555                                ninth
#> 5556                                power
#> 5557                                 pour
#> 5558                                 snow
#> 5559                             somebody
#> 5560                                 meal
#> 5561                                 sort
#> 5562                                  pop
#> 5563                                speed
#> 5564                                   up
#> 5565                               spring
#> 5566                                 poop
#> 5567                                 idea
#> 5568                                radio
#> 5569                                sleep
#> 5570                                 what
#> 5571                                  can
#> 5572                                  for
#> 5573                                 hand
#> 5574                                   in
#> 5575                                 know
#> 5576                                 like
#> 5577                               little
#> 5578                                  mhm
#> 5579                               please
#> 5580                                   so
#> 5581                                 some
#> 5582                                  too
#> 5583                               unhunh
#> 5584                                  who
#> 5585                               accord
#> 5586                                  act
#> 5587                             activity
#> 5588                                admit
#> 5589                                Allen
#> 5590                                alone
#> 5591                            ambulance
#> 5592                                amigo
#> 5593                               amigos
#> 5594                              ancient
#> 5595                             anywhere
#> 5596                                  arm
#> 5597                                  ask
#> 5598                                 back
#> 5599                             bacteria
#> 5600                                basic
#> 5601                                  bat
#> 5602                               battle
#> 5603                               behind
#> 5604                               behind
#> 5605                                bobby
#> 5606                                 body
#> 5607                                  boo
#> 5608                               bottom
#> 5609                                 bout
#> 5610                            boyfriend
#> 5611                                 Bran
#> 5612                               breast
#> 5613                                bring
#> 5614                                brush
#> 5615                             Budapest
#> 5616                              buffalo
#> 5617                                buyed
#> 5618                                 call
#> 5619                                candy
#> 5620                                 card
#> 5621                                 cave
#> 5622                                 cent
#> 5623                              chamber
#> 5624                               change
#> 5625                                 chip
#> 5626                                 chop
#> 5627                                 chop
#> 5628                                chump
#> 5629                                chute
#> 5630                                chute
#> 5631                                Cicus
#> 5632                                 claw
#> 5633                                close
#> 5634                           collection
#> 5635                                count
#> 5636                                cream
#> 5637                                 crib
#> 5638                               Dancer
#> 5639                                 deal
#> 5640                               decide
#> 5641                         destructible
#> 5642                            devastate
#> 5643                                   dɘ
#> 5644                                Diana
#> 5645                               Diddle
#> 5646                                  dig
#> 5647                               dimple
#> 5648                                  dog
#> 5649                                  doo
#> 5650                                doubt
#> 5651                                dress
#> 5652                              dresser
#> 5653                                  dry
#> 5654                                  eat
#> 5655                                   eh
#> 5656                               either
#> 5657                               energy
#> 5658                               enough
#> 5659                                Ernie
#> 5660                                extra
#> 5661                                 fair
#> 5662                                faith
#> 5663                                 feel
#> 5664                              fifteen
#> 5665                                 fill
#> 5666                                  fix
#> 5667                                 flag
#> 5668                                 flap
#> 5669                               flower
#> 5670                                 food
#> 5671                               forget
#> 5672                         Frankenstein
#> 5673                               garage
#> 5674                              Germany
#> 5675                                 give
#> 5676                               gobble
#> 5677                                  god
#> 5678                             Godzilla
#> 5679                               graham
#> 5680                            graveyard
#> 5681                                 grow
#> 5682                                   ha
#> 5683                                  ham
#> 5684                               Hazard
#> 5685                                  heh
#> 5686                               hiccup
#> 5687                                 hide
#> 5688                                 high
#> 5689                         hobbledy_hoy
#> 5690                                 horn
#> 5691                          horseradish
#> 5692                              in_case
#> 5693                           Incredible
#> 5694                      Incredible_Hulk
#> 5695                                    j
#> 5696                                 jeez
#> 5697                                 Jill
#> 5698                                   JJ
#> 5699                                  jog
#> 5700                               karate
#> 5701                                  kid
#> 5702                                 Kurt
#> 5703                                 lamb
#> 5704                                 laze
#> 5705                                leave
#> 5706                               Leigha
#> 5707                                level
#> 5708                                 lift
#> 5709                                  lip
#> 5710                                 Lone
#> 5711                                 love
#> 5712                                 Luke
#> 5713                                magic
#> 5714                                 main
#> 5715                                  man
#> 5716                               mangle
#> 5717                                Maria
#> 5718                                marry
#> 5719                                  Men
#> 5720                               Mickey
#> 5721                                 mien
#> 5722                                minus
#> 5723                              Mondale
#> 5724                               Monday
#> 5725                               mortar
#> 5726                                motor
#> 5727                                  MTV
#> 5728                                  nap
#> 5729                                 narf
#> 5730                                 need
#> 5731                                 noun
#> 5732                               nuhhuh
#> 5733                                ocean
#> 5734                              octopus
#> 5735                                often
#> 5736                                 Olah
#> 5737                                 olds
#> 5738                                 open
#> 5739                                order
#> 5740                                 owie
#> 5741                                pause
#> 5742                                peace
#> 5743                              penguin
#> 5744                                penis
#> 5745                              Phonics
#> 5746                               Piepie
#> 5747                                  pit
#> 5748                                 pole
#> 5749                                pound
#> 5750                              Prancer
#> 5751                               prison
#> 5752                              protect
#> 5753                                 pull
#> 5754                                 push
#> 5755                               Raisin
#> 5756                               report
#> 5757                                 rest
#> 5758                           restaurant
#> 5759                               return
#> 5760                              revenge
#> 5761                                 rice
#> 5762                            Rockbiter
#> 5763                                Roman
#> 5764                               Rossie
#> 5765                               sailor
#> 5766                                 scub
#> 5767                                 Sean
#> 5768                                 seat
#> 5769                               secret
#> 5770                             separate
#> 5771                              serious
#> 5772                              servant
#> 5773                                serve
#> 5774                               shadow
#> 5775                                  she
#> 5776                                 shop
#> 5777                             shoulder
#> 5778                                 sing
#> 5779                                  sit
#> 5780                                sixty
#> 5781                                Smurf
#> 5782                                 snap
#> 5783                             somebody
#> 5784                             somebody
#> 5785                              someday
#> 5786                            spaghetti
#> 5787                                speak
#> 5788                               Spring
#> 5789                                stack
#> 5790                                 step
#> 5791                              sticker
#> 5792                                sting
#> 5793                           straighten
#> 5794                             stranger
#> 5795                               Street
#> 5796                                stuff
#> 5797                                 suck
#> 5798                             surprise
#> 5799                                sweet
#> 5800                                Sweet
#> 5801                          Switzerland
#> 5802                                 talk
#> 5803                               Tarzan
#> 5804                                  tea
#> 5805                                tease
#> 5806                                 tell
#> 5807                               theirs
#> 5808                               though
#> 5809                             thousand
#> 5810                               threat
#> 5811                                  tic
#> 5812                                tight
#> 5813                                 till
#> 5814                                 Todd
#> 5815                                 tool
#> 5816                              tractor
#> 5817                                 trip
#> 5818                                 true
#> 5819                                twist
#> 5820                           university
#> 5821                              vampire
#> 5822                                visit
#> 5823                                voice
#> 5824                                    w
#> 5825                                 wall
#> 5826                                waste
#> 5827                                 west
#> 5828                               wicket
#> 5829                                 wind
#> 5830                                woman
#> 5831                     Woody_Woodpecker
#> 5832                                World
#> 5833                                 yard
#> 5834                                 York
#> 5835                                yucko
#> 5836                                    z
#> 5837                                 zero
#> 5838                                 NULL
#> 5839                                 NULL
#> 5840                                 NULL
#> 5841                                 NULL
#> 5842                                 NULL
#> 5843                                 NULL
#> 5844                                 NULL
#> 5845                                 NULL
#> 5846                                 NULL
#> 5847                                 NULL
#> 5848                                 NULL
#> 5849                                   it
#> 5850                                 mine
#> 5851                               afraid
#> 5852                                apple
#> 5853                            attention
#> 5854                                aware
#> 5855                                   be
#> 5856                                   be
#> 5857                                   be
#> 5858                                  big
#> 5859                                black
#> 5860                                 bone
#> 5861                                 bowl
#> 5862                                bread
#> 5863                                break
#> 5864                                build
#> 5865                                   by
#> 5866                                 care
#> 5867                              cartoon
#> 5868                                cause
#> 5869                               change
#> 5870                               choice
#> 5871                               clever
#> 5872                                 come
#> 5873                                David
#> 5874                                 deal
#> 5875                           difference
#> 5876                                  dog
#> 5877                               dollar
#> 5878                                 door
#> 5879                                 draw
#> 5880                                  egg
#> 5881                               enough
#> 5882                                 fact
#> 5883                                  fat
#> 5884                                  fat
#> 5885                                fight
#> 5886                                 find
#> 5887                                fruit
#> 5888                               garlic
#> 5889                                  get
#> 5890                                 girl
#> 5891                                 gosh
#> 5892                               happen
#> 5893                                happy
#> 5894                                 hard
#> 5895                                  hat
#> 5896                                 have
#> 5897                                heavy
#> 5898                                  hit
#> 5899                                house
#> 5900                                    I
#> 5901                               jacket
#> 5902                                  jam
#> 5903                              kitchen
#> 5904                                 knee
#> 5905                                 know
#> 5906                                 live
#> 5907                              lots_of
#> 5908                                 make
#> 5909                                 mind
#> 5910                                music
#> 5911                                 neat
#> 5912                                 next
#> 5913                                 nude
#> 5914                               number
#> 5915                                party
#> 5916                                 pick
#> 5917                                 play
#> 5918                                point
#> 5919                                 send
#> 5920                                shall
#> 5921                                share
#> 5922                                sleep
#> 5923                                 soap
#> 5924                            sometimes
#> 5925                              so_that
#> 5926                                sound
#> 5927                                space
#> 5928                            spaghetti
#> 5929                                spike
#> 5930                                 star
#> 5931                                start
#> 5932                                stick
#> 5933                                 stop
#> 5934                                third
#> 5935                             tomorrow
#> 5936                                  too
#> 5937                               trance
#> 5938                                 turn
#> 5939                                  use
#> 5940                                 warm
#> 5941                                watch
#> 5942                                 well
#> 5943                                white
#> 5944                                whole
#> 5945                                  win
#> 5946                               wonder
#> 5947                                wrong
#> 5948                                    x
#> 5949                                 yuck
#> 5950                                    a
#> 5951                                   in
#> 5952                                 Adam
#> 5953                               answer
#> 5954                            architect
#> 5955                               artist
#> 5956                                  ask
#> 5957                               attack
#> 5958                                  bag
#> 5959                                 ball
#> 5960                                  bam
#> 5961                                 bamm
#> 5962                              Batgirl
#> 5963                              Batmite
#> 5964                           Battle_Ram
#> 5965                                   be
#> 5966                               become
#> 5967                               Beebee
#> 5968                                begin
#> 5969                                 bell
#> 5970                                belly
#> 5971                                 belt
#> 5972                                 bend
#> 5973                                 bend
#> 5974                                  Big
#> 5975                                block
#> 5976                                board
#> 5977                                 bonk
#> 5978                               bounty
#> 5979                                  boy
#> 5980                                 brat
#> 5981                                brick
#> 5982                                 Buba
#> 5983                                 Buda
#> 5984                              Buffalo
#> 5985                                 bull
#> 5986                                  buy
#> 5987                                buyed
#> 5988                                 Cacy
#> 5989                             calendar
#> 5990                                canoe
#> 5991                          caterpillar
#> 5992                              certain
#> 5993                               chance
#> 5994                                chase
#> 5995                                child
#> 5996                                chump
#> 5997                                 City
#> 5998                                clean
#> 5999                                 Come
#> 6000                                  coo
#> 6001                               corner
#> 6002                               cotton
#> 6003                               cousin
#> 6004                                crack
#> 6005                                crack
#> 6006                                crash
#> 6007                                crawl
#> 6008                              crystal
#> 6009                               cuddle
#> 6010                                  cut
#> 6011                                  dad
#> 6012                                Dadda
#> 6013                                Death
#> 6014                           Deceptigon
#> 6015                              destroy
#> 6016                                Diana
#> 6017                               diaper
#> 6018                                  dog
#> 6019                                 doll
#> 6020                                 doll
#> 6021                                  doo
#> 6022                                  dot
#> 6023                               double
#> 6024                                dream
#> 6025                                dream
#> 6026                                dress
#> 6027                            Duckstand
#> 6028                              Duckula
#> 6029                               Dumpty
#> 6030                                  eat
#> 6031                                empty
#> 6032                                enemy
#> 6033                                 fair
#> 6034                               Fangor
#> 6035                              fantasy
#> 6036                               figure
#> 6037                                 find
#> 6038                                 fish
#> 6039                                 five
#> 6040                                 flip
#> 6041                                  fly
#> 6042                               follow
#> 6043                               friend
#> 6044                                 Gale
#> 6045                                 gate
#> 6046                                  get
#> 6047                                 glue
#> 6048                                 glue
#> 6049                                Gobot
#> 6050                                 gold
#> 6051                           Goldilocks
#> 6052                                 gomp
#> 6053                                goody
#> 6054                             Gremlins
#> 6055                               Guides
#> 6056                                 half
#> 6057                                 Hans
#> 6058                               happen
#> 6059                                három
#> 6060                                  hat
#> 6061                                hatch
#> 6062                           helicopter
#> 6063                                 hide
#> 6064                               Hobbit
#> 6065                                 Home
#> 6066                                 horn
#> 6067                               Humpty
#> 6068                                 iron
#> 6069                                 jack
#> 6070                                 jeez
#> 6071                                  Jim
#> 6072                             kangaroo
#> 6073                            Kennywood
#> 6074                               Kermit
#> 6075                                 kill
#> 6076                                kinda
#> 6077                               knight
#> 6078                                knock
#> 6079                                 Kong
#> 6080                              koo_koo
#> 6081                                  law
#> 6082                                  let
#> 6083                                  let
#> 6084                                  let
#> 6085                                 lick
#> 6086                                 live
#> 6087                                 long
#> 6088                                   Ma
#> 6089                                 mami
#> 6090                               master
#> 6091                              Matthew
#> 6092                                 mess
#> 6093                                Micah
#> 6094                                 milk
#> 6095                               minute
#> 6096                                  mix
#> 6097                             Mohammed
#> 6098                          Mon_chi_chi
#> 6099                            Monchichi
#> 6100                                 move
#> 6101                                 move
#> 6102                               muppet
#> 6103                                 name
#> 6104                                 name
#> 6105                                  nap
#> 6106                                nasty
#> 6107                               nobody
#> 6108                                ocean
#> 6109                                  one
#> 6110                                   ow
#> 6111                                   Oz
#> 6112                                 pass
#> 6113                              Pasteur
#> 6114                               person
#> 6115                                  pet
#> 6116                               pillow
#> 6117                                 pink
#> 6118                                  pkk
#> 6119                                plain
#> 6120                               planet
#> 6121                                  pop
#> 6122                              Poppins
#> 6123                              present
#> 6124                              pretend
#> 6125                                quick
#> 6126                                quite
#> 6127                               rabies
#> 6128                                Rebel
#> 6129                           restaurant
#> 6130                               return
#> 6131                               reward
#> 6132                                rhyme
#> 6133                                Rider
#> 6134                                 ring
#> 6135                                 rise
#> 6136                               Rogers
#> 6137                               Ronald
#> 6138                                 ruin
#> 6139                                 rule
#> 6140                               rumpus
#> 6141                             sandwich
#> 6142                               scream
#> 6143                               secret
#> 6144                                 self
#> 6145                               Sesame
#> 6146                               shadow
#> 6147                                shelf
#> 6148                                  shh
#> 6149                                 sign
#> 6150                                since
#> 6151                             Skeletor
#> 6152                                 slap
#> 6153                                sleep
#> 6154                                Soltz
#> 6155                                spell
#> 6156                               spider
#> 6157                                 spot
#> 6158                                stage
#> 6159                                stand
#> 6160                               starve
#> 6161                                 stay
#> 6162                                steal
#> 6163                               Street
#> 6164                           Superkitty
#> 6165                                Susie
#> 6166                                swamp
#> 6167                                sweet
#> 6168                                 swim
#> 6169                               szepen
#> 6170                                 tall
#> 6171                                  Tan
#> 6172                                 test
#> 6173                           themselves
#> 6174                                think
#> 6175                               thrill
#> 6176                                throw
#> 6177                                Timmy
#> 6178                                 Todd
#> 6179                               Tonton
#> 6180                                trade
#> 6181                             Trap_Jaw
#> 6182                             Triclops
#> 6183                                  try
#> 6184                                twice
#> 6185                               vacuum
#> 6186                                Vadar
#> 6187                                 vein
#> 6188                                video
#> 6189                               waffle
#> 6190                                 wave
#> 6191                                 wear
#> 6192                                 whee
#> 6193                               whoops
#> 6194                                whose
#> 6195                               winter
#> 6196                                 wipe
#> 6197                               wobble
#> 6198                          Wonderwoman
#> 6199                                 work
#> 6200                            wristband
#> 6201                                  yes
#> 6202                                  yum
#> 6203                                  zoo
#> 6204                                 NULL
#> 6205                                 NULL
#> 6206                                 NULL
#> 6207                                 NULL
#> 6208                                 NULL
#> 6209                                 NULL
#> 6210                                 NULL
#> 6211                                 NULL
#> 6212                                 NULL
#> 6213                                 NULL
#> 6214                               circle
#> 6215                                  now
#> 6216                                there
#> 6217                                  too
#> 6218                               strong
#> 6219                                 hunt
#> 6220                            difficult
#> 6221                                 blue
#> 6222                              lettuce
#> 6223                                   ba
#> 6224                                  dig
#> 6225                                 NULL
#> 6226                                weird
#> 6227                              suppose
#> 6228                               cherry
#> 6229                                 what
#> 6230                               street
#> 6231                                 fist
#> 6232                                 yuck
#> 6233                                cross
#> 6234                                dance
#> 6235                                 verb
#> 6236                               Kermit
#> 6237                                 dime
#> 6238                              dum_dum
#> 6239                             eighteen
#> 6240                                   ho
#> 6241                             stranger
#> 6242                             stranger
#> 6243                              quarter
#> 6244                                 baba
#> 6245                             straight
#> 6246                                solid
#> 6247                                point
#> 6248                                 name
#> 6249                                 week
#> 6250                               zombie
#> 6251                                human
#> 6252                                 NULL
#> 6253                             building
#> 6254                                 clap
#> 6255                              explain
#> 6256                                these
#> 6257                                spike
#> 6258                              Pasteur
#> 6259                                  Ron
#> 6260                                  pod
#> 6261                                 hate
#> 6262                                 ring
#> 6263                                stone
#> 6264                                 dine
#> 6265                                 Hulk
#> 6266                                  dig
#> 6267                                grape
#> 6268                                 home
#> 6269                                north
#> 6270                                smell
#> 6271                                 hulk
#> 6272                                  cup
#> 6273                                 quit
#> 6274                                grave
#> 6275                                queen
#> 6276                                  fun
#> 6277                                crash
#> 6278                                 boat
#> 6279                                 wham
#> 6280                                cheat
#> 6281                                grave
#> 6282                                Bucky
#> 6283                                  end
#> 6284                              control
#> 6285                               circle
#> 6286                                stick
#> 6287                                 Fred
#> 6288                              scratch
#> 6289                              pancake
#> 6290                                  hop
#> 6291                               lookee
#> 6292                              scratch
#> 6293                                crash
#> 6294                                radio
#> 6295                                 worm
#> 6296                                patch
#> 6297                                 step
#> 6298                              soldier
#> 6299                                   do
#> 6300                                whale
#> 6301                                 that
#> 6302                             Romanian
#> 6303                                prize
#> 6304                                steal
#> 6305                                 Dark
#> 6306                                Micah
#> 6307                               bubble
#> 6308                                 Tron
#> 6309                                steal
#> 6310                                 trip
#> 6311                                 then
#> 6312                                cheap
#> 6313                                  cry
#> 6314                             American
#> 6315                                trick
#> 6316                                shirt
#> 6317                                there
#> 6318                               matter
#> 6319                                plate
#> 6320                                smart
#> 6321                               Denver
#> 6322                                brush
#> 6323                                 step
#> 6324                                 thin
#> 6325                                 hope
#> 6326                               scream
#> 6327                               Friday
#> 6328                             koszonom
#> 6329                             mushroom
#> 6330                                 golf
#> 6331                          Hubba_Bubba
#> 6332                                  end
#> 6333                            Millinium
#> 6334                                 lift
#> 6335                                 long
#> 6336                               staple
#> 6337                                 owie
#> 6338                                    v
#> 6339                                swamp
#> 6340                                stand
#> 6341                                 cake
#> 6342                                choke
#> 6343                                 farm
#> 6344                               bronco
#> 6345                                 Cacy
#> 6346                             straight
#> 6347                                 Gonk
#> 6348                                ankle
#> 6349                                 nips
#> 6350                                 fool
#> 6351                                chase
#> 6352                                 fool
#> 6353                               become
#> 6354                                chase
#> 6355                                Rebel
#> 6356                                sweat
#> 6357                               scream
#> 6358                                 copy
#> 6359                               forget
#> 6360                                 trap
#> 6361                                 step
#> 6362                            hungarian
#> 6363                                  pet
#> 6364                                 fair
#> 6365                              Manglor
#> 6366                                 chip
#> 6367                                 hold
#> 6368                                cross
#> 6369                            transform
#> 6370                                crash
#> 6371                             loveseat
#> 6372                              promise
#> 6373                             yourself
#> 6374                               breast
#> 6375                                 hunm
#> 6376                                 hold
#> 6377                               whacko
#> 6378                                point
#> 6379                                break
#> 6380                           disgusting
#> 6381                               planet
#> 6382                               googoo
#> 6383                                  log
#> 6384                                 scab
#> 6385                                   do
#> 6386                                splat
#> 6387                               flower
#> 6388                                 some
#> 6389                                 race
#> 6390                                 hurt
#> 6391                              imagine
#> 6392                                 play
#> 6393                                goose
#> 6394                                count
#> 6395                                space
#> 6396                                 move
#> 6397                               freeze
#> 6398                              gorilla
#> 6399                            Kennywood
#> 6400                                straw
#> 6401                                   we
#> 6402                               splash
#> 6403                                dance
#> 6404                                 play
#> 6405                              sweetie
#> 6406                                 race
#> 6407                             how_come
#> 6408                                apple
#> 6409                                 NULL
#> 6410                               center
#> 6411                              Matthew
#> 6412                                Nikes
#> 6413                               assign
#> 6414                                towel
#> 6415                                   be
#> 6416                                young
#> 6417                                grade
#> 6418                             you_know
#> 6419                                  doo
#> 6420                                sorry
#> 6421                                kitty
#> 6422                                 wise
#> 6423                                  not
#> 6424                                swing
#> 6425                          disturbance
#> 6426                             Madeline
#> 6427                              plastic
#> 6428                                Mandy
#> 6429                                  dah
#> 6430                               winter
#> 6431                               friend
#> 6432                             impolite
#> 6433                              Manglor
#> 6434                                  not
#> 6435                                crane
#> 6436                               upside
#> 6437                           Spider_man
#> 6438                                  bus
#> 6439                                 slow
#> 6440                              plastic
#> 6441                                 NULL
#> 6442                                 need
#> 6443                                   no
#> 6444                                yikes
#> 6445                                 NULL
#> 6446                                cross
#> 6447                                throw
#> 6448                               indian
#> 6449                                 ours
#> 6450                                glove
#> 6451                                  oil
#> 6452                              Indiana
#> 6453                                 ride
#> 6454                                 mira
#> 6455                               whoops
#> 6456                              balloon
#> 6457                               Speedy
#> 6458                              control
#> 6459                               divide
#> 6460                                uppie
#> 6461                              compute
#> 6462                              chicken
#> 6463                                 toto
#> 6464                               riddle
#> 6465                                watch
#> 6466                               person
#> 6467                                 safe
#> 6468                                 hint
#> 6469                        Great_Pumpkin
#> 6470                                Chewy
#> 6471                               strike
#> 6472                                  and
#> 6473                                   it
#> 6474                                 sour
#> 6475                              baloney
#> 6476                               riddle
#> 6477                                 burn
#> 6478                                 open
#> 6479                               Chewie
#> 6480                                 wave
#> 6481                                drunk
#> 6482                                 sour
#> 6483                                 plan
#> 6484                             Draculas
#> 6485                                  for
#> 6486                                  ask
#> 6487                                night
#> 6488                               bottle
#> 6489                              Cringer
#> 6490                                   Do
#> 6491                                 with
#> 6492                                daddy
#> 6493                              crystal
#> 6494                                 miss
#> 6495                                proud
#> 6496                                right
#> 6497                                 harm
#> 6498                                blast
#> 6499                               bottom
#> 6500                               change
#> 6501                                 chee
#> 6502                                Force
#> 6503                                  for
#> 6504                               doctor
#> 6505                                 bore
#> 6506                             credible
#> 6507                                 pkkk
#> 6508                                 drop
#> 6509                                 bore
#> 6510                               squirt
#> 6511                                  ssh
#> 6512                                waste
#> 6513                                  put
#> 6514                                 cute
#> 6515                                 sock
#> 6516                                chase
#> 6517                                scare
#> 6518                                  The
#> 6519                             ancestor
#> 6520                                chase
#> 6521                           Washington
#> 6522                             mattress
#> 6523                                 grow
#> 6524                                Louis
#> 6525                        Miss_Lastname
#> 6526                                 time
#> 6527                                sniff
#> 6528                               jacket
#> 6529                                since
#> 6530                               second
#> 6531                               poodle
#> 6532                                 bong
#> 6533                                 even
#> 6534                                 grow
#> 6535                                slide
#> 6536                                  rug
#> 6537                                erupt
#> 6538                                 look
#> 6539                               Ranger
#> 6540                                slide
#> 6541                                often
#> 6542                               second
#> 6543                                 lawn
#> 6544                                    x
#> 6545                                 NULL
#> 6546                                  Jan
#> 6547                              bandage
#> 6548                          underground
#> 6549                              Rumania
#> 6550                                 till
#> 6551                                 doll
#> 6552                                  cry
#> 6553                           Washington
#> 6554                                order
#> 6555                           intonation
#> 6556                                layer
#> 6557                          seventeenth
#> 6558                                 bump
#> 6559                                color
#> 6560                               tablet
#> 6561                                press
#> 6562                              blanket
#> 6563                             uncuffed
#> 6564                                  yeh
#> 6565                                jeans
#> 6566                                 farm
#> 6567                                  dya
#> 6568                        Charlie_Brown
#> 6569                                   do
#> 6570                                 boat
#> 6571                                  tie
#> 6572                                smash
#> 6573                                 wash
#> 6574                               Fangor
#> 6575                                 walk
#> 6576                                 wash
#> 6577                             thirteen
#> 6578                                erase
#> 6579                                 wash
#> 6580                                  fly
#> 6581                                scare
#> 6582                                 NULL
#> 6583                                  pit
#> 6584                                 deep
#> 6585                                  ach
#> 6586                              student
#> 6587                            blueberry
#> 6588                                 slow
#> 6589                               change
#> 6590                                  age
#> 6591                                 wrap
#> 6592                                  eat
#> 6593                             asteroid
#> 6594                                 long
#> 6595                                 melt
#> 6596                                chief
#> 6597                                 dada
#> 6598                                slide
#> 6599                                Gobot
#> 6600                              warrior
#> 6601                                   do
#> 6602                                 wrap
#> 6603                                chair
#> 6604                                  eye
#> 6605                                mouse
#> 6606                                 NULL
#> 6607                                   he
#> 6608                                 wash
#> 6609                                 warn
#> 6610                               center
#> 6611                              warrior
#> 6612                               fourth
#> 6613                                throw
#> 6614                                 hair
#> 6615                                 NULL
#> 6616                               eensie
#> 6617                                  gut
#> 6618                                eieio
#> 6619                                  Dad
#> 6620                                 nyah
#> 6621                             ancestor
#> 6622                                 like
#> 6623                              explain
#> 6624                            Skywalker
#> 6625                               Newton
#> 6626                                  fit
#> 6627                                 corn
#> 6628                                 joke
#> 6629                               excuse
#> 6630                                 skin
#> 6631                            meanwhile
#> 6632                               Return
#> 6633                                Joker
#> 6634                                rough
#> 6635                               He_man
#> 6636                                 kiss
#> 6637                                 pipe
#> 6638                                 argh
#> 6639                                 warm
#> 6640                                skate
#> 6641                                  fat
#> 6642                               absent
#> 6643                                Ewoks
#> 6644                                 Ewok
#> 6645                                Celia
#> 6646                                  for
#> 6647                            ambulance
#> 6648                                  dɘn
#> 6649                                allow
#> 6650                                  yah
#> 6651                              correct
#> 6652                              Tylenol
#> 6653                                 gold
#> 6654                               thirst
#> 6655                               rabbit
#> 6656                             delicate
#> 6657                                 mine
#> 6658                                flush
#> 6659                                 NULL
#> 6660                                 NULL
#> 6661                                   da
#> 6662                                 kiss
#> 6663                                  pin
#> 6664                                  two
#> 6665                                 lose
#> 6666                                  cow
#> 6667                                  New
#> 6668                             princess
#> 6669                                  nor
#> 6670                                hello
#> 6671                              alright
#> 6672                                  kak
#> 6673                                mommy
#> 6674                                   it
#> 6675                                 NULL
#> 6676                           television
#> 6677                               Things
#> 6678                              ka_pshh
#> 6679                                pilot
#> 6680                                 mann
#> 6681                               Rabbit
#> 6682                                point
#> 6683                                 nick
#> 6684                              sheriff
#> 6685                                 bite
#> 6686                                 door
#> 6687                                sugar
#> 6688                                 have
#> 6689                                 blow
#> 6690                             Birthday
#> 6691                                 NULL
#> 6692                                 talk
#> 6693                               rubber
#> 6694                               rabies
#> 6695                                 just
#> 6696                                Magic
#> 6697                                  Mom
#> 6698                                cover
#> 6699                                  pig
#> 6700                                 bird
#> 6701                                   no
#> 6702                               poison
#> 6703                                  dog
#> 6704                             sidewalk
#> 6705                              ketchup
#> 6706                                  win
#> 6707                                billy
#> 6708                                 hate
#> 6709                                press
#> 6710                             Big_Bird
#> 6711                                    q
#> 6712                                 king
#> 6713                                  kgg
#> 6714                                 show
#> 6715                                 salt
#> 6716                                Barry
#> 6717                                 jump
#> 6718                              feather
#> 6719                             nineteen
#> 6720                                 inch
#> 6721                              weensie
#> 6722                               Island
#> 6723                                forth
#> 6724                               Mogway
#> 6725                              twelfth
#> 6726                                 like
#> 6727                              include
#> 6728                               Snoopy
#> 6729                             rosemary
#> 6730                                 City
#> 6731                               handle
#> 6732                               sneeze
#> 6733                                 hunm
#> 6734                              knuckle
#> 6735                                 hang
#> 6736                                 walk
#> 6737                                 play
#> 6738                                 NULL
#> 6739                                eight
#> 6740                                 meet
#> 6741                                 ship
#> 6742                             eighteen
#> 6743                                 kill
#> 6744                                 uppy
#> 6745                         destructible
#> 6746                                   it
#> 6747                                Tooth
#> 6748                         kindergarten
#> 6749                               Mexico
#> 6750                               indian
#> 6751                                  fit
#> 6752                                 pick
#> 6753                                  eat
#> 6754                                  fly
#> 6755                                carry
#> 6756                                 swim
#> 6757                                 NULL
#> 6758                                 feel
#> 6759                               Bronco
#> 6760                                a_lot
#> 6761                                creep
#> 6762                                cause
#> 6763                                 pick
#> 6764                                 tree
#> 6765                                 mess
#> 6766                                share
#> 6767                                begin
#> 6768                              Monster
#> 6769                                  wah
#> 6770                                   ow
#> 6771                              Indians
#> 6772                          caterpillar
#> 6773                               waffle
#> 6774                                 mess
#> 6775                               jacket
#> 6776                                 hard
#> 6777                                 hero
#> 6778                                  ear
#> 6779                               kitten
#> 6780                                 NULL
#> 6781                               phrase
#> 6782                                  lie
#> 6783                                shade
#> 6784                                 beer
#> 6785                                 rose
#> 6786                                Kitty
#> 6787                            infection
#> 6788                                  sew
#> 6789                                cough
#> 6790                                   it
#> 6791                            meanwhile
#> 6792                                  own
#> 6793                                  cut
#> 6794                                month
#> 6795                                  Lea
#> 6796                                 care
#> 6797                                  Tee
#> 6798                                 take
#> 6799                               breath
#> 6800                               dragon
#> 6801                                tease
#> 6802                                 care
#> 6803                                final
#> 6804                                gooey
#> 6805                                 earn
#> 6806                                float
#> 6807                                knock
#> 6808                               during
#> 6809                                  web
#> 6810                                 wash
#> 6811                                color
#> 6812                                  bed
#> 6813                                 lion
#> 6814                                power
#> 6815                                 know
#> 6816                               Rachel
#> 6817                               sudden
#> 6818                                   ga
#> 6819                               course
#> 6820                                cloth
#> 6821                                 true
#> 6822                                 melt
#> 6823                              knuckle
#> 6824                                 self
#> 6825                                 that
#> 6826                                Timmy
#> 6827                                 NULL
#> 6828                                   as
#> 6829                               Disney
#> 6830                                 cold
#> 6831                                  the
#> 6832                              dessert
#> 6833                                  rot
#> 6834                                  far
#> 6835                               figure
#> 6836                                 Name
#> 6837                                stand
#> 6838                                 draw
#> 6839                                 seem
#> 6840                               figure
#> 6841                                  tum
#> 6842                                 tuft
#> 6843                                 copy
#> 6844                                Moose
#> 6845                               waffle
#> 6846                                 pour
#> 6847                                heart
#> 6848                                  Mum
#> 6849                                  see
#> 6850                               avenue
#> 6851                             cassette
#> 6852                              believe
#> 6853                             electric
#> 6854                                csoki
#> 6855                                 dear
#> 6856                                   Vh
#> 6857                                 lace
#> 6858                               Hawaii
#> 6859                              Bratito
#> 6860                            knowledge
#> 6861                                teeny
#> 6862                                 cute
#> 6863                                  win
#> 6864                              destroy
#> 6865                                  dry
#> 6866                            tarantula
#> 6867                                beard
#> 6868                                 lamp
#> 6869                                 Bear
#> 6870                                 Coke
#> 6871                                  yes
#> 6872                                train
#> 6873                                 lung
#> 6874                                 send
#> 6875                                 tape
#> 6876                                drive
#> 6877                                 gang
#> 6878                                brand
#> 6879                                  cry
#> 6880                                  few
#> 6881                                drive
#> 6882                               mortar
#> 6883                              alright
#> 6884                                fight
#> 6885                             language
#> 6886                              destroy
#> 6887                             absolute
#> 6888                                large
#> 6889                                sound
#> 6890                                  pop
#> 6891                                 wood
#> 6892                                  eat
#> 6893                               candle
#> 6894                                 nail
#> 6895                                 talk
#> 6896                                 send
#> 6897                            thank_you
#> 6898                                 talk
#> 6899                             Munsters
#> 6900                                 ruin
#> 6901                             popsicle
#> 6902                                skate
#> 6903                                 hear
#> 6904                                 kill
#> 6905                             medicine
#> 6906                                drive
#> 6907                                 cart
#> 6908                                stink
#> 6909                              sausage
#> 6910                                  can
#> 6911                                   be
#> 6912                                there
#> 6913                               tattoo
#> 6914                                Gabor
#> 6915                                  pen
#> 6916                                stock
#> 6917                               muppet
#> 6918                                 make
#> 6919                                 drop
#> 6920                                 weak
#> 6921                            apologize
#> 6922                                fifth
#> 6923                              custard
#> 6924                              Russell
#> 6925                              giraffe
#> 6926                                raise
#> 6927                           Battle_Cat
#> 6928                             disguise
#> 6929                                whale
#> 6930                                learn
#> 6931                                learn
#> 6932                               across
#> 6933                              battery
#> 6934                               excuse
#> 6935                              science
#> 6936                                  Pop
#> 6937                                leave
#> 6938                           commercial
#> 6939                               drawer
#> 6940                                force
#> 6941                                 Mary
#> 6942                               peanut
#> 6943                                fence
#> 6944                               fellow
#> 6945                                 work
#> 6946                               fellow
#> 6947                                 lego
#> 6948                                 draw
#> 6949                               pirate
#> 6950                                 ewok
#> 6951                                snack
#> 6952                                count
#> 6953                                devil
#> 6954                             mustache
#> 6955                                 NULL
#> 6956                                 bowl
#> 6957                              pancake
#> 6958                               lesson
#> 6959                                begin
#> 6960                                  bat
#> 6961                               excuse
#> 6962                                  bow
#> 6963                                 code
#> 6964                               switch
#> 6965                               notice
#> 6966                               carrot
#> 6967                               bounty
#> 6968                               bounce
#> 6969                            Luxemburg
#> 6970                              trouble
#> 6971                                 work
#> 6972                                swing
#> 6973                                 must
#> 6974                                 safe
#> 6975                                 feel
#> 6976                              problem
#> 6977                                 pant
#> 6978                                marry
#> 6979                                 NULL
#> 6980                                 poop
#> 6981                                clown
#> 6982                                  row
#> 6983                                cabin
#> 6984                                 NULL
#> 6985                            adventure
#> 6986                             scissors
#> 6987                                  run
#> 6988                                 NULL
#> 6989                             practice
#> 6990                                 kill
#> 6991                                  lie
#> 6992                                sweet
#> 6993                                Claus
#> 6994                                 pair
#> 6995                            situation
#> 6996                                  sit
#> 6997                                sweet
#> 6998                                uppie
#> 6999                                growl
#> 7000                                stone
#> 7001                              bandaid
#> 7002                               record
#> 7003                                  ape
#> 7004                                 look
#> 7005                                merry
#> 7006                                  kid
#> 7007                                rrrit
#> 7008                                cloth
#> 7009                                shark
#> 7010                              seventy
#> 7011                                 boss
#> 7012                                 mean
#> 7013                                China
#> 7014                                  buy
#> 7015                                Merry
#> 7016                             surprise
#> 7017                                 Care
#> 7018                                 hero
#> 7019                                  dum
#> 7020                                  age
#> 7021                                grade
#> 7022                             airplane
#> 7023                                Japan
#> 7024                                dance
#> 7025                               Dragon
#> 7026                                 sure
#> 7027                               sunset
#> 7028                                 rope
#> 7029                                shoot
#> 7030                                 boot
#> 7031                                trick
#> 7032                                  lip
#> 7033                                 NULL
#> 7034                                 dirt
#> 7035                                worth
#> 7036                                  owe
#> 7037                               rattle
#> 7038                                robot
#> 7039                                 boot
#> 7040                                 woof
#> 7041                                robin
#> 7042                                    q
#> 7043                                 wild
#> 7044                                rebel
#> 7045                               behind
#> 7046                              what_if
#> 7047                                 pass
#> 7048                                 wild
#> 7049                                 busy
#> 7050                                 NULL
#> 7051                                 Fred
#> 7052                              Mogways
#> 7053                                toast
#> 7054                        gallop_a_trot
#> 7055                               Wizard
#> 7056                                climb
#> 7057                                Dutch
#> 7058                              pumpkin
#> 7059                                Tonto
#> 7060                                 baby
#> 7061                        Rainbow_Brite
#> 7062                                 rain
#> 7063                                basic
#> 7064                                final
#> 7065                                 hide
#> 7066                                 NULL
#> 7067                          cooperative
#> 7068                                count
#> 7069                       Vice_President
#> 7070                                 cube
#> 7071                                 find
#> 7072                                  say
#> 7073                                awful
#> 7074                                woman
#> 7075                                 rich
#> 7076                                Soltz
#> 7077                                  die
#> 7078                               parent
#> 7079                                 girl
#> 7080                                touch
#> 7081                               raisin
#> 7082                                Dumbo
#> 7083                             all_gone
#> 7084                               parent
#> 7085                                 edge
#> 7086                                 pout
#> 7087                              revenge
#> 7088                              chicken
#> 7089                                 star
#> 7090                                trail
#> 7091                                towel
#> 7092                                 trap
#> 7093                                ghost
#> 7094                              fashion
#> 7095                                stuff
#> 7096                                  lay
#> 7097                            of_course
#> 7098                                 look
#> 7099                                arrow
#> 7100                                fancy
#> 7101                                awake
#> 7102                             passport
#> 7103                                 sink
#> 7104                                sport
#> 7105                                strap
#> 7106                               Zsuzsa
#> 7107                               Zsuzsa
#> 7108                                  hog
#> 7109                                smile
#> 7110                                  gee
#> 7111                      Fred_Flintstone
#> 7112                               bullet
#> 7113                                  sit
#> 7114                                Storm
#> 7115                                 hold
#> 7116                               candle
#> 7117                                  din
#> 7118                                 stop
#> 7119                                build
#> 7120                                stool
#> 7121                                  lot
#> 7122                            vegetable
#> 7123                              Vectrex
#> 7124                          Darth_Vader
#> 7125                                  one
#> 7126                                 fuzz
#> 7127                               vanish
#> 7128                                  hoo
#> 7129                                 hood
#> 7130                               zipper
#> 7131                                 hook
#> 7132                            Skywalker
#> 7133                               hooray
#> 7134                                stick
#> 7135                                loose
#> 7136                                 step
#> 7137                                 oven
#> 7138                               garlic
#> 7139                                 horn
#> 7140                                 that
#> 7141                              scratch
#> 7142                                 buck
#> 7143                                steel
#> 7144                               drawer
#> 7145                              darling
#> 7146                                grave
#> 7147                                hotel
#> 7148                                Comet
#> 7149                                speed
#> 7150                                 look
#> 7151                                 hour
#> 7152                                uhhuh
#> 7153                                zsupa
#> 7154                               friend
#> 7155                                 they
#> 7156                                 face
#> 7157                                Droid
#> 7158                                mamma
#> 7159                                Hubba
#> 7160                         Star_trooper
#> 7161                                think
#> 7162                           Starscream
#> 7163                               staple
#> 7164                                small
#> 7165                               Bronco
#> 7166                                 Hulk
#> 7167                                dance
#> 7168                                 stal
#> 7169                            staircase
#> 7170                           bronchitis
#> 7171                                drink
#> 7172                                 tape
#> 7173                                stair
#> 7174                                human
#> 7175                                stack
#> 7176                                bring
#> 7177                                force
#> 7178                                dance
#> 7179                               Snoopy
#> 7180                             squirrel
#> 7181                                  Bye
#> 7182                               scream
#> 7183                                  fit
#> 7184                              outside
#> 7185                                buyed
#> 7186                              squeeze
#> 7187                               square
#> 7188                               Spring
#> 7189                                 hunt
#> 7190                                 hunt
#> 7191                                urine
#> 7192                                break
#> 7193                                  fly
#> 7194                                 soil
#> 7195                                 doof
#> 7196                                  fit
#> 7197                              buvojos
#> 7198                                brave
#> 7199                               Rudolf
#> 7200                               splash
#> 7201                              husband
#> 7202                                 yoyo
#> 7203                                   oo
#> 7204                                quick
#> 7205                                mommy
#> 7206                                 what
#> 7207                                  urf
#> 7208                                  ice
#> 7209                                 busy
#> 7210                                kitty
#> 7211                                 swim
#> 7212                                brang
#> 7213                             spinners
#> 7214                                 song
#> 7215                                 spin
#> 7216                                 play
#> 7217                            intention
#> 7218                                spike
#> 7219                                spike
#> 7220                               listen
#> 7221                                spike
#> 7222                                south
#> 7223                               braked
#> 7224                                ditch
#> 7225                                upset
#> 7226                              in_case
#> 7227                                spend
#> 7228                               indeed
#> 7229                                spend
#> 7230                             bracelet
#> 7231                              Indians
#> 7232                             Colorado
#> 7233                          infectation
#> 7234                                quiet
#> 7235                            divisible
#> 7236                                speed
#> 7237                             pressure
#> 7238                                speak
#> 7239                             interest
#> 7240                                dizzy
#> 7241                                cross
#> 7242                                   do
#> 7243                                 bout
#> 7244                              bouquet
#> 7245                                spank
#> 7246                               bounce
#> 7247                              spanish
#> 7248                           instrument
#> 7249                                space
#> 7250                               finish
#> 7251                                spike
#> 7252                                greed
#> 7253                                   do
#> 7254                              sort_of
#> 7255                                 crow
#> 7256                              Daddies
#> 7257                                 NULL
#> 7258                                  can
#> 7259                            something
#> 7260                                Aaron
#> 7261                              gremlin
#> 7262                                   Is
#> 7263                                   to
#> 7264                                 slip
#> 7265                                 wrap
#> 7266                              squeeze
#> 7267                               figure
#> 7268                                 itch
#> 7269                               United
#> 7270                           szerinttem
#> 7271                                 boot
#> 7272                               figure
#> 7273                                 draw
#> 7274                                  far
#> 7275                               Richie
#> 7276                                    a
#> 7277                            underwear
#> 7278                                 feel
#> 7279                                 feel
#> 7280                                 star
#> 7281                                 Grey
#> 7282                                  dog
#> 7283                             favorite
#> 7284                                 bomb
#> 7285                                 bump
#> 7286                                farat
#> 7287                                Jamie
#> 7288                                 bump
#> 7289                              faratta
#> 7290                               others
#> 7291                             Hennessy
#> 7292                            Undergirl
#> 7293                                dadda
#> 7294                                 Jawn
#> 7295                              jealous
#> 7296                                 farm
#> 7297                                 boat
#> 7298                                steal
#> 7299                                smash
#> 7300                                 NULL
#> 7301                          pomegranate
#> 7302                                after
#> 7303                               fourth
#> 7304                                smart
#> 7305                             Hendersy
#> 7306                               Jeremy
#> 7307                                   bo
#> 7308                               sleeve
#> 7309                                 line
#> 7310                                 part
#> 7311                                Jesse
#> 7312                                 slot
#> 7313                              Jetfire
#> 7314                                 blow
#> 7315                              jewelry
#> 7316                           rhinoceros
#> 7317                            Kistament
#> 7318                                blood
#> 7319                          pomegranate
#> 7320                                block
#> 7321                                stock
#> 7322                                Akron
#> 7323                                Heman
#> 7324                                sleep
#> 7325                               bullet
#> 7326                                  job
#> 7327                                  egg
#> 7328                               bullet
#> 7329                                 bull
#> 7330                                  Rex
#> 7331                                 Like
#> 7332                                 ours
#> 7333                                 Ewok
#> 7334                                 John
#> 7335                                blech
#> 7336                               memory
#> 7337                                  doo
#> 7338                                throw
#> 7339                                alive
#> 7340                                skate
#> 7341                                yahoo
#> 7342                                 Jose
#> 7343                                 much
#> 7344                                laser
#> 7345                               memory
#> 7346                                 four
#> 7347                               almost
#> 7348                                 jump
#> 7349                                 jump
#> 7350                               Father
#> 7351                               bitter
#> 7352                             everyone
#> 7353                                 sink
#> 7354                                write
#> 7355                                 Buda
#> 7356                                happy
#> 7357                                 bite
#> 7358                                favor
#> 7359                                 wrap
#> 7360                                 NULL
#> 7361                               Kanobi
#> 7362                                 bite
#> 7363                                Bucky
#> 7364                             Favorite
#> 7365                                amaze
#> 7366                                 sing
#> 7367                                  Kay
#> 7368                                furry
#> 7369                              biscuit
#> 7370                                  see
#> 7371                              Dorothy
#> 7372                               window
#> 7373                               X_Wing
#> 7374                                gross
#> 7375                               Sunday
#> 7376                                 sign
#> 7377                                 NULL
#> 7378                               animal
#> 7379                                Billy
#> 7380                                   si
#> 7381                              feather
#> 7382                               enough
#> 7383                                 show
#> 7384                              english
#> 7385                               should
#> 7386                                   bu
#> 7387                               shorts
#> 7388                                 tall
#> 7389                            twentieth
#> 7390                              between
#> 7391                               Heeman
#> 7392                              istenem
#> 7393                                  kid
#> 7394                               beside
#> 7395                                  Kid
#> 7396                               anyone
#> 7397                                  t_v
#> 7398                                 NULL
#> 7399                                  pit
#> 7400                               eighty
#> 7401                                 NULL
#> 7402                                  Ben
#> 7403                                Brown
#> 7404                               edipus
#> 7405                                 ruff
#> 7406                               belong
#> 7407                                 itch
#> 7408                                 Lila
#> 7409                                 NULL
#> 7410                                  she
#> 7411                                 kiss
#> 7412                               Shazam
#> 7413                                  eat
#> 7414                            beginning
#> 7415                             broccoli
#> 7416                                 king
#> 7417                                begin
#> 7418                                 feel
#> 7419                                 pony
#> 7420                                  Kit
#> 7421                                 ease
#> 7422                           Magyar_Ora
#> 7423                              Dracula
#> 7424                                shake
#> 7425                                Paolo
#> 7426                                 beet
#> 7427                                kitty
#> 7428                                  sew
#> 7429                              kind_of
#> 7430                                 feel
#> 7431                                beepp
#> 7432                              breathe
#> 7433                                  tur
#> 7434                                 knob
#> 7435                                 Pigs
#> 7436                                 what
#> 7437                                 spin
#> 7438                                  how
#> 7439                                break
#> 7440                              service
#> 7441                              Pac_Man
#> 7442                                 dumb
#> 7443                                 send
#> 7444                                 kick
#> 7445                                 lord
#> 7446                                Arron
#> 7447                                 sell
#> 7448                                 sell
#> 7449                                  win
#> 7450                                  the
#> 7451                                 tape
#> 7452                               Konobi
#> 7453                                  win
#> 7454                                taste
#> 7455                              koolaid
#> 7456                             koszonom
#> 7457                              Because
#> 7458                                 NULL
#> 7459                                 Kung
#> 7460                       kindergartener
#> 7461                                 seed
#> 7462                              drawing
#> 7463                                 Kurt
#> 7464                               Tarzan
#> 7465                                brave
#> 7466                                 send
#> 7467                                 cute
#> 7468                                 drop
#> 7469                               doctor
#> 7470                                  Fet
#> 7471                            pisztolja
#> 7472                               Rafael
#> 7473                                 that
#> 7474                           television
#> 7475                                fever
#> 7476                                 seat
#> 7477                               Droids
#> 7478                              precise
#> 7479                                 wrap
#> 7480                               scream
#> 7481                              pistolj
#> 7482                                taste
#> 7483                                drink
#> 7484                                  few
#> 7485                              scratch
#> 7486                               thanks
#> 7487                                  fry
#> 7488                              scratch
#> 7489                              scratch
#> 7490                                aware
#> 7491                                 late
#> 7492                                 pray
#> 7493                                scrap
#> 7494                                laugh
#> 7495                                wowie
#> 7496                             worstest
#> 7497                                drive
#> 7498                          scotch_tape
#> 7499                                field
#> 7500                             fiddling
#> 7501                                  lay
#> 7502                                Droid
#> 7503                            scientist
#> 7504                                   if
#> 7505                                   be
#> 7506                                  try
#> 7507                                 drop
#> 7508                                 lead
#> 7509                                scene
#> 7510                                dream
#> 7511                             Batwoman
#> 7512                           Battleship
#> 7513                               battle
#> 7514                            saysaysay
#> 7515                                  say
#> 7516                                  oop
#> 7517                                leave
#> 7518                                  act
#> 7519                                  ons
#> 7520                                  Boy
#> 7521                              curtain
#> 7522                                fight
#> 7523                                 heal
#> 7524                                jammy
#> 7525                                 save
#> 7526                                drunk
#> 7527                                 that
#> 7528                                awful
#> 7529                                 sand
#> 7530                                  Jan
#> 7531                               double
#> 7532                              lettuce
#> 7533                             practice
#> 7534                                Saint
#> 7535                                sixth
#> 7536                                saber
#> 7537                                 bare
#> 7538                                Trono
#> 7539                             boughted
#> 7540                                those
#> 7541                                 feed
#> 7542                                huhuh
#> 7543                                fight
#> 7544                         rumpadoodles
#> 7545                               thrill
#> 7546                                 must
#> 7547                                  pox
#> 7548                                 curl
#> 7549                              onhajas
#> 7550                                growl
#> 7551                                Paolo
#> 7552                                 rain
#> 7553                               Boston
#> 7554                                Mommy
#> 7555                              grraarr
#> 7556                                 rrit
#> 7557                               Mogway
#> 7558                               figure
#> 7559                                  Lem
#> 7560                              Balaton
#> 7561                                  poo
#> 7562                             rraaarrr
#> 7563                               banana
#> 7564                                 rain
#> 7565                                guard
#> 7566                             tricycle
#> 7567                               parent
#> 7568                              bandage
#> 7569                                 tear
#> 7570                                 rope
#> 7571                                spank
#> 7572                                  bag
#> 7573                               pencil
#> 7574                               powder
#> 7575                                 dump
#> 7576                                   Al
#> 7577                                 dusk
#> 7578                     Woody_Woodpecker
#> 7579                                 dust
#> 7580                               cuffed
#> 7581                                 east
#> 7582                                 NULL
#> 7583                                 boom
#> 7584                                 NULL
#> 7585                         right_chitis
#> 7586                              servant
#> 7587                                  die
#> 7588                                 know
#> 7589                               toilet
#> 7590                                  sir
#> 7591                                 ride
#> 7592                               market
#> 7593                                 load
#> 7594                                  Bat
#> 7595                               riddle
#> 7596                               diaper
#> 7597                                 lock
#> 7598                                  woo
#> 7599                                 fast
#> 7600                                  poo
#> 7601                               little
#> 7602                                 find
#> 7603                                teeny
#> 7604                                   ax
#> 7605                                 maid
#> 7606                                   be
#> 7607                                 fine
#> 7608                                least
#> 7609                                dress
#> 7610                   Return_of_the_Jedi
#> 7611                              service
#> 7612                               clumsy
#> 7613                               Hawaii
#> 7614                                  ópa
#> 7615                                 sink
#> 7616                              look_it
#> 7617                               rescue
#> 7618                                   me
#> 7619                                guide
#> 7620                             remember
#> 7621                                along
#> 7622                               Atrayu
#> 7623                             at_least
#> 7624                        Sesame_Street
#> 7625                             although
#> 7626                             Eastmont
#> 7627                               decide
#> 7628                               wiggle
#> 7629                                Bobby
#> 7630                               decide
#> 7631                                crush
#> 7632                                 love
#> 7633                          wokka_wokka
#> 7634                                At_at
#> 7635                                 love
#> 7636                                Lover
#> 7637                                spoil
#> 7638                               wizard
#> 7639                                  mhm
#> 7640                                 kick
#> 7641                               Anakin
#> 7642                              hatchoo
#> 7643                                 read
#> 7644                                 read
#> 7645                               crummy
#> 7646                                 boat
#> 7647                                 tell
#> 7648                                  pay
#> 7649                                 dead
#> 7650                                board
#> 7651                           as_soon_as
#> 7652                                train
#> 7653                                  ass
#> 7654                                  rat
#> 7655                                 NULL
#> 7656                       aspirin_chitis
#> 7657                                Rossy
#> 7658                                 Seth
#> 7659                               rascal
#> 7660                                  ask
#> 7661                                 ease
#> 7662                                 east
#> 7663                                crown
#> 7664                              salugos
#> 7665                                   tv
#> 7666                              Ram_Man
#> 7667                               Rossly
#> 7668                                Artoo
#> 7669                                magic
#> 7670                              darling
#> 7671                                 wise
#> 7672                               magnet
#> 7673                                climb
#> 7674                                 pump
#> 7675                                 maid
#> 7676                                 blow
#> 7677                                start
#> 7678                                  lap
#> 7679                            fantastic
#> 7680                             language
#> 7681                                 make
#> 7682                                 blow
#> 7683                                 NULL
#> 7684                                drive
#> 7685                              ketchup
#> 7686                             remember
#> 7687                                 wire
#> 7688                                  pee
#> 7689                                   do
#> 7690                                 NULL
#> 7691                                 wing
#> 7692                                   yo
#> 7693                                Arpad
#> 7694                                blast
#> 7695                                  man
#> 7696                                 race
#> 7697                                angel
#> 7698                              Manimal
#> 7699                                Spain
#> 7700                            seventeen
#> 7701                           Many_Faces
#> 7702                               edipus
#> 7703                                Quinn
#> 7704                            quicksand
#> 7705                              Arizona
#> 7706                                flash
#> 7707                                  win
#> 7708                             question
#> 7709                                 area
#> 7710                                    d
#> 7711                               puzzle
#> 7712                               before
#> 7713                                Jedis
#> 7714                                 push
#> 7715                                 push
#> 7716                                 sign
#> 7717                              William
#> 7718                                eeran
#> 7719                                purse
#> 7720                                Puppy
#> 7721                                 NULL
#> 7722                                begin
#> 7723                               puppet
#> 7724                                 used
#> 7725                               punish
#> 7726                                Sammy
#> 7727                                  ape
#> 7728                                 lady
#> 7729                             anywhere
#> 7730                                  why
#> 7731                                 curl
#> 7732                                  why
#> 7733                                 mash
#> 7734                              confuse
#> 7735                                  egy
#> 7736                                whump
#> 7737                                 pump
#> 7738                                tenth
#> 7739                                whose
#> 7740                                 pump
#> 7741                                 pull
#> 7742                                 pull
#> 7743                               puddle
#> 7744                                state
#> 7745                                 meal
#> 7746                                jello
#> 7747                                 side
#> 7748                                  Ann
#> 7749                             prownish
#> 7750                          electricity
#> 7751                                  bet
#> 7752                                whoop
#> 7753                             relative
#> 7754                                crash
#> 7755                                 bite
#> 7756                                Cupid
#> 7757                               Beulah
#> 7758                               States
#> 7759                             Anderson
#> 7760                                prize
#> 7761                               Anakin
#> 7762                                 wait
#> 7763                                space
#> 7764                                crack
#> 7765                              Station
#> 7766                                   si
#> 7767                                 walk
#> 7768                                 walk
#> 7769                                means
#> 7770                             meantime
#> 7771                                 wall
#> 7772                                pooey
#> 7773                                cover
#> 7774                                curse
#> 7775                                Arfie
#> 7776                                  fly
#> 7777                                cover
#> 7778                                 test
#> 7779                            president
#> 7780                                clear
#> 7781                                along
#> 7782                                 stay
#> 7783                                 whew
#> 7784                                  fog
#> 7785                                 pour
#> 7786                                pound
#> 7787                                pound
#> 7788                             all_gone
#> 7789                                 melt
#> 7790                                 tool
#> 7791                               member
#> 7792                                 Pooh
#> 7793                                momma
#> 7794                                cover
#> 7795                                  end
#> 7796                                 maze
#> 7797                                 face
#> 7798                               ending
#> 7799                              Alderon
#> 7800                                 army
#> 7801                                clean
#> 7802                                Arpad
#> 7803                                merry
#> 7804                                  poo
#> 7805                                   ez
#> 7806                                   so
#> 7807                              country
#> 7808                                 Bill
#> 7809                                 some
#> 7810                               follow
#> 7811                                 blow
#> 7812                                 poll
#> 7813                                   ai
#> 7814                                arrow
#> 7815                                  wet
#> 7816                              England
#> 7817                            poisonous
#> 7818                               Jester
#> 7819                                 bike
#> 7820                                  pet
#> 7821                               middle
#> 7822                                point
#> 7823                                  jet
#> 7824                                 plus
#> 7825                                 stay
#> 7826                                equal
#> 7827                                 plug
#> 7828                                whale
#> 7829                                erase
#> 7830                               toilet
#> 7831                            Milleniom
#> 7832                                 fool
#> 7833                               poster
#> 7834                                 book
#> 7835                               shovel
#> 7836                                 fool
#> 7837                            affection
#> 7838                              bicycle
#> 7839                               edipus
#> 7840                               shovel
#> 7841                                 NULL
#> 7842                                 boot
#> 7843                                while
#> 7844                             macaroni
#> 7845                                whine
#> 7846                                 bore
#> 7847                          conditional
#> 7848                          explanation
#> 7849                                dizzy
#> 7850                           gesundheit
#> 7851                              explain
#> 7852                                Erine
#> 7853                                 plan
#> 7854                                plain
#> 7855                                 miss
#> 7856                              between
#> 7857                              pkkkhhh
#> 7858                               clause
#> 7859                                 neck
#> 7860                               bottle
#> 7861                                  bet
#> 7862                                   PJ
#> 7863                                pizza
#> 7864                                  meg
#> 7865                                class
#> 7866                                  box
#> 7867                              costume
#> 7868                               should
#> 7869                               Mogway
#> 7870                                   jo
#> 7871                                  pit
#> 7872                               forget
#> 7873                               corner
#> 7874                                  mom
#> 7875                                steam
#> 7876                                 plan
#> 7877                             erzsebet
#> 7878                                pinch
#> 7879                                ocean
#> 7880                            hungarian
#> 7881                                berry
#> 7882                                 form
#> 7883                                 cork
#> 7884                               window
#> 7885                                 Pigs
#> 7886                                 them
#> 7887                                 NULL
#> 7888                                  pie
#> 7889                                break
#> 7890                               attack
#> 7891                                   ho
#> 7892                           picky_uppy
#> 7893                                break
#> 7894                                  wee
#> 7895                                Citus
#> 7896                                witch
#> 7897                               attack
#> 7898                                  map
#> 7899                               Circus
#> 7900                                 four
#> 7901                                 tiny
#> 7902                                belly
#> 7903                                phone
#> 7904                                 that
#> 7905                                 cold
#> 7906                                woman
#> 7907                             exercise
#> 7908                                moose
#> 7909                                 coat
#> 7910                                reach
#> 7911                                Cloud
#> 7912                               matter
#> 7913                              obvious
#> 7914                               person
#> 7915                               marble
#> 7916                              clothes
#> 7917                                  Joe
#> 7918                                 aunt
#> 7919                                climb
#> 7920                                begin
#> 7921                               record
#> 7922                                  pee
#> 7923                              peacock
#> 7924                         rumpadoodles
#> 7925                                 clay
#> 7926                               London
#> 7927                               Cookie
#> 7928                                 City
#> 7929                               circle
#> 7930                                punch
#> 7931                                 city
#> 7932                               church
#> 7933                                worry
#> 7934                                  wow
#> 7935                                  hid
#> 7936                                patch
#> 7937                                 then
#> 7938                                 wrap
#> 7939                                 John
#> 7940                               excite
#> 7941                                   be
#> 7942                                child
#> 7943                                awake
#> 7944                                 your
#> 7945                                 Fred
#> 7946                               Popeye
#> 7947                                March
#> 7948                                  mow
#> 7949                             Panthore
#> 7950                                Becky
#> 7951                               hablas
#> 7952                                 what
#> 7953                              whisper
#> 7954                      Fred_Flintstone
#> 7955                            Esti_Mese
#> 7956                                 year
#> 7957                                 free
#> 7958                                  pan
#> 7959                               Palace
#> 7960                               palace
#> 7961                     Muhmmuhmmmuhmmah
#> 7962                                 Baba
#> 7963                              whisper
#> 7964                                 pork
#> 7965                                  Rec
#> 7966                                Mumpy
#> 7967                                 pack
#> 7968                                juice
#> 7969                               cheese
#> 7970                                 baby
#> 7971                                  yep
#> 7972                                 need
#> 7973                                shock
#> 7974                              Murdoch
#> 7975                                  bug
#> 7976                              wau_wau
#> 7977                                 that
#> 7978                               muscle
#> 7979                                 ewok
#> 7980                                 that
#> 7981                                  owl
#> 7982                                  mat
#> 7983                                 peep
#> 7984                                 evil
#> 7985                              evident
#> 7986                                 lock
#> 7987                                 NULL
#> 7988                             you_know
#> 7989                               Reagan
#> 7990                               freeze
#> 7991                                  paw
#> 7992                                Jones
#> 7993                       Obi_Wan_Kenobi
#> 7994                                 yuck
#> 7995                                think
#> 7996                              control
#> 7997                                ought
#> 7998                                 nail
#> 7999                                throw
#> 8000                              certain
#> 8001                              baggage
#> 8002                                  one
#> 8003                                 bean
#> 8004                               cement
#> 8005                                 okay
#> 8006                                   be
#> 8007                                mommy
#> 8008                               orange
#> 8009                               cavity
#> 8010                                  mat
#> 8011                                  man
#> 8012                                  oop
#> 8013                                 know
#> 8014                                  hit
#> 8015                                  log
#> 8016                                cider
#> 8017                                   be
#> 8018                                 Bush
#> 8019                                  him
#> 8020                                 near
#> 8021                                 NULL
#> 8022                             frenture
#> 8023                                 NULL
#> 8024                                 NULL
#> 8025                                 here
#> 8026                                 hair
#> 8027                                 Olah
#> 8028                              connect
#> 8029                              reality
#> 8030                                 have
#> 8031                                 neck
#> 8032                                 okay
#> 8033                                 band
#> 8034                                 band
#> 8035                                least
#> 8036                               Battle
#> 8037                              careful
#> 8038                                   Oh
#> 8039                                 sort
#> 8040                               Hungry
#> 8041                                 hand
#> 8042                              bandaid
#> 8043                                 good
#> 8044                              neither
#> 8045                       Obi_Wan_Kenobi
#> 8046                                   do
#> 8047                                Three
#> 8048                                  oak
#> 8049                                 wash
#> 8050                                Poppy
#> 8051                               nyeeow
#> 8052                           new_chitis
#> 8053                          baranyhimlo
#> 8054                                 jump
#> 8055                                 warm
#> 8056                               basket
#> 8057                                 half
#> 8058                                 hand
#> 8059                                 NULL
#> 8060                                north
#> 8061                              concert
#> 8062                               nibble
#> 8063                                 poco
#> 8064                                 whew
#> 8065                                  war
#> 8066                                 bare
#> 8067                                noone
#> 8068                             barefoot
#> 8069                                 NULL
#> 8070                                  oak
#> 8071                                 bark
#> 8072                                leave
#> 8073                                night
#> 8074                              company
#> 8075                              program
#> 8076                                   no
#> 8077                                 call
#> 8078                                ninth
#> 8079                         Ghostbusters
#> 8080                                 poor
#> 8081                                comic
#> 8082                              come_on
#> 8083                               nyuszi
#> 8084                                  fry
#> 8085                                 walk
#> 8086                                 palm
#> 8087                                 walk
#> 8088                                Chris
#> 8089                                  coo
#> 8090                                 wake
#> 8091                                 well
#> 8092                                 vote
#> 8093                                 NULL
#> 8094                               potato
#> 8095                              sticker
#> 8096                                voice
#> 8097                                visit
#> 8098                                kutya
#> 8099                                  son
#> 8100                                Gabor
#> 8101                                 choo
#> 8102                           what_about
#> 8103                              village
#> 8104                                 Room
#> 8105                                 hurt
#> 8106                              vicious
#> 8107                               Palace
#> 8108                                 NULL
#> 8109                                force
#> 8110                               monkey
#> 8111                            Galactica
#> 8112                               galaxy
#> 8113                          Coke_a_cola
#> 8114                             electric
#> 8115                                 dish
#> 8116                                still
#> 8117                               inside
#> 8118                               choice
#> 8119                                 NULL
#> 8120                                  num
#> 8121                                 vase
#> 8122                                 NULL
#> 8123                              vampire
#> 8124                                 make
#> 8125                                daddy
#> 8126                             vacation
#> 8127                              pajamas
#> 8128                         Pennsylvania
#> 8129                               lesson
#> 8130                               pretty
#> 8131                                cover
#> 8132                           parliament
#> 8133                                  mom
#> 8134                        Princess_Leia
#> 8135                                 NULL
#> 8136                              Dracula
#> 8137                                 Dads
#> 8138                                urine
#> 8139                             upstairs
#> 8140                                paint
#> 8141                                 give
#> 8142                              frisbee
#> 8143                                doyng
#> 8144                              un_knot
#> 8145                               notice
#> 8146                                 roof
#> 8147                                china
#> 8148                                 damn
#> 8149                                horse
#> 8150                             Children
#> 8151                                lurch
#> 8152                                close
#> 8153                                dance
#> 8154                            Undergirl
#> 8155                             sombrero
#> 8156                                Dance
#> 8157                                match
#> 8158                                cliff
#> 8159                                 pull
#> 8160                                uhgum
#> 8161                              Pumpkin
#> 8162                                   be
#> 8163                              Pumpkin
#> 8164                                 hurt
#> 8165                                 ugat
#> 8166                                 note
#> 8167                            emergency
#> 8168                              Tylenol
#> 8169                                Soltz
#> 8170                              giraffe
#> 8171                              welcome
#> 8172                                  two
#> 8173                               danger
#> 8174                               Danger
#> 8175                              twinkle
#> 8176                                   be
#> 8177                                paint
#> 8178                                 chew
#> 8179                             daraboja
#> 8180                               Turtle
#> 8181                              Hungary
#> 8182                             Cherioos
#> 8183                               glitch
#> 8184                             downtown
#> 8185                                North
#> 8186                            Krisztina
#> 8187                                noise
#> 8188                                noone
#> 8189                                 glow
#> 8190                                  dig
#> 8191                                 glue
#> 8192                 Empire_Strikes_Backs
#> 8193                              darling
#> 8194                              checker
#> 8195                              cracker
#> 8196                          cheche_baba
#> 8197                              morning
#> 8198                             nitrogen
#> 8199                        Storm_Trooper
#> 8200                               gobble
#> 8201                               glitch
#> 8202                                match
#> 8203                                  try
#> 8204                                chute
#> 8205                                lever
#> 8206                                 chop
#> 8207                                 hope
#> 8208                                 chop
#> 8209                                 fool
#> 8210                                   he
#> 8211                                   do
#> 8212                                  end
#> 8213                                 hope
#> 8214                                 roll
#> 8215                                honey
#> 8216                                  goo
#> 8217                                 NULL
#> 8218                               travel
#> 8219                           Friendship
#> 8220                                 trap
#> 8221                                 hold
#> 8222                           straighten
#> 8223                             chipmunk
#> 8224                               mother
#> 8225                               record
#> 8226                              strange
#> 8227                                 fold
#> 8228                             stranger
#> 8229                                 chin
#> 8230                                strap
#> 8231                                 corn
#> 8232                              Heughie
#> 8233                                trade
#> 8234                              regular
#> 8235                               Toyota
#> 8236                                 gosh
#> 8237                                 NULL
#> 8238                             Children
#> 8239                            Charlotte
#> 8240                               soccer
#> 8241                                 NULL
#> 8242                               graham
#> 8243                                 copy
#> 8244                                towel
#> 8245                                purse
#> 8246                                crash
#> 8247                                 NULL
#> 8248                              towards
#> 8249           Charlie_Brown_Short_Summer
#> 8250                                 NULL
#> 8251                                grape
#> 8252                                touch
#> 8253                               I_mean
#> 8254                              english
#> 8255                                touch
#> 8256                            character
#> 8257                                chief
#> 8258                                  Chi
#> 8259                                 NULL
#> 8260                                 glue
#> 8261                                 duck
#> 8262                                Körút
#> 8263                                 NULL
#> 8264                                 wave
#> 8265                           Too_Deetoo
#> 8266                                 dear
#> 8267                                 grey
#> 8268                              Tontons
#> 8269                               string
#> 8270                               Diddle
#> 8271                                death
#> 8272                                Tommy
#> 8273                               cheese
#> 8274                               Rogers
#> 8275                                gross
#> 8276                           Nicklodean
#> 8277                               grouch
#> 8278                                 help
#> 8279                                  yum
#> 8280                               chance
#> 8281                                  tip
#> 8282                                  Man
#> 8283                             diarrhea
#> 8284                               notice
#> 8285                                growl
#> 8286                                   go
#> 8287                                point
#> 8288                                  fly
#> 8289                                growl
#> 8290                                growl
#> 8291       Charlie_Brown_Snoopy_Come_Home
#> 8292              Charlie_Browns_Allstars
#> 8293                                 NULL
#> 8294                            Woodstock
#> 8295  Charlie_Brown_It_Was_A_Short_Summer
#> 8296                                 roll
#> 8297                                 love
#> 8298                               nibble
#> 8299                                erase
#> 8300                                  tie
#> 8301                            structure
#> 8302                                 NULL
#> 8303                                prove
#> 8304                               garden
#> 8305                               chance
#> 8306                                 plan
#> 8307                                thump
#> 8308                             woodsman
#> 8309                                chain
#> 8310                                  gun
#> 8311                               Rossie
#> 8312                                stuff
#> 8313                                 Kong
#> 8314                                 NULL
#> 8315                                milch
#> 8316                                 have
#> 8317                               cereal
#> 8318                                 Wood
#> 8319                                   he
#> 8320                           impossible
#> 8321                             Hercules
#> 8322                             Schenley
#> 8323                                   ha
#> 8324                                 have
#> 8325                                 have
#> 8326                              Pac_Man
#> 8327                               squeak
#> 8328                               hahaha
#> 8329                              caveman
#> 8330                                 cave
#> 8331                             Catwoman
#> 8332                                 hero
#> 8333                          caterpillar
#> 8334                               escape
#> 8335              The_Secret_Of_The_Sword
#> 8336                              ceiling
#> 8337                              thermos
#> 8338                      Cee_Three_Pee_O
#> 8339                              Havarti
#> 8340                       Cee_Three_Peeo
#> 8341                                 nest
#> 8342                              correct
#> 8343                     Snoopy_Come_Home
#> 8344                                 knee
#> 8345                                 Then
#> 8346                                devil
#> 8347                                catch
#> 8348                             subtract
#> 8349                                learn
#> 8350                             Saturday
#> 8351                               number
#> 8352                                  cat
#> 8353                         Thanksgiving
#> 8354                                 move
#> 8355                                 save
#> 8356                                 make
#> 8357                                sneak
#> 8358                                 walk
#> 8359                             Han_Solo
#> 8360                                   pa
#> 8361                                 garf
#> 8362                                 walk
#> 8363                                  say
#> 8364                                 carp
#> 8365                               cattle
#> 8366                                spend
#> 8367                                sneak
#> 8368                               temper
#> 8369                                 suck
#> 8370                                 scar
#> 8371                                Carla
#> 8372                                navel
#> 8373                                 wait
#> 8374                                teeny
#> 8375                                 tear
#> 8376                              hatchoo
#> 8377                                 care
#> 8378                            Madeleine
#> 8379                                 card
#> 8380                              teached
#> 8381                                catch
#> 8382                                 desk
#> 8383                                dream
#> 8384                                guess
#> 8385                               napkin
#> 8386                                 plug
#> 8387                                 Dern
#> 8388                                  cat
#> 8389                                teach
#> 8390                                guard
#> 8391                                doubt
#> 8392                               second
#> 8393                             Tatooine
#> 8394                               second
#> 8395                                 NULL
#> 8396                                taste
#> 8397                                 NULL
#> 8398                                taste
#> 8399                                taste
#> 8400                               Tarzan
#> 8401                                  tar
#> 8402                           Flintstone
#> 8403                                 tape
#> 8404                                 seed
#> 8405                                 name
#> 8406                                 tank
#> 8407                                demon
#> 8408                                 Duke
#> 8409                                Great
#> 8410                               carton
#> 8411                                 heal
#> 8412                                 NULL
#> 8413                                 vote
#> 8414                                 hear
#> 8415                                sense
#> 8416                               volume
#> 8417                                carry
#> 8418                                Sumac
#> 8419                                 evil
#> 8420                           camouflage
#> 8421                                 szia
#> 8422                                camel
#> 8423                                  own
#> 8424                              volcano
#> 8425                             squirrel
#> 8426                             poitions
#> 8427                                  hee
#> 8428                                 heel
#> 8429                                 heel
#> 8430                               murder
#> 8431                                 call
#> 8432                            scientist
#> 8433                              several
#> 8434                                fresh
#> 8435                                Dewie
#> 8436                                 deep
#> 8437                                swing
#> 8438                                  got
#> 8439                                 swim
#> 8440                                Gábor
#> 8441                               shadow
#> 8442                             magician
#> 8443                                  zip
#> 8444                             Hennessy
#> 8445                         caricaturize
#> 8446                             goodness
#> 8447                                putty
#> 8448                               byebye
#> 8449                            excellent
#> 8450                                 goon
#> 8451                                 Wolf
#> 8452                                 poke
#> 8453                                visit
#> 8454                              swallow
#> 8455                                 NULL
#> 8456                                 NULL
#> 8457                       oh_my_goodness
#> 8458                                 NULL
#> 8459                              village
#> 8460                                 real
#> 8461                               smooch
#> 8462                                 shoe
#> 8463                                 shoe
#> 8464                               middle
#> 8465                               excite
#> 8466                                glass
#> 8467                                 love
#> 8468                              sunrise
#> 8469                               buster
#> 8470                                quack
#> 8471                                 mast
#> 8472                                  Sun
#> 8473                                Gizmo
#> 8474                                 love
#> 8475                              hickory
#> 8476                                 Bush
#> 8477                               mirror
#> 8478                                Sultz
#> 8479                                 vice
#> 8480                               Penney
#> 8481                                 burn
#> 8482                                 suck
#> 8483                                 NULL
#> 8484                                 show
#> 8485                                 show
#> 8486                               insect
#> 8487                                 mess
#> 8488                                 flat
#> 8489                              student
#> 8490                                  get
#> 8491                                  hip
#> 8492                          wokka_wokka
#> 8493                                 NULL
#> 8494                                  dig
#> 8495                                 smog
#> 8496                               string
#> 8497                                 ring
#> 8498                                 cape
#> 8499                               insist
#> 8500                                split
#> 8501                                drink
#> 8502                                drive
#> 8503                          cooperative
#> 8504                                drive
#> 8505                             magazine
#> 8506                                 drop
#> 8507                                mommy
#> 8508                                drown
#> 8509                                 meet
#> 8510                                 drug
#> 8511                               sponge
#> 8512                                 drum
#> 8513                               monkey
#> 8514                                  dry
#> 8515                                  dry
#> 8516                                 moon
#> 8517                                 duck
#> 8518                                 pick
#> 8519                                Holly
#> 8520                                spoon
#> 8521                                mouse
#> 8522                                sport
#> 8523                              contour
#> 8524                                 move
#> 8525                             continue
#> 8526                                 spot
#> 8527                                 yell
#> 8528                                    E
#> 8529                            continent
#> 8530                               muffin
#> 8531                            construct
#> 8532                                   my
#> 8533                                 ease
#> 8534                               myself
#> 8535                                yikes
#> 8536                                    n
#> 8537                                  nah
#> 8538                             frosting
#> 8539                                  eat
#> 8540                                 name
#> 8541                                 Nana
#> 8542                                 pick
#> 8543                                 NULL
#> 8544                               Hobbit
#> 8545                                 need
#> 8546                                  hit
#> 8547                               Condor
#> 8548                               either
#> 8549                               picnic
#> 8550                             electric
#> 8551                                 frog
#> 8552                                night
#> 8553                               Fritos
#> 8554                                  elf
#> 8555                                  elf
#> 8556                                youth
#> 8557                                  yow
#> 8558                               nobody
#> 8559                             Russians
#> 8560                                enemy
#> 8561                             complete
#> 8562                               friend
#> 8563                                 rust
#> 8564                               squeak
#> 8565                                Ernie
#> 8566                               squeak
#> 8567                               number
#> 8568                                nurse
#> 8569                              pensive
#> 8570                              company
#> 8571                            everybody
#> 8572                             everyday
#> 8573                             squirrel
#> 8574                           everywhere
#> 8575                                 evil
#> 8576                               freeze
#> 8577                               except
#> 8578                               excite
#> 8579                               squirt
#> 8580                               zipper
#> 8581                               zipper
#> 8582                               expect
#> 8583                              comfort
#> 8584                                zsipi
#> 8585                                   ez
#> 8586                                 hill
#> 8587                                 fail
#> 8588                                 come
#> 8589                                 five
#> 8590                                 Fair
#> 8591                                fairy
#> 8592                                 fake
#> 8593                                  sss
#> 8594                                 comb
#> 8595                                metal
#> 8596                                 sail
#> 8597                                 NULL
#> 8598                               sailor
#> 8599                                color
#> 8600                                color
#> 8601                                 NULL
#> 8602                            fart_fart
#> 8603                              fashion
#> 8604                                 NULL
#> 8605                                 NULL
#> 8606                                stamp
#> 8607                               collar
#> 8608                             favorite
#> 8609                              outside
#> 8610                                stand
#> 8611                                 NULL
#> 8612                                 feed
#> 8613                                stand
#> 8614                                 feel
#> 8615                              highway
#> 8616                                 NULL
#> 8617                               feisty
#> 8618                              forward
#> 8619                           MacWhinney
#> 8620                                fiery
#> 8621                                fifty
#> 8622                                 NULL
#> 8623                                 Mash
#> 8624                               figure
#> 8625                                paper
#> 8626                                  get
#> 8627                                 fill
#> 8628                                 film
#> 8629                               Pentho
#> 8630                                 fine
#> 8631                                clown
#> 8632                                cloud
#> 8633                                 fire
#> 8634                                 fire
#> 8635                                 past
#> 8636                                 fish
#> 8637                                climb
#> 8638                                  fix
#> 8639                              Pegasus
#> 8640                              penguin
#> 8641                                 pump
#> 8642                                 flat
#> 8643                              message
#> 8644                                 give
#> 8645                                state
#> 8646                                flood
#> 8647                                Forno
#> 8648                                 flop
#> 8649                                clear
#> 8650                                   go
#> 8651                                 pick
#> 8652                                  fog
#> 8653                                 fold
#> 8654                               follow
#> 8655                                 form
#> 8656                                 NULL
#> 8657                               pillow
#> 8658                                steal
#> 8659                                 pink
#> 8660                                force
#> 8661                                punch
#> 8662                                steal
#> 8663                             civilize
#> 8664                                 form
#> 8665                                steer
#> 8666                                 play
#> 8667                                 play
#> 8668                                 free
#> 8669                                 NULL
#> 8670                                 NULL
#> 8671                              hickory
#> 8672                               freeze
#> 8673                              sardine
#> 8674                          pomegranate
#> 8675                                  poo
#> 8676                                 NULL
#> 8677                               Christ
#> 8678                                 NULL
#> 8679                                label
#> 8680                               gadget
#> 8681                                Force
#> 8682                                gagoo
#> 8683                               prefer
#> 8684                              sausage
#> 8685                                choke
#> 8686                                 game
#> 8687                                 NULL
#> 8688                               choice
#> 8689                           gargle_man
#> 8690                            chocolate
#> 8691                                pupil
#> 8692                                 save
#> 8693                                 save
#> 8694                                price
#> 8695                                price
#> 8696                               prince
#> 8697                                 NULL
#> 8698                                 NULL
#> 8699                             chipmunk
#> 8700                            gertinors
#> 8701                                 NULL
#> 8702                                 NULL
#> 8703                                 save
#> 8704                          Kung_Moogie
#> 8705                                 pull
#> 8706                                  saw
#> 8707                                Giddy
#> 8708                                 push
#> 8709                               cherry
#> 8710                                  put
#> 8711                                globe
#> 8712                                glove
#> 8713                                storm
#> 8714                                 NULL
#> 8715                                 NULL
#> 8716                                quick
#> 8717                                glump
#> 8718                                 NULL
#> 8719                                check
#> 8720                                 pure
#> 8721                                    r
#> 8722                                 goat
#> 8723                                 read
#> 8724                                 fool
#> 8725                                  goo
#> 8726                                chase
#> 8727                           good_night
#> 8728                                 goop
#> 8729                                 grab
#> 8730                             remember
#> 8731                               remind
#> 8732                              purpose
#> 8733                              Grandma
#> 8734                                grave
#> 8735                                 scar
#> 8736                                 NULL
#> 8737                            Greyskull
#> 8738                                grind
#> 8739                                 foam
#> 8740                            medicinal
#> 8741                                chair
#> 8742                                chain
#> 8743                                 grow
#> 8744                              Ritchie
#> 8745                              certain
#> 8746                                 NULL
#> 8747                                guard
#> 8748                                guard
#> 8749                               strong
#> 8750                                guide
#> 8751                                scarf
#> 8752                                  fly
#> 8753                                  gum
#> 8754                                 gunk
#> 8755                               cement
#> 8756                               stuffy
#> 8757                          Schau_Genau
#> 8758                           gymnastics
#> 8759                                  flu
#> 8760                                style
#> 8761                            Celebrity
#> 8762                                 salt
#> 8763                               hammer
#> 8764                               Sarlac
#> 8765                                 NULL
#> 8766                              sausage
#> 8767                                 cave
#> 8768                                 suck
#> 8769                                flour
#> 8770                               happen
#> 8771                                happy
#> 8772                                 push
#> 8773                             scramble
#> 8774                                catch
#> 8775                                catch
#> 8776                                  Cat
#> 8777                                haunt
#> 8778                                 seal
#> 8779                                 NULL
#> 8780                                 seat
#> 8781                                 have
#> 8782                                Casey
#> 8783                                 NULL
#> 8784                                heach
#> 8785                           suggestion
#> 8786                                 sell
#> 8787                                 heal
#> 8788                                 heal
#> 8789                                 know
#> 8790                                carry
#> 8791                             sentence
#> 8792                                 NULL
#> 8793                                knock
#> 8794                                heavy
#> 8795                                  hee
#> 8796                                  set
#> 8797                              Hee_Man
#> 8798                              seventh
#> 8799                                hello
#> 8800                                  sex
#> 8801                                 help
#> 8802                               carpet
#> 8803                                 help
#> 8804                                marry
#> 8805                                  hen
#> 8806                             sunglass
#> 8807                                share
#> 8808                                 Hero
#> 8809                                shirt
#> 8810                                Super
#> 8811                                 care
#> 8812                                   hi
#> 8813                                scoot
#> 8814                                 Hi_C
#> 8815                               hiccup
#> 8816                                   be
#> 8817                               should
#> 8818                               flavor
#> 8819                                  car
#> 8820                                 hill
#> 8821                              Siegler
#> 8822                              suppose
#> 8823                                  hit
#> 8824                               scrape
#> 8825                                 hiya
#> 8826                              cantina
#> 8827                               sister
#> 8828                                  sit
#> 8829                                 surf
#> 8830                              because
#> 8831                             surprise
#> 8832                                honey
#> 8833                                  sky
#> 8834                                  hop
#> 8835                                  hop
#> 8836                                sleep
#> 8837                                  mhm
#> 8838                              hoppidy
#> 8839                               Merman
#> 8840                                horse
#> 8841                                camel
#> 8842                                 slim
#> 8843                              slither
#> 8844                                   oh
#> 8845                                 call
#> 8846                                 five
#> 8847                               police
#> 8848                                 Susy
#> 8849                                louse
#> 8850                                smell
#> 8851                               cactus
#> 8852                                Hulks
#> 8853                                cabin
#> 8854                                  pee
#> 8855                              buyeded
#> 8856                               knight
#> 8857                                screw
#> 8858                               button
#> 8859                                 hush
#> 8860                                quick
#> 8861                              somehow
#> 8862                              someone
#> 8863                               butter
#> 8864                                quick
#> 8865                            quicksand
#> 8866                                 busy
#> 8867                                 sore
#> 8868                                  you
#> 8869                                   If
#> 8870                                sound
#> 8871                                 Bush
#> 8872                                  sea
#> 8873                          Space_Ghost
#> 8874                      Incredible_Hulk
#> 8875                                swing
#> 8876                              spanish
#> 8877                                 burp
#> 8878                               inside
#> 8879                                sword
#> 8880                                Quinn
#> 8881                               system
#> 8882                                 Kitt
#> 8883                               invite
#> 8884                              involve
#> 8885                               szépen
#> 8886                                 seat
#> 8887                             absolute
#> 8888                                   it
#> 8889                                bunny
#> 8890                                Jabba
#> 8891                                stand
#> 8892                                James
#> 8893                                Janos
#> 8894                                 bump
#> 8895                                 Adam
#> 8896                               States
#> 8897                                 bump
#> 8898                                  jay
#> 8899                              Jeannie
#> 8900                                steal
#> 8901                                Jedis
#> 8902                                after
#> 8903                            Henderson
#> 8904                                Jerry
#> 8905                                  hen
#> 8906                              Hemlock
#> 8907                                bully
#> 8908                                 kiss
#> 8909                                 jock
#> 8910                                  jog
#> 8911                              stomach
#> 8912                                  lot
#> 8913                            Alexander
#> 8914                                 kiss
#> 8915                             straight
#> 8916                               juggle
#> 8917                                 help
#> 8918                                 tale
#> 8919                                build
#> 8920                                buggy
#> 8921                               talent
#> 8922                                 June
#> 8923                                stuff
#> 8924                                style
#> 8925                               helium
#> 8926                           helicopter
#> 8927                               Karate
#> 8928                              America
#> 8929                               Bubble
#> 8930                               keeped
#> 8931                               animal
#> 8932                               bubble
#> 8933                              suppose
#> 8934                                 heel
#> 8935                               kilenc
#> 8936                                 kill
#> 8937                                  let
#> 8938                                swell
#> 8939                                 swim
#> 8940                                apart
#> 8941                            Kistament
#> 8942                                 tank
#> 8943                                    t
#> 8944                                 tack
#> 8945                                 tail
#> 8946                                 knee
#> 8947                                 take
#> 8948                                 tape
#> 8949                                 talk
#> 8950                                 film
#> 8951                                 fill
#> 8952                                 knot
#> 8953                                 know
#> 8954                               Markie
#> 8955                                taste
#> 8956                             Tauntaun
#> 8957                                teach
#> 8958                                teach
#> 8959                                tease
#> 8960                                 lace
#> 8961                                  lad
#> 8962                                 brat
#> 8963                                 Lady
#> 8964                               figure
#> 8965                                 land
#> 8966                              as_well
#> 8967                          Landstrider
#> 8968                                sense
#> 8969                                 bran
#> 8970                            fifteenth
#> 8971                           tattletale
#> 8972                              laundry
#> 8973                                 heal
#> 8974                                 leaf
#> 8975                                   te
#> 8976                                  Fet
#> 8977                                leave
#> 8978                                fence
#> 8979                                  box
#> 8980                                 they
#> 8981                               lesson
#> 8982                              bouquet
#> 8983                                 baby
#> 8984                                 feel
#> 8985                               bought
#> 8986                                 peek
#> 8987                                 head
#> 8988                              through
#> 8989                                 lift
#> 8990                             February
#> 8991                                Light
#> 8992                                 boss
#> 8993                                 like
#> 8994                               borrow
#> 8995                               series
#> 8996                                 line
#> 8997                                 NULL
#> 8998                               Banner
#> 8999                               litter
#> 9000                        Rainbow_Brite
#> 9001                               little
#> 9002                             favorite
#> 9003                                kicsi
#> 9004                                  toe
#> 9005                               basket
#> 9006                               Hazard
#> 9007                               father
#> 9008                               father
#> 9009                                total
#> 9010                               London
#> 9011                                 long
#> 9012                                 long
#> 9013                                 Long
#> 9014                            Long_Arms
#> 9015                                 fart
#> 9016                                 ball
#> 9017                                 bomb
#> 9018                                   be
#> 9019                                 Lord
#> 9020                                 lose
#> 9021                                 lose
#> 9022                                 tree
#> 9023                                 trip
#> 9024                                 boil
#> 9025                               trophy
#> 9026                                Louie
#> 9027                                truck
#> 9028                                 hate
#> 9029                                 love
#> 9030                                   be
#> 9031                                 love
#> 9032                             loveseat
#> 9033                                   be
#> 9034                                 hate
#> 9035                                 Lucy
#> 9036                                 look
#> 9037                             macaroni
#> 9038                                 kick
#> 9039                                 fare
#> 9040                            turquoise
#> 9041                            blueberry
#> 9042                               twelve
#> 9043                               twenty
#> 9044                                 NULL
#> 9045                               magnet
#> 9046                                  key
#> 9047                          Raisin_Bran
#> 9048                              typical
#> 9049                                 main
#> 9050                             Fantasia
#> 9051                               temper
#> 9052                               blonde
#> 9053                                 mall
#> 9054                                 Mama
#> 9055                                mamma
#> 9056                                Mamma
#> 9057                                 pero
#> 9058                                  man
#> 9059                                bleed
#> 9060                           underneath
#> 9061                               unhunh
#> 9062                               United
#> 9063                               unless
#> 9064                                Maria
#> 9065                               Tenica
#> 9066                                uppie
#> 9067                                uppie
#> 9068                               upside
#> 9069                               before
#> 9070                                Marks
#> 9071                                 Mars
#> 9072                          marshmallow
#> 9073                              vampire
#> 9074                            beginning
#> 9075                                 tent
#> 9076                                 bell
#> 9077                                 Mash
#> 9078                             seven_up
#> 9079                               belong
#> 9080                               Master
#> 9081                                  mat
#> 9082                               Falcor
#> 9083                              several
#> 9084                                 math
#> 9085                               Mathew
#> 9086                                 Matt
#> 9087                          View_Master
#> 9088                              besides
#> 9089                                 maze
#> 9090                             Mcdonald
#> 9091                             McDonald
#> 9092                                 Beth
#> 9093                              between
#> 9094                                 harm
#> 9095                              McGlade
#> 9096                                range
#> 9097                              terrify
#> 9098                            terrorize
#> 9099                                 wake
#> 9100                                 wake
#> 9101                                 bird
#> 9102                                 want
#> 9103                                kersz
#> 9104                                Happy
#> 9105                            medallion
#> 9106                                  bit
#> 9107                               medium
#> 9108                                happy
#> 9109                             longboat
#> 9110                                 fair
#> 9111                                 meet
#> 9112                             Megatron
#> 9113                               bionic
#> 9114                                 wash
#> 9115                                 fail
#> 9116                                 shag
#> 9117                                 face
#> 9118                                   we
#> 9119                               Merman
#> 9120                             kerplonk
#> 9121                                thank
#> 9122                                weird
#> 9123                                 blow
#> 9124                                 mess
#> 9125                                 rare
#> 9126                              message
#> 9127                                  mew
#> 9128                             werewolf
#> 9129                                shake
#> 9130                                 need
#> 9131                               Mighty
#> 9132                                 mile
#> 9133                                kerem
#> 9134                            millenium
#> 9135                                  bid
#> 9136                              million
#> 9137                              bicycle
#> 9138                            raspberry
#> 9139                                 mine
#> 9140                                 mine
#> 9141                                 mine
#> 9142                                while
#> 9143                               Minney
#> 9144                                 Hans
#> 9145                               minute
#> 9146                            miserable
#> 9147                                 Hank
#> 9148                                shame
#> 9149                             Ratchael
#> 9150                               betcha
#> 9151                                whose
#> 9152                              theater
#> 9153                                  not
#> 9154                              besides
#> 9155                               beside
#> 9156                                 hang
#> 9157                                  mom
#> 9158                                 Bert
#> 9159                               expect
#> 9160                                 NULL
#> 9161                                  Mom
#> 9162                                exist
#> 9163                                Momma
#> 9164                                  win
#> 9165                                 Benu
#> 9166                                 wind
#> 9167                                 wise
#> 9168                                 bend
#> 9169                                 bend
#> 9170                              Monique
#> 9171                                witch
#> 9172                               monkey
#> 9173                                 belt
#> 9174                                share
#> 9175                                Karla
#> 9176                                 mood
#> 9177                                 bell
#> 9178                               wonder
#> 9179                              morning
#> 9180                               Wonder
#> 9181                               Mothra
#> 9182                                  beg
#> 9183                            therefore
#> 9184                             broccoli
#> 9185                                 beet
#> 9186                            moustache
#> 9187                                mouth
#> 9188                                write
#> 9189                                   on
#> 9190                                 yeah
#> 9191                               beaver
#> 9192                                yeast
#> 9193                         Marie_Helene
#> 9194                             Munsters
#> 9195                               murder
#> 9196                                build
#> 9197                              Beat_It
#> 9198                                  you
#> 9199                                 beat
#> 9200                                young
#> 9201                              mystery
#> 9202                                  mer
#> 9203                                    N
#> 9204                                Bears
#> 9205                                beard
#> 9206                                 name
#> 9207                                bunny
#> 9208                                 narf
#> 9209                                sheep
#> 9210                                 junk
#> 9211                              natural
#> 9212                                 NULL
#> 9213                             business
#> 9214                                 need
#> 9215                               needle
#> 9216                                 NULL
#> 9217                         neighborhood
#> 9218                               butter
#> 9219                                 jump
#> 9220                                 NULL
#> 9221                            thirtieth
#> 9222                           never_mind
#> 9223                                  bat
#> 9224                                  bat
#> 9225                                 NULL
#> 9226                                 this
#> 9227                                 NULL
#> 9228                               Thomas
#> 9229                                basic
#> 9230                                 nice
#> 9231                               Nicole
#> 9232                                 NULL
#> 9233                                thorn
#> 9234                                 base
#> 9235                                shell
#> 9236                                shell
#> 9237                                 bark
#> 9238                                 bark
#> 9239                                 hall
#> 9240                                  all
#> 9241                                 half
#> 9242                                 note
#> 9243                              nothing
#> 9244                              Nothing
#> 9245                                  Bar
#> 9246                                   be
#> 9247                              nowhere
#> 9248                              nowhere
#> 9249                                  shh
#> 9250                               Bangus
#> 9251                                 Mare
#> 9252                                  box
#> 9253                                  can
#> 9254                                nyaum
#> 9255                                chair
#> 9256                                 bang
#> 9257                                 card
#> 9258                                Oaken
#> 9259                                   do
#> 9260                                 NULL
#> 9261                                 find
#> 9262                                 band
#> 9263                             Thriller
#> 9264                                  guy
#> 9265                                   he
#> 9266                               banana
#> 9267                        Old_MacDonald
#> 9268                                  hey
#> 9269                                 case
#> 9270                                 ball
#> 9271                                catch
#> 9272                                   me
#> 9273                               oopsie
#> 9274                                pause
#> 9275                                  ópa
#> 9276                                 bake
#> 9277                                 open
#> 9278                        Optimus_Prime
#> 9279                                throw
#> 9280                             original
#> 9281                                 Jose
#> 9282                               cereal
#> 9283                               person
#> 9284                               Hacker
#> 9285                              oughtoh
#> 9286                                  pig
#> 9287                                outer
#> 9288                                right
#> 9289                              outside
#> 9290                           background
#> 9291                              outside
#> 9292                                 oven
#> 9293                                 back
#> 9294                                cheap
#> 9295                                stand
#> 9296                                pinch
#> 9297                               Rebels
#> 9298                                 baby
#> 9299                                 baby
#> 9300                              package
#> 9301                                 baby
#> 9302                                 they
#> 9303                             Chemlawn
#> 9304                                   to
#> 9305                                 joke
#> 9306                                 with
#> 9307                              chicken
#> 9308                            parachute
#> 9309                               pardon
#> 9310                                 join
#> 9311                                   aw
#> 9312                                about
#> 9313                                 chip
#> 9314                              passage
#> 9315                                shoot
#> 9316                              Pasteur
#> 9317                                 NULL
#> 9318                                tiger
#> 9319                               aviary
#> 9320                                 path
#> 9321                            Christina
#> 9322                                 NULL
#> 9323                                  pay
#> 9324                                class
#> 9325                                    I
#> 9326                                clean
#> 9327                                avail
#> 9328                                gypsy
#> 9329                                clear
#> 9330                                 Mark
#> 9331                                 shop
#> 9332                                 till
#> 9333                                   oh
#> 9334                                 aunt
#> 9335                                close
#> 9336                                penis
#> 9337                              Penneys
#> 9338                                penny
#> 9339                                Penny
#> 9340                               record
#> 9341                                scare
#> 9342                           Pepsi_free
#> 9343                           permission
#> 9344                                attic
#> 9345                                 coat
#> 9346                                pinch
#> 9347                                 Pest
#> 9348                               record
#> 9349                                Timmy
#> 9350                                  pff
#> 9351                                  Mar
#> 9352                                 yeah
#> 9353                             physical
#> 9354                               tinker
#> 9355                                 pick
#> 9356                                  you
#> 9357                             especial
#> 9358                               picnic
#> 9359                              español
#> 9360                             Colorado
#> 9361                               Atrayu
#> 9362                                piece
#> 9363                               shorts
#> 9364                                 atom
#> 9365                               Abbott
#> 9366                                 pile
#> 9367                                 pill
#> 9368                                 tire
#> 9369                                pilot
#> 9370                              come_on
#> 9371                                 mean
#> 9372                               A_team
#> 9373                                At_At
#> 9374                                  tíz
#> 9375                                  pit
#> 9376                                  act
#> 9377                        Pittsburghese
#> 9378                                error
#> 9379                                plain
#> 9380                           toapie_egg
#> 9381                                 NULL
#> 9382                                admit
#> 9383                                  ask
#> 9384                              against
#> 9385                               pocket
#> 9386                               artist
#> 9387                                 cool
#> 9388                                 poke
#> 9389                                 poke
#> 9390                                 pond
#> 9391                                 Pony
#> 9392                              correct
#> 9393                               potato
#> 9394                                 Tony
#> 9395                               arrest
#> 9396                              pottery
#> 9397                                armor
#> 9398                                  pop
#> 9399                                enemy
#> 9400                                count
#> 9401                            porcupine
#> 9402                            encourage
#> 9403                                  ark
#> 9404                                allow
#> 9405                                  pow
#> 9406                                argue
#> 9407                                 tool
#> 9408                               Jeremy
#> 9409                             emphasis
#> 9410                                argue
#> 9411                               prefer
#> 9412                              present
#> 9413                                 else
#> 9414                              present
#> 9415                            president
#> 9416                                press
#> 9417                              cracker
#> 9418                          archipelago
#> 9419                               pretty
#> 9420                               Pretty
#> 9421                                  top
#> 9422                                price
#> 9423                              prickle
#> 9424                                cream
#> 9425                              private
#> 9426                              Manimal
#> 9427                                prize
#> 9428                             elevator
#> 9429                                cross
#> 9430                              protect
#> 9431                                 pshh
#> 9432                                  ant
#> 9433                                  ant
#> 9434                              anybody
#> 9435                                touch
#> 9436                             sidewalk
#> 9437                              anytime
#> 9438                                 pump
#> 9439                               eggnog
#> 9440                               appear
#> 9441                              purpose
#> 9442                              cushion
#> 9443                                 sign
#> 9444                               answer
#> 9445                               silent
#> 9446                                   da
#> 9447                              Annette
#> 9448                                  Dad
#> 9449                                daddy
#> 9450                                  Ann
#> 9451                                 town
#> 9452                               remark
#> 9453                                  ark
#> 9454                                quick
#> 9455                                quiet
#> 9456                                anger
#> 9457                                  arm
#> 9458                                Daddy
#> 9459                                    R
#> 9460                                  arm
#> 9461                                 race
#> 9462                               Toyota
#> 9463                                track
#> 9464                                radar
#> 9465                                  arr
#> 9466                                dance
#> 9467                              m_and_m
#> 9468                                 rain
#> 9469                                 rain
#> 9470                                 rain
#> 9471                                Artes
#> 9472                                 dark
#> 9473                                 sima
#> 9474                               simple
#> 9475                                  ram
#> 9476                                 earn
#> 9477                                 rate
#> 9478                               rather
#> 9479                                reach
#> 9480                               amount
#> 9481                                since
#> 9482                                early
#> 9483                            recognize
#> 9484                               record
#> 9485                               record
#> 9486                              peacock
#> 9487                                  red
#> 9488                                  Red
#> 9489                               remind
#> 9490                                 NULL
#> 9491                                Regan
#> 9492                         Attack_Track
#> 9493                             remember
#> 9494                         Transformers
#> 9495                                attic
#> 9496                               August
#> 9497                               single
#> 9498                              dentist
#> 9499                                awful
#> 9500                                rhyme
#> 9501                                   dɘ
#> 9502                                    E
#> 9503                                 rice
#> 9504                              dynamic
#> 9505                                Ayres
#> 9506                                   ba
#> 9507                                   ba
#> 9508                                 ride
#> 9509                                 baba
#> 9510                               sister
#> 9511                                Right
#> 9512                                alert
#> 9513                                 ring
#> 9514                                 baby
#> 9515                                 milk
#> 9516                                  rip
#> 9517                                 risk
#> 9518                                Alamo
#> 9519                               Dumpty
#> 9520                                 roar
#> 9521                                 dime
#> 9522                                 dine
#> 9523                                  bad
#> 9524                               sister
#> 9525                                  jaw
#> 9526                             airplane
#> 9527                             dinosaur
#> 9528                                bagel
#> 9529                                agree
#> 9530                                 roll
#> 9531                               trench
#> 9532                                dummy
#> 9533                                 bake
#> 9534                                 rope
#> 9535                                trick
#> 9536                                guess
#> 9537                             Triclops
#> 9538                                  age
#> 9539                               rotten
#> 9540                                   gu
#> 9541                                round
#> 9542                                Rover
#> 9543                              trilogy
#> 9544                                 bang
#> 9545                                 trio
#> 9546                               report
#> 9547                               rubbit
#> 9548                                troll
#> 9549                                Ducks
#> 9550                               Rumble
#> 9551                                 doll
#> 9552                               pirate
#> 9553                                 sack
#> 9554                                János
#> 9555                                 barn
#> 9556                                limit
#> 9557                                 sail
#> 9558                               barrel
#> 9559                                 Jane
#> 9560                                 NULL
#> 9561                                dryer
#> 9562                                 bash
#> 9563                                doubt
#> 9564                                growl
#> 9565                                  add
#> 9566                                Santa
#> 9567                                 Sara
#> 9568                             Mcdonald
#> 9569                               Prague
#> 9570                                   ad
#> 9571                              Dracula
#> 9572                                sauce
#> 9573                               saucer
#> 9574                              sausage
#> 9575                                 save
#> 9576                                trust
#> 9577                                trust
#> 9578                                  say
#> 9579                                 ache
#> 9580                                Jamie
#> 9581                            Battlecat
#> 9582                                 grow
#> 9583                          Scaredy_Cat
#> 9584                              bazooka
#> 9585                                 drop
#> 9586                                dress
#> 9587                               school
#> 9588                               schopy
#> 9589                                   be
#> 9590                                 drip
#> 9591                                 tube
#> 9592                                   be
#> 9593                                 that
#> 9594                                 tuck
#> 9595                                screw
#> 9596                                drill
#> 9597                                 scub
#> 9598                               search
#> 9599                              seasick
#> 9600                                dream
#> 9601                              ability
#> 9602                                  abc
#> 9603                                  tum
#> 9604                                 sell
#> 9605                              Jackson
#> 9606                                Dukes
#> 9607                               become
#> 9608                               become
#> 9609                             sentence
#> 9610                             separate
#> 9611                               peanut
#> 9612                                skill
#> 9613                               wicked
#> 9614                                 Seth
#> 9615                               tunnel
#> 9616                             Seven_up
#> 9617                                early
#> 9618                               Shaggy
#> 9619                                shake
#> 9620                                 this
#> 9621                              shampoo
#> 9622                                shape
#> 9623                                shard
#> 9624                                shark
#> 9625                                   Dr
#> 9626                                being
#> 9627                               Grover
#> 9628                               Sunday
#> 9629                             downtown
#> 9630                               sheesh
#> 9631                              sheriff
#> 9632                                below
#> 9633                                 NULL
#> 9634                                 NULL
#> 9635                                shock
#> 9636                                shock
#> 9637                               grouch
#> 9638                              berserk
#> 9639                               eleven
#> 9640                                 best
#> 9641                                   tv
#> 9642                                dough
#> 9643                                 shot
#> 9644                                Isaac
#> 9645                             shoulder
#> 9646                               shovel
#> 9647                                 show
#> 9648                                 NULL
#> 9649                                 rest
#> 9650                             Skittles
#> 9651                                 bill
#> 9652                                 sick
#> 9653                                 side
#> 9654                                 bing
#> 9655                                 Bird
#> 9656                               Silver
#> 9657                            everybody
#> 9658                                 sink
#> 9659                                  sir
#> 9660                                grind
#> 9661                                  sit
#> 9662                                   BJ
#> 9663                                 doof
#> 9664                                Black
#> 9665                                exact
#> 9666                              blanket
#> 9667                                skate
#> 9668                              Ireland
#> 9669                             Skelator
#> 9670                             skeleton
#> 9671                                skill
#> 9672                                 skip
#> 9673                             skippidy
#> 9674                              involve
#> 9675                             Skittles
#> 9676                                skull
#> 9677                                blast
#> 9678                                 NULL
#> 9679                               reward
#> 9680                                 slam
#> 9681                                 slap
#> 9682                                blind
#> 9683                                slave
#> 9684                                donut
#> 9685                             rhetoric
#> 9686                               Easter
#> 9687                                sleep
#> 9688                                 fail
#> 9689                                slide
#> 9690                                slide
#> 9691                                 fair
#> 9692                                slime
#> 9693                               slinky
#> 9694                                 slip
#> 9695                                 slip
#> 9696                                 blow
#> 9697                            Greystoke
#> 9698                                 slow
#> 9699                          Sleepy_wolf
#> 9700                                 fall
#> 9701                            blueberry
#> 9702                          Sleepy_Wolf
#> 9703                                smack
#> 9704                                   Bo
#> 9705                                rhyme
#> 9706                                smart
#> 9707                                smell
#> 9708                                  far
#> 9709                                smell
#> 9710                                smile
#> 9711                                smile
#> 9712                                bobby
#> 9713                                child
#> 9714                                  can
#> 9715                                 snap
#> 9716                              snapper
#> 9717                                 feel
#> 9718                                sneak
#> 9719                                sneak
#> 9720                           understand
#> 9721                              bonkers
#> 9722                                fence
#> 9723                              Ferraro
#> 9724                                 NULL
#> 9725                               unhunh
#> 9726                                 snow
#> 9727                                 Snow
#> 9728                                 boom
#> 9729                            boomerang
#> 9730                                unite
#> 9731                                sober
#> 9732                                solid
#> 9733                             somebody
#> 9734                                final
#> 9735                                 boss
#> 9736                                 dock
#> 9737                                  son
#> 9738                               bother
#> 9739                                  man
#> 9740                                  why
#> 9741                                where
#> 9742                                green
#> 9743                                sound
#> 9744                                 when
#> 9745                                sound
#> 9746                                 what
#> 9747                                 firm
#> 9748                                great
#> 9749                                spank
#> 9750                                spank
#> 9751                                spear
#> 9752                               speech
#> 9753                                 upon
#> 9754                                flame
#> 9755                                 flap
#> 9756                               speedy
#> 9757                                spell
#> 9758                                 uppy
#> 9759                                 bran
#> 9760                                  use
#> 9761                                brang
#> 9762                                 spit
#> 9763                               splash
#> 9764                                pizza
#> 9765                               sponge
#> 9766                               folder
#> 9767                                 spot
#> 9768                               Mamosa
#> 9769                               breath
#> 9770                               square
#> 9771                              breathe
#> 9772                                 ride
#> 9773                               squirt
#> 9774                                brick
#> 9775                                  use
#> 9776                               forget
#> 9777                            insulator
#> 9778                               Riding
#> 9779                                stand
#> 9780                                broom
#> 9781                              gravity
#> 9782                               staple
#> 9783                            direction
#> 9784                                  fox
#> 9785                                those
#> 9786                                stare
#> 9787                                starn
#> 9788                                Stars
#> 9789                                start
#> 9790                                 this
#> 9791                                think
#> 9792                                smart
#> 9793                                thing
#> 9794                                smash
#> 9795                                  dip
#> 9796                                  dip
#> 9797                            Valentine
#> 9798                               bubble
#> 9799                                steam
#> 9800                                 that
#> 9801                                 that
#> 9802                               bucket
#> 9803                                stick
#> 9804                                  van
#> 9805                               pretty
#> 9806                                smell
#> 9807                                steel
#> 9808                                sting
#> 9809                                  bug
#> 9810                                  Vax
#> 9811                                stomp
#> 9812                                smell
#> 9813                                store
#> 9814                                angel
#> 9815                            something
#> 9816                                 dime
#> 9817                             straight
#> 9818                                  bum
#> 9819                                   up
#> 9820                             strength
#> 9821                               pretty
#> 9822                               stripe
#> 9823                               stripe
#> 9824                               Grampa
#> 9825                                study
#> 9826                                  she
#> 9827                              burglar
#> 9828                                 suck
#> 9829                                 burn
#> 9830                                 Burt
#> 9831                               diddle
#> 9832                               Buster
#> 9833                             sunglass
#> 9834                                 busy
#> 9835                                 view
#> 9836                          View_Master
#> 9837                               smooth
#> 9838                             diarrhea
#> 9839                               button
#> 9840                             surprise
#> 9841                             surprise
#> 9842                                   go
#> 9843                                 melt
#> 9844                            injection
#> 9845                              swallow
#> 9846                              Phoenix
#> 9847                                 Ritz
#> 9848                                sweat
#> 9849                               googoo
#> 9850                                prize
#> 9851                             diagonal
#> 9852                              visitor
#> 9853                             airplane
#> 9854                            Riverside
#> 9855                                 want
#> 9856                                 swim
#> 9857                                swing
#> 9858                                 grab
#> 9859                           vocabulary
#> 9860                                devil
#> 9861                                sword
#> 9862                              Grandpa
#> 9863                                szörp
#> 9864                                table
#> 9865                                 vote
#> 9866                            devastate
#> 9867                               Canada
#> 9868                                  one
#> 9869                                  now
#> 9870                               target
#> 9871                                plain
#> 9872                                taste
#> 9873                                taste
#> 9874                              Captain
#> 9875                       Captain_Marrel
#> 9876                               ground
#> 9877                                  rob
#> 9878                                wagon
#> 9879                                 name
#> 9880                           despicable
#> 9881                                guest
#> 9882                                  tee
#> 9883                                 snap
#> 9884                                 Tela
#> 9885                                money
#> 9886                                  gun
#> 9887                             goodness
#> 9888                               carpet
#> 9889                                 haha
#> 9890                                 walk
#> 9891                                 good
#> 9892                                   me
#> 9893                                sneak
#> 9894                                 hand
#> 9895                                 test
#> 9896                               happen
#> 9897                                 cash
#> 9898                              dentist
#> 9899                               Castle
#> 9900                                snoop
#> 9901                                catch
#> 9902                               theirs
#> 9903                         demonstrator
#> 9904                                 kill
#> 9905                                there
#> 9906                         caterkillers
#> 9907                                  and
#> 9908                                   if
#> 9909                                Gomez
#> 9910                                 have
#> 9911                                 have
#> 9912                               thingy
#> 9913                               cavity
#> 9914                                  how
#> 9915                                 have
#> 9916                                 gold
#> 9917                                  her
#> 9918                                  haw
#> 9919                                   he
#> 9920                                Three
#> 9921                                 cent
#> 9922                             Thriller
#> 9923                                  god
#> 9924                                throw
#> 9925                              throwed
#> 9926                                 plan
#> 9927                              warrior
#> 9928                             Thumbkin
#> 9929                                 deer
#> 9930                               change
#> 9931                                 deep
#> 9932                              channel
#> 9933                                 wash
#> 9934                                  tie
#> 9935                               charge
#> 9936                                tiger
#> 9937                                   go
#> 9938                                 wash
#> 9939                                  Tim
#> 9940                                   go
#> 9941                           Snow_White
#> 9942                               wasser
#> 9943                              Chavane
#> 9944                                 tire
#> 9945                                 Titu
#> 9946                            principle
#> 9947                          cheche_baba
#> 9948                                Snuka
#> 9949                                check
#> 9950                                check
#> 9951                          Decepticons
#> 9952                           Decepticon
#> 9953                                 lick
#> 9954                                plane
#> 9955                                   hi
#> 9956                               Cheese
#> 9957                             Cherioos
#> 9958                              Cherios
#> 9959                             Cherrios
#> 9960                               tongue
#> 9961                               cherry
#> 9962                                   so
#> 9963                                 dear
#> 9964                                water
#> 9965                                rogue
#> 9966                                 fall
#> 9967                                 wave
#> 9968                                  top
#> 9969                              library
#> 9970                                touch
#> 9971                                  eat
#> 9972                                 town
#> 9973                                child
#> 9974                                track
#> 9975                                  yes
#> 9976                    Children's_Palace
#> 9977                                train
#> 9978                                China
#> 9979                            transform
#> 9980                                  Day
#> 9981                          Transformer
#> 9982                                 hold
#> 9983                                   do
#> 9984                                 roll
#> 9985                               honest
#> 9986                               honest
#> 9987                                   do
#> 9988                                   do
#> 9989                                 chop
#> 9990                                 wear
#> 9991                               Christ
#> 9992                                 trip
#> 9993                            Christina
#> 9994                                troll
#> 9995                               trophy
#> 9996                                could
#> 9997                                chute
#> 9998                                  web
#> 9999                                 tube
#> 10000                               cinco
#> 10001                                darn
#> 10002                               huhuh
#> 10003                                 tum
#> 10004                                 wee
#> 10005                               class
#> 10006                              weight
#> 10007                           Hungarian
#> 10008                              weight
#> 10009                             Clauses
#> 10010                        Danger_Mouse
#> 10011                             Twinkle
#> 10012                               twist
#> 10013                               clean
#> 10014                                hurt
#> 10015                                  be
#> 10016                                  be
#> 10017                                   u
#> 10018                                hurt
#> 10019                                  be
#> 10020                            dandruff
#> 10021                            umbrella
#> 10022                                  be
#> 10023                            uncuffed
#> 10024                                 bad
#> 10025                                NULL
#> 10026                         underground
#> 10027                           underpant
#> 10028                                 let
#> 10029                                 ice
#> 10030                                 let
#> 10031                               close
#> 10032                               unite
#> 10033                          university
#> 10034                               cloth
#> 10035                            hydrogen
#> 10036                                give
#> 10037                               upset
#> 10038                             somehow
#> 10039                                club
#> 10040                               coast
#> 10041                              Cobber
#> 10042                              Cobweb
#> 10043                           Coca_Cola
#> 10044                              coffin
#> 10045                              Leslie
#> 10046                             vanilla
#> 10047                              inside
#> 10048                                what
#> 10049                            interest
#> 10050                            violence
#> 10051                               visit
#> 10052                               color
#> 10053                               voice
#> 10054                          Volkswagen
#> 10055                               giant
#> 10056                                vote
#> 10057                                rose
#> 10058                                come
#> 10059                                hunt
#> 10060                            whenever
#> 10061                             plastic
#> 10062                                wake
#> 10063                               where
#> 10064                             plastic
#> 10065                               Japan
#> 10066                                 jar
#> 10067                                wall
#> 10068                               comic
#> 10069                              wander
#> 10070                               Jerry
#> 10071                            mainsail
#> 10072                                ward
#> 10073                              Condor
#> 10074                          conference
#> 10075                             hunhunh
#> 10076                                wash
#> 10077                               waste
#> 10078                               whine
#> 10079                                mail
#> 10080                               leash
#> 10081                             contest
#> 10082                         progressive
#> 10083                         continental
#> 10084                               think
#> 10085                             project
#> 10086                             control
#> 10087                                cook
#> 10088                                jump
#> 10089                                 way
#> 10090                      Czechoslovakia
#> 10091                                wear
#> 10092                               cycle
#> 10093                             wedding
#> 10094                                June
#> 10095                              copper
#> 10096                                copy
#> 10097                                copy
#> 10098                                 ten
#> 10099                               learn
#> 10100                                keep
#> 10101                             welcome
#> 10102                                cost
#> 10103                              Humpty
#> 10104                                 get
#> 10105                                 who
#> 10106                             promise
#> 10107                                couf
#> 10108                                west
#> 10109                          Mastercard
#> 10110                                 cut
#> 10111                                what
#> 10112                                 cut
#> 10113                                  so
#> 10114                                kind
#> 10115                               seven
#> 10116                                 see
#> 10117                                 see
#> 10118                               kinda
#> 10119                                whip
#> 10120                             Gervils
#> 10121                                curl
#> 10122                                kiss
#> 10123                                whoo
#> 10124                               White
#> 10125                                kite
#> 10126                                lead
#> 10127                                whom
#> 10128                               crank
#> 10129                            whoopsie
#> 10130                               whose
#> 10131                              cuffed
#> 10132                                 why
#> 10133                              Wicket
#> 10134                              wiggle
#> 10135                                lamb
#> 10136                              Wile_E
#> 10137                                  on
#> 10138                               creep
#> 10139                                 off
#> 10140                                 win
#> 10141                                 win
#> 10142                                 now
#> 10143                            language
#> 10144                             promise
#> 10145                                wind
#> 10146                                wind
#> 10147                             Gergely
#> 10148                                  no
#> 10149                                last
#> 10150                                lawn
#> 10151                               first
#> 10152                                crow
#> 10153                                  go
#> 10154                              Wicked
#> 10155                                Hulk
#> 10156                               witch
#> 10157                              crunch
#> 10158                              George
#> 10159                                wolf
#> 10160                              wiggle
#> 10161                             Crystal
#> 10162                                 woo
#> 10163                            woodsman
#> 10164                               spank
#> 10165                              Wookie
#> 10166                                 cup
#> 10167                                just
#> 10168                                  it
#> 10169                                less
#> 10170                                work
#> 10171                                  in
#> 10172                                worm
#> 10173                               worry
#> 10174                             William
#> 10175                            Sparkler
#> 10176                                   I
#> 10177                               speak
#> 10178                                 cut
#> 10179                               Willy
#> 10180                                wrap
#> 10181                              crummy
#> 10182                               wreck
#> 10183                               wreck
#> 10184                              wrench
#> 10185                               write
#> 10186                                 win
#> 10187                               Roton
#> 10188                            Gelfling
#> 10189                                   x
#> 10190                                  da
#> 10191                                 xyz
#> 10192                                like
#> 10193                              Yabody
#> 10194                               crowd
#> 10195                                yank
#> 10196                                lion
#> 10197                                 lip
#> 10198                                crow
#> 10199                                yick
#> 10200                                yike
#> 10201                              listen
#> 10202                     Winnie_the_Pooh
#> 10203                                  yo
#> 10204                               dadum
#> 10205                              winter
#> 10206                             Dagobah
#> 10207                                live
#> 10208                                wire
#> 10209                              propel
#> 10210                                wise
#> 10211                                damn
#> 10212                               young
#> 10213                                down
#> 10214                               dance
#> 10215                             however
#> 10216                               cross
#> 10217                                  do
#> 10218                              speech
#> 10219                           how_about
#> 10220                              Danger
#> 10221                               Danny
#> 10222                               speed
#> 10223                                darn
#> 10224                              zipper
#> 10225                                lose
#> 10226                                 lay
#> 10227                         wocha_wocha
#> 10228                               crick
#> 10229                                  DC
#> 10230                                NULL
#> 10231                                dear
#> 10232                               creep
#> 10233                                NULL
#> 10234                                NULL
#> 10235                                NULL
#> 10236                            mushroom
#> 10237                                deer
#> 10238                         my_goodness
#> 10239                               Woman
#> 10240                                name
#> 10241                               Women
#> 10242                             machine
#> 10243                            machinic
#> 10244                               narth
#> 10245                             deserve
#> 10246                          despicable
#> 10247                                Hoth
#> 10248                              Muffet
#> 10249                             destroy
#> 10250                             destroy
#> 10251                                NULL
#> 10252                                need
#> 10253                                 mow
#> 10254                           detective
#> 10255                              Wonder
#> 10256                           negotiate
#> 10257                         devastrator
#> 10258                           neologism
#> 10259                               mouth
#> 10260                               mouse
#> 10261                              nibble
#> 10262                               crash
#> 10263                              Mothra
#> 10264                         Nickelodeon
#> 10265                             dickory
#> 10266                             Penneys
#> 10267                           nightmare
#> 10268                                 die
#> 10269                               rrrrr
#> 10270                            nineteen
#> 10271                              ninety
#> 10272                               crash
#> 10273                                 die
#> 10274                          Spider_Man
#> 10275                              Spidey
#> 10276                                ding
#> 10277                               Horse
#> 10278                               horse
#> 10279                               north
#> 10280                              Markie
#> 10281                               crack
#> 10282                                Dion
#> 10283                               Disco
#> 10284                                nude
#> 10285                          disgusting
#> 10286                             Monique
#> 10287                                work
#> 10288                             disturb
#> 10289                          occasional
#> 10290                                NULL
#> 10291                                ocho
#> 10292                                Gale
#> 10293                                meet
#> 10294                               Momma
#> 10295                               momma
#> 10296                                cove
#> 10297                                Okay
#> 10298                                mean
#> 10299                               spill
#> 10300                               count
#> 10301                             laundry
#> 10302                            Mohammed
#> 10303                              doctor
#> 10304                                open
#> 10305                               laugh
#> 10306                               opera
#> 10307                              Hoover
#> 10308                               cough
#> 10309                               cough
#> 10310                              cotton
#> 10311                            original
#> 10312                                meow
#> 10313                             costume
#> 10314                                ouch
#> 10315                              donkey
#> 10316                           ourselves
#> 10317                                cost
#> 10318                                gaga
#> 10319                                outh
#> 10320                             doo_doo
#> 10321                              Gadget
#> 10322                            mischief
#> 10323                                doom
#> 10324                                cost
#> 10325                              minute
#> 10326                               might
#> 10327                                 owl
#> 10328                                mind
#> 10329                                  do
#> 10330                                pack
#> 10331                            doughnut
#> 10332                             wrestle
#> 10333                                down
#> 10334                              paddle
#> 10335                            downtown
#> 10336                               paint
#> 10337                           Minestorm
#> 10338                              mirror
#> 10339                           miserable
#> 10340                                cord
#> 10341                               Honda
#> 10342                              parent
#> 10343                                  do
#> 10344                          particular
#> 10345                                copy
#> 10346                               party
#> 10347                             million
#> 10348                                pass
#> 10349                                dock
#> 10350                                pump
#> 10351                                 ale
#> 10352                                 rip
#> 10353                                 rip
#> 10354                         Little_Rope
#> 10355                                  mo
#> 10356                               Titus
#> 10357                                dust
#> 10358                              litter
#> 10359                          difference
#> 10360                                last
#> 10361                                road
#> 10362                               treat
#> 10363                            backward
#> 10364                                 hog
#> 10365                                nice
#> 10366                              gerbil
#> 10367                                roar
#> 10368                                dine
#> 10369                               laugh
#> 10370                              litter
#> 10371                               akkor
#> 10372                                 rob
#> 10373                               cross
#> 10374                                Tito
#> 10375                               dummy
#> 10376                               robin
#> 10377                              listen
#> 10378                                 bad
#> 10379                                Lane
#> 10380                          mechanical
#> 10381                              listen
#> 10382                               Robot
#> 10383                     Winnie_the_Pooh
#> 10384                                 tit
#> 10385                                tire
#> 10386                                rock
#> 10387                           badminton
#> 10388                               guest
#> 10389                           Rockbiter
#> 10390                                 mix
#> 10391                               tease
#> 10392                            dinosaur
#> 10393                              winter
#> 10394                             baggage
#> 10395                                 bah
#> 10396                               click
#> 10397                             muskrat
#> 10398                                roll
#> 10399                                 bah
#> 10400                                 mix
#> 10401                         triceratops
#> 10402                                bait
#> 10403                                wipe
#> 10404                            banister
#> 10405                                bake
#> 10406                               Dumbo
#> 10407                               cliff
#> 10408                               pipis
#> 10409                               guess
#> 10410                                time
#> 10411                               trick
#> 10412                                tear
#> 10413                                 bop
#> 10414                                  my
#> 10415                               trick
#> 10416                                Rory
#> 10417                             feather
#> 10418                                 mix
#> 10419                            rosemary
#> 10420                                NULL
#> 10421                                Ross
#> 10422                               trick
#> 10423                             baloney
#> 10424                           Starriors
#> 10425                                 bam
#> 10426                              Rossie
#> 10427                               Rossy
#> 10428                                 fit
#> 10429                                NULL
#> 10430                                rain
#> 10431                             baloney
#> 10432                               count
#> 10433                                wish
#> 10434                             balloon
#> 10435                                NULL
#> 10436                             trilogy
#> 10437                                 fit
#> 10438                                bams
#> 10439                           afterward
#> 10440                                 ooh
#> 10441                           afternoon
#> 10442                              tickle
#> 10443                                rowf
#> 10444                               royal
#> 10445                              likely
#> 10446                                  rr
#> 10447                                ball
#> 10448                        Banana_brain
#> 10449                               grump
#> 10450                         Bananasplit
#> 10451                              rribit
#> 10452                Lights_Camera_Action
#> 10453                                Duke
#> 10454                                lead
#> 10455                                bake
#> 10456                                band
#> 10457                           rrraaarrr
#> 10458                              rrraar
#> 10459                               rrrgh
#> 10460                           September
#> 10461                              Dudush
#> 10462                                rrrr
#> 10463                           McDonalds
#> 10464                              rrrrrr
#> 10465                             Duckula
#> 10466                               light
#> 10467                            railroad
#> 10468                                 rub
#> 10469                                 rub
#> 10470                                 rub
#> 10471                                 fit
#> 10472                                NULL
#> 10473                               pause
#> 10474                            separate
#> 10475                                  me
#> 10476                                lift
#> 10477                                  He
#> 10478                                rude
#> 10479                              Rudolf
#> 10480                             Rudolph
#> 10481                               growl
#> 10482                                rail
#> 10483                                Rugu
#> 10484                           bang_bang
#> 10485                                ruin
#> 10486                              Bangus
#> 10487                                NULL
#> 10488                                head
#> 10489                              Witsky
#> 10490                                rule
#> 10491                              crunch
#> 10492                                 lie
#> 10493                             banquet
#> 10494                                 run
#> 10495                                 run
#> 10496                                 lie
#> 10497                             thought
#> 10498                               adult
#> 10499                               adult
#> 10500                              wizard
#> 10501                               clock
#> 10502                              runned
#> 10503                                duck
#> 10504                                baby
#> 10505                                rush
#> 10506                                 bar
#> 10507                                rush
#> 10508                                 Bar
#> 10509                             Barbara
#> 10510                                lick
#> 10511                          admonition
#> 10512                                bare
#> 10513                               teach
#> 10514                                wife
#> 10515                           adjective
#> 10516                           sixteenth
#> 10517                               hided
#> 10518                             library
#> 10519                               lever
#> 10520                                leaf
#> 10521                             address
#> 10522                                 but
#> 10523                                  wo
#> 10524                                woah
#> 10525                            addition
#> 10526                                NULL
#> 10527                               third
#> 10528                               learn
#> 10529                         wocha_wocha
#> 10530                                 wok
#> 10531                               Barry
#> 10532                              babble
#> 10533                               learn
#> 10534                             trouble
#> 10535                                   b
#> 10536                                same
#> 10537                              salugo
#> 10538                               awful
#> 10539                                late
#> 10540                             Sampson
#> 10541                               truck
#> 10542                               truck
#> 10543                                sand
#> 10544                               maybe
#> 10545                            Feet_Man
#> 10546                              sandal
#> 10547                              Sandor
#> 10548                                make
#> 10549                                 bat
#> 10550                        Fire_Monster
#> 10551                               feigi
#> 10552                               Sandy
#> 10553                                Adam
#> 10554                                meet
#> 10555                         Santa_Claus
#> 10556                                Wolf
#> 10557                               Sarah
#> 10558                                fire
#> 10559                             picture
#> 10560                          downstairs
#> 10561                      oopsie_doopsie
#> 10562                                lend
#> 10563                            lemonade
#> 10564                               clown
#> 10565                               bathe
#> 10566                               bathe
#> 10567                                  ad
#> 10568                               sauce
#> 10569                               pedal
#> 10570                                Mark
#> 10571                              saucer
#> 10572                              actual
#> 10573                            womanish
#> 10574                              feisty
#> 10575                               actor
#> 10576                               Women
#> 10577                               thing
#> 10578                             request
#> 10579                                save
#> 10580                                Leia
#> 10581                                NULL
#> 10582                                 act
#> 10583                                they
#> 10584                                NULL
#> 10585                          Bat_Mobile
#> 10586                              clutch
#> 10587                             Ferraro
#> 10588                              theory
#> 10589                                bozo
#> 10590                                Fett
#> 10591                             achieve
#> 10592                             achieve
#> 10593                                cmon
#> 10594                               spank
#> 10595                               learn
#> 10596                                NULL
#> 10597                              wonder
#> 10598                             scamper
#> 10599                               coast
#> 10600                                leak
#> 10601                               scare
#> 10602                               scare
#> 10603                                 ace
#> 10604                               scare
#> 10605                                NULL
#> 10606                                leak
#> 10607                                 try
#> 10608                               fever
#> 10609                              wonder
#> 10610                               Jamie
#> 10611                               write
#> 10612                               scarf
#> 10613                           Wonderful
#> 10614                              looker
#> 10615                               peter
#> 10616                              theirs
#> 10617                              fiddle
#> 10618                               leave
#> 10619                            Schenley
#> 10620                        Schneeberger
#> 10621                             Tchiggs
#> 10622                                 cry
#> 10623                            accident
#> 10624                                kill
#> 10625                        Wonder_Woman
#> 10626                                laze
#> 10627                          Schoolname
#> 10628                                drop
#> 10629                           gentleman
#> 10630                                 opa
#> 10631                             science
#> 10632                                 lay
#> 10633                              Droids
#> 10634                               scoop
#> 10635                                 lay
#> 10636                               James
#> 10637                                raft
#> 10638                              drived
#> 10639                               dress
#> 10640                               drive
#> 10641                      Laure_Isabelle
#> 10642                               attic
#> 10643                               laugh
#> 10644                               scout
#> 10645                                grow
#> 10646                               drive
#> 10647                              tattle
#> 10648                               leave
#> 10649                              sensor
#> 10650                              scrape
#> 10651                               skate
#> 10652                                late
#> 10653                                last
#> 10654                               taste
#> 10655                              accent
#> 10656                               loose
#> 10657                                 get
#> 10658                               laser
#> 10659                               large
#> 10660                                 lap
#> 10661                           sensation
#> 10662                               Beach
#> 10663                              Sendak
#> 10664                        Landstriders
#> 10665                            terrible
#> 10666                               drive
#> 10667                               above
#> 10668                                cube
#> 10669                                tuck
#> 10670                                part
#> 10671                                land
#> 10672                                Wood
#> 10673                            scribble
#> 10674                                film
#> 10675                               dress
#> 10676                              wooden
#> 10677                                Bean
#> 10678                               tense
#> 10679                               dress
#> 10680                                 boy
#> 10681                               fight
#> 10682                              search
#> 10683                                 yes
#> 10684                            Munsters
#> 10685                                tell
#> 10686                                seat
#> 10687                          as_soon_as
#> 10688                                raft
#> 10689                               dream
#> 10690                                fill
#> 10691                              second
#> 10692                           telephone
#> 10693                             bratito
#> 10694                              secret
#> 10695                         Beastmaster
#> 10696                                lace
#> 10697                               heart
#> 10698                                part
#> 10699                            skeleton
#> 10700                                lime
#> 10701                         Kung_Moogie
#> 10702                                 See
#> 10703                               Jacob
#> 10704                               radio
#> 10705                           skeptical
#> 10706                                heat
#> 10707                               Micah
#> 10708                                seek
#> 10709                              Drawer
#> 10710                            Krispies
#> 10711                               kraft
#> 10712                                kpow
#> 10713                            koszowom
#> 10714                               filet
#> 10715                                park
#> 10716                             knuckle
#> 10717                           knowledge
#> 10718                           Wildbeast
#> 10719                               cough
#> 10720                              knowed
#> 10721                                send
#> 10722                                 cry
#> 10723                                NULL
#> 10724                               break
#> 10725                                open
#> 10726                             Kaitlin
#> 10727                               woosh
#> 10728                               spank
#> 10729                             serious
#> 10730                             servant
#> 10731                                talk
#> 10732                              sketzy
#> 10733                                talk
#> 10734                                like
#> 10735                                sake
#> 10736                               knock
#> 10737                                 bee
#> 10738                                dust
#> 10739                                 hop
#> 10740                              beebee
#> 10741                                part
#> 10742                                   e
#> 10743                           parachute
#> 10744                                lead
#> 10745                             breaker
#> 10746                                  we
#> 10747                        Knight_Rider
#> 10748                               pants
#> 10749                                skin
#> 10750                                 arm
#> 10751                            beepbeep
#> 10752                              Briany
#> 10753                               turbo
#> 10754                                tail
#> 10755                                Lori
#> 10756                               apple
#> 10757                                 sex
#> 10758                             Bridges
#> 10759                                beet
#> 10760                               kitty
#> 10761                         Bright_eyes
#> 10762                               shafe
#> 10763                                earn
#> 10764                             mhiabbi
#> 10765                               shake
#> 10766                               table
#> 10767                               shake
#> 10768                               shake
#> 10769                                cock
#> 10770                               early
#> 10771                            Panthore
#> 10772                                find
#> 10773                                 rot
#> 10774                                kite
#> 10775                                 beg
#> 10776                                ease
#> 10777                             tantrum
#> 10778                               fight
#> 10779                               sword
#> 10780                               Swiss
#> 10781                         interesting
#> 10782                                kiss
#> 10783                                ease
#> 10784                               share
#> 10785                              bronco
#> 10786                              behave
#> 10787                               Jabba
#> 10788                             sparkle
#> 10789                                Itsy
#> 10790                                that
#> 10791                              behind
#> 10792                              Dracky
#> 10793                             sharpen
#> 10794                             pancake
#> 10795                              coffin
#> 10796                                 eat
#> 10797                              itself
#> 10798                                kiss
#> 10799                                kiss
#> 10800                             curtain
#> 10801                        brontosaurus
#> 10802                               World
#> 10803                             believe
#> 10804                                open
#> 10805                            anywhere
#> 10806                                swim
#> 10807                               broom
#> 10808                                  do
#> 10809                             Brother
#> 10810                               brown
#> 10811                              belong
#> 10812                                race
#> 10813                                rest
#> 10814                               shell
#> 10815                               shell
#> 10816                                  It
#> 10817                               opera
#> 10818                             Sherrie
#> 10819                             operate
#> 10820                             sweetie
#> 10821                                 cog
#> 10822                          Sweetheart
#> 10823                             shicked
#> 10824                               sweet
#> 10825                              shield
#> 10826                               eeran
#> 10827                               shine
#> 10828                               bench
#> 10829                                bend
#> 10830                              grouch
#> 10831                              staple
#> 10832                               sweet
#> 10833                                 pee
#> 10834                              eighth
#> 10835                               sweet
#> 10836                               sweep
#> 10837                                shit
#> 10838                           Coka_Cola
#> 10839                               splat
#> 10840                                core
#> 10841                                fine
#> 10842                                skip
#> 10843                          mayonnaise
#> 10844                                tusk
#> 10845                               berry
#> 10846                            shooshoo
#> 10847                                oppa
#> 10848                              kidnap
#> 10849                                seek
#> 10850                             anybody
#> 10851                            doughnut
#> 10852                              fiddle
#> 10853                                 dog
#> 10854                               cough
#> 10855                               brush
#> 10856                                 any
#> 10857                               paint
#> 10858                                shop
#> 10859                                shop
#> 10860                                  my
#> 10861                               skirt
#> 10862                                 kid
#> 10863                               short
#> 10864                                sure
#> 10865                               empty
#> 10866                           Shortcake
#> 10867                             shortch
#> 10868                              finger
#> 10869                              twenty
#> 10870                                mike
#> 10871                                 cut
#> 10872                              little
#> 10873                                kick
#> 10874                            shoulder
#> 10875                              wreath
#> 10876                            Biderman
#> 10877                               shout
#> 10878                           Bider_Man
#> 10879                             England
#> 10880                                Fett
#> 10881                              finish
#> 10882                              double
#> 10883                               Maybe
#> 10884                                like
#> 10885                              answer
#> 10886                    Mister_Wonderful
#> 10887                                 big
#> 10888                                like
#> 10889                                 big
#> 10890                                 kgh
#> 10891                              double
#> 10892                                  it
#> 10893                                 key
#> 10894                               Bubba
#> 10895                                 shp
#> 10896                               early
#> 10897                              shrink
#> 10898                              shrink
#> 10899                               twice
#> 10900                              shucks
#> 10901                                shuk
#> 10902                            Big_Rope
#> 10903                              entire
#> 10904                                  in
#> 10905                              droven
#> 10906                             twinkie
#> 10907                                bike
#> 10908                             General
#> 10909                               Biker
#> 10910                                Kirk
#> 10911                                hunt
#> 10912                                sick
#> 10913                               skull
#> 10914                            pleasure
#> 10915                                 lie
#> 10916                             sickish
#> 10917                                bill
#> 10918                                 lie
#> 10919                                Bill
#> 10920                               kettö
#> 10921                                seek
#> 10922                               twirl
#> 10923                              Billys
#> 10924                               kersz
#> 10925                              Kerber
#> 10926                              bindow
#> 10927                              Cruise
#> 10928                                even
#> 10929                              bubble
#> 10930                             raccoon
#> 10931                                this
#> 10932                               angel
#> 10933                                keep
#> 10934                               skunk
#> 10935                                mask
#> 10936                               Birds
#> 10937                              bucket
#> 10938                            Menonite
#> 10939                               wrist
#> 10940                               among
#> 10941                                 bit
#> 10942                             Maurice
#> 10943                                 bit
#> 10944                           suffocate
#> 10945                                bite
#> 10946                               since
#> 10947                              kblash
#> 10948                               Katie
#> 10949                              Kansas
#> 10950                           everybody
#> 10951                                sing
#> 10952                               fence
#> 10953                                bite
#> 10954                           stupidity
#> 10955                            alphabit
#> 10956                             buffalo
#> 10957                               along
#> 10958                              paddle
#> 10959                              strong
#> 10960                              orange
#> 10961                          skyscraper
#> 10962                              stripe
#> 10963                              fellow
#> 10964                              cutten
#> 10965                                plum
#> 10966                                jump
#> 10967                                doom
#> 10968                                 sit
#> 10969                              Cutter
#> 10970                                fire
#> 10971                               juice
#> 10972                             package
#> 10973                                Iris
#> 10974                          Blackwurst
#> 10975                             strange
#> 10976                            straight
#> 10977                               blame
#> 10978                           Cybertron
#> 10979                             example
#> 10980                             typical
#> 10981                              except
#> 10982                                plug
#> 10983                                Josh
#> 10984                                 his
#> 10985                             Jopheph
#> 10986                               skate
#> 10987                               storm
#> 10988                             present
#> 10989                              Skates
#> 10990                                 dog
#> 10991                               Roton
#> 10992                           Gelflings
#> 10993                               blast
#> 10994                            a_little
#> 10995                               laugh
#> 10996                            Penelope
#> 10997                               build
#> 10998                               store
#> 10999                                skip
#> 11000                             Maureen
#> 11001                               stand
#> 11002                               blast
#> 11003                                 wuz
#> 11004                              Spratt
#> 11005                           W_Warwick
#> 11006                                 wwt
#> 11007                                  hi
#> 11008                                bulb
#> 11009                                Cole
#> 11010                                join
#> 11011                                join
#> 11012                          skyscraper
#> 11013                          Skyscraper
#> 11014                              Johnny
#> 11015                               Ewoks
#> 11016                                oreo
#> 11017                                pond
#> 11018                             Skywise
#> 11019                                slag
#> 11020                                bleh
#> 11021                         explanation
#> 11022                              menace
#> 11023                                slam
#> 11024                                slam
#> 11025                                   x
#> 11026                                feed
#> 11027                                slap
#> 11028                                NULL
#> 11029                               blink
#> 11030                                hike
#> 11031                                John
#> 11032                           President
#> 11033                                bull
#> 11034                                draw
#> 11035                               sleep
#> 11036                            stockade
#> 11037                                  jo
#> 11038                            rhetoric
#> 11039                                kiss
#> 11040                            organize
#> 11041                            don'ting
#> 11042                                   Y
#> 11043                            pomodors
#> 11044                         Sleepy_wolf
#> 11045                           lightbulb
#> 11046                              sleeve
#> 11047                               jimmy
#> 11048                               ahhah
#> 11049                               light
#> 11050                               slice
#> 11051                               rhino
#> 11052                                NULL
#> 11053                                  Ya
#> 11054                              spirit
#> 11055                                  by
#> 11056                               sleep
#> 11057                              sticky
#> 11058                               slide
#> 11059                             contest
#> 11060                              father
#> 11061                                 tag
#> 11062                               fouro
#> 11063                               agree
#> 11064                                hold
#> 11065                                blow
#> 11066                              Donner
#> 11067                                 yap
#> 11068                     Sleeping_Beauty
#> 11069                                blow
#> 11070                             slither
#> 11071                                NULL
#> 11072                                fall
#> 11073                                 bum
#> 11074                                 dad
#> 11075                             against
#> 11076                                hear
#> 11077                          fourteenth
#> 11078                                NULL
#> 11079                                step
#> 11080                             slowish
#> 11081                                  ye
#> 11082                             college
#> 11083                           afternoon
#> 11084                                yeah
#> 11085                               smack
#> 11086                                jerk
#> 11087                                 Dad
#> 11088                               Winds
#> 11089                               board
#> 11090                               steep
#> 11091                               jelly
#> 11092                           otherwise
#> 11093                               smart
#> 11094                               smash
#> 11095                               smash
#> 11096                               smash
#> 11097                               Jello
#> 11098                               jello
#> 11099                               smash
#> 11100                                 far
#> 11101                               adult
#> 11102                                dada
#> 11103                               slice
#> 11104                               jeesh
#> 11105                                wine
#> 11106                               smell
#> 11107                                NULL
#> 11108                                line
#> 11109                               steal
#> 11110                              yeehah
#> 11111                               adult
#> 11112                     Mark_Macwhinney
#> 11113                               bobby
#> 11114                            original
#> 11115                                Jawa
#> 11116                               Jason
#> 11117                                 jar
#> 11118                                fast
#> 11119                              smooch
#> 11120                                fast
#> 11121                                boil
#> 11122                                bump
#> 11123                                 fat
#> 11124                                 Jan
#> 11125                                NULL
#> 11126                               start
#> 11127                              Smurfs
#> 11128                               smush
#> 11129                          underneath
#> 11130                             smushed
#> 11131                           intestine
#> 11132                                papa
#> 11133                               snack
#> 11134                             Snaggle
#> 11135                               snail
#> 11136                               snail
#> 11137                                 but
#> 11138                             bologna
#> 11139                                Jake
#> 11140                               Snake
#> 11141                           underpant
#> 11142                               Louie
#> 11143                                bone
#> 11144                               press
#> 11145                                snap
#> 11146                                jail
#> 11147                               start
#> 11148                            dadadada
#> 11149                           Firstname
#> 11150                               Jacob
#> 11151                               Farly
#> 11152                           interrupt
#> 11153                               sneak
#> 11154                                NULL
#> 11155                              safety
#> 11156                               rough
#> 11157                                  be
#> 11158                                 get
#> 11159                                  ta
#> 11160                               bunch
#> 11161                              sneeze
#> 11162                              sneeze
#> 11163                               fancy
#> 11164                          understand
#> 11165                                 boo
#> 11166                              action
#> 11167                               sniff
#> 11168                             sniffle
#> 11169                              fellow
#> 11170                                 dog
#> 11171                       Pete's_Dragon
#> 11172                               bunko
#> 11173                              yellow
#> 11174                              Snoopy
#> 11175                                back
#> 11176                               Orion
#> 11177                               fever
#> 11178                              famous
#> 11179                                 and
#> 11180                                 few
#> 11181                                NULL
#> 11182                                four
#> 11183                                wing
#> 11184                                 dog
#> 11185                          Snowwalker
#> 11186                               slide
#> 11187                               Snuka
#> 11188                                kite
#> 11189                                NULL
#> 11190                              slight
#> 11191                              across
#> 11192                                 yet
#> 11193                                boon
#> 11194                               boong
#> 11195                               fifty
#> 11196                                Fall
#> 11197                               bunny
#> 11198                                boot
#> 11199                                cook
#> 11200                               fight
#> 11201                                Kitt
#> 11202                             Pigland
#> 11203                               boota
#> 11204                               Bunny
#> 11205                             Seattle
#> 11206                            softball
#> 11207                                  It
#> 11208                               press
#> 11209                            squirrel
#> 11210                        abra_cadabra
#> 11211                               solid
#> 11212                                open
#> 11213                                solo
#> 11214                                NULL
#> 11215                               above
#> 11216                                herb
#> 11217                                able
#> 11218                              borrow
#> 11219                               yours
#> 11220                                fill
#> 11221                            universe
#> 11222                             ability
#> 11223                            Universe
#> 11224                                hold
#> 11225                                yike
#> 11226                             someone
#> 11227                                 yes
#> 11228                                boss
#> 11229                           someplace
#> 11230                                open
#> 11231                              sponge
#> 11232                              invite
#> 11233                                Rick
#> 11234                         Invisopower
#> 11235                      interpretation
#> 11236                                will
#> 11237                              Winnie
#> 11238                               Oscar
#> 11239                                will
#> 11240                               Ricky
#> 11241                                 yip
#> 11242                              szabad
#> 11243                                wife
#> 11244                                 why
#> 11245                               stack
#> 11246                            meshanic
#> 11247                              invent
#> 11248                               greet
#> 11249                              domino
#> 11250                                sort
#> 11251                              kitten
#> 11252                                  do
#> 11253                          meshanical
#> 11254                           synthesis
#> 11255                                fall
#> 11256                              magnet
#> 11257                               slope
#> 11258                               sound
#> 11259                               sound
#> 11260                              Dwarfs
#> 11261                                wipe
#> 11262                           interrupt
#> 11263                               quiet
#> 11264                            interest
#> 11265                 Great_Space_Coaster
#> 11266                                drop
#> 11267                           intention
#> 11268                              spider
#> 11269                         Space_Ghost
#> 11270                              bounce
#> 11271                                  we
#> 11272                            Madaline
#> 11273                                burn
#> 11274                                fish
#> 11275                                 way
#> 11276                               spank
#> 11277                               paper
#> 11278                               spell
#> 11279                                want
#> 11280                                mess
#> 11281                           thank_you
#> 11282                              spanka
#> 11283                                fist
#> 11284                                  be
#> 11285                               speed
#> 11286                              Kitten
#> 11287                                NULL
#> 11288                                 fit
#> 11289                                 fit
#> 11290                     Speak_and_Spell
#> 11291                                live
#> 11292                               spear
#> 11293                               Dizzy
#> 11294                                bowl
#> 11295                                bowl
#> 11296                              grease
#> 11297                               Burns
#> 11298                             seasick
#> 11299                                  of
#> 11300                           Mark_Mark
#> 11301                              Falcor
#> 11302                                 ink
#> 11303                                feed
#> 11304                              switch
#> 11305                              search
#> 11306                                inga
#> 11307                              damage
#> 11308                                mess
#> 11309                                drop
#> 11310                                burp
#> 11311                           boyfriend
#> 11312                     Speedy_Gonzales
#> 11313                              Damian
#> 11314                            Indianna
#> 11315                                slow
#> 11316                                come
#> 11317                                burp
#> 11318                              indian
#> 11319                                inch
#> 11320                          in_between
#> 11321                                  In
#> 11322                               Marks
#> 11323                               swing
#> 11324                            imprison
#> 11325                            upstairs
#> 11326                          impossible
#> 11327                                 mow
#> 11328                                NULL
#> 11329                   I_love_you_so_bad
#> 11330                               sound
#> 11331                                Bran
#> 11332                              branch
#> 11333                              branch
#> 11334                               round
#> 11335                                NULL
#> 11336                               sound
#> 11337                             specify
#> 11338                                idde
#> 11339                                spin
#> 11340                             spinach
#> 11341                              icicle
#> 11342                              spirit
#> 11343                                Icey
#> 11344                               youch
#> 11345                                 pig
#> 11346                              grease
#> 11347                             bratito
#> 11348                            sometime
#> 11349                              Butter
#> 11350                               brave
#> 11351                            somebody
#> 11352                              falcon
#> 11353                               butty
#> 11354                               splat
#> 11355                               Soltz
#> 11356                                Dana
#> 11357                                 fly
#> 11358                               hurry
#> 11359                                 fly
#> 11360                                uppy
#> 11361                               break
#> 11362                               break
#> 11363                                soft
#> 11364                          understand
#> 11365                                 hup
#> 11366                               break
#> 11367                               spoil
#> 11368                             Sadness
#> 11369                              Dustin
#> 11370                               kneel
#> 11371                               spoon
#> 11372                               sport
#> 11373                               break
#> 11374                                hole
#> 11375                               spout
#> 11376                                hunt
#> 11377                            disguise
#> 11378                          discussion
#> 11379                             breakie
#> 11380                              spring
#> 11381                              spring
#> 11382                                hunt
#> 11383                              screen
#> 11384                               urves
#> 11385                               round
#> 11386                              Sprite
#> 11387                              sprout
#> 11388                                  do
#> 11389                                 spy
#> 11390                              square
#> 11391                                NULL
#> 11392                         Madman_Mark
#> 11393                               youth
#> 11394                              squash
#> 11395                              follow
#> 11396                             mammoth
#> 11397                              squeak
#> 11398                               party
#> 11399                             squeeze
#> 11400                                hunk
#> 11401                             squeeze
#> 11402                             discuss
#> 11403                                snow
#> 11404                               uhhuh
#> 11405                                fake
#> 11406                              squirt
#> 11407                             slowish
#> 11408                              squish
#> 11409                              squish
#> 11410                                fake
#> 11411                               faith
#> 11412                               smack
#> 11413                                gray
#> 11414                             squoosh
#> 11415                             Bridges
#> 11416                            squushed
#> 11417                                them
#> 11418                            forehead
#> 11419                                Ride
#> 11420                                 the
#> 11421                                yell
#> 11422                             sweater
#> 11423                               stack
#> 11424                           thank_you
#> 11425                               Disco
#> 11426                             forgive
#> 11427                                fork
#> 11428                               Stacy
#> 11429                          ridiculous
#> 11430                                fair
#> 11431                               stain
#> 11432                          instrument
#> 11433                      Snake_Mountain
#> 11434                           Policeman
#> 11435                              scream
#> 11436                               Smurf
#> 11437                                 try
#> 11438                               Swamp
#> 11439                                 see
#> 11440                               stamp
#> 11441                                  do
#> 11442                                 see
#> 11443                                 Hon
#> 11444                               touch
#> 11445                               today
#> 11446                               hUggi
#> 11447                               stand
#> 11448                                onto
#> 11449                             brother
#> 11450                                NULL
#> 11451                                cake
#> 11452                                mine
#> 11453                               smile
#> 11454                                 hug
#> 11455                                time
#> 11456                                star
#> 11457                               metal
#> 11458                              danger
#> 11459                                 yum
#> 11460                              mammal
#> 11461                               outer
#> 11462                            vacation
#> 11463                                GATE
#> 11464                            Starrier
#> 11465                              matter
#> 11466                                huff
#> 11467                               Vadar
#> 11468                        Danger_Mouse
#> 11469                               Mamma
#> 11470                                cake
#> 11471                                 How
#> 11472                               start
#> 11473                                hike
#> 11474                                 yup
#> 11475                                huch
#> 11476                                free
#> 11477                          Hubbabubba
#> 11478                                 sad
#> 11479                               smell
#> 11480                              starve
#> 11481                                lift
#> 11482                           graveyard
#> 11483                             doo_doo
#> 11484                              Witsky
#> 11485                               brush
#> 11486                               right
#> 11487                             swallow
#> 11488                                 how
#> 11489                          calculator
#> 11490                                look
#> 11491                               brush
#> 11492                               there
#> 11493                              gravel
#> 11494                               Marky
#> 11495                                stay
#> 11496                                face
#> 11497                               small
#> 11498                                calf
#> 11499                                Hoth
#> 11500                                look
#> 11501                                 hot
#> 11502                                calm
#> 11503                                 now
#> 11504                                Dion
#> 11505                                  mm
#> 11506                            parakeet
#> 11507                                dark
#> 11508                               steam
#> 11509                               front
#> 11510                               slide
#> 11511                              valley
#> 11512                               steep
#> 11513                                NULL
#> 11514                               Susan
#> 11515                            comedian
#> 11516                              Horner
#> 11517                                NULL
#> 11518                                 SRA
#> 11519                                hope
#> 11520                                  be
#> 11521                           penetrate
#> 11522                                Pole
#> 11523                              bucket
#> 11524                            gasoline
#> 11525                              buckle
#> 11526                              righto
#> 11527                                 fix
#> 11528                                hook
#> 11529                             look_it
#> 11530                                look
#> 11531                  Honey_Nut_Cheerios
#> 11532                                 eye
#> 11533                            grateful
#> 11534                                 eye
#> 11535                             sticked
#> 11536                              moment
#> 11537                               Honey
#> 11538                               stuff
#> 11539                                 how
#> 11540                               story
#> 11541                                plug
#> 11542                               stilt
#> 11543                                what
#> 11544                                plug
#> 11545                               sting
#> 11546                               furry
#> 11547                            surprise
#> 11548                               stink
#> 11549                               dinky
#> 11550                             various
#> 11551                               Honda
#> 11552                                 bug
#> 11553                                 zip
#> 11554                                stir
#> 11555                              stitch
#> 11556                                 bug
#> 11557                             surface
#> 11558                               round
#> 11559                                surf
#> 11560                               stock
#> 11561                          Bugs_Bunny
#> 11562                              granpa
#> 11563                             stomach
#> 11564                                yell
#> 11565                                 can
#> 11566                                  it
#> 11567                               Holly
#> 11568                              holler
#> 11569                               flake
#> 11570                                   I
#> 11571                                stop
#> 11572                                stop
#> 11573                               flake
#> 11574                                hole
#> 11575                               space
#> 11576                                stop
#> 11577                                hold
#> 11578                             explode
#> 11579                              squish
#> 11580                               store
#> 11581                        Knight_Rider
#> 11582                                flap
#> 11583                               smile
#> 11584                                bull
#> 11585                             routine
#> 11586                                sure
#> 11587                                 dat
#> 11588                                lose
#> 11589                               Story
#> 11590                                knob
#> 11591                               bully
#> 11592                                sink
#> 11593                            straight
#> 11594                          particular
#> 11595                                 hog
#> 11596                                vent
#> 11597                              wobble
#> 11598                              hockey
#> 11599                                 pay
#> 11600                                flap
#> 11601                               knock
#> 11602                                 hit
#> 11603                                 bum
#> 11604                                 cap
#> 11605                          strawberry
#> 11606                          Strawberry
#> 11607                              stream
#> 11608                              verbal
#> 11609                                 hit
#> 11610                                dump
#> 11611                               wrong
#> 11612                              bumble
#> 11613                             stretch
#> 11614                               Scout
#> 11615                              strike
#> 11616                           Bumblebee
#> 11617                               Sport
#> 11618                              member
#> 11619                        Grandparents
#> 11620                             history
#> 11621                              silver
#> 11622                        hippopotamus
#> 11623                               strip
#> 11624                               silly
#> 11625                                 rip
#> 11626                             explain
#> 11627                                 Day
#> 11628                              Mathew
#> 11629                                hint
#> 11630                               scout
#> 11631                               flash
#> 11632                           strongman
#> 11633                                 bun
#> 11634                         Grandfather
#> 11635                               Capon
#> 11636                                bunk
#> 11637                                Days
#> 11638                                mami
#> 11639                                pass
#> 11640                               bunny
#> 11641                               bunny
#> 11642                                  de
#> 11643                                flat
#> 11644                                hike
#> 11645                                 she
#> 11646                               Bunny
#> 11647                                stun
#> 11648                               stunt
#> 11649                               stunt
#> 11650                               ghost
#> 11651                               giant
#> 11652                             support
#> 11653                              Zoltán
#> 11654                             burglar
#> 11655                                high
#> 11656                                 see
#> 11657                         in_order_to
#> 11658                             quality
#> 11659                                give
#> 11660                        carbohydrate
#> 11661                                 die
#> 11662                                give
#> 11663                           supervise
#> 11664                                Zoar
#> 11665                                  de
#> 11666                                burp
#> 11667                               smoke
#> 11668                                 sue
#> 11669                                burp
#> 11670                                hide
#> 11671                              suffix
#> 11672                                 zum
#> 11673                                 say
#> 11674                               sugar
#> 11675                                bury
#> 11676                              carbon
#> 11677                                 how
#> 11678                            suitcase
#> 11679                                card
#> 11680                               Sumac
#> 11681                               Mouse
#> 11682                                vidd
#> 11683                                hide
#> 11684                               rough
#> 11685                               busha
#> 11686                          Supertears
#> 11687                                buss
#> 11688                                glad
#> 11689                               short
#> 11690                                 all
#> 11691                              sunday
#> 11692                                 zzz
#> 11693                              deadly
#> 11694                                rest
#> 11695                             creepos
#> 11696                               scope
#> 11697                                  Hi
#> 11698                                busy
#> 11699                               grade
#> 11700                               knock
#> 11701                               smoke
#> 11702                                care
#> 11703                              yeehah
#> 11704                           Super_man
#> 11705                                poke
#> 11706                                 old
#> 11707                                butt
#> 11708                             Hershey
#> 11709                              butter
#> 11710                                 run
#> 11711                            Superxxx
#> 11712                               wokka
#> 11713                                real
#> 11714                                  go
#> 11715                            purchase
#> 11716                                mira
#> 11717                                NULL
#> 11718                                sure
#> 11719                               proof
#> 11720                                NULL
#> 11721                                door
#> 11722                              hermit
#> 11723                            surprise
#> 11724                                exit
#> 11725                                NULL
#> 11726                            surround
#> 11727                                 old
#> 11728                                 rip
#> 11729                               Susie
#> 11730                                 buy
#> 11731                                 buy
#> 11732                               Diane
#> 11733                              credit
#> 11734                             Peanuts
#> 11735                             sunrise
#> 11736                          Care_bears
#> 11737                                 old
#> 11738                            Virginia
#> 11739                                risk
#> 11740                            exercise
#> 11741                              Louise
#> 11742                               sharp
#> 11743                                good
#> 11744                                NULL
#> 11745                                love
#> 11746                              ma_may
#> 11747                               comic
#> 11748                                 oil
#> 11749                                Mama
#> 11750                               Shana
#> 11751                               sweet
#> 11752                               knock
#> 11753                            creature
#> 11754                                NULL
#> 11755                            creation
#> 11756                               scold
#> 11757                                NULL
#> 11758                             vitamin
#> 11759                                NULL
#> 11760                                NULL
#> 11761                                play
#> 11762                                NULL
#> 11763                                   x
#> 11764                              decide
#> 11765                                NULL
#> 11766                            carriage
#> 11767                                help
#> 11768                               swing
#> 11769                             dɛkolɛt
#> 11770                               swing
#> 11771                                 sew
#> 11772                               swing
#> 11773                             command
#> 11774                                help
#> 11775                                cake
#> 11776                              helium
#> 11777                              switch
#> 11778                             Penfold
#> 11779                             command
#> 11780                             comment
#> 11781                               woman
#> 11782                               seven
#> 11783                              carrot
#> 11784                                mush
#> 11785                               devil
#> 11786                                mama
#> 11787                         devastrator
#> 11788                                hees
#> 11789                                roar
#> 11790                              heaven
#> 11791                            mushroom
#> 11792                              szépen
#> 11793                          Flier_Bird
#> 11794                         marshmallow
#> 11795                            parental
#> 11796                              cameok
#> 11797                              camera
#> 11798                              person
#> 11799                               snail
#> 11800                            mushroom
#> 11801                                knot
#> 11802                               Sultz
#> 11803                               snail
#> 11804                                vote
#> 11805                                 tag
#> 11806                                Pans
#> 11807                             pancake
#> 11808                                vote
#> 11809                                 dee
#> 11810                            Squirrel
#> 11811                                 own
#> 11812                                hear
#> 11813                              out_of
#> 11814                               gravy
#> 11815                                open
#> 11816                               taked
#> 11817                                 put
#> 11818                                 can
#> 11819                             musical
#> 11820                             heading
#> 11821                            musician
#> 11822                              knowed
#> 11823                                  on
#> 11824                                sell
#> 11825                             segment
#> 11826                               green
#> 11827                                  we
#> 11828                           lifeguard
#> 11829                             Gremlin
#> 11830                               plain
#> 11831                               sugar
#> 11832                                tame
#> 11833                                roar
#> 11834                               canny
#> 11835                                tang
#> 11836                                  He
#> 11837                                seem
#> 11838                                grin
#> 11839                                NULL
#> 11840                              grouch
#> 11841                               spell
#> 11842                                 see
#> 11843                                NULL
#> 11844                                tape
#> 11845                                flip
#> 11846                               Casey
#> 11847                             Murdoch
#> 11848                              Hazard
#> 11849                              office
#> 11850                              freeze
#> 11851                                 hay
#> 11852                           of_course
#> 11853                               plain
#> 11854                                flip
#> 11855                               taste
#> 11856                                  no
#> 11857                                NULL
#> 11858                                cash
#> 11859                             captain
#> 11860                            mustache
#> 11861                              Cassie
#> 11862                          tattletale
#> 11863                            mountain
#> 11864                                 muy
#> 11865                           Tauntauns
#> 11866                              Captin
#> 11867                              proper
#> 11868                                grow
#> 11869                                Mall
#> 11870                              suffix
#> 11871                                  te
#> 11872                                snap
#> 11873                                  te
#> 11874                                 zip
#> 11875                                need
#> 11876                                have
#> 11877                            Gargamel
#> 11878                                  my
#> 11879                    Castle_Greyskull
#> 11880                                have
#> 11881                                waIi
#> 11882                              Pieman
#> 11883                             Screech
#> 11884                              scrape
#> 11885                                dumb
#> 11886                               movie
#> 11887                                team
#> 11888                                 rob
#> 11889                                NULL
#> 11890                                 hoo
#> 11891                                tear
#> 11892                               float
#> 11893                                desk
#> 11894                                suck
#> 11895                                 hat
#> 11896                               tease
#> 11897                               tease
#> 11898                          everywhere
#> 11899                              design
#> 11900                                 tee
#> 11901                             o'clock
#> 11902                                suck
#> 11903                             obvious
#> 11904                                NULL
#> 11905                               harom
#> 11906                               teeny
#> 11907                               robin
#> 11908                          guillotine
#> 11909                                harm
#> 11910                          Care_Bears
#> 11911                               lunch
#> 11912                              nagyon
#> 11913                                harm
#> 11914                                wake
#> 11915                            describe
#> 11916                                tell
#> 11917                        hardeeharhar
#> 11918                                mkay
#> 11919                               munch
#> 11920                                wake
#> 11921                              infect
#> 11922                              gadget
#> 11923                               scare
#> 11924                                love
#> 11925                                NULL
#> 11926                               Cathy
#> 11927                                NULL
#> 11928                            everyday
#> 11929                                   m
#> 11930                               munch
#> 11931                                walk
#> 11932                              tennis
#> 11933                                Good
#> 11934                              happen
#> 11935                                 say
#> 11936                                Tent
#> 11937                             Indiana
#> 11938                           everybody
#> 11939                             further
#> 11940                       Terrible_Toad
#> 11941                                Dern
#> 11942                             Doritos
#> 11943                                cart
#> 11944                                name
#> 11945                                 him
#> 11946                               Mummy
#> 11947                                suck
#> 11948                               Derek
#> 11949                                hang
#> 11950                               Texas
#> 11951                              sneeze
#> 11952                                hang
#> 11953                              wallet
#> 11954                               Wompa
#> 11955                               cause
#> 11956                                Gonk
#> 11957                              handle
#> 11958                                 wan
#> 11959                                 mic
#> 11960                             compact
#> 11961                              handle
#> 11962                                loud
#> 11963                              Patina
#> 11964                           companion
#> 11965                                 den
#> 11966                               happy
#> 11967                              poison
#> 11968                                that
#> 11969                            macaroni
#> 11970                                 cat
#> 11971                                want
#> 11972                         subtraction
#> 11973                         subtraction
#> 11974                                like
#> 11975                                hand
#> 11976                             theater
#> 11977                             obvious
#> 11978                                 lid
#> 11979                                 let
#> 11980                           MacDonald
#> 11981                                cool
#> 11982                                hand
#> 11983                           Saturaday
#> 11984                         subjunctive
#> 11985                             Hanalee
#> 11986                               catch
#> 11987                                NULL
#> 11988                              cavity
#> 11989                               Derek
#> 11990                                 Han
#> 11991                                keep
#> 11992                          comparison
#> 11993                                NULL
#> 11994                               There
#> 11995                           hamburger
#> 11996                               obble
#> 11997                         thermometer
#> 11998                            sandwich
#> 11999                             thermos
#> 12000                                sand
#> 12001                                just
#> 12002                                flow
#> 12003                                salt
#> 12004                               spell
#> 12005                                  in
#> 12006                                gong
#> 12007                              Corrin
#> 12008                                sale
#> 12009                               crawl
#> 12010                                mike
#> 12011                               thing
#> 12012                                hair
#> 12013                                 war
#> 12014                                NULL
#> 12015                               thing
#> 12016                             control
#> 12017                              sailor
#> 12018                                sack
#> 12019                                   s
#> 12020                                 war
#> 12021                          MacWhinney
#> 12022                                NULL
#> 12023                             thingys
#> 12024                              Europe
#> 12025                                 huh
#> 12026                               think
#> 12027                            how_come
#> 12028                               flush
#> 12029                                 mug
#> 12030                                 hot
#> 12031                              Mother
#> 12032                                  ha
#> 12033                                 rug
#> 12034                              rubber
#> 12035                             ceiling
#> 12036                                 hit
#> 12037                                 him
#> 12038                                 hey
#> 12039                                here
#> 12040                             thoings
#> 12041                              Gymner
#> 12042                                 run
#> 12043                                here
#> 12044                         Schau_genau
#> 12045                            complain
#> 12046                               robot
#> 12047                                 row
#> 12048                              degree
#> 12049                                NULL
#> 12050                               Rover
#> 12051                          definition
#> 12052                                 nut
#> 12053                              cement
#> 12054                                yeah
#> 12055                              Cement
#> 12056                               dream
#> 12057                                warm
#> 12058                                Gwen
#> 12059                                NULL
#> 12060                               muddy
#> 12061                                neat
#> 12062                               medal
#> 12063                              throat
#> 12064                                NULL
#> 12065                                 guy
#> 12066                             another
#> 12067                             destroy
#> 12068                               scarf
#> 12069                             cha_cha
#> 12070                                hand
#> 12071                                hair
#> 12072                                head
#> 12073                                 fly
#> 12074                                neat
#> 12075                         malapropism
#> 12076                              center
#> 12077                              wonder
#> 12078                                 mud
#> 12079                                spit
#> 12080                                gulp
#> 12081                                gulp
#> 12082                              Gullum
#> 12083                              Roshie
#> 12084                                push
#> 12085                             Thundar
#> 12086                                  hi
#> 12087                                Snow
#> 12088                        Snow_speeder
#> 12089                            rosemary
#> 12090                            thursday
#> 12091                               guide
#> 12092                            Thursday
#> 12093                            complain
#> 12094                                mint
#> 12095                                 gum
#> 12096                               guest
#> 12097                                 hot
#> 12098                              change
#> 12099                              tickle
#> 12100                              tickle
#> 12101                             chanker
#> 12102                              tickle
#> 12103                                need
#> 12104                              X_wing
#> 12105                           character
#> 12106                                NULL
#> 12107                                  pa
#> 12108                                NULL
#> 12109                               guard
#> 12110                              charge
#> 12111                                 duh
#> 12112                             gravity
#> 12113                                roll
#> 12114                             Charley
#> 12115                             Tiffany
#> 12116                                wash
#> 12117                               magic
#> 12118                                Love
#> 12119                               tight
#> 12120                                  pu
#> 12121                               grump
#> 12122                               robot
#> 12123                           Robinhood
#> 12124                                hers
#> 12125                           impatient
#> 12126                               miney
#> 12127                              needle
#> 12128                                road
#> 12129                           Charlotte
#> 12130                                  go
#> 12131                              rocket
#> 12132                               laugh
#> 12133                           challenge
#> 12134                               Timmy
#> 12135                                 rip
#> 12136                               chase
#> 12137                                Tina
#> 12138                                fuzz
#> 12139                               Lover
#> 12140                                help
#> 12141                                give
#> 12142                               group
#> 12143                                 fly
#> 12144                               neigh
#> 12145                             develop
#> 12146                              Grouch
#> 12147                                tire
#> 12148                                NULL
#> 12149                              goblin
#> 12150                             neither
#> 12151                             neither
#> 12152                                 get
#> 12153                              He_Man
#> 12154                          decoration
#> 12155                                NULL
#> 12156                               cheat
#> 12157                               waste
#> 12158                           Wondercat
#> 12159                                move
#> 12160                                  to
#> 12161                                game
#> 12162                                toad
#> 12163                                 pac
#> 12164                               toast
#> 12165                              nephew
#> 12166                             Neptune
#> 12167                             immense
#> 12168                                from
#> 12169                               nerve
#> 12170                               laugh
#> 12171                               gross
#> 12172                               cheek
#> 12173                             imitate
#> 12174                                glue
#> 12175                              escape
#> 12176                                ride
#> 12177                               crash
#> 12178                             hiccing
#> 12179                                ride
#> 12180                              proper
#> 12181                               water
#> 12182                               grind
#> 12183                             imitate
#> 12184                              Royals
#> 12185                               dewie
#> 12186                                 ton
#> 12187                            Hospital
#> 12188                            complain
#> 12189                             ermites
#> 12190                                NULL
#> 12191                            rraaarrr
#> 12192                           Greystoke
#> 12193                                here
#> 12194                            doughnut
#> 12195                              ermats
#> 12196                              wooden
#> 12197                            complain
#> 12198                             koolaid
#> 12199                             gremlin
#> 12200                            Chewbaka
#> 12201                             Hershey
#> 12202                                NULL
#> 12203                               scare
#> 12204                 Great_Space_Coaster
#> 12205                                 lay
#> 12206                                soak
#> 12207                            complain
#> 12208                                Erin
#> 12209                           character
#> 12210                             Chicago
#> 12211                                 tot
#> 12212                                dead
#> 12213                           Grayskull
#> 12214                              strike
#> 12215                               chief
#> 12216                                scar
#> 12217                               point
#> 12218                               hinge
#> 12219                                NULL
#> 12220                      representation
#> 12221                              charge
#> 12222                             garbage
#> 12223                              toughy
#> 12224                            strength
#> 12225                                NULL
#> 12226                                soap
#> 12227                          Strawberry
#> 12228                          strawberry
#> 12229                               tower
#> 12230                               equal
#> 12231                             balloon
#> 12232                                NULL
#> 12233                                  do
#> 12234                               straw
#> 12235                                NULL
#> 12236                                  do
#> 12237                              nibble
#> 12238                               track
#> 12239                                NULL
#> 12240                              nibble
#> 12241                              nibble
#> 12242                                  DC
#> 12243                        refrigerator
#> 12244                                goon
#> 12245                             traffic
#> 12246                                 Red
#> 12247                                noun
#> 12248                               train
#> 12249                                NULL
#> 12250                             million
#> 12251                             goo_goo
#> 12252                               china
#> 12253                                 mom
#> 12254                             Chinese
#> 12255                                 rrr
#> 12256                                goof
#> 12257                          motorcycle
#> 12258                          Lovey_bear
#> 12259                            goodness
#> 12260                              gooder
#> 12261                                nice
#> 12262                                NULL
#> 12263                                 gap
#> 12264                              follow
#> 12265                             package
#> 12266                               chirp
#> 12267                             realize
#> 12268                                trap
#> 12269                                trap
#> 12270                                good
#> 12271                               image
#> 12272                            Trap_jaw
#> 12273                                 yum
#> 12274                                glop
#> 12275                                sock
#> 12276                              travel
#> 12277                              friday
#> 12278                              follow
#> 12279                              travel
#> 12280                               drive
#> 12281                              notice
#> 12282                           gong_gong
#> 12283                               choke
#> 12284                              weapon
#> 12285                            complete
#> 12286                               ready
#> 12287                        Treestompers
#> 12288                               Honey
#> 12289                               Gomez
#> 12290                               ready
#> 12291                           privilege
#> 12292                                 low
#> 12293                              Purple
#> 12294                                chop
#> 12295                                NULL
#> 12296                              goggle
#> 12297                                Yaya
#> 12298                               Story
#> 12299                               trick
#> 12300                                chop
#> 12301                              diddle
#> 12302                            tricycle
#> 12303                                 low
#> 12304                            trillion
#> 12305                                chop
#> 12306                               horse
#> 12307                                trip
#> 12308                                NULL
#> 12309                            complete
#> 12310                                 God
#> 12311                               night
#> 12312                             Rudolph
#> 12313                            enormous
#> 12314                           Christine
#> 12315                              purple
#> 12316                           christmas
#> 12317                              Dasher
#> 12318                                 god
#> 12319                             Romania
#> 12320                                 cut
#> 12321                             England
#> 12322                               Chuck
#> 12323                              Chucky
#> 12324                              weared
#> 12325                            duckling
#> 12326                                hour
#> 12327                               gloop
#> 12328                               cheap
#> 12329                           Churchill
#> 12330                              mother
#> 12331                                NULL
#> 12332                               trust
#> 12333                               globe
#> 12334                               trust
#> 12335                             come_on
#> 12336                                NULL
#> 12337                                come
#> 12338                                come
#> 12339                                 you
#> 12340                               model
#> 12341                                 how
#> 12342                              glitch
#> 12343                               gobot
#> 12344                                 die
#> 12345                                tube
#> 12346                               cinch
#> 12347                              energy
#> 12348                               gobot
#> 12349                             stornth
#> 12350                                tuda
#> 12351                             tuesday
#> 12352                                idde
#> 12353                              rabbit
#> 12354                             Darrick
#> 12355                                mkay
#> 12356                                 fit
#> 12357                                  go
#> 12358                               fungo
#> 12359                                NULL
#> 12360                                  be
#> 12361                              tumble
#> 12362                               quiet
#> 12363                                have
#> 12364                                Down
#> 12365                              Ronald
#> 12366                                glow
#> 12367                               human
#> 12368                                 Hey
#> 12369                                NULL
#> 12370                                turn
#> 12371                              mother
#> 12372                               penny
#> 12373                                 law
#> 12374                               Claus
#> 12375                                NULL
#> 12376                           turquoise
#> 12377                           turquoise
#> 12378                              manner
#> 12379                                NULL
#> 12380                               North
#> 12381                               Gizmo
#> 12382                               store
#> 12383                                bend
#> 12384                                NULL
#> 12385                               Danny
#> 12386                                NULL
#> 12387                                 end
#> 12388                               piece
#> 12389                               clean
#> 12390                                 ice
#> 12391                               store
#> 12392                           convinced
#> 12393                                NULL
#> 12394                                dies
#> 12395                                stop
#> 12396                                pail
#> 12397                                 Chi
#> 12398                             Chicago
#> 12399                              ginger
#> 12400                                many
#> 12401                               puppy
#> 12402                                  no
#> 12403                                type
#> 12404                                  no
#> 12405                              cradle
#> 12406                                NULL
#> 12407                               clear
#> 12408                               pupil
#> 12409                                NULL
#> 12410                                Kung
#> 12411                                   I
#> 12412                               child
#> 12413                                NULL
#> 12414                                hush
#> 12415                                   I
#> 12416                                ghye
#> 12417                               probe
#> 12418                                pull
#> 12419                          complicate
#> 12420                               solve
#> 12421                            Empirial
#> 12422                              nobody
#> 12423                                 dig
#> 12424                                stop
#> 12425                              Gladly
#> 12426                               uncle
#> 12427                            compress
#> 12428                                gang
#> 12429                                stop
#> 12430                               Ghost
#> 12431                                 dig
#> 12432                                 mix
#> 12433                                 Ian
#> 12434                               cloof
#> 12435                                NULL
#> 12436                          underneath
#> 12437                                  aw
#> 12438                            crackado
#> 12439                               close
#> 12440                                noon
#> 12441                                mark
#> 12442                               Downy
#> 12443                   hey_diddle_diddle
#> 12444                          Minestorms
#> 12445                                chin
#> 12446                               puppy
#> 12447                                noon
#> 12448                                NULL
#> 12449                               stool
#> 12450                                none
#> 12451                                  hi
#> 12452                           A_Plusser
#> 12453                                damn
#> 12454                   Moorewood_Gardens
#> 12455                                 any
#> 12456                                NULL
#> 12457                                duck
#> 12458                             Gervils
#> 12459                         up_and_away
#> 12460                                game
#> 12461                            a_lot_of
#> 12462                                 dah
#> 12463                               Gerry
#> 12464                               uppie
#> 12465                                NULL
#> 12466                                uppy
#> 12467                               paint
#> 12468                              almost
#> 12469                           Chipmunks
#> 12470                                NULL
#> 12471                              noggin
#> 12472                                 urf
#> 12473                         Planetarium
#> 12474                              clover
#> 12475                                NULL
#> 12476                             promise
#> 12477                                Luva
#> 12478                                 USA
#> 12479                               alert
#> 12480                                 use
#> 12481                              gather
#> 12482                                 use
#> 12483                                Mark
#> 12484                                Gate
#> 12485                             imagine
#> 12486                               whale
#> 12487                              clutch
#> 12488                               crack
#> 12489                             someone
#> 12490                                girl
#> 12491                                Dino
#> 12492                            gasoline
#> 12493                               dress
#> 12494                                NULL
#> 12495                               daddy
#> 12496                               paint
#> 12497                              lesson
#> 12498                              ginger
#> 12499                               cocoa
#> 12500                             G_I_Joe
#> 12501                                what
#> 12502                               Vader
#> 12503                               garfy
#> 12504                                mood
#> 12505                               paint
#> 12506                           valentine
#> 12507                                NULL
#> 12508                             vampire
#> 12509                                pupa
#> 12510                                room
#> 12511                                 van
#> 12512                                hint
#> 12513                                coin
#> 12514                              Varder
#> 12515                             Chocula
#> 12516                           vegetable
#> 12517                                meet
#> 12518                                NULL
#> 12519                               still
#> 12520                               choke
#> 12521                                vest
#> 12522                           somewhere
#> 12523                                hand
#> 12524                            practice
#> 12525                                 dip
#> 12526                                cold
#> 12527                            practice
#> 12528                              saucer
#> 12529                              square
#> 12530                               stiff
#> 12531                                Penn
#> 12532                               Gábor
#> 12533                          Sticky_Dog
#> 12534                           direction
#> 12535                               giant
#> 12536                            Virginia
#> 12537                What_Do_You_Say_Dear
#> 12538                          invincible
#> 12539                             college
#> 12540                              choose
#> 12541                               visit
#> 12542                           direction
#> 12543                             visitor
#> 12544                             involve
#> 12545                                with
#> 12546                          photograph
#> 12547                                Rory
#> 12548                           embarrass
#> 12549                                fuzz
#> 12550                               spike
#> 12551                               cover
#> 12552                               issue
#> 12553                            frighten
#> 12554                               color
#> 12555                              future
#> 12556                                vote
#> 12557                                vote
#> 12558                                vote
#> 12559                             concert
#> 12560                                chop
#> 12561                                lego
#> 12562                             funnest
#> 12563                            Megatron
#> 12564                               color
#> 12565                                 Dad
#> 12566                         Color_forms
#> 12567                               Brian
#> 12568                                will
#> 12569                                   W
#> 12570                                  wa
#> 12571                             Monster
#> 12572                              wabbit
#> 12573                              possum
#> 12574                                comb
#> 12575                            possible
#> 12576                                come
#> 12577                               wagon
#> 12578                                what
#> 12579                                 fun
#> 12580                            condense
#> 12581                                 Dad
#> 12582                               waist
#> 12583                                 dad
#> 12584                                meet
#> 12585                                NULL
#> 12586                             protect
#> 12587                                hunt
#> 12588                                chop
#> 12589                                noun
#> 12590                                duba
#> 12591                                  be
#> 12592                                wake
#> 12593                            discover
#> 12594                               marry
#> 12595                                want
#> 12596                               fudge
#> 12597                               Poppy
#> 12598                                walk
#> 12599                               frown
#> 12600                                 now
#> 12601                            frosting
#> 12602                              Russia
#> 12603                               Frost
#> 12604                                 jaw
#> 12605                                 spy
#> 12606                               sauce
#> 12607                              wallet
#> 12608                         electrocute
#> 12609                                  ma
#> 12610                                jeez
#> 12611                             Wam_man
#> 12612                               front
#> 12613                                wand
#> 12614                                NULL
#> 12615                                NULL
#> 12616                               nipes
#> 12617                               stick
#> 12618                                cake
#> 12619                                NULL
#> 12620                       Thornton_Bird
#> 12621                             Barrman
#> 12622                           nightmare
#> 12623                               Night
#> 12624                              Barney
#> 12625                             nuclear
#> 12626                               night
#> 12627                                call
#> 12628                          commercial
#> 12629                                NULL
#> 12630                             compact
#> 12631                             bargain
#> 12632                                NULL
#> 12633                              Nobody
#> 12634                             realize
#> 12635                                jump
#> 12636                                NULL
#> 12637                              nickel
#> 12638                                NULL
#> 12639                                bare
#> 12640                                   c
#> 12641                               thorn
#> 12642                              hammer
#> 12643                             thought
#> 12644                                NULL
#> 12645                             Poppins
#> 12646                                 buy
#> 12647                                NULL
#> 12648                                 NɘN
#> 12649                               North
#> 12650                                  ah
#> 12651                                sore
#> 12652                              locker
#> 12653                                 use
#> 12654                             nostril
#> 12655                             Barbara
#> 12656                            eventual
#> 12657                                NULL
#> 12658                             hiccing
#> 12659                                 can
#> 12660                                 dUb
#> 12661                                jump
#> 12662                            complain
#> 12663                                hunk
#> 12664                              notice
#> 12665                                 bar
#> 12666                                frog
#> 12667                            nowadays
#> 12668                              no_way
#> 12669                               nueve
#> 12670                            complain
#> 12671                                nude
#> 12672                               candy
#> 12673                                hair
#> 12674                              banker
#> 12675                                 war
#> 12676                                  be
#> 12677                            saturday
#> 12678                                  be
#> 12679                             evening
#> 12680                                bang
#> 12681                                NULL
#> 12682                                lace
#> 12683                               nurse
#> 12684                             nursery
#> 12685                                bang
#> 12686                                 Nut
#> 12687                                nuts
#> 12688                                blow
#> 12689                                NULL
#> 12690                                Rugu
#> 12691                                 but
#> 12692                               leave
#> 12693                                 New
#> 12694                                warm
#> 12695                             frisbee
#> 12696                               Never
#> 12697                                 buy
#> 12698                             realize
#> 12699                               stick
#> 12700                                NULL
#> 12701                                nest
#> 12702                               jimmy
#> 12703                               three
#> 12704                                bath
#> 12705                               nerve
#> 12706                             neither
#> 12707                              oblong
#> 12708    You're_not_elected_Charlie_Brown
#> 12709                                care
#> 12710                          occasional
#> 12711                             neither
#> 12712                                  do
#> 12713                                ocho
#> 12714                                  pu
#> 12715                              bandit
#> 12716                                 eat
#> 12717                            neighbor
#> 12718                                care
#> 12719                                NULL
#> 12720                               feast
#> 12721                                Care
#> 12722                                NULL
#> 12723                               leave
#> 12724                              finish
#> 12725                              polite
#> 12726                                busy
#> 12727                              threeo
#> 12728                               third
#> 12729                              thrill
#> 12730                               G_man
#> 12731                                  go
#> 12732                              carrot
#> 12733                                 too
#> 12734                               carry
#> 12735                                 Joe
#> 12736                             battery
#> 12737                                have
#> 12738                                busy
#> 12739                           Battlecat
#> 12740                            necklace
#> 12741                              locker
#> 12742                                NULL
#> 12743                               Chuck
#> 12744                              friend
#> 12745                                NULL
#> 12746                              busier
#> 12747                              police
#> 12748                                near
#> 12749                             confuse
#> 12750                                near
#> 12751                             cartoon
#> 12752                                even
#> 12753                                   I
#> 12754                                  if
#> 12755                                 Bam
#> 12756                     Cartoon_Express
#> 12757                              friend
#> 12758                              nature
#> 12759                                 out
#> 12760                              Jungle
#> 12761                              nappie
#> 12762                                just
#> 12763                                kill
#> 12764                                 one
#> 12765                              throat
#> 12766                               shift
#> 12767                                Hahn
#> 12768                                ball
#> 12769                           everytime
#> 12770                                 cat
#> 12771                                pair
#> 12772                                  oo
#> 12773                                meow
#> 12774                                 oof
#> 12775                                 oof
#> 12776                                 let
#> 12777                             Sarlacs
#> 12778                               catch
#> 12779                                burn
#> 12780                               catch
#> 12781                                look
#> 12782                               Poppi
#> 12783                              pocket
#> 12784                           Johnathan
#> 12785                                NULL
#> 12786                               nurse
#> 12787                              friday
#> 12788                                joke
#> 12789                                open
#> 12790                                bake
#> 12791                               throw
#> 12792                                bake
#> 12793                               opera
#> 12794                             operate
#> 12795                                more
#> 12796                               other
#> 12797                              monday
#> 12798                                  my
#> 12799                                Zorr
#> 12800                                  no
#> 12801                          nanananana
#> 12802                                Nana
#> 12803                                 zoo
#> 12804                           orangutan
#> 12805                           orchestra
#> 12806                               order
#> 12807                                  of
#> 12808                                  oh
#> 12809                                okay
#> 12810                               Oreos
#> 12811                                  or
#> 12812                               watch
#> 12813                               fresh
#> 12814                               Beach
#> 12815                                bear
#> 12816                               Oscar
#> 12817                              reason
#> 12818                                 dub
#> 12819                                mask
#> 12820                               other
#> 12821                               other
#> 12822                               bunch
#> 12823                               bagel
#> 12824                                lock
#> 12825                                ouch
#> 12826                                bear
#> 12827                                Josh
#> 12828                                NULL
#> 12829                              Marian
#> 12830                                real
#> 12831                          Pennysaver
#> 12832                               rebel
#> 12833                                 hit
#> 12834                              mystic
#> 12835                              change
#> 12836                                ship
#> 12837                                 bad
#> 12838                             Bactrim
#> 12839                               think
#> 12840                              outfit
#> 12841                          everywhere
#> 12842                          Disneyland
#> 12843                            continue
#> 12844                           conductor
#> 12845                                 Pie
#> 12846                            dispored
#> 12847                              mutzik
#> 12848                              Forest
#> 12849                            overalls
#> 12850                                Ross
#> 12851                                back
#> 12852                           character
#> 12853                             chariot
#> 12854                               shirt
#> 12855                              Shazam
#> 12856                           Watership
#> 12857                             musical
#> 12858                               cheat
#> 12859                         stegosaurus
#> 12860                               owies
#> 12861                          Muscle_Man
#> 12862                                 owl
#> 12863                              muscle
#> 12864                                sure
#> 12865                                free
#> 12866                            owowowow
#> 12867                                  eh
#> 12868                               build
#> 12869                                Ewok
#> 12870                              shazam
#> 12871                                tick
#> 12872                               exact
#> 12873                                 one
#> 12874                                  pa
#> 12875                             whisper
#> 12876                              circle
#> 12877                              muppet
#> 12878                               munch
#> 12879                               Mummy
#> 12880                                wawa
#> 12881                                baby
#> 12882                              yellow
#> 12883                              paddle
#> 12884                              wawawa
#> 12885                              coocoo
#> 12886                                pail
#> 12887                                yell
#> 12888                            etcetera
#> 12889                               babas
#> 12890                              plenty
#> 12891                           recognize
#> 12892                          Hungarians
#> 12893                              splash
#> 12894                               thick
#> 12895                                lock
#> 12896                                join
#> 12897                              bucket
#> 12898                              esze'l
#> 12899                                want
#> 12900                             ye_gods
#> 12901                               shawl
#> 12902                             patient
#> 12903                                 mug
#> 12904                                mark
#> 12905                                muff
#> 12906                              Muckon
#> 12907                               panda
#> 12908                               Kacey
#> 12909                                pant
#> 12910                                yawn
#> 12911                             Panther
#> 12912                              bubble
#> 12913                                  az
#> 12914                                 pap
#> 12915                               Ayres
#> 12916                          conference
#> 12917                              wizard
#> 12918                                  ax
#> 12919                                  ax
#> 12920                                 way
#> 12921                                 tie
#> 12922                           parachute
#> 12923                                  da
#> 12924                            parakeet
#> 12925                                 hit
#> 12926                              become
#> 12927                              become
#> 12928                               yahoo
#> 12929                     Porky's_Hiccups
#> 12930                              plenty
#> 12931                              Kaiser
#> 12932                               mercy
#> 12933                               brown
#> 12934                                mark
#> 12935                             partner
#> 12936                               party
#> 12937                              object
#> 12938                                 tie
#> 12939                                pass
#> 12940             The_Empire_Strikes_back
#> 12941                                pass
#> 12942                                chin
#> 12943                             Tiffany
#> 12944                             forgive
#> 12945                                that
#> 12946                                  be
#> 12947                             Tiffany
#> 12948                              foxkan
#> 12949                             brother
#> 12950                             Cyclops
#> 12951                                play
#> 12952                                wear
#> 12953                               write
#> 12954                             disturb
#> 12955                               sharp
#> 12956                              fourth
#> 12957                             patient
#> 12958                                wear
#> 12959                             patient
#> 12960                           christmas
#> 12961                           Christmas
#> 12962                                Paul
#> 12963                                 pop
#> 12964                                edge
#> 12965                                beet
#> 12966                               pinch
#> 12967                            cinnamon
#> 12968                              Sprite
#> 12969                              Paxton
#> 12970                               mouse
#> 12971                              fourth
#> 12972                                 pay
#> 12973                            exciting
#> 12974                                 pay
#> 12975                         thermometer
#> 12976                            horrible
#> 12977                             weather
#> 12978                               Santa
#> 12979                               bring
#> 12980                                  it
#> 12981                  Shoots_and_ladders
#> 12982                               peach
#> 12983                           exclusive
#> 12984                               begin
#> 12985                              peanut
#> 12986                          motorcycle
#> 12987                              effect
#> 12988                               clean
#> 12989                               pedal
#> 12990                            horrible
#> 12991                                junk
#> 12992                           motorboat
#> 12993                               motor
#> 12994                                fork
#> 12995                                 Pee
#> 12996                                peed
#> 12997                            porridge
#> 12998                                peek
#> 12999                                 dub
#> 13000                                 wee
#> 13001                                NULL
#> 13002                              Horner
#> 13003                                woof
#> 13004                               march
#> 13005                       rub_a_dub_dub
#> 13006                              mother
#> 13007                               cling
#> 13008                          Aunt_Moira
#> 13009                           Woodstock
#> 13010                               White
#> 13011                                  on
#> 13012                             penguin
#> 13013                                eesh
#> 13014                             plastic
#> 13015                           excuse_me
#> 13016                                 dry
#> 13017                               plant
#> 13018                              really
#> 13019                              planet
#> 13020                             pensive
#> 13021                               close
#> 13022                             Masters
#> 13023                              People
#> 13024                             peoples
#> 13025                                form
#> 13026                               cloth
#> 13027                                Most
#> 13028                          Pepsi_Cola
#> 13029                             Karakul
#> 13030                              morrow
#> 13031                             perhaps
#> 13032                               brick
#> 13033                                clap
#> 13034                               Katie
#> 13035                                cmon
#> 13036                           attention
#> 13037                              wonder
#> 13038                               learn
#> 13039                               Wompa
#> 13040                                keep
#> 13041                             hundred
#> 13042                               think
#> 13043                                 job
#> 13044                                time
#> 13045                                time
#> 13046                                keep
#> 13047                               Peter
#> 13048                          eeny_meeny
#> 13049                                coke
#> 13050                                 pal
#> 13051                                moon
#> 13052                               Woman
#> 13053                               Brian
#> 13054                            sprinkle
#> 13055                                 mar
#> 13056                              collie
#> 13057                                 Moo
#> 13058                            position
#> 13059                                hope
#> 13060                               color
#> 13061                               cycle
#> 13062                              pirate
#> 13063                           essential
#> 13064                               Karen
#> 13065                                pici
#> 13066                                Well
#> 13067                                pick
#> 13068                               Wendy
#> 13069                                 pop
#> 13070                               break
#> 13071                             monster
#> 13072                                 raw
#> 13073                              palace
#> 13074                                bend
#> 13075                                 May
#> 13076                               month
#> 13077                               theme
#> 13078                                   a
#> 13079                             Eskimos
#> 13080                                 tip
#> 13081                                   a
#> 13082                             picture
#> 13083                                   A
#> 13084                              attack
#> 13085                                mean
#> 13086                                 Pie
#> 13087                              edible
#> 13088                            forehead
#> 13089                               steal
#> 13090                               Peggy
#> 13091                              Clause
#> 13092                                 dry
#> 13093                         Mon_chi_chi
#> 13094                               cough
#> 13095                                 abc
#> 13096                                 abc
#> 13097                                 pig
#> 13098                                 abc
#> 13099                                 Mon
#> 13100                              window
#> 13101                              escape
#> 13102                               gesus
#> 13103                                Joan
#> 13104                                 pin
#> 13105                                aten
#> 13106                                nart
#> 13107                                gunk
#> 13108                                cute
#> 13109                            Berkeley
#> 13110                            Shape_up
#> 13111                                 pin
#> 13112                                  wh
#> 13113                              lizard
#> 13114                                Mark
#> 13115                             comment
#> 13116                              moment
#> 13117                              accent
#> 13118                               pinga
#> 13119                                pull
#> 13120                                 Mom
#> 13121                            accident
#> 13122                          accidental
#> 13123                               could
#> 13124                                reel
#> 13125                            Pinochio
#> 13126                                pípa
#> 13127                              meanie
#> 13128                               pipis
#> 13129                                 pea
#> 13130                                cute
#> 13131                                ache
#> 13132                             footing
#> 13133                               punch
#> 13134                                 boy
#> 13135                                long
#> 13136                               clean
#> 13137                                wide
#> 13138                               Shana
#> 13139                                best
#> 13140                                lady
#> 13141                                food
#> 13142                            Mitchell
#> 13143                               Mitan
#> 13144                             shampoo
#> 13145                                keep
#> 13146                               Betty
#> 13147                                 pig
#> 13148                           astronaut
#> 13149                               place
#> 13150                                  JJ
#> 13151                               place
#> 13152                                toad
#> 13153                               whole
#> 13154                                miss
#> 13155                             whoever
#> 13156                           miserable
#> 13157                                plan
#> 13158                                plan
#> 13159                               actor
#> 13160                            shoulder
#> 13161                            asteroid
#> 13162                               maggy
#> 13163                                  ad
#> 13164                              mirror
#> 13165                             concept
#> 13166                                NULL
#> 13167                              jingle
#> 13168                                 add
#> 13169                              expert
#> 13170                             explain
#> 13171                             meaning
#> 13172                               offer
#> 13173                                 rat
#> 13174                Jimmy_Superfly_Snuka
#> 13175                                kell
#> 13176                             Minerva
#> 13177                                  go
#> 13178                               adopt
#> 13179                               Bicis
#> 13180                               adore
#> 13181                            persuade
#> 13182                                mine
#> 13183                                 ask
#> 13184                               spill
#> 13185                            consider
#> 13186                               shout
#> 13187                               which
#> 13188                               where
#> 13189                                Erin
#> 13190                              Africa
#> 13191                             explode
#> 13192                            Pilgrims
#> 13193                                that
#> 13194                              plenty
#> 13195                           Pooh_Bear
#> 13196                            continue
#> 13197                                pest
#> 13198                                milk
#> 13199                                plug
#> 13200                                kill
#> 13201                                bien
#> 13202                      Long_armed_man
#> 13203                                 age
#> 13204                            converse
#> 13205                                 Big
#> 13206                                show
#> 13207                               punch
#> 13208                                show
#> 13209                            Big_Bang
#> 13210                                blur
#> 13211                                mien
#> 13212                               point
#> 13213                                 gun
#> 13214                               point
#> 13215                               point
#> 13216                                 pot
#> 13217                             picture
#> 13218                               wheel
#> 13219                            whatever
#> 13220                                lamp
#> 13221                                 eye
#> 13222                       Tomorrow_land
#> 13223                                blue
#> 13224                                miao
#> 13225                              jester
#> 13226                                 whe
#> 13227                                 cut
#> 13228                                  mi
#> 13229                                ahhh
#> 13230                          tonsilitis
#> 13231                            werewolf
#> 13232                           meteoroid
#> 13233                              polish
#> 13234                                  ai
#> 13235                              polite
#> 13236                              rascal
#> 13237                                Polo
#> 13238                                corn
#> 13239                                 eye
#> 13240                              curtsy
#> 13241                                pony
#> 13242                             correct
#> 13243                              curtsy
#> 13244                               bloom
#> 13245                                pick
#> 13246                                 aim
#> 13247                              engine
#> 13248                                 poo
#> 13249                                 poo
#> 13250                               pooch
#> 13251                                  Ed
#> 13252                               curse
#> 13253                                 six
#> 13254                                poof
#> 13255                                poof
#> 13256                                Pooh
#> 13257                             engbaba
#> 13258                               thank
#> 13259                                pool
#> 13260                             airport
#> 13261                             costume
#> 13262                                 pen
#> 13263                                fold
#> 13264                              merrrr
#> 13265                               Texas
#> 13266                                jerk
#> 13267                                 gum
#> 13268                               alarm
#> 13269                              ezeket
#> 13270                              engage
#> 13271                              office
#> 13272                                leaf
#> 13273                              weapon
#> 13274                                 ale
#> 13275                                 gum
#> 13276                               mercy
#> 13277                                 pop
#> 13278                                  we
#> 13279                             Pop_eye
#> 13280                               enemy
#> 13281                               alike
#> 13282                                NULL
#> 13283                                   f
#> 13284                               bleed
#> 13285                               where
#> 13286                               momma
#> 13287                             mention
#> 13288                            porridge
#> 13289                               count
#> 13290                             counter
#> 13291                              cousin
#> 13292                              poster
#> 13293                               drunk
#> 13294                                 gum
#> 13295                              county
#> 13296                              couple
#> 13297                             Arizona
#> 13298                                blah
#> 13299                                NULL
#> 13300                              sexual
#> 13301                                melt
#> 13302                               pound
#> 13303                            Alliance
#> 13304                            Empirial
#> 13305                                pour
#> 13306                           alligator
#> 13307                                test
#> 13308                            wherever
#> 13309                                kind
#> 13310                               watch
#> 13311                               allow
#> 13312                              Rankor
#> 13313                             whether
#> 13314                           allowance
#> 13315                                 fog
#> 13316                               pound
#> 13317                          Powerhouse
#> 13318                               Flynn
#> 13319                               cover
#> 13320                               alone
#> 13321                               alone
#> 13322                              Sándor
#> 13323                            practice
#> 13324                                bite
#> 13325                                wash
#> 13326                             emperor
#> 13327                                 fly
#> 13328                               aloud
#> 13329                               cover
#> 13330                                 cow
#> 13331                                shut
#> 13332                                shut
#> 13333                               phone
#> 13334                                 say
#> 13335                                meet
#> 13336                                NULL
#> 13337                                meet
#> 13338                                 nap
#> 13339                           President
#> 13340                              medium
#> 13341                               crack
#> 13342                              Elliot
#> 13343                               fairy
#> 13344                      kindergartener
#> 13345                            pressure
#> 13346                              arctic
#> 13347                             current
#> 13348                                 faj
#> 13349                                name
#> 13350                               pound
#> 13351                                hard
#> 13352                                whip
#> 13353                             archery
#> 13354                               archa
#> 13355                               flush
#> 13356                                 Jen
#> 13357                                whip
#> 13358                               craze
#> 13359                                crab
#> 13360                               craze
#> 13361                             kind_of
#> 13362                               amigo
#> 13363                                walk
#> 13364                                 big
#> 13365                              Eat_It
#> 13366                              waffle
#> 13367                                 Apu
#> 13368                           principal
#> 13369                           principal
#> 13370                                  be
#> 13371                              moment
#> 13372                                land
#> 13373                                meal
#> 13374                                kiss
#> 13375                             whisper
#> 13376                                 and
#> 13377                                 sew
#> 13378                           McCartney
#> 13379                         appropriate
#> 13380                                sick
#> 13381                               cross
#> 13382                                 see
#> 13383                             visitor
#> 13384                             program
#> 13385                             element
#> 13386                             program
#> 13387                                best
#> 13388                               angel
#> 13389                            appetite
#> 13390                             sickish
#> 13391                              propel
#> 13392                              tother
#> 13393                             protect
#> 13394                             protect
#> 13395                              flower
#> 13396                              listen
#> 13397                               Angus
#> 13398                                Toto
#> 13399                            vigorous
#> 13400                               proud
#> 13401                        View_Masters
#> 13402                               prove
#> 13403                               touch
#> 13404                              bitter
#> 13405                         terrestrial
#> 13406                              pschoo
#> 13407                            mattress
#> 13408                               video
#> 13409                                Mimi
#> 13410                              matter
#> 13411                              crummy
#> 13412                              pssssh
#> 13413                             pssssss
#> 13414                                NULL
#> 13415                              psyche
#> 13416                                 cry
#> 13417                               crack
#> 13418                              minute
#> 13419                             bittest
#> 13420                              Mathew
#> 13421                                puff
#> 13422                                Ross
#> 13423                                puff
#> 13424                                NULL
#> 13425                             anydays
#> 13426                             vicious
#> 13427                                side
#> 13428                               match
#> 13429                             curious
#> 13430                               pooch
#> 13431                               kitty
#> 13432                                 mat
#> 13433                          Mastercard
#> 13434                                belt
#> 13435                           gertinors
#> 13436                               belly
#> 13437                            vanquish
#> 13438                               tense
#> 13439                                 apa
#> 13440                                 pun
#> 13441                               punch
#> 13442                               clear
#> 13443                            relative
#> 13444                              Martin
#> 13445                                   v
#> 13446                               usual
#> 13447                                punk
#> 13448                               begin
#> 13449                              appear
#> 13450                                pupa
#> 13451                               pupil
#> 13452                              Markys
#> 13453                             release
#> 13454                               puppy
#> 13455                             confuse
#> 13456                          Blackwurst
#> 13457                           relevance
#> 13458                             anytime
#> 13459                             curtain
#> 13460                               punch
#> 13461                            befriend
#> 13462                               whole
#> 13463                                 use
#> 13464                              Markie
#> 13465                                 use
#> 13466                                fall
#> 13467                             seventh
#> 13468                               eenie
#> 13469                             Florida
#> 13470                           Appleseed
#> 13471                                puss
#> 13472                               pound
#> 13473                                Mark
#> 13474                                 mom
#> 13475                              answer
#> 13476                             Aquaman
#> 13477                               pound
#> 13478                               punch
#> 13479                                beer
#> 13480                                mark
#> 13481                                 old
#> 13482                               clear
#> 13483                                mark
#> 13484                                gulp
#> 13485                                NULL
#> 13486                                 Dad
#> 13487                               kneel
#> 13488                                upon
#> 13489                               whoof
#> 13490                                 mom
#> 13491                                knob
#> 13492                               queen
#> 13493                                 pet
#> 13494                              marine
#> 13495                            familiar
#> 13496                                 bee
#> 13497                               flood
#> 13498                               float
#> 13499                               until
#> 13500                               Angus
#> 13501                                 Ark
#> 13502                               float
#> 13503                               daddy
#> 13504                               march
#> 13505                            tendency
#> 13506                                quit
#> 13507                            cupboard
#> 13508                            whoowhoo
#> 13509                               knock
#> 13510                                  do
#> 13511                              silica
#> 13512                               crawl
#> 13513                           underwear
#> 13514                            Manglors
#> 13515                              Jeanie
#> 13516                                 see
#> 13517                                Andy
#> 13518                                race
#> 13519                               armor
#> 13520                             m_and_m
#> 13521                             m_and_m
#> 13522                          understand
#> 13523                               float
#> 13524                               float
#> 13525                              yippee
#> 13526                              Rachel
#> 13527                               track
#> 13528                              manage
#> 13529                               Becky
#> 13530                                NULL
#> 13531                               spill
#> 13532                                 man
#> 13533                              liquid
#> 13534                     Radio_Star_Wars
#> 13535                               clear
#> 13536                             Raggedy
#> 13537                               under
#> 13538                              arrive
#> 13539                              Ectrex
#> 13540                             Blitzen
#> 13541                                mama
#> 13542                                NULL
#> 13543                                 hum
#> 13544                              crayon
#> 13545                                dark
#> 13546                              crayon
#> 13547                               malna
#> 13548                              cuddle
#> 13549                              person
#> 13550                               ummhm
#> 13551                          Rain_Brite
#> 13552                              Wicked
#> 13553                               raise
#> 13554                                blow
#> 13555                             magiced
#> 13556                            magazine
#> 13557                                 why
#> 13558                              Raisin
#> 13559                         Raisin_bran
#> 13560                             similar
#> 13561                                 And
#> 13562                                germ
#> 13563                            Madeline
#> 13564                               trade
#> 13565                               yikes
#> 13566                                east
#> 13567                           Madeleine
#> 13568                              rancor
#> 13569                              simple
#> 13570                           blueberry
#> 13571                                NULL
#> 13572                          MacWhinney
#> 13573                              turtle
#> 13574                                rank
#> 13575                                turn
#> 13576                                fare
#> 13577                              blumen
#> 13578                               rarrh
#> 13579                          MacDonalds
#> 13580                           knowledge
#> 13581                                maam
#> 13582                                  mm
#> 13583                                  bo
#> 13584                                Jaws
#> 13585                                  or
#> 13586                                   l
#> 13587                                   M
#> 13588                         rattlesnake
#> 13589                              turkey
#> 13590                           Luxemburg
#> 13591                                 tum
#> 13592                             R_D_two
#> 13593                                cube
#> 13594                               lunch
#> 13595                              assure
#> 13596                                lump
#> 13597                               Lucky
#> 13598                                Boba
#> 13599                                luck
#> 13600                                tuck
#> 13601                               lower
#> 13602                            asteroid
#> 13603                               amuse
#> 13604                              amount
#> 13605                              wiggle
#> 13606                           astronaut
#> 13607                          Flintstone
#> 13608                               Train
#> 13609                                 try
#> 13610                         Easter_Ewok
#> 13611                               trust
#> 13612                                 she
#> 13613                         atackatrack
#> 13614                                love
#> 13615                            credible
#> 13616                           recognize
#> 13617                               At_At
#> 13618                            american
#> 13619                                 set
#> 13620                               louse
#> 13621                                fart
#> 13622                                ated
#> 13623                                NULL
#> 13624                                mash
#> 13625                       Credible_Hulk
#> 13626                          Flinstones
#> 13627                               teged
#> 13628                        Easter_Bunny
#> 13629                           Wildbeast
#> 13630                               trick
#> 13631                             redhead
#> 13632                               trick
#> 13633                            Wildcats
#> 13634                                look
#> 13635                            definite
#> 13636                                 Pan
#> 13637                              attack
#> 13638                        refrigerator
#> 13639                              attack
#> 13640                                 one
#> 13641                              attack
#> 13642                               aloud
#> 13643                        attackatrack
#> 13644                                sing
#> 13645                                lose
#> 13646                                NULL
#> 13647                                NULL
#> 13648                            remember
#> 13649                                 one
#> 13650                              drowse
#> 13651                             bologna
#> 13652                              attend
#> 13653                           attention
#> 13654                              remind
#> 13655                          Flier_Bird
#> 13656                                sing
#> 13657                                Will
#> 13658                              single
#> 13659                         Landstrider
#> 13660                                NULL
#> 13661                                Haut
#> 13662                              remove
#> 13663                               loose
#> 13664                                trap
#> 13665                          reputation
#> 13666                                have
#> 13667                             deserve
#> 13668                           automatic
#> 13669                                rest
#> 13670                                trap
#> 13671                               avail
#> 13672                              lookee
#> 13673                                bomb
#> 13674                                bome
#> 13675                                look
#> 13676                               allow
#> 13677                               track
#> 13678                                 hay
#> 13679                               devil
#> 13680                                long
#> 13681                              dragon
#> 13682                               awful
#> 13683                                pipe
#> 13684                               allow
#> 13685                           alligator
#> 13686                               Moira
#> 13687                                once
#> 13688                               trash
#> 13689                                bonk
#> 13690                                side
#> 13691                              ribbit
#> 13692                           Patterson
#> 13693                              almost
#> 13694                                 win
#> 13695                             bonkers
#> 13696                              Batman
#> 13697                                 why
#> 13698                                NULL
#> 13699                            all_gone
#> 13700                                  do
#> 13701                              travel
#> 13702                             measure
#> 13703                                lock
#> 13704                               drown
#> 13705                                 ton
#> 13706                                ride
#> 13707                                NULL
#> 13708                                 sip
#> 13709                          metaphoric
#> 13710                              travel
#> 13711                                babi
#> 13712                               basic
#> 13713                            basement
#> 13714                                flap
#> 13715                              Riding
#> 13716                                Todd
#> 13717                                 die
#> 13718                            meantime
#> 13719                               alert
#> 13720                                 yet
#> 13721                              faucet
#> 13722                             cremate
#> 13723                             cricket
#> 13724                                ring
#> 13725                                meat
#> 13726                                baby
#> 13727                                Baby
#> 13728                                pawn
#> 13729                             Paxtons
#> 13730                                 pay
#> 13731                              Avenue
#> 13732                                 pay
#> 13733                                 pay
#> 13734                                 pch
#> 13735                              avenue
#> 13736                                 Pea
#> 13737                           avalanche
#> 13738                               peach
#> 13739                                pear
#> 13740                                pear
#> 13741                           automatic
#> 13742                            Autobots
#> 13743                                 pee
#> 13744                                peek
#> 13745                                peel
#> 13746                                peel
#> 13747                                peel
#> 13748                              Austin
#> 13749                            peepeesh
#> 13750                            pee_room
#> 13751                               Peggy
#> 13752                                 pen
#> 13753                          attraction
#> 13754                             Penguin
#> 13755                              Penney
#> 13756                            attitude
#> 13757                              Pentho
#> 13758                              pentok
#> 13759                          peppermint
#> 13760                          Peppermint
#> 13761                               attic
#> 13762                             perfect
#> 13763                              period
#> 13764                              person
#> 13765                             attempt
#> 13766                        Attack_Track
#> 13767                              pocket
#> 13768                                pest
#> 13769                                 pet
#> 13770                        attack_track
#> 13771                                 pet
#> 13772                                 pop
#> 13773                                Pete
#> 13774                            Petronio
#> 13775                               pewsh
#> 13776                             Phantom
#> 13777                                phew
#> 13778                                phew
#> 13779                                 phf
#> 13780                                phlt
#> 13781                        attackatrack
#> 13782                              attack
#> 13783                               phone
#> 13784                               phony
#> 13785                               piano
#> 13786                                 pic
#> 13787                                pici
#> 13788                                pick
#> 13789                              attack
#> 13790                              pickle
#> 13791                              picnic
#> 13792                             picture
#> 13793                              attack
#> 13794                             picture
#> 13795                             picture
#> 13796                          picturedee
#> 13797                              Atrehu
#> 13798                               piece
#> 13799                              Pieces
#> 13800                               Atlas
#> 13801                                 pig
#> 13802                            Atlantic
#> 13803                              pigger
#> 13804                             Pigland
#> 13805                                aten
#> 13806                            Pilgrims
#> 13807                              pillow
#> 13808                              pretty
#> 13809                                 pin
#> 13810                               pinch
#> 13811                                pine
#> 13812                           pineapple
#> 13813                                ping
#> 13814                              A_Team
#> 13815                                pink
#> 13816                                Pink
#> 13817                           Pinkerton
#> 13818                        pinnerpinner
#> 13819                              pirate
#> 13820                              pirate
#> 13821                              Pirate
#> 13822                               pitch
#> 13823                             pitcher
#> 13824                                Pits
#> 13825                               At_at
#> 13826                                  At
#> 13827                               place
#> 13828                                read
#> 13829                  As_The_World_Turns
#> 13830                               plane
#> 13831                               ready
#> 13832                         Planetarium
#> 13833                               plang
#> 13834                            asteroid
#> 13835                              assume
#> 13836                               plant
#> 13837                               plant
#> 13838                               plant
#> 13839                              assume
#> 13840                           assistant
#> 13841                                play
#> 13842                                play
#> 13843                                play
#> 13844                                 ass
#> 13845                             aspirin
#> 13846                          aspiration
#> 13847                             Playdoh
#> 13848                           Playdough
#> 13849                            pleasant
#> 13850                            pleasant
#> 13851                               as_if
#> 13852                              please
#> 13853                              please
#> 13854                              please
#> 13855                            pleasure
#> 13856                              plenty
#> 13857                              pllwee
#> 13858                                plop
#> 13859                                plug
#> 13860                               aside
#> 13861                              plunge
#> 13862                               plunk
#> 13863                               Artoo
#> 13864                            artistic
#> 13865                              pocket
#> 13866                             podikat
#> 13867                               poink
#> 13868                              artist
#> 13869                               point
#> 13870                               point
#> 13871                          artificial
#> 13872                              poison
#> 13873                              poison
#> 13874                        articulation
#> 13875                          articulate
#> 13876                               Artex
#> 13877                                Pole
#> 13878                      police_coptors
#> 13879                               arrow
#> 13880                               Poman
#> 13881                         pomegranate
#> 13882                               Arron
#> 13883                              arrive
#> 13884                                 poo
#> 13885                                 poo
#> 13886                              poodle
#> 13887                              poodle
#> 13888                               pookh
#> 13889                             arrange
#> 13890                                pool
#> 13891                                poom
#> 13892                   pooocha_pun_pooch
#> 13893                               pooom
#> 13894                                poop
#> 13895                                poop
#> 13896                            poop_poo
#> 13897                               poost
#> 13898                                 pop
#> 13899                                 pop
#> 13900                                 red
#> 13901                              Armman
#> 13902                              armman
#> 13903                                 arm
#> 13904                            remember
#> 13905                                Pops
#> 13906                                 arm
#> 13907                                pork
#> 13908                                port
#> 13909                                 Ark
#> 13910                            possible
#> 13911                                 pot
#> 13912                                 pot
#> 13913                              potato
#> 13914                       argumentative
#> 13915                               pouch
#> 13916                                pour
#> 13917                                pour
#> 13918                               argue
#> 13919                                pout
#> 13920                              powder
#> 13921                              powder
#> 13922                               power
#> 13923                               argue
#> 13924                               power
#> 13925                                 pox
#> 13926                          ppsssshhhh
#> 13927                            practice
#> 13928                            practice
#> 13929                            practice
#> 13930                              Prague
#> 13931                              Praque
#> 13932                                pray
#> 13933                              prayer
#> 13934                            pregnant
#> 13935                             prepare
#> 13936                                 say
#> 13937                               argon
#> 13938                                argh
#> 13939                               press
#> 13940                               press
#> 13941                             pretend
#> 13942                           architect
#> 13943                                 say
#> 13944                             pretend
#> 13945                 Pretty_Cut_and_Draw
#> 13946                             arainoo
#> 13947                             pretzel
#> 13948                             prickle
#> 13949                               prima
#> 13950                            princess
#> 13951                             Aquaman
#> 13952                                apve
#> 13953                    Princess_Kenisha
#> 13954                            prisoner
#> 13955                             private
#> 13956                               prize
#> 13957                                 pro
#> 13958                         appropriate
#> 13959                               probe
#> 13960                             appoint
#> 13961                        professional
#> 13962                              profit
#> 13963                             program
#> 13964                             promise
#> 13965                              appear
#> 13966                              proper
#> 13967                             protect
#> 13968                          protection
#> 13969                          protective
#> 13970                        protexchment
#> 13971                             prouded
#> 13972                               prove
#> 13973                               prune
#> 13974                            psghetti
#> 13975                                 psh
#> 13976                               pssch
#> 13977                                psss
#> 13978                                psst
#> 13979                                 PTA
#> 13980                               ptoue
#> 13981                             puckets
#> 13982                              appear
#> 13983                                puff
#> 13984                              appear
#> 13985                              Pugnot
#> 13986                              appear
#> 13987                             apology
#> 13988                             apology
#> 13989                           apologize
#> 13990                                pump
#> 13991                                pump
#> 13992                              Apollo
#> 13993                             pumpkin
#> 13994                           A_Plusser
#> 13995                               punch
#> 13996                               punch
#> 13997                                 ape
#> 13998                               Punky
#> 13999                                puny
#> 14000                              Puppet
#> 14001                                 apa
#> 14002                             anyways
#> 14003                              Purple
#> 14004                              pursue
#> 14005                             anybody
#> 14006                                push
#> 14007                                Anya
#> 14008                              antler
#> 14009                            antelope
#> 14010                                push
#> 14011                                 put
#> 14012                              answer
#> 14013                             another
#> 14014                               putty
#> 14015                            announce
#> 14016                              puzzle
#> 14017                               pwchh
#> 14018                                 qrs
#> 14019                                 qrx
#> 14020                               qrxde
#> 14021                                qrxy
#> 14022                                Anna
#> 14023                             quarter
#> 14024                        ankylosaurus
#> 14025                               ankle
#> 14026                            question
#> 14027                                 say
#> 14028                              animal
#> 14029                               anger
#> 14030                               quilt
#> 14031                                quit
#> 14032                                 see
#> 14033                             Angeles
#> 14034                                raar
#> 14035                              raargh
#> 14036                              rabbit
#> 14037                              Rabbit
#> 14038                                race
#> 14039                               raceo
#> 14040                              Rachal
#> 14041                                Andy
#> 14042                              racket
#> 14043                              Racket
#> 14044                               radee
#> 14045                               Radio
#> 14046                                raft
#> 14047                             ragrowl
#> 14048                                 rah
#> 14049                               rahhh
#> 14050                              rahhhh
#> 14051                                raid
#> 14052                             Raiders
#> 14053                            railroad
#> 14054                             and_not
#> 14055                                rain
#> 14056                               raise
#> 14057                           Andersons
#> 14058                              raisin
#> 14059                           Andersons
#> 14060                          Raisinbran
#> 14061                      Raisin_branios
#> 14062                             Ralches
#> 14063                               Ralph
#> 14064                                 ram
#> 14065                              Rancor
#> 14066                               ranee
#> 14067                               range
#> 14068                              Ranger
#> 14069                              ranman
#> 14070                              rapids
#> 14071                                 rar
#> 14072                           Rasinbran
#> 14073                          Rasinbrand
#> 14074                           raspberry
#> 14075                               Ratch
#> 14076                                 raw
#> 14077                            rayzones
#> 14078                               razor
#> 14079                             ancient
#> 14080                               reach
#> 14081                                read
#> 14082                             Anankin
#> 14083                               ready
#> 14084                               among
#> 14085                             realize
#> 14086                           Americans
#> 14087                              reason
#> 14088                                 Rec
#> 14089                             receive
#> 14090                              record
#> 14091                               amaze
#> 14092                            aluminum
#> 14093                               Aluas
#> 14094                              record
#> 14095                              record
#> 14096                                Alua
#> 14097                         Red_Feather
#> 14098                             Redhead
#> 14099                            Redlance
#> 14100                                Reed
#> 14101                               Reese
#> 14102                            Rees_man
#> 14103                            alphabet
#> 14104                              refuse
#> 14105                            register
#> 14106                               along
#> 14107                             release
#> 14108                              relief
#> 14109                            remember
#> 14110                               alone
#> 14111                            remember
#> 14112                              remind
#> 14113                              remind
#> 14114                              remote
#> 14115                              remove
#> 14116                                rent
#> 14117                              repair
#> 14118                              repeat
#> 14119                              repeat
#> 14120                               reply
#> 14121                              report
#> 14122                              report
#> 14123                             respect
#> 14124                              almost
#> 14125                                ally
#> 14126                                show
#> 14127                             retreat
#> 14128                                show
#> 14129                           allowance
#> 14130                              return
#> 14131                  Return_Of_the_Jedi
#> 14132                  Return_Of_The_Jedi
#> 14133                                sick
#> 14134                              reward
#> 14135                              reward
#> 14136                               rhyme
#> 14137                               rhyme
#> 14138                               rhyme
#> 14139                              ribbon
#> 14140                            Alliance
#> 14141                                rich
#> 14142                                Rich
#> 14143                               Ricky
#> 14144                               alley
#> 14145                              riddle
#> 14146                            allergic
#> 14147                          allegiance
#> 14148                                 All
#> 14149                                ride
#> 14150                                ride
#> 14151                               small
#> 14152                               Ridey
#> 14153                            Rideyman
#> 14154      Ali_Baba_and_the_forty_thieves
#> 14155                                alfa
#> 14156                           Alesandro
#> 14157                                  so
#> 14158                                ring
#> 14159                        ringamagigum
#> 14160                Ring_Around_the_Rosy
#> 14161                                some
#> 14162                                Ritz
#> 14163                             Alderon
#> 14164                               river
#> 14165                           Riverside
#> 14166                                Road
#> 14167                                roam
#> 14168                                roar
#> 14169                                roar
#> 14170                               roarr
#> 14171                               roast
#> 14172                              Robber
#> 14173                             robbery
#> 14174                              Robbin
#> 14175                               Robin
#> 14176                               aiyai
#> 14177                             airport
#> 14178                            airchief
#> 14179                                rock
#> 14180                                rock
#> 14181                          rock_a_bye
#> 14182                                 aid
#> 14183                              rocket
#> 14184                            somebody
#> 14185                               rogue
#> 14186                                ahem
#> 14187                      agyoogyagyooah
#> 14188                            Romanian
#> 14189                                 Ron
#> 14190                             sort_of
#> 14191                               agree
#> 14192                             rooftop
#> 14193                               agree
#> 14194                                room
#> 14195                                Room
#> 14196                             rooster
#> 14197                                root
#> 14198                                root
#> 14199                                root
#> 14200                                 Agi
#> 14201                                Rope
#> 14202                                 Agi
#> 14203                  Rose_for_Pinkerton
#> 14204                            Rosemary
#> 14205                                 agh
#> 14206                                Ross
#> 14207                                 age
#> 14208                                Ross
#> 14209                               Rossy
#> 14210                                 rot
#> 14211                               Roton
#> 14212                              rotten
#> 14213                               rough
#> 14214                            rough_up
#> 14215                             against
#> 14216                                 row
#> 14217                               Royal
#> 14218                             rraarrr
#> 14219                         rraarrrrmmm
#> 14220                               rrarr
#> 14221                          After_Mash
#> 14222                          rrraaaarrr
#> 14223                         rrraaaarrrr
#> 14224                            rrraaarr
#> 14225                              rrrmmm
#> 14226                             rrrrrit
#> 14227                            rrrrrrgh
#> 14228                               R_two
#> 14229                           after_all
#> 14230                                 rub
#> 14231                       rub_a_dub_dub
#> 14232                             rubback
#> 14233                                  ae
#> 14234                              rubble
#> 14235                              Rubble
#> 14236                           advertise
#> 14237                                 rug
#> 14238                                ruin
#> 14239                               spank
#> 14240                          Spider_Man
#> 14241                                rule
#> 14242                           advertise
#> 14243                                sure
#> 14244                               adore
#> 14245                               adopt
#> 14246                              Runner
#> 14247                           runny_man
#> 14248                                rush
#> 14249                                adni
#> 14250                                rust
#> 14251                                Ryan
#> 14252                              adjust
#> 14253                                 sad
#> 14254                               saddy
#> 14255                            adhesive
#> 14256                                safe
#> 14257                            addition
#> 14258                                sail
#> 14259                          Saint_Nick
#> 14260                                 saj
#> 14261                                sake
#> 14262                                sake
#> 14263                              addict
#> 14264                                 add
#> 14265                                salt
#> 14266                              Sambun
#> 14267                                 add
#> 14268                              Sammie
#> 14269                               Samoo
#> 14270                              Sampon
#> 14271                               sAmpt
#> 14272                              Samson
#> 14273                                 add
#> 14274                              Sándor
#> 14275                         Sandspeeder
#> 14276                             sardine
#> 14277                               sarge
#> 14278                              sarlac
#> 14279                             Sarlacs
#> 14280                              Sarlak
#> 14281                               sarms
#> 14282                            saturday
#> 14283                            saturday
#> 14284                            activate
#> 14285                            activate
#> 14286                               saves
#> 14287                                 act
#> 14288                                 saw
#> 14289                               sawes
#> 14290                             saw_man
#> 14291                                sawn
#> 14292                                 act
#> 14293                         Say_Say_Say
#> 14294                                 ach
#> 14295                                scar
#> 14296                              scardy
#> 14297                              accuse
#> 14298                              accuse
#> 14299                          accidental
#> 14300                               scare
#> 14301                               Scare
#> 14302                             scaredy
#> 14303                               scarf
#> 14304                                scat
#> 14305                            scavenge
#> 14306                               scent
#> 14307                         Schau_Genau
#> 14308                       Schneebergers
#> 14309                          Scholastic
#> 14310                              accept
#> 14311                              School
#> 14312                          schooschoo
#> 14313                             Schultz
#> 14314                              accept
#> 14315                               scoop
#> 14316                               scoop
#> 14317                               scoop
#> 14318                               scoot
#> 14319                               scope
#> 14320                               score
#> 14321                               Scott
#> 14322                               Scott
#> 14323                               Scout
#> 14324                              Scouts
#> 14325                            scramble
#> 14326                               scrap
#> 14327                              scrape
#> 14328                              scrape
#> 14329                              scrape
#> 14330                             scratch
#> 14331                            absolute
#> 14332                              scream
#> 14333                            absolute
#> 14334                              scream
#> 14335                              scream
#> 14336                              absent
#> 14337                             Screech
#> 14338                              screen
#> 14339                               screw
#> 14340                            scribble
#> 14341                             Scrooge
#> 14342                                scug
#> 14343                               above
#> 14344                                 Sea
#> 14345                              search
#> 14346                              aboard
#> 14347                             Seattle
#> 14348                              aboard
#> 14349                                able
#> 14350                             ability
#> 14351                             section
#> 14352                                 abc
#> 14353                                 abc
#> 14354              Abbys_surprise_visitor
#> 14355                              Abbott
#> 14356                                seed
#> 14357                                seed
#> 14358                                seed
#> 14359                                seek
#> 14360                              Seekon
#> 14361                               ababa
#> 14362                                   a
#> 14363                              Selena
#> 14364                                your
#> 14365                                sell
#> 14366                                yeah
#> 14367                                send
#> 14368                                 wow
#> 14369                              sensor
#> 14370                               serve
#> 14371                               serve
#> 14372                               serve
#> 14373                              sesame
#> 14374                                what
#> 14375                       Sesame_Street
#> 14376                             sessalg
#> 14377                                with
#> 14378                                 set
#> 14379                                 why
#> 14380                               which
#> 14381                                  we
#> 14382                            Seven_Up
#> 14383                               sever
#> 14384                             several
#> 14385                              Severs
#> 14386                                 sew
#> 14387                                want
#> 14388                               shade
#> 14389                              shadow
#> 14390                               there
#> 14391                                  to
#> 14392                              shaked
#> 14393                               Shalu
#> 14394                             shampoo
#> 14395                               Shamu
#> 14396                               Shana
#> 14397                               think
#> 14398                               shape
#> 14399                               shape
#> 14400                               share
#> 14401                               think
#> 14402                               share
#> 14403                               thing
#> 14404                              Sharly
#> 14405                               sharp
#> 14406                               sharp
#> 14407                             sharpen
#> 14408                             shatter
#> 14409                               shave
#> 14410                              Shawna
#> 14411                              shazam
#> 14412                             suppose
#> 14413                                snow
#> 14414                               sheaf
#> 14415                              sheath
#> 14416                                shed
#> 14417                               since
#> 14418                               sheet
#> 14419                               sheet
#> 14420                          sheeta_pie
#> 14421                        there_you_go
#> 14422                              She_Ra
#> 14423                             sheyeye
#> 14424                               think
#> 14425                              shhshh
#> 14426                       shhshhhh_shhh
#> 14427                                Ross
#> 14428                               shift
#> 14429                               shine
#> 14430                               shine
#> 14431                                ship
#> 14432                               right
#> 14433                                ship
#> 14434                                 put
#> 14435                               shirt
#> 14436                             protect
#> 14437                               shock
#> 14438                           Shockwave
#> 14439                                 pet
#> 14440                                over
#> 14441                               shoof
#> 14442                              shoong
#> 14443                                 one
#> 14444                                okay
#> 14445                               shoot
#> 14446                               shoot
#> 14447                               shoot
#> 14448                                  oh
#> 14449                                  of
#> 14450                                 not
#> 14451                                  no
#> 14452                             shooted
#> 14453                  Shoots_and_Ladders
#> 14454                           shoreline
#> 14455                                 mom
#> 14456                               Short
#> 14457                           shortcake
#> 14458                                 map
#> 14459                                make
#> 14460                            shoulder
#> 14461                               shout
#> 14462                               shout
#> 14463                              shovel
#> 14464                              shovel
#> 14465                                show
#> 14466                                show
#> 14467                                 lay
#> 14468                                 kid
#> 14469                              shower
#> 14470                              shower
#> 14471          shpletty_schpwett_schplatt
#> 14472                              shrink
#> 14473                         Shump_shump
#> 14474                               shush
#> 14475                                   I
#> 14476                             shut_up
#> 14477                              shwhew
#> 14478                              shwoom
#> 14479                               shyam
#> 14480                                sick
#> 14481                                sick
#> 14482                              Sickon
#> 14483                                 his
#> 14484                                side
#> 14485                                here
#> 14486                                Side
#> 14487                            Siderman
#> 14488                            sideways
#> 14489                            sideways
#> 14490                                here
#> 14491                               siete
#> 14492                                sigh
#> 14493                                sike
#> 14494                              Silent
#> 14495                                silk
#> 14496                                sill
#> 14497                                help
#> 14498                                  he
#> 14499                              Silver
#> 14500                             Silvers
#> 14501                          silverware
#> 14502                                sima
#> 14503                             similar
#> 14504                              simple
#> 14505                               three
#> 14506                                sing
#> 14507                                have
#> 14508                                have
#> 14509                              single
#> 14510                              single
#> 14511                              singum
#> 14512                                sink
#> 14513                                sink
#> 14514                                 sis
#> 14515                                good
#> 14516                              sister
#> 14517                                  go
#> 14518                                  go
#> 14519                                 get
#> 14520                           situation
#> 14521                             siwIsjE
#> 14522                                 six
#> 14523                                 Six
#> 14524                               sixed
#> 14525                               sixer
#> 14526                                fist
#> 14527                            Sixthday
#> 14528                              finger
#> 14529                            February
#> 14530                                size
#> 14531                               sjemm
#> 14532                                sjum
#> 14533                               skate
#> 14534                               skate
#> 14535                            skbeaver
#> 14536                            skeleton
#> 14537                              skimpy
#> 14538                              family
#> 14539                                skip
#> 14540                             skipped
#> 14541                             skittle
#> 14542                               Skull
#> 14543                               skunk
#> 14544                                 eye
#> 14545                                 sky
#> 14546                             Skyfire
#> 14547                           Skywalker
#> 14548                          Skywalkers
#> 14549                                slam
#> 14550                                slam
#> 14551                               tiger
#> 14552                              sleaze
#> 14553                               sleek
#> 14554                           everybody
#> 14555                               sleep
#> 14556                               sleep
#> 14557                                 egg
#> 14558                                tire
#> 14559                        Easter_bunny
#> 14560                             Sleeper
#> 14561                     Sleeping_Beauty
#> 14562                           sleepover
#> 14563                              sleeve
#> 14564                                slew
#> 14565                               slice
#> 14566                               slice
#> 14567                           slicerest
#> 14568                                  do
#> 14569                               slide
#> 14570                               slime
#> 14571                            slimming
#> 14572                                slip
#> 14573                                slip
#> 14574                               Daddy
#> 14575                            slippery
#> 14576                             slither
#> 14577                                slop
#> 14578                               slope
#> 14579                                slow
#> 14580                                slow
#> 14581                                slow
#> 14582                                slow
#> 14583                               slump
#> 14584                               slush
#> 14585                               smack
#> 14586                                 dad
#> 14587                               small
#> 14588                        smallingness
#> 14589                               could
#> 14590                               smart
#> 14591                             smasher
#> 14592                               smear
#> 14593                               smell
#> 14594                               smell
#> 14595                               color
#> 14596                               smile
#> 14597                               smile
#> 14598                             smiling
#> 14599                             smither
#> 14600                            smlither
#> 14601                               smoke
#> 14602                               smoke
#> 14603                               smoke
#> 14604                               smoke
#> 14605                              smoosh
#> 14606                              smooth
#> 14607                             smuggle
#> 14608                            smunched
#> 14609                               Smurf
#> 14610                             Smurfes
#> 14611                               smush
#> 14612                             smushen
#> 14613                               snake
#> 14614                               bring
#> 14615                      Snake_mountain
#> 14616                      Snake_Mountain
#> 14617                                  be
#> 14618                                snap
#> 14619                                snap
#> 14620                                  be
#> 14621                                snap
#> 14622                                Snap
#> 14623                              snatch
#> 14624                               sneak
#> 14625                               sneak
#> 14626                               sneak
#> 14627                                  be
#> 14628                              sneeze
#> 14629                              sneeze
#> 14630                               sniff
#> 14631                             sniffle
#> 14632                              snives
#> 14633                                bark
#> 14634                               snoop
#> 14635                               snoop
#> 14636                                 ape
#> 14637                               snore
#> 14638                                snot
#> 14639                                 all
#> 14640                                  ah
#> 14641                           snow_time
#> 14642     Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs
#> 14643                                  so
#> 14644                                NULL
#> 14645                                NULL
#> 14646                                  so
#> 14647                                  So
#> 14648                                soak
#> 14649                                soak
#> 14650                                soap
#> 14651                                NULL
#> 14652                                soap
#> 14653                                NULL
#> 14654                                NULL
#> 14655                                NULL
#> 14656                                sock
#> 14657                                NULL
#> 14658                              soften
#> 14659                               soggy
#> 14660                                NULL
#> 14661                                NULL
#> 14662                               Solos
#> 14663                               Soltz
#> 14664                            sombrero
#> 14665                            you_know
#> 14666                                 you
#> 14667                                 you
#> 14668                            somebody
#> 14669                           yesterday
#> 14670                           someplace
#> 14671                          somersault
#> 14672                               world
#> 14673                                work
#> 14674                                 win
#> 14675                               somme
#> 14676                                 son
#> 14677                                 Son
#> 14678                                will
#> 14679                           sorceress
#> 14680                                 who
#> 14681                            wherever
#> 14682                                 sos
#> 14683                                when
#> 14684                                soul
#> 14685                               wheel
#> 14686                                what
#> 14687                                sour
#> 14688                                what
#> 14689                              weight
#> 14690                               Space
#> 14691                           spacesuit
#> 14692                                  we
#> 14693                                  we
#> 14694                                warm
#> 14695                               spark
#> 14696                               spark
#> 14697                             sparkle
#> 14698                             sparkle
#> 14699                               speak
#> 14700                                want
#> 14701                                want
#> 14702                               Spear
#> 14703                         Walt_Disney
#> 14704                             special
#> 14705                             special
#> 14706                                walk
#> 14707                             special
#> 14708                       specification
#> 14709                             specify
#> 14710                                wait
#> 14711                               video
#> 14712                               speed
#> 14713                               speed
#> 14714                               speed
#> 14715                          speed_fast
#> 14716                      Speedy_Dum_Dum
#> 14717                               spell
#> 14718                                  to
#> 14719                             Spencer
#> 14720                               spend
#> 14721                              Spiddy
#> 14722                                very
#> 14723                            tomorrow
#> 14724                           Spiderman
#> 14725                               usual
#> 14726                           Spiderman
#> 14727                              Spidey
#> 14728                                used
#> 14729                             Spikito
#> 14730                               spill
#> 14731                                  us
#> 14732                                spin
#> 14733                                spin
#> 14734                                spit
#> 14735                            upstairs
#> 14736                                spit
#> 14737                                spit
#> 14738                              splack
#> 14739                              splash
#> 14740                              splash
#> 14741                               splat
#> 14742                               splat
#> 14743                              unless
#> 14744                               Splat
#> 14745                            splatter
#> 14746                            splinter
#> 14747                               split
#> 14748                               split
#> 14749                               under
#> 14750                               spoil
#> 14751                               spook
#> 14752                       Uncle_Scrooge
#> 14753                                 you
#> 14754                               spray
#> 14755                               spray
#> 14756                               spray
#> 14757                                uhoh
#> 14758                            sprinkle
#> 14759                            sprinkle
#> 14760                            sprinkle
#> 14761                               spump
#> 14762                              squash
#> 14763                              squash
#> 14764                              squeak
#> 14765                             squeeze
#> 14766                             squeeze
#> 14767                              squish
#> 14768                              squish
#> 14769                            squished
#> 14770                            squisher
#> 14771                             squishy
#> 14772                             squoosh
#> 14773                                 SRA
#> 14774                                 two
#> 14775                                 ssh
#> 14776                                 sss
#> 14777                                stab
#> 14778                             stached
#> 14779                               stack
#> 14780                               stack
#> 14781                              Stacks
#> 14782                              Toyota
#> 14783                               stain
#> 14784                               stain
#> 14785                            Twilight
#> 14786                               Stalk
#> 14787                                trio
#> 14788                               stamp
#> 14789                                tree
#> 14790                                 tum
#> 14791                             standed
#> 14792                              staple
#> 14793                              staple
#> 14794                              threeo
#> 14795                                star
#> 14796                               stare
#> 14797                               stare
#> 14798                           Starriers
#> 14799                             starrio
#> 14800                                this
#> 14801                         Starscraper
#> 14802                               thing
#> 14803                               thing
#> 14804                              starve
#> 14805                                 two
#> 14806                              starve
#> 14807                              statch
#> 14808                            statched
#> 14809                                they
#> 14810                               state
#> 14811                               state
#> 14812                               state
#> 14813                              States
#> 14814                             station
#> 14815                                stay
#> 14816                               there
#> 14817                               steal
#> 14818                                them
#> 14819                               steal
#> 14820                                uhoh
#> 14821                               steam
#> 14822                         Steamshovel
#> 14823                              steeld
#> 14824                               steer
#> 14825                               their
#> 14826                               tempt
#> 14827                             Stevens
#> 14828                                tell
#> 14829                                tell
#> 14830                               teach
#> 14831                               stick
#> 14832                                sure
#> 14833                               stick
#> 14834                               stick
#> 14835                     Superoverweight
#> 14836                          Supercreep
#> 14837                                 sun
#> 14838                                such
#> 14839                               stuff
#> 14840                               straw
#> 14841                               sting
#> 14842                               sting
#> 14843                               steal
#> 14844                               stink
#> 14845                               stink
#> 14846                             Stinkor
#> 14847                                stir
#> 14848                                stir
#> 14849                               stock
#> 14850                               stock
#> 14851                               stock
#> 14852                                star
#> 14853                              stocks
#> 14854                                 SRA
#> 14855                               stomp
#> 14856                          squatching
#> 14857                               stone
#> 14858                               splat
#> 14859                           spacesuit
#> 14860                             sort_of
#> 14861                               store
#> 14862                                song
#> 14863                        Stormtrooper
#> 14864                           somewhere
#> 14865                      Storm_troopers
#> 14866                             stornth
#> 14867                            somebody
#> 14868                               stove
#> 14869                            Stradous
#> 14870                          straighten
#> 14871                                some
#> 14872                             Strange
#> 14873                               strap
#> 14874                               strap
#> 14875                             Stratos
#> 14876                                sock
#> 14877                                  so
#> 14878                             stretch
#> 14879                             stretch
#> 14880                              strike
#> 14881                              strike
#> 14882                                  so
#> 14883                                sing
#> 14884                               strip
#> 14885                               strip
#> 14886                              stripe
#> 14887                                side
#> 14888                              stripe
#> 14889                             shut_up
#> 14890                                show
#> 14891                            struggle
#> 14892                              Stuart
#> 14893                             student
#> 14894                               study
#> 14895                               study
#> 14896                               study
#> 14897                                shit
#> 14898                                 she
#> 14899                              stuffy
#> 14900                            stuntman
#> 14901                            sendaway
#> 14902                              stupid
#> 14903                             stuping
#> 14904                            sturbing
#> 14905                         subtraction
#> 14906                                suck
#> 14907                                suck
#> 14908                                suck
#> 14909                                suck
#> 14910                              second
#> 14911                              second
#> 14912                              Suckon
#> 14913                              sudden
#> 14914                                 say
#> 14915                         sufferating
#> 14916                          sufficient
#> 14917                           suffocate
#> 14918                               Sugar
#> 14919                                 say
#> 14920                              Sumacs
#> 14921                                 say
#> 14922                              Summer
#> 14923                                room
#> 14924                                 sun
#> 14925                                 sun
#> 14926                                 sun
#> 14927                           sunburned
#> 14928                               right
#> 14929                            sunlight
#> 14930                              sunset
#> 14931                            remember
#> 14932                                 red
#> 14933                         Supercobber
#> 14934                       super_dupered
#> 14935                              record
#> 14936                                  us
#> 14937                            Superman
#> 14938                            Supermen
#> 14939                           Superpunk
#> 14940                        Super_Rabbit
#> 14941                        superstition
#> 14942                              supper
#> 14943                               reach
#> 14944                                pull
#> 14945                                surf
#> 14946                            surprise
#> 14947                              survey
#> 14948                             survive
#> 14949                                wait
#> 14950                             suspect
#> 14951                                Susy
#> 14952                             Suzanne
#> 14953                                Suzy
#> 14954                             swallow
#> 14955                                walk
#> 14956                               Swamp
#> 14957                           Swamptown
#> 14958                                swan
#> 14959                               swang
#> 14960                                swat
#> 14961                                swat
#> 14962                               sweat
#> 14963                           sweatband
#> 14964                               sweep
#> 14965                             Sweeper
#> 14966                               sweet
#> 14967                               sweet
#> 14968                                want
#> 14969                              pretty
#> 14970                             sweetie
#> 14971                              poster
#> 14972                                pony
#> 14973                            swim_man
#> 14974                              planet
#> 14975                               swing
#> 14976                        swing_a_wing
#> 14977                              Swirls
#> 14978                              switch
#> 14979                              switch
#> 14980                               swoop
#> 14981                              swoosh
#> 14982                              swoosh
#> 14983                               plain
#> 14984                               swosh
#> 14985                              Sylvia
#> 14986                              pillow
#> 14987                              system
#> 14988                              szabad
#> 14989                             szegeny
#> 14990                               watch
#> 14991                            szereted
#> 14992                             szorp's
#> 14993                               piece
#> 14994                          permission
#> 14995                                tack
#> 14996                              tackle
#> 14997                               tadah
#> 14998                                 pee
#> 14999                                take
#> 15000                                take
#> 15001                              oxygen
#> 15002                          Overweight
#> 15003                                 out
#> 15004                                tale
#> 15005                              talent
#> 15006                                only
#> 15007                                  on
#> 15008                                 off
#> 15009                                 off
#> 15010                               Tally
#> 15011                             tallyho
#> 15012                               talon
#> 15013                       Talon_fighter
#> 15014                               tamer
#> 15015                             welcome
#> 15016                           tangerine
#> 15017                              Tantan
#> 15018                                tape
#> 15019                              nuhhuh
#> 15020                             nothing
#> 15021                              nobody
#> 15022                               taste
#> 15023                                 tat
#> 15024                               tatoo
#> 15025                              tattoo
#> 15026                                need
#> 15027                              tavern
#> 15028                                 tax
#> 15029                                 tay
#> 15030                             tayfuff
#> 15031                             Tchiggs
#> 15032                                  te
#> 15033                                  té
#> 15034                               teach
#> 15035                               teach
#> 15036                                 mud
#> 15037                               teach
#> 15038                       teaching_lady
#> 15039                                much
#> 15040                                team
#> 15041                                tear
#> 15042                              teared
#> 15043                               tease
#> 15044                               tease
#> 15045                               tease
#> 15046                                more
#> 15047                              teehee
#> 15048                                teen
#> 15049                                more
#> 15050                              monkey
#> 15051                                tees
#> 15052                               tejuh
#> 15053                           telephone
#> 15054                                 Mom
#> 15055                          Television
#> 15056                                  mm
#> 15057                                mine
#> 15058                                meat
#> 15059                             meaning
#> 15060                              telled
#> 15061                              teller
#> 15062                              temple
#> 15063                               tempt
#> 15064                                mean
#> 15065                              Tender
#> 15066                        Tender_Heart
#> 15067                              Tenica
#> 15068                             tennies
#> 15069                               tense
#> 15070                                tent
#> 15071                                tent
#> 15072                            terminal
#> 15073                            terminal
#> 15074                            terrific
#> 15075                             terrify
#> 15076                                well
#> 15077                                test
#> 15078                                test
#> 15079                                test
#> 15080                 tewy_goey_tewy_goey
#> 15081               tewy_gooey_chewy_goey
#> 15082                                math
#> 15083                               Marky
#> 15084                                 man
#> 15085                             thankie
#> 15086                              Thanks
#> 15087                                make
#> 15088                                make
#> 15089                                mail
#> 15090                                loud
#> 15091                                 lot
#> 15092                                look
#> 15093                                look
#> 15094                                like
#> 15095                                that
#> 15096                                like
#> 15097                                That
#> 15098                                That
#> 15099                                That
#> 15100                                thaw
#> 15101             The_Empire_Strikes_Back
#> 15102                            The_Hulk
#> 15103                                 let
#> 15104                               agree
#> 15105                               learn
#> 15106           The_Puppies_New_Adventure
#> 15107                                lava
#> 15108                               there
#> 15109                                keep
#> 15110                           therefore
#> 15111                        there_you_go
#> 15112                                 its
#> 15113                              inside
#> 15114                              I_mean
#> 15115                             They're
#> 15116                               thick
#> 15117                            thiddles
#> 15118                                   I
#> 15119                               thing
#> 15120                                   I
#> 15121                               Thing
#> 15122                            thingies
#> 15123                           Thing_One
#> 15124                           Thing_Two
#> 15125                          Hulk_Hogan
#> 15126                               think
#> 15127                                 why
#> 15128                                 hog
#> 15129                                 hog
#> 15130                               third
#> 15131                                  hm
#> 15132                                Thor
#> 15133                              thorts
#> 15134                                 her
#> 15135                             thought
#> 15136                                hear
#> 15137                              thread
#> 15138                                head
#> 15139                            threaten
#> 15140                               three
#> 15141                              threed
#> 15142                             Threeee
#> 15143                         Three_Pee_O
#> 15144                             threwed
#> 15145                                 why
#> 15146                              throat
#> 15147                                  he
#> 15148                                have
#> 15149                                have
#> 15150                              happen
#> 15151                              Hacker
#> 15152                                will
#> 15153                                thru
#> 15154                              thrust
#> 15155                              Thudar
#> 15156                                  ha
#> 15157                               thump
#> 15158                               thump
#> 15159                             Thumper
#> 15160                             Thundar
#> 15161                            Thundarr
#> 15162                                 guy
#> 15163                      Thundercracker
#> 15164                        thunder_edge
#> 15165                            Thursday
#> 15166                           Thursdays
#> 15167                                 tic
#> 15168                                tick
#> 15169                                tick
#> 15170                              ticket
#> 15171                              tickle
#> 15172                               guilt
#> 15173                              ground
#> 15174                            ticklish
#> 15175                               grind
#> 15176                                 tie
#> 15177                                 tie
#> 15178                                 tie
#> 15179                                 tie
#> 15180                          googoogaga
#> 15181                                good
#> 15182                                tile
#> 15183                                tile
#> 15184                                till
#> 15185                                till
#> 15186                                tilo
#> 15187                                time
#> 15188                                time
#> 15189                                will
#> 15190                                 tin
#> 15191                               tined
#> 15192                             tinking
#> 15193                           tinwutman
#> 15194                                 tip
#> 15195                                 tip
#> 15196                                 tip
#> 15197                                 tip
#> 15198                                tire
#> 15199                               giant
#> 15200                                 tiz
#> 15201                                 tíz
#> 15202                            tizenegy
#> 15203                          tizenketto
#> 15204                                tjep
#> 15205                                 get
#> 15206                                 get
#> 15207                                full
#> 15208                               toast
#> 15209                               toast
#> 15210                               Toast
#> 15211                                wont
#> 15212                              toddle
#> 15213                                 toe
#> 15214                               fouro
#> 15215                                four
#> 15216                                 toe
#> 15217                             forever
#> 15218                               fluff
#> 15219                              toilet
#> 15220                               tojas
#> 15221                                told
#> 15222                                five
#> 15223                              tomato
#> 15224                                fire
#> 15225                            tomorrow
#> 15226                              finish
#> 15227                              finger
#> 15228                                fine
#> 15229                                find
#> 15230                               again
#> 15231                                Tony
#> 15232                                Tony
#> 15233                                Tony
#> 15234                                fill
#> 15235                              tooken
#> 15236                                tool
#> 15237                                fair
#> 15238                                face
#> 15239                                 eye
#> 15240                     tootootootletoo
#> 15241                           excuse_me
#> 15242                              excuse
#> 15243                     Top_middle_base
#> 15244                             Topping
#> 15245                              topple
#> 15246                              tother
#> 15247                                toto
#> 15248                                Toto
#> 15249                          except_for
#> 15250                                even
#> 15251                                even
#> 15252                                tour
#> 15253                                 eat
#> 15254                                 toy
#> 15255                               earth
#> 15256                                 dry
#> 15257                              dollar
#> 15258                                  do
#> 15259                               trade
#> 15260                               trade
#> 15261                               trade
#> 15262                               train
#> 15263                               train
#> 15264                            Trak_Jaw
#> 15265                         tralalalala
#> 15266                              trance
#> 15267                               trang
#> 15268                           transform
#> 15269                           transform
#> 15270                           transform
#> 15271                           transform
#> 15272                                  do
#> 15273                        transmission
#> 15274                           transport
#> 15275                                trap
#> 15276                                trap
#> 15277                               after
#> 15278                            Trap_kaw
#> 15279                               trash
#> 15280                              travel
#> 15281                                tray
#> 15282                            Treasure
#> 15283                                  do
#> 15284                                tree
#> 15285                                  do
#> 15286                                Trek
#> 15287                              trench
#> 15288                            triangle
#> 15289                               tribe
#> 15290                         triceratops
#> 15291                                 dip
#> 15292                                darn
#> 15293                               trick
#> 15294                               trick
#> 15295                               trick
#> 15296                                 you
#> 15297                             trigger
#> 15298                            Trinidad
#> 15299                               dance
#> 15300                                trip
#> 15301                                trip
#> 15302                              triple
#> 15303                             trolley
#> 15304                               Trono
#> 15305                                troo
#> 15306                             trooper
#> 15307                                 Dad
#> 15308                               cream
#> 15309                             trouble
#> 15310                               could
#> 15311                               truck
#> 15312                           cornbread
#> 15313                             contest
#> 15314                        Computer_Guy
#> 15315                               trunk
#> 15316                               trunk
#> 15317                               trust
#> 15318                               color
#> 15319                               tssch
#> 15320                       ttttffffttvvv
#> 15321                               close
#> 15322                                tuck
#> 15323                                tuck
#> 15324                              Tucker
#> 15325                              Tucker
#> 15326                             chicken
#> 15327                              tuffet
#> 15328                             Tuffity
#> 15329                               Tuffy
#> 15330                                 tug
#> 15331                             tugboat
#> 15332                               candy
#> 15333                              tumble
#> 15334                              tumble
#> 15335                                 can
#> 15336                               tunny
#> 15337                                call
#> 15338                          Turbo_team
#> 15339                              button
#> 15340                                burn
#> 15341                               brick
#> 15342                              branch
#> 15343                                boss
#> 15344                                bore
#> 15345                                blow
#> 15346                               blood
#> 15347                                Bill
#> 15348                                 tut
#> 15349                                 big
#> 15350                                  tv
#> 15351                                  be
#> 15352                              twenty
#> 15353                            you_know
#> 15354                                twin
#> 15355                               twink
#> 15356                             twinkie
#> 15357                               twist
#> 15358                               twist
#> 15359                                  be
#> 15360                                 Two
#> 15361                              Twobod
#> 15362                         Two_One_Bee
#> 15363                           Ucky_Mouf
#> 15364                                 uff
#> 15365                                 UFO
#> 15366                                  be
#> 15367                                ugly
#> 15368                                  be
#> 15369                               uhhuh
#> 15370                                  be
#> 15371                                  be
#> 15372                                 uhp
#> 15373                                 ulk
#> 15374                            umalinda
#> 15375                                 bay
#> 15376                           unanimous
#> 15377                                  ba
#> 15378                         underground
#> 15379                            underleg
#> 15380                                away
#> 15381                      under_my_neath
#> 15382                          underpoops
#> 15383                          Under_Roos
#> 15384                      Underroo's_Man
#> 15385                          understand
#> 15386                                  at
#> 15387                                  as
#> 15388                                 unh
#> 15389                               Arfie
#> 15390                              United
#> 15391                            universe
#> 15392                            un_loose
#> 15393           unodostresquatrocincoseis
#> 15394                               angel
#> 15395                                also
#> 15396                             alright
#> 15397                                uped
#> 15398                               upper
#> 15399                               a_lot
#> 15400                           allowance
#> 15401                          upstairser
#> 15402                                urfs
#> 15403                              urgent
#> 15404                                 all
#> 15405                                 all
#> 15406                                 use
#> 15407                                 air
#> 15408                               about
#> 15409                               about
#> 15410                                   a
#> 15411                                NULL
#> 15412                                 ush
#> 15413                               usual
#> 15414                                NULL
#> 15415                                uway
#> 15416                                your
#> 15417                                   V
#> 15418                               about
#> 15419                              vacuum
#> 15420                              vacuum
#> 15421                              vacuum
#> 15422                                NULL
#> 15423                               Vader
#> 15424                                 you
#> 15425                              Vaders
#> 15426                           valentine
#> 15427                           valentine
#> 15428                          valentines
#> 15429                                 you
#> 15430                              vanish
#> 15431                                NULL
#> 15432                                 yet
#> 15433                             veriest
#> 15434                                  vf
#> 15435                            a_lot_of
#> 15436                               video
#> 15437                           vidɛrdɛrd
#> 15438                           vidɛrdɛrs
#> 15439                            vidithɛg
#> 15440                               Vince
#> 15441                             Vincent
#> 15442                                vine
#> 15443                                word
#> 15444                              wonder
#> 15445                            vIsIDsɛs
#> 15446                              vision
#> 15447                             vitamin
#> 15448                              Vluffy
#> 15449                                vngɘ
#> 15450                          vocabulary
#> 15451                              volume
#> 15452                           volunteer
#> 15453                               vomit
#> 15454                            vomitate
#> 15455                               vroom
#> 15456                               vroom
#> 15457                              vrrrrr
#> 15458                             vrrrrrr
#> 15459                                 VTM
#> 15460                                 vvv
#> 15461                              vvvvvv
#> 15462                                waaa
#> 15463                                 who
#> 15464                                 and
#> 15465                              waffle
#> 15466                      wah_wah_wah_ah
#> 15467                                wain
#> 15468                                well
#> 15469                                wait
#> 15470                             welcome
#> 15471                                wait
#> 15472                                wake
#> 15473                                week
#> 15474                                 way
#> 15475                                 way
#> 15476                                walk
#> 15477                              waddle
#> 15478                             Walkers
#> 15479                               Walks
#> 15480                              volley
#> 15481                               voice
#> 15482                              walrus
#> 15483                                Walt
#> 15484                              Walter
#> 15485                                very
#> 15486                              wander
#> 15487                                wang
#> 15488                              wanker
#> 15489                                want
#> 15490                                used
#> 15491                           Ukrainian
#> 15492                                uhuh
#> 15493                                uhoh
#> 15494                               uhhuh
#> 15495                                 war
#> 15496                                 war
#> 15497                                 War
#> 15498                                type
#> 15499                                tree
#> 15500                                warm
#> 15501                                warn
#> 15502                                warn
#> 15503                                warn
#> 15504                             Warrick
#> 15505                             warrior
#> 15506                               today
#> 15507                                  to
#> 15508                                wasp
#> 15509                              wasser
#> 15510                                wast
#> 15511                               waste
#> 15512                                time
#> 15513                               watch
#> 15514                               watch
#> 15515                               watch
#> 15516                              thrill
#> 15517                                this
#> 15518                               watch
#> 15519                               water
#> 15520                               water
#> 15521                               water
#> 15522                               water
#> 15523                           waterfall
#> 15524                           waterfall
#> 15525                                they
#> 15526                              around
#> 15527                                wave
#> 15528                                wave
#> 15529                            wawawawa
#> 15530                               wawoo
#> 15531                                 wax
#> 15532                                 wax
#> 15533                               there
#> 15534                               there
#> 15535                                them
#> 15536             The_empire_strikes_back
#> 15537                                that
#> 15538                                that
#> 15539                                back
#> 15540                           wednesday
#> 15541                                that
#> 15542                                 wee
#> 15543                                weed
#> 15544                               weeee
#> 15545                              thanks
#> 15546                                wees
#> 15547                              weewee
#> 15548                         wee_wee_wee
#> 15549                           weeweewee
#> 15550                               weigh
#> 15551                               weigh
#> 15552                              weight
#> 15553                              weight
#> 15554                           talkative
#> 15555                               weird
#> 15556                               weird
#> 15557                               Weird
#> 15558                                take
#> 15559                             welcome
#> 15560                                take
#> 15561                              Sunday
#> 15562                                stop
#> 15563                              Wensel
#> 15564                                Went
#> 15565                            werewolf
#> 15566                                stay
#> 15567                               start
#> 15568                           Werewolfs
#> 15569                              Weslie
#> 15570                              Westen
#> 15571                             westuia
#> 15572                               squat
#> 15573                                  wɘ
#> 15574                                 wɘu
#> 15575                                whaa
#> 15576                               whack
#> 15577                               whack
#> 15578                               whack
#> 15579                               whamo
#> 15580                                whas
#> 15581                                sort
#> 15582                                what
#> 15583                                song
#> 15584                    whawawawawawawam
#> 15585                               wheat
#> 15586                                  do
#> 15587                               wheee
#> 15588                               wheel
#> 15589                                 sit
#> 15590                                 she
#> 15591                                 she
#> 15592                                 see
#> 15593                          wherewhere
#> 15594                             whether
#> 15595                                whew
#> 15596                                whey
#> 15597                             whhheee
#> 15598                                 see
#> 15599                                 say
#> 15600                                 say
#> 15601                             whimper
#> 15602                               whine
#> 15603                                 run
#> 15604                            whiplash
#> 15605                               whirl
#> 15606                               whisk
#> 15607                             whisper
#> 15608                             whisper
#> 15609                             whisper
#> 15610                             whistle
#> 15611                             whistle
#> 15612                              rubber
#> 15613                                Ross
#> 15614                                rock
#> 15615                               right
#> 15616                               right
#> 15617                                 who
#> 15618                                 red
#> 15619                              really
#> 15620                              pretty
#> 15621                               point
#> 15622                                whoo
#> 15623                              whooee
#> 15624                              whooee
#> 15625                               whooo
#> 15626                              whoooo
#> 15627                               whoop
#> 15628                               whoop
#> 15629                              whoopa
#> 15630                         whoopdeedoo
#> 15631                              during
#> 15632                             whoopsh
#> 15633                            whoopsie
#> 15634                           whoopy_do
#> 15635                      whoo_whoo_whoo
#> 15636                          everything
#> 15637                                play
#> 15638                               plane
#> 15639                               phone
#> 15640                                 why
#> 15641                                 Why
#> 15642                              wicket
#> 15643                              Wicket
#> 15644                                over
#> 15645                              wiggle
#> 15646                              wiggle
#> 15647                              wiggle
#> 15648                              wiggle
#> 15649                                only
#> 15650                                wild
#> 15651                                only
#> 15652                                will
#> 15653                                 old
#> 15654                             willing
#> 15655                           willpower
#> 15656                                 win
#> 15657                                 win
#> 15658                                 not
#> 15659                                  no
#> 15660                                wind
#> 15661                                wind
#> 15662                                wind
#> 15663                            windmill
#> 15664                                nine
#> 15665                          Windraider
#> 15666                                 new
#> 15667                               never
#> 15668                                wing
#> 15669                                wing
#> 15670                                wipe
#> 15671                                wipe
#> 15672                                wire
#> 15673                                more
#> 15674                                wish
#> 15675                                moon
#> 15676                               Wiski
#> 15677                               month
#> 15678                             monster
#> 15679                               Witch
#> 15680                             Without
#> 15681                              wittle
#> 15682                              wizard
#> 15683                       Wizards_World
#> 15684                                  he
#> 15685                                 Wok
#> 15686                                woks
#> 15687                                wolf
#> 15688                              Wolfer
#> 15689                         Wolf_Riders
#> 15690                           Wolverine
#> 15691                               Marky
#> 15692                              Womens
#> 15693                               Wompa
#> 15694                                 lot
#> 15695                                look
#> 15696                                like
#> 15697                         Wonderfuler
#> 15698                                  he
#> 15699                                like
#> 15700                                 woo
#> 15701                                 woo
#> 15702                                last
#> 15703                              wooded
#> 15704                            woodland
#> 15705                               knife
#> 15706                     Woody_Wodpecker
#> 15707                                kind
#> 15708                           wookokoko
#> 15709                               woooo
#> 15710                              woowee
#> 15711                           woowoowoo
#> 15712                               wored
#> 15713                                worg
#> 15714                                work
#> 15715                                into
#> 15716                                work
#> 15717                                work
#> 15718                                work
#> 15719                             instead
#> 15720                                 hit
#> 15721                                inch
#> 15722                               worry
#> 15723                               worry
#> 15724                               wound
#> 15725                                 wow
#> 15726                                wrap
#> 15727                                wrap
#> 15728                                wrap
#> 15729                              wreath
#> 15730                               wreck
#> 15731                               wreck
#> 15732                             wrestle
#> 15733                            wretched
#> 15734                             wrinkle
#> 15735                               wrist
#> 15736                                life
#> 15737                          wristbands
#> 15738                               write
#> 15739                               write
#> 15740                                   I
#> 15741                               write
#> 15742                               hotel
#> 15743                                home
#> 15744                                high
#> 15745                                  wu
#> 15746                             Wul_bat
#> 15747                            Wul_bats
#> 15748                           Wulp_bats
#> 15749                                 wuz
#> 15750                                   x
#> 15751                                here
#> 15752                                 her
#> 15753                                  xy
#> 15754                              He_man
#> 15755                                 yah
#> 15756                               hello
#> 15757                                yawn
#> 15758                                yawn
#> 15759                                Yaya
#> 15760                              yayyay
#> 15761                                  he
#> 15762                                have
#> 15763                                have
#> 15764                                Year
#> 15765                                yeas
#> 15766                              yecook
#> 15767                                 yee
#> 15768                               yeesh
#> 15769                                hair
#> 15770                                yell
#> 15771                               guest
#> 15772                                good
#> 15773                                good
#> 15774                                yell
#> 15775                                 get
#> 15776                          generalize
#> 15777                                from
#> 15778                                like
#> 15779                           Yesterday
#> 15780                                  yi
#> 15781                               yicky
#> 15782                               yikes
#> 15783                               Yikes
#> 15784                              yippee
#> 15785                                  YM
#> 15786                                  yo
#> 15787                                Yoda
#> 15788                                fish
#> 15789                                fine
#> 15790                                 yoi
#> 15791                                yoke
#> 15792                              yoohoo
#> 15793                                Yook
#> 15794                                York
#> 15795                                 you
#> 15796                                 few
#> 15797                               exact
#> 15798                 Empire_Strikes_Back
#> 15799                               eight
#> 15800                                 you
#> 15801                                 eat
#> 15802                                 You
#> 15803     You_can't_do_that_on_television
#> 15804     You_Can't_Do_That_On_Television
#> 15805                       you_know_what
#> 15806                              donkey
#> 15807                               youse
#> 15808                                 yow
#> 15809                                 yow
#> 15810                                yowl
#> 15811                                yoyo
#> 15812                                  do
#> 15813                                yuck
#> 15814                                Yuck
#> 15815                               yucko
#> 15816                                 yum
#> 15817                                  do
#> 15818                                  do
#> 15819                                look
#> 15820                             yumbang
#> 15821                                yums
#> 15822                                  do
#> 15823                               Zabie
#> 15824                             Zachary
#> 15825                                Zack
#> 15826                             zaisins
#> 15827                                 zap
#> 15828                                 zap
#> 15829                              zapped
#> 15830                                zarf
#> 15831                               zebra
#> 15832                              Zeekon
#> 15833                            daughter
#> 15834                              Zeroes
#> 15835                                 zig
#> 15836                                 zip
#> 15837                                 zip
#> 15838                              crouch
#> 15839                              zipper
#> 15840                          Zipper_Cat
#> 15841                                zisk
#> 15842                                Zoar
#> 15843                               zoars
#> 15844                               Zodak
#> 15845                                Zoid
#> 15846                              Zoltán
#> 15847                                  me
#> 15848                                zoom
#> 15849                                zoom
#> 15850                             zorpoop
#> 15851                                Zorr
#> 15852                               Zorro
#> 15853                              Zortan
#> 15854                                 zuh
#> 15855                                 zuz
#> 15856                              course
#> 15857                                zzzh
#> 15858                                NULL
#> 15859                                NULL
#> 15860                                NULL
#> 15861                                NULL
#> 15862                                NULL
#> 15863                                  no
#> 15864                                NULL
#> 15865                               could
#> 15866                                NULL
#> 15867                                NULL
#> 15868                                NULL
#> 15869                           continual
#> 15870                                come
#> 15871                                NULL
#> 15872                                NULL
#> 15873                          Muscle_Man
#> 15874                              Murphy
#> 15875                               music
#> 15876                               murky
#> 15877                               mussa
#> 15878                                must
#> 15879                             mustard
#> 15880                              murder
#> 15881                               Myers
#> 15882                              mystic
#> 15883                                   N
#> 15884                               nahah
#> 15885                               munch
#> 15886                                naku
#> 15887                                mums
#> 15888                                name
#> 15889                      multiplication
#> 15890                                name
#> 15891                                Nana
#> 15892                            Mulligan
#> 15893                                NULL
#> 15894                                 nap
#> 15895                              napkin
#> 15896                               cause
#> 15897                             narfing
#> 15898                              narths
#> 15899                                 mug
#> 15900                              nation
#> 15901                              nature
#> 15902                               mufic
#> 15903                                ndah
#> 15904                                near
#> 15905                             nearest
#> 15906                                neat
#> 15907                           necessary
#> 15908                                neck
#> 15909                           nectarine
#> 15910                          Mr_Perfect
#> 15911                                 mow
#> 15912                            movement
#> 15913                                move
#> 15914                         negotiation
#> 15915                            neighbor
#> 15916                             neither
#> 15917                               nekem
#> 15918                              Nestle
#> 15919                               mouth
#> 15920                              Mouses
#> 15921                                 new
#> 15922                                 new
#> 15923                         New_England
#> 15924                          New_Mexico
#> 15925                           newspaper
#> 15926                           newspaper
#> 15927                            New_york
#> 15928                            New_York
#> 15929                               Mount
#> 15930                        Niagra_Falls
#> 15931                              nibble
#> 15932                               motto
#> 15933                                nice
#> 15934                              motive
#> 15935                                Nick
#> 15936                              Mothra
#> 15937                              nickle
#> 15938                         Nickolodian
#> 15939                              Nicole
#> 15940                               nifty
#> 15941                             Mothers
#> 15942                               Night
#> 15943                         night_night
#> 15944                            Nijmegen
#> 15945                                niku
#> 15946                                 nip
#> 15947                              nippit
#> 15948                              nipple
#> 15949                               nkego
#> 15950                                moth
#> 15951                                  no
#> 15952                               motel
#> 15953                         morphologic
#> 15954                                More
#> 15955                                  no
#> 15956                              Moppet
#> 15957                              nobody
#> 15958                              Nobody
#> 15959                                 nod
#> 15960                                 nod
#> 15961                              noggin
#> 15962                              mooshy
#> 15963                               Moose
#> 15964                               moose
#> 15965                        non_sequitur
#> 15966                                 nor
#> 15967                              normal
#> 15968                      North_Carolina
#> 15969                          North_Pole
#> 15970                               moooo
#> 15971                                mooo
#> 15972                                moon
#> 15973                                 Not
#> 15974                Montgomery_Good_News
#> 15975                                note
#> 15976                                note
#> 15977                              nother
#> 15978                             nothing
#> 15979                          Montecello
#> 15980                             nothing
#> 15981                              notice
#> 15982                           Notingham
#> 15983                              notion
#> 15984                          Nottingham
#> 15985                                NULL
#> 15986                            November
#> 15987                         Monroeville
#> 15988                            nowadays
#> 15989                              no_way
#> 15990                             nowhere
#> 15991                                NULL
#> 15992                              Monkey
#> 15993                                 nut
#> 15994                                 nut
#> 15995                                 Nut
#> 15996                                 Mon
#> 15997                               Oaken
#> 15998                             Oakland
#> 15999                                obey
#> 16000                              object
#> 16001                             obvious
#> 16002                            occasion
#> 16003                               occur
#> 16004                               occur
#> 16005                               occur
#> 16006                             Mommies
#> 16007                                NULL
#> 16008                                 oda
#> 16009                                  of
#> 16010                              Mommie
#> 16011                                 off
#> 16012                               offer
#> 16013                               momma
#> 16014                               oh_no
#> 16015                                 oje
#> 16016                                 Mom
#> 16017                                 Ola
#> 16018                                 Old
#> 16019                     Old_Kings_Cross
#> 16020                      Old_MacFarmers
#> 16021                               olive
#> 16022                               Olsen
#> 16023                               olyan
#> 16024                            molecule
#> 16025                               moist
#> 16026                                once
#> 16027                            Mohammid
#> 16028                                 mob
#> 16029                                 one
#> 16030                                 mix
#> 16031                                 oof
#> 16032                              Mitten
#> 16033                              oopsie
#> 16034                                  op
#> 16035                                 opa
#> 16036                               Mitan
#> 16037                                open
#> 16038                          Mister_Xxx
#> 16039                                NULL
#> 16040                         operational
#> 16041                             opinion
#> 16042                              oppsie
#> 16043                       Optimus_Prime
#> 16044                              option
#> 16045                   Mister_Overweight
#> 16046                              orange
#> 16047                         Mister_Mark
#> 16048                              orator
#> 16049                           orchestra
#> 16050                              Organa
#> 16051                            organize
#> 16052                            organize
#> 16053                              orient
#> 16054                            oriental
#> 16055                             Orleans
#> 16056                              orphan
#> 16057                               other
#> 16058                               other
#> 16059                        Missus_Kates
#> 16060                            Missouri
#> 16061                                ouch
#> 16062                               oucho
#> 16063                              missle
#> 16064                             missile
#> 16065                             Ourland
#> 16066                                miss
#> 16067                                 out
#> 16068                                miss
#> 16069                                outa
#> 16070                              outfit
#> 16071                                outh
#> 16072                              outing
#> 16073                                miss
#> 16074                           miserable
#> 16075                             outside
#> 16076                               outta
#> 16077                          Overweight
#> 16078                               óvoda
#> 16079                                  ow
#> 16080                                owie
#> 16081                                owie
#> 16082                                NULL
#> 16083                                mint
#> 16084                                 own
#> 16085                                 own
#> 16086                                 own
#> 16087                              owowow
#> 16088                            owowowow
#> 16089                                mint
#> 16090                            minister
#> 16091                              minion
#> 16092                                  Pa
#> 16093                                pack
#> 16094                                pack
#> 16095                             package
#> 16096                             package
#> 16097                                 pad
#> 16098                                 pad
#> 16099                          Paddington
#> 16100                              paddle
#> 16101                         minesweeper
#> 16102                                page
#> 16103                                page
#> 16104                         Mine_Storms
#> 16105                            pain_man
#> 16106                               paint
#> 16107                          paints_man
#> 16108                                pair
#> 16109                              pajama
#> 16110                                 Pam
#> 16111                              Pamala
#> 16112                                 pan
#> 16113                             mineral
#> 16114                                pant
#> 16115                                pant
#> 16116                               miner
#> 16117                             panties
#> 16118                               pants
#> 16119                                mine
#> 16120                                 pap
#> 16121                                Papa
#> 16122                                mine
#> 16123                                papi
#> 16124                           parachute
#> 16125                              pardon
#> 16126                              parent
#> 16127                              parent
#> 16128                                mine
#> 16129                                mine
#> 16130                              minder
#> 16131                                park
#> 16132                                park
#> 16133                               parka
#> 16134                       Parker_Hunter
#> 16135                                mind
#> 16136                                part
#> 16137                                Mina
#> 16138                                part
#> 16139                             partner
#> 16140                               party
#> 16141                                pass
#> 16142                           passenger
#> 16143                             passive
#> 16144                          Millennium
#> 16145                                past
#> 16146                               paste
#> 16147                             Pasteur
#> 16148                                 pat
#> 16149                                path
#> 16150                            patience
#> 16151                             patient
#> 16152                             pattern
#> 16153                           Patterson
#> 16154                            Patteson
#> 16155                                NULL
#> 16156                                 paw
#> 16157                                pawn
#> 16158                              Paxton
#> 16159                             Paxtons
#> 16160                                 pay
#> 16161                                 pay
#> 16162                           millenium
#> 16163                                 pea
#> 16164                                 Pea
#> 16165                                NULL
#> 16166                               peach
#> 16167                               peach
#> 16168                                pear
#> 16169                              pebble
#> 16170                                 pee
#> 16171                                milk
#> 16172                                milk
#> 16173                                peek
#> 16174                                peel
#> 16175                                peel
#> 16176                              peeper
#> 16177                               peeve
#> 16178                              Peewee
#> 16179                             pelican
#> 16180                                 pen
#> 16181                                mile
#> 16182                              Pendot
#> 16183                            Penfield
#> 16184                                NULL
#> 16185                                NULL
#> 16186                              pepper
#> 16187                          peppermint
#> 16188                               Pepsi
#> 16189                             percent
#> 16190                           middleman
#> 16191                             perhaps
#> 16192                              period
#> 16193                           permanent
#> 16194                          microphone
#> 16195                               Micky
#> 16196                        Mickey_Mouse
#> 16197                            Michelle
#> 16198                              person
#> 16199                             persona
#> 16200                            persuade
#> 16201                                Pest
#> 16202                                 pet
#> 16203                                 pet
#> 16204                               petal
#> 16205                                Pete
#> 16206                        Peter_Rabbit
#> 16207                            Peterson
#> 16208                               phant
#> 16209                               phase
#> 16210                               phone
#> 16211                             mhiabbi
#> 16212                            phonetic
#> 16213                                NULL
#> 16214                          phosphorus
#> 16215                                píci
#> 16216                               picit
#> 16217                                pick
#> 16218                                pick
#> 16219                             mexican
#> 16220                              pickle
#> 16221                              picnic
#> 16222                                mész
#> 16223                             picture
#> 16224                              pidgin
#> 16225                              Pieces
#> 16226                               merry
#> 16227                              mérges
#> 16228                              pigman
#> 16229                            Meredith
#> 16230                                pile
#> 16231                                pile
#> 16232                                pile
#> 16233                                pill
#> 16234                                pill
#> 16235                              pillow
#> 16236                               pilot
#> 16237                                 pin
#> 16238                                 pin
#> 16239                               pinch
#> 16240                               pinch
#> 16241                                pine
#> 16242                            pinecone
#> 16243                               pinga
#> 16244                                pink
#> 16245                                pink
#> 16246                            Pinochio
#> 16247                                 pip
#> 16248                                pipe
#> 16249                                pipe
#> 16250                                meow
#> 16251                             mention
#> 16252                                NULL
#> 16253                        Pittsburgher
#> 16254                    Pittsburgh_style
#> 16255                                  PJ
#> 16256                               place
#> 16257                               place
#> 16258                            placemat
#> 16259                               plain
#> 16260                                melt
#> 16261                                plan
#> 16262                                melt
#> 16263                             mehetsz
#> 16264                               plant
#> 16265                             plaster
#> 16266                            platelet
#> 16267                                play
#> 16268                                play
#> 16269                                play
#> 16270                                meet
#> 16271                              please
#> 16272                              please
#> 16273                              pledge
#> 16274                            medvesaj
#> 16275                              plenty
#> 16276                        Plesiosaurus
#> 16277                                plop
#> 16278                                plot
#> 16279                                plug
#> 16280                               plunk
#> 16281                               medve
#> 16282                                plus
#> 16283                                 ply
#> 16284                            Plymouth
#> 16285                              medium
#> 16286                              medium
#> 16287                             podikat
#> 16288                               pohar
#> 16289                          meditation
#> 16290                              poison
#> 16291                              poison
#> 16292                                poke
#> 16293                                 can
#> 16294                       Pole_Position
#> 16295                               Polio
#> 16296                             measure
#> 16297                                Polo
#> 16298                                pond
#> 16299                                pony
#> 16300                                Pony
#> 16301                                 poo
#> 16302                                 poo
#> 16303                                 poo
#> 16304                            meantime
#> 16305                                poop
#> 16306                                 pop
#> 16307                                 Pop
#> 16308                                mean
#> 16309                              Popeye
#> 16310                                Pops
#> 16311                           popsickle
#> 16312                            popsicle
#> 16313                           porcelain
#> 16314                           porcupine
#> 16315                               Porky
#> 16316                              porqué
#> 16317                            portrait
#> 16318                          possessive
#> 16319                                Post
#> 16320                              poster
#> 16321                                mean
#> 16322                                 pot
#> 16323                                  me
#> 16324                               cable
#> 16325                                pour
#> 16326                                pour
#> 16327                                 pow
#> 16328                             Mckayla
#> 16329                          McDonnalds
#> 16330                            practice
#> 16331                              praise
#> 16332                                NULL
#> 16333                              prayer
#> 16334                             predict
#> 16335                          preference
#> 16336                             premium
#> 16337                            presence
#> 16338                             Maxwell
#> 16339                             present
#> 16340                            preserve
#> 16341                           president
#> 16342                               press
#> 16343                              matter
#> 16344                             pretend
#> 16345                                Matt
#> 16346                              Pretty
#> 16347                       Pretty_Ponies
#> 16348                          prevention
#> 16349                       mathematician
#> 16350                             prickle
#> 16351                               prima
#> 16352                                math
#> 16353                              Prince
#> 16354                            princess
#> 16355                         materialize
#> 16356                            material
#> 16357                           Princesss
#> 16358                           principal
#> 16359                               print
#> 16360                             private
#> 16361                             private
#> 16362                               match
#> 16363                             process
#> 16364                              profit
#> 16365                               match
#> 16366                             program
#> 16367             Masters_Of_The_Universe
#> 16368                             program
#> 16369                             promise
#> 16370                             pronoun
#> 16371                             pronoun
#> 16372                           pronounce
#> 16373                           pronounce
#> 16374                       pronunciation
#> 16375                              propel
#> 16376                            property
#> 16377                             propose
#> 16378                         proposition
#> 16379                               cable
#> 16380                             protect
#> 16381                              proton
#> 16382                               prove
#> 16383                           proximity
#> 16384                                 pry
#> 16385                              pseudo
#> 16386                             psssssh
#> 16387                              psyche
#> 16388                              psyche
#> 16389                                 PTA
#> 16390                          Pteranodon
#> 16391                              public
#> 16392                            Publiker
#> 16393                                puff
#> 16394                                Puff
#> 16395                       Massachusetts
#> 16396                                pull
#> 16397                                mass
#> 16398                                NULL
#> 16399                              pulley
#> 16400                                pump
#> 16401                                mash
#> 16402                                mash
#> 16403                               punch
#> 16404                              Maryie
#> 16405                              punish
#> 16406                              punish
#> 16407                                punk
#> 16408                             Maryann
#> 16409                            Pure_Pac
#> 16410                                push
#> 16411                                NULL
#> 16412                                push
#> 16413                                push
#> 16414                                Mary
#> 16415                              Martin
#> 16416                              Martin
#> 16417                                puss
#> 16418                             Martian
#> 16419                                Mars
#> 16420                             married
#> 16421                            marriage
#> 16422                                marq
#> 16423                             quartet
#> 16424                              Markys
#> 16425                               queen
#> 16426                             Mar_kuh
#> 16427                            question
#> 16428                            question
#> 16429                            quickish
#> 16430                                quit
#> 16431                              Markly
#> 16432                          Mark_ky_ky
#> 16433                                   R
#> 16434                              raarrr
#> 16435                              Markky
#> 16436                                race
#> 16437                                race
#> 16438                             Rachael
#> 16439                             Raggedy
#> 16440                              Markey
#> 16441                     Rain_never_stop
#> 16442                               raise
#> 16443                                Márk
#> 16444                                ramp
#> 16445                              Rancor
#> 16446                              random
#> 16447                              Ranger
#> 16448                                rank
#> 16449                             rapture
#> 16450                           raspberry
#> 16451                           raspberry
#> 16452                                 rat
#> 16453                                rate
#> 16454                                rate
#> 16455                         rationalize
#> 16456                               razor
#> 16457                               reach
#> 16458                                mark
#> 16459                               react
#> 16460                                mark
#> 16461                                mark
#> 16462                                read
#> 16463                              Reagan
#> 16464                           Marie_Hel
#> 16465                                Real
#> 16466                             realize
#> 16467                              Reanes
#> 16468                              reason
#> 16469                                mare
#> 16470                               Marco
#> 16471                               rebel
#> 16472                           Rebellion
#> 16473                           reception
#> 16474                           recommend
#> 16475                           recommend
#> 16476                               march
#> 16477                              record
#> 16478                          maraschino
#> 16479                                 red
#> 16480                  Reddy_Fox's_Sudden
#> 16481                          redundancy
#> 16482                              manner
#> 16483                               refer
#> 16484                               refer
#> 16485                             reflect
#> 16486                              manner
#> 16487                              refuse
#> 16488                              refuse
#> 16489                               Regan
#> 16490                               Regan
#> 16491                            register
#> 16492                             regular
#> 16493                            relative
#> 16494                           religious
#> 16495                              Relman
#> 16496                             m_and_m
#> 16497                         reminiscent
#> 16498                              repair
#> 16499                              repeat
#> 16500                              repeat
#> 16501                              repeat
#> 16502                              repeat
#> 16503                              repeat
#> 16504                               reply
#> 16505                                NULL
#> 16506                           represent
#> 16507                           represent
#> 16508                      representation
#> 16509                            republic
#> 16510                          reputation
#> 16511                             request
#> 16512                              rescue
#> 16513                              rescue
#> 16514                             resolve
#> 16515                             resolve
#> 16516                             respond
#> 16517                            response
#> 16518                      responsibility
#> 16519                         Man_at_arms
#> 16520                                rest
#> 16521                                rest
#> 16522                                NULL
#> 16523                              retort
#> 16524                                NULL
#> 16525                              return
#> 16526                  Return_of_the_Jedi
#> 16527                  Return_Of_The_Jedi
#> 16528                               revel
#> 16529                             reverse
#> 16530                              reward
#> 16531                               rhyme
#> 16532                               rhyme
#> 16533                              Rhymes
#> 16534                                 Man
#> 16535                             Richies
#> 16536                                 man
#> 16537                                 man
#> 16538                                 man
#> 16539                              mammal
#> 16540                               Right
#> 16541                            rigorous
#> 16542                                ring
#> 16543                               rinse
#> 16544                                 rip
#> 16545                                 rip
#> 16546                                rise
#> 16547                                risk
#> 16548                                road
#> 16549                                roar
#> 16550                               roast
#> 16551                               roast
#> 16552                                mall
#> 16553                           Robinhood
#> 16554                          Robin_Hood
#> 16555                               Robot
#> 16556                               Makry
#> 16557                                Rock
#> 16558                                NULL
#> 16559                              rodent
#> 16560                               rodeo
#> 16561                               Makon
#> 16562                                roll
#> 16563                                roll
#> 16564                                NULL
#> 16565                             romance
#> 16566                                Rome
#> 16567                              Ronnie
#> 16568                               Ronny
#> 16569                             rooftop
#> 16570                            maintain
#> 16571                                rope
#> 16572                                rose
#> 16573                                Rose
#> 16574                  Rose_for_Pinkerton
#> 16575                            rosemary
#> 16576                              Roshie
#> 16577                                mail
#> 16578                                Ross
#> 16579                                Ross
#> 16580                              Ross'a
#> 16581                               Rossi
#> 16582                              Rossie
#> 16583                              Rossie
#> 16584                               Rosss
#> 16585                         Rossy_Bossy
#> 16586                               rotty
#> 16587                              magnet
#> 16588                        Rough_Horsie
#> 16589                            rough_up
#> 16590                                rove
#> 16591                               royal
#> 16592                               Royal
#> 16593                            rrraarrr
#> 16594                              rrrrrr
#> 16595                               Magic
#> 16596                                 rub
#> 16597                                 rub
#> 16598                       Rub_a_dub_dub
#> 16599                               Rubik
#> 16600                               magic
#> 16601                            magazine
#> 16602                                 rum
#> 16603                                 run
#> 16604                                 run
#> 16605                              Madman
#> 16606                                 run
#> 16607                                 run
#> 16608                              madman
#> 16609                              runned
#> 16610                                rush
#> 16611                                rush
#> 16612                                Ryan
#> 16613                                 rye
#> 16614                           Madeleine
#> 16615                                   S
#> 16616                              Maddie
#> 16617                                 sad
#> 16618                                 mad
#> 16619                                NULL
#> 16620                              Sailor
#> 16621                               Saint
#> 16622                                 saj
#> 16623                          Macwhinney
#> 16624                               Sally
#> 16625                              salmon
#> 16626                                 Sam
#> 16627                              Sambun
#> 16628                               Macho
#> 16629                                same
#> 16630                              sample
#> 16631                            MacGlade
#> 16632                                sand
#> 16633                              Sandor
#> 16634                           MacDonald
#> 16635                                 Mac
#> 16636                               Santa
#> 16637                               Sarah
#> 16638                               Sarah
#> 16639                                  Ma
#> 16640                             satchel
#> 16641                           lymphatic
#> 16642                               sauce
#> 16643                             sausice
#> 16644                            sausices
#> 16645                              Savell
#> 16646                               lunch
#> 16647                               Lucky
#> 16648                               Lucas
#> 16649                               lower
#> 16650                                 say
#> 16651                               scale
#> 16652                             scamper
#> 16653                             scandal
#> 16654                      Lover_Darlings
#> 16655                               scare
#> 16656                               scarf
#> 16657                               scene
#> 16658                        Schneeberger
#> 16659                                love
#> 16660                              school
#> 16661                              school
#> 16662                              school
#> 16663                            schooler
#> 16664                          Schoolname
#> 16665                       schopy_poopie
#> 16666                             Schultz
#> 16667                               scold
#> 16668                               scoop
#> 16669                               scoop
#> 16670                               scoop
#> 16671                               scoot
#> 16672                         scotch_tape
#> 16673                               Scott
#> 16674                              Scotty
#> 16675                              scrape
#> 16676                              scrape
#> 16677                                love
#> 16678                             scratch
#> 16679                             scratch
#> 16680                                love
#> 16681                              scream
#> 16682                              lounge
#> 16683                               screw
#> 16684                               screw
#> 16685                               screw
#> 16686                                NULL
#> 16687                                scug
#> 16688                              Louise
#> 16689                                NULL
#> 16690                               Sears
#> 16691                              season
#> 16692                                NULL
#> 16693                           Sea_World
#> 16694                                 Lou
#> 16695                              secret
#> 16696                           secretary
#> 16697                             section
#> 16698                                 lot
#> 16699                                loss
#> 16700                                lose
#> 16701                                seed
#> 16702                                seed
#> 16703                                lose
#> 16704                                 Los
#> 16705                              select
#> 16706                                lore
#> 16707                                sell
#> 16708                                Lord
#> 16709                            semantic
#> 16710                                send
#> 16711                                loot
#> 16712                                send
#> 16713                                loop
#> 16714                            sentence
#> 16715                                NULL
#> 16716                            separate
#> 16717                            separate
#> 16718                            sequence
#> 16719                              serbys
#> 16720                            sergeant
#> 16721                               serum
#> 16722                               serve
#> 16723                               serve
#> 16724                                NULL
#> 16725                               serve
#> 16726                             service
#> 16727                              settle
#> 16728                               Seuss
#> 16729                                look
#> 16730                               Seven
#> 16731                            Seven_up
#> 16732                                 sew
#> 16733                                 sew
#> 16734                                 sew
#> 16735                               sewer
#> 16736                           Long_arms
#> 16737                              Shafto
#> 16738                               shake
#> 16739                               shake
#> 16740                               shake
#> 16741                                long
#> 16742                              Shalou
#> 16743                               Shalu
#> 16744                               shame
#> 16745                             shampoo
#> 16746                              Shanna
#> 16747                               shape
#> 16748                               shape
#> 16749                               shard
#> 16750                         Lone_Ranger
#> 16751                               share
#> 16752                              lonely
#> 16753                               share
#> 16754                               shark
#> 16755                              Sharon
#> 16756                            lollipop
#> 16757                               Sharp
#> 16758                             shatter
#> 16759                               shave
#> 16760                               shave
#> 16761                              Shawna
#> 16762                              shazam
#> 16763                                 log
#> 16764                                only
#> 16765                                 log
#> 16766                                 She
#> 16767                                shed
#> 16768                               sheet
#> 16769                               shelf
#> 16770                               shell
#> 16771                            Sherwood
#> 16772                               shick
#> 16773                              shield
#> 16774                              shield
#> 16775                               shift
#> 16776                               shine
#> 16777                               shine
#> 16778                                ship
#> 16779                                ship
#> 16780                                ship
#> 16781                           shirttail
#> 16782                               shock
#> 16783                               shock
#> 16784                                lock
#> 16785                                shoe
#> 16786                                shoo
#> 16787                               shoot
#> 16788                            locative
#> 16789                              locate
#> 16790                                loaf
#> 16791                  Shoots_and_Ladders
#> 16792                                shop
#> 16793                                NULL
#> 16794                                load
#> 16795                       L_M_lawn_care
#> 16796                               Short
#> 16797                           shortcake
#> 16798                           Shortcake
#> 16799                           Shortcake
#> 16800                             shortch
#> 16801                            shortcut
#> 16802                             shorten
#> 16803                                Liza
#> 16804                                 Liz
#> 16805                               shout
#> 16806                                show
#> 16807                                live
#> 16808                  Little_Red_Caboose
#> 16809                                show
#> 16810                          Little_One
#> 16811                              little
#> 16812                              little
#> 16813                              litter
#> 16814                              shucks
#> 16815                             shut_up
#> 16816                                 shy
#> 16817                             sibling
#> 16818                          literature
#> 16819                              listen
#> 16820                              listen
#> 16821                             Siegler
#> 16822                                sigh
#> 16823                                sign
#> 16824                               Sikon
#> 16825                        Silent_Eaves
#> 16826                                sill
#> 16827                                list
#> 16828                              Silver
#> 16829                             liqueur
#> 16830                                sing
#> 16831                                sing
#> 16832                            lipstick
#> 16833                                lion
#> 16834                                sink
#> 16835                                sink
#> 16836                                sink
#> 16837                                link
#> 16838                                 sit
#> 16839                                 sit
#> 16840                          linguistic
#> 16841                                NULL
#> 16842                                line
#> 16843                               limit
#> 16844                               sixer
#> 16845                             sixteen
#> 16846                                size
#> 16847                                size
#> 16848                                size
#> 16849                               skate
#> 16850                               skate
#> 16851                               skate
#> 16852                               skate
#> 16853                            skbeaver
#> 16854                            Skeksies
#> 16855                           Skelators
#> 16856                            sketzies
#> 16857                               skill
#> 16858                                skin
#> 16859                             skinned
#> 16860                               skirt
#> 16861                             skittle
#> 16862                             Skittle
#> 16863                               Skull
#> 16864                                Lila
#> 16865                                 sky
#> 16866                         skyscrapers
#> 16867                            Skywaker
#> 16868                           Skywalker
#> 16869                              likely
#> 16870                                slag
#> 16871                                slam
#> 16872                                slap
#> 16873                                slap
#> 16874                               slave
#> 16875                               slave
#> 16876                             slavery
#> 16877                              likely
#> 16878                               sleep
#> 16879                            Sleeping
#> 16880                              sleigh
#> 16881                              slicer
#> 16882                               slide
#> 16883                               slide
#> 16884                               slide
#> 16885                               slime
#> 16886                               slime
#> 16887                               sling
#> 16888                             slither
#> 16889                                slll
#> 16890                                slop
#> 16891                                slot
#> 16892                                slot
#> 16893                                slow
#> 16894                                slow
#> 16895                                slow
#> 16896                               light
#> 16897                                slow
#> 16898                                slow
#> 16899                                slow
#> 16900                               smack
#> 16901                               light
#> 16902                                lift
#> 16903                               Small
#> 16904                                lift
#> 16905                               smart
#> 16906                               smart
#> 16907                               smash
#> 16908                             smasher
#> 16909                            smashers
#> 16910                               smell
#> 16911                               smell
#> 16912                               smile
#> 16913                               smile
#> 16914                             smither
#> 16915                               smoke
#> 16916                               smoke
#> 16917                               smoke
#> 16918                              smooth
#> 16919                                Smou
#> 16920                              Smouth
#> 16921                               Smurf
#> 16922                                NULL
#> 16923                              Smurfs
#> 16924                               smush
#> 16925                               smush
#> 16926                             smushed
#> 16927                             smusher
#> 16928                          life_saver
#> 16929                               snack
#> 16930                                 lie
#> 16931                               Snake
#> 16932                      Snake_mountain
#> 16933                                 lie
#> 16934                             brother
#> 16935                                snap
#> 16936                                 lie
#> 16937                             snapper
#> 16938                              sneeze
#> 16939                              sneeze
#> 16940                         Snoopy_Cool
#> 16941                               snore
#> 16942                               snort
#> 16943                             snorter
#> 16944                                lick
#> 16945                                lick
#> 16946                                snow
#> 16947                          Snowwalker
#> 16948                               snuck
#> 16949                                lick
#> 16950                             license
#> 16951                                  so
#> 16952                            sociable
#> 16953                             liberty
#> 16954                               Lewis
#> 16955                               lever
#> 16956                               socks
#> 16957                                sofa
#> 16958                                soft
#> 16959                                soft
#> 16960                                soft
#> 16961                              solder
#> 16962                               level
#> 16963                               solid
#> 16964                               Soltz
#> 16965                            solution
#> 16966                                lest
#> 16967                             someone
#> 16968                              length
#> 16969                               lemon
#> 16970                                 son
#> 16971                              legyen
#> 16972                                 Son
#> 16973                           son_ababa
#> 16974                               Leggo
#> 16975                                Song
#> 16976                              legged
#> 16977                              legend
#> 16978                                soon
#> 16979                             Lebanon
#> 16980                       sophisticated
#> 16981                                 sör
#> 16982                               leave
#> 16983                               so_so
#> 16984                                soul
#> 16985                                Leas
#> 16986                               sound
#> 16987                               sound
#> 16988                                leap
#> 16989                                 sow
#> 16990                            Spaceman
#> 16991                                NULL
#> 16992                             spanish
#> 16993                                lead
#> 16994                               spank
#> 16995                                lead
#> 16996                               spank
#> 16997                             sparkle
#> 16998                               speak
#> 16999                                NULL
#> 17000                               speak
#> 17001                               spear
#> 17002                                Lazy
#> 17003                             special
#> 17004                          specialize
#> 17005                          specialize
#> 17006                            specific
#> 17007                            specific
#> 17008                             specify
#> 17009                               speck
#> 17010                               layer
#> 17011                               speed
#> 17012                        Speedy_Meows
#> 17013                               spell
#> 17014                               spell
#> 17015                                 lay
#> 17016                               spend
#> 17017                               spend
#> 17018                              Spiddy
#> 17019                              spider
#> 17020                          Spider_man
#> 17021                           Spiderman
#> 17022                               spike
#> 17023                               spike
#> 17024                               Spike
#> 17025                                lava
#> 17026                             spikito
#> 17027                         Spiky_Meows
#> 17028                      Laure_Isabelle
#> 17029                                spin
#> 17030                                spit
#> 17031                                spit
#> 17032                               laugh
#> 17033                              splash
#> 17034                              splash
#> 17035                               splat
#> 17036                            splinter
#> 17037                            splinter
#> 17038                               spoil
#> 17039                               spoke
#> 17040                              sponge
#> 17041                              sponge
#> 17042                               spook
#> 17043                               spool
#> 17044                               spoon
#> 17045                               spoon
#> 17046                              Sports
#> 17047                              spread
#> 17048                              spread
#> 17049                              spring
#> 17050                              spring
#> 17051                                NULL
#> 17052                               spush
#> 17053                      Spweddyspwikes
#> 17054                                 spy
#> 17055                                 spy
#> 17056                            squadron
#> 17057                              square
#> 17058                              squash
#> 17059                             squeeze
#> 17060                                last
#> 17061                             squeeze
#> 17062                            Squidman
#> 17063                                last
#> 17064                              squish
#> 17065                            squushed
#> 17066                              Lassie
#> 17067                                 ssh
#> 17068                                NULL
#> 17069                              stacks
#> 17070                               Stacy
#> 17071                                lass
#> 17072                             stagger
#> 17073                               stair
#> 17074                               large
#> 17075                               stand
#> 17076                             standed
#> 17077                              staple
#> 17078                              staple
#> 17079                              staple
#> 17080                            stapling
#> 17081                                star
#> 17082                                 lap
#> 17083                               stare
#> 17084                               starn
#> 17085                            Starrier
#> 17086                               Stars
#> 17087                                Lane
#> 17088                        Star_trooper
#> 17089                              starve
#> 17090                              starve
#> 17091                                Land
#> 17092                                land
#> 17093                               state
#> 17094                               state
#> 17095                                stay
#> 17096                                Lamb
#> 17097                               steak
#> 17098                               steal
#> 17099                                Lada
#> 17100                                lace
#> 17101                               steer
#> 17102                               stern
#> 17103                         stethoscope
#> 17104                               Steve
#> 17105                              Steven
#> 17106                               stick
#> 17107                               label
#> 17108                               label
#> 17109                               stick
#> 17110                               stick
#> 17111                               labad
#> 17112                               Kurts
#> 17113                                Kurt
#> 17114                              stitch
#> 17115                              stitch
#> 17116                               stock
#> 17117                               stock
#> 17118                          Kung_poopy
#> 17119                             stomach
#> 17120                               stomp
#> 17121                               stone
#> 17122                               stoop
#> 17123                                stop
#> 17124                               kulcs
#> 17125                               Krull
#> 17126                               Storm
#> 17127                            Krispies
#> 17128                            köszönöm
#> 17129                               story
#> 17130                               stove
#> 17131                            straight
#> 17132                                NULL
#> 17133                          straighten
#> 17134                              person
#> 17135                              stream
#> 17136                             kösönöm
#> 17137                             stretch
#> 17138                             stretch
#> 17139                              strike
#> 17140                              strike
#> 17141                              string
#> 17142                               strip
#> 17143                               strip
#> 17144                              stripe
#> 17145                              stroll
#> 17146                             koo_koo
#> 17147                              strong
#> 17148                             student
#> 17149                               study
#> 17150                               study
#> 17151                               Kocsi
#> 17152                                stup
#> 17153                               kocsi
#> 17154                              stupid
#> 17155                           stylistic
#> 17156                             subject
#> 17157                                such
#> 17158                                suck
#> 17159                                suck
#> 17160                             suffice
#> 17161                            suitcase
#> 17162                              Sumacs
#> 17163                              Summer
#> 17164                                 sun
#> 17165                               knock
#> 17166                                 sun
#> 17167                                 sun
#> 17168                               knock
#> 17169                              sunday
#> 17170                             Sundays
#> 17171                            sunlight
#> 17172                               knock
#> 17173                          Supercreep
#> 17174                            Supermen
#> 17175                         Superpirate
#> 17176                           Superpunk
#> 17177                              supply
#> 17178                               knock
#> 17179                             suppose
#> 17180                            suppress
#> 17181                                knob
#> 17182                                sure
#> 17183                                NULL
#> 17184                            surprise
#> 17185                              survey
#> 17186                             survive
#> 17187                             survive
#> 17188                               Susie
#> 17189                             suspect
#> 17190                                Susy
#> 17191                             Suzanne
#> 17192                             swallow
#> 17193                           Swamptown
#> 17194                                swat
#> 17195                              knight
#> 17196                               sweep
#> 17197                               sweep
#> 17198                               sweet
#> 17199                                NULL
#> 17200                               sweet
#> 17201                                NULL
#> 17202                               swell
#> 17203                                swim
#> 17204                               kitty
#> 17205                               swing
#> 17206                               swing
#> 17207                              Swirls
#> 17208                               swish
#> 17209                              switch
#> 17210                              switch
#> 17211                            syllable
#> 17212                              syntax
#> 17213                            szereted
#> 17214                            szeretem
#> 17215                              szives
#> 17216                                   T
#> 17217                             Kitchen
#> 17218                           Kistement
#> 17219                               table
#> 17220                               tadah
#> 17221                              taddle
#> 17222                                 tag
#> 17223                           kissy_poo
#> 17224                              tailor
#> 17225                                take
#> 17226                                kiss
#> 17227                                tale
#> 17228                                NULL
#> 17229                                talk
#> 17230                                talk
#> 17231                                kiss
#> 17232                             kisfiam
#> 17233                                Kirk
#> 17234                               talon
#> 17235                          tambourine
#> 17236                                tame
#> 17237                              Tantan
#> 17238                                king
#> 17239                                tape
#> 17240                                tape
#> 17241                                tape
#> 17242                                Tape
#> 17243                        taperecorder
#> 17244                           tarantula
#> 17245                              bottle
#> 17246                              tassel
#> 17247                               taste
#> 17248                      kindergartener
#> 17249                               taste
#> 17250                               taste
#> 17251                         Killer_Hill
#> 17252                               taste
#> 17253                                kill
#> 17254                              tattoo
#> 17255                                  té
#> 17256                               teach
#> 17257                              kilenc
#> 17258                               teach
#> 17259                               Kieth
#> 17260                                 Kid
#> 17261                               teach
#> 17262                               Teala
#> 17263                               Teala
#> 17264                                 kid
#> 17265                                tear
#> 17266                                tear
#> 17267                               tease
#> 17268                                 kid
#> 17269                                NULL
#> 17270                               tease
#> 17271                            teaspoon
#> 17272                           technique
#> 17273                                 tee
#> 17274                               teeny
#> 17275                               kicky
#> 17276                                tees
#> 17277                             Teetush
#> 17278                                 tej
#> 17279                               tejet
#> 17280                                kick
#> 17281                                NULL
#> 17282                                tell
#> 17283                                kggg
#> 17284                              telled
#> 17285                               tempt
#> 17286                                 ten
#> 17287                                tend
#> 17288                      Tender_hearted
#> 17289                              tennis
#> 17290                               tenor
#> 17291                                Tent
#> 17292                                term
#> 17293                            terminal
#> 17294                               ke'so
#> 17295                       Terrible_Toad
#> 17296                             terrify
#> 17297                           terrorize
#> 17298                           terrorize
#> 17299                                test
#> 17300                                test
#> 17301                                test
#> 17302                                test
#> 17303                             tetanus
#> 17304                             Tetanus
#> 17305                               Thank
#> 17306                             Kernick
#> 17307                        Thanksgiving
#> 17308                               kérem
#> 17309                             kerchoo
#> 17310                              Kerber
#> 17311                              kenyer
#> 17312      Keep_The_Balloon_Off_The_Floor
#> 17313    Keep_The_Balloon_Off_Of_The_Wall
#> 17314                              keeped
#> 17315                                keep
#> 17316                                 the
#> 17317                             theater
#> 17318                                thee
#> 17319             The_Empire_Strikes_Back
#> 17320                               Keber
#> 17321              The_lady_And_The_Tramp
#> 17322                      The_Little_Lie
#> 17323                              Thelma
#> 17324                               Kayla
#> 17325                               Katie
#> 17326                                Kate
#> 17327                              theory
#> 17328                          Karate_kid
#> 17329                               there
#> 17330                              Karate
#> 17331                              Kanobi
#> 17332                             thermos
#> 17333                            kangaroo
#> 17334                            kangaroo
#> 17335                 The_Sleeping_Beauty
#> 17336               The_three_little_pigs
#> 17337                                 kak
#> 17338                             Kaitlin
#> 17339                            kabowied
#> 17340                             They're
#> 17341                             thiddle
#> 17342                               thief
#> 17343                                kabi
#> 17344                               thing
#> 17345                              Justin
#> 17346                              Things
#> 17347                             thingys
#> 17348                             justice
#> 17349                               think
#> 17350                                Just
#> 17351                               think
#> 17352                             thinked
#> 17353                             Jumping
#> 17354                          jumparanoo
#> 17355                                jump
#> 17356                                jump
#> 17357                               those
#> 17358                               Those
#> 17359                               jumbo
#> 17360                                NULL
#> 17361                              Julius
#> 17362                              thread
#> 17363                            threaten
#> 17364                               juice
#> 17365                                 jug
#> 17366                               judge
#> 17367                               Joyce
#> 17368                              Josiah
#> 17369                              Joseph
#> 17370                               throw
#> 17371                             throwed
#> 17372                            Thundarr
#> 17373                            Jonathan
#> 17374                             thunder
#> 17375                           Jonastina
#> 17376                           Thursdays
#> 17377                               Tiara
#> 17378                                 tic
#> 17379                                NULL
#> 17380                                tick
#> 17381                              ticket
#> 17382                               Joker
#> 17383                              tickle
#> 17384                              tickle
#> 17385                                 tie
#> 17386                                 tie
#> 17387                                 tie
#> 17388                                John
#> 17389                                John
#> 17390                               tight
#> 17391                                Tiki
#> 17392                                 jog
#> 17393                                Joey
#> 17394                                tile
#> 17395                                NULL
#> 17396                                tilt
#> 17397                                time
#> 17398                                jock
#> 17399                                time
#> 17400                                Time
#> 17401                                 tin
#> 17402                              tingle
#> 17403                              tingle
#> 17404                                Tiny
#> 17405                                 tip
#> 17406                                tire
#> 17407                                 tit
#> 17408                                  jó
#> 17409                              Titush
#> 17410                                  to
#> 17411                                Toad
#> 17412                               toast
#> 17413                               today
#> 17414                               Jimmy
#> 17415                              jiggle
#> 17416                             jewelry
#> 17417                            jettison
#> 17418                               tojas
#> 17419                                 jet
#> 17420                                tomb
#> 17421                               Tommy
#> 17422                            tomorrow
#> 17423                            tomorrow
#> 17424                                Tony
#> 17425                                Tony
#> 17426                               Jesse
#> 17427                                NULL
#> 17428                               tooth
#> 17429                              Jeremy
#> 17430                           tootletoo
#> 17431                            Jennifer
#> 17432                             torpedo
#> 17433                            tortilla
#> 17434                             torture
#> 17435                               jelly
#> 17436                               total
#> 17437                               Jello
#> 17438                                Tots
#> 17439                               touch
#> 17440                             Jeffrey
#> 17441                              toughy
#> 17442                                tour
#> 17443                                 tow
#> 17444                              toward
#> 17445                              toward
#> 17446                                Jedi
#> 17447                               towel
#> 17448                               towel
#> 17449                      Tower_of_Hanoi
#> 17450                                town
#> 17451                               jeans
#> 17452                             Jeannie
#> 17453                               track
#> 17454                               track
#> 17455                               track
#> 17456                             tractor
#> 17457                               trade
#> 17458                               trade
#> 17459                             jealous
#> 17460                         traditional
#> 17461                                  Je
#> 17462                               train
#> 17463                             Tramway
#> 17464                           transcend
#> 17465                            transfer
#> 17466                            transfer
#> 17467                           transform
#> 17468                         Transformer
#> 17469                            transmit
#> 17470                           transport
#> 17471                       Transylvanian
#> 17472                                Jawa
#> 17473                                trap
#> 17474                                trap
#> 17475                                trap
#> 17476                                trap
#> 17477                              travel
#> 17478                              travel
#> 17479                                tray
#> 17480                         treacherous
#> 17481                            treasure
#> 17482                               treat
#> 17483                                 jaw
#> 17484                             tremble
#> 17485                            Japanese
#> 17486                            Trinidad
#> 17487                             January
#> 17488                                NULL
#> 17489                                trip
#> 17490                                trip
#> 17491                            Ja'nos's
#> 17492                          Tron_cycle
#> 17493                               troop
#> 17494                             trooper
#> 17495                               Janos
#> 17496                            Troopers
#> 17497                               Janos
#> 17498                               truck
#> 17499                                 Jan
#> 17500                                NULL
#> 17501                               trunk
#> 17502                          James_Bond
#> 17503                               Jaime
#> 17504                   Tubby_the_tugboat
#> 17505                                jail
#> 17506                                tuck
#> 17507                                Tuck
#> 17508                              Tucker
#> 17509                               tudod
#> 17510                             tuesday
#> 17511                            Tuesdays
#> 17512                                 tug
#> 17513                              tumble
#> 17514                                tune
#> 17515                             Jackson
#> 17516                                 tup
#> 17517                                item
#> 17518                                itch
#> 17519                                  it
#> 17520                              turtle
#> 17521                              Turtle
#> 17522                                 ist
#> 17523                                  is
#> 17524                                twin
#> 17525                             twinkle
#> 17526                               twirl
#> 17527                               twist
#> 17528                                NULL
#> 17529                               twist
#> 17530                                iron
#> 17531                               twoed
#> 17532                                iron
#> 17533                   Tyrannosaurus_rex
#> 17534                   Tyrannosaurus_Rex
#> 17535                                   u
#> 17536                                Iona
#> 17537                                uggi
#> 17538                                Uggi
#> 17539                                ugly
#> 17540                              invite
#> 17541                                ugye
#> 17542                                  Uh
#> 17543                              invite
#> 17544                               uhhuh
#> 17545                          invincible
#> 17546                       investigation
#> 17547                              invest
#> 17548                                Uhuh
#> 17549                            umbrella
#> 17550                              invade
#> 17551                             intrude
#> 17552                                  un
#> 17553                           unanimous
#> 17554                               uncle
#> 17555                               Uncle
#> 17556                       Uncle_Scrooge
#> 17557                        intonational
#> 17558                          intimidate
#> 17559                           Under_Roo
#> 17560                          understand
#> 17561                           underwear
#> 17562                           interrupt
#> 17563                               union
#> 17564                              unique
#> 17565                                unit
#> 17566                               unite
#> 17567                       United_States
#> 17568                           Universal
#> 17569                             unknown
#> 17570                           interpret
#> 17571                               until
#> 17572                        intermission
#> 17573                            interest
#> 17574                         up_and_away
#> 17575                                upee
#> 17576                              uppies
#> 17577                            interest
#> 17578                               upset
#> 17579                             uranium
#> 17580                                urfs
#> 17581                           intensify
#> 17582                                 use
#> 17583                             intense
#> 17584                                 use
#> 17585                         intelligent
#> 17586                            integral
#> 17587                           insurance
#> 17588                             instant
#> 17589                             utensil
#> 17590                            vacation
#> 17591                             vaccine
#> 17592                             instant
#> 17593                            instance
#> 17594                               Vader
#> 17595                           Inspector
#> 17596                               Vader
#> 17597                                vagy
#> 17598                           valentine
#> 17599                             vampire
#> 17600                                 van
#> 17601                                 van
#> 17602                            vanquish
#> 17603                           insistent
#> 17604                          vegetarian
#> 17605                             vehicle
#> 17606                                vein
#> 17607                               veled
#> 17608                              verbal
#> 17609                           verbalize
#> 17610                           verbalize
#> 17611                             Vermont
#> 17612                               versa
#> 17613                              versus
#> 17614                            vertical
#> 17615                                vest
#> 17616                                 ink
#> 17617                               video
#> 17618                             vinegar
#> 17619                           violation
#> 17620                              injure
#> 17621                             violent
#> 17622                                visa
#> 17623                              vision
#> 17624                              Ingari
#> 17625                                NULL
#> 17626                               visit
#> 17627                                Inga
#> 17628                               vizet
#> 17629                             vocalic
#> 17630                                NULL
#> 17631                            volcanic
#> 17632                             voltage
#> 17633                               vomit
#> 17634                                vote
#> 17635                             vrrooom
#> 17636                            vrrrooom
#> 17637                                 ing
#> 17638                               wacky
#> 17639                                wade
#> 17640                            infinity
#> 17641                               wagon
#> 17642                               waist
#> 17643                               infer
#> 17644                                wait
#> 17645                              infant
#> 17646                            Indianna
#> 17647                              indian
#> 17648                              indian
#> 17649                                NULL
#> 17650                               index
#> 17651                              wander
#> 17652                               wanna
#> 17653                               index
#> 17654                              indeed
#> 17655                          incidental
#> 17656                        incapacitate
#> 17657                                 war
#> 17658                          impression
#> 17659                              warmth
#> 17660                                warn
#> 17661                             Warrick
#> 17662                            Impirial
#> 17663                                wash
#> 17664                                wash
#> 17665                            imperial
#> 17666                                wash
#> 17667                               wassa
#> 17668                                NULL
#> 17669                               waste
#> 17670                               watch
#> 17671                             imitate
#> 17672                             imitate
#> 17673                               water
#> 17674                           waterfall
#> 17675                                wave
#> 17676                                 wax
#> 17677                              imbibe
#> 17678                           imbalance
#> 17679                             imagine
#> 17680                         imagination
#> 17681                               image
#> 17682                   I_love_you_so_bad
#> 17683                              weaken
#> 17684                            Illinois
#> 17685                              Weapon
#> 17686                                  If
#> 17687                                  ie
#> 17688                                idle
#> 17689                      identification
#> 17690                                 ide
#> 17691                           wednesday
#> 17692                          Wednesdays
#> 17693                                 ice
#> 17694                               weigh
#> 17695                               Weird
#> 17696                             welcome
#> 17697                                   I
#> 17698                                Well
#> 17699                               Wendy
#> 17700                              Wendys
#> 17701                        hypothetical
#> 17702                         hypothesize
#> 17703                                west
#> 17704                                NULL
#> 17705                              Westen
#> 17706                                 wet
#> 17707                                  wɘ
#> 17708                               whack
#> 17709                              whacko
#> 17710                               whale
#> 17711                               whamo
#> 17712                                whap
#> 17713                                what
#> 17714                             hvsikat
#> 17715                                hush
#> 17716                                hurt
#> 17717                                What
#> 17718                                What
#> 17719               What_Did_You_Say_Dear
#> 17720                            hurry_up
#> 17721                            what_for
#> 17722                              whatsy
#> 17723                               hurry
#> 17724                                hunt
#> 17725                                hunt
#> 17726                                hunt
#> 17727                               where
#> 17728                                hunt
#> 17729                               hunks
#> 17730                              hunkes
#> 17731                             whereas
#> 17732                            wherever
#> 17733                                hunk
#> 17734                                hunk
#> 17735                         Hungry_Wolf
#> 17736                             whimper
#> 17737                             whimper
#> 17738                              hungry
#> 17739                                whip
#> 17740                                whip
#> 17741                            whiplash
#> 17742                           Hungarian
#> 17743                             Whitsky
#> 17744                                 who
#> 17745                                 who
#> 17746                                 who
#> 17747                               humor
#> 17748                                whoa
#> 17749                             whoever
#> 17750                              humbug
#> 17751                             humanis
#> 17752                        wholehearted
#> 17753                               whoop
#> 17754                               Hulks
#> 17755                                 why
#> 17756                                Hulk
#> 17757                            poitions
#> 17758                                wife
#> 17759                                hulk
#> 17760                                hulk
#> 17761                                wild
#> 17762                                Wild
#> 17763                            Wildcats
#> 17764                            wildlife
#> 17765                                Wile
#> 17766                                hula
#> 17767                                 huh
#> 17768                                 hug
#> 17769                             willing
#> 17770                           willpower
#> 17771                                 hug
#> 17772                                 hug
#> 17773                                huff
#> 17774                                NULL
#> 17775                                wind
#> 17776                                wind
#> 17777                         Hubba_Bubba
#> 17778                               hozza
#> 17779                                wing
#> 17780                              winter
#> 17781                                wire
#> 17782                              wisdom
#> 17783                                wish
#> 17784                                howl
#> 17785                               witch
#> 17786                               Witch
#> 17787                              Witsky
#> 17788                              wizard
#> 17789                                woah
#> 17790                              wobble
#> 17791                               wocha
#> 17792                                 how
#> 17793                                wolf
#> 17794                                Wolf
#> 17795                               woman
#> 17796                               woman
#> 17797                                hóva
#> 17798                               House
#> 17799                               hotel
#> 17800                         Wonderwoman
#> 17801                               Hosto
#> 17802                                hose
#> 17803                          woodpecker
#> 17804                               bobby
#> 17805                              Wookie
#> 17806                                wool
#> 17807                                wool
#> 17808                              Woopie
#> 17809                               woosh
#> 17810                        woowoowoowoo
#> 17811                     Worcester_Sauce
#> 17812                                wore
#> 17813                                work
#> 17814                                work
#> 17815                               horse
#> 17816                                work
#> 17817                                horn
#> 17818                             working
#> 17819                                hope
#> 17820                               world
#> 17821                                hope
#> 17822                            worriers
#> 17823                               worry
#> 17824                               worry
#> 17825                                 hop
#> 17826                            worstest
#> 17827                               worth
#> 17828                              hooray
#> 17829                                wrap
#> 17830                              wreath
#> 17831                               wreck
#> 17832                            wretched
#> 17833                             wrinkle
#> 17834                               wrist
#> 17835                           wristband
#> 17836                               write
#> 17837                                hoop
#> 17838                                hook
#> 17839                                 Wug
#> 17840                                   x
#> 17841                               xenon
#> 17842                               homok
#> 17843                                   Y
#> 17844                                Home
#> 17845                                 yah
#> 17846                                 yam
#> 17847                                yank
#> 17848                                NULL
#> 17849                                 yay
#> 17850                               Ya_Ya
#> 17851                             yeahhuh
#> 17852                         Hollandaise
#> 17853                             holiday
#> 17854                                Year
#> 17855                               yeesh
#> 17856                                Hole
#> 17857                                hole
#> 17858                             hold_on
#> 17859                              yellow
#> 17860                                hold
#> 17861                                hold
#> 17862                                hogy
#> 17863                               yicky
#> 17864                              hobble
#> 17865                             Hobbits
#> 17866                            yo_ho_ho
#> 17867                              hívnak
#> 17868                                 hit
#> 17869                               young
#> 17870                        hippopotamus
#> 17871                               hippo
#> 17872                                 hip
#> 17873                          yourselves
#> 17874                                yoyo
#> 17875                               yucko
#> 17876                                 yum
#> 17877                                yums
#> 17878                             Zaccaro
#> 17879                                Zack
#> 17880                                 zap
#> 17881                                zero
#> 17882                              zeroes
#> 17883                                Zeus
#> 17884                                 zig
#> 17885                                 zip
#> 17886                                 zip
#> 17887                                 zip
#> 17888                              zipper
#> 17889                              zombie
#> 17890                                 him
#> 17891                                zoom
#> 17892                         zsipi_zsupa
#> 17893                               Hills
#> 17894                                NULL
#> 17895                                hike
#> 17896                                NULL
#> 17897                                NULL
#> 17898                                NULL
#> 17899                                NULL
#> 17900                                NULL
#> 17901                                NULL
#> 17902                                NULL
#> 17903                                NULL
#> 17904                                NULL
#> 17905                                NULL
#> 17906                                hijo
#> 17907                                NULL
#> 17908                                NULL
#> 17909                                NULL
#> 17910                                NULL
#> 17911                                NULL
#> 17912                                NULL
#> 17913                                NULL
#> 17914                                NULL
#> 17915                                NULL
#> 17916                                NULL
#> 17917                                NULL
#> 17918                                NULL
#> 17919                                NULL
#> 17920                                NULL
#> 17921                                high
#> 17922                                NULL
#> 17923                                NULL
#> 17924                                NULL
#> 17925                                NULL
#> 17926                                NULL
#> 17927                                NULL
#> 17928                                NULL
#> 17929                                NULL
#> 17930                                NULL
#> 17931                                NULL
#> 17932                                NULL
#> 17933                                NULL
#> 17934                                NULL
#> 17935                                NULL
#> 17936                                NULL
#> 17937                                NULL
#> 17938                                NULL
#> 17939                                NULL
#> 17940                                NULL
#> 17941                                NULL
#> 17942                              blonde
#> 17943                                NULL
#> 17944                                NULL
#> 17945                                hide
#> 17946                                NULL
#> 17947                                NULL
#> 17948                                NULL
#> 17949                                NULL
#> 17950                                NULL
#> 17951                                NULL
#> 17952                                NULL
#> 17953                                NULL
#> 17954                                NULL
#> 17955                                NULL
#> 17956                                NULL
#> 17957                                NULL
#> 17958                                NULL
#> 17959                                hide
#> 17960                                NULL
#> 17961                                NULL
#> 17962                                NULL
#> 17963                                NULL
#> 17964                                NULL
#> 17965                                NULL
#> 17966                                NULL
#> 17967                             hickory
#> 17968                                NULL
#> 17969                                NULL
#> 17970                                NULL
#> 17971                                NULL
#> 17972                                NULL
#> 17973                                Hi_c
#> 17974                                NULL
#> 17975                                NULL
#> 17976                                NULL
#> 17977                                NULL
#> 17978                                NULL
#> 17979                                NULL
#> 17980                                hi_c
#> 17981                                 big
#> 17982                                NULL
#> 17983                         hibernation
#> 17984                                NULL
#> 17985                                NULL
#> 17986                                NULL
#> 17987                                NULL
#> 17988                                 bet
#> 17989                                NULL
#> 17990                                NULL
#> 17991                                  Hi
#> 17992                                NULL
#> 17993                                NULL
#> 17994                                NULL
#> 17995                                NULL
#> 17996                                NULL
#> 17997                                NULL
#> 17998                                NULL
#> 17999                                NULL
#> 18000                                NULL
#> 18001                                NULL
#> 18002                                 hhh
#> 18003                                NULL
#> 18004                                NULL
#> 18005                                NULL
#> 18006                                NULL
#> 18007                                NULL
#> 18008                                NULL
#> 18009                                NULL
#> 18010                                NULL
#> 18011                                NULL
#> 18012                                NULL
#> 18013                                NULL
#> 18014                                NULL
#> 18015                                NULL
#> 18016                                NULL
#> 18017                                NULL
#> 18018                                NULL
#> 18019                                NULL
#> 18020                                 hey
#> 18021                                NULL
#> 18022                                NULL
#> 18023                                NULL
#> 18024                                NULL
#> 18025                                 hex
#> 18026                                NULL
#> 18027                                NULL
#> 18028                                NULL
#> 18029                                NULL
#> 18030                                NULL
#> 18031                                NULL
#> 18032                                NULL
#> 18033                                NULL
#> 18034                                NULL
#> 18035                                NULL
#> 18036                                NULL
#> 18037                                NULL
#> 18038                                NULL
#> 18039                                NULL
#> 18040                                NULL
#> 18041                                NULL
#> 18042                                NULL
#> 18043                                NULL
#> 18044                                NULL
#> 18045                                NULL
#> 18046                             herself
#> 18047                                NULL
#> 18048                                NULL
#> 18049                                NULL
#> 18050                                NULL
#> 18051                                NULL
#> 18052                                NULL
#> 18053                                NULL
#> 18054                                NULL
#> 18055                                NULL
#> 18056                                NULL
#> 18057                                NULL
#> 18058                                NULL
#> 18059                                NULL
#> 18060                                NULL
#> 18061                                Hero
#> 18062                                NULL
#> 18063                                NULL
#> 18064                                hero
#> 18065                                NULL
#> 18066                                NULL
#> 18067                                NULL
#> 18068                                NULL
#> 18069                                NULL
#> 18070                                NULL
#> 18071                                NULL
#> 18072                                NULL
#> 18073                                NULL
#> 18074                                NULL
#> 18075                                NULL
#> 18076                                NULL
#> 18077                                NULL
#> 18078                                NULL
#> 18079                                NULL
#> 18080                                NULL
#> 18081                                NULL
#> 18082                                NULL
#> 18083                                NULL
#> 18084                              hermit
#> 18085                                NULL
#> 18086                                NULL
#> 18087                                NULL
#> 18088                                NULL
#> 18089                                NULL
#> 18090                                NULL
#> 18091                                NULL
#> 18092                                NULL
#> 18093                                NULL
#> 18094                                NULL
#> 18095                              hereby
#> 18096                                NULL
#> 18097                                NULL
#> 18098                                NULL
#> 18099                                NULL
#> 18100                                NULL
#> 18101                                NULL
#> 18102                                NULL
#> 18103                                NULL
#> 18104                                NULL
#> 18105                                Here
#> 18106                                NULL
#> 18107                                NULL
#> 18108                                NULL
#> 18109                                NULL
#> 18110                                NULL
#> 18111                                NULL
#> 18112                                NULL
#> 18113                               again
#> 18114                                  do
#> 18115                                head
#> 18116                                 his
#> 18117                                  it
#> 18118                                  on
#> 18119                             arounds
#> 18120                                  at
#> 18121                                  be
#> 18122                                 day
#> 18123                              decide
#> 18124                                  do
#> 18125                                 get
#> 18126                                give
#> 18127                                  go
#> 18128                                  go
#> 18129                                  go
#> 18130                                good
#> 18131                             Grandma
#> 18132                                have
#> 18133                                have
#> 18134                                  he
#> 18135                                 huh
#> 18136                                keep
#> 18137                                know
#> 18138                                like
#> 18139                                like
#> 18140                                look
#> 18141                                  ma
#> 18142                               Marky
#> 18143                                  me
#> 18144                               might
#> 18145                                mine
#> 18146                                NULL
#> 18147                                 one
#> 18148                                 one
#> 18149                                onto
#> 18150                                over
#> 18151                                play
#> 18152                               quiet
#> 18153                                 run
#> 18154                               sleep
#> 18155                                  so
#> 18156                                sure
#> 18157                                that
#> 18158                                that
#> 18159                                that
#> 18160                               there
#> 18161                                  to
#> 18162                                  to
#> 18163                               uhhuh
#> 18164                               until
#> 18165                                 use
#> 18166                                want
#> 18167                                want
#> 18168                                what
#> 18169                                when
#> 18170                               where
#> 18171                               which
#> 18172                                will
#> 18173                                will
#> 18174                                here
#> 18175                                your
#> 18176                               about
#> 18177                                  be
#> 18178                               Brian
#> 18179                           everytime
#> 18180                                   I
#> 18181                                   I
#> 18182                                 kid
#> 18183                                 kid
#> 18184                                 one
#> 18185                                pack
#> 18186                              pretty
#> 18187                               these
#> 18188                               think
#> 18189                                this
#> 18190                                well
#> 18191                                 you
#> 18192                                herd
#> 18193                            Hercules
#> 18194                                herb
#> 18195                               Aaron
#> 18196                                 her
#> 18197                              absorb
#> 18198                            accident
#> 18199                            accurate
#> 18200                              across
#> 18201                                 act
#> 18202                                 act
#> 18203                              action
#> 18204                              action
#> 18205                              active
#> 18206                               Henry
#> 18207                            adhesive
#> 18208                          admissible
#> 18209                          adulterate
#> 18210                                NULL
#> 18211                               agree
#> 18212                            Hemlocks
#> 18213                              He_Man
#> 18214                            airplane
#> 18215                             airport
#> 18216                         Albuquerque
#> 18217                                Alex
#> 18218                               alike
#> 18219                                help
#> 18220                                help
#> 18221                               Allen
#> 18222                               aloft
#> 18223                               alone
#> 18224                              helmet
#> 18225                               aloud
#> 18226                              Helene
#> 18227                               Helen
#> 18228                               Ander
#> 18229                          Andy_Candy
#> 18230                               angel
#> 18231                        Ankylosaurus
#> 18232                             another
#> 18233                                hees
#> 18234                              answer
#> 18235                              Heeman
#> 18236                              heehee
#> 18237                                 hee
#> 18238                              Apollo
#> 18239                              appear
#> 18240                              appear
#> 18241                            appetite
#> 18242                         appropriate
#> 18243                           architect
#> 18244                                 arg
#> 18245                              heaven
#> 18246                                army
#> 18247                             Heather
#> 18248                         Heathcliffe
#> 18249                         Heathcliffe
#> 18250                                 ash
#> 18251                                 ask
#> 18252                                hear
#> 18253                                hear
#> 18254                             aspirin
#> 18255                            assemble
#> 18256                           astronaut
#> 18257                              health
#> 18258                               At_at
#> 18259                                aten
#> 18260                               Atlas
#> 18261                              attach
#> 18262                              attach
#> 18263                              attack
#> 18264                              attack
#> 18265                                NULL
#> 18266                               attic
#> 18267                              August
#> 18268                                Aunt
#> 18269                             avocado
#> 18270                               avoid
#> 18271                               awake
#> 18272                               awake
#> 18273                                head
#> 18274                                baby
#> 18275                                head
#> 18276                               heach
#> 18277                                 bad
#> 18278                           badminton
#> 18279                                 bag
#> 18280                                 bag
#> 18281                                bake
#> 18282                                hbil
#> 18283                              ballet
#> 18284                              banana
#> 18285                              banana
#> 18286                                bang
#> 18287                                bang
#> 18288                                bang
#> 18289                                bank
#> 18290                                 bar
#> 18291                                bare
#> 18292                              Barney
#> 18293                                Barr
#> 18294                       barred_thingy
#> 18295                                 bat
#> 18296                             bazooka
#> 18297                                NULL
#> 18298                                haza
#> 18299                                Haws
#> 18300                                 haw
#> 18301                                  be
#> 18302                             Haunted
#> 18303                               haunt
#> 18304                                hate
#> 18305                                hate
#> 18306                                hate
#> 18307                                bear
#> 18308                                bear
#> 18309                                bear
#> 18310                                Bear
#> 18311                                Bear
#> 18312                               beard
#> 18313                         Bearinstein
#> 18314                               Bears
#> 18315                               beast
#> 18316                                beat
#> 18317                           beautiful
#> 18318                              beaver
#> 18319                                hash
#> 18320                          because_of
#> 18321                              become
#> 18322                             harpoon
#> 18323                                 bee
#> 18324                                beep
#> 18325                               három
#> 18326                               begin
#> 18327                                harm
#> 18328                             believe
#> 18329                                bell
#> 18330                                belt
#> 18331                                 Ben
#> 18332                               bench
#> 18333                             besides
#> 18334                               bewie
#> 18335                              beyond
#> 18336                                Bibb
#> 18337                               bilge
#> 18338                                Bill
#> 18339                                bind
#> 18340                              harbor
#> 18341                                 bit
#> 18342                                bite
#> 18343                                bite
#> 18344                                  BJ
#> 18345                               black
#> 18346                                NULL
#> 18347                            blacktop
#> 18348                               blame
#> 18349                             blanket
#> 18350                               blend
#> 18351                               block
#> 18352                              happen
#> 18353                                blow
#> 18354                                blow
#> 18355                                blow
#> 18356                                blow
#> 18357                           blueberry
#> 18358                               board
#> 18359                                hany
#> 18360                                boil
#> 18361                               bomit
#> 18362                                NULL
#> 18363                                book
#> 18364                               boota
#> 18365                                bore
#> 18366                                boss
#> 18367                                boss
#> 18368                              bother
#> 18369                              bother
#> 18370                              bought
#> 18371                              bounce
#> 18372                             bouquet
#> 18373                                NULL
#> 18374                                 box
#> 18375                                 boy
#> 18376                                hang
#> 18377                           boyfriend
#> 18378                               brain
#> 18379                               brain
#> 18380                               Brain
#> 18381                              branch
#> 18382                               brand
#> 18383                                NULL
#> 18384                               break
#> 18385                                NULL
#> 18386                           breakfast
#> 18387                                hang
#> 18388                             breathe
#> 18389                                 Bri
#> 18390                                hang
#> 18391                                brig
#> 18392                              bright
#> 18393                            brighten
#> 18394                            handsome
#> 18395                               bring
#> 18396                               broad
#> 18397                               broke
#> 18398                               broth
#> 18399                             brother
#> 18400                              handle
#> 18401                               brown
#> 18402                              bruise
#> 18403                               brush
#> 18404                              Bryers
#> 18405                              bubble
#> 18406                              bubble
#> 18407                                buck
#> 18408                              buckle
#> 18409                                Buda
#> 18410                               build
#> 18411                               start
#> 18412                            building
#> 18413                            building
#> 18414                               bully
#> 18415                                bump
#> 18416                                bump
#> 18417                              handle
#> 18418                                bump
#> 18419                     Bumped_his_Head
#> 18420                                burn
#> 18421                             burnous
#> 18422                              handed
#> 18423                                 bus
#> 18424                                bush
#> 18425                                bust
#> 18426                              Buster
#> 18427                                busy
#> 18428                              button
#> 18429                                hand
#> 18430                              button
#> 18431                              button
#> 18432                                 buy
#> 18433                                 buy
#> 18434                                 buy
#> 18435                                NULL
#> 18436                              byebye
#> 18437                                caca
#> 18438                                cage
#> 18439                          California
#> 18440                                call
#> 18441                              hammer
#> 18442                              halvin
#> 18443                           Halloween
#> 18444                                camp
#> 18445                            campaign
#> 18446                            campaign
#> 18447                            campaign
#> 18448                            campaign
#> 18449                           Cantastic
#> 18450                                cape
#> 18451                             capture
#> 18452                                 car
#> 18453                           cardboard
#> 18454                                care
#> 18455                              careen
#> 18456                               Carla
#> 18457                              carrot
#> 18458                                case
#> 18459                                case
#> 18460                              castle
#> 18461                               catch
#> 18462                           Catherine
#> 18463                               hafta
#> 18464                                NULL
#> 18465                              cavity
#> 18466                              center
#> 18467                             ceramic
#> 18468                             certain
#> 18469                              change
#> 18470                               there
#> 18471                              change
#> 18472                             channel
#> 18473                              chapel
#> 18474                           character
#> 18475                           Charlotte
#> 18476                               chase
#> 18477                               cheat
#> 18478                               check
#> 18479                               check
#> 18480                               cheek
#> 18481                            Cheerios
#> 18482                              Cheese
#> 18483                            chemical
#> 18484                            Cherrios
#> 18485                              cherry
#> 18486                               chest
#> 18487                                chew
#> 18488                                hack
#> 18489                          chiffonier
#> 18490                               Chigg
#> 18491                              Chiggs
#> 18492           chikachikachikachikachika
#> 18493                               habit
#> 18494                               China
#> 18495                                chip
#> 18496                                  ha
#> 18497                               choke
#> 18498                                chop
#> 18499                              Chucky
#> 18500                            cinnamon
#> 18501                              circle
#> 18502                               claim
#> 18503                              Clause
#> 18504                               clear
#> 18505                               clear
#> 18506                              cleave
#> 18507                          gymnastics
#> 18508                               climb
#> 18509                               close
#> 18510                              closet
#> 18511                               cloud
#> 18512                               cocoa
#> 18513                             coconut
#> 18514                           gymnastic
#> 18515                              coffee
#> 18516                                coin
#> 18517                                cold
#> 18518                                cold
#> 18519                              collar
#> 18520                               gyere
#> 18521                               color
#> 18522                               color
#> 18523                               color
#> 18524                               color
#> 18525                         combination
#> 18526                                come
#> 18527                                Gwen
#> 18528                               Gurin
#> 18529                               comic
#> 18530                           committal
#> 18531                             compare
#> 18532                            complain
#> 18533                            complain
#> 18534                            complain
#> 18535                            complete
#> 18536                            complete
#> 18537                            complete
#> 18538                          complicate
#> 18539                             concern
#> 18540                             concern
#> 18541                             confuse
#> 18542                           confusion
#> 18543                             connect
#> 18544                       consideration
#> 18545                           construct
#> 18546                             contact
#> 18547                            continue
#> 18548                            continue
#> 18549                             control
#> 18550                            convince
#> 18551                                cook
#> 18552                                cook
#> 18553                                cook
#> 18554                                 gun
#> 18555                                cool
#> 18556                                copy
#> 18557                                copy
#> 18558                                copy
#> 18559                          coq_au_vin
#> 18560                              corner
#> 18561                             correct
#> 18562                          correction
#> 18563                               couch
#> 18564                                couf
#> 18565                              coughs
#> 18566                              couple
#> 18567                           courtroom
#> 18568                              cousin
#> 18569                                cove
#> 18570                                 cow
#> 18571                           crabapple
#> 18572                               crack
#> 18573                             Cracker
#> 18574                             crackle
#> 18575                                cram
#> 18576                               crash
#> 18577                               cream
#> 18578                               creep
#> 18579                             Cringer
#> 18580                           criterium
#> 18581                               cross
#> 18582                                crow
#> 18583                                crow
#> 18584                               crown
#> 18585                             crucial
#> 18586                             crucify
#> 18587                               cruel
#> 18588                               crumb
#> 18589                                cube
#> 18590                                cube
#> 18591                             curious
#> 18592                                curl
#> 18593                               curse
#> 18594                               curse
#> 18595                                 cut
#> 18596                                 cut
#> 18597                                 cut
#> 18598                                 cut
#> 18599                                 cut
#> 18600                                gulp
#> 18601                               daddy
#> 18602                               guilt
#> 18603                              Guides
#> 18604                               Daddy
#> 18605                              Daddys
#> 18606                               daisy
#> 18607                               Daisy
#> 18608                               dance
#> 18609                               dance
#> 18610                               dance
#> 18611                           dandelion
#> 18612                              danger
#> 18613                                dare
#> 18614                             darling
#> 18615                             darling
#> 18616                         Darth_Vader
#> 18617                                dash
#> 18618                                date
#> 18619                               David
#> 18620                               Guide
#> 18621                               guide
#> 18622                                  DC
#> 18623                                  de
#> 18624                              Deagle
#> 18625                                NULL
#> 18626                              defend
#> 18627                              defend
#> 18628                              defend
#> 18629                             defense
#> 18630                            definite
#> 18631                               Delma
#> 18632                            democrat
#> 18633                                 den
#> 18634                                dent
#> 18635                                dent
#> 18636                                Dern
#> 18637                            describe
#> 18638                            describe
#> 18639                              design
#> 18640                        destructible
#> 18641                              detail
#> 18642                             develop
#> 18643                               dewie
#> 18644                               Diana
#> 18645                               guide
#> 18646                              diaper
#> 18647                                 Did
#> 18648                                 die
#> 18649                                 die
#> 18650                                 die
#> 18651                                diet
#> 18652                              Guguwa
#> 18653                         ding_a_ling
#> 18654                           dingaling
#> 18655                               dinky
#> 18656                              dinner
#> 18657                              direct
#> 18658                           direction
#> 18659                                dirt
#> 18660                          disappoint
#> 18661                             discard
#> 18662                             disgust
#> 18663                          disgusting
#> 18664                             display
#> 18665                               guard
#> 18666                               guard
#> 18667                               guard
#> 18668                                  do
#> 18669                             grumble
#> 18670                              growth
#> 18671                                  do
#> 18672                              dobble
#> 18673                              doctor
#> 18674                                 dog
#> 18675                                NULL
#> 18676                                 dog
#> 18677                                 dog
#> 18678                                doll
#> 18679                                NULL
#> 18680                                 don
#> 18681                                 don
#> 18682                             Donahue
#> 18683                               don't
#> 18684                            don'ting
#> 18685                                 doo
#> 18686                                doof
#> 18687                                 dot
#> 18688                              double
#> 18689                               doubt
#> 18690                            doughnut
#> 18691                                down
#> 18692                                down
#> 18693                                grow
#> 18694                                drag
#> 18695                                drag
#> 18696                                draw
#> 18697                                NULL
#> 18698                               dread
#> 18699                               dread
#> 18700                               dread
#> 18701                               dream
#> 18702                               dream
#> 18703                               dress
#> 18704                               dress
#> 18705                               drink
#> 18706                               drink
#> 18707                               drink
#> 18708                               drink
#> 18709                                drip
#> 18710                               drive
#> 18711                               drive
#> 18712                               drive
#> 18713                                drop
#> 18714                                drop
#> 18715            Grover_the_cleaner_upper
#> 18716                              drowse
#> 18717                              drowse
#> 18718                                drug
#> 18719                                drum
#> 18720                               drunk
#> 18721                                 dry
#> 18722                                 dry
#> 18723                               Dumbo
#> 18724                             dum_dum
#> 18725                               Dutch
#> 18726                                   e
#> 18727               Grover_Goes_To_School
#> 18728                          each_other
#> 18729                                 ear
#> 18730                               earth
#> 18731                                east
#> 18732                              Easter
#> 18733                                 eat
#> 18734                              Grover
#> 18735                               grout
#> 18736                          Ground_hog
#> 18737                                 ect
#> 18738                                edge
#> 18739                              either
#> 18740                                ekit
#> 18741                            electric
#> 18742                        electricfied
#> 18743                         electricity
#> 18744                            electron
#> 18745                            elongate
#> 18746                                else
#> 18747                              grouch
#> 18748                           embarrass
#> 18749                            emphatic
#> 18750                              grotty
#> 18751                                 end
#> 18752                               enjoy
#> 18753                        enthusiastic
#> 18754                          equivalent
#> 18755                                Eric
#> 18756                               Ernie
#> 18757                           essential
#> 18758                            etcetera
#> 18759                                 eve
#> 18760                                even
#> 18761                               Grogg
#> 18762                             grocery
#> 18763                            everyday
#> 18764                          everything
#> 18765                           everytime
#> 18766                                evil
#> 18767                                ewok
#> 18768                           excellent
#> 18769                              except
#> 18770                              excite
#> 18771                             exclaim
#> 18772                        excruciating
#> 18773                              excuse
#> 18774                               exert
#> 18775                              expect
#> 18776                           expensive
#> 18777                             explain
#> 18778                          expression
#> 18779                          expression
#> 18780                             extreme
#> 18781                             extreme
#> 18782                               grind
#> 18783                               grief
#> 18784                                face
#> 18785                                face
#> 18786                                face
#> 18787                                fair
#> 18788                               fairy
#> 18789                               Fakir
#> 18790                                fall
#> 18791                              family
#> 18792                           Greyskull
#> 18793                                 fan
#> 18794                                 far
#> 18795                           fascinate
#> 18796                                fast
#> 18797                                fast
#> 18798                                fast
#> 18799                                NULL
#> 18800                              father
#> 18801                            Grey_Guy
#> 18802                               favor
#> 18803                            favorite
#> 18804                                fear
#> 18805                                 fee
#> 18806                            feedback
#> 18807                            Gretchen
#> 18808                             Feetman
#> 18809                              fellow
#> 18810                              fellow
#> 18811                                 few
#> 18812                              fiddle
#> 18813                               field
#> 18814                             fifteen
#> 18815                               fifth
#> 18816                                NULL
#> 18817                             Gremlin
#> 18818                              figure
#> 18819                                fill
#> 18820                                fill
#> 18821                                fill
#> 18822                               final
#> 18823                                find
#> 18824                                NULL
#> 18825                             gremlin
#> 18826                                fine
#> 18827                                Greg
#> 18828                              finish
#> 18829                        Great_Pumkin
#> 18830                                 fix
#> 18831                                 fix
#> 18832                                flag
#> 18833                               flake
#> 18834                               flame
#> 18835                               flash
#> 18836                               flash
#> 18837                                flea
#> 18838                               flesh
#> 18839                               flick
#> 18840                                flip
#> 18841                                flip
#> 18842                               float
#> 18843                               float
#> 18844                               flour
#> 18845                               fluff
#> 18846                                foam
#> 18847                              follow
#> 18848                              follow
#> 18849                              follow
#> 18850                           Grayskull
#> 18851                                fool
#> 18852                                Gray
#> 18853                                 for
#> 18854                             forever
#> 18855                                form
#> 18856                                form
#> 18857                             Fortuna
#> 18858                               forty
#> 18859                            fountain
#> 18860                              fourth
#> 18861                              fracas
#> 18862                              France
#> 18863                               Frank
#> 18864                               Franz
#> 18865                               freak
#> 18866                             freckle
#> 18867                              freeze
#> 18868                              freeze
#> 18869                              french
#> 18870                             freshen
#> 18871                               Frick
#> 18872                                frog
#> 18873                            frosting
#> 18874                               frown
#> 18875                               fruit
#> 18876                           fuffuffuf
#> 18877                            function
#> 18878                               grate
#> 18879                                 fur
#> 18880                                Furd
#> 18881                                fuzz
#> 18882                                   g
#> 18883                                game
#> 18884                                game
#> 18885                              garble
#> 18886                              garden
#> 18887                              garden
#> 18888                                 gas
#> 18889                            gee_whiz
#> 18890                             general
#> 18891                             general
#> 18892                            generous
#> 18893                           geography
#> 18894                           Geraldine
#> 18895                            Gertinor
#> 18896                             gesture
#> 18897                                NULL
#> 18898                             Grandpa
#> 18899                             Grandma
#> 18900                              grampa
#> 18901                                NULL
#> 18902                                give
#> 18903                              gramma
#> 18904                                give
#> 18905                               Grama
#> 18906                                give
#> 18907                               gleam
#> 18908                                Glen
#> 18909                              glitch
#> 18910                                glop
#> 18911                               glory
#> 18912                                glow
#> 18913                                grab
#> 18914                                grab
#> 18915                             gourmet
#> 18916                            gorgeous
#> 18917                                 god
#> 18918                                 god
#> 18919                                 God
#> 18920                               goose
#> 18921                                gold
#> 18922                                gook
#> 18923                              goodie
#> 18924                          good_night
#> 18925                                gook
#> 18926                            gorgeous
#> 18927                                grab
#> 18928                                grab
#> 18929                            gracious
#> 18930                               grade
#> 18931                               grain
#> 18932                             Grandma
#> 18933                               grape
#> 18934                               Goofy
#> 18935                          gravestone
#> 18936                           graveyard
#> 18937                           graveyard
#> 18938                              Gravis
#> 18939                                goof
#> 18940                               green
#> 18941                                grey
#> 18942                                Grey
#> 18943                              grouch
#> 18944                              grouch
#> 18945                             Grouchy
#> 18946                               grout
#> 18947                                goof
#> 18948                               growl
#> 18949                               growl
#> 18950                              grunge
#> 18951                               guard
#> 18952                               guess
#> 18953                               guide
#> 18954                               guide
#> 18955                                 gum
#> 18956                                 gum
#> 18957                               goods
#> 18958                                gust
#> 18959                           Good_News
#> 18960                               gypsy
#> 18961                               Gypsy
#> 18962                                   h
#> 18963                         Good_father
#> 18964                              gooder
#> 18965                           hamburger
#> 18966                                good
#> 18967                              gonkur
#> 18968                                hand
#> 18969                                hand
#> 18970                              handle
#> 18971                              handle
#> 18972                                hang
#> 18973                                gonk
#> 18974                                NULL
#> 18975                                NULL
#> 18976                               happy
#> 18977                      happy_birthday
#> 18978                      Happy_Birthday
#> 18979                           gong_gong
#> 18980                                NULL
#> 18981                           harmonize
#> 18982                                hash
#> 18983                                hate
#> 18984                              Gollum
#> 18985                          Goldilocks
#> 18986                                Gold
#> 18987                           Gogo_yoyo
#> 18988                             Hazzard
#> 18989                                  he
#> 18990                                 God
#> 18991                                 god
#> 18992                              Gobots
#> 18993                                heal
#> 18994                                heal
#> 18995                                heal
#> 18996                                hear
#> 18997                               gobot
#> 18998                               heart
#> 18999                               heart
#> 19000                              heaven
#> 19001                              heaven
#> 19002                               heavy
#> 19003                                heck
#> 19004                                 heh
#> 19005                              height
#> 19006                               Helen
#> 19007                              helmet
#> 19008                                help
#> 19009                                help
#> 19010                             Goblins
#> 19011                              gobble
#> 19012                                 gob
#> 19013                                herb
#> 19014                           herbivore
#> 19015                                goat
#> 19016                             gluggle
#> 19017                                glue
#> 19018                                 hhh
#> 19019                              hiccup
#> 19020                              hiccup
#> 19021                                hide
#> 19022                                high
#> 19023                                high
#> 19024                                 him
#> 19025                                glue
#> 19026                                 hip
#> 19027                               hippo
#> 19028                               glove
#> 19029                                 hit
#> 19030                                 hit
#> 19031                                hive
#> 19032                             glottal
#> 19033                              hmming
#> 19034                                 hog
#> 19035                                 hog
#> 19036                               Glory
#> 19037                              Gloria
#> 19038                                 hon
#> 19039                               gloop
#> 19040                         honey_bunny
#> 19041                                hope
#> 19042                            horrible
#> 19043                               horse
#> 19044                               Horse
#> 19045                               gloop
#> 19046                            hot_wire
#> 19047                                NULL
#> 19048                                 how
#> 19049                            how_come
#> 19050                               Hudak
#> 19051                                 huh
#> 19052                                 hum
#> 19053                                 hum
#> 19054                               human
#> 19055                               humor
#> 19056                               hunch
#> 19057                             hundred
#> 19058                              hunger
#> 19059                             Glimore
#> 19060                             hunhunh
#> 19061                                hunt
#> 19062                               hurry
#> 19063                                hurt
#> 19064                             glimmer
#> 19065                             husband
#> 19066                            hydrogen
#> 19067                                   i
#> 19068                               gleam
#> 19069                                glas
#> 19070                              givsus
#> 19071                                 ice
#> 19072                                Icey
#> 19073                                Give
#> 19074                                idea
#> 19075                            identify
#> 19076                                igen
#> 19077                          illustrate
#> 19078                               image
#> 19079                               image
#> 19080                               image
#> 19081                               image
#> 19082                                give
#> 19083                           important
#> 19084                                  In
#> 19085                                 Ing
#> 19086                              innate
#> 19087                         in_order_to
#> 19088                              inside
#> 19089                              inside
#> 19090                            gigantic
#> 19091                           instigate
#> 19092                              intend
#> 19093                               giant
#> 19094                           interject
#> 19095                            intimate
#> 19096                              invade
#> 19097                                iris
#> 19098                                iron
#> 19099                                  it
#> 19100                                giah
#> 19101                                  GI
#> 19102                              itself
#> 19103                                itty
#> 19104                               Jabba
#> 19105                                NULL
#> 19106                                  gi
#> 19107                              Jaimey
#> 19108                               Jamie
#> 19109                               Jamie
#> 19110                              jaunty
#> 19111                             jealous
#> 19112                               Jenny
#> 19113                            Jeopardy
#> 19114                               Jerry
#> 19115                               Jesus
#> 19116                              jiggle
#> 19117                            jillions
#> 19118                                 Jim
#> 19119                              jingle
#> 19120                               ghost
#> 19121                                John
#> 19122                                join
#> 19123                             ghastly
#> 19124                               Jones
#> 19125                                José
#> 19126                              Joseph
#> 19127                                 joy
#> 19128                               judge
#> 19129                               juice
#> 19130                              Julius
#> 19131                                July
#> 19132                                jump
#> 19133                                jump
#> 19134                               Ghana
#> 19135                                  GG
#> 19136                              Kaiser
#> 19137                             Kaitlin
#> 19138                               Kayla
#> 19139                                 get
#> 19140                                 get
#> 19141                               kewie
#> 19142                                 key
#> 19143                               Gesus
#> 19144                                kick
#> 19145                                 kid
#> 19146                                 kid
#> 19147                           kidobbtam
#> 19148                             gesture
#> 19149                                kiss
#> 19150                                this
#> 19151                                NULL
#> 19152                               kneel
#> 19153                                knit
#> 19154                               knock
#> 19155                               knock
#> 19156                                know
#> 19157                                know
#> 19158                                NULL
#> 19159                               Gerry
#> 19160                                 lad
#> 19161                                lamb
#> 19162                                land
#> 19163                                 lap
#> 19164                               large
#> 19165                              lawyer
#> 19166                              lawyer
#> 19167                                 lay
#> 19168                                 lay
#> 19169                                lead
#> 19170                                leaf
#> 19171                               learn
#> 19172                               learn
#> 19173                             leather
#> 19174                               leave
#> 19175                               ledge
#> 19176                                 Lee
#> 19177                           gentleman
#> 19178                              Gennie
#> 19179                               Leggo
#> 19180                              Leslie
#> 19181                              lesson
#> 19182                              Geneva
#> 19183                          generalize
#> 19184                          generalize
#> 19185                                 let
#> 19186                          generalize
#> 19187                              letter
#> 19188                             lettuce
#> 19189                               level
#> 19190                             general
#> 19191                                life
#> 19192                                lift
#> 19193                                lift
#> 19194                               light
#> 19195                               light
#> 19196                               light
#> 19197                               light
#> 19198                                gear
#> 19199                                  ge
#> 19200                                gawe
#> 19201                               liker
#> 19202                           limousine
#> 19203                                 lip
#> 19204                             liqueur
#> 19205                              liquid
#> 19206                                list
#> 19207                              litter
#> 19208                              litter
#> 19209                               Gator
#> 19210                              Little
#> 19211                          Little_One
#> 19212                                live
#> 19213                                NULL
#> 19214                                live
#> 19215                                live
#> 19216                               liver
#> 19217                                load
#> 19218                                lock
#> 19219                              locker
#> 19220                               lodge
#> 19221                                 log
#> 19222                                 log
#> 19223                             logical
#> 19224                                long
#> 19225                                Gate
#> 19226                                look
#> 19227                                gate
#> 19228                            gargoyle
#> 19229                       Lore_Isabelle
#> 19230                                lose
#> 19231                                lose
#> 19232                          gargle_man
#> 19233                              gargle
#> 19234                                 Lou
#> 19235                                loud
#> 19236                               Louie
#> 19237                              Louise
#> 19238                                love
#> 19239                                Love
#> 19240                               Lover
#> 19241                          Lovey_Bear
#> 19242                                luck
#> 19243                                Luke
#> 19244                               Lukes
#> 19245                               lunch
#> 19246                                  ma
#> 19247                                  ma
#> 19248                           machinery
#> 19249                         MacWhinneys
#> 19250                         MacWhinneys
#> 19251                            magazine
#> 19252                               magic
#> 19253                            mahlzeit
#> 19254                                maid
#> 19255                                mail
#> 19256                                main
#> 19257                            maintain
#> 19258                                make
#> 19259                                make
#> 19260                             Gardens
#> 19261                                time
#> 19262                              garden
#> 19263                               malna
#> 19264                            mamadors
#> 19265                            gangster
#> 19266                             Manglor
#> 19267                              Manhat
#> 19268                           Manhattan
#> 19269                              manner
#> 19270                              marble
#> 19271                        Marie_Helene
#> 19272                                mark
#> 19273                                game
#> 19274                               Marks
#> 19275                           Gallactic
#> 19276                               Marky
#> 19277                           Marky_dee
#> 19278                         Marky_Marky
#> 19279                          Mary_Helen
#> 19280                                mash
#> 19281                               match
#> 19282                            material
#> 19283                            maternal
#> 19284                              matter
#> 19285                              galaxy
#> 19286                            McDonald
#> 19287                            galactic
#> 19288                                gain
#> 19289                                 gah
#> 19290                               gagoo
#> 19291                               gagee
#> 19292                               means
#> 19293                             melanin
#> 19294                             Melanin
#> 19295                              melody
#> 19296                                melt
#> 19297                                melt
#> 19298                              memory
#> 19299                             mention
#> 19300                             mention
#> 19301                             mention
#> 19302                              Merman
#> 19303                                mess
#> 19304                                mess
#> 19305                              method
#> 19306                                mind
#> 19307                          Futureland
#> 19308                                mine
#> 19309                             Minerva
#> 19310                              Minney
#> 19311                                mint
#> 19312                              future
#> 19313             Minutemaid_Orange_Juice
#> 19314                                miss
#> 19315                                miss
#> 19316                                miss
#> 19317                                Miss
#> 19318                             mission
#> 19319                              mister
#> 19320                              Mister
#> 19321                           mis_thing
#> 19322                              mitten
#> 19323                                 Mom
#> 19324                           furniture
#> 19325                               momma
#> 19326                               mommy
#> 19327                           Monchichi
#> 19328                                Furd
#> 19329                                funk
#> 19330                             monster
#> 19331                               month
#> 19332                               Moose
#> 19333                          functional
#> 19334                            function
#> 19335                             morning
#> 19336                             fulfill
#> 19337                                fuel
#> 19338                               fudge
#> 19339                              mother
#> 19340                            mountain
#> 19341                         mountbatten
#> 19342                               mouse
#> 19343                                fuba
#> 19344                                move
#> 19345                                move
#> 19346                                move
#> 19347                            movement
#> 19348                                  Fu
#> 19349                                 fry
#> 19350                                 mow
#> 19351                                 fry
#> 19352                                 fry
#> 19353                                 mud
#> 19354                              mumble
#> 19355                               munch
#> 19356                              Murphy
#> 19357                                mush
#> 19358                                must
#> 19359                               frown
#> 19360                         my_goodness
#> 19361                              mythic
#> 19362                                  na
#> 19363                                nail
#> 19364                                nail
#> 19365                              napkin
#> 19366                               nasty
#> 19367                                  be
#> 19368                           necessity
#> 19369                               Frost
#> 19370                                need
#> 19371                              needle
#> 19372                        neighborhood
#> 19373                                Neil
#> 19374                             neither
#> 19375                             neither
#> 19376                             neither
#> 19377                               front
#> 19378                         Frog_prince
#> 19379                         New_England
#> 19380                               ngjau
#> 19381                                frog
#> 19382                                nick
#> 19383                           nightmare
#> 19384                            nineteen
#> 19385                                  no
#> 19386                             frigate
#> 19387                                 nod
#> 19388                                 nod
#> 19389                               north
#> 19390                                note
#> 19391                              notice
#> 19392                              notion
#> 19393                                noun
#> 19394                               novel
#> 19395                            November
#> 19396                               Frick
#> 19397                                NULL
#> 19398                              nuhhuh
#> 19399                              number
#> 19400                                Nuts
#> 19401                                nyah
#> 19402                               obbee
#> 19403                               Friar
#> 19404                               ocean
#> 19405                             octopus
#> 19406                             freshen
#> 19407                                  oh
#> 19408                                  oh
#> 19409                              freeze
#> 19410                             freesin
#> 19411                                free
#> 19412                                olds
#> 19413                            omelette
#> 19414                                free
#> 19415                                  on
#> 19416                           Frederick
#> 19417                        Frankenberry
#> 19418                               frank
#> 19419                                 one
#> 19420                                 one
#> 19421                                 One
#> 19422                               onion
#> 19423                              Fozzie
#> 19424                                only
#> 19425                                 Fox
#> 19426                                 oof
#> 19427                                 oof
#> 19428                                 ooh
#> 19429                                oops
#> 19430                                open
#> 19431                                open
#> 19432                             opinion
#> 19433                              oponki
#> 19434                              option
#> 19435                              Fourth
#> 19436                              orange
#> 19437                           orchestra
#> 19438                              orchid
#> 19439                            original
#> 19440                               other
#> 19441                              others
#> 19442                               ought
#> 19443                                 Our
#> 19444                                 out
#> 19445                            outdoors
#> 19446                             out_man
#> 19447                             outpost
#> 19448                             outside
#> 19449                             outside
#> 19450                        out_side_man
#> 19451                                oval
#> 19452                            fountain
#> 19453                            forwards
#> 19454                            overalls
#> 19455                           overboard
#> 19456                                owie
#> 19457                               owies
#> 19458                                 own
#> 19459                                   p
#> 19460                                  pa
#> 19461                                 pad
#> 19462                                page
#> 19463                                pain
#> 19464                               paint
#> 19465                               paint
#> 19466                             pajamas
#> 19467                                 pan
#> 19468                            Panthore
#> 19469                            parental
#> 19470                           fortunate
#> 19471                          particular
#> 19472                          particular
#> 19473                                pass
#> 19474                                pass
#> 19475                                pass
#> 19476                                pass
#> 19477                             pattern
#> 19478                               pause
#> 19479                                 pay
#> 19480                                 pay
#> 19481                                 pea
#> 19482                               peach
#> 19483                                pear
#> 19484                                pear
#> 19485                                 pee
#> 19486                              pencil
#> 19487                              pencil
#> 19488                          penicillin
#> 19489                        Pennsylvania
#> 19490                               penny
#> 19491                              pepper
#> 19492                                 per
#> 19493                           perchance
#> 19494                             perfect
#> 19495                          perfection
#> 19496                              period
#> 19497                          permission
#> 19498                            peroxide
#> 19499                              person
#> 19500                                fort
#> 19501                                Pete
#> 19502                            petition
#> 19503                            petition
#> 19504                               phase
#> 19505                      philanthropist
#> 19506                             Phoenix
#> 19507                           formulate
#> 19508                                pick
#> 19509                                Ball
#> 19510                              formal
#> 19511                                 pie
#> 19512                                form
#> 19513                               piece
#> 19514                               piece
#> 19515                                 pig
#> 19516                              Pigpen
#> 19517                             Pilgrim
#> 19518                            Pilgrims
#> 19519                               pilot
#> 19520                               pique
#> 19521                              pirate
#> 19522                               pitch
#> 19523                               pitch
#> 19524                                form
#> 19525                                ball
#> 19526                                play
#> 19527                             forgive
#> 19528                              please
#> 19529                                plus
#> 19530                                plus
#> 19531                            Plymouth
#> 19532                           forgetful
#> 19533                               point
#> 19534                              poison
#> 19535                              poison
#> 19536                              poison
#> 19537                              poison
#> 19538                                poke
#> 19539                              forest
#> 19540                                pole
#> 19541                         pomegranate
#> 19542                              pompom
#> 19543                                pony
#> 19544                                 poo
#> 19545                               pooch
#> 19546                                Pooh
#> 19547                                pool
#> 19548                                 pop
#> 19549                            forehead
#> 19550                             Poppins
#> 19551                                pose
#> 19552                            position
#> 19553                            position
#> 19554                         possibility
#> 19555                            possible
#> 19556                                 pot
#> 19557                              potato
#> 19558                                pour
#> 19559                                pour
#> 19560                               power
#> 19561                               power
#> 19562                          Powerhouse
#> 19563                                pray
#> 19564                          preference
#> 19565                           pregnancy
#> 19566                             prepare
#> 19567                        presbyterian
#> 19568                        Presbyterian
#> 19569                             present
#> 19570                             present
#> 19571                            preserve
#> 19572                          Presidency
#> 19573                           president
#> 19574                               press
#> 19575                               press
#> 19576                            pressure
#> 19577                             pretend
#> 19578                             pretend
#> 19579                            previous
#> 19580                             private
#> 19581                           foot_ouch
#> 19582                             program
#> 19583                             program
#> 19584                             promise
#> 19585                             promise
#> 19586                           pronounce
#> 19587                       pronunciation
#> 19588                              propel
#> 19589                              proper
#> 19590                             protect
#> 19591                             footman
#> 19592                             protest
#> 19593                               proud
#> 19594                               prove
#> 19595                               prove
#> 19596                               prowl
#> 19597                          Pteranodon
#> 19598                             pudding
#> 19599                                puff
#> 19600                                pull
#> 19601                                pulp
#> 19602                                 pun
#> 19603                               punch
#> 19604                               punch
#> 19605                              punish
#> 19606                              purple
#> 19607                             purpose
#> 19608                             purpose
#> 19609                             purpose
#> 19610                               purse
#> 19611                                push
#> 19612                             footman
#> 19613                             footing
#> 19614                                foot
#> 19615                               queen
#> 19616                                foot
#> 19617                            question
#> 19618                            question
#> 19619                            question
#> 19620                               quick
#> 19621                               quiet
#> 19622                               Quinn
#> 19623                                foot
#> 19624                             raccoon
#> 19625                              Rachal
#> 19626                               radio
#> 19627                                raft
#> 19628                                rain
#> 19629                       Rainbow_Brite
#> 19630                               raise
#> 19631                              raisin
#> 19632                                ramp
#> 19633                           raspberry
#> 19634                              rattle
#> 19635                            reaction
#> 19636                                read
#> 19637                              Reagan
#> 19638                                foob
#> 19639                              reason
#> 19640                                Folk
#> 19641                              recent
#> 19642                           recognize
#> 19643                                fold
#> 19644                                fold
#> 19645                                 red
#> 19646                                foil
#> 19647                               refer
#> 19648                               refer
#> 19649                            rehearse
#> 19650                                rein
#> 19651                            reindeer
#> 19652                            relative
#> 19653                              remark
#> 19654                            remember
#> 19655                            remember
#> 19656                                 fog
#> 19657                              remove
#> 19658                              repair
#> 19659                            repartee
#> 19660                              repeat
#> 19661                              repeat
#> 19662                              report
#> 19663                           represent
#> 19664                           represent
#> 19665                             resound
#> 19666                             respect
#> 19667                             respond
#> 19668                             respond
#> 19669                               focus
#> 19670                                rest
#> 19671                          restaurant
#> 19672                            retrieve
#> 19673                                 Rex
#> 19674                               rhyme
#> 19675                               rhyme
#> 19676                                rice
#> 19677                              Richie
#> 19678                                 rid
#> 19679                                ride
#> 19680                                foam
#> 19681                                foam
#> 19682                                ring
#> 19683                                 rip
#> 19684                                road
#> 19685                               robin
#> 19686                                rock
#> 19687                                Rock
#> 19688                              Rogers
#> 19689                             Romania
#> 19690                            romantic
#> 19691                                roof
#> 19692                             rooster
#> 19693                                root
#> 19694                                rope
#> 19695                                rope
#> 19696                                rose
#> 19697                                rose
#> 19698                               rosey
#> 19699                                Ross
#> 19700                                 fly
#> 19701                           Rossy_dum
#> 19702                         Rossy_Rossy
#> 19703                                 rot
#> 19704                              rotten
#> 19705                            roughage
#> 19706                               round
#> 19707                               Royal
#> 19708                               flush
#> 19709                                ruin
#> 19710                               flush
#> 19711                                 run
#> 19712                                rush
#> 19713                            Russians
#> 19714                      Saint_Patricks
#> 19715                                sake
#> 19716                                flow
#> 19717                             sardine
#> 19718                              sashay
#> 19719                        satisfaction
#> 19720                            saturday
#> 19721                               sauce
#> 19722                           saursages
#> 19723                             sausage
#> 19724                             sausice
#> 19725                                 saw
#> 19726                                 saw
#> 19727                                flop
#> 19728                                flop
#> 19729                               floor
#> 19730                               flood
#> 19731                             scandal
#> 19732                               scare
#> 19733                               scare
#> 19734                               scare
#> 19735                        Schneeberger
#> 19736                               Scott
#> 19737                             scratch
#> 19738                             scrunch
#> 19739                                scum
#> 19740                              search
#> 19741                              second
#> 19742                              second
#> 19743                              secure
#> 19744                                 see
#> 19745                           Flinstone
#> 19746                                seem
#> 19747                      See_three_peeo
#> 19748                      See_three_Peeo
#> 19749                                NULL
#> 19750                              senior
#> 19751                               sense
#> 19752                            sentence
#> 19753                            sentence
#> 19754                            separate
#> 19755                             serious
#> 19756                               serve
#> 19757                       Sesame_Street
#> 19758                             session
#> 19759                                 set
#> 19760                            seven_up
#> 19761                                 sex
#> 19762                                  sh
#> 19763                               shake
#> 19764                               shake
#> 19765                               shake
#> 19766                               shake
#> 19767                                NULL
#> 19768                             shampoo
#> 19769                               shape
#> 19770                               share
#> 19771                               flick
#> 19772                               flesh
#> 19773                               sheep
#> 19774                               shift
#> 19775                               shine
#> 19776                               Fleet
#> 19777                              fleece
#> 19778                             Shivani
#> 19779                               shock
#> 19780                               shock
#> 19781                               shoot
#> 19782                               shoot
#> 19783                               shoot
#> 19784                                shop
#> 19785                           shoreline
#> 19786                              shorts
#> 19787                              flavor
#> 19788                               shout
#> 19789                               shout
#> 19790                             flatter
#> 19791                              shower
#> 19792                            sideways
#> 19793                                sill
#> 19794                             similar
#> 19795                               since
#> 19796                                sing
#> 19797                                sing
#> 19798                              single
#> 19799                                sink
#> 19800                              sister
#> 19801                                 sit
#> 19802                           situation
#> 19803                               sixty
#> 19804                                size
#> 19805                               skate
#> 19806                               skill
#> 19807                               skill
#> 19808                                skin
#> 19809                                flag
#> 19810                                skip
#> 19811                               skull
#> 19812                          skyscraper
#> 19813                                slam
#> 19814                                 fix
#> 19815                               sleep
#> 19816                               sleep
#> 19817                          sleepiness
#> 19818                               slice
#> 19819                               slide
#> 19820                              slight
#> 19821                                slip
#> 19822                               slosh
#> 19823                               small
#> 19824                               smart
#> 19825                               smash
#> 19826                               smash
#> 19827                               smell
#> 19828                               smell
#> 19829                               smile
#> 19830                               smile
#> 19831                              smooth
#> 19832                              smooth
#> 19833                               snack
#> 19834                               snake
#> 19835                                 fiu
#> 19836                                snap
#> 19837                                snap
#> 19838                               sneak
#> 19839                               sneak
#> 19840                               snoop
#> 19841                              Snoopy
#> 19842                                snow
#> 19843                             fitness
#> 19844                                 fit
#> 19845                                sock
#> 19846                                sock
#> 19847                              soften
#> 19848                                 fit
#> 19849                                 fit
#> 19850                             someone
#> 19851                           something
#> 19852                                 fit
#> 19853                           something
#> 19854                                NULL
#> 19855                           somewhere
#> 19856                           somewhere
#> 19857                                 son
#> 19858                           sorceress
#> 19859                        Fisher_Price
#> 19860                                sort
#> 19861                                NULL
#> 19862                                fish
#> 19863                               sound
#> 19864                                NULL
#> 19865                               space
#> 19866                               Spain
#> 19867                             Spanish
#> 19868                               spank
#> 19869                               spare
#> 19870                            Sparkler
#> 19871                               speak
#> 19872                             special
#> 19873                             special
#> 19874                            specific
#> 19875                               spell
#> 19876                          Spider_man
#> 19877                                NULL
#> 19878                               spill
#> 19879                                spin
#> 19880                                spit
#> 19881                              splash
#> 19882                               splat
#> 19883                               split
#> 19884                               spoil
#> 19885                              sponge
#> 19886                               spook
#> 19887                               spook
#> 19888                                fish
#> 19889                              Spratt
#> 19890                              spring
#> 19891                              squash
#> 19892                             squeeze
#> 19893                                 sss
#> 19894                             stagger
#> 19895                  Firstname_Lastname
#> 19896                           staircase
#> 19897                               stamp
#> 19898                               stand
#> 19899                               stand
#> 19900                               stand
#> 19901                               stand
#> 19902                                NULL
#> 19903                               start
#> 19904                               first
#> 19905                                NULL
#> 19906                             startle
#> 19907                               first
#> 19908                                stay
#> 19909                               steal
#> 19910                               steal
#> 19911                               steal
#> 19912                               steam
#> 19913                               steam
#> 19914                               steel
#> 19915                         stegosaurus
#> 19916                                step
#> 19917                                step
#> 19918                               stick
#> 19919                               stick
#> 19920                               stick
#> 19921                               stick
#> 19922                                NULL
#> 19923                             sticker
#> 19924                             sticker
#> 19925                               still
#> 19926                            firework
#> 19927                               still
#> 19928                                stir
#> 19929                               stock
#> 19930                           Fire_Bird
#> 19931                               stock
#> 19932                                NULL
#> 19933                                stop
#> 19934                                fire
#> 19935                               store
#> 19936                                fire
#> 19937                               Story
#> 19938                               stove
#> 19939                            straight
#> 19940                               strap
#> 19941                              stress
#> 19942                              strike
#> 19943                              string
#> 19944                               strip
#> 19945                               strip
#> 19946                              strong
#> 19947                                Finn
#> 19948                               stuff
#> 19949                              stupid
#> 19950                             subject
#> 19951                                fink
#> 19952                                suck
#> 19953                                suck
#> 19954                              sudden
#> 19955                                 sue
#> 19956                             suggest
#> 19957                                suit
#> 19958                              finish
#> 19959                             sunburn
#> 19960                           sunburned
#> 19961                              sunday
#> 19962                              sundry
#> 19963                             Sunkist
#> 19964                              sunset
#> 19965                               super
#> 19966                            Superman
#> 19967                            Superman
#> 19968                          supportive
#> 19969                                sure
#> 19970                            surprise
#> 19971                             suspect
#> 19972                             suspect
#> 19973                             swallow
#> 19974                           Swamptown
#> 19975                             sweater
#> 19976                               sweet
#> 19977                               swell
#> 19978                                swim
#> 19979                               swing
#> 19980                               swing
#> 19981                               syrup
#> 19982                              system
#> 19983                               szörp
#> 19984                               table
#> 19985                              taddle
#> 19986                                 tag
#> 19987                                take
#> 19988                                take
#> 19989                                find
#> 19990                                find
#> 19991                               final
#> 19992                                tall
#> 19993                                tame
#> 19994                                tank
#> 19995                             tantrum
#> 19996                              Tarzan
#> 19997                               teach
#> 19998                               teach
#> 19999                             teached
#>  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 3651 rows ]